Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 27


About me

We said so many things about you
About your locked up kisses
About how you always go from 'I want' to 'I can't'
We said a thousand nights
That now you feel the caresses as nails
That you want us to be friends although I love you
So stay over tonight, tonight stay over
I have to have a word with you
About me, I'm going to talk to you about me
About the thirsty lips I'm holding to
About me, how asks about me
Who is in love with you even without you
I'm still loving you without waiting about nothing
My ego is a pressed down cloth inside me
I've learnt to live everyday with a single drop
When the sky rains love for everyone else
I left the glances behind me
I hid my feelings inside
And I became the friend you want to stand by you
So stay over tonight, tonight stay over
I have to have a word with you
About me, I'm going to talk to you about me
About the thirsty lips I'm holding to
About me, how asks about me
Who is in love with you even without you
I'm still loving you without waiting about nothing
My ego is a pressed down cloth inside me
I've learnt to live everyday with a single drop
When the sky rains love for everyone else

I surrendered to you

Everybody tells me you wander
you spend the nights outside
they are jealous and they go crazy
they are not happy that you love me
I surrendered to you
I don't care about anyone
no matter what others say
while I love you,
I surrendered, baby
I always have you as a talisman
no matter what others say
I will love you
I can do anything for you
I found my other self
even if they say that you wander
it's enough for me that you love me
I surrendered to you
I don't care about anyone
no matter what others say
while I love you,
I surrendered, baby
I always have you as a talisman
no matter what others say
I will love you

Glass slip

Morning sea, like glass at Astropalia
Thirsty mouths, cool kisses
night sea that fed us with stars
night bodies, light eyes
Wave, you should become like a mountain
to bring me some sky
to drink the immortal water
in my glass slip
Dark sea, I've walked on you as if you were the land
until the end of the world, for one hug
my blue sight, clean me from the rust
my new love and old fire
Wave, you should become like a mountain
to bring me some sky
to drink the immortal water
in my glass slip
Wave, you should become like a mountain
to bring me some sky
to drink the immortal water
in my glass slip

In the neighborhood of the moon

Even if we drew a path one night,
I don't have you in my embrace, my sweet love
We changed the route, my heart
And we live apart, you aren't by my side anymore
In the neighborhood of the moon
Sometime we lived together and dreamed
The stars were falling on the ground
When we fell in love at our first kiss
In the neighborhood of the moon
Sometime we lived together and dreamed
But when the morning came, the dream became rain and everything was lost
I gave you my hands so you can hold on
But this night the loneliness is my company again
And you who I loved so much are far away from me
You aren't anywhere, you aren't by my side anymore
In the neighborhood of the moon
Sometime we lived together and dreamed
The stars were falling on the ground
When we fell in love at our first kiss
In the neighborhood of the moon
Sometime we lived together and dreamed
But when the morning came, the dream became rain and everything was lost

Right or wrong

This night, at the paths of the silence
This night, in the traps of the rain
In the nets of the anger, of the guilt,
I tangled
Right or wrong, what can I say
The problem is that I loved you incurrably
Right or wrong, what can I say
My body, I wanted you blindly and irremediably
But now you are there and I am here
Our relationship was like a leaf on the waves
Our relationship was hate and egoism
But this kiss that was pulling the strings,
So what if it was a wound, I have missed it very much
I pass by the closed house
The light behind the front door is turned off
And I begin to cry in the fever of the 'why'


I will take my way one night
With a wing in the heart
And I will come to find you again
I will take my way
Both stiffly and dynamically
So you can hear how much I love you
Thessaloniki (1)
I can't endure, I can't bear the separation
I dream about you at night and wake up
The stars shine like two eyes on your sky
My Thessaloniki, I never forget you
I will go to the White Tower (2)
To Seih Sou (3) and Depot(4)
And to old Ladadika (5)
So I can live magical nights and erase so many foreign lands
And the injustices of the whole world

It could have been love

It could have been love
But it wasn't
It was beautiful for one moment
The 'together' wants a lot of efforts
It could have been love
But it wasn't
It was something smaller, I think
That I continue to live with it
It could have been love
If you had been in pain
As much as I was in pain
If I hadn't had knives in my back
I would have said
At least to pretend
That you went away and something is left here
If you had helped
If I had helped also
It could have been love
It could have been love
But it wasn't
It was maybe the need to find
An open embrace and to enter it
It could have been love
But it wasn't
It was something smaller, I think
That I continue to live with it
It could have been love

