Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 62

Találatok száma: 2368


The Witch of the Black Windstorm

When a chest of a foolish human shatters,
The pain will radially spread into the darkness.
When dawn fades, it escorts
To its way to the forgotten region.
That'll be unforgivable
Everyday my shameful eyes that looked down
To this conurbation from a high cliff
Bridged by the crypt that strikes
When I tossed it into the sea
If you get reborned
On this world
Let's meet once again
The sun's warm sunlight will no longer be able to reach
The dark sea floor
A small light at the altar
Fell down and collapsed on the coral carpet
The name that revived to the present age
Is the witch of the black windstorm
While I was reincarnated for revenge,
A foolish human tossed me away into the sea
It can't be forgiven
I will send down the snow with a lament
And become the Black Beast.
I tore the clouds with a elegant claw
To destroy hated mankind
I don't know why,
But when did you got
Blazed from this chest?
Let's freeze everything, including my fleeting feelings
With a sorrowful blizzard
If my ephemeral love perishes by the world,
Then human beings shall be momentary subjugated

Alumíniumlap, ezüst és dió

A polcon egy alumíniumlap, ezüst és dió
Egy szemétlerakóban játszadoztunk
A zsebed tartalma kihullott
Add fel, mondták, de te nem hallgattál rájuk
Ha te nem mész haza, én is itt maradok
Még ha éjjel hirtelen eső hullik is, s csupa sár leszünk
Mivel te a végsőkig kitartasz,
Én is örökké folytatom itt a keresést
Már az összes barátunk hazament ...
Ketten maradtunk, a koszos szoknyád
Felgyűrted, kész voltál sírni
A polcon egy alumíniumlap, ezüst és dió
Az igazság az, hogy egy kicsit örültem
De végül azon a napon semmit sem találtunk
S ahogy te sírni kezdtél, én elviselhetetlenné váltam számodra
Azon az estén, miközben Johnt sétáltattam, egyik kezemben elemlámpával
Még egyszer, egyedül nekiálltam keresni
Még ha nem is találok semmit
Továbbra is folytatom a keresést
Holnap, s az azutáni holnap is
Továbbra is folytatom a keresést
Mikor hó hullott, még akkor is
Folytattam a keresést
Az idő úgy száll, mint egy nyíl
Az összes barátunk, s még te is valahova...
A polcon egy alumíniumlap, ezüst és dió
A szemétlerakó láncokkal lezárva
Nem is olyan régen újra összegyűltünk
Te elsírtad magad
Csupán ezen kedves emlékeket őrzöm

Only the Grace

'In my wandering through this world
Through the cruel temptations,
Everywhere Lord Jesus,
Only your Grace keeps me pure.
Choir: Only the Grace, only the Grace
Keeps me ceaseless.
It makes me, it keeps me
A true Christian.
On the path of holiness
And in my strugle to be better,
To succeed on my own it's impossible,
Only your Grace keeps me.
How I would like to obey the word
And fulfill it as it should be,
I see everything standing against me
Only you Grace keeps.
At your sacred work,
You called me.
I bear too few fruits, and
Only your Grace keeps me.
Whenever and in any mood I am,
Lord, I come to you!
In rise and fall,
Only your Grace keeps me.

Here, on the Cape of the World

Here, on the Cape of the World
All alone with the sea,
I disperse my ashes.
I am at peace,
I turn into a marine cave.


We 'doesn't'1 know
How to choose the president
We 'doesn't' know
How to take care of ourselves
We 'doesn't' know
Not even how to brush our teeth
There's gringo2 thinking
That we 'is' indigent...
'We is useles'!
'We is useles'!
We make cars
And we don't know how to drive them
We make rails
And we don't have train to use on them
We make babies
And we can't raise them
We ask for money
And we can't pay back...
'We is useles'!
'We is useles'!
'We is useles'!
'We is useles'!
'We is useles'!
'We is useles'!
We make songs
And we can't record them
We write books
And we can't publish them
We write plays
And we can't stage them
We play soccer
And we can't win...
'We is useles'!
'We is useles'!
Use! Use! Use!
  • 1. I kept the purposely misspelled words to keep its irony and social criticism.
  • 2. Anyone who's not brazilian.

