Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 6


At Noon

The sun is rocking the earth
It has wiped the clouds away from the sky
You can seemingly hear the grain
Fall from the ears in silence
The calves of village women are pale
In their pulled up skirts
The earth is breaking with hope
A Południca1 is born
Birds are dozing off in her braids
As the earth breaks under scorching sun
Just like the will of God
She goes wherever she pleases
Nobody will ever find out
Where is she going? Where did she come from?
And whose heavy lives
She is bearing on carrying poles
She keeps on going further and further
Then she stops somewhere for a moment
An older woman lights up a candle
Village men are dying there
Birds are dozing off in her braids
As the earth breaks under scorching sun
Just like the will of God
She goes wherever she pleases
She will come to me during summer
After how many years? I have no idea
But she will come and she will stand in front of my house
And she will say 'It is time for you now'
I will divide my land between my children
I will do that while I'm still here
And on the beautifully smelling Sunday
I will follow Południca
I will follow Południca
I will leave with Południca
  • 1. Also known as Lady Midday in English. I kept the original name in this translation as a matter of personal preference.

The Ballad of Janek Wiśniewski

Boys from Grabówek, boys from Chylonia*
Today the police have used their weapons
We stood there bravely, and threw accurately
Janek Wiśniewski's down
They carried him on a door through Świętojańska**
Against cops, against tanks
Boys from the shipyard, avenge your mate
Janek Wiśniewski's down
One's wounded, another's killed
The bandits from Słupsk*** want blood
The party's firing at the workers
Janek Wiśniewski's down
Bloody Kociołek****, the city's executioner
He's the reason children and women are dying
Just wait, you bastard - we'll get to you
Janek Wiśniewski's down
Shipyard workers of Gdynia, shipyard workers of Gdańsk
Go home, the fight is over
The world found out, they didn't react
Janek Wiśniewski's down
Don't you cry, mothers - it's not in vain
Over the shipyard there's a banner with a black ribbon
For bread and freedom, and for new Poland
Janek Wiśniewski's down
Shipyard workers of Gdynia, shipyard workers of Gdańsk
Go home, the fight is over
The world found out, they didn't react
Janek Wiśniewski's down
Don't you cry, mothers - it's not in vain
Over the shipyard there's a banner with a black ribbon
For bread and freedom, and for new Poland
Janek Wiśniewski's down

12 cents

12 cents, please don't cry
12 cents, I bring you in my teeth
12 cents, please don't cry
12 cents, I bring you in my teeth
12 cents, please don't cry
12 cents, I bring you in my teeth
12 cents, please don't cry
12 cents, I bring you in my teeth
The Tito's partisans liberated Yugoslavia
Without the Soviet's help. A fight on the party
Those from the other village had started, we finished it
Rambo 8 on TV. Look my friends!
So I have a high education, even though I’m not graduated
Just like president Kwaśniewski or Jaskiernia - the guardian of law
It turned out, that pastor King wasn’t a Negro
Nor Black - he was an Afro-American
12 cents, please don't cry
12 cents, I bring you in my teeth
The first cent for the orphans who have no father nor mother
Crones and madwomen, pack your bags, Bolo
The second cent for the crags, they don't eat supper
Their fuddy-duddies lie drunken, I vomit in the toilet
The third cent for the soldiers who watch over the Mother Country
Pruszków against Wołomin - the judge takes bribes from both of them
The fourth cent for the paper pusher, ‘cause he must eat something
Daddy has badly beaten up Mommy for her birthday
Not a right-winger nor a Whig, not even a fascist
Cowboy Cza Cza is just a normal communist
America is also falling apart, but that's a separate chapter
Bill Clinton was smoking weed, but he didn't puff
Go to work, you lazy fuckers!
But there’s no work here, so what are you going to say?
I’ve got lost after midnight in the South District of Chicago
I had my heart in my throat, but nothing bad happened
12 cents, please don't cry
12 cents, I bring you in my teeth
The fifth cent for the cop, cause we live much safer now
He drank a full bottle, but didn’t fall and I take care of him
The sixth cent for the monuments of those who created the history
When Maggie drinks, she gives everyone head
The seventh cent for the doctors. Who knows what may happen to us?
Who’s the best guitar player? Well, I’m not the worst one
The eights cent for the priest, cause the perish is a poor one
In the night shop a nasty witch sells vodka
On the trip to the mountains, all from our class were guzzling wine
A good pupil, a bad one, a boy and a girl
Our P.E. teacher made a lady who taught Polish drunk
She passed out and doesn't remember anything,
“Daddy 2”, “Kazik's Dad”, the time will come soon
Kazik’s Dad versus Hedorah
Get on your knees you boors! Luciano Pavarotti is singing!
Święcicki gave him a bit of my money
On the weddings they often vomit, so let me tell you
A good method is to drink the chicken soup at the beginning
Sweat stinks from beneath the armpits, it’s terribly crappy in the room
That’s how people with golden teeth amuse themselves
And the best haircut, if you don't know
Is short in front, long in back and the mustache on your face
Jack-knife, jack-knife - that's how they call me
Rogowiecki and Brozowicz, and they know everything about music!
12 cents, please don't cry
12 cents, I bring you in my teeth
The ninth cent for the uncle, he worked very hard
Who’s that fucking vegetarian that eats pork chop?
The tenth cent for Jadzia to make her fuck off
She has strength and an uncured angina
A cent for the janitor, maybe he will let me in
The sixth night without sleep, you can buy amphetamine on the street
Finally, the last one, the twelfth cent, I have for you
I love you and it will always be that way, I love you my darling
Everybody’s pissed, but all work very hard
Everybody smokes cigarettes, it will never end
My sister collects actors, my brother cuts out footballers
And I collect only pictures of nude women, if only I find them
At first “Dezerter', then radio, “Muzyczna Jedynka”
Whoever plays there, I don’t respect him
And the musical festival in Sopot, what a boozing and how much food,
How much money should you give to the lout with worn out kidneys?
They will give him, they will give him, he’s in debt all the time
New science fiction novel: John Paul 202
“How do you write your texts?” - when someone asks me
I’ll hit the fucker with my shoe, and then again with my fist
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Three Hundred Million

