Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 15

Találatok száma: 1025


Yellow Flowers

He was waiting for her with a yellow flower
She was dreaming it with the light in her pupil
And the yellow of the sun lit up the corner
She felt it so close, she had felt it since she was a child
She knew that he knew
That one day it would happen
That he would come to look for her
With his yellow flowers
Don't hurry, don't stop
The moment of the meeting
This saying, which is a fact
Don't lose it, there is no right
Don't forget
That life
Is hardly ever asleep
In that bar so deserted the meeting awaited them
She arrived in a yellow limo, of course
He came up suddenly, and looked at her so frankly
A lifetime of dreams and he1 couldn't say a thing
She knew that he knew
That one day it would happen
That he would come to look for her
With his yellow flowers
Don't hurry, don't stop
The moment of the meeting
This saying, which is a fact
Don't lose it, there is no right
Don't forget
That life
Is hardly ever asleep
She knew that he knew
That one day it would happen
That he would come to look for her
With his yellow flowers
Don't hurry, don't stop
The moment of the meeting
This saying, which is a fact
Don't lose it, there is no right
Don't forget
That life
Is hardly ever asleep
She knew that he knew
He knew, she knew
He knew, she knew and they forgot
About his2 yellow flowers
  • 1. The conjugation is third person, but it might as well be 'she' that 'couldn't say a thing'.
  • 2. It may be both 'his' or 'their' flowers.

Utazás a Halhatatlan Földekre

Az Istenek földje
Az emberi alakjuk otthona
Ugyanazokat a csillagokat látod
Az ő távoli birodalmukból
Misztikus úton vitorlázol
Hogy a közelükbe juss
A halandó világ egy darabja
Teremtés, a Nagy Dal
Van egy föld a nagy tengeren túl
Ami az igaz harmónia végső helye
Irány a messzi birodalom partjai!
Azok a földek a sorsom és az álmaim
Lhun elf öbléből
Kezdődik el a nagy utazásunk
A hajóink nyugat felé veszik az irányt
A messzi isteni föld kikötője felé
Mély vizek felett
Bömbölő szélekkel szemben
Ulmo legyen velem!
Egészen a Bűvös Szigetekig
A mágikus hajókon vitorlázva
Utunk vezet a tengeren át
Egyesen Út az elfek mentén
A világ szféráin túl
Valahol a látóhatáron túl
Ott a Halhatatlan Földek két birodalma
Valinor a Valarok otthona
Eldamar az elfek területe
Félelem nélkül ki az ismeretlen tengerre
Dagadó vitorlákkal előre
Elf fából készült fehér hajóink
Fogják meg a jó szelet
Hamarosan meglátom a birodalmam
A sorsot melyben igazul hittem
A varázslat és a fantázia földje
A végső nyugodalmam helye
Viszlát halandó barátaim!
Hamarosan véget ér veletek az időm
Köszöntsétek az istenek otthonát!
Örvendjetek velem, mikor már elmentem!
A mágikus hajókon vitorlázva
Utunk vezet a tengeren át
Egyesen Út az elfek mentén
A világ szféráján túl
Mély vizek felett
Bömbölő szélekkel szemben
Ulmo legyen velem!
Egészen a Bűvös Szigetekig
Meglátom-e valaha azt a partot?
Tirion és Alqualonde királyságait
A felsőbb fajok szívét
Az istenek birodalmát, az örök otthonomat

Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a Sailor from York Theme Song

Waves washed you ashore,
onto a remote beach
But there you built your paradise
alone among trees and sand
Robinson, off to your island
many people dream away
Longing for the past
Your fate keeps us captivated
Your life was hard, but wonderful
That's why we remember you
That's why we're searching for deserted islands,