It dawned quickly

I imagined it differently
But it was different
My heart you were always
My big enemy
You supported my mistakes
You supported the passions
And you said that to dream was worth it, to dream
It dawned quickly my dream ended
You became a habit of mine
To awake in my loneliness
It dawned quickly and the light revealed
It's my only truth
That you are no longer here
But I love you
Time to heal me
I awaited for a long time
I hid from friends
That I still hurt
I told them that I forgot about you
That I lost my time
But unfortunately I didn't stop loving you, loving you
It dawned quickly my dream ended
You became a habit of mine
To awake in my loneliness
It dawned quickly and the light revealed
It's my only truth
That you are no longer here
But I love you

If it was

Human life is only one
But doesn't keep forever
You begin from the one
And suddendly you reach fourty
If you will love me at the future
This will be unknown to us
And the past
Picture with caption
Anything that begins will over
The new one will aged
From the east to the west
Its a circle and it will close
If it was a hand
To make all them a tuba
Our relationship to be one
Nobody to break up it
If pain was
Deaths killer
With a farmed arrow
Anything that begins will over
The new one will aged
Human depression is one
Never to dead
But and the passion like life
Flushed, calm down
Because of this if you love me know
Don't talk about this
Tomorrow will be clear
What is this one that dont wait for us
Anything that begins will over
The new one will aged
From the east to the west
Its a circle and it will close
If it was a hand
To make all them a tuba
Our relationship to be one
Nobody to break up it
If pain was
Deaths killer
With a farmed arrow
Anything that begins will over
The new one will aged

Soha sem mentem el innét!

Séta közben lépteid duplán csengenek
Mintha csak én is Melletted járnék
Még a magányban is... még ott is Veled leszek,
s oly hirtelen tűnök fel majd, akár egy kósza árnyék.
Minden kimondott szavad ott visszhangzik majd fejedben,
Épp úgy, mintha csak egymásnak mondanánk őket
És a visszhang is én leszek, az egyetlen hang a csendben,
csak engem hallasz majd... semmi, semmi többet.
Talán épp azt akarod, hogy Hozzád visszatérjek,
De, Kedvesem, ilyet ne kérj tőlem
Mert csak, kik eddig távol kerültek, azok láthatnak újra Téged,
Hisz én soha sem hagytalak el... ne hidd hát felőlem!
Tán épp azt sürgeted, mikor jövök már vissza,
De hiába teszed, ez lehetetlen!
Hisz nem hagyhatják el egymást, kiknek szerelme őszinte és tiszta,
Így én sem kerülök távol Tőled, egyetlen percre sem!
Lehet, hogy kétszre annyira szeretsz most, mint régen,
Lehet, még jobban kívánod újra a múltat,
Tán kétszer annyira fáj Benned minden múltbéli emlékem,
S újraélnéd most a szépet, s a régen megfakultat.
Akármit is teszel, nem változhat semmi
Szíved örökre az enyém marad
S most talán még kutatod, eztán hogyan is kéne lenni,
de életünk fonala eztán már mindvégig közös úton halad.

I've never left this place

You'll be hearing two sets of footsteps as you walk
As if I'm walking by your side.
I'll be there, in your solitude,
I'll strike like a thunder.
You'll be hearing twice the endearing words you say
As if we both say them to each other.
I'll be your echo,
That robs you of your silence.
You'll be urging me to come back right now
But, my angel, I wouldn't do that.
The ones that come back are those that have previously left
And I've never left this place.
You'll be urging me to come back right now
But, my angel, I wouldn't do that.
When in love, people cannot abandon (their loved ones)
And I've never left this place.
You'll be wanting to love me twice as much
And you'll be wanting that more than ever.
You hate the memories twice as much
And you'll be wanting to experience these moments live.
No matter what you do, you'll always have
Two sets of heartbeats.
You'll be seeking my whereabouts,
You'll be living on borrowed air.

I want nothing

Our friends come to me and tell me
that you're looking for a way to contact me
But your mistakes are still burning me
and they exclude you from coming back to me
I don't want hear anything about you
where you are, how you doing, how you are
And if you are caring sometimes about me,
you'd better learn to forget
I don't want hear anything about you
because I was deprived of many things while I was by your side
and I won't return to the same lie
so stop making such unrealistic dreams
You stole the smile from my lips
you made my happiness look grey
Even our closer friends know that
your love was such a disaster
I don't want hear anything about you
where you are, how you doing, how you are
And if you are caring sometimes about me,
you'd better learn to forget
I don't want hear anything about you
because I was deprived of many things while I was by your side
and I won't return to the same fake situation
so stop making such unrealistic dreams

