Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 37

Találatok száma: 2366



Versions: #1
La la la la la la la, la la, la
And yesterday I had a dream (no no no)
And you were in it, too
You read 'Goosebumps' (no no no)
And had a coffee with me
We weren't able to sleep (no no no)
We started to laugh
About the fear of dying
About the want to leave
About the joy of living
I read your hand (no no no)
And I memorized it
And if I'm lucky, I swear to you, I'll bring you to the history books
And I was told by the Pakistani (no no no)
Who I bought roses from,
'Boss, remember that happiness lies inside the little things'
Oh yeeee, ye-e-e, ye-e-e
And you stay here in disarray
Because the greatest freedom
Is that which keeps you in chains
Oh yeeee, ye-e-e, ye-e-e
The punches you give me in the face
I save them in my soul
Next to all the 'I love you's (oh)
Yesterday I woke up (no no no)
It was around three
When the phone didn't ring
I understood that it was you
You said, 'Learn to live alone' (no no no)
But I already knew how


I can't find that happiness
I tried to give you everything and you more closed
Why couldn't I understand, why couldn't I see?
What happened to our love if everything was fine?
If you can hear me, come closer, stay
Your love can save me, come closer, stay
If you leave, how can I try to continue?
If you leave, although I try, without you, it's not the same
I feel you so distant even though you're here
Although I feel alive something died in me
I really wanted to understand why I couldn't see
What happened to our love, why couldn't it be
If you can hear me, come closer, stay (stay)
Your love can save me, come closer, stay (stay)
If you leave, how can I try to continue? (to continue)
If you leave, although I try, without you it's not the same (it's not the same)
If you can hear me, come closer, stay (stay)
Your love can save me, come closer, stay (stay)
If you leave, how can I try to continue? (continue)
If you leave, although I try, without you it's not the same (it's not the same)
If you leave, how can I try to continue? (to continue)
If you leave, although I try, without you it's not the same (it's not the same)

It feels real

In contemplation
I see, as in reality,
The future world
Without wars and tragedies,
In memory
I see in living color
The joy
In children's eyes.
Night will pass
And the new sun will shine in the morning...

The Shepherds

September, let’s go. It’s time to migrate.
Now in the land of Abruzzi my shepherds
leave the folds and go towards the sea:
they go down to the wild Adriatic
that is green like mountain pastures.
They’ve drunk deeply from the Alpine fonts,
so that the taste of their native water
may stay in their exiled hearts for comfort
to deceive their thirst along the way.
They’ve renewed their hazelnut sticks.
And they go along the ancient bridleway,
that is almost like a silent grassy river
in the traces of the ancient ancestors.
Oh voice of the one who first
discerns the shimmering of the sea!
Now along this coast moves the flock.
Without movement is the air.
The sun bleaches the living wool so that
it almost blends into the sand.
Swishing, stamping, sweet sounds.
Ah, why am I not with my shepherds?

The Duchess Job

In sweet after-dinner's address,
meanwhille I devour [ other 'cerise' ],
and down snores your puppy Bob,
I'll make you the portrait of the duchess
that sometimes adores the duke Job.
Not is the countess that Villasana
caricatures, or the pueblan
of red skirt that Prieto loved

It Has Started [Starting Now]

I'm gonna show tou
A girl ready to shine
A warrior ready to fight
She's curious and wants to know what is coming next.
She's clever and knows her inner light
She dreams big and knows how valuable an ideal world is
It's started
I'll never doubt again
Your vision will change
And you'll be what makes tou happy
It's Started
The way is widening more
It's time for flight away
All fears has been left behind.
It's started
All around I find encouragement to be better
I find my conviction in the sea
My intuition, I can finally see the light shining.
And I'll mais my dreams come teus
My friend reminds me where I can reach
To see how far I'll go
It's started
I can't doubt again
My vision will change myself
I'll be what makes me happy
It's started
The way is widening more
It's time for flight away
All fears has been left behind.
It's Started
It's started
I'll fly with passion
With truth within my heart
I'm gonna fearless
'cause I learned what the feelings até
It's started
I can't doubt again
My vision will change myself
I'll be what makes me happy
It's Started
The way is widening more
It's time for flight away
All fears has been left behind
It's started
It's started, it's already started
'Cause it's started, 'cause it's started
It's Started now

