Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 262


You - the married woman

You come often to my home
At nightfall
You come to find me again
And we make love
You come to forget
Your everyday life
You leave on my bedsheets
Your perfume, your odor,
Your lips on my skin
Instead of the heart
I can dream about you
Because your life is far away
You - the married woman
Who I love and who I like
You who is not mine
Who comes and goes
The girl of my pleasure,
The woman of my torment,
The lady of my thoughts,
Who knows that I'm waiting for her
You come often to my home
At nightfall
You come to find me again
And we make love
You come to forget
Your everyday life
We talk about leaving
We talk about travelling
My bedroom is a boat
Where we are a shipwreck
But our distant islands
Are lost countries
You - the married woman
Who I love and who I like
You who is not mine
Who comes and goes
The girl of my pleasure,
The woman of my torment,
The lady of my thoughts,
Who knows that I'm waiting for her
So you go back home
Because it's already time
We tell each other 'see you later'
And you hold back your cries
So you go back home
Because your life is far away


I would like to ask you
If it's 3 o'clock at night
If you meant what you said
If that was all made-up
I would like to ask you
If you could lay with me one more night
If you really don't care anymore
If it's all over
And I would like to tell you
That you've been an asshole
And, Yes, I am too
It is not that I don't know about that
I would like to tell you
Awkward, so honest
I would actually rather
Try it with you again
I don't want you to go
It is not too late
The world that's you
You just don't belong with me
You don't have to try
But just by being you
Because that love is
That is what you said
And everything
You are the half of me
You don't have to try
What you see, is what you get
Because love, that is us
There are a lot of thoughts
That I would like to share with you
I have waited for way too lang
But I don't care anymore
And I know you still listen
Even though you're quiet sometimes
So i'm standing with open arms
And i know you still want that
It's not too late
We will see how it goes
The world that's you
You just don't belong with me
You don't have to try
But just by being you
Because that love is
That is what you said
And everything
You are the half of me
You don't have to try
What you see, is what you get
Because love, that is us
I would like to tell you
That even though how great it is
We are doing our best
And that is enough
And everything we have
Is enough for me
Because love, that's us


I'm crying over a cartoon, perhaps, I'm a good man
Still got a bit of love left under my thick skin
I don't like people, they're too presumptuous,
They've committed too much, too much idiocy
I'm a white bear, just yesterday I wanted to die,
See you, death, see you, northern lights
I don't like people, they're too presumptuous,
They've committed too much, too much wrong
I won't be here tomorrow and only songs will remain
And only stupid, stupid little songs will remain
I'm a white bear, just yesterday I wanted to die,
See you, death, see you, northern lights
I was dying in a dream again, oh this sweet pain,
If I forget to wake up, if I forget to wake up,
Just bring alcohol,
I was dying in a dream again,
I was dying in a dream again
If I forget to wake up

It feels good

Serenade for my baby
Joey montana
Mike bahia
Since last February
There is no day that I have not celebrated with you
Movie night, eat ice cream
All 'that' details that made you fall in love
I did not understand love, but by your side
Wine in Spanish and subtitled
There is nothing to talk about, everything is clear to me
Although they say that it looks strange to me
It feels good
Want and be loved too
Let them say that this is not going to be possible
If I had to choose
I would choose you once, and again and again
It feels good
Want and be loved too
Let them say that this is not going to be possible
If I had to choose
I would choose you once, and again and again
Hey, I would choose you again
If something is clear to me baby (I don't know)
Is that with you I had the chance to lose
But I suffered, I learned, then I won
I would do it again for you
If there is anything I want from you
Is that you never get away from me
And if you had to walk away, huh
Let me see you again (Let me see you again)
I like it a lot
Love you
I feel like a lucky guy
For giving you what you deserved (You deserved)
And that you hadn't given yourself yet
It feels good
Want and be loved too
Let them say that this is not going to be possible
If I had to choose
I would choose you once, and again and again
I danced a reggaeton
With a stranger
One of those days that are not forgotten
I am so insecure and you are so determined
You said make love to me for the love of your life
And I listened to you
Cupid scored a great goal
I changed the cold night for a hug
It was just a drink and I took up the glass
And from that day take me inside
Same feeling but pro version
Everything about you was what I liked the most
What I was looking for has finally found me
I did not understand love, but by your side
Wine in Spanish and subtitled
There is nothing to talk about, everything is clear to me
Although they say that it looks strange to me
It feels good
Want and be loved too
Let them say that this is not going to be possible
If I had to choose
I would choose you once, and again and again
It feels good
Want and be loved too
Let them say that this is not going to be possible
If I had to choose
I would choose you once, and again and again
Joey montana
Mike bahia

