Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 12

Találatok száma: 434


Jazz és bor

Tópart, és napfürdőzés
Némi időt szánok magamnak erre
Csak pihentetem az elmém
Szabadság, én érzem ezt a levegőben,
Ezt érzem magam körül is, semmi nem érdekel
Ha te ott leszel azon a magaslati úton
Belefáradva a hegymászásba
Akkor majd a tudtodra adom
Csinibaba jó időnk van
Csinibaba jó időnk van lent az úton
Kenyérrúd, zselé, és édes szőlőbor
Zenélő társaság, az emberek jól érzik magukat
Piknikeznek az öreg hegyoldalon
Méhek zümmögnek, madarak dalolnak ó nekem, nekem
Egyes dolgok, amiket szeretünk az életben
Sokkal jobbak, ha összekombináljuk őket
Mint a Jazz-t és a bort egy éjszakára
Szánd rá az időd, és lassíts
Az élet csodaszép
Minden jelenetét dédelgesd
Akárcsak egy TV produkciót
A bajok nem fognak téged legyűrni
Ha te ilyen jó-ól érzed magad
Jazz és bor
A szerelem, a szerelem a levegőben van
Szétküldjük az egészet, igen, szét kell osztanunk
Mert, ha jön az a magas hang
Nem engedhetsz többé letörni bennünket
Ne aggódj jó idők jönnek
Hé ne aggódj, jó időnk van lent az úton
Vörösbor olívák és szaxofon
Zene szól, mindenki tudja, hogy ez történik
Táncolj egész éjjel míg beköszönt a hajnal
És mielőtt azt tudni fogod, tovább fogsz énekelni

Love is gone

Love is gone
and life goes on
The summer rain
brings oblivion
and falls silently
as the quiet hours go by.
The rain of my heart
The rain of oblivion
I've learned the handsome face
of love is bound to die someday
and my torment,
frail and shuddering
like a bird
flew away into the night.
Love is gone and
the rain of my heart
the rain of oblivion
falls silently.
One glorious day I saw
the handsome face of love
being reborn. It came,
clad in green water and soft grass,
clearer than a morning,
and I was weeping.
The summer wind
the wind told me
this was happiness.
The wind of life
carries away silently
carries away the rain
the rain of my heart.
Love is gone and
the rain of my heart
the rain of oblivion
falls silently.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.


Versions: #2
Deep in my soul
I keep the passion,
‘cause it makes me feel…
Deep in my soul
I keep your love,
so I can still live
dying of love,
dying of you.
Like the waves try to find
the seashore,
like a sailor tries to find
his port and his home,
I searched in my soul,
hoping to find you,
but I found only
my loneliness.
And even though you’re far away,
so far away from me…
And even if others kissed you,
perhaps, Gwendolyne,
you still remember the time
of that love of ours…
and you still remember me.
I still remember that yesterday
when we were together
You were talking about love
and I still could smile.
I still remember that love…
And now you go away from me…
I pleaded the silence
to talk to me about you
I wandered through the night
wanting to hear your voice,
and I heard only the wind
that was whispering
your name: Gwendolyne.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

You are back again

Versions: #2
At the beginning I still believed, that you were just playing,
that you would tell you’ll leave me forever.
But your eyes clearly told me what you felt
and your tears made everything much worse.
You are back again, finally you are back.
You are back again, the destiny has heard me out.
You are back again, everything will be the way it was.
It’s like a dream and I can hardly believe it, you have returned to me. (encore)
Now you stand in front of me, more beautiful than ever
and I take from your hands the heavy suitcases.
So often I wondered how it would be
and now the time has come and it should never end!
You are back again, finally you are back.
You are back again, the destiny has heard me out.
You are back again, everything will be the way it was.
It’s like a dream and I can hardly believe it, you have returned to me. (encore)
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

The answer is known only to the wind

Versions: #2
How many streets on the face of this earth
Are streets filled with tears and despair?
How many seas on the face of this earth
Are seas of sadness?
How many mothers have been alone for so long,
And today are still waiting and waiting?
The answer, my friend,
Is known only to the wind
The answer's known only to the wind
How many people aren't yet free today
And would love so much to be?
How many children go to bed every night
But can't fall asleep due to hunger?
How many dreams implore us at night:
When will it be different for us?
The answer, my friend,
Is known only to the wind
The answer's known only to the wind
How big are the mountains of money that are spent1
On bombs, missiles, and death?
How grand of phrases do many men say today,2
Only to relieve no suffering?
How big a disaster must first happen
To bring humanity to its senses?
The answer, my friend,
Is known only to the wind
The answer's known only to the wind
  • 1. I think that 'How many mountains of money are spent?' sounds more natural and has a similar meaning, but this is a more literal translation
  • 2. 'How many words do some men say today,'

