Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 37


Turn It Up feat. L'One

(Max Barskih):
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If anyone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
(Max Barskih):
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let your sound ring
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
(Max Barskih):
I'm taking a turn, this town is unfamiliar
No one loves, no one's expecting anything
Here they won't condemn or remember
But I, I, I am no local now
But I, I, I am on my own today
But I, I, I await no counsel
I'm riding my own wave, my own wave
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If anyone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
(Max Barskih):
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let your sound ring
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Hey, wherever I was, I was no local
In my lap are all my songs
I'll write and resurrect them
Hey, wake up already
I was ignoring your opinions
I was just getting warmed up on stage1
I've been stubborn since birth
Who's whose between my shadow and me
They were screaming: 'Turn it down!'
Fate flung its cards at me
All in on black, a tower of chips
I won, I'm smiling down from the poster
I won, I've got a whole shelf's worth of trophies
Your flattery is a golden vortex
And if I come on through the speakers
Ask them to play it loud
(Max Barskih):
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If anyone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
(Max Barskih):
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let your sound ring
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
(Max Barskih):
Ay-ay! Turn yours up!
Turn up your sound!
Ay-ay! Turn yours up!
Turn up your sound!
So that we don't here everyone around
Turn it up, louder
Turn it up, louder
So that we don't here everyone around
Turn it up, louder
Turn it up, louder
  • 1. literally: I was taking an eye-opener (alcoholic pick-me-up) on stage


Ma nem jöttél el
Sokat tűnődtem rajta hogy „miért ? „
Lehet hiányzott valami,
Vagy elrontottam valahol
Talán nem értettél meg
Annyira’ szeretnélek felhívni
Hogy megkérdezzem „hogy vagy?”
És mivel nem tudhatjuk előre
Hogy nem e veszi fel valaki a telefont
Megpróbálom megfogalmazni magamban, mielőtt bele kezdenék
Csak egy magányos ablak ,távoli fénye fogad engem
És én az ablakod alatt maradok, míg el nem jön a reggel
refrén :
A fejem tele van köddel
És a szerelem kifolyt a kezeim közül
Ezért mondták a barátaim
„ Felejtsd őt el, felejtsd el”
És most a szívem megsebesült, megsebesült
De tudod, hogy makacs vagyok
És lassan elveszek benned
mint a ködben
A lelkem olyan üresnek érzem
És nem kaptam egyetlen üzenetet sem tőled
Nem küldtél semmit se
Mert valószínűleg egy másik pasival vagy
És valószínűleg szerelmes is vagy
Csak egy magányos ablak távoli fénye fogad engem
És én az ablakod alatt maradok, míg el nem jön a reggel
refrén : 2X
A fejem tele van köddel
És a szerelem kifolyt a kezeim közül
Ezért mondták a barátaim
„ Felejtsd őt el, felejtsd el”
És most a szívem megsebesült, megsebesült
De tudod, hogy makacs vagyok
És lassan elveszek benned ,
mint a ködben

Turn It Up

Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If someone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
I taking a turn, this town is unfamiliar
No one loves, no one's expecting anything
Here they won't condemn or remember
But I, I, I am no local now
But I, I, I am on my own today
But I, I, I await no counsel
I'm riding my own wave, my own wave
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If someone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
I'm staying true to myself
I can be rude sometimes,
But I'm not afraid of keeping quiet
Of staying invisible and unneeded
But I, I, I am no local now
But I, I, I am on my own today
But I, I, I await no counsel
I'm riding my own wave, my own wave
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If someone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Ay-ay! Turn yours up!
Turn up your sound!
Ay-ay! Turn yours up!
Turn up your sound!
I'm burning up inside, in my honest words, a force is born
It won't help me, all people are unbearable
I'm going to the light, I always understand what I need
I don't hear all those people who pull me to turn back

I want to dance

You've become too much
It's too hard to remain silent
Do you remember when we
Promised each other
Not to interfere with anybody
I'm taking off work, and no one else is important to me
Today I came there to get drunk only
I'm single again, and there's no button stop
I need to forget, forget everything, forget everyone
You know, I don't care
Where you are and who you're with
You've lost me today
I fade in a crowd
Drown my sorrow, close my eyes
And you better not interfere with me, I want to dance
I want to dance, I want to dance
I want to dance, I want to dance
I want to dance, I want to dance
I want to dance, I want to
Tomorrow, maybe
I'll be embarrassed to remain silent
And if you want, I'll come to you at night
And everything will happen again
And as long as I'm on my day off, no one else is important to me
Today I came there to get drunk only
I'm single again, and there's no button stop
I need to forget, forget everything, forget everyone
You know, I don't care
Where you are and who you're with
You've lost me today
I fade in a crowd
Drown my sorrow, close my eyes
And you better not interfere with me, I want to dance
I want to dance, I want to dance
I want to dance, I want to dance
I want to dance, I want to dance
I want to dance, I want
To dance, to dance,
To dance, to dance
To dance, to dance
I want to dance
To dance, to dance,
To dance, to dance
To dance, to dance
I want to dance
To dance, to dance,
To dance, to dance
To dance, to dance
I want to dance
To dance, to dance,
To dance, to dance
To dance, to dance
I want to dance
You know, I don't care
Where you are and who you're with
You've lost me today
I fade in a crowd
Drown my sorrow, close my eyes
And you better not interfere with me, I want to dance
I want to dance, I want to dance
I want to dance, I want to dance
I want to dance, I want to dance
I want to dance, I want to


[Verse 1]
Az idő begyógyítja a sebeket. Azt kívánom, bárcsak mindig részeg lennék.
A legkülönfélébb helyeken kerestelek,
ott, ahol senki sem vár szerelemre (senki sem vár szerelemre).
De a napkelte újra egyedül hozott haza.
Megkérem a felhőket,
hogy adják nekem a szerelmed örökre.
És az ég majd ajándékként adja nekem az éjszakát,
ahol majd véletlenül találkozok veled
Mindig behunyom a szemem,
amikor idegenek arcát látom.
Csak téged akarlak látni a sötétben,
és véletlenül szerelembe esni veled.
[Verse 2]
Újabb részeg éjjel, a szél elválaszt minket.
Már rég feladtam, hogy megváltásként várjak a szerelemre (a szerelem mint megváltás).
Belefáradtam, hogy a tükörképet keressem mindenki szemében.
Megkérem a felhőket,
hogy adják nekem a szerelmed örökre.
És az ég majd ajándékként adja nekem az éjszakát,
ahol majd véletlenül találkozok veled
Mindig behunyom a szemem,
amikor idegenek arcát látom.
Csak téged akarlak látni a sötétben,
és véletlenül szerelembe esni veled.
Megkérem a felhőket,
hogy adják nekem a szerelmed örökre.
És az ég majd ajándékként adja nekem az éjszakát,
ahol majd véletlenül találkozok veled
Mindig behunyom a szemem,
amikor idegenek arcát látom.
Csak téged akarlak látni a sötétben,
és véletlenül szerelembe esni veled
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