Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 45

Találatok száma: 2086


When I was Bigger

When I was bigger I was not afraid of cars,
My dad said it snowed on mars, and he was the conqueror of all,
And from nine-to-five,
I worked as a hero.
I flew out the window, only my goals visible,
I drank two bottles of young wine,
And trained Bruce Lee corps de ballet and walking formations 1
I had a goal in life, my wife Natalya. 2
I went to the ends of the Earth, while Salvador Dali 3
He never bargained when he bought pictures from me.
And I flew at night, like an owl,
Composed cha-cha-chas and fair Ilyich, 4
From the cold, hemorrhoids 5
When I was bigger, I swallowed an Arshin 6
I was watching Chumak, but decided on nothing, 7
And for a hundred years I never went through the gate.
created dawn, and the group “Sekret” 8
I painted the BGs on the wall, and whatnot,
I painted a portrait of myself,
and Nino Rota 9
And I walked under the window, charming ladies,
I lived with Moshe Dayan and Saddam 10
We took Agam in both the summer and the winter. 11
Only on one occasion did talks not work,
Then one of them lost an eye 12
But he wasn’t slow and didn’t even think about it.
When I was bigger I did not smoke anasha 13
However I did buy hashish from Chiang Kai-shek 14
And he lived without torment or worry, and he still died.
I was carried in the arms of everyone who isn’t lazy,
On a planet that declared a no-working day,
And Vladislav Tretiak, in a move of despair, changed his number. 15
Then each bell from the country called me,
My name was written upon the great wall,
My wife given to Magadan and the Voodoo Island 16
But it has been two-thousand years since then,
And I, again, have come into this world,
But-but-but-but-but I’m afraid, I’m already so much bigger than before.
But I-I-I-I-I am afraid, that I’m not big enough.
  • 1. Interesting line...there are more like this so it makes sense. He is saying here that he taught Bruce Lee how to dance, and how to walk information. He disciplined him.
  • 2. From ~2003 to 2010 Makarevich was married to a woman named Natalya Golub, this is from the 1989 to 2000 Album. So makes sense
  • 3. Funny I’m listening to IOWA’s Улыбайся while translating this and she says Salvador Dali in this song as well -_-
  • 4. Either this is referring to censoring Leo Trotsky’s Ilyitch, to the Patriarchal name that refers to Lenin or to the city of Ilyitch, need a native to help on this one.
  • 5. I’m sorry?
    And scarlet fever Didn’t know hemorrhoids came as a package deal with scarlet fever
  • 6. He is referring to an outdated unit of Russian measurement. Jesus Makarevich and Leningrad have taught me about food, culture and now math and measurements?
  • 7. A faith healer that came around because of good ‘ol Gorbachev, the original Televangelist
  • 8. Okay trivia time! Remember my translation of “Сосевка” and who performed? Maxim Leonidov and Andrey Makarevich. Well, Maxim Leonidov is a performer on the Soviet Rock band “Sekret” (Секрет), so again, keep this in mind when thinking about the meaning of the song
  • 9. A famous Italian Composer
  • 10. Moshe Dayan was the defense minister of Israel, while Saddam, well, was the dictator of Iraq
  • 11. Agam is a ghost town in Azerbaijan.
  • 12. Moshe Dayan lost an eye to a French sniper bullet through his binoculars. Yikes
  • 13. Anasha could be a reference to weed
  • 14. The former president of China.
  • 15. Vladislav Tretiak is the president of Russian Ice Hockey.
  • 16. Magadan is a province/city/town in Russia
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

The Skin That's On Me

When the day was ending
And your body touched
A part of mine
A dance awakened
And the sun appeared,
became enormous
And in an instant wiped out
The calm of the sky
And the calm that was waiting inside me
The desire unaccounted following the end
Was in a look it gave you
And your singing changed
And your body on mine
A braid caught
And the blood cooled
And my foot touched the earth
My voice whispered
My dream died
Give me the sea, my river, my path.
Give me the empty bedroom of my house
I'll leave you in the snare of your talk
About the skin that's on me
You don't know anything
When the love ended
And my body forgot
The road it was going on
In the depths of yours
And the moon went out
And the night fell silent
The cold depth of the sky
Came down and stayed.
But the pain no longer lives in me
It's passed, I used it up
Beyond the end
It's time to go
It's the price of love
To go back to living
I dont feel the taste,
The sweat, the dread
Of the heat of your embrace
Of your blood blooming
I don't want to know
Give me the sea, my river, my road
My empty boat in the morning
I'll leave you in the cold of your speech
In the shock fall of the voice
When the talking finally stops

