Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 64

Találatok száma: 2087


sidi h' bibi

Nobody's coming through my way
I'm drowsing in the crown with nothin' to say
Waitin' for a better day
This is another beautiful Sunday
It's alway the same old show
When trouble is comin' by the door
Love jumpo through the window
Here I am alone with nowhere to go
(No quero no)
Stinkin' with your heavy perfume
The kind I will never lose
Whistlin' your favorite tune
Called the, 'Black widow blues'
Stinkin' with your heavy perfume
Whistlin' your favorite tune
'Soledad lo que a mi me va
Soledad a mi me da la vida'
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

The Four Seasons

Aut- the autumn the autumn is here
Aut- the autumn the autumn is here
From the trees the leaves fall down
I walk and drag away peacefully
The autumn is here again
It was when I was born my friend
The autumn is here, colder weather
The autumn is here again
Wint- the winter the winter is here
Wint- the winter the winter is here
The snow falls over streets and houses
And I increase my intake of medicine
The winter is here my friend
Soon it will be Christmas again
The winter is here, warmer clothes
The winter is here again
Spri- the spring the spring is here
Spri- the spring the spring is here
See it grow in bushes and heather
Take off your beanie and sing along
The spring is here my friend
Life is lovely again
The spring is here the summer is near
The spring is here again
Sum- the summer the summer is here
Sum- the summer the summer is here
Now we can just disconnect completely
Drink daily, make fools of ourselves
The summer is here again
Go cut the grass my friend
The summer is here the summer is here
And then it is on again

I'm alone

There isn't a problem I didn't had
There isn't a single night where I was problem-free
There isn't a problem I didn't had
There isn't a single night where I was problem-free
There isn't a street left on which I haven't cried
I'm alone my friends I'm alone alone
There isn't a street left on which I haven't cried
I'm alone my friends I'm alone alone
That condition I used to be in, I haven't got it anymore
I am exhausted while I'm still frightened
That condition I used to be in, I haven't got it anymore
I am exhausted while I'm still frightened
Hold me by my hands, I'm about to fall right now
I'm alone my friends I'm alone alone
Hold me by my hands, I'm about to fall right now
I'm alone my friends I'm alone alone
All those things that I have seen, all those things(problems) that I had
By falling and getting back up I have reached this age
All those things that I have seen, all those things(problems) that I had
By falling and getting back up I have reached this age
Hold me by my hands, I'm about to fall right now
I'm alone my friends I'm alone alone
Hold me by my hands, I'm about to fall right now
I'm alone my friends I'm alone alone

A kísérteted vagyok

Elhomályosodom ebben a világban
Most életben vagyok?
Vagy valahol a kettő között?
Magasan a padló fölött táncolok
Nem tudom, mikor jövök le
Ha nem tudok nélküled élni
Akkor miért lélegzem még mindig?
Csak engedd el (Próbálkozom)
Egy ezüst szálat nyújtok
Valahol élet és halál közt
Egy pontot keresek, ahonnan nincs visszaút
Ez a hajó ismét visszahúz
Mert a kísérteted vagyok
Mert a kísérteted vagyok
A folyosón vagyok
Átlátsz rajtam?
Egy kész sziluett vagyok
Egy élettelen lény
Magasan a padló fölött táncolok
Nem tudom, mikor jövök le
Ha nem tudok nélküled élni
Akkor miért lélegzem még mindig?
Csak engedd el (Próbálkozom)
Egy ezüst szálat nyújtok
Valahol élet és halál közt
Egy pontot keresek, ahonnan nincs visszaút
Ez a hajó ismét visszahúz
Mert a kísérteted vagyok
Mert a kísérteted vagyok
Ha egy hangot hallasz
És senki sincs a közeledben
Csak tudd, én vagyok ott
Mert a kísérteted vagyok
Mert a kísérteted vagyok
És amikor a világ egyre csak nő
És hideget érzel
Csak tudd, én vagyok ott
Mert a kísérteted vagyok
Mert a kísérteted vagyok
Várom a napot
Mikor a lelked megérkezik, és szabad leszek
De addig kísérteted leszek, szerelmem
Várom a napot
Mikor a lelked megérkezik, és szabad leszek
De addig kísérteted leszek
Egy ezüst szálat nyújtok
Valahol élet és halál közt
Egy pontot keresek, ahonnan nincs visszaút
Ez a hajó ismét visszahúz
(Akkor miért lélegzem még mindig?)

