Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 15


Az Ami

Hamarosan szembe kell nézz
Az igazsággal a mögött, ahogy érzel
És inkább bár sose tudnám
Meg tennék bármit, bármit
Hogy ne mutassam be magamnak azt, ki vagyok
Ez hasztalan szenvedés
A csúf részem kicsinál
Ahogy belőlem táplálkozik
De ez az, az ami
Nem tudod, hogy élj ezzel, az ami
De ez az, az ami
Lehetetlennek tűnik
De magamra öltöm ki is vagyok igazán
Akkor is ha egy kurva kölke, vagy egy rettegő gyerek
Akkor ez az, ami
Hamarosan szembe kell vele nézz
Egy vírus vagy, az emberi faj
És én sose, sose tudhatom
Megtettem e mindent, mindent
Hogy ne érezzem azt, amit érzek
Ez a pince ördöge seggbe rúgja
az angyalom a fellegekben
De ez az, az ami
Nem tudod, hogy élj ezzel, az ami
De ez az, az ami
Lehetetlennek tűnik
De magamra öltöm ki is vagyok igazán
Akkor is ha egy kurva kölke, vagy egy rettegő gyerek
Akkor ez az, ami
Ne lökj el, ne ölj meg
Ez az, ami mer' ez az, ami
Ne játssz velem, ne zavarj ezzel
Ez az ami, mer' ez az ami
Ne kérdezz, ne mondd meg
Ez az ami, mer' ez az ami
Ne lökj el, ne ölj meg
Ez az, ami mer' ez az, ami
Ne fuss el, honnan jöttél
Mer' ez az, ami
És Én, én
De ez az, az ami
Nem tudod, hogy élj ezzel, az ami
De ez az, az ami
Lehetetlennek tűnik
De magamra öltöm ki is vagyok igazán
Akkor is ha egy kurva kölke, vagy egy rettegő gyerek
Akkor ez az, ami

Elemi Szükségletek

Nem kéne úgy tennem, mint aki darabokra szakadt
De a vér nem tűnik mély vörösnek a sötétben
Lehet lefagytam a harctól
A fájdalom hozzám tartozik
De a szereteted körülvesz
Körülvesz, körülvesz
Nem érzek éhséget, nem kell levegő
Vér van az ereimben, mert tudom, hogy itt vagy
Nem kell menedék, semmi se kell
Az ok amiért itt vagyok
Nem tudtad, hogy te vagy minden elemi szükségletem
Lehet megbénít az elmém
A hallgatásod kísért a fejemben
És mindig megtalálnak
Lehet így éreztem
Majdnem elfelejtettem emlékezni is
Emlékeztet, emlékeztet, emlékeztet
Nem érzek éhséget, nem kell levegő
Vér van az ereimben, mert tudom, hogy itt vagy
Nem kell menedék, semmi se kell
Az ok amiért itt vagyok
Nem tudtad, hogy te vagy minden elemi szükségletem
Nem érzek éhséget, nem kell levegő
Vér van az ereimben, mert tudom, hogy itt vagy
Nem kell menedék, semmi se kell
Az ok amiért itt vagyok
Nem tudtad, hogy te vagy minden elemi szükségletem

