Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 151


The Train of my Life

At birth, we get on the train
and we meet our parents.
We believe they will always travel with us.
Yet, at a station,
our parents will get off the train,
leaving us alone to continue the journey…
As time goes by,
other people get on the train.
And they will be important: our siblings,
friends, children, even the love of our life.
Many will resign
(even perhaps the love of our life)
and will leave a greater or lesser void.
Others will be so discreet
that we won’t realize they left their seats.
This train journey will be full of joy,
of pain, of expectations, of hellos,
goodbye and farewell.
The success is to have
good relations with all passengers
as long as we give the best of ourselves.
We don’t know which station we’ll get off at.
So let us live happily, love and forgive!
It is important to do so,
because when we get off the train,
we must leave only beautiful memories
to those who continue their journey…
Let’s be happy with what we have
and thank God for this fantastic journey.
Also, thank you for being one of those passengers
on my train.
And if I have to get off at the next station,
I’m glad I came a long way with you!
I want to tell everyone who’ll listen to this text
that I thank you for being in my life
and travel on my train.

Keep You Next to Me

Our loves come undone
Everything gets erased
Rushed by the passing time
When in the distance
In a murmur
Comes the song of the very old Indian
'Adventure enthusiasts
Respect fate'
I want to keep you next to me
Enamored body
Your mind
Plays like a whirling dervish1
The lovers disheveled by the dance
Of the holy torment
Sing to the morning
Prisoners of fate
I want to keep you next to me
Heavy secrets
Your whispers slip
Into our armors
Would you like to throw
Your legs around my waist again
I swear to you
I don't care about fate
I want to keep you next to me


Minden olyan világos volt
Elnyomtam a gyertyalángot
A napok olyan lassan telnek
Meghalok mielőtt megöregszem
Senkit se érdekel a jövő dicsőség
Tudom a történetem végét
Az utolsó szavaim írások
Holnaptól soha többé nem láttok
Olyan mint ezelőtt volt
Nem érzek már semmit
És amikor ezek a gondolatok eggyé válnak
Véget vetek ennek az életnek, hogy jobbá tegyem

Szerelmesek voltunk

Elhangzottak a durva szavak
Majd le lettek cserélve hazugságokra
Nem is akartalak megríkatni
De a szerelem tehet minket gyengévé és erőssé
És nem telt el túl sok idő
Mire teljesen szerelmes lettem beléd
Megmártóztam benned
Elvesztem benned, elbájoltál
Lenyűgöztél, elámultam tőled
Semmi baj nem lehet
Semmi baj nem lehet
Úgyhogy ma este énekelni fogok
Egy dalt az összes barátomnak
És azoknak is, akiket már nem fogunk többet látni
Azoknak, akiket ismerek és azoknak, akiket még mindig csodálok
És látni akarom őket még egyszer
Én csak azért imádkozok, hogy szeress
És, hogy bízz bennem
Nevess velem és sírj velem!
Töltsd velem azokat a csendes időket!
Szeress mindörökké!
Szeress mindörökké!
Szerelmesek voltunk, te és én
Az álmainkat nem savanyította meg az élet
És aztán a barátaim árulása
Azzal járt, hogy sosem lettél volna a feleségem
Elhangzottak a durva szavak
Majd le lettek cserélve hazugságokra
Nem is akartalak megríkatni
De a szerelem tehet minket gyengévé és erőssé
És nem telt el túl sok idő
Mire teljesen szerelmes lettem beléd
Megmártóztam benned
Elvesztem benned, elbájoltál
Lenyűgöztél, elámultam tőled
Semmi baj nem lehet
Semmi baj nem lehet
Semmi baj nem lehet

