On Deribasovskaya
They opened up a pub on Deribasovskaya
And many gathered there in gangster attire,
Even the girls swung by: Tamara, Roza, Raya,
With them, the scumbag of Odessa, dirty Styopa.
He would burst in the place with kisses in the air,
And said to pretty Roza, 'let's dance, yeah?
We'll tell the suckers sitting at the tables there,
that, tonight, we'll do the salon tango proper.'
But pretty Roza didn't fancy dancing with him,
Already sweating, she was practically dripping,
In the embraces of men, fat as chickens,
She couldn't take a minute more of bother.
Some fancy fucker came up, right in someone's ear:
'I'd recommend you try to cosy up to Vera,
I'd rather not offend your dearest of mothers,
or leave a blood stain on your lovely hat, my brother.'
But dirty Kostya - he was a lad of great passion,
He took a bottle to the fat man's head and smashed him,
He took a fork and gave the waiter's ass a lashing,
And just then, the salon tango started proper.
It really wasn't anything like Argentina,
Me and a friend got caught up in the fever,
They tossed us right out of the pub, with that hothead,
Left with black eyes and bumps on our foreheads.
Now, as we all lay on the pavement on our bellies,
Some foreigner got up and rose to Rozanelli,
With flaming passion, he then whispered in her ear:
'Oh, Roza, won't you be mine, my dear?
I'll take you down to our lovely town Batumi,
You'll eat sultanas, Turkish delight!' He said shrewdly,
'Like the fanciest of chicks I'll come and dress you,
If you want to sleep, then I'll come undress you.
I'll give you any earthly pleasure, you can take it,
No offence, you haven't even got a bracelet,
Even a slip gown, or proper stockings wrapped around ya,
And, now I think of it, you don't even have trousers!'
And so down went the pub on Deribasovskaya,
Many still gathered there in gangster attire,
Even the girls swung by: Tamara, Roza, Raya,
With them, the scumbag of Odessa, dirty Styopa.
Why Are You Looking At Me
Why are you looking at me?
Don't you remember me?
I'm the one whose live you control
I'm the one who died in a refuge
The one who found sudden death one day
The one who starved
The one who drowned a night in the Aegean
Why are you looking at me with those eyes?
Am I the one who demolished your palaces?
Am I the one who comes to your bed at night
Asking for hugs and sympathy
Cause I've never had them, not even once in my life
But I was on the first page of the newspaper
Why are you looking at me?Why are you pitying me?
I'm the one who you want to forget
I was the one at Smyrna , when they were jumping on boats
In a cellar in Iran when it got demolished
I was bombarded in Syria
I became scattered ashes in Belgrade
Don't look at me
I'm sorry
No one ever asked about my opinion
No one asked if I wanted to be born
Or if I wanted to be shown on the news
I just happened to rise from the east
And set somewhere in the west
Egyes-egyedül alszol,
Te üveggel a kezedben ébredsz
Nem éneklünk szerenádot,
Mert mindketten tudjuk, hogy játszmánkat elvesztettük
Mindig nagyon akartalak volna téged szeretni
Mielőtt a romantika drámává változott,
Ahogyan Rómeó és Júlia egyszer régen
Mi el voltunk veszve Veronában
Tanulni a sérüléseidből
Erősebbé tesz téged, idővel bebizonyosodik
Nem vagyok egy magának való ember drágám,
Én tudom, nekem nem egyszerű eligazodnom rajtad
Mindig próbáltam elmondani az igazat
Mielőtt a romantika drámává változott
Hiszem, hogy mindig Te voltál a legjobb érzés bennem
Mielőtt elveszítettük Veronánkat
Mi elvesztünk
Elvesztünk az utca tömegében
Mi elvesztünk
Mint két vitorlás hajó a tengeren
Mi elvesztünk
Mert a kihunyó szerelem lángjára építkeztünk
Mi elveszítettük Veronánkat,
Elvesztettük, és megtaláltuk Veronánkat,
Mi el voltunk veszve Veronában
Vakmerő ez a fajta szerelem,
vakmerő ez a fajta szerelem,
Sohasem mondtuk, hogy sajnálom,
Sohasem mondtuk, hogy elég már,
Ez a modern nő,
Modern férfi
Eltűntek Veronában
Elvesztettük, és megtaláltuk Veronánkat,
Mi el voltunk veszve Veronában
Mi elvesztünk,
Elvesztünk az utca tömegében
Mi elvesztünk
Mint két vitorlás hajó a tengeren
Mi elvesztünk
Mert a kihunyó szerelem lángjára építkeztünk
Mi elveszítettük Veronánkat,
Elvesztettük, és megtaláltuk Veronánkat,
El voltunk veszve Veronában
Someone Like You
I wish someone like you would enter my life
then my life would be settled (then i'd be great)
Spring is for flower
a heart is for another heart
a body is for another body
everybody wants a partner
for the body and soul
I wish you'll develop such feelings (love)
for me too
then my life would be settled
I'm a human being
not an angel
I'm afraid I might commit a sin
Lonely heart would not be controlled
it'll be upset without (your) love
There's none like you, my heart only looks for you
then my life would be settled