A tél tengere

A tél tengere
Csak egy tv-ben látott fekete-fehér film
És a belseje felé
Néhány felhő jelenik meg az égen.
Ázott homok
Egy levél mit a szél vitt el.
Láthatatlan pontok, mit kutyák kergetnek
Öreg sirályok fáradt parabolái
És én aki egyedül maradtam, kávézót keresek.
A tél tengere
Egy fogalom, amit a gondolat nem ismer
Kicsit modern is -
Olyan, amit senki sem akar.
Bezárt hotelek
Kifakult reklámplakátokkal.
Üresen hagyott kocsik az utcákon.
Ahol a nyári eső nem esik
És én, aki önmagával még beszélni sem képes.
Tenger, tenger
Senki sem jön el hogy elvigyen engem
Tenger, tenger
Senki nem jön el hogy társaságom legyen.
Tenger, tenger
Nem láthatlak így mert
Ez a szél engem is elsodor.
Ez a szél engem is elsodor.
Elmegy a hideg
És a part lassan kiszenesedik
Újságok lesznek, rádió szól
És vacak zenét játszanak.
Új kalandok,
Illuminált diszkók, tele hazugságokkal.
De este felé egy furcsa koncert kezdődik
És egy nyitva maradt napernyő,
Elmerülök, habozok a már látott pillanatokon.
Tenger, tenger
Senki sem jön el hogy elvigyen engem
Tenger, tenger
Senki nem jön el hogy társaságom legyen.
Tenger, tenger
Nem láthatlak így mert
Ez a szél engem is elsodor.
Ez a szél engem is elsodor.
Tenger, tenger
Senki sem jön el hogy elvigyen engem.

Fallin' (original English lyrics


Dóra a felfedező

- Dora!
- Csizi!
- Hi Dora!
Tüptürüptütü Dora (Super!)
Tüptürüptütü Dora
Tüptürüptütü Dora
Tüptürüptütü Dora (Let's go!)
Dora, Dora, Dora, it's time for an adventure!
You're a mighty big explorer Dora, Dora!
- Here's the boat, let's go then!
- Jump! Don't give up!
It's always beautiful when we're together! (Hey! Hey!)
Tüptüp Dora! Tüptüptü Dora!
Tüptüp Dora! Tüptüptü Dora!
- Watch out for the fox, before it steals something!
- Oh, damn!
- Dora the explorer

陷入爱情 (Fall in love)

I wait at that moment, hu~ sweet at that moment
I can put my heart in you, hu~
Ambitious for a moment, hu~ clinging to a certain moment
every time with you
Yes Yes Yes
You're in my world hu~ by your side I'm
Hug and hug some more, hu~
The end of loneliness, the joy that surrounds you
I will accompany you everyday
Na Na Na Na Na
My heart is yours
Baby heart is yours
Fall in love with you
My heart is yours
Baby heart is yours
Loving you
Wu fall in love with you
My heart is yours
Baby heart is yours
Fall in love with you
My heart is yours
Baby heart is yours
Loving you
Fall in love with you
You're in my world hu~ by your side I'm
Hug and hug some more, hu~
The end of loneliness, the joy that surrounds you
I will accompany you everyday
Na Na Na Na Na
My heart is yours
Baby heart is yours
Fall in love with you
My heart is yours
Baby heart is yours
Loving you
Wu fall in love with you
My heart is yours
Baby heart is yours
Fall in love with you
My heart is yours
Baby heart is yours
Loving you
Wu fall in love with you
My heart is yours
Baby heart is yours
Fall in love with you
My heart is yours
Baby heart is yours
Loving you
Fall in love with you


A cool picture on your desktop
we are all a sight to behold here
the bass is killing it again
turn it up to the max.
Whoever leaves the party
may they not get laid tomorrow
this hit will blow you away
take this hit.
You will hear a lot of YES next to me
everyone will take a picture with us
money will even drop on the floor
play this track.
I uploaded a new video on Instagram
COME ON, for the haters
I dont give a single fuck, let them watch how I blow up again,
COME ON, Lorenzo just knows how
to blow you up
I put on only sneakers and Im ready to go,
the bass is killing it again, turn it up to the max.
Did you get Vitriyan in you1,
since youre here youre not by chance
you know it well, there is no NO here.
You will hear a lot of YES next to me
everyone will take a picture with us
money will even drop on the floor
play this track.
I uploaded a new video on Instagram
COME ON, for the haters
I dont give a single fuck, let them watch how I blow up again,
COME ON, Lorenzo just knows how
to blow you up
  • 1. I have no idea what this line means in Bulgarian, any help is appreciated for a better translation


