Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 48


Master Champion

It's charisma
inspiring US
To respect
To look up to
To get the title named,
Master Champion
In the Crystal World,
Where WE live
There are Crystal Monsters everywhere
Caves, forest, mountains
Where they are
Companions and friends to help
but there are bad ones
they all have the power!
It's charisma
inspiring US
To respect
To look up to
To get the title named,
Master Champion
They are not easy
Challenging us
To reach
To deserve it
To get the title named,
Master Champion
I wanna know how to do it
it has been my dream
i wanna be the greatest
the best of them all! YEAH!!
1, 2, 3, Hit it!
It's charisma
inspiring US
To respect
To look up to
To get the title named,
Master Champion
They are not easy
Challenging us
To reach
To deserve it
To get the title named,
Master Champion

Master Champion

It's charisma
inspiring US
To respect
To look up to
To get the title named,
Master Champion
In the Crystal World,
Where WE live
There are Crystal Monsters everywhere
Caves, forest, mountains
Where they are
Companions and friends to help
but there are bad ones
they all have the power!
It's charisma
inspiring US
To respect
To look up to
To get the title named,
Master Champion
They are not easy
Challenging us
To reach
To deserve it
To get the title named,
Master Champion
I wanna know how to do it
it has been my dream
i wanna be the greatest
the best of them all! YEAH!!
1, 2, 3, Hit it!
It's charisma
inspiring US
To respect
To look up to
To get the title named,
Master Champion
They are not easy
Challenging us
To reach
To deserve it
To get the title named,
Master Champion

Végzet Mesterei

Átkozom a reggeli csillagot
És átkozom a holdfényes égboltot
Követem a csillagokat és feltérképezem őket nyomorúságom napjáig
Mindegyik egyedül világít az égen, eggyé fogok válni velük
Nem menekülhetek a végzettem elől
Nem menekülhetek
Mint egy szarvas még mindig kővé dermedve az úton
A fényszórók közelgő fényében
Minden dolog amit mondtunk és megtettünk
Minden dolog amit megvalósítottunk
Minden dolog amit mondtunk és megtettünk
Mondtuk és megtettük, mondtuk és megtettük
Biztos voltam benne, hogy
én vagyok az aki alszik, de lehet hogy van valahol egy élet
Ami rólam álmodik
Biztos voltam benne, hogy
én vetem a kockát, de lehet hogy az örökkévalóság...játszik velem
Minden dolog amit mondtunk és megtettünk
Minden dolog amit megvalósítottunk
Minden dolog amit mondtunk és megtettünk
Mondtuk és megtettük, mondtuk és megtettük
A feszültség nő, de nincs senki más
Tarts ki
Ha nem akarsz hajlani az akaratára
Én vagyok az álmodozó
Én vetem a kockát és élek
A kezem nincs megkötve
Mi vagyunk az álmodozók
Mi vetjük a kockát, úgyhogy élünk
Mi mindig
A sors mesterei leszünk
Mint egy szarvas, csinos csontja az úton
A varjak által felvett hús
Minden dolog amik lettünk
Minden dolog amit mondtunk és tettünk
Mondtuk és megtettük
Mind befejezetlen

