Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 48



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[1. Versszak]
Egyszer volt hol nem volt, a bolygók és a sorsok
És az összes csillag állása megegyezett
Te és én ugyanabban a szobában kötöttünk ki
Pont ugyanakkor
És egy kéz érintése begyújtotta a kanócot
Egy ellenlépésekből álló láncreakciót
A te egyenleted felmérésére
Sakkmatt, nem veszíthettem
Mi lenne ha azt mondanám egy része sem a véletlen műve volt
És hogy az első éjszaka amikor megláttál
Semmi sem állíthatott meg
Lefektettem az alapokat, és aztán
Mint a karikacsapás
A dominók sorban lezúdultak
Mi van ha azt mondom egy lángelme vagyok?
És most az enyém vagy
Mindez az én tervem volt
Mert egy lángelme vagyok
[2. Versszak]
Tudod, minden bölcsebb nőnek
Így kellett megtennie
Mert mind gyalognak születtünk
Minden egyes szerető játékában
Ha nem tervezel, kudarcra tervezel
A stratégia megteremti a jelenetet a meséhez
Én vagyok a szél a szabadon áramló vitorláink között
És a likőr a koktélunkban
Mi lenne ha azt mondanám egy része sem a véletlen műve volt
És hogy az első éjszaka amikor megláttál
Semmi sem állíthatott meg
Lefektettem az alapokat, és aztán
Mint a karikacsapás
A dominók sorban lezúdultak
Mi van ha azt mondom egy lángelme vagyok?
És most az enyém vagy
Minden az én tervem volt
Mert egy lángelme vagyok
[Áthídaló rész]
Senki nem akart velem játszani amikor kisgyerek voltam
Ígyhát azóta úgy mesterkedtem mint egy bűnöző
Hogy szeressenek engem és erőfeszítés nélkülinek tűnjön
Ez az első alkalom amikor úgy éreztem be kell vallanom
És esküszöm
Csak azért vagyok rejtélyes és gátlástalan/machiavellista
Mert érdekel
Tehát elmondtam neked, hogy egy része sem véletlen műve volt
És hogy az első éjszaka amikor megláttál
Semmi sem állíthatott meg
Lefektettem az alapokat, és aztán
Mint a karikacsapás
A dominók sorban lezúdultak
Mi van ha azt mondom egy lángelme vagyok?
És most az enyém vagy
Minden az én tervem volt
Mert egy lángelme vagyok

Az illúzió mestere

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Tükör, te falon álló tükör,
Ki a legnagyobb mind közül?
Az illúzió ura vagyok,
Üdv őrült káprázatomban!
Én vagyok a szabályok alkotója,
Hősökért, s bolondokért.
Angyalokat tudok letépni az égből,
S Mona Lisát megríkatni.
Ó, hallod a zokogó hegedűket,
Jóval a keserű vég kezdete előtt?
Ó, látod a vonósokat s a bábművészt,
Mielőtt a homály végleg nyeli el őket.
A játéknak vége, (A játéknak vége.)
Nincsen több kör, ideje fizetni.
Kinél van joker?
A játéknak vége!
Kié a joker,
Ki valótlant öl, s szíved idézi?
Nincs más ég, honnan lehull.
Kapzsiság dominói
Dőlnek el végtelen igényeidért.
Az illúzió ura vagy,
Elveszve bús káprázatodban.
Mindig, ha dobsz a kockával,
Mi vagyunk, kik az árát fizetjük.
Míg az óceánok a játékaidért forrnak,
Te csak táplálod a lángot.
Ó, hallod a zokogó hegedűket,
Jóval a keserű vég kezdete előtt?
Ó, látod a vonósokat s a bábművészt,
Mielőtt a homály végleg nyeli el őket.
A játéknak vége, (A játéknak vége.)
Nincsen több kör, ideje fizetni.
Kinél van joker?
A játéknak vége!
Kié a joker,
Ki valótlant öl, s szíved idézi?
Nincs más ég, honnan lehull.
S azt kérdezed,
'Melyik vagyok? Meghaltam vagy még élek?'
Az igazi hervadás tükörképe.
Az idegen a tükörben marad.
Hallod-e a síró hegedűket,
S eltéped a húrokat, mielőtt a vég elkezdődik?
A játéknak vége (a játéknak vége)
Nincs több kör, ideje fizetni!
Kinél van joker?
A játéknak vége!
Kinél van joker?
Mi vagyunk, kik tartjuk a kártyákat (tartjuk a kártyákat)
Nincs más ég, hol elbukhatsz.