Since I've Been in Love With You

Versions: #3
Don't say anything to me now.
I will pick up on whatever you’re thinking of.
Tonight, just don't… not love me.
I will get over whatever you do.
I will do everything you wish for.
Just don't leave me tonight
Who have you hidden from?
Inside me, the entire world is falling apart.
Since I’ve loved you, my mind is not listening.
Is there anything that can be hidden
when light shines on the face.
Since I’ve loved you, time has stopped.

A Letter From Under The Sea

Versions: #2
If you are my beloved, help me to escape from you
And if you are my healer, then help me to be cured of you
If I had known the sea was this deep, I would not have swam,
If I had known my ending, I would not have began.
I long for you.
I have began to miss you, so teach me how to stop.
Teach me how to pull the roots of your love up from below,
Teach me how the teardrop perishes in absence,
Teach me how love dies and longing burns to the ground.
For I am, without you, like a book,
Whose pages are torn.
Oh, you, who have decorated for me the world like a work of poetry,
And have planted pain in my heart, and stole my patience,
If you are a prophet, then free me of this magic,
And from this heresy.
If I cry out, calling for you,
Then take by my hand,
For I am drowned in your adoration from the head to the feet.
If I had known love was this dangerous,
I would not have loved.
If I have known my ending,
I would not have began.
Oh, you life of my life, my past and present,
Do you hear my voice, coming from below the sea?
The blue waves in my eyes, drag me to the depths,
But I have no experience,
In this sea of love,
And no boat.
I am breathing under the sea,
I am drowning,

I am a beginner in happiness

The hours passed by again
What‘s on my mind
Torn out thoughts went by
Only you did not fade away
My wounds went by
My bad consciousness
Half of your life flies
Only you did not fade away
Still, don‘t worry about me
Don‘t worry at all
You said „be happy“ while you left
As you stay your promises are left behind
No apologies whatever happens
I am a beginner in happiness
The smile on my face is something too big for me
No apologies whatever happens
I am a beginner in happiness
Whatever I do the smile on my face remains temporary

I wouldn't want to mention you in this song

I wouldn't want to mention you in this song,
I thought... and decide on it would be disgraceful if I don't.
I don't have much to say,
There are a few imaginations, I don't know.
Maybe I look a little tough,
Actually, I'm a very longing.
With this, my weirdness,
I'm from the ones who went out of fashion a century ago.
I'm really good when it's day actually,
There's a bit of trouble in the evening,
When I compare someone to you or
When some songs play.

Szakíts a barátnőddel, unatkozom

Felkeltettél bennem egy érzést
Nem vagyok ehhez az érzéshez szokva
Nem tudom mit mondjak
De tudom hogy nem kéne ezen gondolkoznom
Egy rohadt pillantás az arcodra
Most már tudni akarom, hogy milyen ízed van
Általában nem szoktam eladni
De tudod hogy itt vagyok és ezen gondolkozom
Aztán rájöttem hogy ő itt van
És otthon vagyok, miközben mondom 'Basszus, ez nem igazságos'
Szakíts a barátnőddel
Mert unatkozom
Leléphetsz reggel
Mintha a tiéd lenne
Tudom hogy ez nem helyes
De nem érdekel
Szakíts a barátnőddel
Mert unatkozom
Ez a szar állandóan megtörténik velem
Miért nem játszunk titokban?
Gyakorlatilag térden állok
De tudom hogy nem kéne ezen gondolkoznom
Tudod hogy mit teszel velem
Énekled a dalaimat az utcán
Játszod az ártatlant, kérlek
Mikor tudom hogy ott vagy és ezen gondolkodsz
Aztán rájöttél hogy ő itt van
És otthon vagy, miközben azt mondod 'Basszus, ő semmihez sem hasonlítható'
Szakíts a barátnőddel
Mert unatkozom
Leléphetsz reggel
Mintha a tiéd lenne
Tudom hogy ez nem helyes
De nem érdekel
Szakíts a barátnőddel
Mert unatkozom
A barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel
A barátnőddel
A barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel
Mondhatod hogy utálkozok ha akarod
De csak azért utálom őt, mert Téged akarlak
Mondd, hogy ez csak botlás, ha azt érzed
De te nélkülem, ez nem helyes
Mondhatod hogy őrült vagyok, mert akarlak
És nem is igazán találkoztam veled
Mondd, hogy ez egy botlás, ez nem igaz
De te nélkülem, ez nem szép
Szakíts a barátnőddel
Mert unatkozom
Leléphetsz reggel
Mintha a tiéd lenne
Tudom hogy ez nem helyes
De nem érdekel
Szakíts a barátnőddel
Mert unatkozom
A barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel, baby, barátnőddel
A barátnőddel
A barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel
A barátnőddel

