Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 11


Like you

She had light-colored eyes and a velvet dress
Next to her mother and the family around
She poses a little distracted in the gentle sun
of the end of the day
The photo is not good but you can see in it
Happiness personified and the sweetness of an evening
She loved music, especially Schumann
and then Mozart
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you whom I'm watch very quietly
Like you who sleeps while dreaming about what
Like you, like you, like you, like you
She was going to school at the village down below
She was learning books, she was learning laws
She was singing [about] frogs
And princesses who sleep in the woods
She loved her doll, she loved her friends
Especially Ruth and Anna and especially Jeremy
And they would get married one day maybe in Warsaw
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you whom I watch very quietly
Like you who sleeps while dreaming about what
Like you, like you, like you, like you
She was named Sarah she was not [even] eight years old
Her life, it was tenderness, dreams and white clouds
But other people had decided otherwise
She had your light-colored eyes and she was your age
She was a little girl who did not make trouble and very good
But she was not born like you,
here and now
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you whom I watch very quietly
Like you who sleeps while dreaming about what
Like you, like you, like you, like you
Like you, like you, like you, like you

He changed life

Versions: #1
He was a cobbler
Without particularities
In a small city which I had forgotten the name
He made shoes so beautiful, so light
So our lives seemed a little less heavy to carry
He put time there, talent and heart
As that he was spending his life in the middle of our hours
And far from the beautiful speeches, the big theories
To his spot everyday
We could say of him
He changed life
He was a teacher, a simple teacher
How thought that knowing was a big treasure
And that the less of nothing had only one way to get out
As school and the right of everyone to learn
He put time there, talent and heart
As that he was spending his life in the middle of our hours
And far from the beautiful speeches, the big theories
To his spot everyday
We could say of him
He changed life
He was a little man, just a little man
Clumsy and dreamy, a bit missed in fact
He thought he was useless, away from other men
He cried on his sax
He put time there, talent and heart
As that he was spending his life in the middle of our hours
And far from the beautiful speeches, the big theories
To his spot everyday
We could say of him
He changed life (x5)

Know that I...

There are shadows in 'I love you'
Not only just love, not just that...
Traces of time spent/gone on to long
There's a contract in these words.
You say 'love has its own language'
But words don’t serve me well/ work well for me
If you need phrases like hostages
Like a seal on parchment
So know that I...
Know that
Know that I...
There is “dying” in 'I love you'
There is a 'I see nothing but you'
Dead to the world, to its poems
Only reading your proper rhymes now
A dishonest ploy
These three words don't assert
There is a question in 'I love you'
Which asks 'do you love me, do you?'
So know that I...
Know that
Know that I...

we'll go

Versions: #2
we'll leave at night, the hour when you doubt
that tomorrow will return
far from the controlled cities, we'll follow the highway
and then we'll lose all norths1
we'll leave our keys, our cards2, and our codes
prisons to hold us back
all these people we see live as if unaware
that one day they'll have to die
and who end up surprised at night
oh, beautiful, we'll go
we'll leave, you and me, where? i don't know
there are just beautiful roads
and who cares where they lead us
oh, beautiful, we'll go, we'll follow the stars and the gold diggers
if we find any, we'll keep looking
we escape nothing, not even our flights
when we settle we're dead
oh, i've obeyed so much, chosen so little, little one
and the lost time eats me up
we'll take the cold and the burns head on
we'll forbid the lukewarm
the smoke, the alcohol, and the armored tranquilizers
that have stolen our pains from us
the truth won't scare us anymore
oh, beautiful, we'll go
we'll leave, you and me, where? i don't know
there are just trembling roads
the destinations look alike
oh, beautiful, you'll see
we'll follow the stars and the gold diggers
we'll never stop in the ports
beautiful, we'll go
and maybe the shadow will never catch us
we won't change the world
but it won't change us
my beautiful, hold my arm
we'll be millions in that case, you'll see
and even if everything is played out in advance, we'll go, we'll go
even if everything is played out in advance
next to me
you know there are just beautiful roads
and believe me, we'll leave, you'll see
if you believe me, beautiful
if you believe me, beautiful
one day we'll leave
if you believe me, beautiful
one day
  • 1. get lost
  • 2. or maps