My youth’s slipping away

My youth’s slipping away
To the poem's finale
Rhyme by rhyme steps beyond
Exhausting its words
My youth’s slipping away
As a green garden alley
Leads to a dried up pond
Now abandoned by birds
No more walks in the woods
No more singing together
Of that childish song
Which was silly and lame
While daydreaming of girls
That at parties then gathered
I forgot the song’s name
I forgot the song’s name
No more walks in the woods
No bloom we can find
It is raining today
Our footprints are gone
Out of those many songs
That were then in my mind
Can’t recall even one
Can’t recall even one
My youth’s slipping away,
A guitar’s gently weeping
My youth’s silent and slow
I can’t stop it, alas
My youth’s moving away
Unrelentingly slipping
And it looks like you did
When we laid on the grass
No more walks in the woods
The fall day’s dark like night
Will the spring be returning -
Am I waiting in vain
For a glimmer of light
For some hope in the morning
That would stop my heart’s pain
That would stop my heart’s pain
No more fun in the woods
For us walking together
My youth’s slipping away
And in it I see you
And your steps make a sound
But you are gone forever
Oh if you only knew
Oh if you only knew

Farewell, pretty Candy

Versions: #1
Farewell, pretty Candy, it's in Orly
that finish your Paris holidays.
Farewell, pretty Candy, a voice 's calling,
it's time for you to go , already.
In this airplane
that is taking you to England.
Farewell, pretty Candy, you'll write to me,
as you say, but it's what people say.
Farewell, pretty Candy, I'll miss so much
all your smiles and your mistakes in French.
But this airplane
is taking you back to England.
Farewell, pretty Candy, Farewell, pretty Candy,
I will become a memory, a holiday picture,
Farewell, pretty Candy, and your lover,
over there, is extremely lucky.
Farewell, pretty Candy,

I’d give whatever

I’d give whatever to be with you
I’d give whatever to see you again
Today, in this apartment
Where the warm sun doesn’t’ shine, and the wind blows…
I’d give whatever to see you again
I’d give whatever to feel your body
I’d give whatever to keep you close again
And stroke your shoulder
While you are lying down softly, delicately...
I’d give whatever to see you again
In love with love
I can’t live without you
Alone with my solitude
I really miss you
As I feel you’re leaving me.
In love with love
Looking for your warmth
I only find darkness and cold…
I’d give whatever to be with you
I’d give whatever to call you now
I’d give whatever to hear your voice
On the other end of the phone
To fix my stupid, miserable life
I’d give whatever to see you again
In love with love
I can’t live without you
Alone with my solitude
I really miss you
As I feel you’re leaving me.
In love with love
Looking for your warmth
I only find darkness and cold…
I’d give whatever to be with you

Nem minden férfi

[Verse 1]
Volt már olyan,
hogy gyorsabban sétáltál éjfél után, amikor egyedül voltál?
Volt már olyan,
hogy szorosabbra húztad a kabátot és úgy tettél, mintha telefonálnál?
Volt már olyan,
hogy a nyelvedre haraptál, amikor valaki 'babynek' hívott?
Ha egy szót is szólsz, őrültnek fog beállítani.
Hát, velem már igen, és azt hiszem mással is.
Tudjuk, hogy nem minden férfi ilyen,
tudjuk, hogy nem minden férfi ilyen,
de néhányan igen,
úgyhogy visszatartjuk a lélegzetünket,
baby, mindezek ellenére is.
Nemet mondunk, ők mégis igennek veszik,
a ruhánkat okolják és nem minden férfi ilyen,
de minden nő hibás,
úgyhogy visszatartjuk a lélegzetünket,
baby, mindezek ellenére is.
[Verse 2]
Volt már olyan,
hogy magadat okoltad az ivásért, azt gondoltad te vagy az oka?
Volt már olyan,
hogy azt mondták hazudsz, mert ő olyan kedves és jóképű?
Volt már olyan,
hogy úgy érezted, mintha vernének, de nem maradtak nyomai?
Ha elmondod az igazat, azt mondják vége az életének.
Hát, velem már igen, és azt hiszem mással is.
Tudjuk, hogy nem minden férfi ilyen,
tudjuk, hogy nem minden férfi ilyen,
de néhányan igen,
úgyhogy visszatartjuk a lélegzetünket,
baby, mindezek ellenére is.
Nemet mondunk, ők mégis igennek veszik,
a ruhánkat okolják és nem minden férfi ilyen,
de minden nő hibás,
úgyhogy visszatartjuk a lélegzetünket,
baby, mindezek ellenére is.
És a szavaik olyanok, mint egy rossz tetoválás, túl prűd.'
'Magának csinálta.'
Bizalmi problémák, rosszhírek.
'Kibaszottul unalmas volt,
egy hatalmas kurva, és
ronda is volt reggel.'
És nem minden férfi ilyen, de minden nő az.
(De minden, minden nő az)
(De minden, minden nő az)