Szeretem, szeretem

Szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem
Szeretem az életet, az itteni és az ottani embereket
Szeretem a bulikat, a hajnalt, a dalokat
Szeretem a színt, ha természetes.
Szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretek
Barátokat szerezni, utazni, szeretek, szeretek
Veled álmodni és arra ébredni hogy éneklek,
Szeretem az igaz szerelmet.
Hé, barátaim, had mondjam el nektek:
Engedjétek hogy a szerelem vezessen.
Táncolj velem és még egyszer
Fogd meg a kezem, légy a barátom...
Szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem
Szeretem az életet, az itteni és az ottani embereket
Szeretem a bulikat, a hajnalt, a dalokat
Szeretem a színt, ha természetes.
Szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretek
Barátokat szerezni, utazni, szeretek, szeretek
Veled álmodni és arra ébredni hogy éneklek,
Szeretem az igaz szerelmet.
Mindenhol, mindenhonnan,
Halljuk, hogy szól a zene.
Érezzük, ha jelen van a szerelem,
Mindennap és mindenhol...
Szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem...

Life remains the same

Versions: #3
Some are born and others will die.
Some laugh and others will cry.
Water without a course, river without a sea
Sorrows and glories, wars and peace.
There's always something to live for,
something to fight for.
There's always someone to suffer for,
and someone to love.
In the end, actions remain
and people go away.
Others who come will carry on with them -
Life remains the same.
Very little friends that are true
Many praise you if you're successful,
and if you fail you'll understand
that only the good ones stay - everyone else leaves.
There's always something to live for,
something to fight for.
There's always someone to suffer for,
and someone to love.
Hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with lots of love, care and time, so it'd be great if you credit me when re-posting them somewhere else :D

A világ királyai

A világ királyai legfelül élnek
Számukra a legszebb kilátás odafent van
De nem tudják, mit gondolnak róluk idelent
Nem tudják azt hogy itt mi vagyunk a királyok
A világ királyai bármit megtesznek, amit akarnak
Nekik embereik vannak mindenfele de egyedül vannak
A kastélyukban ott unatkoznak
Míg a földszinten táncolunk egész éjszaka
Szeretkezünk, éljük az életünket
Nap nap után éjszaka éjszaka után
Mi értelme van élnünk a földön
ha térden állva végezzük
Tudjuk, hogy az idő olyan, mint a szél
Élni annyira fontos
Nem érdekel az erkölcs
Tudjuk, hogy nem bántunk meg semmit
A világ királyai mindentől félnek
Összetévesztik a kutyákat és a farkasokat
Olyan csapdákat, csinálnak amelyekbe egy nap bele fognak esni
Ők megvédik magukat a szerelemtől
A világ királyai harcolnak egymással
Van egy hely a szobában egy vagy két lépésnyire
És ott lent háborúzni nem fogunk velük
Nem is tudjuk, hogy mi az ami a királyok játékai
Szeretkezünk, éljük az életünket
Nap nap után éjszaka éjszaka után
Mi értelme van élnünk a földön
ha térden állva végezzük
Tudjuk, hogy az idő olyan, mint a szél
Élni annyira fontos
Nem érdekel az erkölcs
Tudjuk, hogy nem bántunk meg semmit
Szeretkezünk, éljük az életünket
Nap nap után éjszaka éjszaka után
Mi értelme van élnünk a földön
ha térden állva végezzük
Tudjuk, hogy az idő olyan, mint a szél
Élni annyira fontos
Nem érdekel az erkölcs
Tudjuk, hogy nem bántunk meg semmit