Slash-And-Burn The Sun

He wanted to be my groom
A slick, flattering man
He buttered me up, he made promises
He bragged about gold
He knew my dreams
'If you will be my missus
You will never go hungry
You will never be cold
You will never lack a thing'
Spring turned to summer
And summer turned to autumn
Which settled down to winter
He proposed once, he proposed again
Soon he proposed a third time
But I said to him:
You may slash-and-burn the sun 1
You may spin the moon
I will never be your wife
You have the skull and thigh bone of a bear
You have the lips of a wolf and the mouth of death2
Still he tried to be my groom
The proud, serious man
He demanded, he bothered me
He boasted about his sacrifices
He knew my dreams
'Fearless matron of this house
Our salvation lies in pious faith'
Spring turned to summer
And summer turned to autumn
Which settled down to winter
He proposed once, he proposed again
Soon he proposed a third time
But I said to him:
Slash-and-burn the sun...
You may tame the wind
And humiliate the earth
You will never get me as your wife
A pine tree will bend before
My mouth loses its courage and yields to a kiss
  • 1. 'Slash-and-burn' is a traditional method of farming. Obviously it is impossible to farm on the sun.
  • 2. It is not clear whether she is saying that he has the attributes of a bear, wolf and death, or whether she has it. However, I assume that the former interpretation is correct, because in Finnish folk poetry it is common to accuse a bad suitor of these things.


In the field there is fog, fog,
A crescent hovered over the river.
I am running to you, fog,
But you are sliding away.
We went together, fog,
To guard the land of birches.
Someone died here from wounds
Someone died there from tears.
How often, brother-fog,
You offered shelter from the foe,
But today I was late,
And I'm not here any more.
Somewhere in the kindred distance
My loved ones will await me,
We went away together
But you will return alone.
In the field fog, fog
Spreads as in a wonderful dream.
I run to you, fog.
You as a river flow to me...

someone who talks before her eyes lips

I've never loved anyone like this before
I've never seen such a destruction before
To someone whose eyes are speaking before their lips...
It was the first time in my life that I met
He had big, green eyes looking beautiful
They had little hands that surrounded my heart
His eyes were talking before his lips
Those lips were the first to make the separation sentence.
His eyes were talking before his lips
Those lips were the first to make the separation sentence.

Nem feledve

A falka által hajszoltan
A végsőkig remélsz
Megviselt vagy
És mi jön most?
Mégis mi van veled?
A félelmed hozzám elérződik
És a farkasok ragadozni fognak
És a bárányok beszarnak
Ki vagy?
Ki vagy?
Mélyen magadba kell nézned
Ezen a kapun át kell menned
A gyökereink - rég feledésbe merültek!
Az őseink - rég feledésbe merültek!
Az isteneink - rég feledésbe merültek!
A rendeltetésünk - sosem feledjük el!
Hamis eskü!
A gyávaságod
A vakságod
Semmivel sem törődtél
Ki térített meg?
Saját magadat gyaláztad meg
Mi van veled mégis
Áldozati állattá teszed magad
És a kígyó halkan öl
És a keselyűk kőröznek...
Ki vagy?
Ki vagy?
Mélyen magadba kell nézned
Ezen a kapun át kell menned
A gyökereink - rég feledésbe merültek!
Az őseink - rég feledésbe merültek!
Az isteneink - rég feledésbe merültek!
A rendeltetésünk - sosem feledjük el!
Eladva és elárulva!!
Eladva és elárulva!!
Eladva és elárulva!!
Eladva és elárulva!!
A gyökereink - rég feledésbe merültek!
Az őseink - rég feledésbe merültek!
Az isteneink - rég feledésbe merültek!
A rendeltetésünk - sosem feledjük el!