A szerelem sebei

Múlik a szerelem, a fájdalom és a keserűség,
szűnik a nyugtalanság, a vonat néha elmegy, néha nem.
És tova tűnik minden, amit neked mondok,
mert néha az is elég, ha nem szólok,
és néha elfelejted, mennyire szeretlek.
És még annyi minden elsuhan melletted.
És elmarad a szomorúságunk előjegyzése,
és tízszer is elkerüljük a keserűség köreit.
Itt szaglik a bánat, ami öl és üt,
büntetés és dicsőség nélkül haldoklik a szerelem,
itt szaglik a zokogás, a zokogás, ami
az égbolt és a tengerpart falait nyirkosítja.
Itt szaglik a bánat, ami öl és üt,
büntetés és dicsőség nélkül, a szerelem sebeivel.
Elsuhan, hogy vártalak
Ülj mellém, ismét tova tűnik-e

Antichorus in ancient Athens

This idea has always troubled me:
what if in the peak of lyricism
what if in the most ecstatic moment
of the chorals of an Aeschylean tragedy
when the sensitive and smart chorus
would have judged straightforwardly the missteps
and would have given his advise with such a wisdom
and the civilized audience would have praised
and would have applauded with excitement
the morals and the poetry,
what if, i say,
appeared suddenly on the orchestra
an other sloppy and rough anti-chorus
consisted of ragged slaves of Athens
and asked, as simple as that, in some non artistic verses
of one of their sophomoric companion, containing this meaning briefly:
' Well, that's all you had to say about Agamemnon
well, that's all you had to say about Oedipus
and Orestis and Iphigenia and Antigone,
what about us, don't you have anything to say about us?'

Between You and Me

Like an explosion of letters and kisses,
words of love to the sound of pop.
Like a spiral of good wishes,
of complicity, of pure truth.
You make me feel like, for you, I am
the star that shines lighting you up.
Between you and me
the music is perfect,
so sincere, so direct between us both.
Thank you for coming
with me on this journey
'cause we still have so much left to live.
Like the hope of every concert,
you're in my voice in each song.
Like a heart that speaks to me in silence,
that's the way you sound - you fill me up with light.
You make me feel like, for you, I am
the star that shines lighting you up.
Between you and me
the music is perfect,
so sincere, so direct between us both.
Thank you for coming
with me on this journey
'cause we still have so much left to live.
And now I look at you, I sigh and I laugh.
I'm still singing and you're singing with me.
The night has begun, the lights are on.
One can feel the magic 'cause you're my friend.
It's many years now, growing up with you,
daydreaming for so many reasons
and today I confess I'm always going to love you.
Between you and me
the music is perfect,
so sincere, so direct between us both.
Thank you for coming
with me on this journey
'cause we still have so much left to live.


Flying low and remembering a bit less.
Saving the world, destroying our dreams.
Perhaps it's about me getting lost amidst the crowd.
To be seen by you inside my soul happened many times.
Coming back home without your love and with one lie.
My good luck fell asleep somewhere in a corner
and our story freezes in a moment.
The doubts can wait or I won't wait.
And I know that in the end, in every kiss you don't give me
the footprints of this heart will get lost
Talking to you about love!
While looking at your eyes and pretending
that I no longer feel anything,
that I came up with my own tales.
And you'll know how to forget me to make me remember.
Always coming back home meant saving me a little.
November comes reminding me of your eyes.
I miss you and today, I have violated my sentence.
There are no doubts but you no longer wait for me.
To be without you, to let all my fears fall.
I was wrong, I only wanted to be myself once more.
And I know that in the end, in every kiss you don't give me
the footprints of this heart will get lost
Talking to you about love!
While looking at your eyes and pretending
that I no longer feel anything,
that I came up with my own tales.
And you'll know how to forget me to make me remember
the time we spent hugging each other,
laughing about the world,
with our house on the other side
while walking amidst the crowd and writing this song.
I'll keep loving you
even if you can't see it.
Finding you wasn't easy
and now I want to remember
The hours we spent hugging each other.
I want to count how many minutes
keep me away from you
and wait for you at our place and smile again
while looking at your face and, in summary,
telling you that this life
without your kisses is a tale.
To never leave your side and finish this song.

