Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 119


Weed Was Unfamiliar to Me

You deserted me and went then I ruined
I put the only solution, death, on my mind
You deserted me and went then I ruined
I put the only solution, death, on my mind
I found a new friend for me
Weed was unfamiliar to me, now i'm rattling for it
I found a new friend for me
Weed was unfamiliar to me, now i'm rattling for it
I'm rattling for it, crazy for it, addicted to it
Weed was unfamiliar to me, now i'm rattling for it
I'm rattling for it, crazy for it, addicted to it
Weed was unfamiliar to me, now i'm rattling for it
I had been waiting for years, each time I reckoned it has come
I reckoned happiness hugs me too
When you deserted, I burnt and burnt
Love is lie, I just realised
All of my lovers sowed tears in my heart
Eventually deserted one day
Locked my hurting heart in cinder
Her body is fallen and ruined now
The name of break up is on you, the taste of hate is on you
Eyes are tripped out again
My head is shot in the hood
Damn, I am alone in the hood again
I hit my head at the wall
Tore my hair with my shaking hands
I hit my head at the wall
Tore my hair with my shaking hands
While I was seeking a remedy for my desperate trouble
I enslaved by that hazal-eyed
While I was seeking a remedy for my desperate trouble
I enslaved by that hazal-eyed
I'm rattling for it, crazy for it, addicted to it
Weed was unfamiliar to me, now i'm rattling for it
I'm rattling for it, crazy for it, addicted to it
Weed was unfamiliar to me, now i'm rattling for it

Dust, Ash and Smoke

A rented kitchenette
Where I lay my body down
Papers on the table, scratched
Common verses about misfortune
A glass of whisky close
Dust, ash and smoke
And a poster of her on the wall
Behind the filthy glass
A record-player on
An open book on the bed
A mute TV, melodrama
And I, without having eaten, awake
Two Hollywood cigarettes, unlit
The last dose is spilt
And I, kind of drunk,
Get out and enjoy myself in the mud
I've always been alone
I know this
I'm always alone
I'll always be
I've always been alone
I know this
I'm always alone
I'll always be
I've always been alone
I know this
I'm always alone
I'll always be
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


She raises her leg like she´s dancing can-can
when I start, I choose to give it, to give it
the butt goes up and down, it says bam bam
who´ll resist longer I want to know, to know
I was born from speed
I´m made from blood and gasoline
and you´re a dangerous curve
this´ll be a paw of memory
I was born from speed
I´m like a bomb in explosion
and you´re the machine of fire
so you better remember everything
Yes, yes, baby, I would hold you so strong
how I like when you´re the handle
when you hit me
when you shake your hips
like the climate was rising
you´re the only one in the world
who has butt so good
Yes, yes, baby, just follow the rhythm
just keep on breaking
the receive isn´t important
you know well that I know
what I would like to ask you
dont´t give me anything
just keep dancing
This town is small
for you are New York, London and Bambin
tonight turns like a tsunny
a little cat in tiger claws
She raises her leg like she´s dancing can-can
when I start, I choose to give it, to give it
the butt goes up and down, it says bam bam
who´ll resist longer I want to know, to know
I was born from speed
I´m made from blood and gasoline
and you´re a dangerous curve
this´ll be a paw of memory
I was born from speed
I´m like a bomb in explosion
and you´re the machine of fire
so you better remember everything
Yes, yes, baby, I would hold you so strong
how I like when you´re the handle
when you hit me
when you shake your hips
like the climate was rising
you´re the only one in the world
who has butt so good
Yes, yes, baby, just follow the rhythm
just keep on breaking
the receive isn´t important
you know well that I know
what I would like to ask you
dont´t give me anything
just keep dancing
This town is small
for you are New York, London and Bambin
tonight turns like a tsunny
a little cat in tiger claws
She raises her leg like she´s dancing can-can
when I start, I choose to give it, to give it
the butt goes up and down, it says bam bam
who´ll resist longer I want to know, to know
I was born from speed
I´m made from blood and gasoline
and you´re a dangerous curve
this´ll be a paw of memory
I was born from speed
I´m like a bomb in explosion
and you´re the machine of fire
so you better remember everything