We're born tied up and submissive
in a system which chooses our destiny.
In this world no-one can be distinct.
All your life, forced to follow the flock
and follow it's rules.
Without even noticing I ended up a slave
Alienated, I fell into a habit
Follow the masses, start a family,
get a good job. Obey!
All your life, forced to follow the flock
and follow it's rules.
Without even noticing I ended up a slave
Alienated, I fell into a habit
Inside my conscience, there's a voice
that catches my ear
that shouts loud today... wake up!
Obey your boss even you get more stressed
as you move up in the company.
You have to be on top.
Obey, obey.
Obey Christ, the bishop, the priest,
on Sundays obey the church.
Pray, repent and confess.
Obey, obey.
Obey fashions and slogans.
Save up and spend in every shop.
You are what you wear.
Obey, obey.
Obey the law, the police, judges
the people who govern this system.
Don't cause problems.
Obey, obey.
All your life, forced to follow the flock
and follow it's rules.
Without even noticing I ended up a slave
Alienated, I fell into a habit
Inside my conscience, there's a voice
that catches my ear
that shouts loud today... wake up!
Long days working and I can't even get sick
I don't want an expensive car, because they'll stare at me as I go past.
I don't want to obey more, fucking society!
Fuck the system, when is it my time, eh?
I've wasted my life, I want to live my reality!
I want to go out and dance without worrying about what they think!
I don't want to obey, dammit, I want happiness!
You're a voice in my head that I'm going to silence!

No News From Gurb

Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na

I have arrived without getting lost
Objective, to be a person
I look for a mirror to see myself
Eyes, hairs and no tail
My mission is to find you
Streamlined by a Seat
Washed up by a taxi
With the water from the fountain
How do I clean this mess?
My mission is not to lose you
And while you go so alone
In this world that is not for you
I am counting the hours
From Terrassa to San Joan d'Espi
And I write in this diary
Where I have not looked for you
Brazil, Hong Kong, Peru
I traveled half the world for you
I don't know the place
Where the hell are you hiding
I place you in Singapore
This world that is green and blue
Left me with no news from Gurb
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Licking lips is a kiss
That's what they call it
And if there is something more than that
They end up in bed together
That's what misses me the most
And while I just
In this world that is not for me
I don't know when or how
I tried the bed thing for you
And I write in this diary
Where I have not looked for you
Hawaii, Mumbai, Seoul
I traveled half the world for you
I don't know the place
Where the hell are you hiding
A country in Kathmandu
This world that is green and blue
Left me with no news from Gurb
And I spend counting the hours
Thinking about what you think when you feel alone
And sometimes I think it's my stories
You don't want me to look, that you're better off alone
I'm fed up, it's my Malibu
This world that is green and blue
Left me with no news from Gurb
Oh oh oh
This world that is green and blue
Left me with no news from Gurb
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na


Stephanie's Songs (Iceland)

Play, body and soul.
You can do many things, yes more than you think.
Stand up straight. Head forward.
Everything turns out easy and now you burn off.
Because your street is smooth,
walk all the way
and never give up.
Aaaaa .....
One hundred percent is what I want,
you see, you're doing better.
One hundred percent, no other return.
There is so much you can do now, yes!
Everyone, jump now ... (x2)
Up with a shoulder, me and you! (x2)
Running is our job. (x2)
An energy shot is all that is needed. (x2)
Let's break a sheet, let's get going.
Keep up the energy!
Tell it true, slow or fast.
We have the energy. (x2)
Know everything about string
Come to a ball game.
Try bouncing and bouncing
Or play wrap bounce.
Jump, pass, jump.
Now in the opposite direction, dance to the beat
Start slowly but then fast.
Listen to me,
You see.
Life is a game, and we play together
Yes, just try to follow me.
So keep playing every day ...
Life is a game, and we play together
Yes, just try to follow me.
And just see that life plays with you.

Traveller, Oh traveller

This life is like this, sometimes a flower, sometimes a thron
This life is like this, sometimes a flower, sometimes a thron
There's nothing to fear,Traveller, Oh traveller,Traveller, Oh traveller
Traveller, Oh traveller,Traveller, Oh traveller
One who appears before me today, tomorrow she ignores me
One who appears before me today, tomorrow she ignores me
Nothing new in this, Traveller, Oh traveller,Traveller, Oh traveller
Traveller, Oh traveller,Traveller, Oh traveller
Touching the pearl of the heart, doing so if someone passes by
The heart says, she's for me
There's nobody like the hear, it's stubborn as hell
One with whom we get acquainted today, tomorrow she's gone
Don't ever look back, all traces will eventually get erased
Don't ever look back, all traces will eventually get erased
You won't find anything upon searching,Traveller, Oh traveller,Traveller, Oh traveller
Traveller, Oh traveller,Traveller, Oh traveller