Toothache, Heartache

Toothache, heartache1
That's how our dream speaks
That's how a heavy secret speaks
How our fleeting loves speak
Heartache, toothache
The maps express as much
When we want to read into them
So that fate steps aside
Heartache, devine ache
The stars express as much
I suffered too much and you came
Like a stunning disaster
Body ache, soul ache, ache
Which eats away at us and carries us off
This is nothing, what matters
Is to sing at your door
I will open your door tonight
And your smile nevertheless
Will allow me to see
The joyful flash of your teeth
I will open your door tonight
Tonight, tonight
Toothache, heartache
Heartache from being too wise2
Heartache and in turns
A terrible and divine ache
My song ends thusly
And my heart sings in turn
Like our dream sings
Toothache, heartache
Heartache, heartache
  • 1. 'mal d'amour' can translate to 'lovesickness', but heartache flows much better in the song and means more or less the same thing
  • 2. I honestly can't figure out what 'par trop malin' is meant to mean here


The sea dying in the harbor
Reminds me the song
You were still singing yesterday,
To the sighs of the bandoneons.
I waited hours for you
To the shadows of the arcades,
Listening to the shouts
From the football match in the old stadium.
I looked for you in the streets,
In the coffee shops.
Even your friends couldn't
Tell me anything.
Some neighbors saw you leaving
With two men
Who pushed you in silence
In a Ford Falcon.
Disappeared, you have disappeared.
Disappeared, you have disappeared
On the street corner.
I never saw you ever again.
Just like a child fascinated
By his own wounds,
I don't want to forget
The pain of this adventure.
I asked everyone
Around me
But it is always the same answer
Every time.
I can't sleep anymore:
As soon as the doorbell rings,
I am afraid to see again
The men with the Ford Falcon.
Disappeared, you have disappeared.
Disappeared, on the street corner.
Disappeared, you have disappeared.
Disappeared, on the street corner.
I never saw you ever again.

Woman I love

Woman, woman, I'm just telling you
That I love you, I love you
You're like a shining sun
In my nights
And I am rooted in you
Woman, woman, I dedicate these words to you
To you, just to you
And they'll tell you, how from nothing
You made a man out of me.
Quiet, we're shooting. Lights, cameras!
Just some sweet and gentle shots
Don't worry, I'm right here.
We'll be so beautiful in colour.
Woman, woman, I'm just telling you
That I love you, I love you
You are burning fire
And I sleep, in your body
To reheat myself with you
Oh woman, woman, I dedicate these words to you
To you, just to you
You're like a sun that shines
In my nights
And I am here to stay.
Woman, woman, star of my secret movies*
You know I love you, I love you
And I sleep in your body
Woman, woman, I dedicate these words to you
To you, just to you
You're like a sun that shines
In my nights
I'm just telling you
That I love you, I love you
And I sleep, in your body
Woman I love

Cold Summer

Thinking of him, thinking of what he said that night
How could kapok flowers make a splendid summer?
It’s just that I didn’t understand his hint at that time
I found that I was so stupid, after all the kapok flowers fell
I was really so stupid, so stupid, so stupid
*Looking around with a confused heart
I no longer see the passionate chest
My amorous tears are warm
But they can't warm the long night
*Singing gently, while the desolation drifts in the wind
It is so bleak tonight
Maybe I should invite starlight
To share this sadness
Forget it, forget the cold eyes
No longer let the rain fall into my heart
Neon light no longer gleams the intoxicating light
Love without makeup turns out to be sad
It turns out to be sad, to be sad, to be sad
Repeat* x3

Spirits, who are eager to please us (Amadis Opera)

Spirits, who are eager to please us,
You, who watch here for our safety,
Your care is no longer necessary,
You can henceforth go free.
Let the sky announce to the Earth
The end of this enchantment,
Brilliant lightning, and loud thunder,
Mark with radiance this blessed moment.