Crowded surroundings

You are alone I know, your surroundings are crowded
you are sad, i am hearing
disheveled like me
you are alone I know, your surroundings are crowded
you are sad, i am hearing
if you come from there
take me,me from there
like yesterday you caress me again here
this loneliness has become intersection like a dream
if you are not with me
you are alone I know, your surroundings are crowded
you are sad, i am hearing
disheveled like me
you are alone I know, your surroundings are crowded
you are sad, i am hearing
if you come from there
take me,me from there
like yesterday you caress me again here
this loneliness has become intersection like a dream
if you are not with me

The birds of blues

I have tried all kinds of blues on myself
I am feeding these birds of blues with my soul
I have tried one by one that every words
I have found new words as long as I haven't seen you
Like the jester which is dressing his own wounds at the backstage
as long as I haven't seen you
I shading my cap over my pain
you are the woman that I have been exiled to her face
I haven't forgotten you eyes which are siblings to me
Come again one more time and defeat me
you were make yourself loved fine as if a wafer
you were a hope, you were a retaliation to loneliness
I cannot say that I am unlucky for my own part
This is a treacherous love, its roots are all outside of the earth
these things can happen sometimes
can happen sometimes

To the Ocean

Foaming, bubbling, enveloping the shores with heat.
After with a whisper spreads between the stones
Cold, as if a stranger, narrowing, narrowing...
Why and where are you flowing, my life?
When will you freeze on the sand like a decrepit foam?
Don't stay too long in the ponds, don't believe the winds that are drunk,
While not dried up yet, to the ocean run.
The scrolls for a long time had known, now long you were given-
You don't ask for more from destiny.
Everything that was given to you, fill with the boiling essence
Of each pea make a universe.
All, that warm the heart so much, will come to the shore,
All, that you touch, will becomes the past...
But I was building the dams, swam against the current,
There is no more hope. This all did not matter.
Life, I'm begging you for one thing only...
Carry your waters home, to the ocean
You carry me, you carry me
You carry me to the ocean
You carry me, you carry me
You carry me to the ocean
Life, I took a break from you for a time being,
I'm seating in the middle of the river on the ancient, mouldy stone
I'm peacefully looking on your muddy waters-
All the troubles and hardships it's a storm in a teacup.
How much of useless garbage you carry,
How many sins were left in you, while cleansing,
How many streams you have send to a certain death-
Run towards the ocean , it's your saviour!
Run for leaden clouds, bird flocks,
And command the waves, not to stray off course.
As a habit you were flowing on beaten tracks -
Feel free to make a new channel
You will flow without strain and malice,
All anxieties and fears will leave you.
You know, one of this days, I will also leave you
And won't come back: you can't step twice into the same river.
Life, I'm begging you for one thing only...
Carry your waters home, to the ocean
You carry me to the ocean

Sleepy and Disturbed

Know me always, never talk about anyone but me
Though generally stormy, nowadays I am sunshiny
I am en route, tired, sleepy and disturbed
Never mind these, how is your health?
Your name is a song that I always sing
Despite looking at others, my eyes always look for you
I am a stranger, misfit, reserved and a straw man.
Despite all of these, you're still with me.
Time's apparently been flowing, even if I do not push
If I smile at you, will you do the same thing?
Days are getting tangled up, one somehow gets used to
Ferries do land, even if you do not appear among their crowd
This last one and a half year is a real downfall
My love for you has turned into madness
Quarrels and policemen, being cheated by the trusted ones and serving some time.
Whilst these are happening, the child has grown.
All of my work is dedicated to Ms Z. G., who is the real counterpart of Beatrice Portinari for me.

Long instance

I was found
while jumping from waters
like wine while flowing through the heart
I still held on
I, I, I, while saying that I forgot you I was burning
you haven't come
I stayed, I waited for you
you were gone
It's a long history I know, I have no strength too
I was a difficult person, I know that too
I am not a recipe
While saying that my, my, my love has ended I got shocked
You haven't loved
While waiting for you to help
You haven't helped
From railways to a train board
it's my life path, don't get mad at me
I can get off at any moment.