Minden ostoba hazugság és ostoba játék
Ürességet hagyott ebben a képkeretben
Egy rab vagyok saját kezeim által
Mert ha magamé nem lehetek, akkor senkié sem
Meg kell gyógyítanom, amit okozok
De fel fogom gyújtani azt a hidat, amint elérek oda
Ahogy rulettet játszom egy törött fegyverrel
Beismerem ezeket a bűnöket egy éles és rosszindulatú nyelvvel
Szóval hogy bocsátok meg és teszem vissza a könnyeket a szemeidbe
Amikor minden vászon, amit festek, egy mestermű a saját hibáimból?
Vétkekkel felvázolva, az arcképem bámul
Egy galériában, ahol a falak csupaszon állnak
Ahogy modernizálom az antik módszereim
Igazi színek nem szabadulhatnak a sors ecsetjétől
Szóval hogy bocsátok meg és teszem vissza a könnyeket a szemeidbe?
Minden vásznon, amit festek, egy mestermű látható a saját hibáimból
Szemléltetem minden fájdalmam
És az egészet lángba borítom
Szóval hogy bocsátok meg és teszem vissza a könnyeket a szemeidbe
Amikor minden vászon, amit festek, egy mestermű a saját hibáimból?
És a kimúlásom fényében a kudarcaimat látom szemeidben
Minden vászon, amit festek, egy mestermű a saját hibáimból

Egy szerető kell ma este

1. versszak:
Hol van a szerelem, ami gyengédséget ad nekem?
Hol van a szerelem, hol rejtőzik, aki vonz engem?
Hol van a szerelem, ami megérintette a szívem?
Hol van a szerelem, tőlem kezdhetjük!
Egy szerető kell ma este!
Szerelem kell ma este!
Rendben! Rendben!
Egy szerető kell ma este!
Szerelem kell ma este!
Rendben! Rendben!
Add nekem minden szerelmed!
Add nekem minden szerelmed most rögtön!
Add nekem minden szerelmed!
Add nekem minden szerelmed!
2. versszak:
Érzem a szerelmet... kielégülés kell!
Érzem a szerelmet... reakció kell!
Érzem a szerelmet... a szívem dobogása!
Érzem a szerelmet... tőlem kezdhetjük!
Hip a hophoz
A slágerre1, a csúcsra
Az esőből, gyere újra2
Isi eső, digi bumm
Mozogj a hangra!
Levág a padlóra
A rapre, a rockra
A stepre, a popra
Hip a hophoz
A slágerre, a csúcsra
Az esőből, gyere újra
Isi eső, digi bumm
Mozogj a hangra!
Levág a padlóra
Egy szerető kell ma este!
Szerelem kell ma este!
Rendben! Rendben!
Egy szerető kell ma este!
Szerelem kell ma este!
Rendben! Rendben!
Add nekem minden szerelmed!
Add nekem minden szerelmed most rögtön!
Add nekem minden szerelmed!
Add nekem minden szerelmed!
  • 1. Vagy 'a slukkra', 'a befutóhra', sokféleképp lehetne ezt értelmezni.
  • 2. Vagy 'ismételd meg'.

'Silently Appeared, Silently Disappeared' or 'Song with a Special Task'

When the dew is still on the grass
The horses are still drinking water 1
The successors of old the Kharakternyks 2
Are preparing their parashot.
The helicopter sets for the sky
And the command is given 'take off'
And fighters with a special mission
Leave on their journey.
Silently appeared, silently disappeared,
Enemy destroyed, as by the order,
The sun-sets, the darkness falls,
And Spetznas returns home.
We aren't seen, but we are in here,
We aren't heard, but we are prepared,
So it happens that your heartbeat,
Turns into a hummer in silence.
We are the enemy's eternal fear
And the satan for the traitors,
While above us, so majestically fluttering
A flag with an icon of a bat!
Silently appeared, silently disappeared,
Enemy destroyed, as by the order,
The sun-sets, the darkness falls,
And Spetznas returns home.
Our names are coded
Our faces are hidden with a 'shadow' 3
For the Country, we sacrifice our lives in secret
Without any doubts or hesitations.
And our fallen Brothers,
Commanders, regular privates
Those, who defended their homeland in battles
We will engrave in our hearts.
Silently appeared, silently disappeared,
Enemy destroyed, as by the order,
The sun-sets, the darkness falls,
And Spetznas returns home.
  • 1. In traditional songs this means getting the horses ready for the journey, typically done very early in the morning
  • 2. Cossack warlocks
  • 3. Military slang for camouflage face paint


