Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 74


My love

A necklace of silver around your neck,
And wavy shore.
Just the two of us.
We talked down so long, we carried on to the morning
Oh so pleasing to soul
Did I dream of anything else?
Birds singing in the noisy garden,
This is the dawn, and
You are next to me.
Saying goodbye a little too long, - hesitating to leave,
And my love couldn't fit
In my chest.
I'm in love with you, honey!
How delicate and charming you are!
I will miss you, my love!
And waiting to hear from you ...
Saying goodbye a little too long, - hesitating to leave,
And it couldn't fit in my chest. My love

Please forgive me

Too many setbacks in my life, I've lost all hope
So I take refuge under this black coat
It's only when life gets shitty that we think of the future
When the rain falls, it comes with tear drops
I tell myself that things will get better for my friend
But my friend isn't lucky
She follows me all night
Assassins everywhere, what's the world turning into? I can't even explain
Don't let them, there are even kids going hard at pushups
I'm full of sincerity, my friend, I've sacrificed too much
If I've got a bad side, I mean well, please forgive me
I'm full of sincerity, my friend, I've sacrificed too much
If I've got a bad side, I mean well, please forgive me
I could tell you that I'm deeply in debt
I could tell you that it's making me lose it
But I can't admit where I went wrong
In moments of reflection, my bottle is the only thing that fixes me
But all that I want to say is that I want to leave this place, to go away
Because many mocked when my life had no purpose
But the truth hurts me so bad, it's hidden beneath my smile
I worked hard to deserve my future, don't worry
I'm full of sincerity, my friend, I've sacrificed too much
If I've got a bad side, I mean well, please forgive me
I'm full of sincerity, my friend, I've sacrificed too much
If I've got a bad side, I mean well, please forgive me
I'm full of sincerity, my friend, I've sacrificed too much
If there's any black spot in me, I mean well, please forgive me
I'm full of sincerity, my friend, I've sacrificed too much
If I've got a bad side, I mean well, please forgive me
My friend, I've sacrificed too much
I mean well, please forgive me
My friend, I've sacrificed too much
I mean well, please forgive me

Just once

I have the lips that you have never bit
The steps that you didn't accompany
I have the heart where you immersed yourself
That time just by looking at me
But you're so close and so far away
I am the path that you didn't discover
The body and the blood you never tasted
For fear, for love, for not regretting
I am the mirror where you didn't look at yourself
But I'm so close and so far away
Just once, does it feel like this
Once in a lifetime
Just once, try me
And you will see the way out
For your love I give everything
I know that love and chance don't coincide
It was no coincidence to meet you
I have the hope1 that you need me
So that your love won't become a landscape
It's that we are close and so far away
Just once, does it feel like this
Once in a lifetime
Just once, try me
And you will see the way out
For your love I give everything
Just once, does it feel like this
Once in a lifetime
Just once, try me
And you will see the way out
For your love I give everything
  • 1. It can also mean 'illusion' or 'delusion', but that doesn't make sense here.

Men Burn Too

I wanted it so much aah
They didn't give your hand to me.
What a spite
Oh you cruel father.
Fear God aah
You won't get away with it aah
Looking at beauties is rewarding.
That's it.
Men burn too,
oh how they burn.
Burning is no solution.
Only wedding will purify us.
Men burn too,
oh how they burn.
Burning is no solution,
only the bed will set us free.
I've come to love too.
Mine is somewhat different.
How many beauties I've seen,
from night to morning.
I've become a spinster,
an old maid.
They won't give their daughters
to those who are jobless. aah
What will we do now aah
We will just sleep it off
since we cant be robbing
a bank.