Birth Of A New Age

Skin as rich as the starlit night
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
Deep currents running in the rivers of your eyes
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They spat on your crown and they poisoned your ground
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They burned your heroes at the stake
But your voice will echo all their names
This ain't the end no
It's the birth of a new age
You can't break me
You can't break me
You can't break me , break me
Soul blazin' like a hurricane
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
Spirit roaring wild like untamed flames
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They buried your guts, they imprisoned your thoughts
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They tried to train you off your faith
But you are the race that melts the chains
This ain't the end no
It's the birth of a new age
We are the fruit born in the legacy
Of every forgotten revolutionary
Born in resilience, proud like a lion
We are the birth of a new age
You can't break me
You can't break me
You can't break me , break me
I am half a cent


You are born from the rain
of my madness
Battered by the waves
Oh island...
You arise from the oblivion
Your landscape
Was born in the clouds
Oh island...
Daughter of the infinite
Taunting the sea
Taunting the sky of stars
Oh island...
I call to you in life
and in death
like a pyramid
Oh island...
With your flocks of birds
Your birdsongs
And me in a cage
Oh island...
Where my children dance
Little and big
As they come forth from my mind
Oh island...
I know that one day I will leave
I will fall asleep
For my last journey
On the island...
Daughter of the infinite
Taunting the sea
Taunting the sky of stars
Oh island...

Two kids in the sunshine

The sea without stopping
Rolled his pebbles.
Hair untied
They looked at each other
In the aroma of the pines
Sand and thyme
spreading along the beach.
They looked
at each other without speaking
As if they were drinking the water from their faces.
And it was as if everything was starting again.
The same innocence made them tremble
In front of the wonderful,
The miraculous
Journey of Love.
They spent the night outside,
And they slept adjacent to one another.
The sea has rocked them for a long time
And when they woke up
It was as if they were born again
In the first morning of the world.
The sea without stopping
Rolled his pebbles,
When they ran
Barefoot in the water
In the shade of the pines,
They took each other's hand
And without any resistance
They fell into the water
Like two birds
Under the warm kiss of their tender mouths
And it was as if everything was starting again.
Life, hope, and freedom
With the wonderful
The miraculous
Journey of Love.

Like you

She had light-colored eyes and a velvet dress
Next to her mother and the family around
She poses a little distracted in the gentle sun
of the end of the day
The photo is not good but you can see in it
Happiness personified and the sweetness of an evening
She loved music, especially Schumann
and then Mozart
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you whom I'm watch very quietly
Like you who sleeps while dreaming about what
Like you, like you, like you, like you
She was going to school at the village down below
She was learning books, she was learning laws
She was singing [about] frogs
And princesses who sleep in the woods
She loved her doll, she loved her friends
Especially Ruth and Anna and especially Jeremy
And they would get married one day maybe in Warsaw
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you whom I watch very quietly
Like you who sleeps while dreaming about what
Like you, like you, like you, like you
She was named Sarah she was not [even] eight years old
Her life, it was tenderness, dreams and white clouds
But other people had decided otherwise
She had your light-colored eyes and she was your age
She was a little girl who did not make trouble and very good
But she was not born like you,
here and now
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you whom I watch very quietly
Like you who sleeps while dreaming about what
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you, like you, like you, like you

Will it be a bird's song left?

What will be left on earth
Fifty years from now?
We poison rivers
And oceans.
We eat hydrocarbons,
What else do I know?
The Rhône river is carrying mercury
And dead fish.
For children of a new age,
Will it remain a bird song?
The world has lost its compass.
What did he gain?
Black beaches full of oil
For bathing.
The atom will reign on earth
Like a Lord.
What will we do with it? It is a matter
That scares me.
Hardly the misfortune of men
Is it smaller
That already apples are rotting
In this new age.
Children, children, the earth is round
Shout louder
For the world to wake up
If he is not dead yet.