Sometimes it’s nice to get away from the sounds of the city,
when I leave, when I think in a different way,
until every movement seems to be useless.
Scarecrows seem to be swimming in the middle of wheat


[1. szakasz]
Ott egy szóba nyúlt ki pont előttem
De két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék lenni
Esküszöm a rendőrök elkaptak vele
Talán az vagyok, aki nem kellene legyek
Olyan fáradt vagyok mérföldektől, amit utazok
Elveszek valahol, ahol még sosem voltam
Mikor a rossz dolgok kezdenek történi
Én nem dobom be a törölközött
Egy oroszlán van a ruhásszekrényben és egy farkas az ajtóban
Talán sosem kerülök a mennybe, de már voltam ott ezelőtt
Mert amikor ő a lepedőmön fekszik a trikóba, amit én vettem
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
Egy oroszlán van a ruhásszekrényben és egy farkas az ajtóban
Talán sosem kerülök a mennybe, de már voltam ott ezelőtt
Mert amikor ő a lepedőmön fekszik a trikóba, amit én vettem
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
[2. szakasz]
Láttam egy táblát a nemzetközin
Azt írta Jézus a bűneimért halt meg
Nekem azt tanították, hogy szeresd az ellenséged
De esküszöm, ez lesz a végzetem
Nem tudom, hogy a szerelem hova megy, mikor vége
Mert te felpattantál a vonatra, mint valami csavargó
Kerestem magasban és mélyen, mindenhol ahol voltunk
Csak hogy rájöjjek, mindvégig itt volt
Egy oroszlán van a ruhásszekrényben és egy farkas az ajtóban
Talán sosem kerülök a mennybe, de már voltam ott ezelőtt
Mert amikor ő a lepedőmön fekszik a trikóba, amit én vettem
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
Egy oroszlán van a ruhásszekrényben és egy farkas az ajtóban
Talán sosem kerülök a mennybe, de már voltam ott ezelőtt
Mert amikor ő a lepedőmön fekszik a trikóba, amit én vettem
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
Láttam egy táblát a nemzetközin
Azt írta Jézus a bűneimért halt meg
Nem tudom, hogy a szerelem hova megy, mikor vége
Mert te felpattantál a vonatra, mint valami csavargó
Egy oroszlán van a ruhásszekrényben és egy farkas az ajtóban
Talán sosem kerülök a mennybe, de már voltam ott ezelőtt
Mert amikor ő a lepedőmön fekszik a trikóba, amit én vettem
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék

Baby Doll

The baby doll can't play nice
The baby doll can't play nice
When she steps up in the party, a real bombshell
She's up, she's down
All the dudes will fall in love

Happy End

Tender wind is caressing my day,
an old friend, a cherished memory.
Love has many faces - it is changing my soul.
Though I am drowning in a drop of sorrow, I manage to get to the surface again.
No, I am not afraid to accept sorrow too with the love!
No, I am not afraid even to take all the blame!
No, I am not afraid to love til it hurts day after day!
My love doesnt die when it all has a happy end.
No, I am not afraid!
Your hand still touches me gently,
the night is unbearably tender.
And the stars shine for me,
they promise a good day again.
Fear slowly fading away, love wins again.
No, I am not afraid to accept sorrow too with the love!
No, I am not afraid even to take all the blame!
No, I am not afraid to love til it hurts day after day!
My love doesnt die when it all has a happy end.
No, I am not afraid!

How Can I Get You Back?

Only now, when you left,
I understand, but too late,
That without your caress
I don't know how to be.
I can't believe you stop coming
On the shores of late nights.
I always rummage through the stars,
I can't find you.
Or you don't know my path anymore
And you ceased to come.
How can I get you back?
I miss all that was between the two of us.
I'd like you to come, I'd like you to understand,
So you never leave me again.
How can I get you back?
I miss all that was between the two of us.
I'm waiting for you to come, to be mine again,
Until then, don't forget me!
How much I would like to tell you now,
Now that you've chosen another path...
I'd kiss you on the forehead again,
As you once liked it.
From the moment you left,
I'm waiting for you, love, unceasingly,
I know you'll be back someday
In my life.
And even if you won't come anymore,
I'd still love you.
Chorus (x2):
How can I get you back?
I miss all that was between the two of us.
I'd like you to come, I'd like you to understand,
So you never leave me again.
How can I get you back?
I miss all that was between the two of us.
I'm waiting for you to come, to be mine again,
Until then, don't forget me!