Oh my friend

Oh my friend
I will sit on a stone, your place in my memory!
I will come to the shore, my call is groaning!
I will call, but if you don't answer
I will scatter the ashes* over my head!
Darling, spring has come,
when will you come?
Time to collect thistle flowers** came,
when will you come?
Oh my friend, my friend (4x)
I ran to the path
I saw you in joy
Flowers of joy in basket***
Oh my friend, my friend (2x)
Oh my friend, my friend (4x)
I know since my youth
Pearl wisdom:
There is no life without water
There is no life without love
Oh my friend, my friend (4x)

I Bet You Don't Leave

You say you're already tired
of my exaggerated way of laughing.
That my tantrums aren't for you
and that you're sick of listening to my showing off.
But all the same, you must admit
that you go crazy when I graze your nose.
If it's not like that, explain to me why
you're still here.
I bet you don't leave.
I bet you don't dare to kill
the small amount of faith
that we still have to keep going.
Who are you trying to fool
with that tale of breaking in two
the heart I've already given you?
I bet you don't leave.
Don't scold at me again
like a child who doesn't want to obey.
Let me be the way I am
for my defects do not wither what I give.
If the sun has barely started to come up,
why suffering? Ah.
I bet you don't leave.
I bet you don't dare to kill
the small amount of faith
that we still have to keep going.
Who are you trying to fool
with that tale of breaking in two
the heart I've already given you?
I bet you don't leave.
With what right you?
With what right do I
put an end to this treasure of both?
Why letting you go?
Why are you leaving?
Today I defy you, I bet you don't leave!
No, no... no, no, no.
Who are you trying to fool
with that tale of breaking in two
the heart I've already given you?
I bet you don't leave.
I bet you don't dare to kill
the small amount of faith
that we still have to keep going.
Who are you trying to fool
with that tale of breaking in two
the heart I've already given you?
I bet you don't leave.
I bet you don't.

Your Eyes Have Understood

Your eyes have understood me to be deserving of love,
Stop, oh my heartbeat, I have found my destination.
Your eyes have understood me...
Yes, this decision of yours is acceptable to me,
Yes, this decision of yours is acceptable to me.
My every glance is saying, oh lord, thank you.
You have blended me into your life with a smile,
Stop, oh my heartbeat, I have found my destination,
Your eyes have understood me...
I am your destination, you are my destination,
I am your destination, you are my destination.
Why should I fear a storm, you are my shore,
Someone tell the storms that I have found my shore.
Stop, oh my heartbeat, I have found my destination,
Your eyes have understood me...
Your shadow has fallen upon my heart,
Your shadow has fallen upon my heart.
In every direction, millions of shehnaais* are sounding,
I have obtained all the joys of both worlds today,
Your eyes have understood me to be deserving of love,
Stop, oh my heartbeat, I have found my destination,
Your eyes have understood me...

You’ll Be Proud (Of Me)

I accept I’m no good
I accept I’m incapable
But still , for once
Please just trust me
Give me a chance to prove
To show you, that I can stand tall
Everyone will be so proud
And I’ll be unstoppable
You’ll have to trust me
I will never give up
I will save the day
And come back here triumphantly
Maybe then you will realize that
I am not such a failure
Sure, I've made lots of mistakes
And I know that,I've disappointed you
Still, whatever it takes
I promise,I'm gonna fix it
I’ll win your hearts(love) back
Even if I have to die
I will make you proud
I will make you have faith in me
I will prove that the way I used to be is all in the past
I am filled with so much enthusiasm
And will only return here triumphantly
You will be amazed,to see your son rising at last
The pride in your eyes
When you’ll see all new me

Nincs visszaút

Más vagy, mint rég, más vagy, mint rég
hazudsz, mikor azt mondod, hogy barátokkal voltál
de a lelkiismereted elszunnyadt,
mikor megláttad, és kicsit berúgtál
Ne blöffölj, mert veszítünk
tudom, hol voltál,
és kit csókoltál
Refrén 2x
Nincs visszaút, nincs visszaút
számunkra, kicsim
már nem ketten vagyunk,
már ő, te és én vagyunk
És a négy fal között
összetörném az összes falat
de nincs arcod*
de nincs szégyenérzeted
Más vagy, mint rég, más vagy, mint rég
elrejted az arcod, nem mersz rámnézni
de nem aggódom érted,
mindig talpra esel
Refrén 3x

