Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 119


Természetesen újra egyedül

Versions: #1
Ha rövidesen
egy kicsit sem leszek vidámabb,
megígérem magamnak, hogy
megjutalmazom magam,
és meglátogatom a közeli tornyot
Felmászok a tetejére,
és levetem magam,
erőfeszítésként, hogy megmutassam akárkinek
hogy hogyan néz ki, amikor darabokra törsz
Bennehagytak a pácban
A templomban, mondták a népek hogy
'Istenem, ez kemény. Jól átverte a menyasszony
nincs értelme itt maradnunk,
akár haza is mehetünk'
Csakúgy mint én, egyedül
Természetesen újra egymagamban
Ha csak arra gondolok, hogy tegnap
még örömteli voltam, derűs és vidám
Alig vártam - hisz ki ne tenné? -
a szerepet, ami rám várt
De mintha letaglózott volna,
rámtalált a valóság
És még anélkül, hogy mégcsak hozzám is ért volna
darabokra szabdalt,
Kétségbe taszítva
Istenről és a kegyelméről beszélünk,
de ki is az Isten, ha létezik egyáltalán
Miért hagyott el?
És a legnagyobb szükségemben
persze teljesen egyedül vagyok
Úgy tűnik hogy több megtört szív
van a világon, mint amennyit meggyógyíthatnánk
Magukra vannak hagyva
Mit tehetnénk?
Mit tehetnénk?
Természetesen, újra egyedül
Most hogy visszanézek az elmúlt évekre,
minden más mellett emlékszem
mennyire sírtam, amikor meghalt az apám
nem is rejtve könnyeim
És hatvanöt évesen
az anyám - Isten nyugosztalja -
nem értette hogy miért ragadták el tőle
az egyetlen férfit, akit valaha szeretett
És szörnyen összetört szívvel kellett
újrakezdenie az életét
Habár támogattam,
soha többé nem szóltunk erről
És amikor meghalt,
csak sírtam és sírtam egész nap
Természetesen, egymagam
Természetesen, egymagam

Another Mouth

Here I am trying to fool myself in this room
With another skin and another body that I just finished meeting
Ay here I am in a strange bed paying my mistake
Well I confess to you that I
I am kissing another mouth
But yours is the one that matters to me
I am kissing another mouth
But yours is the one that matters to me
Forgive me and don't be bad
Forgive me and don't be bad
Forgive me and don't be bad
Forgive me and don't be bad
Tell me what I have to do
I do what you ask me
Tell me what I have to do
If this way you come back to my life
Here I am trying to fool my poor heart
It's that I know you are the one that quenches my thirst
Ay here I am in this strange skin paying my mistake
Well I confess to you that I
I am kissing another mouth
But yours is the one that matters to me
I am kissing another mouth
But yours is the one that matters to me
Forgive me and don't be bad
Forgive me and don't be bad
Forgive me and don't be bad
Forgive me and don't be bad
Baby I don't want to be with another
I want to be with you
Mami I can't tell
That I'm sorry
I don't want to be with another
I want to be with you
Baby I can't tell
That I'm sorry
I'm kissing another mouth
But yours is the one that matters to me
I'm kissing another mouth
But yours is the one that matters to me
Forgive me and don't be bad

Komsomol marching song

Trumpeters sounded the alarm.
Equipped with everything for the battle in the proper way,
The Komsomol consolidated battalion
Was going on a long journey.
Goodbye, my mother, don't grieve,
Kiss your son in farewell

I believed in her love

I believed that her love
Would shine my life in gold
Why did she have to
Bring back the old pain again
She gave her love to someone else
And I'll remember it, I know she's making a mistake
That she left something
To the empty heart, to comfort herself
That she left something
To the empty heart, to comfort herself
I believed in her love
She was my entire world
But just a moment was enough for her
To destroy my dreams
She gave her love to someone else
And I'll remember it, I know she's making a mistake
That she left something
To the empty heart, to comfort herself
That she left something
To the empty heart, to comfort herself

You got too much

You should see
You should hear
You, jester, should smell
You should know
You should dig
You should understand
You got got got got too much again
And you got got got got even me
And you got got got got something evil
And you got got got got more
You should ponder
You should bow
You, jester, should think
You should forbid
You should turn
You should object
You got got got got too much again
And you got got got got even me
And you got got got got something evil
And you got got got got more
You should change
You should steal
You, jester, should fry
You should be moved
You should be removed
You should be driven
You got too much again...