Happiness shall be ours

We came to this world to live
To laugh, having fun and be happy
To forget the suffers one by one
Let the sorrows be away from us
Happiness shall be ours
To forget the suffers one by one
Hey, hey, hey,
Sorrow, be away
Happiness shall be ours
During the life, we should know that love is real!
Let's love and be loved without thinking
Lets have fun!
Detestation away
Loves shall be ours
Let's have fun
Hey, hey, hey,
Detestation, be away!
Loves shall be ours
Life is short, days pass away one by one
People die
This unreal world doesn't belong to anyone
Grief, be away
Hopes shall be ours
This unreal world doesn't belong to anyone
Hey, hey, hey,
Grief, be away!
Hopes shall be ours!

All That Glitters

Standing in silence, got nothing to say
There is no new path for me
Because I can’t see the future
I have go find a way to get out
We don’t know where we are
We are stuck in a hallucination
Whippings became lonely
Did you leave me here in his bitter and bitter poison?
I don’t want to be crazy for long
I want to live a long life
I saw it shining, you didn’t explain
You left without taking a break
You hurt me humorously
And there’s no answer
We don’t know where we are
We are only going against the hallucinations
Whippings became lonely
Did you leave me here in his bitter and bitter poison?
Don’t know if I’ll be crazy for long oh
Oh oh oh whoa
Oh oh oh whoa
Did you leave me here in his bitter and bitter poison?
Don’t know I’ll be crazy for long
Always beautiful, always possible
Fighting loser only seeing you magical
When will it break and shatter
We ripped out new solutions
Did you bring down this cold and cold star?
You think I’m gonna lose oh
Did you bring down this cold and cold punishment?
I don’t want to be crazy for long
I want to live a long life
Did you leave me here in his bitter and bitter poison?
I don’t want to be crazy for long
I want to live a long life

I would tell you one day what is left in my mind ( (what I've in my mind)

So many waters passed between the ice and steam
Why it is still not over while it was such a short summer.
Foggy midnight, the time stopped within me
Why your taken picture never talks
We are late and couldn't fix the mistakes
Truths could burn the glance if we were arriving early,
I was so drunk so I deserved to live.
I run away from home to home.
Spread the wound to salt
I was right to arrive late so regularly to every appointment
The sky wasn't for me and don't even mention the ground
The sky was so itself and don't even stand on the ground
I found a door within what l lived and I exit
I loved you therefore I existed
I loved you, you were home among houses
I have returned and the decoration fell suddenly with my return
You rise with a black pen in your hand
Some made you a lover
Some created the love
Writing in wine with the ashes of butterflies
This is reading
I mean, the soil gets continuously dry while waiting for a rain
I wouldn't tell you too much
I was born as a requested scenario
I had children that they can die anytime
I counted on chemistry
I found myself in black clothing
While I was looking at a girl continuously
I stopped, I have cried to myself for thousands of years
I am saying that my mom and dad can die anytime
So what if they die
The worst could be having so much sadness fulfilling every gap
God may not protect anyone from the death
Without death, that miserable life could be tasteless
You are dead by leaving but killing while staying
If I am dying by staying because of your aliveness
This is it, whatever is we say is the life.
Everyone goes by dying, we stay by living
We're staying so much
that the frame would be so dispersed
and the world wouldn't accept each of us as alive
This is the living
To have to stay together (unwillingly) while everyone goes
?So bitchy so lies
? So welcomed
I played the role of my life and you were starring
What a storm it was with your hair
How we were so sunburned, did you ever considered me (?)
We sat on the yard while holding the hands
I would tell you someday what is left in my mind (what I have in my mind)