All the Love of this Planet

Versions: #2
When the evening twilight comes and the solitude
and nostalgia invades many thousand hearts
listen to the wind of the night.
It sings my song…
And then go to sleep,
‘cause now I’m by your side.
All the Love of this Planet,
I give it to you,
I give it to you,
you should never feel lonesome,
no matter what happens,
believe me,
All the Love of this Planet,
you’ll find it only in my heart.
All the Love of this Planet,
I want you to pay me for it with your love.
When the evening twilight comes the dreams
wake up and the night,
it lights thousands of lights.
When I'm far away from you
just look up to the sky.
Every stars tells you
you shouldn’t feel sorrow.
All the Love of this Planet,
I give it to you,
I give it to you,
you should never feel lonesome,
no matter what happens,
believe me,
All the Love of this Planet,
you’ll find it only in my heart.
All the Love of this Planet,
I want you to pay me for it with your love.
La lei la lei la lei ...
All of my love, I give it to you.
I give you everything
that I have,
and I have only love and my heart,
which beats for you night and day.
All the Love of this Planet,
I give it to you,
I give it to you,
you should never feel lonesome,
no matter what happens,
believe me,
All the Love of this Planet,
you’ll find it only in my heart.
All the Love of this Planet,
I want you to pay me for it with your love.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Tudom, hogy visszatérsz ...

Amikor rád gondolok,
szomorú vagyok.
A szerelmed nélkül
semmi sem létezik.
Mennyire nehéz
megbirkózni az egyedülléttel,
Amikor rád gondolok
és te nem vagy itt.
Amikor rád gondolok,
magányosnak érzem magam.
az életem részévé váltak.
Semmi sem ugyanaz,
az igazat megvallva,
amikor rád gondolok
és te nem vagy itt.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz, tudom.
Szeretném, hogy mellettem legyél.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz, tudom.
Szeretném, hogy mellettem legyél.
Egy ilyen szerelem
reményt ad nekem.
Egy ilyen szerelem
önbizalmat ad nekem.
Egy ilyen szerelem
nem adhat többet nekem.
Amikor rád gondolok
és te nem vagy itt.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz, tudom.
Szeretném, hogy mellettem legyél.
Dana Kósa

as you like

as you like, I will be when your shadow appeared to me
night and night, whatever happens, you're everyone to me
wherever you go, my eyes are on you and my heart is in your hands
protect me from people's eyes, promise me you'll never leave me
not for once I would think about leaving
night and night, whatever happens, you're everyone to me
I forget myself when you're with me and longing is madness
don't confuse my heart and mind and always be with me
even if you want to just stop by
night and night, whatever happens, you're everyone to me
as you like, I will be
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Open Sky

Open sky, get ready to
Move your body all night long
Until the morning
Open sky, there's love in everyone's eyes
And the sun is alive
And there's so much light and good here
This is love, it's love
Give me your hand, you and I are on a wave
Having escaped the winter, we can
Dance under the moon, relax, be ourselves
The open sky is love
The sky, the sky is love
The sky, the sky is love
Open sky, many stars, many words,
Among them, love
You can be daring and meet people here
Open sky, at last, we'd been waiting
Relax, have fun
In the summer, emotions pour down from the heavens
This is love, it's love.

She Wanted to Be Called Venice

She wanted
Me to call her Venice
You see me
Striped vest, doting voice
As a gondolier
Paddling for a cherry
For a kiss
She wanted to be called Venice
What a funny idea
What a funny idea
What a funny idea
I was under the command of her exquisite voice
You see me
Submissive heart and enamored soul
As a mariner
If women want to be called Venice
Take them seriously
Don't try to find anyone better
Don't try to find anyone better
Don't try to find anyone better
Then she ran away
Without her suitcase
Towards the mysterious fog
Sometimes she would dream of ice floes
Then prefer a raging Tarzan
As for me, with my tied up heart in my shirt
I always give what I can
She wanted me to call her Venice
Soaking eyes
Broken back, spare rib
On a running board
Tilting like the tower of Pisa
For a kiss
She wanted to be called Venice
What a funny idea


Light is heavenly in Porto-Vecchio
Clouds and melancholy tattooed my skin
I'm not leaving, I'm swimming in the whispering waves
But I left your name and your heart on the beach
(Ah ah, ah ah)
A sigh's appearing in Porto-Vecchio
You undying killer, here you are out of the ocean waves
I'm not crying, I'm swimming in the whispering waves (ah ah)
I left your name and your body on the beach
(Ah ah, ah, ah ah)
You let go of my hand in Porto-Vecchio
I smiled at the venom that burnt my back
I'm not crying, I'm swimming in the ocean of flames (ah ah)
Just to forget your body, just to move on more easily
(Ah ah, ah)
I'll come back tomorrow to Porto-Vecchio
Just to forget your hand and the taste of your skin (ah ah)
You let go of my hand in Porto-Vecchio
I smiled at the venom that burnt my back
I'm not crying, I'm swimming in the ocean of flames (ah ah)
Just to forget your body, just to move on more easily
(Ah ah, ah, ah ah..)