Appearances are deceiving

There are many who think that I'm completely stupid
And some are convinced that I'm smart, just fucking arrogant
There are some who think I'm a Nazi because I'm blond and shorthaired
You must hear a lot of strange things when you're Norway's non-celebrity no. 1
I am a monster, I'm on the other side of your diagnosis
And if I'm nice, it's just to get my dose
Appearances are deceiving, little innocent rose
Appearances are deceiving
I walk around with dirty thoughts in my regenerated head
I have to get my hands dirty to really feel like I'm living in the moment
But I must not get too greedy, I have to try to show some grace
Everything must be precisely balanced for me to guarantee satisfaction
I am a monster, I'm on the other side of your diagnosis
And if I'm nice, it's just to get my dose
Appearances are deceiving, little innocent rose
Appearances are deceiving
I've never been that easy to guide
That's why I'm so far down
Would like to be kind and helpful
But I'd rather be drunk and exhausting
Appearances are deceiving
Appearances are deceiving...
I am a monster, I'm on the other side of your diagnosis
And if I'm nice, it's just to get my dose
Appearances are deceiving, little innocent rose
Appearances are deceiving
I've never been that easy to guide
That's why I'm so far down
Would like to be kind and helpful
But I'd rather be drunk and exhausting
Appearances are deceiving
Appearances are deceiving...

Self-pity (is a sin)

Everyone's walking around complaining now
More than in many years
Was it so much better before
If you ask me it's something going on
And it's rubbing off on all of us
Always something or someone to blame
All you need is a bad reason
But self-pity is a sin
I know that you quickly cut across the street
Right away you saw that it was me
Have I now become persona non grata
Because I was dumb enough to give you a loan
A ton of money that I'll never see again
And a friendship that we can just forget
I could cry myself to sleep right now
But self-pity is a sin
Self-pity is a sin
Self-pity is a sin
Self-pity is a sin
Self-pity is a sin

I'm Not Fine Today

I'm not fine today
There is no cure for my trouble
My rose that i can't touch for not to hurt
Is not in it's branch anymore
My rose that i can't smell for not to hurt
Is not in it's branch anymore
Even if i can climb to the clouds
Even if i can touch the rainbow
They are not enough for me
I am not fine today
Even if i can drink the seas in one sip
Even if i tear sun to pieces
They are not enough for me
I'm not fine today
My rose ain't got a colour
It ain't got a scent
My rose faded like my all hopes
That's why i'm not fine

I'm enamored of your love

I'm enamored of your love that sets tongues wagging me
I've given my heart to your love that throws me away
Neither with you nor without you, I can't make my heart listened to me
My love, my dear, Keep me in your palm
I can't love other than you, my eyes look for your eyes
my lip tells our story, my heart cries, my soul misses you
I can't root your voice out in my ears, I can't wipe your silhouette off in my eyes, I can't do without you
Tonight / my heart, without you, is going on quieter
my soul is increasingly suffered from heartache
Because my heart believes that you'll come back, my eyes observe your ways
Every single day when you don't come back, I die each time
I can't love other than you, my eyes look for your eyes
my lip tells our story, my heart cries, my soul misses you
I can't root your voice out in my ears, I can't wipe your silhouette off in my eyes, I can't do without you

More haste, less speed

Eyes filled with rain
My hands in the shape of dead leaves
A knot in my stomach, my head hurts still1
Don't let the devil knock at your door.
Make me believe something.
It's not too late, I've got plenty of time on my side2.
Close the window, there are too many draughts.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
A drop of water in the ocean
Faliling at the air3
The storm passes, and what can we possibly do?
A few drops of water in the river.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
Make me believe something.
It's not too late, I've got plenty of time on my side.
Close the window, there are too many draughts.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
Too bad baby, I'm no longer the same.
Either say everything or die.
Between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
  • 1. or 'again'. Since these lyrics make little sense to me I can't say what he means
  • 2. 'de mon bord' might mean 'on my side', but used in this context it just sounds like broken French to me.
  • 3. the usual expression is 'un coup d'épée dans l'eau' (a sword stroke in the water). He changed water for air, for some reason.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Karim and the wolf