Der Waffengang des Königs Johann

Gilgentag *
reiten wir,
bist behend,
flinker Fuchs.
Hör dir’s an,
es geht zum
Tjost von Kö-
nig Johann.
schlau und dick,
ihm zur Wehr
ein Tintenfass

Nothing Romanian Will Be Lost

The sweet language that we share
Will never be forgoten,
Cuz in it lays dormant and lives
All that's beautiful and just.
The brave and passionate voice
Resounds all over the plains and mountains,
Bringing close all our heats
To an undying destiny.
It is the bugle that you hear,
It is telling all those that are far away:
Nothing Romanian will be lost,
Will never be lost!
No matter what hardships we will endure, we swear that,
Cuz nothing Romanian will be lost,
Will never be lost!
The Romanians know how to deal with harsh times,
They believe in their own justice and in God!
When our country will aks us to give it our lifes
We will,
When the moment will come
We will make amends!
Cuz nothing Romanian will be lost,
Will never be lost!
All our history is being reborn inside me,
Full of youth and vigor,
The voice of those that paid their tribute
Is sending us word:
No matter what storm will be unleashed
Over our unmovable fate,
The Sun will rise up again
To light the path of our destiny!
Romanians, be ready when you will hear
The signal that will eliberate you!
When our country will aks us to give it our lifes
We will,
When the moment will come
We will make amends!
Cuz nothing Romanian will be lost,
Will never be lost!

Ethereal Castles

In a fairy tale, everything is simple -
The poor and the rich, the honest and the rascals all live side by side.
In a fairy tale, the wizard does good,
Only good.
A fairy tale castle stands somewhere
Truth rules there while falsehood is silent
People there like to believe in good,
Only good.
I so love to see dreams of early spring,
I so love these dreams, blue dreams.
Visions are visions, but days,
Like night lights,
Melt somewhere in the distance, ringing out.
And waking up the silence,
This wondrous motif
Has come from afar, like in a dream.
It's always like this, always,
We build castles and cities.
I didn't see ethereal castles,
But I drew them.
I painted them in pink,
A color that looks like the spring dawn.
I settled a dream into these castles,
A fairy tale dream.
I so love to see dreams of early spring,
I so love these dreams, blue dreams.
Visions are visions, but days,
Like night lights,
Melt somewhere in the distance, ringing out.
And waking up the silence,
This wondrous motif
Has come from afar, like in a dream.
I so love to see dreams of early spring,
I so love these dreams, blue dreams.
Visions are visions, but days,
Like night lights,
Melt somewhere in the distance, ringing out.
And waking up the silence,
This wondrous motif
Has come from afar, like in a dream.

Farmert fel

Amikor felébredek a reggeli napfényben
Felhúzom a farmerom és jól érzem magam
Felhúzom a kék farmerom
Felhúzom az öreg kék farmerom (csa-csa)
Felhúzom a kék farmerom
Felhúzom az öreg kék farmerom (csa-csa csa-csa)
Hétvége van, és tudom, hogy szabad vagy,
Szóval húzd fel a farmerod és gyere el velem
Szükségem van arra, hogy itt legyél mellettem
Szükségem van arra, hogy küzel érezzelek magamhoz (csa-csa)
Szükségem van arra, hogy itt legyél mellettem
Szükségem van arra, hogy küzel érezzelek magamhoz
Te és én, motorozni megyünk
A napon és a szélben és az esőben
Van pénz a zsebemben
Van egy tigris a tankomban
És megint az út királya vagyok
A szokásos helyen találkozunk
Nincs szükségem semmire, csak a csinos kis arcodra
Szükségem van arra, hogy itt legyél mellettem
Felhúzom a kék farmerom
Felhúzom az öreg kék farmerom (csa-csa)
Felhúzom a kék farmerom
Felhúzom az öreg kék farmerom
Ah, gyerünk!
Te és én, motorozni megyünk
A napon és a szélben és az esőben
Van pénz a zsebemben
Van egy tigris a tankomban
És megint az út királya vagyok
Amikor felébredek a reggeli napfényben
Felhúzom a farmerom és jól érzem magam
Felhúzom a kék farmerom
Felhúzom az öreg kék farmerom (csa-csa)
Felhúzom a kék farmerom
Felhúzom az öreg kék farmerom (csa-csa)
Felhúzom a kék farmerom
Felhúzom az öreg kék farmerom (csa-csa)
Felhúzom a kék farmerom
Felhúzom az öreg kék farmerom (csa-csa)
Felhúzom a kék farmerom
Felhúzom az öreg kék farmerom (csa-csa)
Felhúzom a kék farmerom
Felhúzom az öreg kék farmerom


