Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 4


I am free

What is happening to me?
What's going on?
A moment ago I was clutched by a hand
Now I'm weightless
Why was exactly I taken
Out of a cardboard box of six?
I'm floating light as a feather
I'm flying away
I'm an egg
And yet much more
I am allegorical
I am a metaphor
Am I symbol of unity?
Fragile republic
Or do I symbolize Germany
When flying through the air?
But one thing I know
Deep inside of me
My shell may be fragile
But I know what I am
I am free
Full of dreams, full of hope
I am free
To a golden future
I am free
So boundless
So full of courage
(?) shackles
Detached in flight
I see Germany united
And Europe will prosper
I see peace here on earth
People will be brothers
No more poverty and suffering
Never again injustice
Harmony and love
Now my time comes
I am free
Almost like a (?)
And now a new time begins
You only have to believe in yourself
We are free
I am free

We are one

I protect our country
I am part of the resistance
I preserve the nation
And I want progression
Oh, so you're left-wing!
Yes, and you're a bit right-wing!
True that.
The wall that separates us
Is now a pile of debris
Will there be a happy ending now?
Or will everything fall apart?
I'll lead the way, give me your hand
I'm protecting our country
I'll always stand by you
At last I can see it clearly
I want to go with you
Whether forward or (?)
I'll go anywhere with you
Our love is so strong
We are one
Living in unity
We are free
We'll get ready to fly
Let us overcome walls
That separate and divide us
No borders, no fences
Our hearts are united
An egg can be a bridge
Jens, you protect my land
Spelled with a-i!
You take my fate into your hands
And even though it seems impossible
And even though it seems impossible
We'll go our way united

Throw an egg

In a country that's divided and split in two
Lives a nation disharmony and strife
No, no, no
Germany, finally free yourself
Throw an...
Oops! An egg! Yes exactly, there is a simple solution to all problems. Everyone should have an egg! Eggs, eggs for each of you! Maik, Jens, Dr. Kohl, the whole Juso gang! Everybody needs eggs! There's an egg at the end of the tunnel!
If nothing is progressing
Then throw an egg
If there's no way out
Then throw an egg
If you want to revolt against injustice
Throw an egg (3x)
If you want to change something
That cannot be changed
If you want to flee from restraints
If your life is cold and dull
Just say no!
Fight back against the state!
Get out of your comfort zone and choose disobedience over obedience!
Think out of the box!
Do something crazy!
Throw an egg (6x)
And on Sundays, throw two!
Throw an egg (2x)
From east to west
Have courage to make a mess
Throw an egg (3x)
I will destroy what destroys me!
Egg caramba!
If your boss is in the wrong
Throw an egg
If you don't want unity
Throw an egg
If you need money for your party
Throw an egg (3x)
If you want to feel something
If you want to destroy the system
If you're somehow a part of it too
Feel free
Count to three
Throw an egg
Throw an egg (5x)
Throw an egg (3x)
Sometimes things have to break in order to heal
Sometimes the walls aren't as thick as they appear
Throw the first domino
Throw an egg
An egg can be a bridge

When You're Near To Me

(Song starts at 0:33)
That got you by surprise, you sons of bitches, I know
Here comes the pale son of a policeman1
Who'd love to be a rapper
Well-known artists reach position 34 in the charts with cat lyrics
When I'm spitting rhymes, it's an affair of state!
I'm moving along on the edge between
Being fine and being in the hospital2
But for the next couple of lines
Or as they say 'bars'
I'm only here for that guy over there
You, Diggi-Dende
Always reliably leftist on stage
Prosecco fresh
You're moving in from the right with a vengeance
You're getting everything together
Because everything belongs together3
And people talking smack about you
Never bothered you
Now it's perfect
I mean: present perfect
I'm softly rapping
Farewell4, I know it's hard
This is just for you, plug your in-ears in
An intimate confessional song5
From Böhmermann to Dendemann
Ain't no escaping this, Diggedi
That's how it is in my biz
For you're always the first across the finish line
In Grand Aphorismo6
Jochenwings Smart Rate from Wickede to Mainz7
Fly, you silly bird
The sky's the limit - and it's all yours anyway!
When you're close to me
This hope is everything
And only you can save the day
Just because you're near
Hannah from costume department said
It costs probably more than a 1,000 EUR to buy online
Your innate bulletproof clean slate8
No, wet hand on my big heart9:
You're simply the best!
Never in god mode10, always preaching
Never digge-didactical but always teaching
An ironic man gets sentimental
When he admits
He's missing you already
Everything's coming to a Dende, eventually
Godspeed and best of luck
And if you're in need of a little cash
Just come back
And if you're lying in bed all depressed
And think: 'Oh well!'
Just call Janni, he's got lots of cement7
No matter how deep the hole
And always a handful of coal for your grill
Now go and make that record
We're waiting, jerk!
  • 1. Böhmermann's rap name is 'Polizistensohn', i.e. 'policeman's son'.
  • 2. AOK = statutory health insurance.
  • 3. Reference to former chancellor Kohl's saying 'What belongs together now comes together' about reunification in 1990.
  • 4. References an old song 'Sag beim Abschied leise Servus', i.e. 'Softly say 'farewell' when you say good-bye'.
  • 5. Portmanteau of 'Ständchen' (song, ditty) and 'Geständnis' (confession).
  • 6. Pun with 'aphorism' and the racing game 'Grand Tourismo'.
  • 7. a. b. Unclear reference, to do.
  • 8. Pun with 'schußsichere Weste' (bulletproof vest) and 'weiße Weste' (clean slate, lit. white vest)
  • 9. Pun with the idiom 'Hand auf's Herz' meaning 'let's be honest' (lit. 'hand on my heart')
  • 10. A term from computer gaming, meaning a mode in which the character cannot be harmed no matter what he does.
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.