Kläre es mit einem Schwertkampf

Drück auf's Gas, hau rein, los geht's
Hab die Crew hinten mit der Stereoanlage
Aber du weißt es schon
Das Bargeld holen, schnell sein, Explosion
Brich nie den galaktischen Piratenkodex
Oder du kannst dich verpissen
Wenn du mit uns fährst und mit jemandem nicht einer Meinung bist
Ein Problem in der Crew, bei dem du weißt, dass Worte es einfach nicht lösen werden
Wenn man nichts mehr zu sagen hat
Muss man seine Klinge antworten lassen
Jemand wird sterben
Wir klären es mit einem Schwertkampf
Wenn wir einfach nicht sagen können, wer recht hat
Wir klären es mit einem Schwertkampf
Wir töten uns gegenseitig die ganze Nacht
Ein Duell, um deine Ehre zu verteidigen
Eine Herausforderung, die du nicht ablehnen kannst
Klettere an Board
Hebe dein Schwert auf
Denn einer muss verlieren
Löscht die Lichter aus und der Kampf beginnt
Kalter Stahl kann deine Sünden rechtfertigen
Ich frage mich, wer siegen wird
Also gib einen Drink aus und ich glaube, es wird Zeit
Zwei Seelen kämpfen, bis einer stirbt
Das reimt sich nicht wirklich
Wenn du mit uns fährst und mit jemandem nicht einer Meinung bist
Ein Problem in der Crew, bei dem du weißt, dass Worte es einfach nicht lösen werden
Wenn man nichts mehr zu sagen hat
Muss man seine Klinge antworten lassen
Du wirst diesen verdammten Typen töten
Wir klären es mit einem Schwertkampf
Wenn wir einfach nicht sagen können, wer recht hat
Wir klären es mit einem Schwertkampf
Wir töten uns gegenseitig die ganze Nacht
Ein Duell, um deine Ehre zu Verteidigen
Eine Herausforderung, die du nicht ablehnen kannst
Klettere an Board
Hebe dein Schwert auf
Denn einer muss verlieren, uuh
Komm schon!
Wir klären es mit einem Schwertkampf
Wenn wir einfach nicht sagen können, wer recht hat
Wir klären es mit einem Schwertkampf
Wir töten uns gegenseitig die ganze Nacht
Ein Duell, um deine Ehre zu Verteidigen
Eine Herausforderung, die du nicht ablehnen kannst
Klettere an Board
Hebe dein Schwert auf
Denn einer muss verlieren
Und ich habe nicht vor zu verlieren, ja
Kläre es mit einem Schwertkampf

It's alright

Versions: #1
Tell me you are there and its not just for my pretty eyes
Tell me apart from this there are other reasons why I make you happy
Tell me that you really like our lazy days and mornings in love
Tell me that from the beginning that you always see a suite for two
Tell me that I am the only one that you always want
I have no date, or anything I want to accept
With you it's obvious I am ready to forget the past
I always love to charm but it doesn't matter when I only want to please you
I am saying that it's just you
And I know you believe it
Your the one that strums out my happiness
The one who humours my sadness
Just like that
And I'm saying it's you
And for the very first time
Sorry for my doubts and my tantrums
Time will make it better
You and me
It's alright
I like that assured air that you borrow from more beautiful people
Your sweet look is like it's a secret that your caresses have an indefinite limit
You understand all my silences and all my small absent moments
If I go to heaven I won't be sure of the difference to now
I am saying that it's just you
And I know you believe it
Your the one that strums out my happiness
The one who humours my sadness
Just like that
And I'm saying it's you
And for the very first time
Sorry for my doubts and my tantrums
Time will make it better
You and me
It's alright
I say to myself let's take risks and it's too late anyway
Worst of all we will have memories and nice moments in our drawers
I am scared of your niceness and how it promises so much happiness Oh you know I'm scared
I am saying that it's just you
And I know you believe it
Your the one that strums out my happiness
The one who humours my sadness
Just like that
And I'm saying it's you
And for the very first time
Sorry for my doubts and my tantrums
Time will make it better
You and me
It's alright
I'm saying it's just you
It's alright
I know you believe it
Oh it's alright
You and me just like this
I'm saying it's you
I know you believe it
And you and me just like that