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.



Zina, your name sounds like the song of the setting sun.
The echo of the wind sounds from the East.
Four letters in your hand are the mark of your path,
made of so many cities, you're at home everywhere.
A little girl born here from parents born elsewhere, my darling
May life mix shores and languages in front of you
Hey Zina
carry with you freedom in your arms, wherever you go.
Hey Zina
two voice live inside of you, you're never a prisonner,
never a stranger anywhere.
as a light in the dark, man was born from clay.
Shape your figure and let
the sea foam bear like a caress
the likeness of a brooch at your heart1
A migratory bird name,
from Blida to Paris, nothing should be forbidden.
Gather the light of kings.
You're drawing pictures in the sky.
Heirloom has no laws, no soil/land for your roots.
Yeah Zina
carry with you freedom in your arms, wherever you go.
Yeah Zina
My cute Zina
Leila or Marie, no matter the shelter, however the cost of your steps2
Hey Zina
take freedom with you wherever you go, it is your right
Hey Zina
two voices live inside you
Hey Zina
this name fits you so well
Hey Zina
take freedom with you wherever you go, it is your right
  • 1. this is terribly convoluted French. The original sounds better than my translation, I just focused on the meaning
  • 2. that makes no sense in French either
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Az ördög könnyei

Azt mondta: „Én vagyok az ördög, fiú, gyere velem,
és sok-sok vihart kavarunk!”.
Az egész világot ajánlotta nekem,
de a szívem mélyén él egy kép egy lányról.
Néhányan egy átokba szerelmesek, néhányan egy tolvajba,
de a lány az otthonom,
és annyira része ennek a törött szívnek,
de nézd,
a törött csontok úgy tűnik, mindig összeforrnak.
Megízlelem az ördög könnyeit,
iszom a lelkéből, de sosem mondok le rólad!
Megízlelem az ördög könnyeit,
iszom a lelkéből, de sosem mondok le rólad!
Azt mondta: „Én vagyok az ördög, fiú,
gyere velem és megszegjük a törvényt!”.
Örök életet ajánlott nekem,
de a szívem mélyén él egy kép egy lányról.
Néhányan egy átokba szerelmesek, néhányan egy tolvajba,
de a lány az otthonom, és ő,
és ő annyira része ennek a törött szívnek,
de nézd,
a törött csontok úgy tűnik, mindig összeforrnak.
Megízlelem az ördög könnyeit,
iszom a lelkéből, de sosem mondok le rólad!
Megízlelem az ördög könnyeit,
iszom a lelkéből, de sosem mondok le rólad!


Madly, I press your body
against my body.
A few golden minutes,
as long as precious matching chords ring1
A fragile ball
Immobile heart
I walk the music
like a tightrope.
Madly, I press your night
against my night.
I stake it all for life2
The forbidden slow dance,
A few golden minutes,
as long as precious matching chords ring.
I live for the music,
the only settings
A strange party
A strange defeat.
Impossible one-on-one
A strange dance
A strange beat
Impossible chance
Madly, I grip your body
harder and harder.
I'm counting the chords, out of time,
I know I still have some left.
A fragile ball,
a useless ball.
I'm wandering the music
like an island.
Madly, madly,
Madly, I dance for you
A strange party
A strange defeat
Impossible one-on-one
A strange dance
A strange beat
Impossible chance
Madly, madly
Madly, madly
Madly, madly
Madly, madly
Madly, madly
Madly, madly
Madly, madly
A strange party
A strange defeat
Impossible one-on-one
A strange dance
A strange beat
Impossible chance
Impossible chance
  • 1. 'accord' can mean both 'match' and ''chord'
  • 2. hijacking of the expression 'tenter le tout pour le tout' (stake it all)
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

