Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 17

Találatok száma: 527


When Christmas is at Its End

When the dark heavily falls on top of the village
The star shines brightly and clearly
The cold forces itself through
Into every house, every corner
Ice and snowfall rules then
I think about the year that has passed in loneliness
Each night, each day that has passed
Where I haven't seen you smile
When Christmas is at its end
When you're alone and you look out
Through a window so frozen by ice
A pain that's there but which no one sees
When the snow has heavily fallen on top of the village
The star's bright shine glitters
The night forces itself through
It is cold, it is raw
Do you hear the wind's complaints then?
In the dark of the forest
I find my loneliness
But what stings the most
Is realising that no one sees me
When Christmas is at its end
When you're alone and you look out
Through a window so frozen by ice
A pain that's there but which no one sees
When Christmas is at its end
When you're alone and you look out
Please, contact me if you have any suggestions on how this translation might be improved. ^_^ / Snälla, kontakta mig om du har några förslag på hur denna översättning kan förbättras. ^_^

I don't understand Arabic well

I don't understand Arabic well, explain to me what 'conscious' means
This word has been forgotten, omitted from world dictionaries
So why talk much about it?
Lying has become a must, saying the truth is not trendy and modern
They (politician) don't read regular )earthly) books, or even heavenly (holy) books
If good manners don't matter, tell me what does?
As the world remains interested, the rest of the people don't mean much to them
A hundred faces, a hundred colors (masks), their true faces are hidden
The world is destroying itself, all in the name of freedom
No love remains in their hearts, they never even had hearts
People are drowning in their own homelands, but oppressors will meet a harsh reckoning

Who was it

Who was it,
the first guy who in the darkness kissed you?
The first time you in bed screamed?
The big love that at twenty years old changed you?
Who was it?
If you knew how many times I've thought of it,
pretending to be asleep
in unison with the heart and the breath!
Life is a game that no one knows
in order to conquer happiness
I burn inside with curiosity
It's almost love? Who knows it?
Life is a game that no one knows
Life is a sparkle of kindness
The first night that you slept here,
you knew how much a man gives
Who was it,
after your father who to dance taught you
and in your work guided you, helped you?
Because of you, he hasn't again married.
Who was it,
that with flowers and presents spoiled you?
The attention, the thoughts that you've had
How can I have everything, and in one minute?
Life is a game that no one knows
in order to conquer happiness
I burn inside with curiosity
It's almost love? Who knows it?
Life is a game that no one knows
in order to conquer happiness
I burn inside with curiosity
It's almost love? Who knows it?
Life is a game that no one knows
in order to conquer happiness

High sea and seagull

For your life I am . . .
in your eyes I live the harmony of the eternal.
The emotion showers me,
and my blood broadens through the veins of the world.
I don't give split echoes.
The immutable follows me
sliding to the depths of my own consciousness.
In you I love the last virginal flights
from the hands of the dawn,
and assembling the infinite
I love you between the human doors that entangle you.
In you I calm the open branches of space,
and renew in my artery your blood with my blood.
You multiply!
You grow!
And you threaten to remain
with my wild meadow!
You are a crazy chase where my steps advance,
attentive like dawns
in the germanitive Sun that you carry in your impetus.
For you life I am
high sea and seagull:
in her I vibrate
and I grow . . .


In my grave a nightmare found me:
I lie among bones, among maggots maybe!
Will I wake up? Or is it a mistake?
Happiness, marriage, feverish words.
Why this theatre?
Tell me, Romeo!
Will I wake up?
Or is it a mistake?
There's no other way, if they want a play, we'll play for them!
A new life awaits us, if I die a little...
I'll wait for you here,
this poison will help me...
Good dreams, deep sleep,
come to her!
A new life, happiness will find her.
She will wake up, it's not a mistake...

Two Lonelinesses

Loving sometimes hurts, even though he loves you
A cloudy day when he's not here
And maybe his absence marks the day
It was painted with nostalgia
Life dressed itself in wonders with his voice
His existence already changed your life
You forget that some day you were sad,
You sighed for something more
A void ended when we found each other
And a door opened when we got close to each other
Two lonelinesses or none
There's a reason why misfortunes that you can count pass by
They teach you to live and to appreciate the rest
They say 'You see, you're sill alive and you'll even forget this pain'
You know that you can be so much better at his side
You start another life, even though nothing was forgotten
Together they are weaving happinesses around theirselves
A void ended when we found each other
And a door opened when we got close to each other
Two lonelinesses or none
And let's fill the world with happiness
Let's fill the world with happiness
A void ended when we found each other
And a door opened when we got close to each other
Two lonelinesses or none
And let's fill the world with happiness