I'm writing this standing on the edge.
They say you end up stronger for suffering,
when we poured salt on our woulds.
May the Lord bear witness, what an adventure!
Wicked and quirky creatures1.
You can never know your fate for sure.
Among all our fantasies, which is the worst?
It'll be all over before you said it.
Are we all alone in the world?
As they say, true friends are hard to come by.
At least I'll still have my guitar.
Talking about myself is not in my nature.
I am not who you think I am, what a sham!
Are we all alone in the world?
We stand in the wolf's jaws,
since man is a wolf to man,
man is a wolf to us2.
Are we all alone in the world?
  • 1. a pun on 'à tort et à travers' (any odd way), playing on literal meanings of 'tort'(wrongdoing) and 'travers'(quirk)
  • 2. That's what I call Regular smile
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Drawing (The Picture I Drew)

On the wall that was so white
What is it so hard to draw?
Did I get it wrong? Should I destroy it all?
Are you standing motionless?
Today, where I'm walking
Is it not a road? Is it scary?
Or how about taking one step?
You are doing well
Lift your head up don't lose hope
If you take one step at a time
It's okay if you fall
So what if you get it wrong?
[Eunkwang/ Hyunsik] You can be like that
Draw a day's day's day
The memories you placed in one by one
In those colourful colours that I like
Draw each day
Listen a day's day's day
Those memories we won't be able to forget
Those times we liked so much living
Today is happy
Drawing my day is mine
I don't listen to other people's words
That's the only what I know
You dirty your own drawings
And fight every day with the mean world
Even though it's slow at the moment
You can draw just one line and it'll be done your dream
The sweat you sweat today is far away
The future's tears came out early
The path I walk
I draw that path by myself
Other people pointing at me
I look at my drawing and laugh
I soon lose hope
My project only improves
The world I made
I lose my own way
The tears have already dried
I breathe raggedly
In front of a wall where I can see no end
I sit down and relax
Why is the world so harsh to me?
As time went by, my frown became deeper
[Eunkwang/ Hyunsik] There are times like that
Like my scrunched up face
That's the drawing that I drew all my life
Draw a day's day's day
The memories you placed in one by one
In those colourful colours that I like
Draw each day
Listen a day's day's day
Those memories we won't be able to forget
Those times we liked so much living
Today is happy
Those drawings I drew when I was five years old
It's not beautiful but remember
Tomorrow is a new beginning
Yesterday is the past just forget it
Nothing is ever perfect
Cuz if you win some then you lose some
Even if you fall, don't give up
Wake up the real you inside you
Cuz the harder you fall the higher
you bounce so get up
and start chasing your dreams now
Draw a day's day's day
The memories you placed in one by one
In those colourful colours that I like
Draw each day
Listen a day's day's day
Those memories we won't be able to forget
With the one I loved the one that loves me
[Sungjae/ Eunkwang] With the person that I will be happy
I am drawing My day is mine

What If We Kiss

After all, we've won and that's how I feel
And if you don't think so, then why are you so near?
And why do you ask about all that I wrote,
If it actually lives in me or just a love song?
And once again words slip from me for a moment
Tired legs and a fast beating heart
And what if we kiss?
Will it be something you'll remember forever,
Or will you forget when we part lips?
Thinking about it seems so scary all of a sudden
And what if we hug?
Will there be something left unsaid,
Or will everything be fine?
Isn't this what we've always been waiting for?
After all, we fell asleep
The evening is ours
With the first light of day
You have to go back again
And we rose and we fell, we were silent and we spoke
We left behind anything that we didn't like
And sometimes I still don't feel complete
The strength in my arms begins to fade
And I thought what if we kiss?
Will it be something you'll remember forever,
Or will you forget when we part lips?
Thinking about it seems so scary all of a sudden
And what if we hug?
Will there be something left unsaid,
Or will everything be fine?
Isn't this what we've always been waiting for?
And what if we draw apart?
I'm asking you, maybe myself as well
Because suddenly I'm all alone in the room
I'm asking because you flow in my blood
And what if we crash?
And when I'll walk away will you remember
How much we loved it when the rain
Blended in with the tears on our faces?
And what if we kiss?...