Wenn I wake up in the morning

When I wake up in the morning,
I am never home.
Almost every time I am not home, when I wake up in the morning.
I am looking at my hands, burned by lighter.
With razorblade engraved inscription:
In the morning voltage is rising.
I go to the show and buy a bottle of wine
Then it will be better.
I'm waiting for the winter

I Am A Human

Without a response
What truly is love?
I learned to thank tomorrow
How difficult it was
Love is not a crime in my hearts
There isn't a heart of stone in me
Tears in my eyes isn't a flood
I loved you so much
I am human
A human who is in love
Half a day
Or not
My life was wasted...

Never mind the world

July August September
don't stop smiling in every season
Life, believe me is too short
Maybe we won't go out of summer
Never mind Never mind
Never mind the world
If you don't want to cry
you should never mind the world
Ahmet Mehmet Süreyya
All is empty,  all is adream
One day life will end
I had seen the dream
i Never mind i Never mind
i Never mind the world
If you don't want to cry
you should never mind the world, also
They cheat
Forget about past yesterday
Every evening
You can spend every day
i Never mind i Never mind
of this world, i Never care
I swear i do not care about it nor move it from it place
regardless of what would the earth's population would say(about me)

haven't i told you

dear learner, haven't i told u
u can't handle our grief
this is a morsel out of pure consent
haven't i told you that you're not able to swallow it?
haven't i told u ah haven't i told u
haven't i told u that you're not able to swallow it ? *(2)
those who don't eat, will remain in despair
all the blood through thier eyes
this is you phase, it comes & passes by
haven't i told u that you're not able to sense it ?
haven't i told u ah haven't i told u
haven't i told u that you're not able to sense it ? *(2)
haven't i told u do not tell, haven't i told u
haven't i told u that you're not able to sense it ?
look at the manner of that love
it says whatever comes up in it's minds
haven't i told u that you're not able to
commit your life to the way of the true?
haven't i told u ah haven't i told u
haven't i told, u can't dedicate?
haven't i told u do not tell, haven't i told u
haven't i told, u can't dedicate?


Szárnyakat kapok a repüléshez
Amikor felhívsz
Amikor hallom a lélegzésedet
Szárnyakat kapok a repüléshez
Érzem hogy élek
Amikor rám nézel
Meg tudom érinteni az eget
Tudom hogy élek
Amikor áldod a napot
Én csak elsuhantam
Minden gondom eltűnik
Boldog vagyok hogy élek
Lángra gyújtottad a szívem
Szerelemmel töltöttél fel
Egy nőt készítettél a felhők felett
Nem tudtam magasabbra szállni
A lelkem szárnyal
Mert élek
Amikor felhívsz
[Amikor felhívsz]
Amikor hallom a lélegzésedet
[Amikor hallom a lélegzésedet]
Szárnyakat kapok a repüléshez
Érzem hogy élek
Amikor értem nyúlsz
[Amikor értem nyúlsz]
Felemelő érzés
Isten tudja hogy
Hogy én leszek az egyetlen,
Aki melletted lesz a jó és megpróbáltatásokkal teli időben is
És ez csak a kezdet
Türelmetlenül várom az életem hátralevő részét!
Amikor felhívsz
[Amikor felhívsz]
Amikor értem nyúlsz
[Amikor értem nyúlsz]
Szárnyakat kapok a repüléshez
Érzem ezt
Amikor áldod a napot
[Amikor áldod a napod,áldod a napot]
Én csak elsuhantam
[Én csak elsuhantam]
Minden gondom eltűnik
Tudom hogy élek
Szárnyakat kapok a repüléshez
Isten tudja hogy élek

a life-death matter

Oh you were a life-death matter
a life-death matter
a life-death matter
let it stay away
No, one farewell is not enough for a lot of time
Words can't come to my heart, I can not do it without him
No, it can't end with just a word from you
Love is not enough, for that who goes, every road is an excuse
Maybe I should've understood
I should've seen, love is done.
Did I force you to stay?
It took me time to see, forgive me,
Oh, I was the sealed doors' regular goer
The silence listener
Waiting for someone who won't come
Let it be that way
Oh you were a life-death matter
a life-death matter
a life-death matter
let it stay away
Oh you were the reason for my ruined dreams
Oh you were the shadow of the dead ends
a life-death matter
let it stay away.