Az igazság vadul szalad,
mint egy könnycsepp az arcon lefelé
Megpróbálva megmenteni a méltóságom, és apu szívét a töréstől,
Ez a hang bennem
Megpróbálva helyettesíteni a szerelmet, amit tettetek
Azzal, amire mindkettőnknek szüksége van
Az igazság vadul szalad,
Mint a gyerekek a betonon
Megpróbálom megnyugtatni, az elmém a saját kalitkájában van
És érzéketlen azzal, amit látok
Ébren, tágra nyílt szemekkel
Ordítok magamra
Próbálva megtartani a hitet és elképzelni az arcát,
ahogy rám néz
Egy részem elvesztése nélkül hogyan jutok a Mennyországba?
Egy részem megváltoztatása nélkül hogyan jutok a Mennyországba?
Az összes időm elvesztegetett,
úgy érzem, a szívem hibázott
Szóval ha el kell vesztenem egy részem,
Talán nem is akarom a Mennyországot
Az igazság vadul szalad,
Ahogy az eső a tengerbe
Próbálom kiegyenesíteni a sorokat, amiket felvázoltam
Hogy találjak egy kis szabadulást
Ez a hang belül
Próbálom elfogadni a képet, amit festettem
Hogy szabaddá színezzen*
Egy részem elvesztése nélkül hogyan jutok a Mennyországba?
Egy részem megváltoztatása nélkül hogyan jutok a Mennyországba?
Az összes időm elvesztegetett,
úgy érzem, a szívem hibázott
Szóval ha el kell vesztenem egy részem,
Talán nem is akarom a Mennyországot
Szóval elszámolok tizenötig
Elszámolok tizenötig,
elszámolok tizenötig
Szóval elszámolok tizenötig
Elszámolok tizenötig,
elszámolok tizenötig
Egy részem elvesztése nélkül hogyan jutok a Mennyországba?
Egy részem megváltoztatása nélkül hogyan jutok a Mennyországba?
Az összes időm elvesztegetett,
úgy érzem, a szívem hibázott
Szóval ha el kell vesztenem egy részem,
Talán nem is akarom a Mennyországot
Ha valami pontatlanságot észleltek, üzenetben vagy kommentben jelezzétek! :)


Did you ever met hunger?
She is a classy woman
Living in the rubbish.
[That's] the black and vile hunger.
She shows herself at the right moment
With her scent of roasted chicken:
As rapid and as violent
As a toad's tongue.
In the name of hunger I killed my illusions,
Surrendering1 I tapped the occasions,
And I worked like a madman at things I didn't believe in
Letting die the grass on which I trampled on.
Did you ever met hunger? Hu - hu - hu -hunger.
Did you ever asked your friend for money
Showing your empty pockets,
And you swallowed your pride2 saying:
'I'm sorry, I was cleaned out'.
Did you ever feel - sticked in your back -
Irony's arrows?
Did shame ever make you tremble
and think: 'Your death is my life?'3
In the name of hunger I killed my illusions,
Surrendering1 I tapped the occasions,
And I worked like a madman at things I didn't believe in
Letting die the grass on which I trampled on.
Did you ever met hunger? Hu - hu - hu -hunger.
  • bending my knees
  • 2. lit. 'your embarrassment'
  • 3. See 'Mors tua, vita mea' in

You'll Forget About Me Far Away

Hills turned yellow and reddish. Steep cliffs are close,
They've been scorched by the sweltering heat,
Rocky cliffs, sky high ridges' retreat.
On the wall of our wet hut just mildew grows,
But the cherished blooms wilted unlit,
Wreath of flowers its scent won't emit,
Still the sea can't be seen in the brilliance,
As it drowns in the bright sunny spray:
Why's the sail hanging low from a distant stance,
What's your sorrow, white sail, can't you say?
You'll forget about me far away.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Ivan Toporijkin (Ivan Hatchettenny)

Ivan Hatchettenny went hunting with his dog.
this poodle joined him after a jump over the fence.
Ivan , as a log, falled in the swamp,
And the poodle drowned in the river as an axe.
Ivan Hatchettenny went hunting with his dog.
this poodle went skipping with him as an axe.
Ivan as a log tumbled down on the swamp,
And the poodle in the river jumped over the fence.
Ivan Hatchettenny went hunting with his dog.
this poodle in the river falled in the fence.
Ivan, as a log, jumped over the swamp,
And the poodle while skipping got on the axe.

The day will come-I'll disappear...

Versions: #2
The day will come-I'll disappear,
But in this room empty, silent
Still will remain: table, chair
And image, simple and ancient.
And just the same will fly in
Colourful butterfly in silk,
To flutter, rustle and to thrill
Against an old blue ceiling.
And just the same blue, deep sky
Through open window will pry
And sea with it's calm blue
Into the vast expanse will beckon you

Roata's speach to Divan

1. I make apples and the wine,
I plough the land every year,
I know the taste of the wormwood,
I'm not a boyar, but I'm a peasant.
I bring flowers to the orchard,
And the larks into the field
I tell my longing through ballad and now at Divan.
R: The sky was coming down to the waters when Ion Roata was speeking,
The mountains were drawing near,
The Danube was speeking, too.
And the forest twitched like fire
The grain roused from sleep.
Roata was shouting: 'We want with the Land , We want Cuza Prince!'
2. Here's the flint word
About hard work and justice,
My Land's life is like the heart beating on and on
You, boyars! You, householders!
Like the cherry in the garden
After winter it sprouts
We will come to light.