Mennyire sírtam

Ha jöttél volna, meghallva hívó szavam,
Ha megérinthettelek volna utoljára,
Ha átölelhettelek volna, körülölelve álmainkkal,
Ha csak melléd fekhettem volna, szorosan melléd.
Semmi nem úgy van, ahogy te gondolod,
Sírtam, mennyire sírtam
A memóriát nem lehet kitörölni,
Megjegyeztem örökre.
Már nem az vagyok, akit elhagytál,
Sírtam, mennyire sírtam
A dolgok, amiket átéltünk nem felejthetők.
Megjegyeztem örökre.
Semmi nem úgy van, ahogy te gondolod,
Ha megállíthatnám az időt és visszaforgathatnám,
Ha ismét találkoznánk én nem engednélek ki ölelésemből
Ha ismét együtt lennénk, ha ismét rólam álmodnál
Ha melletted ébredhetnék, szorosan melletted…
Semmi nem úgy van, ahogy te gondolod,
Sírtam, mennyire sírtam
A memóriát nem lehet kitörölni,
Megjegyeztem örökre.
Már nem az vagyok, akit elhagytál,
Sírtam, mennyire sírtam
A dolgok, amiket átéltünk nem felejthetők.
Megjegyeztem örökre.
Ha nem lenne annyi „ha”
Vágyakoznék-e annyira utánad?
Soha nem bocsájtok meg magamnak
Bárhova is megyek, magammal viszem vágyódásomat utánad
Nem az vagyok, aki voltam, fél ember lettem.

My soul craves for

Too distant and too close
Happiness and sorrow
What i can do, without expressing
(My) inner self understands everything
I would wrote your name with a pencil
On a white paper sky of white clouds
I inhaled air you had breathed with
And this is my solace for me
My soul craves for everything past
My happiest time, now is echo in a past
My vital song as an eternal flame
Forgetting everything? - that is impossible
My soul craves for, everything......
Peace and struggle
Deceptive life is shepherd for souls
Eventually time will judge
was it right or wrong deeds
You will wonder many times
Of why it happened like that
I saw a lot of warmth in your eyes
And this is self-consolation for me
My soul craves for everything past
My happiest time, now is echo in a past
My vital song as an eternal flame
Forgetting everything? - that is impossible
My soul craves for, everything......

Don't turn back for old loves

Don't turn back for old loves,
while the rains used to fall,
they used to be different,
than during these autumns and winters,
Don't turn back for old loves.
Don't turn back for old loves,
to take a shelter, to console yourself,
when you remember those past days,
when solitude rises like a tide,
Don't turn back for old loves.
What does an evildoer
in the middle of the night,
eternally lead in that area.
Old love is like a trap,
never go back to it.
Don't turn back for old loves,
don't know at the same doors,
the fire has been damped down,
go further where the warmth is,
Don't turn back for old loves.

Dancing on the water

Like in a dream
We are racing together on the waves to the sun
In this wonderful boat we are fast and dexterous,
That's for me
A light breeze is blowing in our faces
I understand your every caprice
But we'll notice soon
That dusk is falling over the sea
We are in deep waters
It's a long way to come back
But we can continue to do what we want
It's easy
Dancing on the water
I've never seen this before
Dancing on the water
Together with you in the darkness
Dancing on the water
We can't understand where we are
Dancing on the water
I've never seen this before
We are alone, just the two of us
And only the moon can see us
It seems to me, in the moonlight,
You are the most beautiful girl in the world
We've been dancing with you for so long
The sea slick is so strong under us
We aren't crowded by people here
And believe me we can't find a better place
We'll come back home without luggage
And we'll sleep on the sand the whole day
And when we wake up
We'll come back here in the wind
Dancing on the water
I've never seen this before
Dancing on the water
Together with you in the darkness
Dancing on the water
We can't understand where we are
Dancing on the water
I've never seen this before

Barefooted In The Rain

We two dance barefooted in the rain
And we dance and dance and dance
Your kiss is sweet, a touch of sunshine
And we kiss and kiss and kiss
People walk by, they all turn around
And we sing and sing and sing
Barefooted in the rain, happy as never before
And we dance and dance and dance
We forget the world
Because of the love by sunshine and rain
Hot, the hearts so hot
Because of the love we give each other today
Barfooted in the rain, wet to the skin
But we both laugh at it
I'd been gone for a long time, almos an eternity
But I've got you again at last
People walk by, they all turn around
And we sing and sing and sing
Barefooted in the rain, happy as never before
And we dance and dance and dance
We forget the world
Because of the love by sunshine and rain
Hot, the hearts so hot
Because of the love we give each other today
We forget the world
Because of the love by sunshine and rain
Hot, the hearts so hot
Because of the love we give each other today
(Barefooted in the rain) - Barefooted in the rain
(Barefooted in the rain) - Hey, barefooted in the rain
(Barefooted in the rain) - And we dance and dance and dance
(Barefooted in the rain) - And w kiss and kiss and kiss
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!