I can't let you take the love away

I can't let you take the love
I can't let you take our love away
If you want, take our beautiful days, take them all away
take what I have, whatever I have remained, take the feelings with you
I can't let you take the love away
can't let you take our love
can't let you take away the love
Don't ask me, I can't let you take the love
Take the words, beautiful words, being said from the past
Take the sea, take the sky, take the earth
Don't take the love,
can't let you take our love!
Can't let you take our love
Don't ask me, I can't let you take the love
Don't even think I can live without you
Or, bear if anyone touches (you)
Let's begin from the start
Come on, let's begin from the start
I don't even want any friends
Anyway, there was no one counting me as his friend
In the city, raining start (It has started to rain in the city)
On your street, raining start
Cloud has become around us
And sky start childish cry
The melody reminds (me of) you
Tell me anyone who is like you
Or being solo, if doesn't annoy you - kills me
I can' let you take the love away
The love, what should I do, but not let you take away the one
Every shot (photo) that reminded me of you -
I threw them from the 10th floor
If I carry these days on
If I wash the dark colors off
I don't wanna dream as you are with me
and I still touch your hair
Mama told me - time will pass and heal everything
but time doesn't move, but it doesn't rotate
If you want take away the materials I have left, too
Can't let you take away the love
Can't give you our love
Can't let you take away the love
Can't give you our love
If you want, take our beautiful days, take them all away
take what I have, whatever I have remained, take the feelings with you
I can't let you take the love away
Can't give you our love
I can't let you take the love away
Don't ask me, I can't let you take the love
Take the words, beautiful words, being said from the past
Take the sea, take the sky, take the earth
I can't let you take the love
Can't let you take away our love
Come on, let's run far away
They won't find us (two)
Let's run away for the love or I am done
and can't revive
Here everyone lies to us, plays the role
Don't believe them, give up - it's better for you
I have been fighting for you and I will go on
And I believe I will win the war
Come with me, don't follow another
Come with me or I will die for you
As you see, I'm all alone. Whom I had in my back yesterday
no more can call him the 'bro'
Come with me and We together will find a way
Hurry up, we have no time
If we miss the ship at the shore,
We will swim the sea together
Mama told me - time will pass and heal everything
but time doesn't move, but it doesn't rotate
If you want take away the materials I have left, too
Can't let you take away the love
Can't give you our love
Can't let you take away the love
Can't give you our love
If you want, take our beautiful days, take them all away
take what I have, whatever I have remained, take the feelings with you
I can't let you take the love away
Can't give you our love
Can't let you take the love
Don't ask me, I can't let you take the love
Take the words, beautiful words, being said from the past
Take the sea, take the sky, take the earth
I can't let you take the love away
Can't give you our love!

Master and Margarita

Versions: #2
God gave us love, like wings for our back
Margarita lost her mind due to the Master
But people's envy wanted to steal her
But part of her stayed in the heart of the Master
My ship is on fire, my ship is in distress
And the “storm petrel” brought a letter with bad news
That we will never ever meet again
No seashore, no bottom, only the stairs to heaven
Days and nights in loneliness, it’s like a thousands years
I plead to you , I am in pain , I am begging, God, turn off the lights
I covered every centimeter of these walls with my blood
But this foolishness is not of concern (or business ) to you
Thousands of pages about you I melted in the fireplace
My heart is a stone but, alas, it is bleeding granite
I am your mistake, you can't fix it, it’s easier to eliminate me
Forget about me on our deserted island
I am freezing , like in the winter, inside I’m in anguish
There is heat and swelter, but It is freezing me and it gives me the chills
It’s incomprehensible as to why our destinies are connected
I love you despite everything
God gave us love, like wings for our back
Margarita lost her mind due to the Master
But people's envy wanted to steal her
But part of her stayed in the heart of the Master
And nobody will stop us, nobody will bring us together ( or reconcile us )
And my way to you is an impassable labyrinth
I am carrying towards you my sick heart ,
do you hear me? you can take it
I’m waiting for your call. Do you hear me? Call me
We turn our backs away from each other and sleep like this -
there is a bottomless abyss between our backs.
There are Fumes in my lungs, there is alcohol in my veins
There is something “unoriginal” or fake in my notes , there is loneliness in my songs
[I will write about how my heart bleeds.
I will make you laugh with the corniness of my hastily put together rhymes.
I am a drunken clown who never joked.
You will ask me to leave, but I have been on the road for a long time.
The world without you, means that I am here accidentally (by chance
In a muted black and white film of MR Charlie Chaplin
And my heart is burning low in fire
But I made this fire to warm you up
God gave us love, like wings for our back
Margarita lost her mind due to the Master
But people's envy wanted to steal her
But part of her stayed in the heart of the Master