Sensual touch of your hand, gives me fever,
Warm and joyful glitter of your eyes,
You're like an incessant flow of mountain river,
That gave us passion of those nights,
Forgotten road, we walk together,
The roofs are flying off, we losing our mind.
And this feeling to late stop,
To love and dream, to feel and act!
You and I! You and I!
Chemistry! Chemistry!
Don't let me go free
Don't leave me a choice!
You're my, you're- my chemistry, my magic!
Read all of my thoughts,
Like right now, seduce me!
You and I! You and I!
Chemistry! Chemistry!
Don't let me go free
Don't leave me a choice!
You're my, you're- my chemistry, my magic!
There is no stopping to our feelings,
That takes us into oblivion!
Through my body flows adrenaline,
The whole universe for two, embraced us,
Boundless count back of joyful hours,
To join every minute with each other,
The roofs are flying off, we losing our mind.
And this feeling to late stop,
To love and dream, to feel and act!
To kiss and rave, to eclipse everything with you!
You and I! You and I!
Chemistry! Chemistry!
Don't let me go free
Don't leave me a choice!
You're my, you're- my chemistry, my magic!
Read all of my thoughts,
Like right now, seduce me!
You and I! You and I!
Chemistry! Chemistry!
Don't let me go free,
Stupidity, pheromones,
We encounter each other orbits,
We're diving into the clouds,
Through the clouds radars can't see...
When you're near, it's hard for me to talk,
I dis-disappear, and so are you,
Dissolved in the space without a trace...
You and I! You and I!
Chemistry! Chemistry!
Don't let me go free
Don't leave me a choice!
You're my, you're- my chemistry, my magic!
Read all of my thoughts,
Like right now, seduce me!
You and I! You and I!
Chemistry! Chemistry!
Don't let me go free
Don't leave me a choice!
You're my, you're- my chemistry, my magic!
There is no stopping to our feelings,
That takes us into oblivion!
Chemistry! Chemistry!

The Frosty Breath Of Sudden Windy Snowstorm...

The frosty breath of sudden windy snowstorm
Stays fresh through night, but gale wind settled down.
The mossy snow bed shimmers like white gown,
The mourning firs in snowdrifts try to stay warm.
The midnight sky is low and black as coal, -
Just in its depth, with Milky Way creations,
It mystic bottom shows through gaping hole
And flames with cold of distant constellations.
The sky is sometimes darkened by cloud bands...
But night turns cold. And tired whirlwind slips low,
Like hissing serpent glides above the deep snow
And burns it with dry fire's twisted strands.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


Oh, where are you, my star, the cherished one,
The crown of heavenly abode?
Where's the enchantment, the unanswered one,
Of snows and high Moon's golden lode?
Where have you gone, my midnight wanderings
Among the moonlit bare plains?
My hopes, my vestal thoughts and ponderings
Of distant youth: what still remains?
Blaze up, display the hundred-color force,
The star that won't die - that I swore,
Above my grave, remote and cold repose,
That God forgot forevermore!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Grey-Silver Heaven Over Me...

Grey-silver heaven over me
And naked forest - stripped, uncovered.
Below, along the forest lea,
The dirt shows black through leaves discolored.
Above is cold noise, throwing shots,
Below's the silence of life wilting...
My youth years're wanderings and tilting,
And quiet joy of lonely thoughts!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


The scattered grains of fire grow in heaven,
They grow in outer world without end.
At sight of stars the soul feels humble leaven:
For God's works can't be fathomed by mere men.
However from the Orient by midnight
Dead Saturn rises, shining like lead hoard.
For they are truly sinister and bring fright -
Your deeds, Creator Lord!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Temporary relaxation