Jerusalem, my home,
Save me!
Join me,
Don't leave me here!
My place is not here,
My kingdom is not here,
Save me,
Come with me!
Save, save, save me,
Do not leave me here!
Save me, save me, save me,
Do not leave me here!
My place is not here,
My kingdom is not here,
Save me,
Come with
Save, save, save me,
Do not leave me here!
Save me, save me, save me,
Do not leave me here!

Sun! High! Gold!

(Sun! Sun! High! uh~yeah!)
The sun is calling!
Ringing your door bell
“Let’s hang out together!”
This is the golden season
(Sun! High! Sun! High!)
I wanna show you yeah I really wanna
Kept you waiting! The sunflowers are blooming
There’s no way of ranking memories
Anyway, these moments are golden
Late-blossoming flowers have
So much energy inside them
My hopes and dreams
Bursting at the seams
‘cuz I wanna
I wanna be your sun!
Giving you a smile in return
I’m gonna smile
Even more than you do!
Bathing in the sun
Let’s watch the golden flowers blooming here and there!
Together with you, forever
Miserably running, fiercely churning
Going beyond the pouring shower
radiantly burning, brilliantly blazing
Basking in the scorching sun
These are shining golden days
I’ve spent with you
(Sun! High! Sun! High!)
(You guys, one, two, Sun! High!)
It took a long time but they finally bloomed
The sunflowers are now in full blossom
Memories are easy to be beautified
But the process of growing is still gold-tinged
Strength to fight against the north wind
I couldn’t have it all on my own
Someone so dear to me
You were there for me, above all
I wanna be the sun!
If these are too high hopes
Let’s talk one on one
And break out a smile on our lips!
Bathing in the sun
Hear the applause crossing the wind
Repeated over and over again
Here and there, making some noise
Out in our ensemble
Feeling great, feeling high
Everyone, assemble!
So involved in watching
Shining golden dreams
(yeah yeah yeah… yeah!)
I wanna be the sun!
Even hotter than anyone
I wanna ignite your heart
Bathing in the sun
The golden flowers come into blossom all over the place
I’m sure this is love, this is undoubtedly love
Thank you!
Miserably running, fiercely churning
Going beyond the pouring shower
radiantly burning, brilliantly blazing
Basking in the scorching sun
These are shining golden days
I’ve spent with you
(Sun! High! Sun! High!)

Jerzsálem az örök város

Jeruzsálem az én hazám
ments meg
védj meg
többé ne hagyj el
a helyem nem találom
a királyságom itt nem találom
ments ki
gyere velem
ments meg, ments meg, ments meg
többé ne hagyj el
ments meg, ments meg, ment meg
többé ne hagyj el
a helyem nem találom
a királyságom itt nem találom
ments ki
gyere velem
ments meg, ments meg, ments meg
többé ne hagyj el
ments meg, ments meg, ments meg
többé ne hagyj el
fordította Gaál György István


An owl's cry behind me,
Children's laughter in the winter wood,
And sunlight in profusion.
A tail of hearsay ahead of me
Will bring so much dirt
That it's better to get a bullet in the forehead.
I faded, I disappeared,
But a weird force
Brought me back,
And I cursed the thunderstorm,
The lighting striked nigh,
But missed every time.
Crows in the sky, doves in the sky too,
Can't divide them with my hand
In Russia, life goes in zigzags,
And crosses are broken.
Why, what for
I was born by this sky
And this land?
To perceive days as years,
To believe a colorful reverie,
Becoming its slave...
Crows in the sky, doves in the sky too,
Can't divide them with my hand
In Russia, life goes in zigzags,
And crosses are broken
By the yesternight hurricane.
Crows in the sky, doves in the sky too,
Can't divide them with my hand
In Russia, life goes in zigzags,
And crosses are broken.
Crows in the sky, doves in the sky too,
Can't divide them with my hand
In Russia, life goes in zigzags,
And crosses are broken
By the yesternight hurricane.