Too pretty

I sit here solemnly, and wait for you to walk past
You don't know who I am, and I never find anything to say
I sit here every damn day, a slave to your face
You're in a class of your own here in the city
You are too pretty, you are too beautiful
You are too pretty
You are too beautiful, you are too pretty
And all I can do is sit here and
Dream about you
You're no model, you're no (Greta) Garbo
I don't give a damn about that, I like dark and tacky
So I fix what little is left of the hair on my head
Button up my fly and tuck in my shirt, and straighten my cap
You are too pretty, you are too beautiful
You are too pretty
You are too beautiful, you are too pretty
And all I can do is sit here and
Dream about you
I sit here every damn day, a slave to your face
You're in a class of your own here in the city
You are too pretty, you are too beautiful
You are too pretty
You are too beautiful, you are too pretty
And all I can do is sit here and
Dream about you

További dalszöveg fordítások

Faith Hill - If I'm Not In Love dalszöveg fordítás

További dalszöveg fordítások

The Prince of Egypt (OST) - Dérekh ené hashamáyim (דרך עיני השמיים) [Through Heaven's Eyes] dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Through Heaven's Eyes

Each tiny thread in a tapestry, even if its color is spectacular
Can never see the perfectness of the other colors around it
And the stone that sits on the top of the mountain
Thinks it's the most important one and the base is just a spare
So how can you even judge your worth? Perhaps it's twice as big!
You can never see through others' eyes.
Look at your life, through heaven's eyes (through heaven's eyes)
A lake of gold in the heart of the desert is less than a well of water
To a lost sheep a shepherd boy is much more than a mighty king
If a man had lost it all, did he give up on his honor as well?
Or perhaps it's the beginning of a brighter future
So how do you measure the worth of a man? In wealth, or strength, or age?
How much he earned? How much he grew?
An answer would be given to him who sees his life twice
Through his and heaven's eyes
That's why we share all we have with you, the little and the plenty
Because all that's before you belongs to Mother Nature
Life may change when the winds blow
And you might trip sometimes
You must try to dance.
So try and learn to dance!
So how do you judge what a man is worth?
If he worked or if he learned?
You can never see through the eyes of flesh and blood
But there is another pair of eyes
Look at your life, please look at it
Through heaven's eyes!
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (OST) - Hum Ek Hain (हम एक हैं) [We're one] dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Hum Ek Hain (हम एक हैं) [We're one]

In the game of life,
We are so happy with it
Without understanding
And we know that,
we want to have many,
of these
You'll see it on
that we will be with you
When traveling, you’re the depressed
These keep you believe
That we will be always near,
We will be with you forever,
We are one
When this becomes the all of,
I could not live,
Not such as I am
I follow your heart,
Or am I destined to leave
What can I do?
Those who are no longer here,
Are always with you
Your new journey is here
Pain or happiness,
Cannot be taken
All with you,
We are one.
You’re mine
Like the earth and the sky,
Remain together forever
Advance in the understanding of
And in the courage
That you will find in life
We are one
Bằng Kiều - Trái Tim Bên Lề dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

A heart left aside

You knew that the days I was by your side
Are the days I loved you
But still you were so naive, you haven't known my love
My silent love, which made my heart broke apart
I saw so many people in love with you
My heart ached in silence by your side
I'm looking at my darling, right here, but still distant
Since your heart was given to someone else!
A deep hidden love for you has been in silence for so many days
I looked at you, at a loss for word, what should I say?
With agony I accompanied you, and saw you suffer so much
And my heart here, since it loved you, broke apart
Since you decided to love someone, you will never have any idea
That my love has been yours for all this time
A heart left aside in great pain, since I know you will never know
That my love has been yours.
Slim Mill - xDlsd dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


