Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 9

Találatok száma: 291


Idő kérdése

Néha úgy tűnik, hogy ennek eleve darabokban kell lennie.
Néha a kimondatlan dolog után vágyakozunk.
Próbálunk harcolni minden zűzavar ellen
azzal, hogy alig mutatunk ki érzéseket.
Néha úgy tűnik, hogy rossz állomáson vagyunk,
kerssük a gyilkos kombinációt.
Néha az egész csak képzelgésnek tűnik,
keressük az olcsó szenzációkat.
Nem a dagály ellen haladunk?
Szembe megyünk minden tanácsukkal.
Csak rohanunk, csak rohanunk,
s mindez csak idő kérdése.
Mielőtt minden visszhangzana, visszhangzana
és eltűnne,
darabokra törne a fal ellenében.
Mielőtt minden visszhangzana, visszhangzana
és aláhullana,
azt hiszem mindez csak idő kérdése.
Néha úgy tűnik, hogy ennek eleve darabokban kell lennie.
Néha úgy viselkedünk, mintha előre ki lettünk volna választva.
Próbálunk visszaszerezni valamit, ami már nem a miénk
azzal, hogy visszaemlékszünk rá, milyen édes is volt.
Nem a dagály ellen haladunk?
Szembe megyünk minden tanácsukkal.
Csak rohanunk, csak rohanunk,
s mindez csak idő kérdése.
Mielőtt minden visszhangzana, visszhangzana
és eltűnne,
darabokra törne a fal ellenében.
Mielőtt minden visszhangzana, visszhangzana
és aláhullana,
azt hiszem mindez csak idő kérdése.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.


Mannequin behind the window,
Waits alone tonight.
Mannequin behind the window,
Who hides his ivory eyes.
Mannequin behind the window,
Just a body without memory.
Mannequin behind the window,
You go without even seeing me.
Mannequin behind the window,
Waits alone tonight.
Mannequin behind the window,
Who hides his ivory eyes.
Mannequin behind the window,
Just a body without memory.
Mannequin behind the window,
You go without even seeing me.
Mannequin behind the window,
Waits alone tonight.
Mannequin behind the window,
Who hides his ivory eyes.
Mannequin behind the window,
No one to see him.
Mannequin behind the window,
No one to see him.

Let everything burn

You are doing it on purpose
Taking out your suitcases
Leaving for God knows which time
For a new chance
You are asking for a apology
and you are asking me why am I mad
I love it when they threaten me
now try your revenges
Chorus 2x
Let it burn, let everything burn
I will forget you
this town tonight is too small
for me and my friends
Let it burn, let everything burn
I will forget you
Welcome girls,
who will replace you
You always wanted much
You could not love
You remained loyal to yourself
And from the other side
I loved your flaws
Until you became my ex
Come on carry your things
I don't want you to ruin the end aswell
Chorus 2x
Let it burn, let everything burn
I will forget you
this town tonight is too small
for me and my friends
Let it burn, let everything burn
I will forget you
Welcome girls,
who will replace you
Let everything burn, burn
Let it burn burn burn burn burn
Chorus 2x
Let it burn, let everything burn
I will forget you
this town tonight is too small
for me and my friends
Let it burn, let everything burn
I will forget you
Welcome girls,
who will replace you
Welcome girls,
who will replace you

You're My Life

I know that you lie
And that you betray me
But I condone it
For you're my life
Nothing will ever come
From everything that you say
It's often like that:
Any trust is gone
But I'll stand by you
Wherever you may go
Nothing can tear us apart
I know that you lie
And that you betray me
But I condone it
For you're my life
You, you can make up things so well
That you've almost believed them yourself
You, you promised me
A heaven on Earth every single time
I know that you lie
And that you betray me
But I condone it
For you're my life
Nothing will ever come
From everything that you say
It's often like that:
Any trust is gone
But I'll stand by you
Wherever you may go
Nothing can tear us apart
I know that you lie
And that you betray me
But I condone it
For you're my life
I know that you lie
And that you betray me
But I condone it
For you're my life
For you're my life
For you're my life