The buildings have awakened again,
The shadow goes away.
Hello, Sunday,
Hello, bright day!
I'll reach my palms up to the sun,
Wink at the mischievous wind,
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
All hearts are opened
By this Sunday afternoon.
Look, rejoice -
Everything sings around!
I'll reach my palms up to the sun,
Wink at the mischievous wind,
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
Heart goes out to heart
On a day like this.
Let the light of happiness
Always shine for us
I'll reach my palms up to the sun,
Wink at the mischievous wind,
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
I'll reach my palms up to the sun,
Wink at the mischievous wind,
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!


When you look at me
I see it well, it's really true
Your gaze goes away
And passes through me
To lose itself beyond me
And when I ask you
Repeatedly what you're thinking of
Do you believe that I don't feel
That you answer me with lies?
Do you know that I like your lies?
Do you know that I like your lies?
You can lower your eyes
Ruffle my hair
Say whatever you like
I don't believe you
When you kiss me
I tell myself yes of course it's true
As long as he kisses me
Of course he's hooked
As everything moves along and wears out
And when you smile at me
With a distracted air, it's true
Do you think that I don't see
That you're thinking about everything except me?
Do you know that I like your lies?
Do you know that I like your lies?
As long as you lie
You're holding on to me
The same way I hold onto you
Even in spite of you
But you don't know
Me, though, I know that it's true
That you are like that
Because I know you
And you don't know yourself
I only live for you
You only live for yourself
And yet you without me
That won't work out, don't you think so?
Do you know that I like your lies?
Do you know that I like your lies?
As long as you cheat on me
And you come back
It means that you can't
Do without me
I like your duplicity
Alas, alas, it's true
Do you think that I don't hear
When you call me
By all kinds of new names?
If one day you leave me
Don't worry, it's true
Me, I will disappear
You won't hear anything more about me
I will miss your lies
I will miss your lies
Keep on lying
I won't deprive you
As for me, I can't
Live without you
As for me, I can't
Live without you

Me I Prefer

It seems that they are wrong
Those with no taste for taking
Those without enemies
To beat, to burn
Those who like men better
Alive rather than dead
It seems that they are wrong
It's quite curious, me I prefer
A very small garden along the edge of the river
It's quite curious, me I prefer
My own little boat with your hand in the water
It seems wrong
To not have a vocation
To be an executioner master hangman
Killer of occupations
To be disgusted by these great stains
It seems wrong
A vampire's honor
It's quite curious, me I prefer
The scent of your hair coming out of the water
It's quite curious, me I prefer
The scent of your garden drifting along in the water
It seems spineless
To refuse to die
Like an insect on the field of honor
A hand closed around the heart
Covered within the folds of the flag
Riddled with a thousand shards
Just like the movies
It's quite curious, me I prefer
Take my own flowered little cruise on the river
It's quite curious, me I prefer
Love under the archways of your small enclosed garden
It's quite curious, me I prefer
Love under the archways of your small enclosed garden

My country was lovely

My country was lovely,
With a wild beauty.
Men with horses and wood with tools
Lived in harmony
Until that big devastation.
No one can simply live here anymore.
It's raining in this village
With dark lanes
And nothing else is moving.
Silence is taking root under our bed
Oh, silence!
Sweet and heart-rending violin,
Happy fanfare,
Cover us
With the big overcoat of the night,
And with your giant wings.
My country was lovely,
With a wild beauty.
Men with horses and wood with tools
Lived in harmony
Until that big devastation.
No one can simply live here anymore.

To die in sunshine

I would like to die standing
In a field, in sunshine,
Not in a bed with crumpled sheets,
In the confined Shade of the shutters
Through which not a single more bee comes
A single bee
I would like to die standing
In a field, in sunshine,
Not hearing so softly
The door and aimless
Whispering of people
and old women
And old women
I would like to die
Anywhere, in sunshine,
You wouldn't be there, I'd have
Your hand that I could press,
My mouth full of redcurrant,
Of redcurrant.