When you will grow up and become a woman
with experience gained along the way1
perhaps there is a chance that you will remember me
we had beautiful times together
We met at a party, you were wonderful
flowing hair and innocent eyes
i approached, you said: not tonight
love you between the lines
If you remember me Sivan
perhaps you will give me some time
now that you are far away from here
we separated with hopes that you would return
a year passed, i did not hear from you
you left me a picture of a framed smile
perhaps mine is left also with you
If you remember me Sivan...
  • 1. lit: purchased

Ivan, Boris and I

And since we were kids I remember that
We were going for walks
Along the rivers in the middle of flowers
We were singing songs
Under a completely golden sun
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Then at the party in my town
We were dancing all day
We never got tired
And at school on Monday
We were still together
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
We were four women, but
There were three guys
I loved him
And another was in love with me
It couldn't work like this
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
All of this complicated
The sweetness of those days a bit
Then a few years passed
And school ended
And love separated us
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
We never got married to our friends
Because happiness
Was found here and there
We all still write to each other
But many, many more
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Saša, Mario, David and I
Barbara, Mimì, Nataša and I
Saša, Mario, David and I
Barbara, Mimì, Nataša and I

They don't let me love you

I'm pouring my eyes out tonight
Like a little child
What did i do to anyone
For them to take a revenge on me
Chorus 2x
They don'y let me love you
To kiss where your foot steps
I don't need this life
If i loose you
Tonight i'm searching only for you
Talking to myself
What did i do to anyone
Not to be with you
Chorus 2x
They don'y let me love you
To kiss where your foot steps
I don't need this life
If i loose you
Tonight i'm cursing my enemies
With the pain of my soul
What did i do to anyone
For them to crush my dreams
Chorus 2x
They don'y let me love you
To kiss where your foot steps
I don't need this life
If i loose you

Love me, Delilah

I'm totally mad
I'm mad
about your every gesture, and even
despite all
the taboos,
to the very end
I do love you.
You know nothing1
about the hidden secrets and the ties
of this endless love.
Love me, Delilah
Love me, Delilah
since my life
withers far away from yours
what do I care for a fate
that carries me away from yours?
You know how to say anything,
destroy anything
with a mere smile
you put me in chains.
You know how to lie,
and even worse,
curse me
with your hate.
you can do nothing
against this very love
that drives me toward you
Love me, Delilah
Love me, Delilah
Give me
the strength of a lawless love,
and despite all evidence
give us another chance
you know nothing
of what keeps me
in the garden of your loins
Love me, Delilah
Love me, Delilah
And with a scream
at the end of the night
in the hollow of your body
I want to sign
with love and its remorse
I am mad
Despite everything
love me, Delilah
  • 1. John Snow! Oops sorry...

Be The One

Like a bird inside the room of unease
Lost because there is no way out
You write rememberance letters to me
And the night brings in cherry fragrance
Open the window and imagine
Let my name be your oath
Put a picture of me under your pillow
Let the time fly, we will love each other
Be the one, be here
Dream golden dreams on my shoulder
You must love someone
And get over someone
Be the one, be here
Dream golden dreams on my shoulder
You must breath love
Sing it and live it
Like a bird inside the room of unease
Lost because there is no way out
You write rememberance letters to me
And the night brings in cherry fragrance
Open the window and imagine
Let my name be your oath
Put a picture of me under your pillow
Let the time fly, we will love each other
Be the one, be here
Dream golden dreams on my shoulder
You must love someone
And get over someone
Be the one, be here
Dream golden dreams on my shoulder
You must breath love
Sing it and live it