Megtanult lecke

Az igazság oly erővel zúdult rám
Mint egy kalapács át a szobán
Hogy választhatok valaki mást helyette1
Mindig azt mondtad, hogy színész vagyok bébi
Talán valójában azt gondoltad, hogy csak amatőr vagyok
Hogy te sosem láttad a jeleket
Hogy te végig uraltad a helyzetet
Ó, ne már
Ez olyan gyerekes szöveg
Most én lettem árulónak kikiáltva
Nem abszurd ez kicsit?
Mikor nyilvánvaló, hogy átlátszó módon csőbe húztak
Mikor nyilvánvaló, hogy átlátszó módon csőbe húztak
Hogy játszhatod a meglepettet
Mikor meghallod, amiről már tudsz?
És csak annyit kellett volna tenned, hogy kérdezel
Azonnal megmondtam volna
Azok a hazugságok mind igazak voltak
És minden, ami hamis volt, valójában tény
Most magadhoz szorítasz erősen
De én legfeljebb olyan voltam mint egy szobor
Nem vagy hajlandó elismerni, hogy sérülés ért
Most a torkomnak mész a karmaiddal
És sírsz, hogy minden elveszett
De a könnyeid olyan forróak voltak az ingemen
De a könnyeid olyan forróak voltak az ingemen
Az igazság oly erővel zúdult rám
Mint egy kalapács át a szobán
Hogy választhatok valaki mást helyette
Mindig azt mondtad, hogy színész vagyok bébi
Talán valójában azt gondoltad, hogy csak amatőr vagyok
Te voltál, aki egyszer azt mondta nekem?
Most visszatekintve olyan valóságosnak tűnik
Hogy minden hibánk csak gabona a malomnak2
Hát azok után, hogy nekem elég volt
Miért lopod el tőlem a bút, amiért megdolgoztam?
Mondhatjuk akkor, hogy tanultunk ebből?
Mondhatjuk akkor, hogy tanultunk ebből?
  • 1. Nőről van szó.
  • 2. Ez egy mondás, ami az jelenti, hogy minden, ami elsőre kellemetlennek tűnik valójában szükséges és célt szolgál.


Nem sejtettem, hogy ez igy lesz
Csupa üresség, s így elveszve
Ez nem nekem való
Sötét tengerbe fulladva
Hagyom hadd sodorjon álmaimmal
Vigyél hát magaddal
Mindig ha felállok, elbukom
Nem, ezt többé nem akarom
Újból és újból elveszve
Újra és újra nélküled
Többé senki sem hall téged
Most mi lesz velem nélküled
Hiányzik a hangod s nevetésed
Minden nap, minden órán
A régi fotókat nézem
Kézbe veszem, mást kell tennem
Zsúfolt utcán csukott szemmel
Csak megyek és karom széttárva
Lassan mindent elenged
Ha újból elesem, felkapaszkodom
Újból és újból elveszve
Újra és újra nélküled
Többé senki sem hall téged
Nélküled kell tovább menjek
Hiányzik hangod s nevetésed
Minden nap, minden órán
A régi fotókat nézem
Kézbe veszem, sikerül nélküled
Nélküled, nélküled, nélküled
Újból és újból elveszve
Újra és újra nélküled
Többé senki sem hall téged
Sikerül majd nélküled
Hallom hangod s nevetésed
Minden nap erösebbé tesz
A régi fotókat nézem
Kézbe veszem, sikerül nélküled
Nélküled, nélküled, nélküled