I wasn't afraid

You used to run
you are lost, ask for the address
I took shield in a timeless place
you were born with the day, I'm a mess
We are sad worshiping liars and we know that
but stay away, memories can't be deleted
I was not afraid of death
the most it can do is take you away
Hug me again with darla*
the most it can do is explode.


I'd curse you

I was a hero, I was a warrior
Counting victories
Took it like a man when they wound me
And when they hurt me
Because I had you, the light that guides me
The reason why pain doesn't touch me
But when I was against everyone
You stabbed my back from behind
I'd curse you, my traitor
Why'd you take away my life?
But God forbid something happens to you
I'd die for you in two days
God forbid something happens to you
I'd die for you in two days
Your betrayal is my medal
Fame has carried me away
A glass of wine has become a river
And took everything away
And I was ready to stick my hand in the flames
To fight for you until the end
It's a strange love, I should hate you
But I love you even more

Menunggu kamu (ENGLISH)

I always try
To strengthen my heart
From you who haven't come back
There is a faith
That makes me survive
This waiting will be worth it
Look at me, my dear
That has been struggling
To wait for you to come
To pick you up to home
Always remember, my dear
You hold my heart
I will not go
I will wait for you, here
Still here.
If not to you,
I don't know anymore
To whom I will give this longing
To whom I will give this longing
Look at me, my dear
That has been struggling
To wait for you to come
To pick you up to home
Always remember, my dear
You hold my heart
I will not go
I will wait for you, here
Still here
Look at me, my dear
That has been struggling
To wait for you to come
To pick you up to home
Always remember, my dear
You hold my heart
I will not go
I will not go
I will wait for you, right here

Ana's deck

When she comes out of the cave, she sees people passing by
Her pupils stop, nothing special
Only shadows go, only shadows go
While Ana
Hey, hey! Dances the deck
And seeks who to love
Hey, hey! Dances the deck
And seeks who to love
From two different doors, they come out to walk
She bumps into the moon when she sees him coming
And the shadows go, and the shadows go
While Ana
Hey, hey! Looks for the deck
And wants to save it
Hey, hey! Dances the deck
And wants to save it
In the silence of such an encounter
Both let themselves be swept away
And after a few months of this ideal relationship
She is missing the deck, she is missing the hope
While Ana
Hey, hey! Dances the deck
And seeks who to love
Hey, hey! Ana
While Ana
Hey, hey! Dances the deck
And seeks who to love
Hey, hey! She dances
She dances
Hey, hey! Dances the deck
And seeks who to love
She dances
She dances

A Half of Me

Under giant full moon by the bonfire light
Dusky forest concealed us with green leaves from sight.
I was kissing you there by the night fire blaze,
There I gave you a half of myself in a daze.
Light of distant night stars, trilling songs of night birds,
You looked into my eyes and you whispered the words.
You had no faith in me, but loved me all the same,
And I left [a] half of me with you, gave you my flame.
All that happened's forgotten, it is gone without trace,
As you waved in my wake with a motton blue lace.
I was kissing you there by the night fire blaze,
You've left me just a half of myself that still stays.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Man has only few needs

Versions: #2
Man has only few needs in life
One must not be given to excess
A good husband or a wife
And a planet in our galaxis
Sweet droplets of happiness are bound
And sprinkled all over the earth
Overnight they cannot be found
Yet will manifest on your own turf
Collect them all on your path divine,
Your fate will provide them all
not trusting in mere providence of time
But your soul's sincere earnest call
Thus the shining world yet spins 'round
Avoiding all stress on her axis
For a man has only few needs
One must not be given to excess
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth,
and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