A drama for tomorrow

The you who turned aside my joke
With a cold expression stares at me,
as tears fall down your face
I happily see off my far away home
through a wire mesh
At the end of spring
Anytime and suddenly,
I'm met with melancholy
I can't hide it,
My cowardly heart
I know there are no things
for me to cling on to
I can only tell myself
To go back to being me
I heavily remember
I'll be living tomorrow
And when we meet again
The drama will begin


As you can see, I've returned with more strength and will
In the fog or in the sun, but blessed is he who knows
While I'm looking at the city, a bitter, sneaky tear slowly goes down my face!
In the Borderland there is not a single flag left!
Because, when night arrives, lot of people are afraid!
While I'm looking in the sky, I'm the only one left searching for the new beeing, to find what's mine
There are those who waste words by simulating compassion, but I tell them: «Dear man, look at the flame in your eyes!»
In the Borderland there is not a single flag left!
Because when night arrives lot of people are afraid!
I'm under thousands of stars, the cold breaks my skin
A breath of pure air,
only darkness for a friend
But I want to look at your eyes again to find a planet of mine where drams are reality.
In the Borderland there is not a single flag left!
Because when night arrives lot of people are afraid!


Versions: #1
Not tomorrow, but today
Not half, but full
Come, be mine tonight
Even if my eyes see the summer
My soul will never forget the winter
This night never ends
Is there more to it than meets the eye?
I cheated on loneliness
Only with you
The stars were jealous of us
I told the ones who lost their
Faith in love about you
The moon faded out
Cut me some slack, I'll go my own gait
I got into the swing of loneliness now
I'm no longer the man you once knew
I'm still the man you erased many moons ago
Loving you may be suicide all right
But not loving you ain't no option in no sense
It suits you the best
The dress of love, but more's the pity
I ain't your tailor

I Cannot Take Jokes Anymore

I sat at the table stubbornly
All eyes are on me
Years passed by at this house
Today we're living the end together
The walls are coming at me, to my messy order
I'm living in an inoffensive state
Years passed by in this city
My last night is about an alley
I woke up for you to not ask for me
I couldn't catch up but again she's always right
Oh, it's neither time nor a place for a complaint
Tomorrow couldn't get better, this is the cherry on top
I can't get used to the noise of crowd or something but
It's also hard for me to be seen alone
It's a drama for someone and a comedy to another
I grow at the slope of the cliff
I can't talk anymore, I took myself under protection
The time that flies without living it can't take jokes
Don't, run away and leave the memories at the door of a memory but
Your mistake would ruin you without you get caught in a trap
Its essence is mine, not yours
The lost effort is not pleasant
The reader of a subject as busy as your mind makes a comment,
diverges from there to there with a rush
I cannot take jokes anymore
I couldn't make ends meet
Is there any other, any other lie?
I can't stand anyone

Near Ganga Is Your Place Of Worship

Near Ganga is your place of worship
Near Ganga is your place of worship
Oh goddess bless my current lifespan
Oh goddess bless my current lifespan
Near Ganga is your place of worship
Near Ganga is your place of worship
We hail you Goddess Dakshineshwari Durga
Dakshineshwari Durga
We hail you Goddess Dakshineshwari Durga
Dakshineshwari Durga
Your palace is huge and your name tall
Goddess,you fulfil everybody’s desires
Lies in your feet all holy places
And four major 1 Dhaams
In your lap lies entire happiness
Oh goddess bless my current lifespan
Near Ganga is your place of worship
Near Ganga is your place of worship
We hail you Goddess Dakshineshwari Durga
Dakshineshwari Durga
We hail you Goddess Dakshineshwari Durga
Dakshineshwari Durga
You’re most generous benevolent goddess
You’re the forgiver of most sinister 2 mother Bhavani
Who sings your praises,finds all happiness
My goddess gives me all 3 boons
My heart calls out your name
Oh goddess bless my current lifespan
Near Ganga is your place of worship
Near Ganga is your place of worship
Oh goddess bless my current lifespan
Oh goddess bless my current lifespan
Near Ganga is your place of worship
Near Ganga is your place of worship
We hail you Goddess Dakshineshwari Durga
Dakshineshwari Durga
We hail you Goddess Dakshineshwari Durga
Dakshineshwari Durga
We hail you Goddess Dakshineshwari Durga
Dakshineshwari Durga
We hail you Goddess Dakshineshwari Durga
Dakshineshwari Durga
  • 1. The Four major holy places as per Hinduism
  • 2. Name of goddess
  • 3. special reward given by god/goddess