You Don't Ask Me for the Moon

There are many
Stylish, brunette girls,
There are thousands of brunettes,
But with golden hair
How many they may be?
How wonderful
They are all,
And maybe they have
A little spot in their heart
For longing.
But of all the girls that are around the world,
Out of hundreds and hundreds of thousands,
Only you, only you are dear to me,
And maybe you don't even know why.
You don't ask me for the moon
Or for the rare jewels,
But any flower
Becomes a star in your hair.
You're like a song
That always seems new to me.
You don't ask me for the moon,
But I'd like to give it to you.
You're like a song
That always seems new to me.
You don't ask me for the moon,
But I'd like to give it to you.
On serpentines
With you, how nice
How nice it is at dawn,
When mountains and clouds
Are wearing colors.
Petals laugh
In your way, and it seems,
It seems to me that a spring
Is like a glittering thread
In the landscape.
How rich they shine in the sun
These earthly wonders!
You stopped to pick a flower,
And you tell me you don't want more.
You don't ask me for the moon
Or for the rare jewels,
But any flower
Becomes a star in your hair.
You're like a song
That always seems new to me.
You don't ask me for the moon,
But I'd like to give it to you.
You don't ask me for the moon,
But I'd like to give it to you!

Szívből, szeretettel

Lövésed sincs
Fogalmad sincs
A te csengőd sosem riaszt
És te mindig csak te maradsz
Senki nem kérdezett
Mégis folyton pofázol
Oké, vettük, ez a véleményed
És most menj a pokolba
Azt hiszed, mindent tudsz
Jobban, mint ők maguk
Igazán, te vagy a legjobb
Értékeljük, mit hallottunk
Szeretnénk megköszönni e szavakat
(tehát) bazd meg, seggfej! Bazd meg, seggfej!
Szívünk mélyéről köszöntünk
Bazd meg, seggfej! Bazd meg, seggfej!
Szívből, szeretettel
Köszönet gondolataidért
Köszi az ötleteket
Azt állítod ezekről, szeretetből
Ám sokkal inkább kelt félelmet
Engedelmeskednünk kéne uralmadnak és morális kódexednek
Ám a te utad a reménytelenség földjére vezet
A szulfur szaga
És most tünődsz - hogy kerültem én ide?
Az új Szörnyek gyülekeznek

I Wish My Heart Would Reach You

I don’t know when it started
But my days are all about you, it’s you
Precious days that were colored with you
The way you talk, your face, your eyes, I miss them all
Though I’m afraid of this place without you
At the end of my wait, I hope you’ll be standing there
As I cherish all the gift-like memories
I’ll always be here
I hope my heart reaches you
Moments that are warm as the sunshine
You alone were enough for me, wish you
When things were hard for no reason
I remember how you held my hand
Though I’m afraid of this place without you
At the end of my wait, I hope you’ll be standing there
As I cherish all the gift-like memories
I’ll always be here
I hope my heart reaches you
Even if it hurts to the point I can’t breathe, I won’t let go
I’ll find you
My days without you have no meaning
Just like when we first met
Always my love
I hope my heart reaches you

Dear friend

I think about you often
I am still fond of
These white boats
That desire leads
I miss you often
But I will still allow
The wind to fly
Blowing on my pain
Dear friend, I am sending you these few words
To tell you that the weather has been bad
And that I hurt, alone, ever since I lost you
I'm writing you these few flowers
With my heart inside them
Please accept my apology
I often dream about you
I remember everything
I wake up in time
But I see you everywhere
I wait for you often
I invent appointments
You don't have time anymore
Not a moment for me
Dear friend, I am sending you these few words
To tell you that the weather has been bad
And that I hurt, alone, ever since I lost you
I'm writing you these few flowers
With my heart inside them
Please accept my apology
Dear friend, I am sending you these few words
To tell you that the weather has been bad
And that I hurt, alone, ever since I lost you
I'm writing you these few flowers
With my heart inside them
Please accept my apology