Táncolni erre

Fiatal törekvés
Azt mondjuk, hogy lassan haladunk, de mi soha nem ezt csináljuk
Minden estémet veled töltöm
A konyhai fények alatt vagy
Még mindig úgy nézel ki, mint egy dinamit
Nem kell helyekre mennünk
Csak kapcsold be a rádiót
Tudod, hogy mit akarok csinálni
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Nem kell sok, hogy elkezdjem
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Told fel magad a testemen
Tudod, hogy minden bulit láttunk már
Táncolhatunk erre
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Drága szeretett
Hozd azokat az ötszázegyeseket egy kicsit közelebb, kicsit közelebb
És drága szeretőm
Csináld azokat a dolgokat, amiket soha nem csinálnánk józanul, józanul
A konyhai fények alatt vagy
Még mindig úgy nézel ki, mint egy dinamit
Nem kell helyekre mennünk
Csak kapcsold be a rádiót
Tudod, hogy mit akarok csinálni
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Nem kell sok, hogy elkezdjem
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Told fel magad a testemen
Tudod, hogy minden bulit láttunk már
Táncolhatunk erre
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Nem akarok aludni ma este
Csak azon a járaton akarok lenni
Nem akarok aludni ma este
Csak azon a járaton akarok lenni
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Nem kell sok, hogy elkezdjem
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Told fel magad a testemen
Tudod, hogy minden bulit láttunk már
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Mi csak...
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Nem kell sok, hogy elkezdjem
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Told fel magad a testemen
Tudod, hogy minden bulit láttunk már
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Mi csak...
Táncolhatunk erre
Táncolhatunk erre, szerelmem
Táncolhatunk erre
Csak, táncolhatunk erre
Táncolhatunk erre, táncolhatunk erre
Csak táncolhatunk erre
Nem akarok ma este aludni
Csak azon a járaton akarok lenni
Nem akarok ma este aludni
Csak azon a járaton akarok lenni
Csak... táncolhatunk erre
Nem akarok ma este aludni
Csak azon a járaton akarok lenni
Nem akarok ma este aludni
Csak azon a járaton akarok lenni
Csak... táncolhatunk erre
Nem akarok ma este aludni

Little princess

Come, come
Look in my soul
Pass, pass
Block my brain
On sinful thoughts
Try to refer me
Let that everyone is going crazy from envy
Come close, come close
Let my pressure rise
But visit my desk and pedigree
Don't let
That they see us together
You could come on naughty voice
I don't let that they steal you from me
You are the most beautiful in the city
No one can offend you
I always keep your back
But I can't be with you
I pull all bad with myself
We are an impossible link
I am trouble, and you
Little princess
Come close, come close
Let my pressure rise
But visit my desk and pedigree
Don't let
That they see us together
You could come on naughty voice
Chorus 2x

Who is he?

Who is he? He is a strong guy
merciless fire rays, a puzzle, his name is Birlaa
He is a force, a walk, a straightforward person without obstacles
a heat flame, he is Birlaa
When it becomes dark, he chase away the enemies
He writes the enemy's name in the garden and destroy him
He thinks about the day when he can encounter and kill the thugs
He finishes off by pressing the gun trigger with a plan
He tells that police shirt is something to be proud of
He tells that police arrogance is a pride
He tells himself as the death god
He tells as friend at the last time just before trigger pulling
Who is he? He is a strong guy
merciless fire rays, a puzzle, his name is Birlaa
He is a force, a walk, a straightforward person without obstacles
a heat flame, he is Birlaa
He analyze the enemy's eyes, he deeply focus and see
He finds the shadow under the eyes and beats them
He thinks that nothing is above the law
He respects I.P.C more than his mother
With all five senses so sharp,
with a honest heart,
no one is there to beat you as long as
you have these two above,
you come forward with rage
Who is he? He is a strong guy
merciless fire rays, a puzzle, his name is Birlaa
He is a force, a walk, a straightforward person without obstacles
a heat flame, he is Birlaa
When it becomes dark, he chase away the enemies
He writes the enemy's name in the garden and destroy him
He thinks about the day when he can encounter and kill the thugs
He finishes off by pressing the gun trigger with a plan

