Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 1


Arabian Money

This Belgrade Waterfront1 is so shitty
The whole city will look like Marrakech2
Like Bangladesh, just give us a cash
When I'm in the club I spend Arabian money
When I'm in the bank I count Arabian money
And everything is clanking when I enter the harem
That's because I'm throwing Arabian money onto the floor
Give us an Arab, give us an Arab, give us Arabian
Give us mo-mo-mo, give us mo-mo-mo, give us mo-money
I'm working with an Islamic fundamentalist so there's more and more cash
Because the Middle East has never been closer to us
I want dollars, I want euros3
I want dinars4, levs5 and yens
I want every coin,
But Arabian cash is the strongest on the world
I want every currency,
But with Arabian money I'll buy a pump
I'll buy a hooker, I'll buy...
Both pump and a hooker
No waffles, give us falafels6
Arak7, mastika8 so I can get drunk
Give us urmašicas and tufahijas9
Under the tyrant's baldachin
With Oriental rhythm people go crazy
With the rhythm of tum-tum-tulumba10
We're drinking boza11, we're eating date palms
We're fucking hookers... And pums
When I'm in the club I spend Arabian money
When I'm in the bank I count Arabian money
And everything is clanking when I enter the harem
That's because I'm throwing Arabian money onto the floor
Give us an Arab, give us an Arab, give us Arabian
Give us mo-mo-mo, give us mo-mo-mo, give us mo-money
I'm working with an Islamic fundamentalist so there's more and more cash
Because the Middle East has never been closer to us
At the market one old rule is valid:
No bus, no bus, only a camel
Belgrade, like Baghdad and Qatar
A money showers like oil here
While I'm dying of heat and fucking in Kuwait
I tell to my wife: 'Shut up and cook there!'
From Abu Dhabi to Dubai
Everything is fucking drndrlndr
Hashish, shisha, everything for Algiers
Phhh... Al Jazeera is broadcasting my video spot
Let's call Qatar and Emirates
Let's accommodate rich emigrants
Golden bulls, oil derivatives
Balkan dreams, Arabian salaries
Mosques, harems, halls
I'm eating baklavas12 on the middle of mahala13
I'm drinking shake of plasma and banana
I'm dreaming of being a sheik of Savamala14
When I'm in my apartment, I relax with Arabian money
When I'm in the school, I learn with Arabian money
When I'm working out in the gym - Arabian money
And I can do everything I want when I have Arabian money
  • 1. The Belgrade Waterfront is an urban renewal development project headed by the Government of Serbia aimed at improving Belgrade's cityscape and economy
  • 2. Marrakech is a major city in Morocco
  • 3. 'јевреј' literally means 'a Jew' but in Serbian jargon it's referred to 'euro'
  • 4. Serbian currency
  • 5. Bulgarian currency
  • 6. It's a Middle Eastern (usually Lebanese) deep-fried ball, doughnut or patty made from ground chickpeas, fava beans, or both.
  • 7. Levantine alcoholic spirit
  • 8. Greek alcoholic spirit
  • 9. Bosnian Muslim pies
  • 10. Turkish dessert
  • 11. alcoholic drink
  • 12. Muslim sweet
  • 13. Arabic neighborhood usually in Bosnia
  • 14. neighborhood in Belgrade, Serbia
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