I won't come back

It's impossible to forget it all, not once I've tried, believe
I can see you in everything, that I have from you in me
But why did I remember all the promises?
How you've knocked, like a heartbeat
You didn't know, what to say in despair
But I will say...
I won't come back to you,anymore
You've left me alone, so what
I knew the number by heart
I love you, but I'll manage
I won't come back to you,anymore
You've left me alone, so what
I knew the number by heart
I love you, but I'll manage
You simply were my life, I couldn't say that
I saw, you are not mine
So why did you called me back?
But now cooled down confessions of the heart
Yours and others I won't accept anymore
No matter, that it's like a trial
But I will say...
I won't come back to you,anymore
You've left me alone, so what
I knew the number by heart
I love you, but I'll manage
I won't come back to you,anymore
You've left me alone, so what
I knew the number by heart
I love you, but I'll manage
I love you, but I'll manage
I won't come back to you,anymore
You've left me alone, so what
I knew the number by heart
I love you, but I'll manage
I won't come back to you,anymore
You've left me alone, so what
I knew the number by heart
I love you, but I'll manage

When I die

When I die, don’t say mass for me
but remember you friend.
When I die, bring me a flower,
a big, red flower, like the blood shed. (x2)
When I die, make as if I weren’t dead,
tell everyone what I said to you.
When I die, don’t you feel alone,
I won’t leave you alone. not even in the grave. (x2)
When I die, sing my songs,
don’t forget them, sing them for others.
When I die, sometimes think of me,
who for this land have died on a cross, voiceless. (x2)
When I die, bring me a flower,
a big, red flower, like the blood shed.


I just want to tell you that I remained so lonely...
I'm going through the mirror only searching for your eyes.
I just want to tell you that I remained so lonely...
I spend the empty hours only looking at your pictures.
And if the world spins once and you come by here
Don't be surprised to find me devastated, what's to become of me?
Like you, I'm also human and it hurts me to be alone.
Lonely, lonely, lonely.
Lonely, lonely.
Lonely, lonely, lonely.
So lonely.
I just want to tell you that even though I remained so lonely
Today, when I go out to the street, no one is going to notice that I cry.
And though the pain is thick, it will be diluted with a kiss
That will show that you weren't much more than just that.
And if the world spins once again and brings you back here
Don't be surprised to find me giving you my back and someone in front of me
Like you, I'm also human and I don't want to be alone.
Lonely, lonely, lonely.
Lonely, lonely.
Lonely, lonely, lonely.
I just want to tell you...
That I don't want to be alone.
Lonely, lonely, lonely.
Lonely, lonely.
Lonely, lonely, lonely.
Lonely, lonely, lonely.
Lonely, lonely.
Lonely, lonely, lonely.
So lonely.

Stop her now

I had my life filled up
There was gladness everywhere
My soul was always open
In case she'd ask for love
I had my hands filled up
And she left them empty
Let them look for her anywhere
So she gives me what she took
Stop her now, for she is a thief!
Stop her now!
Stop her now, for she is a thief!
Stop her!
For she has robbed me sleep from my eyes
And left me endless nights
For she has taken everything from my life
For no reason, she hasn't left me anything!
For she has robbed me sleep from my eyes
And left me endless nights
For she has taken everything from my life
For no reason, she hasn't left me anything!
Stop her now, for she is a thief!
Stop her now!
I had my life filled up
There was gladness everywhere
My soul was always open
In case she'd ask for love
I had my hands filled up
And she left them empty
Let them look for her anywhere
So she gives me what she took
Stop her now, for she is a thief!
Stop her now!
Stop her now, for she is a thief!
Stop her!
For she has robbed me sleep from my eyes
And left me endless nights
For she has taken everything from my life
For no reason, she hasn't left me anything!
For she has robbed me sleep from my eyes
And left me endless nights
For she has taken everything from my life
For no reason, she hasn't left me anything!
Stop her now, for she is a thief!
Stop her now!
Stop her now, for she is a thief!
Stop her!

