Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 14


Baskíria himnusza

Baskíria, szeretett, gyönyörű föld,
Mi, a nép szeretjük szent hazánkat.
A szürke Urál mindenütt ott ragyog
Hazám a békés, bíbor hajnalban.
Dicsőség neked, Baskíria!
Szabad, hazafi népünk tett dicsővé!
Együtt Oroszországgal, nagyszerű egységben
Virágozz, Baskíria!
Baskíria, te drága, szeretett ország,
Egyre legyőzöd a nehézségeket.
Jövőnkben felragyogunk, mint a fénysugarak
Erős szellemed mutatja büszke zászlód.
Köztársaság, ragyogj, mint egy drága csillag,
Eredményeid örömteli munkából vannak.
Hazánkban, melynek forrásai kimeríthetetlenek,
Anyanyelvünkön szól örökkön dalunk.

Song of the Kalmyk Republic

Versions: #1
Kalmyk Republic blazing and dazzling
Fulfulleth everything it wisheth for.
In its glorious hands it holdeth
Strong reins of life in unison.
With Ulan-Zala are the Kalmyk folk,
Let’s adorn our natal steppes!
𝄆 Let’s devote to our homeland our power,
And live long merrily! 𝄇
With all folks of different languages together,
The Republic striveth forth.
In noble incandescence of friendship flare,
The stronger our future getteth.
Glorified by children heroic and lasting,
The ancient steppe hath emerged.
Pouring diligence into learning,
The free name hath been forged.

Dagestan, Thou Fatherland Holy

Versions: #1
O Dagestan, thou fatherland holy!
No land more free and dear!
Thy mountains wise, thy steppes aplenty
Gifts of ancient Caspian blessing bear!
O, our land of peaks!
O, our land of eagles!
By faith guarded, o glorious Dagestan!
Unwavering is thy will:
To live in one family,
Eternal Dagestan!
O Dagestan, of foe’s power ahead
Thou hast ne’er thy brave head bowed
Thy heart a rock, vigilance of an eagle!
Blood of our heroes hath always in thy veins flowed.
O, our land of peaks!
O, our land of eagles!
By faith guarded, o glorious Dagestan!
Unwavering is thy will:
To live in one family,
Eternal Dagestan!
Our Dagestan!

State Anthem of the Republic of Adygea

Versions: #1
Prosper and live, Adygea,
My dear beloved country.
Our peoples have warm’d thee
By harmonious amity.
Oh sunny kray,
Republic – our rich soil.
Let us soar high,
𝄆 Republic, steadfast through toil,
’Tis where our dreams shall fly. 𝄇
Chosen by our forebears
A wonderful place for us.
Courage, wisdom and strength
Giv’n by fathers of Kavkaz.
With a soul honour’d and free,
That goeth ’long with Russia,
Thy sun floateth above thee,
Storms of hardships are left behind.
Thy native sky and thy cornfields
Shall stay forever in our hearts
’Long as they live thus shall ever be
Within our deeds and destiny.

Song of Arkhangelsk

Versions: #1
Our land by the sea
O so mighty and great!
Of it Thou shan’t forget
The brave entic’d
By its boundless tract,
Where no man hath ever set foot!
Here, from the sea,
By Peter’s command,
A string of white-winged
Frigates arose.
And the Russian Navy’s homeland
Our Arkhangelsk home became.
’Tis the homeland
Of Lomonosov the Great

Sosnovy Bor

There is a city on the Baltic coast
Not far from the northern capital,
What I keep carefully in my heart,
Whose image I dream, when I'm away from home.
Among its features there is a quiet rustle of the waves,
A cozy beach, a bend of the sand dune,
In unison with the breath of the sea
Rocking strings of the tall pines sound.
Let for many years your delightful dress
Caress my eyes,
There is joy, youth and enthusiasm here,
Live and flourish Sosnovy Bor!
Flourish, Sosnovy Bor.
I admire you - your beauties can't be counted,
I'm captivated by the fairytale Andersengrad
I'm proud of you - here for the good of the country
The peaceful atom gives heat and light.
To glorious deeds you have inspired
Talented and enthusiastic people
And bold ideas have been embodied
Thanks to the work of power engineers, builders, scientists.
Let for many years your wonderful dress
Caress my eyes,
There is joy, youth and enthusiasm here,
Live and flourish...
Let for many years your wonderful dress
Caress my eyes,
There is joy, youth and enthusiasm here,
Live and flourish, Sosnovy Bor!

Anthem of Komi

Far, far away in the North
The high taiga stands.
There's a falcon's nest in the heart of the taiga,
With joyous chirp of nestlings heard from it.
Fly away, fearless falcons,
Flap with your strong wings,
And lead the Komi land to blissful life
By the shortest track!

Anthem of Karschay-Cherkssia

Versions: #2
I am proud of the ancient Motherland!
Eternal light snow Elbrus
And holy Kuban clean stream!
These steppes, these mountains
I - and the roots and support
Karachay-Cherkessia is mine!
I am grateful to the Fatherland
For all the years of his life
Among the fraternal languages, darling persons
You are given by nature itself
The cradle of my peoples,
My cities, villages and villages!
You are the pearl of Russia!
Let the blue under the peaceful sky
Good will always be your fate!
And live forever, my dear,
Evil and bitterness without knowing
Karachay-Cherkessia is mine!

Hymn on the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria

We were born that night that the wolf gave birth.
In the morning, in the presence of lions’ roars, we were given names.
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
In eagles’ nests, our mothers nourished us.
On stormclouds, our fathers taught us how to tame horses.
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
Our mothers gave birth to us for the people and for the homeland.
And we bravely rose to their call.
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
We grew up free among mountain eagles.
We proudly overcame difficulty and obstacles.
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
The granite cliffs, like lead, will melt
before the horde of enemies will make us bow!
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
The ground will be engulfed in flames
before we will stand before the grave, having given up our honor!
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
We will never submit to anyone.
Death or freedom – we will get one or the other.
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
Our sisters heal our wounds with song.
The feats in battle will lift the eyes of our loved ones.
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
If they try to starve us, we will gnaw on roots!
If they try to dehydrate us, we will drink the dew from the grass!
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
We were born that night that the wolf gave birth.
God, our people, and our homeland – we only serve them!
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]