I will give you the flowers
Next to my belly
The forests where
My adolescent fears die.
I have pierced hearts
Necklaces of my defenses
I have covered the pain
With honey and violence
And if tomorrow I die
Tell me who you're thinking of
Don't be afraid
Don't have fear
Tell me who you're thinking of
Don't be afraid
Don't have fear
Tell me who you're thinking of
Don't be afraid
Don't have fear
Tell me who you're thinking of
Don't be afraid
Don't have fear
Tell me who you're thinking of
My dreams have their own moods
When the horizon plunges
It's the same with my flowers
I want to love you, I dream it
You know, if I'm alone
It's like my offshoot
Don't be afraid
Don't have fear
Tell me who you're thinking of
Don't be afraid
Don't have fear
Tell me who you're thinking of
Don't be afraid
Don't have fear
Tell me who you're thinking of
Don't be afraid
Don't have fear
Tell me who you're thinking of
Tell me who you're thinking of


translatıon 1
We get up to fight again today
And set out on a journey
Take one step to sell off every thought
We are just
We are behind the wind
We are running upstream
Dangerous turn we see from here
Accelerated heart rate, uneven heartbeat
And under the hell
Everything is taking a moment
Which we will never repeat again
Enemy is the time that you do not want
Although once just plain wrong
Oooo, there are no boundaries anymore for us here
Oooo, we're escaping towards tomorrow
ref .:
Time is running out of our fingers
We do not chase him, he will find us
Trapped in this trap
We do not know what lies here anymore
2. Look in my eyes and say at least once
How does the world look like?
So you know exactly who we are prisoners
We are racing
How enchanted hearing a foreign voice
We are fighting to know just that
That before us everyday
Everything is taking a moment
Which we will never repeat again
Enemy is the time that you do not want
Although once just plain wrong
Oooo, there are no boundaries anymore for us here
Oooo, we're escaping towards tomorrow
ref .:
Time is running out of our fingers
We do not chase him, he will find us
Trapped in this trap
We do not know what lies here anymore
Entangled in this network
We take a breath and move again
To feel this shiver and catch oxygen
When the ground burns
Oooo, there are no boundaries anymore for us here
Oooo, we're escaping towards tomorrow
ref .:
Time is running out of our fingers
We do not chase him, he will find us
Trapped in this trap
We do not know what lies here anymore
translatıon 2
We get up to fight again today
And set out on a journey
Take one step to sell off every thought
We are just
We are behind the wind
We are running upstream
Dangerous turn we see from here
Accelerated heart rate, uneven heartbeat
And under the hell
Everything is taking a moment
Which we will never repeat again
Enemy is the time that you do not want
Although once just plain wrong
Oooo, there are no boundaries anymore for us here
Oooo, we're escaping towards tomorrow
ref .:
Time is running out of our fingers
We do not chase him, he will find us
Trapped in this trap
We do not know what lies here anymore
2. Look in my eyes and say at least once
How does the world look like?
So you know exactly who we are prisoners
We are racing
How enchanted hearing a foreign voice
We are fighting to know just that
That before us everyday
Everything is taking a moment
Which we will never repeat again
Enemy is the time that you do not want
Although once just plain wrong
Oooo, there are no boundaries anymore for us here
Oooo, we're escaping towards tomorrow
ref .:
Time is running out of our fingers
We do not chase him, he will find us
Trapped in this trap
We do not know what lies here anymore
Entangled in this network
We take a breath and move again
To feel this shiver and catch oxygen
When the ground burns
Oooo, there are no boundaries anymore for us here
Oooo, we're escaping towards tomorrow
ref .:
Time is running out of our fingers
We do not chase him, he will find us
Trapped in this trap
We do not know what lies here anymore

The raindrop

I am looking for a raindrop
which just fell into the sea.
It shone the brightest
as it sped right down,
for only it among all raindrops
had the strength to understand
that saly water would dissolve
its great sweetness forever.
And so I am scouring the sea
and the alerted waves.
I am searching to please
this brittle memory
lying in my exclusive custody.
But try as I might, some things
lie even out of God's reach,
despide His good will
and the mute help
of the sky, the waves and the air.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

The stopover in Portugal

The port dries out its whiteness at the terraces
where the wind struggles,
the pink houses under an embracing sun
smell of algae and street.
The women of the sea, baskets full of
iridescent fishes on their heads,
exhibit under the loud season's sun
the celebration of the depths.
The shrill foliage has exceeded green
under the flood of light,
the captive roses
have broken through the iron railings.
The morning pleasure of shops open
to the summer by the sea
and green windows surrendering
to the sky, shutters wide open
flows toward the square where bystanders stagnate
until the orange trees' shadow
fills out like in the semblance of a dial
where the sweet noon rumbles.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.


Your are the essence of my life and its strength
You are the pride in my words that cross all frontiers
Resist, immortal, resist.
You are like the night and the stars
Your voice goes beyond the top of the clouds
You are smiling breeze of today
You are an example of humanity and of fight.
Resist, immortal, resist.