Don't Come Back

Αct 1: You call me
and being regretful you ask to come back to me
Act 2: With teary eyes
you say that there is no woman like me
But I have already seen this play
and I know by heart both the theme and the plot
Back then, before you left, I've told you something...
Don't come back again, this door will be closed
I tell you not to come back again 'cause I'm already hurt
Don't come back again, my heart is a lost game for you
I tell you not to come back again because it's already too late
Ι have changed my dear, why you don't believe me
And I have the right to feel sorry
I know that you suffered and that's why now you're teasing me
But I've returned forever because I love you
Act 3: You ask to see me
and you ring my bell early in the morning
Act 4: In the dim lights
you're asking me desperately for reattachment
But I have already seen this play
and I know by heart both the theme and the plot
Back then, before you left, I've told you something...
Don't come back again, this door will be closed
I tell you not to come back again 'cause I'm already hurt
Don't come back again, my heart is a lost game for you
I tell you not to come back again because it's already too late
But my body thinks in another way
Your touch deceives my logic
Every kiss of yours reveals secrets
It's a dilemma that's gonna harm me
I'm feeling it that you still want me
but you are possessed by your fear and your selfishness
You declare our separation explicitly
but this bond is not going to end
Don't come back again, this door will be closed
I tell you not to come back again 'cause I'm already hurt
Don't come back again, my heart is a lost game for you
I tell you not to come back again because it's already too late


I would like to be the sea in your eyes
To look at me, to love me
To dive in my embrace
When I'm away
My love, I would trade all I'm dreaming about
With the key to your heart
So that you and I are together
So that I'm inside you
Such beauty doesn't exist even in the sunset
You are one of the seven wonders of the world
The sunrise I've seen, was never prettier
Sun of mine, give me your best kiss
I touched you and you looked like a precious diamond
I keep you like a treasure
And wherever you go, I'll come, you hear me?
I'll be with you
You touched me, and I pay whatever the price
To wake you up each morning
Whispering I love you
To be your life
Such beauty doesn't exist even in the sunset
You are one of the seven wonders of the world
The sunset I've seen, was never prettier
Sun of mine, give me your best kiss

You never asked

I won't sit in the rain to see you together
For once more
I won't ask to learn why since
You don't care anymore
I don't ask that you understand anyways
That never happens
There's no ego left for me to fight what has killed me again
You never asked
How I felt
How I was strong
But broke
That we've come to the end of the line
You must admit
Don't try to figure out
What happened
And what brought us
And even if I was naive that I thought
You could see your mistake
You just can't
I won't hide from life, maybe I'll remember
How we were in the past
I won't show you how I'm doing, I'll stay up late
With empty arms
I don't ask that you understand anyways
That never happens
There's no ego left for me to fight
what has killed me again
You never asked
How I felt
How I was strong
But broke
That we've come to the end of the line
You must admit
Don't try to figure out
What happened
And what brought us
And even if I was naive that I thought
You could see your mistake
You just can't

After All You're Not Worth It

Versions: #2
Understand it, how can I tell you
I no longer love you
What I say is enough
Go away, please
I don't believe you, don't try
You don't honor your word
and you're always looking to find an alibi
After all, you're not worth anything
and I gave a lot
Like an old habit, I overcame you
and now I'm good
After all, you're not worth anything
and I lost so much time
There's no way I'm returning
I don't want and I can't
You chose the wrong way to live
and you're paying for that
Don't insist on telling everyone
that I was at fault
Don't try to find justifications
because you don't honor your word
I feel like you'll tell lies again
After all, you're not worth anything

Shut up

I was brave enough to come here
cause you're afraid of seeing me and yourself
I have to admit
that there was no point in hiding tonight
In front of me stand but not like an enemy
I haven't gotten over you yet ,unfortunately
Shut up, i don't know what will hapen
once closed eyes and let's go
Shut up, I suffer when it rains
and i remember the words on the window
now i don't have anything to say
once i was only telling you how much i love you
i don't owe you anything anymore
what you did wasn't right
In front of me stand but not like a God
We will both lose,that's how it works
Shut up, i don't know what will hapen
once closed eyes and let's go
Shut up, I suffer when it rains
and i remember the words on the window

Not a word

your mistakes destroyed everything beautiful i made
and tonight my dream bleeds like a wound
I tried so hard to fix broken pieces from a love
you scatteredthem and you look down to earth
Tell me why you don't look at me
you feel ashamed and you don't talk
not a word just for the story
not a single sorry to tell me for my eyes
i was asking for love and freedom
and not to live in a 'beautiful' cage
I was next to you in your most difficult times
but i couldn't imagine that you would be so ungrateful
you only took and never gave
you betrayed me and you broke our love like a thread
Tell me why you don't look at me
you feel ashamed and you don't talk
not a word just for the story
not a single sorry to tell me for my eyes
i was asking for love and freedom
and not to live in a 'beautiful' cage