Before You Go

Manuel Turizo
The ambience is perfect
To spend an eternity together with you
You're the reason why I wanted to go out tonight
Everybody looks at you when you move like this
If you thinking about saying goodbye
Before you go
I want to dance with you until the last song
To lose my mind
Before you go
I want to rob you a kiss and then ask for forgiveness
Before you go
Before you go, let's pass by the beach
a few times, I might cross the line
But a stolen kiss isn't planned
Don't be shy, I know that you want it too
That look tells me
This is only for a night
Because in life there's nothing guaranteed
Baby, dare yourself
Don't say anything and just move
Although I don't even know your name
After tonight this will be a TBT
Baby, dare yourself
Don't say anything and just move
Although I don't even know your name
After tonight this will be a TBT
Before you go
I want to dance with you until the last song
To lose my mind
Before you go
I want to rob you a kiss and then ask for forgiveness
Before you go
Before you go
Before you go
The atmosphere is perfect
To spend eternity together with you
You're the reason why I wanted to go out tonight
Everybody looks at you when you move like this
If you thinking about saying goodbye

The soul is tweeting

Oh, the soul is tweeting the melodies of Majesty
Pour light and Peace into the heart
Carrying the joys in the crescent moon
And yell with love: welcome Ramadan
The most beautiful months are not equivalent to any months.
It is in it the pursuit of paradise. It has come
Are this universe hearing the call to prayer (Alazan) by Bilal’s voice ?!
Or is it the remembrance narrated by Ramadan ?!


Két egyenlőtlen fél vitázik bennem
Válaszd ki kedvesem a sötétséget vagy a fényt
Még öt másodpercnyi csend és én már nem leszek
Ebben az univerzumban
Válaszd ki kedvesem a sötétséget vagy a fényt
De mivel ők elválaszthatatlanok, így nincs választási lehetőség
Ez egyáltalán nem csend, ez a válasz
Mely változatlan
És mi mindig azon vitázunk
Ki ártatlan, ki bűnös
Hagyjuk ezt abba
Én fegyverszünetet akarok
Fegyverszünetet kérek
Nélküled mégis ki vagyok ebben a világban?
Mondd meg, odabent hogyan lehet békét tenni
A lelkem két fele között?
Én fegyverszünetet akarok
Fegyverszünetet kérek
Nélküled mégis ki vagyok ebben a világban?
Mondd meg, odabent hogyan lehet békét tenni
A lelkem két fele között?
Fegyverszünetet kérek
Törjük meg ezeket a szabályokat
Egyikünk sem bűnös vagy ártatlan
Akarod, hogy feltárjam előtted a fő titkot
Vagy sem?
Két egyenlőtlen fél vitázik bennem
Válaszd ki kedvesem a sötétséget vagy a fényt
Ez egyáltalán nem csend, ez a válasz
Pontok nélkül
És mi mindig azon vitázunk
Ki ártatlan, ki bűnös
Hagyjuk ezt abba
Én fegyverszünetet akarok
Fegyverszünetet kérek
Nélküled mégis ki vagyok ebben a világban?
Mondd meg, odabent hogyan lehet békét tenni
A lelkem két fele között?
Én fegyverszünetet akarok
Fegyverszünetet kérek
Nélküled mégis ki vagyok ebben a világban?
Mondd meg, odabent hogyan lehet békét tenni
A lelkem két fele között?
Fegyverszünetet kérek


It just happened so, what do I do?
Today it's nothing to hear behind you
I close the heavy door forever
The wounds will heal sometime
Waves and I have merged in an ocean
Now we're alien to each other
We already long ago don't wait for the night steps
Not loving flows down our veins
No, no, no
My silence is an answer
The lips and eyes were silent
We have no more anything to say
No, no, no
One question was carrying a harm
Love, fire, and pain it's not me
I love you no more
What do I do? I know, it occurs
My heart no more freezes
If somewhere I can hear your voice again
The Sun has chilled between us
Pain and memory have zeroed everything
I already let you leave me for a lifetime
A rebuke is unbearable in your eyes
But I have no more forces to pretend
No, no, no
My silence is an answer
The lips and eyes were silent
We have no more anything to say
No, no, no
One question was carrying a harm
Love, fire, and pain it's not me
I love you no more