In This Bar

Through the doors of this bar
Old times passed
Dreams and friends passed
Crimes and punishments passed
Through the doors of this bar
Pigs and vagrants passed
Peoples and fuses passed
Empty bodies passed
Through the doors of this bar
Weeds and cobwebs passed
Kings and queens passed
Creeds and litanies passed
Through the doors of this bar
Trains and tractors passed
Dogs and drums passed
Flying cattle passed
Through the doors of this bar
Bearded men and men in cassocks passed
Killer hands passed
Thick curtains passed
Through the doors of this bar
Arm-wrestling matches happened
Steel darknesses happened
The waters of March happened
A stick, a stone, it's the end of the road
It's the rest of a stump, it's a little alone
A stick, a stone, it's the end of the road
It's the rest of a stump, it's a little alone1
  • 1. Part of 'Waters of March' by Tom Jobim
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Christmas Eve

I remember it all very well
It was Christmas Eve
I got home and found my girl on distress
The children were all crying
The table was empty, there was no food
Then I went out, bought some candy, some meat
I also bought a gingerbread
And, fulfilling my destiny,
I dressed up as Santa Claus
I called my girl
'I'm gonna get up on the roof
And fall down the chimney
Meanwhile, you
Get all the kids
And rehearsal 'Jingle Bells''
Oh, God, what a sacrifice it was
The chimney hole was very tight
My girl saw my despair
And then made the whole tenement get alarmed
To get me off there
They needed to call the firemen
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

And if you go

Like a ship that sails off
Like the sun dying out
For a few tears that dried up
I am waiting
Like a withered rose
Like a falling bird
Like a wounded hound
I would like to keep you
And if you go (and if you go)
And if you go (and if you go)
Take my hand
Wait till tomorrow
And if you go (and if you go)
And if you go (and if you go)
Give me a chance
Wait till tomorrow
Like a breaking wave
Like a face without a smile
Like a scream amidst silence
I am waiting
Like an offended heart
Like a piano out of tune
I want to shout at you
I want to keep you
And if you go (and if you go)
And if you go (and if you go)
Take my hand
Wait till tomorrow
And if you go (and if you go)
And if you go (and if you go)
Give me a chance
Wait till tomorrow
And if you go (and if you go)
And if you go (and if you go)
Give me a chance
Wait till tomorrow
And if you go (and if you go)
And if you go (and if you go)
Take my hand
Wait till tomorrow


[1. versszak]
A nap később megy le
Ott, ahonnan származom
Ahol az álmok meghalnak
Míg szórakozunk
A fiúk a kocsijukat szerelik
A lányok megeszik
A szerelem annyira jó, mikor
A szerelem fiatal
Igen, annyi történelem van ezeken az utcákon
És mama jó kajái
Oh, a Wonder megy ismétlésen
Annyi történelem van a fejemben
Az emberek, akiket elhagytam
Azok, akiket megtartottam
Hallottál engem a rádióban?
A dübörgő sztereódon
A külvárosban
Játszhatok bújócskát otthonról
Nem tudom megváltoztatni a véremet
Igen, úgy tűnik, sosem engedem el
A külvárost
[2. versszak]
Lenyelem a honvágyat
Megízesítem citrommal
Jobb, mint a lazulás
És az idő kergetése
Pillantok kihagyása
Nem tudom visszatekerni
Nem tehetek róla, de úgy érzem, elvesztettem, ami az enyém
Igen, annyi történelem van ezeken az utcákon
És mama jó kajái
Oh, a Wonder megy ismétlésen
Annyi történelem van a fejemben
Az emberek, akiket elhagytam
Azok, akiket megtartottam
Hallottál engem a rádióban?
A dübörgő sztereódon
A külvárosban
Játszhatok bújócskát otthonról
Nem tudom megváltoztatni a véremet
Igen, úgy tűnik, sosem engedem el
A külvárost
Mind azt mondják, hogy sosem változik semmi
Az arcukon lévő új vonalakon keresztül
Mind azt mondják, hogy sosem változik semmi
Az arcukon lévő új vonalakon keresztül
Igen, annyi történelem van ezeken az utcákon
És mama jó kajái
Oh, a Wonder megy ismétlésen
Annyi történelem van a fejemben
Az emberek, akiket elhagytam
Azok, akiket megtartottam
Hallottál engem a rádióban?
A dübörgő sztereódon
A külvárosban
Játszhatok bújócskát otthonról
Nem tudom megváltoztatni a véremet
Igen, úgy tűnik, sosem engedem el
A külvárost