A lány

Nem tudott önmagában hinni
Túl gyakran és sokszor becsapták
Vörösre sírt szemek
És kiszáradt ajkak
Élettöl megviselve, reméli, hogy elkerüli környezetét
Reménykedett, hogy talán más cipöben jár
Miért is történt minden így?
Túl sokat adott
Vissza semmit sem kapott
Megéri ez egyáltalán
Ezen töpreng folyvást
És mégis marad
Tudja azt jól
Csak nem mondja
Abból indul ki, hogy minden bánattal jár
Senki sem látja öt
Álmok elszállnak, a remény a hosszú nap során
romlott vízként folyik el, de nem érdekli
Miért is történt minden így?
Túl sokat adott
Vissza semmit sem kapott
Megéri ez egyáltalán
Ezen töpreng folyvást
És mégis marad
Miért is történt minden így?
Túl sokat adva
Vissza semmit sem kapva
Megéri ez egyáltalán
Ezen töprengek folyvást
Mégis maradok


I like the bright mornings
You like the starry nights
We’re so different
Like putting one ice cube in an americano
Our first encounter was lukewarm
We’re so different, let me tell you, we’ll never get close
That’ll never happen, I bet, you know
You seem so uptight
I’m not the only one who thinks this
You know this too
This isn’t a dream
It really wasn’t
But what? Why am I thinking about you?
You’ve come into my head
Even the way you look at me
Can’t take my eyes off you
We’re so different, let me tell you, we’ll never get close
That’ll never happen, I bet, you know
You seemed so uptight
But I’m imagining
You becoming mine
You and I, we didn’t know each other
Our different hearts became the same hearts
I can feel it, one by one
I want to see you from closer
We’re so similar, let me tell you, we’ll be getting closer forever
Did you ever think this would happen? I bet you know
You’re so cute
I’m not the only one who thinks this
Imagine it

While Leaving School

While leaving school
We ran into
A large railroad
That led us
All around the earth
In a golden wagon
All around the earth
We ran into
The sea that showed off
All of its shells
Its scented islands
And its beautiful
And its smoked salmon.
Above the sea
We ran into
The moon and the stars
On a sailboat
Departing for Japan
And the three musketeers
with five fingers on their hands
Turning the crank handle of a small submarine
Diving deep down in the seas
To look for sea urchins.
Returning to land
On the railway
We ran into
A house that flew by
Flew all around the earth
Flew all around the earth
Flew before the winter
That wanted to catch us
But we started rolling
Rolling behind winter
And we crushed it
And the house stopped
And spring welcomed us.
It was the crossing-keeper
And it thanked us well
And all the flowers on earth
Suddenly started to grow
To grow indiscriminately
On the railway
That didn’t want to keep going
For fear of ruining them.
So we went back on foot
on foot all around the earth
on foot all around the sea
All around the sun
Around the moon and the stars
On foot, on horseback, by car, and by sailboat.

If you do not love me anymore

I do not like this scenario
Something you hide between hands and it's not good
From one time to today nothing is the same
I hope my suspicion is not true
But everything is so clear something goes wrong
Do not say goodbye kissing my mouth
Always loads hurry to want to go
When someone calls you you're happy
It seems that they are waiting for you there
I have no doubt that this is the case
If you do not love me anymore
If now in your life you have someone else
Don't give it more laps let's fix it
It hurts me more by wanting to shut up
If you do not love me anymore
I step aside at this moment
It is no longer necessary to continue receiving
Those kisses that taste like oblivion
I leave over here with you
Now you kiss me with open eyes
And I only feel cold in my heart
And this is Edwin Luna and La Trakalosa from Monterrey oh
If you do not love me anymore
If now in your life you have someone else
Do not give it more laps, let's fix it
It hurts me more by wanting to shut up
If you do not love me anymore
I step aside at this moment
It is no longer necessary to continue receiving
Those kisses that taste like oblivion
I leave over here with you


Not an evening passes by
That we don't talk about you
We light candles for you
And we all sing your songs
Davor, Davor!
Days without you are empty
Because you were a medicine
That eases the pain
How can I thank you,
The only way I know and can is with a song,
And that little freckled girl
Is praying to God for you
Davor, Davor!
Can you hear those angels
Who are singing my song for you?
Davor, Davor!
Can you hear those angels
Who are singing my song for you?