We Welcome the Holiday

So everything's prepared and no one knew
We planned a party as a surprise
The hall will be filled with joyous laughter
And a ringing bell will announce the holiday
The years have passed, it's time to get dressed
I'm so fancy and excited
So we'll celebrate in the castle together, not separately
We hope they'll reward us by dancing
And we'll celebrate for the first time here
Since the gates were opened up
Yes it's today, we'll celebrate here for real
And all of our friends with us
Joy in the castle, joy in our hearts as well
Because the holiday keeps getting closer
And we'll start the party very soon
We wish to invite you in
And now it's time to ring
All around Arendelle
It's finally starting and today it'll happen
And we'll make up today for all that we've missed
With open arms we welcome this holiday

We'll get the holiday (Reprise)

Well, I remember that...
That holiday, a bell rang
And its sound was heard all around Arendelle
How we all were happy this holiday
When the winter arrived
When the winter arrived

Lilies- flowers all around

The colors fade and the wind dies out
The time just flows
Deep in the bottom of the ocean lie the sleeping monsters
Secretly they wake up and let out a soundless wale
The moonlight illuminates all the flowers
Even in the cold they are in full bloom clearing the way to an unexplored world
The moonlight illuminates all the flowers
Like a silver blade the flower petals cut off the darkness
Within the mask that exposes nothing
One day it will peel off and fall
The thing that scares is that you would disappear
and in the gap of my heart my recollection will turn vague
The alluring flowers that were given moonlight
In the palm of my hand that has not become sullied like a dream floating on the water's surface
The alluring flowers that were given moonlight
they endlessly downpour as all my pain wavers

Somebody clatters, bangs

Somebody clatters, bangs, my mother,
Somebody clatters, bangs, dear mother.
Clatters, bangs, knock, rocks
My first love, dear mother,
Clatters, bangs, knock, rocks.
I'll go to open the door for him.
- Don't open the door for him, my daughter.
We don't have anything for dinner.
- His dinner, dear mother, will be my sweet words.
Somebody clatters, bangs, my mother,
Somebody clatters, bangs, dear mother.
Clatters, bangs, knock, rocks
My first love, dear mother,
Clatters, bangs, knock, rocks.
I'll go to open the door for him.
- Don't open the door for him, my daughter.
We don't have any rakia1.
- His rakia, dear mother, will be my black eyes.
Somebody clatters, bangs, my mother,
Somebody clatters, bangs, dear mother.
Clatters, bangs, knock, rocks
My first love, dear mother,
Clatters, bangs, knock, rocks.
I'll go to open the door for him.
- Don't open the door for him, my daughter.
We don't have a bed cover.
- His bed cover, dear mother, will be my slim body.
  • 1. Traditional bulgarian alcoholic beverage made by fruits.

Summer Won't be Nice (Part II)

What shall we do if this match doesn't work out?
We'll force her!
Since the day we were born,
We were already meant to be.
But no one has ever asked us,
All those nudges and hints...
Always winking and irritating.
I shall find my bride alone!
He's so immature!
He's smiling, I'm so excited
My heart dances and no speech comes out.
She isn't just a freckled duckling
It is a swan that is facing me.
You've appeared before me...
The one who my dreams wish for...
It's the love of my life
Love of my life
Love of my life
This summer would be jolly, magical and wonderful
You'll see that...
This summer would be, summer would be
A special summer, special summer
This summer would be different, exceptional and glorious!
You'll see that it would be a summer of
This summer would be
This summer would be
A summer of love...