I lied

I have been after you for so many times
I am infamous to everybody
I have talked so much
God knows who deserves it the most
happiness is near, nearer then tomorrow
I lied my spoiled half
with crazy words
I finally lied
my beautiful eyed with games
today is my day please dont hold me back
for love there is ceyrek*
today is my day please dont hold me back
for the next day I've already have someone who loves me
my inner-me overflew
I found my beautiful girl
happiness is near, nearer then tomorrow.
I lied

Pearls in her hair

One day
The Sun wasn't there.
It slept in the deep,
In the darkness.
And in the dark,
The world was wishing
For warmth and the light
For life and the luck.
Oh that girl* with pearls in her hair
Is she just a lie, or is she real.
And the time will come
Before it comes again.
Oh that girl with pearls in her hair
Is she just a lie, or is she real.
The dawn came
And she went home.
Back in the deep, lonely see.
She lives in the world
Of fairytales and fairies
Her lovely hair
Decorated with pearls.
Oh that girl with pearls in her hair
Is she just a lie, or is she real.
Because a long time ago
She sank in the sea
Oh that girl with pearls in her hair
Is she just a lie, or is she real.
And when you feel
The loneliness,
One little star will come down.
The shiny pearls
Will show the way
Just like the white light
Years ago.
Oh that girl with pearls in her hair
Is she just a lie, or is she real.
I know she will come back,
And forever, the luck.
Oh that girl with pearls in her hair
Is she just a lie, or is she real.
I know she will come back,
And forever, the luck.
Oh that girl with pearls in her hair
Is she just a lie, or is she real.
Na, na, na ...

the hardest thing in life, is like a whale, and it's sometimes what we've seen

Consider that in my eyes
today, this wonderful moment, that i'm with you
you direct my dreams
somewhere under the earth
pouring out of the spring
like you're in the petals of the flowers
you've pierced my heart
meeting me at dawn
i feel you
you've drenched me in velvet colors

See you later

The wound cannot be healed, you have no colour
Your effor has been ended, was it tough?
If you are human, if he is human, what happens if I suppose
Like a volcano, hard, explode into your inside
Hurl like a breeze, throw above the ground
If you are a dream like a nightmare, waking up doesn't work
You are a worm which is wasted in the territory to my eyes
There is only me who can understand you, kiss your eyes
The car which belongs to you, sell it and see you later!


Gold flake
Silver flake
Flake of platinum.
Air flake
Wind flake
Flake of emptiness.

Naked Mole Rap

Come on
Everyone listen to me, my name is Ron Stoppable
This song is called Naked Mole Rap
My life used to be very normal
But it started to become different when I met Rufus
I never had a kitten or a dog, so of course it was harder
My dad's allergic to animal fur
So I went online to search for furless animals
And I discovered a pink thing that needs sunscreen
Oh my god, what is this?
He's a naked mole rat
Never mind, I want to listen to the song
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap
Oh my god, what is this?
He's a naked mole rat
I don't care, I want to listen to the song
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap
I heard the smart supermarket sold pink mole rats
They're not scared of people, and they have pink tails
He told me in advance he decided to come with me
After my dad saw him, he said 'not bad'
At this time, the manager walked by
He opened the cage and said:
'Do you know he doesn't have fur?'
I didn't care at all
Then he said
'Be careful with him
Do you want the cage?'
No, I want to put him in my pocket
Oh my god, what is this?
He's a naked mole rat
I don't care, I want to listen to the song
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap
Oh my god, what is this?
He's a naked mole rat
My little pet, he can sing
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap
I loudly cheer, eyy
I loudly cheer, eyy
Quick, look at the camera and say cheese
Smile at the camera and say cheese
They have Mexican tacos at Bueno Nacho
Order a big one, don't worry, I'll pay
Rufus is in my pocket
He's unstoppable, unstoppable, won't drop
He just keeps eating
Rufus and Ron Stoppable
With our good friend Kim Possible
We're not scared of any attack
Hey oh, KP, we support you
Oh my god, what is this?
He's a naked mole rat
Never mind, I want to listen to the song
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap
Oh my god, what is this?
He's a naked mole rat
Never mind, I want to listen to the song
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap

Over the Sea

The path leads me beyond the mind
I'll clean up if it's not working anymore
Seek my luck then, within myself
Concentrate on my world
Strength comes, weakness goes
throw everything out it until it passes by
with lots of patience, I come to the finish line
back from exile once again
Over the sea, the wind runs away
takes with it whatever no longer makes sense
But it leaves my courage with me
Anyway, a good place to stay
Wherever I go, new problem
I don't want to see what I don't want.
Confrontation is the process
it navigates me out of excess
Over the sea, the wind runs away
takes with it whatever no longer makes sense
But it leaves my courage with me
Anyway, a good place to stay
Loyalty and vows help only a little
if you'll be singing with others soon
Over the sea, the wind runs away
takes with it whatever no longer makes sense
But it leaves my courage with me
Anyway, a good place to stay

Kim Possible

Oh yeah
I'm a girl and I'm cool.
The world I will rid of evil
Do not stop me being
Kim Possible!
There is nothing to fear
If the danger arises I will always help you
No matter where or when
If there is a problem, just call me.
Kim Possible!
Call, call, I'm your friend.
When you need to just say
That I'm always available
Call, call, I'm your friend.
Call, call, I'm your friend.
Anytime anywhere
I'm always ready to help you.
Say what problem, I'm in the plan.
You can always call
Kim Possible!
'What is the problem?'
Call, call, I'm your friend.

I'm Confessing Now

What did you do all day today?
Why am I getting through to you just now?
I was looking for you since last night
I have something on my mind and I’ll tell you about it now
From friends to lovers
From friendship to love,
So baby, my lovely
Actually, I like you
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
What did you just say? Don’t play around
I’m not joking right now, don’t shock me
We’re too close and I care too much about you
So I’m worried that I might lose you or that we’d grow apart
I thought about it, wondering if you knew my habit
Wondering if this natural attraction is my heart fluttering
What we need right now isn’t a prepared heart but an organized one
We need distance to calm down my trembling heart
I want to wake you up every morning
Take you home every day
I want to hold your hand, want to hug you
Want to kiss you
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Why aren’t you answering? Do you not like me?
Do you hate me? I’m suddenly scared
There aren’t many guys like me, I’ll be good to you
You are always in my way~~
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Yes, wherever I go with you, it feels like home
You’re my bodyguard that stayed by me like my shadow
We know each other so well
And we naturally became one like this
I promise to trust you, hold your hand
Don’t steal glances at other girls
I know just by hearing your breath and looking at your eyes
If I’m with you, I can do anything

I'm Sorry

Instead of saying I love you, I say let’s break up
Instead of saying I miss you, I say let’s forget everything
My heart that keeps beating
My tears that keep flowing
I’m sorry
I’m sorry for seeing her for the first time
I’m sorry for loving her
I guess you know me
That’s why you’re hurting more
My passionate heart, I’m really sorry
I’m sorry for letting her go
I’m sorry for hating her
I guess you know me
That’s why you’re sad again
My tears that are crying, I’m sorry
Instead of saying I love you, I say let’s break up
Instead of saying I miss you, I say let’s forget everything
The memories that I’ll miss
More as time goes by
Let’s erase it all, woah~
But still, I think of you
Because of this cruel and painful love
My heart that is still beating
My tears that keep flowing
I’m sorry
My heart, my tears, my memories
Look for you again like a habit
One day, two days, three days pass but
I can’t do anything, woah~
Instead of saying take care, I say I love you
Instead of saying be happy, I say I miss you
Your eyes, your breath
That I miss more as time goes by
It fills me up
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I keep thinking of you
Because of this cruel and painful love
I don’t even think
I can keep the promise
Of trying to meet someone else and being happy
It’s too hard, I don’t think I can do it
My heart that is crying again
My tears that keep flowing
I’m sorry


I want to say I love.
I want to say Thank you.
I want to say Peace.
I am listening
And your strength is to say nothing.
My cat is Tao.