Kérlek, ne árulj el*

Kérlek, ne árulj el
Bánj velem úgy, ahogy szeretnéd, hogy veled bánjanak
Kérlek, ne rakj tiltólistára
Hagyj el, mintha szeretnél megtalálni
Ne elemezz engem
Áldozz fel
Kérlek, ne árulj el
Kérlek, ne büntess meg
Mutass csak egy darabka kedvességet
Próbálj segíteni nekem, hogy lássak
Vezess engem vakságomban
Ne vess meg
Osztályozz engem
Kérlek, ne árulj el
Ne, ne, ne árulj el
Ne, kérlek, ne árulj el
Kérlek, ne játssz a fejemmel
Ne adj burkolt célzásokat
Ne hazudj nekem
Látom, ahogy a szelek fújnak
Ne alázz le
Pusztíts el
Kérlek, ne árulj el
Kérlek, ne sorolj be
Ne áruld el a bizalmamat és ígéreted
Kérlek, ne bosszants fel
Nehéz nekem, hogy ne hordozzak rosszindulatot
Ne állj az utamba
Manipulálj engem
Kérlek, ne árulj el
Ne, ne, kérlek ne árulj el
Ne, kérlek ne árulj el

Nazani (Lovely)

You are the angel who stole the boat.
Because you stole and captured my heart as hostage with delusion, my lovely.
There is no one like you, my lovely,
Not in the east, nor the west, nor the north, nor the south.
There is no one like you my lovely,
Not in the east, nor the west, nor the north, nor the south.
For your love, a lot of people lose their faith and belief.
Have a mercy on me and stay with me
Then my happiness would last forever
With a guitar, a violin and a tambour, my lovely.
Then my happiness would last forever
With a guitar, a violin and a tambour, my lovely.
Then my happiness would last forever
With a guitar, a violin and a tambour, my lovely.

Whore That Could Be Killed By A Fist

Cursed be the day I met you
Afterwards everything is clear,
I know the whole truth about you
Hey, you whore that could be killed by a fist, it's time to die
Time to say goodbye to life
Now that you will get beaten, there's no one to save you
Not even fucking dogs are jumping
I was highly shocked when I noticed all the cellulite
Although you are so young, your ass looks fifty years old
Hey, you whore that could be killed by a fist, your cunt is ugly
It smells fucking bad
When I licked it, I had to swallow my own vomit
I still have nightmares about that
Die, whore die!
Die, whore die!
[Solo: A. Kippo]
If you don't even know where Japan is located
Then it just means that you're a fucking idiot
Hey, you whore that could be killed by a fist, it's time to die
Time to say goodbye to life
Now that you will get beaten, there's no one to save you
Not even fucking dogs are jumping
I can't wait for the day
When I slay your large ass
If you think this is over now
I've got plans for your whole family
I'll make you all suffer
You will experience horrible fate
None of you will stay alive
I'll laugh as I piss on your grave


Reggel arra ébredtem, megdöglött a kutyám
Valaki nem szerette és ezért fejbe lőtte csúnyán.
Reggel arra ébredtem, a macskám is kimúlt
Tudom, hogy hiányozni fog, leültem ...könnycsepp az orcámra hullt.
Estére haza értem, és a disznóm is eltekerget
Úgy gondolom, hamarosan odébb állok, ezek az emberek nem szeretnek.
Most történt valami, ami még egy szentet is elszomorítana
Hátat fordítottam és a házam lángba borult vala.

Forty Years Since Then

Couplet 1
Forty years ago they shouted to me: “Hold on!”
They scream again, perhaps they know better
After all, one hundred losses and one hundred awards, my funny life*
That was, and is, worth it for her
Forty years through the foam of days, I see again and again
No matter where my path takes me
Ahead and a little faster my love flies
Only to lend a hand
And I ran after her, I road the horses
Day-and-night, I thought only of her
I’m not sure how I moved that fast
But never a step closer to her.
Couplet 2
I left your unkind, hangover ball
Everything goes in a circle for the hundredth time.
In a moment, when we hear a scream, it was someone deceiving us
It's a pity I won't see your eyes
But I ran after her, I road the horses
Day-and-night, I thought only of her
I’m not sure how I moved that fast
But never a step closer to her.
But I ran after her, I chased the horses
Day and night, I only thought about her
I’m not sure how I moved that fast
Just not a step closer, I did not come close to her
I did not come close to her
I did not come close to her
I did not come close to her