The sun is painting colourful day
there, where once was shade-there is light
the summer is coming and take you
there, where mouthful of fresh air
the day passes quickly- it will be night
the morning going by- meeting the light
together you walk everywhere shoulder to shoulder
the summer going by leaving the traces
(temporary relaxation)
Temporary relaxation- I feel the summer heat
and I can't stop the time
temporary relaxation-the song is on repeat
temporary relaxation- for us
temporary relaxation- I feel the summer heat
and I can't stop the time
temporary relaxation-the song is on repeat
Temporary relaxation- for us
The sun is smiling for you so
as if you're a bird, that fly in to eternity
you are already on the wings and your plane
flying in the sky long distance
the day passes quickly- it will be night
the morning going by- meeting the light
together you walk everywhere shoulder to shoulder
the summer going by leaving the traces
(temporary relaxation)
Temporary relaxation- I feel the summer heat
and I can't stop the time
temporary relaxation-the song is on repeat
temporary relaxation- for us
temporary relaxation- I feel the summer heat
and I can't stop the time
temporary relaxation-he song is on repeat
temporary relaxation- for us


[Estrofa 1: Jazmine Sullivan]
Tengo mucho en que pensar
Estoy pensando que necesito un descanso para quitar el lío, caray
¿Me das un segundo, un poco de espacio?
Has estado en mi cabeza, jugando
Eres demasiado dominante
Me tienes sintiendo que no puedo respirar, ni siquiera puedo juntarme con un amigo
No hay ninguna razón para no confiar en mí, soy tu mejor no una esclave
Eres mi hombre no mi amo, me escaparé pensando ¿hacia quién puedo correr?
Me tienes buscando un nuevo chico
Que tenga una vibra tranquila, que pueda descansar, que no busque peleas, que no sea inseguro
[Coro: Jazmine Sullivan]
¿Por qué tienes que ser tan inseguro?
Cuando yo hice todo lo posible, pero andas queriendo más
Y ¿por qué no puedes parar de estar encima de mí?
Y puedo aguantar mucha porquería, pero no aguantaré eso
[Estrofa 2: Bryson Tiller]
Hace mucho que no he estado en casa - he estado de viaje
Fuera del estado por el trabajo
No sé lo que haces, me pregunto qué haces
Tienes chicos deseándote, nunca dejaré que te desperdicies
Eres mi tesoro, nena, no mi basura
Esta sed está a punto de alócarme
¿Por qué te trato como un trofeo?, controlador
Te digo que eso es mejor que no tener a ninguna fiera
Si encuentras a alguien mejor te puedo liberar
Para de inventar historias, me conoces, soy tu amigo
No lo cortes, lo hemos dicho todo y lo hemos hecho todo
Lo quiero todo para mí solo, perdon si estoy pareciendo inseguro
(Ooh, sí, sí)
[Coro: Jazmine Sullivan]
¿Por qué tienes que ser tan inseguro?
Cuando yo hice todo lo posible, pero andas queriendo más
Y ¿por qué no puedes parar de estar encima de mí?
Y puedo aguantar mucha porquería, pero no aguantaré eso
[Estrofa 3: Jazmine Sullivan]
Nunca confías en nadie, es importante
¿Alguna vez has oído de eso, es extraño para ti?
¿Es un buen tiempo realmente aburrido para ti?
Te comportas como Suge Knight, siempre tratando de pelear
¿Eres un abusón o un amante?
¿Eres un hombre o mi hermano mayor?
Nene algo no está bien entre todo esto
Lo haces difícil querer quedarme contigo
Soy tu mejor no una esclave
Eres mi hombre no mi amo, me escaparé
Pensando ¿hacia quién puedo correr?
Me tienes buscando un nuevo chico
Soy una niña buena pero estás inventando las cosas
Estás a punto de darme buena razón para ser insegura
[Coro: Jazmine Sullivan]
¿Por qué tienes que ser tan inseguro? (tan inseguro)
Cuando yo hice todo lo posible, pero andas queriendo más (pero andas queriendo más y más)
Y ¿por qué no puedes parar de estar encima de mí?
Y puedo aguantar mucha porquería, pero no aguantaré eso (pero no aguantaré eso)

Why do I always sing

Don t ask my why I always sing
about my region, about that blue sea
don't ask me what I would do without my town (lit. my place)
and without singing (lit.song) in the old tavern
I can' t tell you anythithing else than what
it is that makes it better here than in the rest of this world
let them have all the richess in the world
but when asked my answer will be
there must be something about this sea
this sea filled with bura (hard stormy winds) and winter
this is where my mother has given me life (lit. has given birth to me)
and this is where you were born my son
wherever I go, I sing about you
whoever asks me, I make sure to tell them
this is where I come from, live at and will remain
untill I last lay down to sleep
lay down to sleep
People. please don't hold against me
that I sing, along with some good wine
the heart knows, it is not wrong
this here, is my home
there must be something about this sea
in this sea filled with bura (hard stormy wind) and winter
this is where my mother has given birth to me
and this is where you were born my son
wherever I go, I sing about you
whovever asks me I tend to tell them
this is where I come from, am at and will remain
untill I last lay down to sleep
lay down to sleep