The kings of night Verona

The world is separated by good and evil
It's complicated to be the king there
And it's strange though sometimes
It's hard to understand who is the king and who is the clown
To be the king, to live under lock and key
There's a war in the morning and then - a social reception in the afternoon
The strongest ones of the world who are far away from the Earth (?)
Don't understand that we are the kings
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
And those who are under lock and key tomorrow
Seem as the clowns to us
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
But the Lord will forgive us
For everything by the sunrise
The happiness isn't everlasting
The fame is blind
People choose their kings
We demand satisfaction from the destiny
We don't care who is a hunter and who is a target
Games with the destiny are hilarious and useless
We burn the bridges after ourselves
And at all times
Only love must rule the world
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
We are the children of the fortune
It's easy to live for us in the world
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
We were born for love
And we are just the kings in it
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
And those who are under lock and key tomorrow
Seem as the clowns to us
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
But the Lord will forgive us
For everything by the sunrise
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
We are the children of the fortune
It's easy to live for us in the world
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
We were born for love
And we are just the kings in it
And may the odds be ever in your favor :)

Forget Me

Versions: #2
Forget me, if you no longer love me
Forget me, don't hurt my heart
You have become annoyed with me, you look at me, and reject me
Why do we keep pretending, there is no longer love
I ask you for a kiss, and you give me your back
I want to hug you, but you disappear
You make up arguments just so you can march off
The more I beg you, the larger your ego grows
Forget me, ignore me
I accept your complaints, my love, if one day I wasn't there for you
I changed my ways so you would love me
The strategy failed, you kept humiliating me
I would cry my complaints, but you would just hurt me
Forget me, ignore me
I accept defeat, I'll retreat, I have lost the battle
I don't want you to keep laughing in my face
Crying I ask you, even if my soul will suffer:
Forget me, forget me, forget me...

További dalszöveg fordítások

Juliette Gréco - Méfiez-vous de Paris dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

További dalszöveg fordítások

Calogero - Julie dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Long, long, long, morning train journeys
At St Lazare station, Julie is already dreaming in the aisles
Blonde, blonde, blonde, a beige scarf, 1 metre 63,
She's simply dreaming that someone will take her to the cinema
Julie is pretty but she is single
She is single because fate is in a huff with her
She is pretty, Julie, but solitary
A lost cry in the emptiness, celibate
Long, long, long are the days that go by
And the hours are just as long
She dreams in her office, it's already four o'clock
Of course she has had lovers for one night
But Julie is just waiting for a long love story
Julie is pretty but she is single
She is single because fate is in a huff with her
She is pretty, Julie, but solitary
A lost cry in the emptiness, celibate
He must be there, somewhere,
She often thinks about it at night
He who, without knowing it,
Is thinking of her at the same time that she is thinking of him
Two lives thrown to destiny
Who despite their giggles and their friends
Are looking for each other in this chaos
And are waiting to finally meet
Julie is pretty but she is single
She is single because fate is in a huff with her
She is pretty, Julie, but solitary
A lost cry in the emptiness, celibate
Long, long, long are the train journeys
When someone suddenly smiles at her
Maybe it's a false hope,
But maybe it's him.
Júlio Saraiva - Canção para a minha viúva dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Song for my Widow

When it's time
For them to put my shroud on
Baby, don't turn my death into
A storm in a teacup
You must cry, but just a little
And in a discreet manner
Three tears for the crazy one
Five or six for the poet
Do it all without further delay
Spare me these terrible things
The useless long prays
And the wreaths of flowers
Save me all the clichés
Actually, I never was good
But you can adorn my forehead
With your lipstick mark
If it were up to me, you'd be exempted
From the condition of being a widow
I hope my death will
Come in handy to you
In case there's any money left
Don't deny your fate
Marry some guy straight away
And travel with him to China
Júlio Saraiva - Minha Poesia dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

My Poetry

My poetry was not polite.
at bilac school
And will never be invited to tea
of immortals of the Brazilian academy of letters
My poetry walks barefoot on the streets
The old center of São Paulo
No French translator will waste his time
leaning over it
nor will it be remembered in the family soirees
They will not say it in schools
On civic holiday days after the
national flag which reads Order and Progress
is hoisted by a blonde girl
My poetry goes out every day.
Very early in the heliopolis favela
Catches crowded bus
Goes down the front door without paying for the ticket
And will sell bullets at the crossroads of Brazil with the rebaces
My poetry is that shameless woman
Which is offered to anyone without ceremony
Screw up assaults and is even capable of killing
My poetry feeds on the garbage of words
Rotten forbidden that does not fit in the mouth
Of good people and therefore should be extorted
Of all anthologies and condemned to thirty years of silence
Júlio Saraiva - Dia das mães (para aquelas que embalam seus filhos mortos) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Mother's Day (For Those Who Rock their Dead Children)