I am not in love, I can love

Now I can tell you to go
I can suffice myself
Even I withstand you
I can be me who is new
I can find other loves
I can ignore you
Even if i was mistaken
I may be glad for this
I am not in love, but I can
I can love, i can
I can fall in love 50 percent possibility
I can fall in love, i can
I can do just spite for you
All the moment from now on i can love
I can believe, i can believe
To somebody else
I can be out of my mind
I can, i can
I can be abound reproducing
I can dive to a revel
I can perish ever
I can love crazily
All the days of me is another Laila*
I may be so upset
Doesn’t this heart belong to me?
I can throw it away to the roads
I can love like this
I can be left meaningless
If I became you converting
I would always disacourd to you

I have always searched for the beauty in my destiny

have always searched for the beauty in my destiny
I have always searched for the beauty in my destiny
The musical instrument in me is different, the words are different
The musical instrument in me is different, the words are different
When my wish comes to life in my dreams
When my wish comes to life in my dreams
The picture on the wall* is different, you are different
The picture on the wall is different, you are different
I have fixed a marquee on the heaven, I have sat
I have fixed a marquee on the heaven, I have sat
The life on earth is different, the soul is different
The life on earth is different, the soul is different
Anymore I’m tired of this love, too
Anymore I’m tired of this love, too
The summer rain and winter rain are completely different
The summer rain and winter rain are completely different

I have sealed you in my heart

I fall madly in love with you
Alike a convict
Shuteye is illicit
Alike a poison
Longing crazily
From past eternity until now
There is a fact
Nobody knows
It doesn’t happen in me
It doesn’t quake
Nothing makes me
Shake like this
Merely as you
I have sealed you in my heart
Bullets don’t work on my liver
I have shackled you into my heart
There are no keys in the seas
Evil says one must repent
One must die for your way hundred of times, thousand of times
Even if you torture in the hell
One must love merely you
Your eyes are rough
Alike treacheries
Your hands are cold
Alike midwinter
Your heart has frozen
Alike the last breath
Even if it is cold
There is a fact
Nobody knows
It doesn’t happen in me
It doesn’t quake
Nothing makes me
Shake like this
Merely as you.

Under the Banners of the Horned Prince

Where there was sunrise now is sunset.
Where there was the sun now is night.
In my crystal gaze Hell has taken over,
And my heart no longer beats through the dim fog.
A flame of streaming blood surrounds the dream I see through my wounds.
Amid the fog are the remains of Earth, around them is...
The fall from a cliff into the abyss of a botomless chasm.
I see Hell: the lord of old leads me there silently
Through the fragility of decrepit greyness.
Fate has tied my hands with a bloody thread,
And obediently plunged a dagger into my stomach.
The goddess of night subjects day to suffering,
And a star, while falling, may still be alive.
My blood is full of the venom of swamp vipers,
And my head throbs with the ring of anvils.
Hell is preparing the swords of war.
The Heavenly Throne will become a grave.
The Horned Prince, clad in his steel armor,
Has thrust his sword into the wingéd 'warrior' of Heaven.
I am in the ranks of Hell, I am Azazel, I am Belial, I am Cthulhu.
I am the demons, I am Set, I am the Lord, I am a warrior of Evil.
Lucifer has opened my eyes to this world, mired in vanity.
A terrible thunderstorm will strike through it
With a bloody lightning bolt, arriving from the heights.
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!