Életben tart

Megpróbáltál lent tartani
Szóval én harcossá váltam
Felépítettem ezeket a falakat
és most én átmászom
Azok a csúnya méhek
kísértenek engem
Ó, Uram, de én nem mehetek már vissza
Te elviszel engem egy bolondért
Ez nem tesz engem bolonddá
Mond, hogy tévedtem
A szenvedély, könyörtelenné tett téged
A manipulációhoz most már túl késő
Ó, Uram, de én többé már nem mehetek vissza
Te vagy az üzemanyaga a lángoknak
Megmutatom neked, miből vagyok én
Eltörök minden láncot, amit rám tettél
Azt gondoltad, hogy én nem változom, de kinőttelek téged
Mert én sosem leszek az, amit akarsz
Ez a tűz, ez a tűz tart életben engem
Elhiteti velem, hogy én nem csinálhatom nélküled
Nehézzé teszi az elhagyást
Te azt gondolod, minden rólad szól
Tudod, hogy én sosem leszek az, amit akarsz
Ez a tűz, ez a tűz
Próbálom levenni ezt a súlyt a vállaimról
Felépítettem az összes erősségem
Végre átvehetem
Komlikált, nem értékelem
Ó, Uram, de én nem mehetek már többé vissza
Te vagy az üzemanyaga a lángoknak, megmutatom mi vagyok én
Eltörök minden láncot, amit rám tettél
Azt gondoltad, hogy én nem változom, de kinőttelek téged
Mert én sosem leszek az, amit akarsz
Ez a tűz, ez a tűz tart életben engem
Elhiteti velem, hogy én nem csinálhatom nélküled
Nehézzé teszi az elhagyást
Azt hiszed, ez rólad szól
Tudod, hogy én sosem leszek az, amit akarsz
Ez a tűz, ez a tűz tart életben
Ez a tűz, ez a tűz
Megtörnek engem
Valamivé, amit sosem akartam
És törnek és ráznak
Én csinálom, az én
szívverésem egy kicsit erősebb
Eltörök minden láncot, amit rám tettél
Azt gondoltad, hogy én nem változom, de kinőttelek téged
Sosem leszek az, akit akarsz
Ez a tűz, ez a tűz, ez a tűz
Tart életben
Késztet arra, hogy elhiggyem, képtelen vagyok nélküled csinálni
Késztet arra, hogy elhiggyem ez mind rólad szól
Tudod, hogy sosem leszek az, akit akarsz
Ez a tűz, ez a tűz tart életben
Életben tart, életben tart
Ez a tűz, ez a tűz,
Életben tart

Beautiful life

Hello there cutie, most beautiful in the world.
You already knew how I want you, but..
You started a fire, but you didn't follow me...
A burning desire, which built inside of me
Beautiful, beautiful life! Call... Chiara!1
I'm here, don't forget me!2
I hope you'll understand
Hope of one day, I lost my smile3
Love lost, maybe I'll find you again
A love strong as concrete, it never fell in me,
I know deep down inside...oh my love will always be...
Beautiful, beautiful life!
Beautiful, beautiful life! Call... Chiara!
I'm here, don't forget me!
I hope you'll understand, you'll understand
Beautiful, beautiful life! Call... Chiara!
I'm here, don't forget me!
I hope you'll understand
Beautiful, beautiful life! Call... Chiara!
I'm here, don't forget me!
  • 1. Chiara means clear or pale, but it's also a girl name. Went for the latter, but doesn't really make sense either way. Maybe they meant 'Si chiama.. Chiara!' which would be 'Her name is... Chiara!'
  • 2. I'm not too sure about the original lyrics, makes more sense with 'dimenticar', which I chose to translate in lieu. The lyrics written here would be translated as 'She doesn't forget me!'
  • 3. Deliberately chosen to translate Speranza rather than Esperanza