Write a Love Song

The morning was gloomy,
Ana left last night
She changed her face
And her feelings
That happened last night,
Everything ended,
And this morning, people are calling me
Looking for a new topic
Write a love song,
Write something new,
Just leave out the tears,
People are used to that
And I am writing a love song,
But tears must be included
How can I sing about love
When I cannot hide my sorrow?
She just quietly said:
Since this night, I am no longer yours
And her palm was as cold as ice,
And there was not a smile
I didn't say anything
I just closed my eyes
Ana left last night
And love fell down during the night
Now they are requesting a love song,
Something new
Just leave out the tears,
People are used to that
And I am writing a love song,
But tears must be included
How can I sing about love
When I cannot hide my sorrow?

Let Me Cry

I will tell you about my life
I will tell you why I breathe this way
Ask me how the songs hurt me
Ask me why I only write the sad ones
Do not ask me why the tears are flowing
While I am singing about my town by the river
And about the park at the end of the town
And about her, wherever she is now
Every song, one memory
A part of those beautiful times
You don't have to know what it means
But when I am crying, let me cry
A song brings back all the old loves
Friends, places, and guitars
You don't have to know what it means
But when I am crying, cry alongside me
I will tell you about my life
Let my tears flow
While I am singing about my town by the river
And about the park at the end of the town
And about her, wherever she is now
Cry alongside me

If I Don't Have You

The darkest moonless night is not so different from me, suffering and without a heart.
I may look cold, and seem like I don't care about a thing.
But I'm tremble when I'm near you.
Your eyes gleam like the light at the finish line.
Change the loneliness just by your amorous warmth.
Add the value to life. Today, that I have you,
It's like I've found my missing heart.
How can I live if I don't have you today?
How can I live if tomorrow my heart is missing?
Every time we're apart, I want you, can you notice that?
If my gloomy life don't have you in it,
I must be like the dead who's still breathing.
Life will be meaningless...without you.
The night wait for the moonlight, and shortly after that they meet,
But a man like me, waiting for you my whole life.
On the day we've met I pray to the faith,
Not to carry you away and put my heart in misery.
How can I live if I don't have you today?
How can I live if tomorrow my heart is missing?
Every time we're apart, I want you, can you notice that?
If my gloomy life don't have you in it,
I must be like the dead who's still breathing.
Life will be meaningless...without you.
Life will be meaningless...without you.

I Often Encountered the Evil of Living

I often encountered the evil of living:
it was the choked brook that gurgles,
it was the curling of the sun-parched
leaf, it was the horse that collapses.
The good I did not know, beyond the miracle
unfolded by divine Indifference:
it was the statue in the drowsiness
of midday, and the cloud, and the hawk soaring high

The White Partisans

In the cold and the famine,
By the cities and by the fields,
At the call of Denikin,
Marched the white partisans,
At the call of Denikin,
Marched the white partisans.
Slashing Bolshevik troupes,
by rallying the Atamans.
In their epic campaigns,
they were hunting down trembling Trotsky.
In their epic campaigns,
they were hunting down trembling Trotsky.
It is for a Holy Russia,
For the old traditions,
For the glory and the motherland,
What were these battalions fighting.
For the glory and the motherland,
What were these battalions fighting.
Your glory is immortal,
White Volunteers and Officers,
And our cruel agony,
The shame of the west.
And your cruel agony,
The same of the West.

The Song of Fidelity

The men with a vile soul,
Hunting the scepter and the cross,
Have imposed in our cities,
The denial of the Law.
But so that always on earth,
A rallying point remain,
From age to age are loyal,
The men of our blood.
But so that always on earth,
A rallying point remain,
From age to age are loyal,
The men of our blood.
They are faithful to the voice of their soul,
Of their woods, mountains and blood

Goodbye Comrade

Farewell comrade, may the Lord protect you
On the road where your angel will watch.
May the Virgin Mary show you the way to the stars
Where we will meet tomorrow.
May the Virgin Mary show you the way to the stars
Where we will meet tomorrow.
Farewell comrade, may the Lord protect you
On the road where your angel will watch.
May the Virgin Mary show you the way to the stars
Where we will meet tomorrow.
May the Virgin Mary show you the way to the stars
Where we will meet tomorrow.