Let This Day Be Perfect To You

Elsa: Psst...Anna!
Anna: Huh?
Elsa: Happy birthday
Anna: To you...
Elsa: It's your birthday
Anna: Mine...
It's my birthday
Elsa: Come!
Anna: It's my birthday?
Elsa: Uhm!
And it's going to be perfect, because...
On every your birthday so far
You were knocking on my cold doorstep in vain
Because of that now everything will be just for us two
And all those missed years
Anna: Elsa, you've got a cold
Elsa: I can't catch cold
I never get bored of snow
Anna: Wow
Elsa: Just follow the string
Anna: Wait, what?
Elsa: Because along the way there will be many surprises
And nothing will cut our ties
I've been working for days to get everything set
And even Kristoff and Sven took a bath!
And I don't mean to stop
Because this is my plan
Olaf: Sumer!
Elsa: To give you celebration as a gift
And the whole world will become yours today!
Olaf: Little brothers!
Elsa: Let this day be perfect to you
Anna: Oh, sandwich!
Elsa: I'll do everything to put the world in your hand
Everything you've gone through with me
Now it's an old dream
Let this day be perfect to you!
Anna: The third is coming!
Elsa: I'm fine!
Kristoff: Hey!
Elsa: Look now, this is special!
Anna: Pretty interesting, but I'm still worried
It's time for you to go home and get some rest
Elsa: There's no stopping!
The next one is even be...
Anna: Elsa, that's enough now!
Elsa: Not now because party is starting!
Anna: But you need care!
Oaken: You're sick?
Take a bit of honey...
From my flower meadows
Elsa: No, thanks
Anna: We'll take it!
Choir: And let this day be perfect to you!
Elsa: Let this day be special to you!
Choir: We're singing our birthday song aloud to you
Elsa: Aloud to you!
Choir: We love Anna
Elsa: And I love you too!
Choir: And let this be a perfect one...
And let this be a perfect one...
Let it be perfect to you!
Olaf: I'll fix this!
Kristoff: No, no!
Olaf: Fixed!
Kristoff: Tenant, mess, lonely?
Elsa: Come on!
Now we're going to climb!
Anna: Elsa that's too much!
You need rest!
Elsa: We need to get to the birthday colds...
I mean fireworks!
I've got a dream, I've got a plan
Come on, come on, come on, come on!
Sister follow that string, you'll have a perfect day!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: Oh, come on...
It's not the end yet...
Follow that string...
I can't hide, it will be...
Dear, dear, dear
Happy, happy, happy
Cool 'n' hot birthday!
Anna: Elsa!
Look at you, you've got a fever, you're burning up!
It can't go on like this...
There will be a lot of chances...
And now it's the time for you to admit...
Elsa: I caught a cold...
Sorry Anna
I wanted to give you one perfect birthday
But I've ruined it, again...
Anna: You didn't ruin anything
But you need to bed immediately
Kristoff: Oh no, wait, wait, wait, stop!
Choir: Surprise!!!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow!
Choir: Let this day be perfect to you!
Let it be perfect to you like the most beautiful dream!
Kristoff: It's getting really chaotic here!
Olaf: But it's fun!
Choir: Let this be a perfect one...
Let this be a perfect one...
Anna! Anna!
Choir: And let this day be perfect to you
Kristoff: Happy birthday!
Choir: Be perfectly happy today with us!
Kristoff: I love you Anna!
Choir: We're happy because you're ours
And we're yours!
Kristoff: And I'm yours too!
Choir: And let this be a perfect one...
And let this be a perfect one...
And let this be a perfect one...
Elsa: Perfect!
Anna: Okay, now straight into the bed!
Elsa: No, wait, wait!
Only what's left to do is that queen must play a birthday horn!
Anna: Oh no, no, no, no!
The best birthday present ever!
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: You letting me take care of you

I only think of you

We are dedicating to all the girls
who play with the feelings of others ....
I thought I wanted more
I didn't know how to listen
And I die ...of longing..
I seem to hear your voice
Just the memory remained to me
And I die .. of longing....
Chorus x2:
I only think of you
My soul cries inside me,
I'm thinking about us
I miss you ...
And after all this time I'm thinking of you
I think about us and I believe
That we'll be able to get over
Even if I don't understand
What made you change so much?
Or maybe I don't know how to listen,
Anyway, come on, pick up yourself like an adult!
Why do you believe everything you hear without seeing?
You listen without further checking
And that's how you keep me away
Nevertheless, you're still in my mind
I can't stay all the time without you
You don't know how hard it is for me
I say I've forgotten you but I'm lying
I still love and feel
I die ... of longing ...
I remember how we loved each other
I always think
And I'm going to die .. of longing ..
Chorus x4:
You left a huge gap in my chest when you left
What a pity,
You didn't understand that I really love you
You know well that some people can't stand me
Why darling, do you care what others say?
The one who loves suffers, the loved one is kidding.
I say seriously that for you it was just a game
Without you life is getting harder
But I know hope dies last!
Chorus x 4 :