A Poet

I do not always go alone to the bottom of myself.
I drag more than one live being with me.
Can those who are made to enter my cold caves
ever be sure of coming out again, even for a moment?
Like a sinking vessel, I pull passengers and sailors
pell-mell into my night. I darken their cabins,
I extinguish the light in their eyes.
I make friends with great depths.

A Kukoricacső

Ezzel a tangóval, mely tüzes és kihívó
Szarnyara kapott az ambíció a nyomornegyedben
Ezzel a tangóval született meg a tangó, és mint egy égbeszökő kiáltás
Hagyta el a hitvány környéket.
Különös szerelmi bűbájt hozót létre a dallam mely
Megnyitotta az utat a törvény nélküli reményéknek
A düh, a fájdalom, a várakozás, a nélkülözés keveréke
Sír a játékos ritmust ártatlanságában.
Mágikus hangjegyek váraszatól testet öltenek
Gondolkodás nélkül, megjelennek előttem a lányok, asszonyok,
A hold, a csípők ringása és a tüzes vágyokozás,
ahogy szeretnénk.
Amikor felidézlek... kedves tangó,
Érzem ahogy egy táncterem padlója reng
és hallom a múltam moraját.
Most, hogy nekem nincs... többe édesanyám
Úgy érzem, hogy lábujjhegy jón felem, hogy megcsókoljon
amikor a dal életre kell egy tangóharmonika hangjára.
Carancanfunfa átkelt a tengeren a te zászló alatt
és egy Pernodban összekeverte Párizst Puente Alsinával.
Barátja voltál a jótékonykodóknak és az úri hölgyeknek,
sőt meg cimborája voltál a cukros papáknak és a kerítőknek.
Hangot adtál szépfiúknak, zsaruknak, tudatlanoknak és koldusoknak,
sorsuk összefonódott a tiéddel.
Fodros szoknyák, pomádé, késszúrások és bicskák beleégették
nyomaikat a bérházakba és a szívembe.
Kedves tangó…argentin tangó,
Érzem ahogy egy táncterem padlója reng
és hallom a múltam moraját.
Kedves tangó…argentin tangó
Érzem, hogy lábujjhegyen jön felém, hogy megcsókoljon
amikor dalod életre kel egy tangóharmonika hangjára.


A fülemüle
Azt mondta
Van szerelem
A számomra
A fülemüle
Hozzám repült
És azt mondta
Megtalálta a szerelmem
Azt mondta, egy nap
Találkozni fogok veled
A szívünk szárnyalni fog
A fülemülével
A fülemüle
Azt mondta
Egy nap
Velem leszel
A fülemüle
Azt mondta, ő tudta
Hogy a szerelmed
Egy nap megtalálja a szerelmem
A szívem szárnyal
A fülemülével
Át az éjszakán
Az egész világon.
Vágyom rá, hogy lássalak
Hogy megérintselek
Hogy szeresselek

Ég a láng

Éjjel s nappal csak álmozok,
a betegség üteme, a plafont bámulom.
Azt kívánom, bárcsak tudnám a válaszokat.
Azt kívánom, bárcsak meglenne a bátorságom hozzá, hogy megtudjam.
Mindenki az okokról beszél,
de én csak az érzést akarom megtalálni.
Érezni akarom az erejét,
el akarok jutni helyekre, melyeket nem ismerek.
Ha ott van a fény,
akkor tovább kell álmodnunk.
Ha ott van a szív,
akkor muszáj továbbra is hinnünk legbelül.
Az éjszaka után
ott a fény
és még a legsötétebb időkben is
ég a láng,
oly fényesen ragyog.
Mélyen az éjszakában,
a szerelem leszáll,
és a sötétben
ég a láng,
ég a láng.
Egész életemben a jelentést keresem,
most megtanultam látni azt, hogy ez a hit.
Azt kívánom, bárcsak tudnám hol a fény.
Azt kívánom, bárcsak meglenne a bátorságom, hogy lépjek.
Ha ott van a fény,
akkor tovább kell álmodnunk.
Ha ott van a szív,
akkor muszáj továbbra is hinnünk legbelül.
Az éjszaka után
ott a fény
és még a legsötétebb időkben is
ég a láng,
oly fényesen ragyog.
Mélyen az éjszakában,
a szerelem leszáll,
és a sötétben
ég a láng,
ég a láng.
Egy nyitott ablak
a szerelem számára.
Engedem, hogy a szél
befújjon a szívekbe.
És sosem leszünk távol egymástól,
majd meglátod.
Az éjszaka után
ott a fény
és még a legsötétebb időkben is
ég a láng,
oly fényesen ragyog.
Mélyen az éjszakában,
a szerelem leszáll,
és a sötétben
ég a láng,
ég a láng,
ég a láng.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.