Mondtam neked valami biztonságosat
Valamit, amit sosem mondtam még azelőtt
És én, én, én, nem tudom levenni rólad a kezemet
Míg te ébren fekszel
Beterítve az egész tegnap estével
Szárnyalok, szárnyalok, szárnyalok, sosem kapott még meg senki úgy, mint te
Csak magamnak akarlak téged
Ne hagyj el senkiért sem
Veled egy állat vagyok
Egy angyal sem tud visszacsábítani
És ahol vagyok, az forróbb, mint a pokol
Veled egy állat vagyok
Egy óda a fiúhoz, akit szeretek
Fiú, meghalok azért, hogy gondoskodjak rólad
Az enyém, enyém, enyém vagy, mondd, kinek tartozom ezért
És ahogy telnek a napok
Többek leszünk, mint átvészelők
És idővel, idővel, idővel, építeni fogunk egy otthont kettőnknek
Csak magamnak akarlak téged
Ne hagyj el senkiért sem
Veled egy állat vagyok
Egy angyal sem tud visszacsábítani
És ahol vagyok, az forróbb, mint a pokol
Veled egy állat vagyok
Minden rendben van a mezőn
Mikor a párom mellett fekszem
Bébi, te vagy az
Bébi, te vagy az
Csak odaút, mint egy nyíl
Minden kiterítve, mint egy tarot pakli
Bébi, te vagy az
Bébi, te vagy az
Csak magamnak akarlak téged
Ne hagyj el senkiért sem
Veled egy állat vagyok
Egy angyal sem tud visszacsábítani
És ahol vagyok, az forróbb, mint a pokol
Veled egy állat vagyok
Veled egy állat vagyok

Dew Drops

If I only knew
When I would die
Ah, my Lord, my God
I would've hired a carpenter
To build me a coffin
Ah, my Lord, my God
I'll just lie down and die
I'll fly up to God
Ah, my Lord, my God
I'm with our God
With great concerns
Ah, my Lord, my God
My silken grass,
Oh, my dew drops of pearl
Take me down, my dear God
From heaven - and back to earth
Ah, my Lord, my God
From heaven - and back to earth
Onto the yellow sands
Ah, my Lord, my God
My silken grass,
Oh, my dew drops of pearl

Santa In A T-Shirt

Santa Claus will come in a T-Shirt
Using a flipflop and jeans shorts
Playing the agogô instead of the bells
Singing his namesake's1 'Palpite Infeliz'...who wrote this song
Then, it will be Christmas Day
The night will be happier
He will extend a towel on the gutters
Of every suburban square of the country
He will bring liquor, rice, beans, chili pepper
Dulce de leche, gummy beans and quindim2
Then, it will be Christmas Day
The night will be happier
And children blocks will come over
From their newspaper beds
And drag-queens
Carnaval's thin men3
With their feet on the ground
Soldiers of passion
A bandoline
Someone will bring along a guitar
A tambourine
And the crowd will dance as the bells ring
Back on the hill, another boy will be born
And in sunrise, kiskadees will come
On Christmas Day
We can be happy
And children blocks will come over
From their newspaper beds
And drag-queens
Carnaval's thin men3
With their feet on the ground
Soldiers of passion
A bandoline
Someone will bring along a guitar
A tambourine
And the crowd will dance as the bells ring
Back on the hill, another boy will be born
And in sunrise, kiskadees will come
On Christmas Day
We can be happy
Back on the hill, another boy will be born
And in sunrise, kiskadees will come
On Christmas Day
We can be happy
Happy, happy...
  • 1. A reference to Noel Rosa...
  • 2. A Brazilian sweet
  • A pun on the three wise men
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