A moment

For the hands that kept in the summer
for the eyes that were crying
for the 'hi,how are you?'
for now,before and after
for the way that my crazy heart was beating
for the lips that were dry next to the same fire
for the body on which were tattooed 2 initials
for the first timid 'I love you'
for the 'I am glad you are here'
for the 'I am afraid when you won't be here'
for a moment, just a moment
a breath, a breath
for a moment that we would be together
i would give my life
for the dream that faded like a wave on the sand
fr what we lived and what you gave me more
for the 'i have to go away'
the 'I am sorry..never again'
for the tear for the last goodbye

A House Is Burning Down (Such a Shame)

Such a shame for all this love, such a shame
you were always careless - such a shame
the life caught fire
that we lived together
Such a shame for such luck - such a shame
it was a waste of time - such a shame
you coveted falsehood
you put it on fire
A house is burning down
my life is catching fire
such a shame that I loved you
you're not worth even a look
Such a shame that my fault is you
such a shame that you pass as my victim
such a shame for all those wasted dreams
Such a shame for my tears - such a shame
you hurt my heart - such a shame
you're burning in the fire
earth's humanity

You will regret

I've learned that you are not having fun without me
I know but i feel calm,my heart
You didn't want, you couldn't and our love is gone
You didn't care about anything, but you are always making mistakes
You are asking for my lips to a strange mouth
You're getting drunk and you're fooling yourself
You drink, you go out late night and you haven't seen anything
It will come the time that you will be hurt
You will regret, i know that very well
You will regeet but it will be too late
I have locked my heart
And i have given the keys to somebody else
I've learned that you are asking about me everywhere
You want me now that it is over
You didn't want, you couldn't and our love is gone
You didn't care about anything, but you are always making mistakes

My last love

My whole life I was giving myself
passionately in a false heart
I was keeping away persistently
from what I was afraid of
and I was wondering if
the gates of paradise
is a childish fairytale
You're my last love
remember it
come tonight in my empty bed
don't be afraid of me
so what if I own you a tear
nobody is going to tear us apart
My whole life I was giving myself
to unfamiliar bodies
and while I was not dreaming
because my wings were broken
you came, my destined light
without expecting you
and all of a sudden everything changed
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

How did you make it

How did you make me love you
How did you force me, don't love you
Even if I knew that this will happen
One night you will take your hat
How did you make it, tell me how
You make to hate you
Even if I dreamt a life
To walk by your side
Im so tired to love you
How did you make me to pity you
Even if Im waiting the morning and the night
To share the things that hurt us
How did you make it, tell me how
You make to hate you
Even if I dreamt a life
To walk by your side
How did you make me, tell me how
I can't forgive it
How did you make it..

Ha maradtam volna

Miután elmész, mi történhet velem?
Hogyha vége lesz, mi változik, s ki törődik majd velem?
Az igazság persze mindig odaát van
Szerelmünk elvész a sok megszokásban...
Magam mögött az ajtót hangosan bezárva,
Még egy pisszenésnyi hang, rám annyi sem talál ma,
Egyetlen pillanat csupán, míg ott álltam, merengve,
De végül csak megtörtént... vége lett... örökre.
Ha maradtam volna melletted, véled,
Minden csupán egy hazugsággal ért volna véget
Hogyan is lehet az, hogy minden, amit kértem
Csupán csak szöveg volt... infók egy levélben
Mert tudtuk mi ezt már, odabenn... mélyen
Ha maradtam volna Melletted egészen,
Most minden hiba volna... mit javítani? Vétek...
Mi maradt énnekem? Mit is érezhetnék?
Hisz e játékban a vesztes én lehetnék
Mert meguntam már az álarcot viselni
E megfakult szereppel mit is kéne tenni?
Mikor megpróbáltam menteni, - mert hittem,
A világot, s benne mindazt, miben hittem.


I left myself in your arms
I believe in you and I was found
Now Im lost
You stole my dreams
You paint them with black colour
What had left to me
Everything was lies
Whatever you told me was lie
which the person who knows to love
Doesn't know to hurt
Everything was lies
I know you now
Whatever you say now, this love ends
I surrendered to you
See i was betrayed
The laugh turn to rain
Here we go again
Good night

How much we look alike

My nightfalls have your color
You have gone away but you are still here yet
What if we live appart it's the same night that is covering us
It's the same loneliness who bleeds the heart
But how much we look alike like we live in one and the same body
How much we look alike like you are the other half of me
With out love the life is empty
And we my love we have been lost
We are alone in the in the emptiness,
moons with out sky , both you and I
My hug is a dessert , a city fallen,
Yours with no kiss , no caress