The captain To the wall

'To the wall' said the captain
Mouth full and drinking hard
'To the wall'
What did you do?
- I am one of yours!
I am curate at Saint Bernard
I had to escape from those others
Stayed eight days in a cupboard
- What did you do?
- Oh! Not much
Misery and children
It's time for me to rest
I am seventy years old
Let's go right now
And shoot me quickly
- Here is the list
With the names of a hundred rogues
Women and children of communists
Shoot me all those rascals!
- What did you do?
- I am the widow of an officer
he died at Le Bourget
And here is the proof
Look please.
Oh! I still wear
My tricolor armband
- Four wounds
Six campaigns and two exemptions
I showed them
I am Lorrain, they are avenged
- I was in an ambulance
Women do not fight
And I treated without difference
Federated and soldiers
- My name is Auguste
And I'm just thirteen
- Oh! I am dead
A soldier probably drunk
Killed my father at the door
And my crime is to have cried
- What did you do?
- You dirty carrion
Shoot me quick
Because I did some work
With my chassepot (rifle)
And one, you see my moon1
And two, long live the Commune!
  • 1. meaning 'ass' in this context

He changed life

Versions: #1
He was a cobbler
Without particularities
In a small city which I had forgotten the name
He made shoes so beautiful, so light
So our lives seemed a little less heavy to carry
He put time there, talent and heart
As that he was spending his life in the middle of our hours
And far from the beautiful speeches, the big theories
To his spot everyday
We could say of him
He changed life
He was a teacher, a simple teacher
How thought that knowing was a big treasure
And that the less of nothing had only one way to get out
As school and the right of everyone to learn
He put time there, talent and heart
As that he was spending his life in the middle of our hours
And far from the beautiful speeches, the big theories
To his spot everyday
We could say of him
He changed life
He was a little man, just a little man
Clumsy and dreamy, a bit missed in fact
He thought he was useless, away from other men
He cried on his sax
He put time there, talent and heart
As that he was spending his life in the middle of our hours
And far from the beautiful speeches, the big theories
To his spot everyday
We could say of him
He changed life (x5)

It’s you

You’ve passed through the ground with a bag in your hand,
your breath was warm and you were going far away.
You said: my skylark, I can’t stay for a long time,
I’ll come back in May, wait for me in the meantime.
It’s you the one who made him go better,
who helped him to find
the path that had to be followed.
It’s you the one who made him go again,
who helped him to find
the love that had to be given.
If you spent one day without giving me news,
without any return, and no leaf moves,
I wait in vain for you, the good time is over,
I hold my heart in my hand, it can’t cross the sea.
It’s you the one who made him go better,
who helped him to find
the path that had to be followed.
It’s you the one who made him go again,
who helped him to find
the love that had to be given.
It’s you
It’s you
It’s you

The Watchmaker

Full sun on the little bench where we met up
The small lawn of our good times
In the little square of my loves
The butterflies were fluttering around
In the little square of my loves
A small bench, every day,
Reminds me of our encounter
Our first ever embrace
First anxious kisses
That we exchanged
At the time when we parted
But his passion was fake
The meeting under the giant
Clock of a watchmaker
At the cusp of night-time
Because he was late
I was trotting on the pavement
Trying to spot him
That meeting under the giant
Clock of a watchmaker
At the cusp of night-time
Because he never came
I found myself naked
In the arms of a stranger
In the arms of the watchmaker
Who under his giant clock
Seeing me distraught
At his place, he made me serve
Taking advantage of my sobs
He pricked my virginity
Since then, I wind the watches
Of my husband the watchmaker
I won't stop crying, crying anymore
Ah, what a sad memory!
Until the moment when I die
I will do nothing but curse
That meeting under the giant
Clock of a watchmaker
At the cusp of night-time
And living every day
On the square of my loves
Makes me cry, cry
Behold, it's snowing on the little bench where we met up
The small lawn of my good times
In the little square of my loves
Big clumps of snow are fluttering around
In the little square of my loves
A small bench becomes all white

The Bear and the Amateur Gardener *

A certain mountain bear, unlicked and rude,
By fate confined within a lonely wood,
A new Bellerophon,**whose life,
Knew neither comrade, friend, nor wife, –
Became insane