Eternal flower

Oh love that is in full bloom open the door of sadness
This sign was given as a proof for you
-since I want to protect it-
At that time I was looking for the meaning of life
I know that your heart was gazing at the same light
far away in the distance we met by chance if that is destiny
I believe we shall live together
Oh, love that is in full bloom open the door of sadness
This sign was given as a proof for you
-since I want to protect it-
For whom do you shed those tears that are deeper than the sea
You gently embraced my pain and loneliness
Having my feelings hurt I finally arrived here
if even that is to be my fate
I shall completely accept it
Oh love that awakens me release me from the chains of sadness
I pray that at least in the end of your journey you will find happiness
to the serenity of dreams
As time flows someday my shape will change
Even so the heart that thinks of you is like an eternal flower
Oh love that is in full bloom open the door of sadness
I pray that at least in the end of your journey you will find happiness
Oh love that awakens me release me from the chains of sadness
This sign was given as a proof for you
-since I want to protect it-

Let it so

She says that I'm sick
leaving and say: ,,get better'
It was obvious from distance,
go, go, let it, let it
And I'm losing ground under my feet, I want to get drunk again
Drugged from your love, they ask me:
,,What is with me?'
I'm sick (let it so), I'm breaking glasses (let it so)
Pharmacy don't have a cure (let it so, let it so)
I'm sick (let it so), I'm breaking glasses (let it so)
Pharmacy don't have a cure (and sorrow is for man)
That girl inducing me on main tattoos on shoulders, her dad is sprucing her with strongest perfumes
Her naked leg is working like rabies,
trudging, she don't watch, black ten centimeters high heel
In club it's like bank robbery, we are throwing money on folk singers
Police is chasing us every night, she don't want to go with me, she says that she is scared!
I'm sick (let it so), I'm breaking glasses (let it so)
Pharmacy don't have a cure (let it so, let it so)
I'm sick (let it so), I'm breaking glasses (let it so)
Pharmacy don't have a cure (and sorrow is for man)
Let it so, let it so
Let it so, let it so
Let it so, let it so
And sorrow is for man


Versions: #2
Кто ты такой, и как сердце моё вот так,
Как серебро расплавил.
Кто ты такой, скажи, ты только не молчи,
Что ж ты меня оставил.
А сердечко бьётся, бьётся не спеша.
А сердечко любит, любит лишь тебя.
А сердечко бьётся, бьётся не спеша.
А сердечко хочет, хочет лишь тебя.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, ведь я - я рядом.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, - мне большего не надо.
Как я смогу так жить, как я смогу забыть,
Ты ведь теперь с другою.
Ты - часть моей души, я молю, расскажи,
Как мне бороться с болью.
А сердечко бьётся, бьётся не спеша.
А сердечко любит, любит лишь тебя.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, ведь я - я рядом.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, - мне большего не надо.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, ведь я - я рядом.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, - мне большего не надо.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, ведь я - я рядом.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, - мне большего не надо

Like she once

We are playing with dreams
We play hearts
Old good music
playing in my chest
Do you know
to change the dawn
in a new day
and happy to satisfy
This devil with his lips
like she once
As once, as it used to be, as it used to be
As once, as it used to be, as it used to be
Your hand on my shoulder
my body in your body
a little sleep a little
around you who duck the shine
Do you know
By song I wake up the passion
in the morning
when there is no one around us
and bring me to madness
like she once
No sun, no moon
No winter, no spring
I did not see
I did not love the other lips
Do you know
By song I wake up the passion
in the morning
when there is no one around us
and bring me to madness
like she once