Microphone in a hand, wait
Criticism again
'Whore, stop it, kill yourself'
I'll say one thing, write what you want
You have enough of me? Fuck you
I'm amused by your whining
At my one nod
You'll dig a grave yourself, you know?
You're waiting for my every little move
You count only on stumbling
But Masti is too strong for that already
I'm holding your heart in the fist
The queen is only one from today, is, is, is
Like a pawn, you wait when I finally beat you
The queen is only one from today, is, is, is
Like a pawn, you wait in the corner for your sad end
You're crying again cuz you wanna be like me
You're crying again cuz you wanna be like me
You're crying again, you're crying again, you're crying again
You're crying again, again, again, again...
Time for my move, checkmate
You're again telling me how I have to live, ey
You know nothing about me
I see more, I hear more, I have everything you dream about
I grow strength with every word
So don't come cuz I'll bite
Cringe, you cur, and curl up in the doghouse
I'm doing what I want, I must nothing
I'll even drown you in a whisper
Bitch, seek, I'm amused by your pain
You're waiting for my every little move
You count only on stumbling
But Masti is too strong for that already
I'm holding your heart in the fist
The queen is only one from today, is, is, is
Like a pawn, you wait when I finally beat you
The queen is only one from today, is, is, is
Like a pawn, you wait in the corner for your sad end
You're crying again cuz you wanna be like me
You're crying again cuz you wanna be like me
You're crying again, you're crying again, you're crying again
You're crying again, again, again, again...
Stop, I have a word for you, my pearls
You have me, I have you, none of us will be alone (no, no)
I'm standing on the chessboard today
But I'm not afraid of pawns, like a real queen
Together today we're growing in strength
Together we're constantly moving forward
Let's not see what is behind us (no, no)
Let's not see what is behind us (no, no)
Time for my move, checkmate

Water Orchid

lailaiya lailaiya
lailaiya aaa
It seems like I can reach if I stretch my hand out
What should I do with my swollen heart*?
I put it** in the clouds
Missing you missing you
Longing becomes tears,
Hoping to wet your heart
Doesn't it hurt you? Is it true?
Everyday I miss and cry
Is love always this painful?
Tell me
In case at least my tears could reach you, I cry
(lailaiya lailaiya lailaiya aaa)
Missing you missing you
Longing becomes rain
Doesn't it hurt you? Is it true?
Everyday I miss and cry
Is love always this painful?
Tell me
Should I become tears? Should I become rain?
Will I reach your heart then?
Is love always this painful?
Tell me
In case at least my tears could reach you, I cry
In case at least my tears could reach you, I cry


Milyen csodálatos nap
Minden rendben
A fejben egyetlen gond sem
Az aggodalmakat elhagyva
Azt a kis kétséget kivéve, amid
A ma esti ruháddal kapcsolatban van
Úgyhogy fogsz egy palack francia bort
És azt mondod, nem élsz kétszer
Elveted a kockát
Mestermű, látnod kellett volna
Azt a szivárványt a hold ragyogásában
Mestermű, azt kell élned
Azt az új hajnalt holnap
Keresztülautózva Beverly Hillsen
A tüdődben érzed a múlt fuvallatát
Micsoda elegáns hely
Elefánthálával sétálsz
Az egész Sunset Boulevard
A sztárra várt már
Mind összegyűlnek ünnepelni
Boldog szülinapot, édesmézesem
Micsoda öröm látni a régi tesókat
Ebben a hollywoodi hangulatban
Végtére is velünk
Mestermű, látnod kellett volna
Azt a szivárványt a hold ragyogásában
Mestermű, azt kell élned
Azt az új hajnalt holnap
Mestermű, sosem játszod el
De az élet egy film
Mestermű, ki kell próbálnod
Biztosak vagyunk abban, hogy mozognál
Túl sokat tangóztál
Azt mondod, kapcsolatban maradunk
Visszamész haza a Rolls Royce-oddal
Mosolyogsz, és a srácokra gondolsz
Egyszercsak elhomályosodik a látásod
És az emlékeid sodródnak a levegőben
És végre biztonságban érzed magad
Te is egy csillag vagy odafent
Egy csillag odafent
Mestermű, látnod kellett volna
Azt a szivárványt a hold ragyogásában
Mestermű, azt kell élned
Azt az új hajnalt holnap
Mestermű, sosem játszod el
De az élet egy film
Mestermű, ki kell próbálnod

It’s Okay Even If It’s Not Me

I do not care if you do not mind.
I will always keep you by your side.
I do not care who I am
I look like you smile brightly I like it
I just want to keep it happy.
I just laugh with you if you just laugh
I am not even a man who makes you happy
If it’s not me.
I do not care if you can ring me
I look like you smile brightly I like it
I just want to keep you happy.
I’m just happy if you’re happy.
I am not even a man who makes you happy
If it’s not me.
It’s all a lie.
I want to be with you always.
Even if we are away for awhile,
Not if I’m the one who makes you happy
Not me, not me, not me