[1. Versszak]
Kirándulj egyet a kertemben
Olyan sok mindent tudnék mutatni
A szökőkútak és a vizek
Könyörögnek, hogy megismerjenek
És ez igaz, kicsim
Ezt neked tartogattam, kicsim
[2. Versszak]
Azt hiszem ez olyasmi, mint egy vidámpark
Tedd a gázt a motorba
És ott találkozunk
Együtt hullámvasútazunk
És ez igaz, kicsim
Ezt neked tartogattam, kicsim
Szükségem van rád, hogy
Elmondd mielőtt lemegy
Ígérd meg, hogy
Fogod a kezem, ha megrémülök
Talán szólok, hogy
Álljunk meg egy pillanatra, kicsim, lassítsunk
Tudnod kell, hogy én, tudnod kell hogy én
(Igen virágzom) Csak te érted virágzom
(Virágzom) csak te érted
(Igen virágzom) Csak te érted virágzom
(Virágzom) csak te érted
Gyerünk, kicsim, játssz engem mint egy szerelmes dalt
Minden alkalomkor mikor előjön
Elkap ez az édes vágy
(Igen virágzom) Csak te érted virágzom
(Virágzom) csak te érted
[3. Versszak]
Eljött a tökéletes évszak
Igen, ugorjunk neki ezúttal
Táncolunk a fákkal és
Erre vártam egész életemben
És ez igaz, kicsim
Ezt neked tartogattam, kicsim
Szükségem van rád, hogy
Elmondd mielőtt lemegy
Ígérd meg, hogy
Fogod a kezem, ha megrémülök
Talán szólok, hogy
Álljunk meg egy pillanatra, kicsim, lassítsunk
Tudnod kell, hogy én, tudnod kell hogy én
(Igen virágzom) Csak te érted virágzom
(Virágzom) csak te érted
(Igen virágzom) Csak te érted virágzom
(Virágzom) csak te érted
Gyerünk, kicsim, játssz engem mint egy szerelmes dalt
Minden alkalomkor mikor előjön
Elkap ez az édes vágy
(Igen virágzom) Csak te érted virágzom
(Virágzom) csak te érted
Csak te érted
Csak te érted virágzom
Csak te érted virágzom
Kicsim, kicsim Ezt neked tartogattam, kicsim
Kicsim, kicsim Ezt neked tartogattam, kicsim
(Igen virágzom) Csak te érted virágzom
(Virágzom) csak te érted
(Igen virágzom) Csak te érted virágzom
(Virágzom) csak te érted
Gyerünk, kicsim, játssz engem mint egy szerelmes dalt
Minden alkalomkor mikor előjön
Elkap ez az édes vágy
(Igen virágzom) Csak te érted virágzom
(Virágzom) csak te érted
Csak te érted
Csak te érted virágzom
Csak te érted virágzom
Csak te érted
Csak te érted virágzom
Csak te érted virágzom


If you're disappointed
with the guy you like
if your love gets you down
Don't lose hope
And when you're crazy in love
And when you lose your dearest
Don't lose yourself
Bad and bad rejoicing
Just blaming you
When something is killing you
or something makes you alive
And when you're crazy in love
And when you lose your dearest
Don't lose yourself.
Alone, if you remain alone
Don't let the others find out
Because they'll celebrate your loneliness and sorrow
And when you're in pain
Call me for love
I won't betray you
Everyone is pretending to be happy
Alone, if you remain alone
Don't let the others find out
Because they'll celebrate your loneliness and sorrow
And when you're in pain
Stay strong
Those miserable people lighting candles
And wishing them luck.
If you're disappointed
with the guy you like
if your love gets you down
Don't lose hope
And when you're crazy in love
And when you lose your dearest
Don't lose yourself
Alone, if you remain alone
Don't let the others find out
Because they'll celebrate your loneliness and sorrow
And when you're in pain
Call me for love
I won't betray you
Everyone is pretending to be happy
Alone, if you remain alone
Don't let the others find out
Because they'll celebrate your loneliness and sorrow
And when you're in pain
Stay strong
Those miserable people lighting candles
And wishing them luck.