It's Raining Inside Me

A young day, I feel the autumn
The sun streams down, but it's March
The wind stands still, the air is pure
And I want to be someone else
Because it's raining inside me
Because it's raining inside me
I cry about what I am
The future hurts, where do I want to go?
The wind stands still, the air is pure
And I want to be someone else
Because it's raining inside me
Because it's raining inside me
Because it's raining inside me
(And I want to be someone else)
Because it's raining inside me
(And I want to be someone else)
And a piece of me stands up
But a piece of me remains lying down
And the fear stands up
And the fighter falls back
And the soul rears up
But its wishes remain unclear, remain unclear
Because it's raining inside me
(And I want to be someone else)
Because it's raining inside me
(And I want to be someone else)


The sky cries, the wave breaks
terror falls over the land
Chaos is born
There is only water and nothing else
the force presses here on every wall
and everything seems lost
We will rise again
a sea of flags in the wind
we will lift ourselves up
because we're made of iron
We will rise again
with tears of joy
when all the others walk away
we'll return
We will rise again...
The storms scream, the masses roar
nothing but ruins, right where I stood
often summoned by many
The tower of clouds covers the light
the waves wash the dike into the land
and heroes are born
We will rise again
a sea of flags in the wind
we will lift ourselves up
because we're made of iron
We will rise again
with tears of joy
when all the others walk away
we'll return
We will rise again...
when all the others walk away
we'll return
We will rise again...

Convicted Defendant

I've come to tell you that if something's gone wrong
I was to blame, I apologize
I come after you, to apologize to you
The breakup was my fault
I must admit I'm a convicted defendant
And this is why I ask for a comeback
Way away from you I'm really lost
See, it's a struggle to live without seeing you
Way away from you I'm really lost
See, it's a struggle to live without seeing you
With you around I can do anything
I can already see it all, I ask for a comeback
I must admit I'm a convicted defendant
And this is why I ask for a comeback
Way away from you I'm really lost
See, it's a struggle to live without seeing you
With you around I can do anything
I can already see it all, I ask for a comeback

Until the End of Time

I never saw you stand before me so helplessly until the news came
The grief settled over the place, which was full of sun
Your empty gaze lost itself in the crowd, which swam in an echo
And it didn't matter whether everyone understood your look
Because I share your pain
And I share your sorrow
And I'll share your feelings
Until the end of time
And I'll stroke your hair
And I'll keep you warm
at night
After a time of melancholy, the light came back into your world
What luck, what a wonderful victory
when courage doesn't burn out
Even if the shadows sometimes pull the curtain shut
as so often happens
So I'll stay with you, until you discover happiness again
Because I share your pain
And I share your sorrow
And I'll share your feelings
Until the end of time
And I'll stroke your hair
And I'll keep you warm
at night
Because I share your pain
And I share your sorrow
And I'll share your feelings
Until the end of time
And I'll stroke your hair
And I'll keep you warm
at night


The yearning took possession of me
I wanted to be alone
I wanted nothing more of what everyone else was doing
I just wanted to be by myself
Every goal had disappeared
And all I saw was the fear of the next day
And as sheer compulsion rang out from my soul,
not one thing was clear to me
I am like jetsam1
After its maiden voyage and a steep, brief happiness
And I was there and it was beautiful and not of this world
I am like jetsam
And it was so hard and I cried behind the dike
I'm back, don't know for how long
But I'll give it a try
I am like jetsam
The passion that moved me
lost speed so quickly
Nothing was as as it had been
A shot of another kind
All friends disappeared
Courage was nothing but a deep valley of grief
Nerves were raw in this house of sand,
which was my home
I am like jetsam
After its maiden voyage and a steep, brief happiness
And I was there and it was beautiful and not of this world
I am like jetsam
And it was so hard and I cried behind the dike
I'm back, don't know for how long
But I'll give it a try
I am like jetsam
I am like jetsam
After its maiden voyage and a steep, brief happiness
And I was there and it was beautiful and not of this world
I am like jetsam
And it was so hard and I cried behind the dike
I'm back, don't know for how long
But I'll give it a try
I am like jetsam
  • 1. “Flotsam and jetsam” are often used together or interchangeably to refer to any type of wreckage or debris that washes up on a beach. But maritime law differentiates between the two, with “flotsam” (Treibgut) referring to parts of wreckage or cargo that wash up on shore naturally and “jetsam” (Strandgut) being things that are intentionally thrown overboard and discarded. It's possible that “Strandgut” is used here as a general term to refer to both or either, but I chose to translate it as “jetsam” since the idea of being discarded intentionally seemed to fit the theme of the song better.