It's not just about winning

I already run thousand metres
There you just stand around so stupid
I'm not a Genius in Running
And you are really
I eat more Chili
As everyone who I
For that you have
the last trend in
Hey we should fight against Robotnik and not against each other
We make each other crazy with that
We do not remember much
It's not just about
The stake is the game
When we are there for each other
Then nobody comes against us
Because we are an unbeatable team
It's not just about
The stake is the game
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Amikor a férfi szereti a nőt

Micsoda szerencse, hogy keresztezte az utat
Az utca másik oldalán
Az a pár lépés
Egy másodperccel meghosszabbította az életem
Szerencsére besötétedett
Lágy akár a cseresznye
Nem láthatod
Mekkora idióta vagyok
Amikor a férfi szereti a nőt
Elküldi a hadsereget hogy kövesse őt
Amikor a férfi szereti a nőt
Becsapja magát
Hazudik magának
Amikor a férfi szereti a nőt
Dalokat ír neki és őrzi őt
Amikor a férfi szereti a nőt
Mindenre kész
Elfogadja, hogy elmondja neki
Micsoda szerencse, hogy piros volt a lámpa
És kimentek a gondolatok a fejemből
És csak most indultam el
Teljesen másik irányban
Micsoda szerencse, hogy van egy karakterem
És elhoztam anyámat
Hogy újra lássam a Walter-t
A 'Partizán' moziban
Amikor a férfi szereti a nőt
Dalokat ír neki és őrzi őt
Amikor a férfi szereti a nőt
Mindenre kész
Csak megjelenik
A holdfény alatt
Amikor a férfi szereti a nőt

It's Never Enough

Versions: #3
It's never enough for me
Because I always want more from you
I'd like to make you happier
Today, tomorrow, forever until the end
My heart is bursting for your love
And what do you think? That this is very normal?
Are you that accustomed to love?
That you can't see, I've never been like this
If by chance
You see me crying a little
It's because I love you
And you leave, playing at winning hearts
All of the fleeting dreams/thrills that are within reach
And you won't see, that what I offer you
Is something unconditional
And you leave, playing at winning hearts
At night you get tangled up in affairs that never have an end
You'll become lost in my memories
For having made me cry
It's never enough for me
Because I always want more from you
My feelings haven't changed at all
Even though you do me wrong, I want you here
My heart is bursting with pain
How can I prevent it from shattering inside?
Are you that accustomed to love?
That you can't see, I've never been like this
If by chance
You see me crying a little
It's because I love you
And you leave, playing at winning hearts
All of the fleeting dreams/thrills that are within reach
And you won't see, that what I offer you
Is something unconditional
And you leave, playing at winning hearts
At night you get tangled up in affairs that never have an end
You'll become lost in my memories
For having made me cry
You'll become lost in my memories
For having made me cry

The Same

In your heart I feel the same light
Same shine - in your eyes
In your dreams - the same hope,
Same honey in your lands
In your language I hear the same taste
In your girls - the same sweetness,
In the world - same Way of your Nation,
To fulfill the same supreme mission
In your songs - the same trembling,
Same genius in your art,
Oh, how much I'm inspired by you,
How much I love you
Raise up, Armenians-Jan, and awake,
You possess a sacred land,
Wake up with your ancient power,
And always live, my Armenian people, in Peace
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

To understand your life, you shouldn't go too far

To understand your life, you shouldn't go too far -
The whole truth is hidden right inside.
Revealing love and happiness within yourself,
Don't hesitate to give them to the world.
But if you have desperately decided
To find out all the truth which's outside,
Thank God, your own way to be revealed for you,
In the glory of eternity, in the heavenly blue.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Bohemian lights for Elisa

Bohemian lights were illuminating
As you were leaving the Academy
The clumsy walk
Of your feet disoriented
On both sides of reality
Dancing girl and I behind
From your steely calves
I was hanging my glances
As I was plotting
Where, how, how and and when
Can one approach a youthful lass
It's so hard to get the courage
And to decidedly cry
'Do you have the time, please?'
And today hanging by your laughter
I'm a madman in the cornice
Doing a balancing act for Elisa
From your tiny breasts
The minutes overflow
And make out of ten o'clock
An injustice
Bohemian lights in every tooth
You answered with a smile
'There's a clock right in front of you!
It's twenty to nine...
And at home they dine at ten o'clock...
Why don't you treat me to coffee?'
A backwards reversal
And Don Juan became Doña Ines
With more yearning that expertise
You unbutton my shirt
A kiss for every button for Elisa
And lost amid your hair
I'm a saint gone to Heaven
Without ever stepping into mass
Bohemian lights for Elisa
Bohemian lights for Elisa
And today hanging by your laughter
I'm a madman in the cornice
Doing a balancing act for Elisa
From your tiny breasts
The minutes overflow
And make out of ten o'clock
An injustice