XDlsd, xDlsd
(We got a problem)
Slim says to you xDlsd
Your woman starts acting out
I say xDlsd
Slim Mill breakdances on stage
Your woman shakes it
XDlsd, xDlsd
Slim Mill!
Your woman is popping the code
Some Panacod
XDlsd, Slim Mill kills it, went on stage
It jerks there, your woman is twerking to it
Hourly wage sixteen euros
It's my job
Slim Mill, everybody sucks his cock
XDlsd, xDlsd
Young Sage acts a bit
Make it warm up
Ah, these women are warming up to you
Finland's Lil B, that's Slim Mill
Your woman wants Lil B's dick
We have a new movement, ride it like this
What the fucking new movement
We have flows of viewers here again
LSD from a faucet
I don't like Jaana
Because I'm homo (sapiens)
I have some (caries)
Wearing some bling, with me few millions
I took a bill
Yahh, I said xDlsd
I got my first million
What do they say to me?
XDlsd, (skrt)(skrt) xDlsd
They all say, you heard me
Fuck it
Your woman warms up to my squad
I'm riding your wife again
Hey, hey
Slim Mill Cam back
Abdi was laying on the yard
I do two pull ups
Beat up two deers
You're gonna get your ass kicked
Don't be afraid
It's cold in Finland
Don't be stupid
Now my career is going up
Then I'm gonna piss my pants
That's right, my pants
Pissboy91, hahaa
Slim Mill gone on top of the list
It didn't need to say it but xDlsd
Does it even make sense
Are you asking that
XDlsd is important
Well XDlsd
Is the t-shirt jamming
We're gonna purp
Your woman is the same as LSD
Okay, shake
XD and lsd, when I jump, please, everybody says what are you doing
Well what am I doing, your woman is warming to me
She comes to my lap, tries to find her way
Young Le Sage
I'm taking this to new next stage
The Lion King (OST) - Kral Olmaya Hazırım [I Just Can't Wait to Be King] dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

I Just Can't Wait to Be King

I will be the strongest king,
May my enemies be scared!
I have never seen a king with that less fur.
I will be the supreme king,
Greater than the others.
I learned how to posture,
I learned how to roar, grauuu!
I have never heared a such a funny thing.
I just can't wait to be the king.
My prince, you have a long way to go!
Don't barge in,
Don't get your nose into my business.
Take a listen to me.
I meant:
Don't put me out of temper.
Look, you don't understand it.
I can't stay here.
I should do what I want.
It's incredible
I should be free.
Now it's the time,
Let's put our heads together.
I can't get advice
From the horned heads.
If there will be a monarchy,
Ignore me.
I can stay in Africa not even a moment.
I am out of this business.
Ah! I will go bananas with this boy.
I just can't wait to be the king.
Look left everyone!
Look right everyone!
Can you see me all?
I am at everywhere.
Let's sing this song together.
Sing along with these birds.
Let's hum with Simba.
I just can't wait to be the king.
I just can't wait to be the king.
I just can't wait to be the king.
Joachim Nielsen - Selvdestruktiv dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


You perhaps have several friends
And you certainly have much more money
And you certainly get much more pussy
Yeah, you certainly have everything you need
But I am much more self-destructive than you
Yeah, I am much much much more self-destructive than you
You don't walk around on the street anymore
And you're probably sleeping in soft beds
And you certainly have much more cash
You're going to live longer
But I am much more self-destructive than you
Yeah, I am much much much more self-destructive than you
You are certainly better at tennis
And you certainly have no unpaid loans
And you certainly have a much larger penis
And your own encyclopedia
But I am much more self-destructive than you
Yeah, I am much much much more self-destructive than you
Yeah, you are much better
Yeah, you are much much much better
Joachim Nielsen - Nykter dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

További dalszöveg fordítások

Ahmet Kaya - Öyle Bir Yerdeyim Ki dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Being in such a place

Versions: #1#2
Being in such a place
There is neither carnation nor frog
One of my sides is blue moss
It shudders in the waters.
Oh comrade, comrade
My good comrade!
What a worse life line is it?
What a maddening system this is?
It is autumn on one side,
on the other a flourishing spring.
Being in such a place,
One of my sides is yelling and screaming
Being in such a place
My mum goes out crying oh god, oh god!
My daughter has ended up in the street.
My offspring has ended up in the street.
Alhan Bent Salim - Mezaji - مزاجي dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