Power of Eternity

Versions: #1
Her hair is blazing up to the sky, *
like a fire.
Her body is bending ignited in the storm,
like a flame.
Her power is like jinxed and hard to believe.
She threw away love to only face evil from now on.
I don't understand what you make out of love,
what will you do once you awake from that dream?
But only you will persist in the fight,
no matter how hard it is!
You've got the power and believe **
that only love can prevail
over evil with all its power,
over the darkness of the world.
You've got the power - with every hit ***
you'll be fighting mercilessly
against the forces and the badness within us...
Trust stands against might
like a rock.
And every lie is blown away
like by a storm.
Even the ice melts because of the clarity of this force.
Flaring flames
will soon be smothered by the truth!
You've got the power of eternity,
you're not afraid of the darkness.
Against the forces in the darkness of the world -
eternal guardian in the light!
You've got the power and believe
that only love can prevail
over evil with all its power,
over the darkness of the world.
You've got the power - with every hit
you'll be fighting mercilessly
against the forces and the badness of the world!

Dude This Isn't The Way

No dude this isn't the way!*
No, it's not to be done!
No dude this isn't the way!
You fell for a beaut
Don't, don't burn it!
No dude don't be like this!
They call you a wimp
They don't accept you
Now you're worse off
Chopping and changing
See dude now you got burned!
No dude this isn't the way!
No, it's not to be done!
No dude this isn't the way!
What would you say to others?
To others
What would you say?
To others
What would you say to others?
Your dad's long gone
Your dad!
He died for nothing
Oh dude he is long gone
What cure for your fate?
How are you even in this situation?
If you had listened to us a little
This wouldn't have happened dude
You've wasted yourself
No dude this isn't the way!
No, it's not to be done!
No dude this isn't the way!


In my rushing life,
Wherever my destiny took me,
I wasn't afraid of the big world.
How happy I was
That you were for me,
That I finally found you.
In wordless coexistence, wordlessly daydreaming,
The infinite embraced us silently.
Let our imagined dreams still fly free,
Help me endure my life!
Don't give up on your desires yet!
Even if it is bad, even if it's painful and it hurts your soul,
Because if you hope with your faith,
It leans towards you from heaven, and you will slowly reach it.
In my rushed life, when the soul is tired,
I feel like nothing is bothering me anymore,
Be the fire that lives, take care of our dreams,
Which hugs and doesn't bother.
Don't give up on your desires yet!
Even if it is bad, even if it's painful and it hurts your soul,
Because if you hope with your faith,
It leans towards you from heaven, and you will slowly reach it.

Gondold meg magad

Sosem hittem volna, hogy egyszer gyilkos leszek
Mert annyi minden veszíteni való van
De ha nem tudom meginni vizet
Mi mást tehetnék?
És bár a fejsze nehéz
Csak ül itt a kezemben
Amíg te úgy változol meg, ahogy jelenleg is
A szárazföldnek nincs partja
Valahányszor megpróbálom elhozni
Te mindig elfordítod a fejemet
Gondold meg magad
Hagyj elmenni, vagy hagyd, hogy szeresselek
Amíg te a saját nyakadat óvtad
Én kitörtem a sajátomat érted
A feszültség megvan, a nyaktiló dong
A hátam a falnak támasztva - gyerünk, hadd zuhanjon
Gondold meg magad
Mielőtt én teszem meg helyetted
Sosem hittem volna, hogy egy
Az árnál is kékebb tengerrel szembesülök majd
Most a térdeim remegnek
És nem tudok a szemedbe nézni
De mi van akkor, ha ráveszel
Hogy akartad csinálni?
A legjobb lassan kortyolgatni
Vagy egyben meginni az egészet?
Valahányszor megpróbálom elhozni
Te mindig elfordítod a fejemet
Gondold meg magad
Hagyj elmenni, vagy hagyd, hogy szeresselek
Amíg te a saját nyakadat óvtad
Én kitörtem a sajátomat érted
A feszültség megvan, a nyaktiló dong
A hátam a falnak támasztva - gyerünk, hadd zuhanjon
Gondold meg magad
Mielőtt én teszem meg helyetted
A hóhér bennem van
És szemkötővel érkezik
Kard a kezében
És karjai olyan feszesek
Valahányszor megpróbálom elhozni
Te mindig elfordítod a fejemet
De valahányszor megpróbálom elhozni
Te mindig elfordítod a fejemet
Gondold meg magad
Hagyj elmenni, vagy hagyd, hogy szeresselek
Amíg te a saját nyakadat óvtad
Én kitörtem a sajátomat érted
A feszültség megvan, a nyaktiló dong
A hátam a falnak támasztva - gyerünk, hadd zuhanjon
Gondold meg magad
Mielőtt én teszem meg helyetted
Gondold meg magad
Hagyj elmenni, vagy hagyd, hogy szeresselek
Amíg te a saját nyakadat óvtad
Én kitörtem a sajátomat érted
A feszültség megvan, a nyaktiló dong
A hátam a falnak támasztva - gyerünk, hadd zuhanjon
Gondold meg magad
Mielőtt én teszem meg helyetted