Sigh of tired woman
in the clouded solitude of the room
An imaginary empty crib next to the bed
A cry of silence - and only
Burning well in the end of the world of memory
Tears ceased to be tears
But the merciless time insists
In bringing them back - always ...
What good is the poem at these times?
Julie Zenatti - C'est du vent dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Just hot air

I lost you in the dream of a fine morning,
maybe in summer, maybe in autumn, I don't know.
I brushed aside the fountains whose waters were a bit too pure,
for the pleasure of unknowing eyes.
for the pleasure of unknowing eyes.
And in the end I was wary of all these people.
I took a giant leap backwards1
Exile will eventually make me change my ways2.
Shall someone say otherwise, that'd be just hot air.
I dare anyone to say otherwise3
Wanting to talk nice and lying about nothing4,
we [end up] curled up in a corner [full] of sadness.
Now who is it for, and above all what is it for?
I haven't found an answer to that yet.
No, I haven't found an answer to that yet.
And in the end I was wary of all these people.
I took a giant leap backwards
Exile will eventually make me change my ways.
I dare anyone to say otherwise.
A thousand [and one] pains piercing our hearts.
After the alarms, the flowers.
The low blows, the happiness, the wind is blowing the tears away,
but it will never be able to wipe out the din.
but it will never be able to wipe out the din.
And in the end I was wary of all these people.
I took a giant leap backwards
Exile will eventually make me change my ways.
I dare anyone to say otherwise.
Let people ask me
which side I'm leaning on, [on which side] I am5
Let people ask me [to lead] another life.
In the end I was wary of all these people.
I took a giant leap backwards
Exile will eventually make me change my ways.
Shall someone say otherwise, that'd be just hot air.
And in the end I was wary of all these people.
I took a giant leap backwards
Exile will eventually make me change my ways.
Shall someone say otherwise, that'd be just hot air.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Juliette Gréco - Demain, il fera jour dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Tomorrow is another day

Tomorrow is another day
dawning on this naked earth.
Tomorrow is another day,
life goes on.
Even if your hand and mine
hold each other on the road
and our paths
suddenly split apart.
Dear oh dear, my love,
what good are speeches?
Dear oh dear, my love,
tomorrow is another day.
Should you love me or forget about me,
seasons defy us all the same.
Whether we're foes or buddies1,
tomorrow is another day.
Tomorrow is another day,
while the night rests
so that love blooms
and the rose whiters.
The sun will shine
on empty oceans,
and the rain will fall
on the arid cities.
Dear oh dear, my love,
what good are speeches?
Dear oh dear, my love,
tomorrow is another day.
Should you love me or forget about me,
seasons defy us all the same.
Whether we're foes or buddies,
tomorrow is another day.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Juliette Gréco - Complainte dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


I'll never know happiness on Earth,
I'm far too much of a jerk.
Everything is painful and miserable
for a stupid jerk like me.
Any endeavour is bound to end up in tears,
for the jerks, that is.
Any pleasure fades, and then it's much worse,
at least for the jerks.
Anguish grasps and smothers me, I'm being
ever more of a jerk.
Don't know if I should laugh or cry,
as jerks do.
Sometimes it is blue, sometimes a soothy black,
the colour of jerks.
You'd like to sing, now here comes the rain
pouring down on jerks.
You'd like to dance, soil is nothing but mud,
the jerks are wading.
We are mud-eating idiots,
we are jerks.
Love loiters in an gyroplane
above the jerks,
who look up with a gentle smile,
the smile of jerks,
as they still await the nice love story,
delusional jerks,
for they are down to their bare nature,
the nature of jerks.
Roses, flowers, moonlight
are not for jerks.
The jerks believe in all this, but for peanuts1,
a food for jerks.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Juliette Gréco - La complainte du téléphone dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Phone lament

