Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 74



At the end they're only words
They fade out in the air
Your words are always complicate
Your actions talk more clearly than the water
You promised
To stay alone for a while
That there are very recent wounds.
That you mustn't, you can't, no
In any way
But deny it ig you dare
That when I come closer, little by little
You become nervous
Don't say you don't, you don't
Then let's leave us
In fact, we already are alone.
You say that it isn't worth
That it makes no sense
But for this kind of poison there's no solution.
Come and let yourself fall here close to me
That come confessions to us
I confess, I confess
That it's burning to me like it burns to you
What is worth to let it there?
Let's take a cold shower.
Don't misunderstand me
My only sin is I'm sincere
Tonight there's full moon
It's so pure and clear...
When I come closer, little by little
You become nervous
Don't say you don't, you don't
Then let's leave us
In fact, we already are alone.
You say that it isn't worth
That it makes no sense
But for this kind of poison there's no solution.
Come and let yourself fall here close to me
That come confessions to us
Tell me that you don't, you don't feel it
Tell me you don't, you don't, if you dare.
When I come closer, little by little
You become nervous
Don't say you don't, you don't
Look my love, that already from longtime
We've grown...
And I know that it is no worth
That it makes no sense
But for this kind of poison there's no solution
Then, let you fall here close to me
Remain subjected at what you'll find
Then tie up here close to me
That come confessions

I wasn't lying

How many night I waited for you
Standing by the door
And you never appear
How much crying did I swallow
Sitted on this table
Trying hard not to scream
Not to die because of
The sorrow, because of the rage...
If once I told you I would bear only one more
Before leaving forever
I wasn't lying, I wasn't lying
If once I threatened you and swear to you
You would regret it
I wasn't lying, I wasn't lying
I wasn't lying
Our love was not signed
Nor carved in stone
We can't save it anymore
Of my pride I've took
More than my strengh
I'm leaving, closing the door
To all these miseries
If once I told you I would bear only one more
Before leaving forever
I wasn't lying, I wasn't lying
If once I threatened you and swear to you
You would regret it
I wasn't lying, I wasn't lying
I wasn't lying
Keep all your lies
I want to fly, get lost from your life
Better find another crazy woman to follow you
I'm done, so done...

Your voice will fade away

I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Your voice will fade away
Tell me, how long will all of this last
That this hell will seen end
That life is as it should be
That this love is going to disappear
It was the destiny that decided
Your smile was blown away by the wind
And who knows who will find it
No, it won’t be me anymore
I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Ain’t gonna be the same
Ain’t gonna hear the beating of your heart
Your voice will fade away
No, it’s not simple to understand it all
Your inventions didn’t fit you well
This light turned out forever
It won’t light anymore
I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Ain’t gonna be the same
Ain’t gonna hear the beating of your heart
Don’t try to make it right
Don´t try to make it right
Come and look inside my heart
You take your little time to realize
You’re not the one
No, it’ll fade away
Your voice will fade away
Ain’t gonna be the same
Ain’t gonna hear the beating of your heart
Don’t try to make it right
I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Ain’t gonna be the same
Ain’t gonna hear the beating of your heart
Your voice will fade away

Mint azelőtt

Ha ő visszatérne, mit tennék én?
Mi lenne az első reakcióm?
Akkor talán hátat fordítanék neki?
Hihetem-e vajon, hogy még mindig szeret
vagy egyszerűen búcsút mondana?
Ha visszatérne, mit tennék én?
Az ő mosolya előtt senki nem mond nemet
Szeretném ugyanúgy a száját,
mely engem újra megőrjít
és gyengéden szeretkeznék vele.
Mint azelőtt,
Amikor két barát voltunk, két szerelmes.
Mint azelőtt,
amikor a szerelem megmozdult a bőrünk alatt.
Mint azelőtt,
hogy próbára tegyen és összetörje a szívemet.
Mint azelőtt,
amikor minden pillanatban magáévá tett engem.
Mint azelőtt,
amikor a nagy szenvedély felébredt bennem.
Mint azelőtt,
átlépni az ajtón és elbúcsúzni ...
Isten veled!
Ha ő visszatérne, mit tennék én?
Ha soha nem tudnék elszakadni ...
Ő még mindig vágyaimhoz kötözne,
Ő továbbra is rabul ejtené a lelkem
és én vulkán volnék, és ciklon volnék.
Mint azelőtt ...
Mint azelőtt ...
Ó! Mint azelőtt ...
Mint azelőtt ...