The rat (The Lord of sewers)

I am a bad rat of the underworld
I eat everything, even polyurethane.
And it was so, that going hunting,
I ended up in an elegant house.
Who would have told it, who'd have suspected
that I was going to meet my fate?
They caught me, trapped me,
Then they throwed me in the cage of a living snake.
It moved as it saw me,
It was me its breakfast!
It wanted to hypnotize me,
then I felt that it was ready to attack me!
Lord of the sewers, please help me!
Why should I die - tell me -down here?
With cats and brooms i get by, you know,
but a snake, who's ever seen it? I've never!
It swings a little, I go backward,
then it snaps right over me, I move!
It beats hard its head on the glass,
It remains dead there, squirmed.
Quietly and calmly i devoured it,
but not the entire snake,I'm not exagerated!
And its owners, what a big feast,
they found the snake without its head.
The snake without its head, without its head.
Lord of the sewers, you're great, you know?
There's a logic in everything, even if you don't want it.
There's who wants to fool and he remains fooled
like that snake that I devoured... digested...

One night

One night was enough for you
To solve all problems
To forget about us
And you leave me, it's not dilemma here
One day is too much for you
To be found by better ones
The ones that are better than me
Because the ones like you always find each other

Our love smells like an end tonight
Because you leave for someone's else hug
To someone's else place when everything is being sold
You give up us (our love) here, you sold our love
Tonight some happy loves
Pass through the city
Much happier than us
Eh, if I could hear your voice
(Refrain x2)
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

If I fall

Whenever I stay alone
An old film comes back to me
Fear of thing that they'd set us apart
Pushes me to the wall
And I dial your number
I know the time is not decent
What to do if I'm not strong (enough)
A telephone would call you by itself
Just to hear your voice
To tell you that I'm yours
What to do if you're all that I want
What to do if I fly with you
Only you lift me to the sky
If I fall, it's sure I die
What to do if I love you so much
That I still exist because of you
Why are you crying because of it now?
I need you as strong one, if I'd fall
I know the time is not decent
What to do if I'm not strong (enough)
A telephone would call you by itself
Just to hear your voice
To tell you that I'm yours
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

You to be here

I need you so often
I breathe to the end with you
And just you to be here
When all hopes will get drowned
You lift me up to the sky
When I need it the most
And even more
(Even more) Than it's normal
Refrain (2x)
You to be here when everybody turns his back to me
And when bad days touches me
And I can, I can lose everything
Because I have everything when I can kiss you
Happy ones are afraid of sadness
You carry happiness for two
With you (happiness) is bigger
With you sadness is happiness
You lift me up to the sky
When I need it the most
And even more
(Even more) Than it's normal
Refrain (2x)
You to be here when everybody turns his back to me
And when bad days touches me
And I can, I can lose everything
Because I have everything when I can kiss you
You to be here when everybody turns his back to me
And when bad days touches me
And I can, I can lose everything
Because I have everything when I can kiss you
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

No one's girl

Loyalty is your weak side
Why do you do for years
Things that others have been doing to you?
Everyone will go crazy with you now
When he comes, you call him
And a little bit later you call me
Your nights are boring
You don't know when you'll go to which one (guy)
And I know that he doesn't have you
He doesn't have you just like I don't have you as well
You're not no one's girl anymore

I know you also don't have
Someone who's dear to you
You wear scars of your ex-loves
If someone loves you
It doesn't mean a thing for you
As you're the way you are
Even much stronger ones would fall down
Refrain (3x)
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

Don't shoot

Parting step by step
We're splitting the heart in half
The bridges are broken, we're one step to the dream
We didn't manage to save love
Reading everything in eyes
We entrust pain to words
Time, wait, don't be in such a hurry
Do you hear this beat in the chest?
Don't shoot my heart
Take this love
Take it all completely
I don't grudge anything for you
Don't shoot my heart
Take this love
Take it all completely
I don't grudge anything for you
To lose, but to let it go
It's easier to forget it all
Time, wait, don't be in such a hurry
Help me save love
Don't shoot my heart
Take this love
Take it all completely
I don't grudge anything for you
Don't shoot my heart
Take this love
Take it all completely
I don't grudge anything for you
Take this love!
Don't shoot my heart
Take this love
Take it all completely
I don't grudge anything for you
Don't shoot my heart
Take this love
Take it all completely
I don't grudge anything for you
© Sosnin Vladimir