Cabriolet Panorama

Many kilometres I've travelled only because of the panorama.
More than a thousand times I've failed only for getting to you
with your lips that play with some chewing gum
and then you sigh something to me.
It seems a bit like a deja vu.
We'll see each other tonight.
I was thinking you'd invite me to dance
but then, luckily, everything around here is closed.
Let's stay here to talk, you're telling me you
would like to escape
in a car to the sea.
Let's not come back anymore.
Cabriolet panorama!
Come with me,
let's go wherever the night takes us.
Cabriolet panorama!
I don't know why
but we're saving our necks tonight.
(Cabriolet panorama...)
(Cabriolet panorama...)
Many kilometres I've travelled only because of the panorama
and I'd do it all over again with you but inside a cabriolet.
And with your hands that play in the air on a highway
and then you sigh something to me.
It seems a bit like a deja vu,
everything is clear tonight.
Come down 'cause I'm down here
and you seem ready to dream,
but then, luckily, I'm even crazier for you
and I'm ready if you say you
would like to escape, a car and the sea.
Let's not come back anymore.
Cabriolet panorama!
Come with me,
let's go wherever the night takes us.
Cabriolet panorama!
I don't know why
but we're saving our necks tonight.
(Cabriolet panorama...)
(Cabriolet panorama...)
Come with me,
may they never find us
not even by chance.
Come with me.
I'm a car in the sea.
Let's not come back anymore.
Cabriolet panorama!
Come with me,
let's go wherever the night takes us.
Cabriolet panorama!
I don't know why
but we're saving our necks tonight.
Cabriolet panorama!
Cabriolet panorama!
Cabriolet panorama!
Cabriolet panorama!

Saint Tropez

A legkülönlegesebb dal következik
Románia minden bárójának
A ti Florin Salamotoktól
Jobban mondva a Román brilliánstól
Minden mágnásnak
Aki tudja,hogy kell élni az életet
Minden tiszteletem az övék!
Ti gazdag emberek
Gyertek szórakozni
Gyertek szórakozni
Of, ah lele, ah lelele
Költsünk pénzt,pénzt,pénzt
Mert az idő telik,telik,telik
Mert telik az idő
Of, ah lele, ah lelele
Gyere nyaralni
Saint Tropez-ba
Amerikán és Afrikán keresztül
Ez az élet megy tovább
Ragadaga da
Gyere nyaralni
Saint Tropez-ba
Vidd a feleséged és a szeretődet
Ez az élet gyönyörű
Na ma
Tarara, tarara
Na gyerünk
Na gyerünk
Mágnás élet
vagy császár élet
Én mindig így élek,igen
Ah lele, ah lelele
Szállj be az autómba
Jóva teszem az életed
Ah lele, ah lelele
Gyere nyaralni
Saint Tropez-ba
Amerikán és Afrikán keresztül
Ez az élet megy tovább
Ragadaga da
Gyere nyaralni
Saint Tropez-ba
Vidd a feleséged és a szeretődet
Ez az élet gyönyörű
Salam!Florin Salam,Salam igen
Salam szia!Élvezd a legjobbat!
Gyere nyaralni
Saint Tropez-ba
Amerikán és Afrikán keresztül
Ez az élet megy tovább
Ragadaga da
Gyere nyaralni
Saint Tropez-ba
Vidd a feleséged és a szeretődet
Ez az élet gyönyörű