She Doesn't See Me

When she passes, she disappears like a flash
In front of the sky, is that her who we see?
She is such a queen that she deserves only a king
And I am not a king
She doesn't see me
When she dances, everything dances, her kidneys, her arms
Near to her everything is a little bit brighter, why?
She has that grace that the others don't have
Everything that I don't have
She doesn't see me
And I, the more I come closer, the more awkward I become
The more I hate my body and my voice
Some borders are crossed despite thousands of soldiers
But ours cannot be overcome
He has the look, some delicate gestures
The promiscuous life of this world
It is everything that he is not
But the women don't see those things
She doesn't see me
We can change so many things if want want to, if we fight
But not this injustice
When she passes, she disappears like a flash
In front of a sky, is that her who we see?
She is such a queen that she deserves only a king
Someone other than me
I am not a king
She doesn't see me

Egyedül lófrálok

Ahogy egy hajó sodródik
Cél és indok nélkül,
Úgy járom az utcákat
Egyedül, névtelenül
Ó, a város, meg a csapdák
A javamat akarják
Gazdaggá tesznek
Ez megfizethetetlen
Teszek én minden másra
A nyakamon lógó láncra
Meglógok, felejtek
Zárójelet teszek, haladékot veszek
Egyedül lófrálok
Az utcákon kószálok
Az éjszaka megbocsát
Egyedül lófrálok
Nem nézem az órát
Egyedül lófrálok
Nincs tanúm, se társak
Csak a lépteim kopognak
Egyedül lófrálok
Találkozunk, hódítunk
Őrült éjjeleken
Szavak nélküli ígérgetünk
a terepet felmérjük
Ó, a konokul kitartó ébrenlét
sötét órái
Gazdaggá tesznek
Ez megfizethetetlen
Teszek én minden másra
A nyakamon lógó láncra
Meglógok, felejtek
Zárójelet teszek, haladékot veszek
Egyedül lófrálok
Az utcákon kószálok
Az éjszaka megbocsát
Egyedül lófrálok
Nem nézem az órát
Egyedül lófrálok
Nincs tanúm, se társak
Csak a lépteim kopognak
Egyedül lófrálok
Egyedül lófrálok
Ha az életem képtelen
Ha a kedv elhagy
Egyedül lófrálok
Egyedül lófrálok...

Ott messze

Ott messze
Minden uj es minden vad
Szabad kontinens keritesek nelkul
Itt az almaink keskenyre szoritva
Ezert en elmegyek oda messze
Ott messze
Kell sziv es kell batorsag
De minden lehetseges az en koromban
Ha eros vagy es van hited
Az arany az ujjaid koze folyik
Ezert en el megyek oda messze
Ne menj oda
Ott viharok vannak s hajotorottek
Tuz, ordogok es delibab
Latom neha oly torekeny vagy
Maradj a keblemben
Oly sokat kell meg szerelmeskedni
Oly sok boldogsag johet
En hozzad akarok menni s teged apava tenni
De te arrol almodsz, hogy elmegy
Itt minden le van jatszva elore
Es semmin nem tudunk valtoztatni
Minden a szuleteseden mulik
S en nem szulettem jol
Ott messze
Messze az itteni eletunktol, a falvainktol,
El fogom felejteni a hangod, az arcod
Gyonyoru mikor a karjaimban tartalak
S te mar menekulsz is tolem oda a messzibe
Szerencsem lesz ott es jogaim
Ne menj el
S buszkesegem ami itt nem lehetett
Oda messze
Amit kierdemelsz a tied lesz
Ne menj el
Itt masok eroltetik rank a jogainkat
Oda messze
Lehet hogy ott elvesztelek teged
Ne menj el
De ha it maradok magamat veszitem el
Oda messze
Nekem az elet nem hagyott mas valasztast
Nem menj el
Te es en ott leszunk vagy nem leszunk
Oda messze
Minden uj es minden vad
Ne menj el
Szabad kontinens racsok nelkul
Oda messze
Olyan szep, hogy elkepzelni sem tudjuk
Ne menj el
Itt az almaink keskenyre szoritva
Oda messze
En ezert megyek el oda
Ne menj el
Nem hagytak nekem valasztast
Oda messzire
Elvesztem ha itt maradok
Ne menj
Ezert megyek el oda messzire