All hells

Versions: #2
The paperless are hiding
In Jesusparken
And the kids are dancing at a [speakeasy]
In a projection of Apocalypse Now (Apocalypse Now)
Outside Emporia
Are two sick elephants
My sister drags diapers
Drags babies
The parking lot is bigger
Than a football pitch
Of all the hells on Earth
Of all the hells there are
Don't want to be from somewhere else
Don't want to be from somewhere else
Of all the hells on Earth
Of all the hells there are
Toes rotting foul smelling
Last night T-Bryggan was on fire
Raja called and said 'come don't be difficult'
When will you get rid of Stockholm (get rid of Stockholm)
And when they closed Hermodsdal
I was on the train going back
Was supposed to DJ at Debaser
At Bo01 there was a party but I said
No thanks I said fuck it
Of all the hells on Earth
Of all the hells there are
Don't want to be from somewhere else
Don't want to be from somewhere else
Of all the hells on Earth
Of all the hells there are
Don't want to be from somewhere else
Don't want to be from somewhere else
The roars echoed from the stadium
To Limhamn and to Rosengård
And Ibrahimmovic saw
The rainbows over Pildammarna
I'm sure
Let them curse let them talk
They mumble fucking monkey
At the festival I was glanced at by Salima
She was the star of Betlehem
She shined over all of Nydala
Of all the hells on Earth
Of all the hells there are (once more)
Of all the hells on Earth
Of all the hells there are
Don't want to be from somewhere else
Don't want to be from somewhere else
Of all the hells on Earth
Of all the hells there are
Don't want to be from somewhere else
Don't want to be from somewhere else
Of all the hells on Earth
Of all the hells there are
Of all the hells on Earth
Of all the hells there are

I don't hate you at all

It was better now, it was much better than before
But now it’s already before
Time to rethink it for a moment
That it’s already after, when the clock pushes us forward
Yet if I move back, I don’t go back in time
When I feel like seeing the day
Even if it were itself unpredictable
When the clouds are so heavy
So that they hurl their sorrow into our eyes
When the sun says good morning to us
I rest assured, be it a little
When hope gives new life to all our poems
When your love makes me feel like saying “I love you”
I love you a little when it’s rainy
I love you a lot when it’s sunny
I love you strongly when I wake up
I love you in all, I don’t hate you at all
I love you like crazy when you go away
I love you when you are not there
I love you to the core when I feel sleepy
I prefer to say to time that it should advance without me
The time to say, the time to do,
Sometimes it’s no longer there
The time to react to avoid the accident
The time which eludes us and the time which we lack
And our hasty steps
The time in our veins
When I feel like seeing the day
Even if it were itself unpredictable
When the clouds are so heavy
So that they hurl their sorrow into our eyes
When the sun says good morning to us
I rest assured, be it a little
When hope gives new life to all our poems
When your love makes me feel like saying “I love you”
I love you twofold when it's rainy
I love you to death when I'm angry with myself
I love you wrongly when I feel peckish
I love you, I don't hate you at all
I love you like crazy when I don't have the right
I love you us when you are not there
I love you to the core when I feel sleepy
I prefer to say to time that it should advance without me
I love you a little when it’s rainy
I love you a lot when I'm angry with myself
I love you strongly when I wake up
I completely love you, I don’t hate you at all
I love you like crazy close to the ear
I love you us when you are on the lookout
I love you to the guts when I feel sleepy
I prefer to say (it) before I love you come what may


Lies, everything you told me were lies
Lies and now you're hanging out with your friends
Lies and now they criticize me
Lies, your words are lies
Why if I loved you and treated you well,
And now you have gone and don't want to come back
And now I ask myself if you want him
Tell me why
Why if you wanted me so much why do you stay with him,
Now my melofy doesn't sound good
Everything I had,I gave to you
And now why
I am calling you but you do not answer
I keep searching for you but my soul doesn't find you
I have my questions without answers
Because with you my life was perfect
Every time I see your photo on Instagram
Kissing him, kills me
Lies, everything you told me were lies
Lies and now you're hanging out with your friends
Lies and now they criticize me
Lies, your words are lies
Why if I loved you and treated you well,
And now you have gone and don't want to come back
And now I ask myself if you want him
Tell me why
I would have given you my whole life
And you stopped me from assesing
Everything that we together dreamed
It was an illusion that went away with the sea
I hate missing you and seeing you not coming back
I woke up the other day without you but
If anyone is worth it to you, you are worth nothing to me
And do not come to me with stories
Your angel's laugh and heart of the devil
You don't have feelings
Before the heat of hell stayed with me
With the coldness of your kisses
I lost time with you
As if I was imprisoned
Lies, everything you told me were lies
Lies and now you're hanging out with your friends
Lies and now they criticize me
Lies, your words are lies
Why if I loved you and treated you well,
And now you have gone and don't want to come back
And now I ask myself if you want him
Tell me why