I will arise

If your blue is not equal to mine,
If you don't know the colour I have.
If you don't want to breathe with me,
I will live even without you.
Quicksand is under us
and you are much weaker now.
You and I -- split in half


[Verse 1]
Im starting on new things
They never gets finnished and I complain
Its hard to find time
I pretend to be strong and brave
But i just want to be left alone
Weak when no one is watching
But i see it snow within me
My mind is broken
I will lose my high, for sure
Its so cold where i walk
Ices are melting around me, oh
I am wondering how i feel
Is everything supposed to be this hard?
Its hard to dare to feel
I am way to tired to sleep
Its going to be alright
Because its just sweetwatertears
So dare to feel
It will maybe hurt, but i promise
Its going to be alright
Because its just
[Verse 2]
Some drops on the cheek
Have never done any damage
Lett them fall
I pretend to be strong and brave
But i just want to be left alone
And nothing more
But i see it snow within me
My mind is broken
I will lose my high
I will lose my high
Its hard to dare to feel
I am way to tired to sleep
Its going to be alright
Because its just sweetwatertears
So dare to feel
It will maybe hurt, but i promise
Its going to be alright
Because its just
Dare to feel what you feel, yeah
Dare to feel what you feel, yeah
So dare to feel your feelings...
I know it hurts, but i promise
Everything ts going to be alright, yeah
So dry your sweetwatertears

What will be with my love?

Life has called us
and united us in a love

I wonder what to do

Verse 1:
Guess it's hard for you to tell me if I am or I ain't
dear for you
But I'd wish you to try, that's a simple word:
You're feeling as if the earth is cracking under you
or you're drowning in the water
but close your eyes,
clench your fists,
say 'dear' and you're done!
Verse 2:
I can teach you to tell it directly:
dear (dear)
and repeat it saying even more accentuated
The begining is hard, but you'll love it
and then no one's gonna ? you
just close your eyes
clench your fists,
say 'dear' and you're done!
I wonder what to do
to find for your love
a song for a cure
I wonder what to do
I love you and of happiness
I'm singing for your love
Verse 1
Final chorus
I wonder what to do
to find for your love
a song for a cure
I wonder what to do
I love you and of happiness
I'm saying that I love you and of happiness
I'm saying that I love you and of happiness
I'm singing for your love
I wonder, I wonder what to do!

I'm reading in your eyes

Never thought that in your eyes are written
as in a book, tales, disappointments...
Never thought that you can ask a girl's hand
from the look in her yes
Let's dance for a life, let's be silent in two
gathering with our eyes the love from inside of us...
Chorus 1:
I'm reading in your eyes as if I'm reading a bizzarre manuscript
If I lose a stanza, I start it carefully from the begining again
I've gone dizzy looking in your eyes
just like floating on a skating ring
always under their spotlight
I'd be spinning for a lifetime
Prechorus 2:
No, I don't want words, let's be both mute

If you go to Chile

If you go to Chile
I beg you to pass
Where my beloved lives
It's a little house
Very cute and small
That is in the hillside
Of a nestled hill
The vines adorn it
And across a stream
At the front there is a willow
That cries, that cries
Because I love her
If you go to Chile
I beg you, traveller
Tell her
That I'm dying of love
The town is called Las Condes
And it is next to the hills and the sky
And if you look up into the valley
You'll see it being washed by an estuary
Peasants and townspeople
They will meet you, traveller
And you will see how they in Chile like
A friend when he is a stranger
If you go to Chile
Travelling friend