Life Begins With You

So far no flower has smiled on me,
I didn't feel a sunrise,
I was indifferent to a twilight,
Even if I was seeing it in the sea wave
Today I see that the apple trees are in bloom,
Your voice muffled the shadow of silence,
Expectations fell apart.
Towards me is running in the evening
The happiness I dreamed of.
Life begins with you,
The world clock stopped for a moment
And a rain of golden rays
Has came out of the blue.
Yes, yes, yes, life begins with you,
My heart is a morning,
And a hope with wings of fire
Is my love...
Even the winds stops when you show up,
I am hot, although a blizzard is upon me.
From a desert you make gardens of longing,
Any uneasy thought is leaving me.
Love enlightened my word,
Today love brought the song in our hearts,
Love has united our steps into a walk.
The covenant bound us for a lifetime
And fulfilled our destiny.
Chorus (x2):
Life begins with you,
The world clock stopped for a moment
And a rain of golden rays
Has came out of the blue.
Yes, yes, yes, life begins with you,
My heart is a morning,
And a hope with wings of fire
Is my love...

The Last Day of Autumn

I hate autumn,
I hate it for you.
I remember your body in the grass,
Your magical face.
Watch my world break in the same way
As a crystal,
And always in autumn I spend my time,
Thinking about you.
How sad it is to wear the pajamas,
That you gave me,
To feel the lack of a kiss from you,
And sleep without you.
Feeling like a poor fool in life,
I cry out for help,
And no one listens to me,
Especially you.
Autumn always brings me your memory,
It makes me suffer,
I'd like to fly,
But I can't do it.
I'm always alone,
It's the last day of autumn.
My best emotions are born in September
For your love,
And I go out to the streets at night,
Always looking for you.
And when someone in the crowd,
Turns and sees me,
What strange thing happens to me?
That I want to go home.
Throw myself on my deserted bed,
To sleep,
And not think about you.
I cry out for help,
And no one listens to me,
Especially you.
Autumn always brings me your memory,
It makes me suffer,
I'd like to fly,
But I can't do it.
I'm always alone,
It's the last day of autumn.
I cry, I cry, I cry,
I cry out for help,
And no one listens to me,
Especially you.
I'd like to fly,
But I can't do it.
I'm always alone,
It's the last day of autumn,
It's the last day of autumn,
It's the last day of autumn,
It's the last day of autumn.

Love Greater than the Stars

Sometimes it seems that everything ended
Sometimes it appears that you got lost
But I know, that there's a solution
But I know, that there's a solution
Open your heart, and let God enter
Open your mouth, and speak about the love of God
Which is greater than the stars in the sky
Which is greater than the stars in the sky
Sometimes it seems that everything ended
Sometimes it appears that you got lost
But I know that there's a solution
But I know that there's a solution
Open your heart, and let God enter
Open your mouth, and speak about the love of God
Which is greater than the stars in the sky
Which is greater than the stars in the sky
The time to stop didn't arrive
You can't give up now
He is preparing your victory
You can't give up now
Open your heart, and let God enter
Open your mouth, and speak about the love of God
Which is greater than the stars in the sky
Which is greater than the stars in the sky

Doubt not but trust

1.Doubt not but trust that yonder the darkest gloomy cloud
There lies an even sweeter, much brighter shining sun,
/:The cloud is not eternal, just watch the glorious sun
Which will defeat the evil and rule from up above.:/
2.Fear not that you are lowly and weak and deeply frail,
Fear not the cruel en’my who’d kill you right away,
/:Fear not the iron locked gates that trapped you in their walls,
The hatred that is raging, but trust the Heaven doors.:/
3.Doubt not but trust that in each and every circumstance
Rules Lord of Hosts Almighty God of the universe,
/:For none a hair will fall out, for none a second be,
For none a trial can reach you but what comes from His will.:/
4.And if you truly trust Him, then nothing is against,
But all the situation will turn out for the best,
/:Doubt not but trust that even along the hardest times
The Sovereign God in Heaven controls the darkest hours!:/