I'm A Festival

In a duel of bitter afflictions
We are both invested, my darling.
Your weapons are doubts and jealousy


Versions: #2
It was all erased
It was painted over with gray
The word on the wall
It was all erased
It was painted over with gray
It only remained on the wall
Sadness and fresh paint
We who are always rushing
On the city's streets
Deserve to read the letters
And the word of kindness
For that I ask
To you on the world
What is more intelligent?
A book or wisdom?
World's a school
Life's a circus
Love is a liberating word
The Prophet once said
It was all erased
It was painted over with gray
It only remained on the wall
For that I ask
To you on the world
What is more intelligent?
A book or wisdom?
World's a school
Life's a circus
Love is a liberating word
The Prophet once said

The enchanted grotto

The life will pass, a dream will not
I am in love – a happy plot.
The life will pass but not a myth
I’m a poet - I have no grief.
The world is stuffy, my soul is fresh
I’m a happy camper in the flesh.


You're mine in my imagination
I hope it won't just end there
When will my chance be
In my dreams, you love me there
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Oooh!
You're mine now!
Cause you're the type to yearn for
The one they say, you won't regret
And so my only wish is to be next to you
And be the reason of your smile
I really like you ah!
Why can't you see it?
That I love you, in heart, words and actions
When will there be a two of us?
And eveytime you pass by,
I'm captivated by your beauty
But even if I can't go near you,
In my dreams I'll marry you
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooooh!
You're mine now!
Cause you're the type to yearn for
The one they say, you won't regret
And so my only wish is to be next to you
And be the reason of your smile
I really like you ah!
Why can't you see it?
That I love you, in heart, words and actions
When will there be a two of us?
You're mine in my 'Imagination'
I hope it won't just end there

When you love me

I promise you that you're not an impulse
Every time that I feel you with me I want to dance
The tequila drowns my sorrows,
I feel a fire that burns me
Why don't you understand that with me this is true love?
And if tomorrow they all find out
What does it matter to me if they know it
Because like that life is good
When it is true love
Let them know that I love you
I am not going to deny it
Let them know that I am dying for you
I am not going to shut up
I will keep trying it,
Feeling it, looking for it
Until the day that you love me,
I won't tire waiting
I will keep trying it,
Feeling it, looking for it
Hopefully when you love me there won't be another in your place
I won't deny to you how much I have suffered
Every time that you leave I wither,
I cannot forget you
The tequila brings out my sorrows,
I feel a fire that burns me
Why don't you understand that with me this is true love?
And if tomorrow they all find out
What does it matter to me if they know
Because like that life is good
When it is true love
Let them know that I love you
I am not going to deny it
Let them know that I am dying for you
I am not going to shut up
I will keep trying it,
Feeling it, looking for it
Until the day that you love me,
I won't tire waiting
I will keep trying it,
Feeling it, looking for it
Hopefully when you love me there won't be another in your place
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ay
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ay
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ay
No, oh-oh-oh
There is not going to be anyone else filling your place
Let them know that I love you
I am not going to deny it
Let them know that I am dying for you
I am not going to shut up
I will keep trying it,
Feeling it, looking for it
Until the day that you love me,
I won't tire waiting
I will keep trying it,
Feeling it, looking for it
Hopefully when you love me there won't be another in your place
Hopefully when you love me there won't be another in your place


Yeah, yeah (water, water, water)
Ye-yeah (Cauca Flo)
[Verse 1]
Drippin’ like this: water, water
Everybody active is moving their feet, René Higuita
Stepping with finesse, and the flow is divine
I get my style from my mom

Let Them Call Me Old Man

Today in the morning
I looked in the mirror and saw that some gray hair now covers my brow
And with certain amazement, I see that I look different now
I got to thinking about what people are ultimately whispering
They say that I'm old
Maybe they noticed that I wasn't interested in vain things anymore
And according to them, my desire to keep up is gone
From those early mornings and parties, I stay away
Let them call me old man!
But I don't stop feeling nice if they give me a kiss
I'm still the child that keeps believing the moon is made of cheese
Being a mature man does not make you tougher, I assure you that
Let them call me old man!
But I don't stop enjoying life, daydreaming
And even if some say that I'm on my way out, and say it repeatedly,
I'm not sorry, I do what I feel, they know that I don't lie
Let them call me old man
Let them call me sir
The time that gives me breath is much wiser
So please, call me mister
Let them call me old man!
But I don't stop feeling nice if they give me a kiss
I'm still the child that keeps believing the moon is made of cheese
Being a mature man does not make you tougher, I assure you that
Let them call me old man!
But I don't stop enjoying life, daydreaming
And even if some say that I'm on my way out, and say it repeatedly,
I'm not sorry, I do what I feel, they know that I don't lie
Let them call me old man
Let them call me sir
The time that gives me breath is much wiser
So please, call me mister