I Love Students (Long Live Students)

Long live students!
Garden of our joy,
They are fearless birds
In front of any animal or the police
And they aren't scared of bullets
Or packs of hounds and their barking
Good grief, good heavens!
Long live astronomy!
I like students
Because they protest
When they're told it's flour
When everyone knows it's bran
And they don't play dumb and deaf
They rise up to the occasion
Good grief, good heavens!
The code of laws!
I like students
Because they are the yeast
In the bread that will come out of the oven
In all its tastiness
For the mouth of the poor
Who eats in bitterness
Good grief, good heavens!
Long live literature
Long live students!
Garden of our joy,
They are fearless
Birds in front of animals or the police
And they aren't scared of bullets
Or packs of hounds and their barking
Good grief, good heavens!
Long live astronomy!

Oh God

Our wish is to establish our state.
They say you have not been a nation, there are no nations left
Without independence and a state except for the Kurds
They say that you do not have your own history you are Persian, you are Arab,
You are Turkish and you never get on well with each other
They say you do not have a language. Is it Zazaki or Kurmanc�
Or Soran� or Loran� or Gor�, who are Kurds ?
You neither have a common religion nor a sect
There are Muslims, Christians
Zoroastrians, Jews, Alevis and Sunnis

Cardinal Points

Your look
Is a wild sea for me
Where I risk my ships
Everytime I leave the dock
I lost everything
The air of someone who does not dreams
The pride, the shame
My cardinal points
I still lose
My evil forebodings
The insulation bonds
Of my always same days
I lost everything
The rancor of those who are unhappy
The fear of the scars
That a big love can cause
Why speak anymore
Why want more
if I never seen (been) so close to be happy
Your look
Is a wild sea for me
Where I risk my ships
Everytime I leave the dock
I lost everything
The rancor of those who are unhappy
The fear of the scars
That a big love can cause
Why speak anymore
Why want more
if I never seen (been) so close to be happy

Clowns and Kings

When the party ends
Wednesday rises
I'll dress my costume
With clowns and kings
I'll live
When the party ends
Wednesday rises
I'll dress my costume
With clowns and kings
I'll live
Hey, little girl
It hurts me, it makes me sad
To know what life does to us
It destroys, denies
Curses and mistreats
All year long
When the year ends
February rises
I'll tear my costume up
I'll shake1, I'll be myself
I'll sing, I'll be myself
I'll smile, I'll be myself
I'll die inside the madness
When the year ends
February rises
I'll tear my costume up
I'll shake1, I'll be myself
I'll sing, I'll be myself
I'll smile, I'll be myself
I'll die inside the madness
  • One can use the verb 'pular' to mention any movement in general
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Two cards for the end

Who would go on a new path
when everything is left on the old one
we were the most beautiful only
when we enjoyed what we had
But we went bad
and pushed our love to the level of a dream
you still await for the same
mistakes to repeat themselves
But we went bad
and pushed our love to the level of a dream
you still await for the same
mistakes to repeat themselves
Two cards for the end
don't look at your gift in the face
it's from God
We were a flop
even if everything would have happened
The past cannot
be buried that easily
wave to your new happiness
neither is it easy for me
I won't be the first to say
that I wanted more
and I would return
without a moment's hesitation
Because I'd find myself how
I love and hate too much
still I await for the
feelings to rise again
I'd find myself how
I love and hate too much
still I await for the
feelings to rise again
Two cards for the end
don't look at your gift in the face
it's from God
We were a flop
even if everything would have happened
The past cannot
be buried that easily
wave to your new happiness
neither is it easy for me

It's she(Star)