Ha engem nem szeretsz

Dühös vagyok
Miért hallgatsz?
Amikor többet kérek tőled
Felemésztesz engem
Fél óra
És te el akarsz menni
És te elhidegülsz
És te elidegenedel
Te olyan vagy mint egy hullám
Mindenhol egyszerre támad rám
És a csapás ugyanúgy eltűnik
Amikor te lüktetsz
És remegsz
És sikítozol
Mondd meg nekem, mi a helyzet
Miért hazudik nekem a tested
Ha nem szeretsz engem?
Amikor téged elkaplak
Egy csókban van az egész élet
Mondd, mi a helyzet
Miért hazudnak az ajkaid
Ha nem szeretsz engem?
Visszajössz, mintha semmi. (Nem történt volna)
Két szó és én kísértésbe esem
Egy másik hajnal
És az én párnámon
Morzsálgatod a szerelmedet
És te elhidegülsz
És furcsán érzem magam
Te vagy a büntetésem
Mint egy sorscsapás, mint még soha
Szeretnélek elhagyni
Lüktetve kiabálsz
És remegve elhallgatsz
Átölelsz engem, megcsókolsz engem
Hazudsz nekem, megbolondítasz engem
Ha nem szeretsz engem

Lo, Just A Year Ago - With Bitter Anguish...

Lo, just a year ago - with bitter anguish,
In mad nostalgia I was leaving you,
It seemed to me: for ages I would languish,
For I have lost both life and joy with you.
A year have passed - in torment of oblivion
You disappeared as longtime distant dream,
And only sometimes I recall as trivia
The bygone days, when I saw nightly dreams.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The Good News

All my life I had
routine, routine,
my feet stuck in the nets1
getting uip, sailing,
fishing, going back to bed.
I was like fish
that suffocate in the free air
and look, he is coming..
All my life I had
routing, routine,
starting, restarting,
my eyes on reflections
going back, cleaning up,
I was llike scorpions
who walk backwards
and at last he is coming.
The Good News is him
The Good New is crazy
The Good News is him
The good News is us.
All my life I had
routine, routine,
my heart trapped by my thoughts
and as the only future
to have been born to die
he undoes our bonds
I will get rid of mine,
at last he is coming.
All my life I had
routine, routine,
my hands that bled on the lines.
Judas and John:
he said 'raise your heads'
The Kingdome is a party
Peter and Judas
Only he knows our worth.
We are the new men
he is coming.
The Good News is him
The Good New is crazy
The Good News is him
The good News is us.
He says 'follow me, leave everything'
That's fine, us, we've got nothing.
Fortunate2 are the meek and the little children.
Peter, Judas:
Tht's fine, we like life.
Life is eternal.
It is ours if we follow him,
if we follow him.
The Good News is him
The Good News is crazy
The Good News is him
The Good News is us.
  • 1. always the same
  • 2. or happy
Translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is normally not allowed without a written permission of the author. But my translations can be published, except for commercial purposes, anywhere provided that my name is cited as translator - subject of course to the rights of the author of the original (untranslated) lyrics being fully observed.

Like Before

If he came back, what would I do?
What would my first reaction be?
Would I turn my back on him?
Would I wonder whether he still loves me
Or, else, would I simply bid him farewell?
If he came back, what would I do?
Seeing him smile, nobody could say 'no'
I would crave his mouth just as much,
For it used to drive me crazy
And then, I would make sweet love to him.
Like before,
When we were friends, when we were lovers.
Like before,
When love travelled across my skin.
Like before
He took me in and then, broke my heart.
Like before,
When he would make love to me all day long.
Like before,
When he would awaken this great passion in me.
Like before
He crossed that door and said goodbye...
If he came back, what would I do?
I never managed to get over him...
He is deeply ingrained in my desires,
He is still deep in my soul
Since, for him, I became a volcano and a hurricane.
Like before...
Like before...
Ooh! Like before...
Like before...

Not even a single tear (Rascal)

If you leave
I will be so disappointed!
You know that I love you.
This heart of mine cannot go on like this:
You know that I won't wait for you.
Not even for one more single night, you rascal
I shall allow you
To deceive me again with your twisted games.
Not even a single tear, you rascal
I will shed again
In silence.
You stabbed me in the heart...
I don't believe you anymore
You, who killed all the hopes
Of my baffled soul.
Today, we've reached the time to say goodbye
Don't you ever come back
Today, we've reached the time to say goodbye
Don't you ever come back.
Go-go goodby-by goodbye by-by
Don't you ever come back
Go-go goodby-by goodbye by-by
Don't you ever come back
I know that you will kneel before me
Begging for a kiss
You'll implore, you'll ask for forgiveness
But now we can't go back.
Bridge + Chorus
Lala-eh, lala-eh oh...
Lala-eh, lala-eh oh...
You stabbed me in the heart...
I don't believe you anymore
You, who killed all the hopes
Of my baffled soul.
Today, we've reached the time to say goodbye
Don't you ever come back
Today, we've reached the time to say goodbye
Don't you ever come back.
Go-go goodby-by goodbye by-by
Don't you ever come back
Go-go goodby-by goodbye by-by
Don't you ever come back


Versions: #1#2#3
Should not be revealed to anyone what's between you and me
As long as our glances are our way of communication
Listen carefully! I communicate with my lips closed
Reply me with a glance which is the way of communication between you and me
It's been a while and none has witnessed a man in love
Now the world is looking closely at you and me
Although none could unveil our secret love
Still the song of our love has reached everywhere