King of the night

Naughty, alien, I'm getting abnormal
Dishonest, hazardous, covetous and annoying
Deadly ugly and hideous, unpleasant, he avenges you
Deceitful, immoral, (?), inhuman
Arachnid and bat,
Are joining each other in my house
A snail and a silverfish
Feast with me at the table
Where no one dares to go,
I live within my day
And when nobody under the sun is keeping watch,
I'll enjoy the full moon's splendour
I am the king of the night!
I am the king of the night! (My king)
I am the king of the night! (Your King)
I am the king of the night!
(My king, your king)
(My king, your king)
Naughty, alien, I'm getting abnormal
Dishonest, hazardous, covetous and annoying
Deadly ugly and hideous, unpleasant, he avenges you
Deceitful, immoral, (?), inhuman
Arachnid and bat,
Are joining each other in my house
A snail and a silverfish
Feast with me at the table
Where no one dares to go,
I live within my day
And when nobody under the sun is keeping watch anymore,
I'll enjoy the full moon's splendour
I am the king of the night!
I am the king of the night! (My king)
I am the king of the night! (Your King)
I am the king of the night!
Arachnid and bat,
Are joining each other in my house
A snail and a silverfish
Wretched is the gift table
Where no one dares to go,
I am trapped for a year and a day
And when nobody under the sun is keeping watch,
I'll enjoy the full moon's splendour
I am the king of the night!
I am the king of the night! (My king)
I am the king of the night! (Your King)
I am the king of the night! (My king)
I am the king of the night! (Your King)
I am the king of the night! (My king)
I am the king of the night! (Your King)
I am the king of the deep, deep night!

Daughter of

I am the father of my caresses
And the mother of my experiences
I am a daughter of some fame
I am a daughter, of daughter of
With the mascara and the bandana
I am a daughter of, daughter of
I made others envious and made them pity me
I did it all by myself
Do you feel the scratch along your back?
It was to tell you that I'm still there
I am the father of my caresses
And the mother of my experiences
I am a daughter of some fame
I am a daughter of, daughter of
Those who hate me love me
I am a daughter of, daughter of
With eyes open into the night
Making love is like fighting
As the pack leader among these hyenas
I hurt you but for your own good
I am the father of my caresses
And the mother of my experiences
I am a daughter of, some fame
I am a daughter of, daughter of
I am a slave and a sovereign
I am a daughter, of daughter of
You who judge my path
Try doing it on top of this heels
Born like this I don't change anything
Dogs are also good in people's homes
An animal does not eat, an animal devours
I am a daughter of, daughter of
I am the father of my caresses
And the mother of my experiences
I am a daughter of some fame
I am a daughter of, daughter of
Those who hate me love me
I am a daughter of, a daughter of


[Verse 1]
The light goes out now
There is no time to lose
Dreams will die
Let's run away at once
And between fragility
Consuming me
There is ego to kill
In order to again become
The phoenix that will rise from the flames
You must touch the bottom to breathe again
(ah ah)
Death to my ego, I am reborn
Blossom from the ashes
Death to my ego, I will resurface
From the origin reborn
Like a beam of light
The chrysalis
From the dark
When flying
I'm born and reborn again
[Verse 2]
There is nothing to fear
There is nothing that cover
You are a diamond and you shine in the dark
You will be the phoenix that will rise again
You must touch the bottom to breathe again
(ah ah)
Death to my ego, I am reborn
Blossom from the ashes
Death to my ego, I will resurface
From the origin reborn
Like a beam of light
(I'm born and reborn again)
(I'm born and reborn again)
The chrysalis
(I'm born and reborn again)
(I'm born and reborn again)
From the dark
(I'm born and reborn again)
(I'm born and reborn again)
When flying
(I'm born and reborn again)
I'm born and reborn again
Born again
Born again
With my diamond heart
Death to my ego, I am reborn
Blossom from the ashes
Death to my ego, I will resurface
From the origin reborn
Like a beam of light
(I'm born and reborn again)
(I'm born and reborn again)
The chrysalis
(I'm born and reborn again)
(I'm born and reborn again)
(Power, power)
From the dark
(I'm born and reborn again)
(I'm born and reborn again)
When flying
(I'm born and reborn again)
I'm born and reborn again