Ballad to a Death

Dragging down his tired feet
hills high to the valley …
slumped and dropped without a beat
stack side, by the alley.
Seasons, years … who could tell?
Time goes by in bunches …
He was but a poor shell
going with the punches.
Folks just threw some dirt on him
in a place forgotten
where the village road at whim
cuts through forest rotten.
Ever since side by his grave
balding poplars flutter
summer days along they wave
in the breeze they sputter.
Unabated on her path
daylight faded, dwindled
time passed on and then it hushed
drifts of snow it sprinkled.
Sunrise mist rises in haze
lingers on the foothill
humming whispers slowly raise
circling round the rill.
Soaring in silver heights
do the eagles circle
now and then the quiet kites
quiver with a warble …
In the distance, in a bower
on a limb of maple
drowned in light of morning shower
alien bird perched stable.
Silent, waiting in a hush
as if counting minutes
watching shadows in a rush
following the linnets.
Unknown thus to folks around
drawn into oblivion
buried deep as he was found
in eternal Stygian.
Summer fades, along the trail
forest tremor quivers
dusky evenings further sail
into moonlit rivers.
And when darken clouds do shroud
whiter shade of twilight,
pounding autumn winds then plough
above his grave in flight…

Last Words

All the promises we made was always back
We thought these lost thoughts were ours
We took the risk to love each other
We ignored the secrets in our eyes
Love one last time without forgetting me
Before these feelings slowly end us
These are our last words, last glances, screams
Our hands are leaving without any asking emotionlessly
This storm sends us to separate evenings
Tel me, what happened us?
Again we are full of new questions
Tonight we are a topic that answers everything
What happened to us our screams became silent
Whatever this we've turned into, we've been callous
Love one last time without forgetting me
Before these feelings slowly end us
These are our last words, last glances, screams
Our hands are leaving without any asking emotionlessly
This storm sends us to separate evenings
Tel me, what happened us?
These are our last words, last glances, screams
Our hands are leaving without any asking emotionlessly
This storm sends us to separate evenings
Tel me, what happened us?

In The Town Of Vifleem

In the town of Viflaiem, 1
Come, boyards, let's see with our own eyes,
That today was the birthday
Of our Eternal Lord.
Today the profecy took place,
Just like it was foreseen,
Christ was born,
Our Saviour.
Three kings from the East
Have come to bow before Him,
They brought him expensive gifts
And sung for Him with their sweet voices.
  • 1. Bethlehem

Az élet egy tombola

Versions: #1
Ha én lennék Maradona
Úgy élnék, mint ő
Ha én lennék Maradona
Bármelyik kapuval szemben
Ha én lennék Maradona
Soha nem hibáznék
Ha én lennék Maradona
Elhagyva bárhol
Az élet egy tombola
Az élet egy tombola
És gyerünk és gyerünk
Ha én lennék Maradona
Úgy élnék, mint ő
Ezer rakéta ... ezer barát
És visszavágnék, ezer százalék
Ha én lennék Maradona
Jönnék a világ látványára
Kiabálnék a FIFÁ-nak
Hogy ők a nagy tolvaj
Az élet egy tombola
Az élet egy tombola
És gyerünk és gyerünk
Ha én lennék Maradona
Úgy élnék, mint ő
Mert a világ egy labda
Aminek a felszínén élünk
Ha én lennék Maradona
Bármelyik kapuval szemben
Soha nem hibáznék
Ha én lennék Maradona
És hívnának egy meccsre
Ha én lennék Maradona
Elhagyva bárhol
Az élet egy tombola
Az élet egy tombola

Ballad for a Dashing Tenant

The years and months all departing
and flying the weeks all go by.
Stay well Madame, I am darting
Suitcase in hand, don’t ask me why!
Unknown is the haven I’m heading
with luggage in hand and in haste,
what demon is making me treading,
what secret is urging my pace.
I feel that the walls have me choking,
I’m but a passing lessee:
in life’s short rest stop and needing
multiple change on marquee.
A month I have dwelled in the attic
and up there - from porthole above -
daylong and in the night’s chromatic
I watched the theater of love!
When moon rays streaked by my window
the city just seemed to have called
and watch in its lightening show
a panorama that enthralled …
Higher up, in a miniature flat
they dwelled in a happy ménage:
an elder, an actor, a cat.
And lower a floor, a lady indulged
in frequent visits and callers,
then, just next door, was the bachelor
- grave and severe – a scholar
goatee and with shoes of a chancellor.
Went on through a pouring rainfall,
suitcase in hand, took a tram,
just made it in time to my hall:
on Berzei, at old, dear Sam.
I still remember the garden,
the windows, all whitewashed and clean