You Don’t Know

You don’t know the love I feel for you,
And you don’t know how much I desire you.
You don’t know that I’m crying
When for a moment I can’t see you.
Inside my soul I’ve got a flame
When for a moment I can’t see you.
If I die, I won’t go to Paradise
Because, to love you, I don’t think about God.
The more time passes, the more I love you,
I hope you’ll realize it tomorrow.
Don’t leave me in the midst of such pain, baby,
Because for me you are water and bread.
You don’t know that I’m crying
Because, to love you, I don’t think about God.

What else do we need, besides the sea?

What else do we need, besides the sea?
Besides making love every day?
Besides, being in a grateful and vivifying stream, again and again,
In a gentle flow of happiness, ravish, in perfect state of health,
Enjoy cosmic abundance, achievements and beauty?..
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

An innocent demon

Your eyes so full of wonder
I have followed what my fate has been telling
Your heart an innocent warrior
And I was looking for you
There's a task for you
Without your heart, you have become a demon
My dearest one
In order to hide fear inside you
And your deep thoughts
What I can see is not you
Let your mask drop down

Throw away boredom like the peeling of a melon

Throw away boredom like the peeling of a melon,
The sky is clear and the dreams are light.
The lad had a horse and his fate
Was interesting - before the war.
Yes, in the war is like in the war,
And before the war is like before the war, -
Everywhere, in the whole universe.
He rode quickly on the horse
At the end of spring, at the end of spring -
The last pre-war one.
But the fog already captivated the dew,
Hail fell on fields and dreams, -
So that the clouds may pull away,
The lad has to be exactly there.
There - in the war is like in the war,
And before the war is like before the war, -
Everywhere, in the whole universe.
He rode quickly on the horse
At the end of spring, at the end of spring -
The last pre-war one.

Wishing for a divine punishment

Hope, slander,
lawsuit, false statement, as a victim
In front of various reliefless subjects and spectators
The future is not worth wishing for, since there's no future
Imaging hope and some ideals that can't come true
we pray putting hands flat together
a convenient artificial someone shaped
What is your name?
Destroy it
There is no future in the mistook dreams
Destroy it
If I cannot help clinging on the discord of love
So, please mete out
a divine punishment that is greater than I deserve
Give it to me, hey, why don't you scold me?
I shoved away a waiting crowd with my shoulder,
today I managed to get on the final train bound for tomorrow
If I myself were the god,
I would shook everything off and dragged around
Destroy it
This failure won't answer anything
Destroy it
On every non-human that human has pretended
please mete out
a divine punishment that is greater than I deserve
mete it out, if you are there
Destroy it
There is no future in the mistook dreams
Destroy it
If I cannot help clinging on the discord of love
Please mete out
a divine punishment that is greater than I deserve
Mete it out, hey, please scold me
It is high time, hey, please scold me

I Only Belong to Myself [You Can't Take Me]

Once again standing at the precipice,
Once again seeing the end
Want to get out of here, have to get away from here.
Nothing's keeping me here,
Have to go forward.
If you believe you've met your goal,
Then don't promise yourselves too much.
Without me, not with me.
You won't get me, I'm not staying here.
It's never as we would like it to be
The person who takes a risk can save themselves
I'm never giving up,
I'm never giving myself up, never!
The dangers lurk where you never expect them
Come on, go, even if it's hard
I'm never giving up,
I'm never giving myself up, never!
Because I only belong to myself
What's happened?
How can I overcome this?
Whoever wants to chain me
Is at the start and not at the finish.
Yes, this battle isn't over
Only the person who fights back is really free.
I have to get away from here, I want to go home
You all are in the way
But I know, I'll get out.
It's never as we would like it to be
The person who takes a risk can save themselves
I'm never giving up,
I'm never giving myself up, never!
The dangers lurk where you never expect them
Come on, go, even if it's hard
I'm never giving up,
I'm never giving myself up, never!
Because I only belong to myself
Oh yes, only to myself!