The world calls that Love

When a faint light is lit amid my tears
Before your eyes, I tell you about how much it warms me
Even if our voices are just going to dry up anyway
Until the morning comes, at least I want to sing with someone
If you say that the you from yesterday are faking it
Then the scenery of yesterday, I’m just going to throw it away
What connects each new day, is the new you and me
For some reason we make sense of each other
That is what the world calls love
“What connects the voices of our hearts
Is the things we fear so much”
We say together
We’ll sing as if the past
Never happened
At some point we will doubt somebody
But at least for now, I want to sing, a beautiful song
Sad words (oh yeah)
Won’t change anything
People say that no matter what they do
If the you from yesterday are the one who betrayed me
Then the scenery of yesterday, I’ll just forget it
What changes each new day, is the love that touches us so deeply
We confirmed that
That is what the world calls love as well
“What connects the voices of our hearts
Is the things we fear so much”
We say together, for some reason
We’ll sing as if the past
Never happened
Love and peace!
You think flowers can bloom amid sadness?!
A premonition of what we will become in those new days
Buoys me
You and I will shout out our dreams
That is what the world is waiting for
This song that I'm singing for you
Is the things I fear so much
But we made sure of them
As if the past never happened
As if the sad nights never happened
We'll sing it together
Love & peace!

I often have a kind of feeling

I often have a kind of feeling, a very dangerous feeling
I don't want you to hear it
They say just live in the moment, many rash arguments
I sit with him cross legged watching an art film
He says my guitar is too bourgeois
Even my haircut is too bourgeois
He was busy scratching his Ibanez electric guitar
Then he said you're too tidy - so you're very dirty
I often have a kind of feeling, a very dangerous feeling
I don't want you to hear it
They say they only want many naughty thoughts
I walked barefoot with him 10,000 times until he was done
He said my hairstyle is too bourgeois
Even my elbows are too bourgeois
He was busy sorting the 10,000 jeans in his closet
Then said 'Are you as miserable as me, you rich man?'
I often have a kind of feeling, a very dangerous feeling
I don't want you to hear it
I often have a kind of feeling, a very dangerous feeling
I don't want you to hear it
I often have a kind of feeling, a very dangerous feeling
I don't want you to hear it
I often have a kind of feeling, a very dangerous feeling
I don't want you to hear it
I often have a kind of feeling, a very dangerous feeling
I don't want you to hear it

Spice Paradise

Spice Paradise
Lalala lalala yeah yeah yeah
Lalala lalala c’mon
How’s it going? Well, nothing much
There’s not enough of smiling coriander
Put them all in the pot
And then stir them up (we can)
Open the door (spice spice)
Pour some love (spice spice)
Mix it with your heart
And then I’ll make you
Time for so much fun
Don’t stop what are you waiting for? (no thank you)
Take it slow and let’s get the chance (foo)
Til your heart is satisfied
(5, 4, 3, 2, 1 yeah!!)
Put some spice and hang in there
The future is our infinite treasure
Step by step, step by step
Come on, be proud and face forward as we go
With every blink of an eye the paradise spreads
This spice of smiles will make you positive
Nutmeg, saffron, and black pepper! *
(lalala lalala yeah yeah yeah)
Spice Paradise
All this time I’ve been feeling so low
When that happens, use a smile as hidden flavor
And then, let’s start it over from scratch
Going round ‘n round (we can)
It’s getting hard on occasion (spice spice)
Hot and spicy (spice spice)
Sometimes treat me nicely
I’m sure I can get it over with
No matter what the spiciness
Go ahead, what are you worried about? (no thank you)
Rejoice in our youth, let’s sing a song
With your pounding heart
(5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Are you ready? Yeah!!)
Feel the spice and hold your head high
Our thoughts can change the future
Little by little, a little bit’s enough
Find confidence in yourself and just have fun
There goes the paradise where every wish is fulfilled
I’ll bring you the bestest positiveness
Oregano, cinnamon, and cardamom! *
(lalala lalala yeah yeah yeah)
Spice Paradise
Clap your hands!!
Foo!! Foo!! Say yeah!!
Lalala lalala yeah yeah yeah
Lalala lalala yeah yeah yeah
Til your heart is satisfied
(5, 4, 3, 2, 1 yeah!!)
Put some spice and hang in there
The future is our infinite treasure
Step by step, step by step
Come on, be proud and face forward as we go
Feel the spice and hold your head high
Our thoughts can change the future
Little by little, a little bit’s enough
Find confidence in yourself and just have fun
There goes the paradise where every wish is fulfilled
I’ll bring you the bestest positiveness
Cumin, turmeric, and red chili pepper! *
(lalala lalala yeah yeah yeah)
I’ll bring you some spice
I’ll bring you positiveness
In this Spice Paradise