One plus One

I believe
Even when I can't see
I don't understand
And the truth,
after overthinking,
1+1 is never 2
I try it but I can't find the accounts,
I can't find the mistake
I am trying to explain the inexplicable
I am trying to decipher the indecipherable
I believe
Even when I can't see
I don't understand
and won't ever understand it
And if I try, it's trying in vain
The whole sky does not fit in the hands
I believe
And the truth, I don't know
And the truth, I don't know
How can be?
How can be something I can't touch
more real than everything I can touch?
How can be something I can't see
more real than everything I can see?
It is like the wind,
I know I can feel it, but I can't see it, mmm
I believe
Even when I can't see
I don't understand
and won't ever understand it
And if I try, it's trying in vain
The whole sky does not fit in the hands
I believe
And the truth, I don't know
And the truth, I don't know
After overthinking,
1+1 is never 2
I try it but I can't find the accounts,
I can't find the mistake

The sea rolls up upon the sand

The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody knows what he says
It hits the sand and it faints
Because it feels happiness
Even the sea is married
Even the sea has a wife
It is married to the sand
Can touch it when it wants
Even the sea is married
Even the sea has little children
It's married to the sand
And the children are the little fish
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody knows what he says
It hits the sand and it faints
Because it feels happiness
Hey, sea, you're a lion
You want to eat everybody
I do not know how can the man
Win you waves
Hey, sea, you don't melt your heart
(There isn't a) ship that doesn’t break you
Hey, sea, you didn't fulfill
What you’ve dealt with me
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody can hear what he says
It hits the sand and collapses
Because it feels happiness
I heard the mermaid singing
In the middle of that sea
How many ships are lost
Hearing that sound of her
Even the fish of the sea
Peck on the whale
I never saw a single man
Going out with ugly woman
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody knows what he says
It hits the sand and collapses
Because it feels happiness


Hey, wherever you are
I need you to come now
my world is upside down
Hey, I already know that
that I only look for you and I call you
when the feet don't do that
Hey, tell me if it's true
that you take care of me at night
in the middle of the dark
Hey, it's me again
I only know that I am afraid
but I don't really know of what
Nobody cares for me
like you take care of me
nobody loves me
like you love me
nobody moves
without you seeing it
nobody is saved
if it's not in your kingdom
Amen, Amen
calm my restlessness, please
Amen, Amen
and take away the pain
I want to ask you so much
answer, in case I am wrong again
and if I fall, will you pick me up
although my brothers are the first
to judge me and point out my mistakes
that you already forgave me
if I fall, you are there for me
to pick me up again and again (again and again)
and if I lose focus
I go against the tide and without rest
I know that even though I'm in a hole
I'm not alone
I know that even though I'm in a hole
I'm not alone
And I
Amen, Amen
calm my restlessness, please
Amen, Amen
and take away the pain
Take care of me, take care of me
fill my soul with yourself
take care of me, take care of me
What am I afraid of? If you take care of me
Take care of me, take care of me
fill my soul with yourself
take care of me, take care of me
What am I afraid of? If you take care of me
Take care of me, take care of me
fill my soul with yourself
take care of me, take care of me
What am I afraid of? If you take care of me
Take care of me, take care of me
fill my soul with yourself
take care of me, take care of me
take care of me
Amen, Amen
Amen, Amen
calm my restlessness, please
Amen, Amen
and take away the pain
Amen, Amen
calm my restlessness, please
Amen, Amen
and take away the pain
take away, take away the pain
Amen, Amen
calm my restlessness, please
Amen, Amen
and take away the pain
Take care of me
take me with your hand
take care, take care