If you want a star, I will get it for you
If you have a spark, I will light it for you,
( It's deja vu)
You won't notice, as we jump from the edge.
And if you don't have happiness, I'll give it to you.
This is not our city, we are making it nervous.
This melody, and it sounds
It's she, it's she has driven me insane,
It's she, it's she has clouded everything.
And the current carries me to those places,
Where night and day there is fire between us (2X)
If you want a star, I will get it for you
If you have a spark, I will light it for you,
( It's deja vu)
You won't notice, as we jump from the edge.
The nights are flying by so passionately,
The city seeing stars , that are not yours eternally
It does not matter, I will be with you,
You will be with me and I will be with you.
Chorus (2X).
By mistake we have wasted time,
I look at the trap and I don't want to go back
Those eyes, like a trap,
Every night I see, how
Trembling in my hands
My tender star.
Chorus (2X)

Oh Enemy

Oh enemy Kurdish people live on
Kurds have not been defeated by weapons of any time
Let no one say Kurds are dead, Kurds are living
The Kurds are alive, Their flag will never fall
We, the youth are the red colour of the revolution
Look how much blood we have been forced to shed
Let no one say Kurds are dead, Kurds are living
The Kurds are alive, Their flag will never fall
We are the children of the Medes and Kai Khosrow
Our faith and religion are our homeland
Our faith and religion are Kurd and Kurdistan
The Kurds are alive, Their flag will never fall
The Kurdish youth have risen like lions
To adorn the crown of life with blood
Let no one say Kurds are dead, Kurds are living
The Kurds are alive, Their flag will never fall
Forever will be ready to sacrifice our lives
They will sacrifice each life they have, each life they have
Let no one say Kurds are dead, Kurds are living
The Kurds are alive, Their flag will never fall

Demon On Alert

You made yourself my keeper
You protect and lay down your weapons
In your claws you make what you want of me
My demon on alert
You made yourself my keeper
You protect and lay down your weapons
In your claws you make what you want of me
My demon on alert
You protect my dreams
Give me brandy and orgy nights
You make me bored
Give me the idle chatter of the corner
To then throw the cops on me
You made yourself my keeper
You protect and lay down your weapons
In your claws you make what you want of me
My demon on alert
You elected yourself my keeper
You protect and lay down your weapons
In your claws you make what you want of me
My demon on alert
You want me to look like you
You make me be disgusting and suddenly
Open up all of my doors
You tempt me, stir me and drive me crazy
To then throw the dogs on me
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Winds of June

Yesterday the winds of June
Pinching with the cold
Men gathering some wood
On a huge fire
Burning Saint John's Day
Ladies dressed up in cloth and ribbons
Dance of pretty witches
A party of fire and wood
Old ladies from Minas1
Widows of God
Trails, bites, shortcuts
Horseback talks, harness friendships
And today, barbed horizons, sunniness
Locks, latch, gate
That, on the roads of Minas1,
No longer open
  • Minas Gerais, one of the Brazilian states
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


Luckily you are there now
And I get to sway you now
because with you I have more fun
It feels like I'm gasoline
that wont' be ignited
by anything else than your fingertips
An artist without a painting,
I'm a song without singing,
just a joke without laughter
I'm a room without light
You are the water, I am thirsty
When we are skin against skin
You are half of me, baby
Everything here belongs to us
If you leave on other roads
Half of me will die, baby
You are half of me, baby
You can go and come
Just like you will
I can't ever own you
Although you'd pass for me,
just us two together
we are more than halves
A sailboat without wind
I'm a wolf without the Moon
Without your mouth
I won't disappear into the dark
Always be afraid and careful
I want to say to you
You are half of me, baby
Everything here belongs to us
If you leave on other roads
Half of me will die, baby
You are half of me, baby
You are half of me, baby
If break, break, break
then it will be fixed
I fight for you, baby
I'll do anything, anything, anything
So I'll get you to laugh
Till the horns blow for us
You are half of me, baby
Everything here belongs to us
If you leave on other roads
Half of me will die, baby
You are half of me, baby
You are half of me, baby