Passion Fan Fanfare

Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Ooh let’s go!
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Ooh say yeah!
“Squad, let’s go energetically!”
Hey everybody while the day is young
Get the vibes and jump right in say wow
Come on, whatcha waiting for?
Think it’s easier to run away and lie down
You only live once and can't die twice say wow
I bet you’re capable of anything
Sometimes you tumble down and get hurt as you start running
If you just sing proudly
Tomorrow will shine more brightly
Full of passion Fan Fanfare
Move on and Gan Ganbare!
For the sake of these now or never days yeah!!
Fall in love, Fan Fanfare
Have a dream, Gan Ganbare!
You can cry many times but sometime you know
It’ll turn into your treasure, singing!!
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Doesn’t matter if you make mistakes and feel lost
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Let’s go over the top and take everything we want
Boys & girls
What is the funniest thing to you right now? Say wow
Come on, don’t you hold back
Take your time seriously to do what you like
Don’t look away and just do it! Say wow
Something will happen
Even when you’re liable to collide, unskilled
You've got the right answer
Life is short, love your life!
The youth's like Fan Fanfare
With all your might, Gan Ganbare!
Find something only you can do yeah!!
Show me a smile liike Fan Fare
Burn it up and Gan Ganbare!
When we're in a fight, someday we'll rememeber
That we're BFF ever
Anyone could have those days because every time they fall apart
It takes more than courage to have their dreams upright
All this time I’ve had faith in you, and I always will
You can do it! So you gotta do!
Because there’s still even more fun to be had!
When you feel like crying, Fan Fanfare
When you have regrets, Gan Ganvare
You’re not alone all the time yeah!!
Feel elated and Fan Fanfare
You gotta shine and Gan Ganvare
I’ll tell you a thousand times and more
I just wanna cheer you on yeah!!
Full of passion Fan Fanfare
Move on and Gan Ganbare!
These precious days have the point of no return yeah!!
Fall in love, Fan Fanfare
Have a dream, Gan Ganbare!
You can cry many times but sometime you know
It’ll turn into your treasure, singing!!
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
It’s alright for us to sing aloud! Repeat after us
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Keep screaming at the top of your lungs
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Ready set, yeah!!!!!!

I Am a Poor Android

I'm thump-thump in love, in love with my my master
My celluloid frame is so charming
Here comes a dumb maid robot falling in love
Poor me you probably wouldn't recognize
The moment I got captivated, something just began
That broken-down me, about to blow up
Itching and tickling, heart-pounding
Can I get naked out here? (go ahead!)
Can I show you my heart? (show him!)
My newborn jewel is pink
My circuit already shorted out (go boom!)
Maybe I've become a human being (what a surprise!)
Seems like a miracle to come (zrrrrrr)
From today on, I'm the kind of girl that fell in troublesome love
Da da
There are many of me with the same face throughout the world
It's the serial number that only belongs to me
I'm so into you that I can't put in any work
Will you report me for doing that?
Hold me, hold me as tight as you can
Because there’s no other way left of me
Lovey dovey kissin’ me
A kiss on my sleeping face, just kidding (tee-hee!)
Maybe I took this too far (you fool!)
The very organism is part of me, falling in love
Love could even change the substance (go boom!)
It'd be bad if I got naked (no way!)
It'd be gross if I showed you my heart (zrrrrrr)
From today on, I'm the kind of girl, unreasonable but super cute
Da da
We androids dream of both electric sheep and sandstorms
Lying awake on a rainbow bed, grabbing some cherries with you
Can I get naked out here? (go ahead!)
Can I show you my heart? (show him!)
My newborn jewel is pink
My circuit already shorted out (go boom!)
Maybe I've become a human being (what a surprise!)
Seems like a miracle to come (zrrrrrr)
From today on, I'm the kind of girl that fell in troublesome love
A kiss on my sleeping face, just kidding (tee-hee!)
Maybe I took this too far (you fool!)
The very organism is part of me, falling in love
Love could even change the substance (go boom!)
It'd be bad if I got naked (no way!)
It'd be gross if I showed you my heart (zrrrrrr)
From today on, I'm the kind of girl, unreasonable but super cute
Da da
I'm that kind of girl
That kind of girl
That kind of girl
Da da