Today I got up, as everyday, at 5:30
No smoke lingering over the city, no steel plant in this city
I ate what I eat everyday, this time I washed myself
I left the house, I waited for the bus
When the bus arrived I barely crawled inside
Unemployed people use this bus line, I met all of them
Suddenly someone shouted: “Look at the prices in shop windows”
In just one year they grow by 100%!
Wałęsa, give me my three hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my three hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my three hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me…
An old man wails from behind: “I didn’t know this would happen
That he would forget about us all the moment he wins the elections
My brother in the country no longer has anything to do there
Have you seen it? We were cheated!
We expelled the Communists, but we beg them to come back again
How we ate and how we drank we remember, we elect
Look, a landlord 1 in power, so the good days will come back soon
My brother wants the government to subsidize his pigs by 1,000%
Waldemar,2subsidize my crops!
Waldemar, subsidize my crops!
Waldemar, subsidize my crops!
Waldemar, subsidize my crops…
I lived on this street, hundred light years from the capital city
An now a suspect3was chosen Minister of Employment there
You should be afraid, ‘cause we are going to fight
We live now the same way as four years ago
The Communists behind the desks watch over our live
Just look, look carefully, the comrades are the same
It often happens on the manor that someone controls someone
I feel that again…
They promised that the gullible people, everyone heard it clearly
Now they say it was not like that and nobody will get anything
I’m gonna wait for three days and not a minute longer
My impatience grows as I’m forced to wait for too long
My all comrades, they all think the same
When they go to sleep and when they get up in the morning
They remember all the words, ‘cause they heard them
You bloody clowns in the palace…
Wałęsa, give me my three hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my three hundred million!
Waldemar, subsidize my crops!
Waldemar, subsidize my crops!
Cimoszcze,4bring justice to our homes!
Cimoszcze, bring justice to our homes!
Waldemar, subsidize my crops!
Wałęsa, give me my three hundred million!
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

One Hundred Million

Today I got up, as everyday, at 5:30
It was still dark outside, the smoke was lingering over the city
I ate what I eat everyday, as everyday I haven’t washed myself
I left the house, I waited for the bus
When the bus arrived I barely crawled inside
All steel workers use this bus line, I met all of them
Suddenly someone shouted: “Look at the prices in shop windows”
I look, oh, Jesus, the prices got lowered by 100%!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
An old man shouts from behind: “I told you this would happen
He’s just a simple man like all of us in our steel plant
When workers fought for him, they helped him win
Have you seen it? I knew that’s gonna happen”
- “Wait, wait, let me count how much money I’ve got now”
- “Hey, you, are you crazy? You don’t need more”
Better look around, look at the prices in shop windows
I look, oh, my God, the prices got lowered by 100%!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
On the rally in our steel plant you promised us that money
I remember what you said, you should have thought about the consequences
I don’t wanna eat what I eat everyday, I wanna live the same way you live!
And look, it happened, there is justice in this world
Now I’m shouting together with others: “We said this would happen
When workers fought for him, they helped him win”
Keep an eye on everything, here the parson took control over me
I don’t think, I don’t feel, I just work
I lived on this street, hundred light years from the capital city
I travelled that distance fiercely, I found this job
Let the unbelievers and friends appal, I will fight
Let them see how angry the horde of bloody Poles is
The clerks behind the desks watch us
Look, look carefully, the clerks are the same
It often happens on the manor that someone controls someone
I feel that!
You promised one hundred million, I heard that clearly
So much time had passed and I didn’t get anything
I’m gonna wait for three days and not a minute longer
My impatience grows as I’m forced to wait for too long
My all comrades, they all think the same
when they go to sleep in the evening and when they get up in the morning
They remember your words, ‘cause they heard you saying them
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give us our one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give us our one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give us our one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give us our one hundred million!
One hundred million!!!
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.