I remember you, then my mood get fixed
I'm moody, just like you
If I woke up one day without you beside me
I miss you and this ruin my mood
Home is like remnant without you
And I can't stand your absence and the distance between us
You are like the sunlight coming off the clouds
I miss you in your presence and in your absence
I remembered how happy we were
This distance today is like a sword that's killing me
This life and time issues
I went through stuff, and you went through others too
I act by my morals
But I ran out of patience now
This distance of my beautiful bleeds my heart
My heart is barely holding this unimaginable longing for her
Do you have 3 min? Please fill this for me!
4Taste - Diz-me que sim dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Say yes to me

Say, tell me what you're thinking
I hear, I feel what you feel
Open, open your hand to your fears
Let me be where you are
Say yes to me, I'm here
Nothing's gonna take us apart
I want to be with you
I'm here
Say yes to me (2x)
I want to be your boat on the pier
Maybe it can take you to me
And leave you in this love sea
Let me cover you in sun
Say yes to me, I'm here
Nothing's gonna take us apart
I want to be with you
I'm here
When you feel like you're losing it
Know that I'm not gonna let you fall
I'm gonna be here till the end
Say yes to me (2x)
Say yes to me, I'm here
Nothing gonna take us apart
I want to be with you
I'm here
Say yes to me (4x)
Nev - Mühürlü Kaderim dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

My Sealed Fate

Versions: #1#2
Is this how a dream ends?
Do you have such longing for sorrows?
The cost of what sin
Are you, my sealed fate?
Is torment what you ever deem fit?
Don't you got any redemption?
Don't you got any redemption?
My sealed fate do you melt like I do?
My sealed fate could you show me a way?
The day when I, too, will let go of this dream
Would also be the day you end
I, too, would give in and take a sip of that wine
That day you would also come to an end
That day you would also come to an end
To no avail, are what I ever do
Do you grudge me any pleasure?
Longing is on your side
Love is on your side
You never change my fate
Always defeat,
Always good-byes for me?
Don't you ever have a cure?
Don't you ever have a cure?
Seeed - Riddim No. 1 dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Riddim No. 1

This is one of those songs - uh, that runs right into your limbs!
Do not be so stiff, get over here and start moving,
Pull the stick out of your ass and give yourself to the fever,
Because the times for stiff vanities passed long ago
Standing around bobbing your head won't impress anyone anymore
On the other hand, the ladies love a carefree dancer
A cool dude is always in demand these days
To rock with or without a partner is the question
You think you'll look like shit,
Like something ordered but not picked up on the dance floor
Just look again, dude, what are you waiting for?
D-d-d-dance and advance
(Wicked and wild)
Do u man give u a chance
(In a Berlin style)
Ooh, see di gal, dem sweat, di floor wet, check how far u coulda get
If u dance and advance
(Wicked and wild)
Do u man give u a chance
(In a Berlin style)
Ah when di queen turn around you go after she
'How you gonna leave before you dance with me?'
Riddim number one
Seeed-century has just begun
Riddim number one
Seeed-century has just begun
Check her out, there is Josephine
Somebody told me that she appeared to you in the dream
You were the magic lamp
And she was Aladdin
There are a 1000 guys in Berlin, who think just like you (hey)
With shaky knees
Are you going over to Josephine
With one dance, you could earn that golden hair
Nah, that's how you're awarded the golden rejection
You think, shit, better stay at the bar
At least I can get Kopp red [a brand of wine] here!
Ya-ow - you'll have to conquer yourself
Or your pillow is the only thing you'll be kissing again tonight
Ya-ow - See the whole place looking at you
Dude, what are you waiting for?
D-d-d-dance and advance
(Wicked and wild)
Do u man give u a chance
(In a Berlin style)
Ooh, see di gal, dem sweat, di floor wet, check how far u coulda get
If u dance and advance
(Wicked and wild)
Do u man give u a chance
(In a Berlin style)
Ah when di queen turn around you go after she
'How you gonna leave before you dance with me?'
Riddim No 1
Seeed century's just begun
Riddim No 1
Seeed century's just begun
Riddim No 1
Seeed century's just begun
Riddim No 1
Seeed century's just begun
Riddim No 1
Seeed century's just begun
Riddim No 1
Seeed century's just begun
(How you gonna leave before you dan - dance with me