No matter what

The closer I go, the farther you
get My difficult love Without
even caring about my heart
You just brightly smile at me
I try to fix my thoughts
multiple times a day
But love keeps growing
no matter what
It keeps growing It doesn’t work
even if I scold myself It keeps doing
the opposite like a child Please stop
I try to shut up my heart
but I only think of you
From the start to finish, it’s you
Though I desperately want,
though I hope
My love can’t come true
It keeps growing It doesn’t work
even if I scold myself It keeps doing
the opposite like a child Please stop
I try to shut up my heart
but I only think of you In the end,
I can’t go on if it’s not you
Please come
a little closer to me
Open your heart
just once
If only I can hold you
in my embrace
If only I can feel you
just once
With just that, I would be able
to live But in front of me, you
don’t know anything
As you smile
From the start to finish,
you don’t know me

Black halo

You've beheld burning black halo
Of the one who preaches that the life is a phantasm
He beckoned - follow me, come - you've hidden your face
Your journey to his sight was in vain
When the gates of seven hells will be opened,
it will be too late to think what you could have done earlier
Avoid the intention of entering uninvited
Your soul will be devoured by an ice massif
Fragments of heavy metals rush through the darkness
Two eyes are glowing in the distance in indifferent stillness
No creature can pierce his solitude,
unless Evil is the prevailing element
You'll understand the pain of existence
Formless Evil, pure in each of us
In that moment you'll feel breath of the devil much closer
And you'll ask questions no more


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls
Please report to the dance floor and yes
Are you ready to rumble
Got to, got to get down shake your hips and move em around
DJ play my favorite song, gonna rock this hello beyond town
Dus dus get down shake your hips and move em around
DJ play my favorite song, gonna rock this hello beyond town
Anyone who saw your dance
Went crazy about you
Your steps on the dance floor,sounds like drums
Anyone who saw you dancing,
Went crazy about you
Your steps on the dance floor,sounds like drums
Oh your moves are so popular all around , till Canada
Even in Canada they are popular
Your hips sways even better than Shakira (x4)
Hey we don't care about a damn thing
Let you hip shake, keep on dancing
Had a drinkle sufi want him one
Coz one more gonna to take me to dance floor
Hey drummer, play the drums
Play the drums,oh drummer
Today I feel excited and so crazy,
Whether I drink local or international brand
Fill a peg from the bottle of the eyes
Today two hearts will be friends forever
All the formalities(rituals)will be over
Just dance your heart out today
I can do my thing, you can do your thing
Today I feel excited and so crazy,
Whether I drink local or international brand
Fill a peg from the bottle of the eyes
Today two hearts will be friends forever
All the formalities(rituals)will be over
Just dance your heart out today
Hey beautiful, shake the world with your feet
Your hips sways even better than Shakira (x4)
I shall dance today and you should dance today
Watching us dance, the whole world will hit the dance floor
I can do my thing, you can do your thing
I can do my thing and let those hips swing
Your earrings shine so bright
Oh your cheeks are rosy red
Even the moon must be praising your beauty (fair lovely skin)
My beauty will steal your heart
And make you sleepless
There will be no one(girl) like me
I can do my thing and let my hips swing
Your earrings shine so bright
Oh your cheeks are rosy red
Even the moon must be praising your beauty (fair lovely skin)
My beauty will steal your heart
And make you sleepless
There will be no one(girl) like me
Your eyes robbed me (my peace)
Your hips sways even better than Shakira (x4)