More haste, less speed
Eyes filled with rainMy hands in the shape of dead leaves
A knot in my stomach, my head hurts still1
Don't let the devil knock at your door.
Make me believe something.
It's not too late, I've got plenty of time on my side2.
Close the window, there are too many draughts.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
A drop of water in the ocean
Faliling at the air3
The storm passes, and what can we possibly do?
A few drops of water in the river.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
Make me believe something.
It's not too late, I've got plenty of time on my side.
Close the window, there are too many draughts.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
Too bad baby, I'm no longer the same.
Either say everything or die.
Between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
- 1. or 'again'. Since these lyrics make little sense to me I can't say what he means
- 2. 'de mon bord' might mean 'on my side', but used in this context it just sounds like broken French to me.
- 3. the usual expression is 'un coup d'épée dans l'eau' (a sword stroke in the water). He changed water for air, for some reason.