İn my own world

I don't fool myself
its reason is very
I don't fool myself
no need for fakes
it wastes a lot
It's not necessary
í need
mood therapy
i want to stay
in my world, in my world!
in my own world with my dreams
in my own world my dreams
this kind of miracle of life
still have many questions
no answer
I want to only my soul full,
my hearts are full
I need
mood therapy
want to stay in my own world, in my world!
in my own world with my dreams
in my own world my dreams
I need
mood therapy
want to stay in my own world, in my world!
in my own world with my dreams
in my own world my dreams

God Bless You

What does my heart trust to
This love is too much for me
Found the hardest love
Keep yourself for me
What does my heart trust to
This love is too much for me
Found the hardest love
Keep yourself for me
If I can't live this day
Life wouldn't forgive me
Don't know 'bout tomorrow, forget about yesterday
I don't harm you
If I can't live this day
Life wouldn't forgive me
Don't know 'bout tomorrow, forget about yesterday
I don't harm you
I give up my love fasting
With you after years
I am in love, admire any tiny little part of you
I couldn't dare to look at your face
God bless you, all the world lay to your knees
I give up my love fasting
With you after years
I am in love, admire any tiny little part of you
I couldn't dare to look at your face
God bless you, all the world lay to your knees
What does my heart trust to
This love is too much for me
Found the hardest love
Keep yourself for me
What does my heart trust to
This love is too much for me
Found the hardest love
Keep yourself for me
If I can't live this day
Life wouldn't forgive me
Don't know 'bout tomorrow, forget about yesterday
I don't harm you
If I can't live this day
Life wouldn't forgive me
Don't know 'bout tomorrow, forget about yesterday
I don't harm you
I give up my love fasting
With you after years
I am in love, admire any tiny little part of you
I couldn't dare to look at your face
God bless you, all the world lay to your knees
I give up my love fasting
With you after years
I am in love, admire any tiny little part of you
I couldn't dare to look at your face
God bless you, all the world lay to your knees

Pray for rain

I have a disloyal fortune
and a sorrow without remedy
Like it's not enough
i am also tortured by my lover
How i wouldn't burn nor cry
How i wouldn't be grieved and drink everyday
While you were leaving, did you make a pray for rain on my eyes
Otherwise (why) i have the tears in my eyes
Whatever i did for you i have just lost myself
(this is why) i have greys on my hair
You shouldn't have give me hope nor leave me
If i haven't love you so
i wouldn't have sorrows without remedies
I can not handle the sorrow of this live any more
I don't believe in love neither in destiny any more
I can not handle the sorrow of this live any more
I don't believe in love neither in destiny any more

Let me love, let me relieve

I don't like the evenings
Evenings cause troubles
I don't like talking either
Leaving is always that way*
Through the ways you've passed
Loneliness blows in
And in the evenings like this,
I feel a little more in love.*
I didn't love you, I didn't love you
I told lie, I loved a lot
Let me love you, let me relieve*
Go and let me die*, let me releive
Neither I bemoaned nor cried
They've lied to you
You also can't considered happy
Show another reason
You understood me in a wrong way
Many comes and many goes*
And I am not an angel
Today I want to make love
I didn't say something, I didn't say something
I didn't say so, I loved a lot
Let me love you, let me relieve
Go and let me die*, let me releive
Let me love you, let me relieve
Through the roads you've passed
Loneliness blows in
And in the evenings like this,
I feel a little more in love.
1)'Gidişler hep o gidiştir' it means something like 'never returning after leaving' but here it has a meaning in this way with the emphasize in the previous verse: I don't like talking because after talking no one ever comes back.
2)Here 'içim'(translated as I) means literally my inside, but in the use it means my soul or my heart, actually both meanings at the same time.But I thought it would be inappropriate to translate it as my soul or my heart in English thus I choose 'I'. And 'erir'(literally translation is to melt) means feeling in love. When you 'melt' for someone you feel more in love, the level of love increases. So I translated as 'I feel a little more in love in the evenings like this.'.
3)'Bırak seveyim' means let me love' but 'rahat edeyim' doesn't mean fully 'let me relieve'. It is independent of another one's action. In this case only him/herself is the allowing one. But here it means much more like 'let me love so let me relieve'
4)'Git de gebereyim' has two meanings Firstly 'you go and so let me die' secondly 'Say 'go' so let me die.' and again here the word 'gebereyim'(let me die) is independent of one's action but the speaker him/herself. And It means to die in a very emphasized and a bad way like the dead one was not worthy.
5)'Kimler gelir kimler geçer'
It means like: you are not so important, this is life many people come in my life many people leave my life. So decided to translate as 'many comes, many goes'