We are so much, we are everything
We are so few things, but so much of everything
That we don't really know why we're playing any more
We let ourselves go, we get bored
We give up quickly on the surface
And when everything crashes down we hide away
I hit harder,
And I beat up all of my remorse
I will fight without harming anyone
And I turn everything to on, and on, and on...
I hit harder,
When it hurts deep down in your chest
I will be careful not to harm anyone
And I turn everything to on, and on, and on...
We clear off, then we have a laugh
We get lost on the way, we start up again
We get on the wrong side of each other for an evening
Just to see what it's like
We shut down, we lean on each other
We push back the trains, we have our roles
And my hand in yours
Makes me happy
I hit harder,
And I beat up all of my remorse
I will fight without harming anyone
And I turn everything to on, and on, and on...
I hit harder,
When it hurts deep down in your chest
I will be careful not to harm anyone
And I turn everything to on, and on, and on...
We are I, we are you
And then we become us, that's the game
And then he's yours, he's theirs
I hit harder,
And I beat up all of my remorse
I will fight without harming anyone
And I turn everything to on, and on, and on...
I hit harder,
When it hurts deep down in your chest
I will be careful not to harm anyone
And I turn everything to on, and on, and on...
On, and on, and on, and on....
On, and on, and on, and on...

Jonathan Harker

Jonathan Harker,
Jonathan Harker
said goodbye to his Mina,
of his boss in the office,
and he came out from the mist
of London on the way to the East,
where his new customer was living.
Jonathan Harker,
Jonathan Harker,
they sent him from London
to Transilvania, where
he had to make a deal with the Count Dracula.
It happens that the Count,
It happens that the Count
had already got accredited
eveery blood of the county
and behind a new market
he wanted to establish himself in the continent,
and he chose England to bite into.
Jonathan Harker,
Jonathan Harker,
made the process easier
and so the count, in a ship
went, plowing through the brave sea,
to set up the dominance of his shadowy poer,
thing that he achieved to do
not only with a patient
of the mental illness hospital,
but also with the pretty Mina,
Jonathan's girlfriend.
Jonathan Harker,
Jonathan Harker,
without dyeing much in red
his face with the anger
he went for the eye's blood
to see doctor Van Helsing, the expert
in sorting out this kind of injustices.
Abraham Van Helsing,
Abraham Van Helsing,
like the story emphasizes,
without making a fuss,
nailed the stake on Count Dracula.
But Van Helsing,
checked that Mina was,
also, contaminated,
and without a second thought,
healso did to her the favour
of setting her soul free and then
he also nailed her.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Summer Clothes

Sick of this view
To many things have happened within it
But it's new to you
You point at Stockholm, saying:
'I like this, I like this
It's not Rome, but nothing is'
In summer clothes
And maybe a little too cold
Doesn't matter
Doesn't matter
In summer clothes
In summer clothes
And what's up
With the others tonight,
Did we have a plan?
Don't want to see a DJ, baby
There's cava
There's a party at a balcony
All night long
And we can go there later
But hey baby, check out the sky
And this light
And this light
Not as in Rome, but it's alright
(It's alright)
In summer clothes
And Stockholm, a little too cold
Doesn't matter
Doesn't matter
In summer clothes
Stockholm, a little too cold
Doesn't matter
Doesn't matter
In summer clothes
In summer clothes
In summer clothes
(I like this)
In summer clothes