The Person I Love

Living day by day
It’s so hard
When only you’re not here
When only you’re not here
I’m crying again today
The person I love is you
The person who hurts me is you
If I can see you as much as I love you
I would see you every day
I try to erase you
But it’s not as easy as I thought
I can’t see you ever again
I can’t see you ever again
I’m lost and crying alone again
The person I love is you
The person who hurts me is you
If I can see you as much as I love you
I would see you every day
I can’t go a single day without you
Because you’re my everything
The person I love is you
The person who hurts me is you
If I can see you as much as I love you
I would see you every day
Every day, I call out to you

The Tree

If you are by my side
If I can touch you with my hand
I’m not afraid of anything
If only if I can stay by your side
I know, it’ll be very hard
Sometimes, I will cry
But the scars in my heart, I will keep to myself
Just smile brightly for me like the moonlight
I’ll become a tree
Always protecting you
When things are hard, lean on me
So you can take a break
I’ll wait for you right here
Until you come to me
Whenever that is
Even if it rains and the strong wind blows
Even if the seasons change and everything is different
I’ll be in the same place
I’ll become a tree
Always protecting you
When things are hard, lean on me
So you can take a break
I’ll wait for you right here
Like a tree
Even if you’re not here, I’m alright
Even if my heart aches by myself
I will protect this love
I’ll become a tree
Always protecting you
When things are hard, lean on me
So you can take a break
I’ll wait for you right here
Like a tree

I’m OK

Even though I couldn’t see
I could feel it
The farewell behind your hidden face
Blankly, from far away
Getting into you
I can’t even have that sadness anymore
I had foolish thoughts
Because I thought you would come to me some day
I’m alright, I’m really alright
I try telling myself it doesn’t hurt
I try to smile but I can’t
Maybe I love you a lot more than I thought
For you, who I love, more than my sadness
I had to smile
You told me I’ll forget you in a moment
I knew that wasn’t true but I let you go anyway
I’m alright, I’m really alright
I try telling myself it doesn’t hurt
I try to smile but I can’t
Actually, I love you a lot more than I thought
For you, who is turning around
I had to cry alone
Actually, I lied to you
You know this too, I’m not alright
You know my heart
Don’t pretend you don’t know
You can’t just turn around
“I’ll come back, don’t hurt
It was love”
Anything you say is alright
Actually, I know you will hurt a lot more than me
You, who said a love without pain isn’t love
I loved you


I’m quietly looking at you
At your turned back
My hands reach out to hold onto you
But my feet are frozen
My misery holds onto my ankles
My eyes on you are shouting out
Don’t stop, I might catch you
I’m not letting you go because I hate you
I can live well without you
So don’t look back
Before I change my mind
My cowardice hides my tears
My greed for you is shouting out
Don’t stop, I might catch you
I’m not letting you go because I hate you
I can live well without you
So don’t look back
Before I change my mind
I couldn’t catch you because I’m a man
Like a pretentious boy
Who thinks this is the best for you
Don’t cry if you loved me
I’m alright, if this was love
I’ll ignore you, pretend that I forgot you
So hurry and leave
I couldn’t cry because I’m a man

Star And Sun

Star and sun can never meet
Same time, same place, we’re always there
We’re like a day and night or like a water and fire
So we can never be together
I’m so sad and my heart is choked
But I call you again
If I keep wanting and praying for you, can I see you?
My heart keeps wavering
What should I do? I lost my way
A restless night, night, night
A sad heart, heart, heart
A sad night, night, night
A broken heart, heart, heart
I’m always here with a sad expression on my face
Same thinking, same eyes, it seems like everything is mine
Even we’re together, I feel lonely
Like a tree branche in the winter
It’s always dry and thin
So it doesn’t have enough energy to hug
If I keep wanting and praying for you, can I see you?
My heart keeps wavering
What should I do? I lost my way
Gather all of longings in my mind
If I pray to sky, can I see you?
Is it this much hard to be loved from a person who I love?
I don’t have many wishes
Just a little wish, Please let it come true in my life
If I keep wanting and praying for you, can I see you?
My heart keeps wavering
What should I do? I lost my way
Gather all of longings in my mind
If I pray to sky, can I see you?
Is it this much hard to be loved from a person who I love?
A restless night, night, night
A sad heart, heart, heart
A sad night, night, night
A broken heart, heart, heart