When we leave one another and you call me,
I'm sad for a host of reasons.
It saddens me that your voice rings
in my ear while you're not there,
and also you speak too close to the receiver.
I know you love me, alright, but just don't be so loud!
You always call when I work or when I sleep.
I'd think you're picking your time.
Use your phone if you feel like it, but please,
if it's for blabbering, just don't call me!
You can write to me, reel off your life story,
but you know, thinking of me is quite enough.
I feel an pang of anguish when the phone rings.
It annoys me, thinking it'll be you again.
Seven phone calls within the hour,
that's way too much for a single person1!
We say stupid things when we speak.
We fight, we are out of our minds.
If you ask me, what really matters
in life are feelings.
Ears have their limits.
As for me, I love you when you're quiet!
A silence, a pounding heart,
a caress, you can't beat these.
Call me if you feel like it,
but don't try to talk nice to me.
I know you just don't want me to forget about you,
but sometimes I think it would actually be a relief.
When we leave one another and you call me,
my poor head buzzes with all your speeches.
I like it better when we see each other
and cuddle up to one another
and kiss, and you're quiet at last!
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Juliette Gréco - Les enfants qui s'aiment dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Children who love each other

Children who love each other kiss each other up against the doors of the night
And passers-by point fingers at them
But children who love each other aren't there for anybody
And it's only their shadow that trembles in the night
Enraging the passers-by
Their rage, their contempt, their laughter and their envy
Children who love each other aren't there for anybody
They are somewhere else far beyond the night
Far higher than the day
In the dazzling clarity of their first love
They are somewhere else far beyond the night
Far higher than the day
In the dazzling clarity of their first love
Juliette Gréco - La chanson de Barbara dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Barbara's Song

It was beautiful outside when I had my virginity
You had it too, you remember?
And I knew well that the time would come
For me to choose a husband, a lover
If he had money, if he was charming
Even on weekdays, if his collar was white
And if, by chance, he offered me his heart and his last name
I would tell him no
Never look away
Indifference is better
Even though the moon shines in the sky
And the boat sleeps on the blue waves
My heart is silent
It is better, much better
Don't give your heart away
And only show calmness and coldness
Wait, this isn't good
I answer right away
A man from Kent came first
And he was a nice cavalier
The second one was as rich as a king
The third one was crazy in love with me
They had money, they were charming
Even on weekdays, their fake collars were white
Very courteously, they offered me their hearts and their last names
I told them no
So one fine day when the sky was clear
Came the one that offered me nothing
Without greeting me, he entered my room
He threw his hat on my bed
He didn't have money, he wasn't charming
Even on Sundays, his collar wasn't white
He couldn't offer me anything but himself for me to put up with
But I didn't tell him no
Before him1, I had to look away
It was him that appealed to me the most
The Moon twinkled in the skies
And the big boat sailed on the blue waves
All I had to do was give him my whole heart
For love, there is no reason
And the day happiness begins
We don't know how to say no
Si vous voyez une erreur, dites-moi svp.
N'hésitez pas à utiliser mes traductions où vous voulez si vous pensez qu'elles sont assez bien :)
If you see an error, please tell me.
Feel free to use my translations wherever you want to if you think that they're good enough :)
Juliette Gréco - Paname dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


they sung every possible tune about you.
There are so many words in your songs
that speak of wat, of what precisely?
As for me, it's your eyes, your skin
I want to kiss real properly,
just like the gigolos know how to.
the sun has put its pyjamas on,
as you light up and in your alluring downtown1
Mister Haussmann2 is hitting on you.
come and love me like in the old times,
especially at night, as we
walked together toward an unknown goal.
some street names are easily forgotten,
and in such streets, after midnight,
you showed me your little Paris.
as you sobbed in your horn blasts,
a girl lost among men,
you came to me like a mere little girl3
tonight I feel like dancing,
dancing with your cobblestones
everyone looks at with their feet.
youre so pretty under the lantern lights,
as you take your seasonal vacations
in the arms of an accordion.
as you dress up with blue,
it makes lovers go out,
saying 'in Paris together'.
as you dress up with grey,
the tailors have only one concern,
that's to dress up all the chicks4 in grey.
as you get bored you stroll down the quays,
stroll down the Seine and its drowned men.
It brings soe fresh air and that's entertaining.
people talk an afwul lot about you,
yet they don't know who you are.
They live at your place but never actually meet you.
if you could smile, I'd have your charm
If you could cry, I'd have your tears.
If someone hit you, I't take up arms.
You're more than just a thrill to me,
more than an idea, a girl just worth writing songs about,
and that's why I call out your name,
Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris...
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.