Háború Urai

Versions: #1#2
Gyertek, háború urai
Ti,kik megépítettétek a nagy puskákat
Ti,akik megalkottátok a halálos gépeket
Ti,kik létrehoztátok a bombákat
Ti,akik falak mögé bújtok
Ti,akik asztalok mögé rejtőztök
Csak szeretném,hogy tudjátok
Én átlátok az álcátokon.
Sohasem tettetek mást
Csak a rombolásért építettetek
Játszadoztok a világommal
Mintha a játékszeretek volna
Fegyvert adtok a kezembe
És elbújtok a szemeim elől
Majd elfordultok és messzire futtok
Mikor a golyó kilövell
Akár Júdás
Hazudtok és csaltok
Egy világháborút meg lehet nyerni
Azt akarjátok,hogy elhiggyem
De én átlátok a tekinteteken
Átlátok az elméteken
Ahogyan átlátok a vízen
Ami eltűnik a lefolyómban
Rögzítitek a ravaszt
Hogy mások húzzák meg
Aztán hátradőltök és figyelitek
Ahogyan a halálozási szám az egekbe szökik
Elbújtok a villáitokba
Miközben a fiatalok vére
Kifolyik testükből
És összekeveredik a sárral
A legrosszabb félelmet adtátok
Amit csak adni lehetett
Félnünk kell gyerekeket hozni
Erre a világra
Amiért veszélyeztettétek a babám
Aki még meg sem született,el sem neveztük
Meg sem érdemlitek a vért
Ami az ereitekben folyik
Mennyit is tudok
Hogy ilyen dolgokkal dobálózok?
Mondhatjátok,hogy fiatal vagyok
Mondhatjátok,hogy tanulatlan vagyok
De van valami,amit biztosak tudok
Hiába vagyok fiatalabb nálatok
És ez az,hogy még Jézus sem lenne képes
Soha megbocsátani a tetteiteket
Hadd kérdezzem meg
A pénzetek tényleg ennyire jó
Vesz-e majd bűnbocsánatot is
Gondoljátok,hogy ez lehetséges?
Szerintem rá fogtok jönni
Mikor majd a halálotok eljő
Hogy a sok pénz mit szereztetek
Sohasem fogja visszavásárolni a lelketeket.
És remélem meghaltok mind
És hogy ez a halál közel jár már
Követni fogom a koporsót
A sápadt délutánon
Nézni fogom ahogyan
Eltűntök a földben
És a sírotok fölött fogok őrködni
Míg meg nem bizonyosodom,hogy holtak vagytok tényleg

Respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master

1) The spiritual master is receiving benediction from the ocean of mercy. Just as a cloud pours water on a forest fire to extinguish it, so the spiritual master delivers the materially afflicted world by extinguishing the blazing fire of material existence. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master, who is an ocean of auspicious qualities.
2) Chanting the holy name, dancing in ecstasy, singing, and playing musical instruments, the spiritual master is always gladdened by the sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Because he is relishing the mellows of pure devotion within his mind, sometimes his hair stands on end, he feels quivering in his body, and tears flow from his eyes like waves. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
3) The spiritual master is always engaged in the temple worship of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. He also engages his disciples in such worship. They dress the Deities in beautiful clothes and ornaments, clean Their temple, and perform other similar worship of the Lord. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
4) The spiritual master is always offering Krsna four kinds of delicious food [analyzed as that which is licked, chewed, drunk, and sucked]. When the spiritual master sees that the devotees are satisfied by eating bhagavat-prasada, he is satisfied. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
5) The spiritual master is always eager to hear and chant about the unlimited conjugal pastimes of Radhika and Madhava, and Their qualities, names, and forms. The spiritual master aspires to relish these at every moment. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
6) The spiritual master is very dear, because he is expert in assisting the gopis, who at different times make different tasteful arrangements for the perfection of Radha and Krsna's conjugal loving affairs within the groves of Vrndavana. I offer my most humble obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
7) The spiritual master is to be honored as much as the Supreme Lord, because he is the most confidential servitor of the Lord. This is acknowledged in all revealed scriptures and followed by all authorities. Therefore I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master, who is a bona fide representative of Sri Hari [Krsna].
8) By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction of Krsna. Without the grace of the spiritual master, one cannot make any advancement. Therefore, I should always remember and praise the spiritual master. At least three times a day I should offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual master.
9) One who, with great care and alteration, loudly recites this beautiful prayer to the spiritual master during the Brahma-muhurta obtains direct service to Krsna, the Lord of Vrndavana, at the time of his death.