Dead I knock, open

Dead I knock, open
I will come in to brush off
I will come in to brush off
The place that I will stay forever

My earth

I thank the nature that does its due
It has put together your molecules
I thank the luck that has seen us well
You look like nothing and complete me
I thank sunday, the timid joy of your shoulders which I cover
In my mess you are the only one who I look for If I don't find me...
'Cos you are
The bank, the sand, the home over the fog
You are my earth
The north star which burns
A light that dances
You are my earth
I saw fire and flames,
only fire and flames
Up to you, I up to you
Covered by fire and flames
Up to you, to you who are my earth
I thank that summer which has made its sign,
You that have chosen june to be born
I also thank the night coming home
And the bride's eyes who had chosen me
The peace after the ecstasy, falling asleep
As two ship in the harbour
I learn from swallows, I fly through lightnings
But I always come back to you...
'Cos you are
The bank, the sand, the home over the fog
You are my earth
The north star which burns
A light that dances
You are my earth
I saw fire and flames,
only fire and flames
Up to you, I up to you
Covered by fire and flames
Up to you, to you who are my earth
You are my earth
You are my earth
My earth
I thank the world
The dead calm sea
Your patience
Of seeds which rest in winter
I thank the time
And the certainty
That I'll arrive
The bank, the sand, the home over the fog
You are my earth
The north star which burns
A light that dances
You are my earth
I saw fire and flames,
only fire and flames
Up to you, I up to you
Covered by fire and flames
Up to you, to you who are my earth
You are my earth

Just Let It Last

Just smile to me, I love when you're happy
When the happiness embraces you, when your eye shines
When my hot love makes you happy
The biggest love on the world: sincere and clean
I love when you're happy, I love when you're pretty
I love when you love me, and your eyes shine
My crazy heart wavers because of you
Just let it last, just let it last
My crazy heart wavers because of you
Just let it last, just let it last
Just smile to me, I love when you're pretty
When your arms are embracing but they embrace the dawns
When your white bosoms smell like a dew
Like soft sails which quieten the sea
I love when you're happy, I love when you're pretty
I love when you love me, and your eyes shine
My crazy heart wavers because of you
Just let it last, just let it last
My crazy heart wavers because of you
Just let it last, just let it last
Just smile to me, I love when you love me
When you're offering me your lips, lips always gentle
When you make the white fairy-tale of my life
And your eye is a fire in snowy evenings
I love when you're happy, I love when you're pretty
I love when you love me, and your eyes shine
My crazy heart wavers because of you
Just let it last, just let it last
My crazy heart wavers because of you
Just let it last, just let it last
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!

Black Butterfly: Obituary

Faded writing on a stone
Hated poison in my being
No black butterfly that flew
No priest spoke the obituary
Do you know who I was and what I am?
I am the black butterfly
Who is swinging with you to heaven
Because you're all I've got
I sing when there's nothing left in you
And I dance on my grave
Feel you so deep and close
Find you, for you are there
Transform you every day
With every new wing stroke
Do you know what you are doing and what you are?
I am the black butterfly
Who is swinging with you to heaven
Because you're all I've got
I sing when there's nothing left in you
And I dance on my grave
Shadows lay over the land
The candle has burnt down
Only a last glimmer remains of the day
I dance and dance and dance for you still
When the house of your soul is in flames
and there is no way out of you
You are helpless for air because of the morning
which comes to you, hindering your breathing every time
When desire stirs and with anxiety
you feel that time is fleeing you like a fog
When you scream like in your mind, in the midst
of thousands, and yet no one sees you
If no one wants you and you live
in the exile of your own hopeless world
Every friendly hand has been banished for a long time,
the pain overcomes you, let me go
Do you finally know who I am?
I am the black butterfly
Who is swinging with you to heaven
Because you're all I've got
I sing when there's nothing left in you
And I dance on my grave
And I dance on my grave
And I dance on my grave

További dalszöveg fordítások

Nek - Mia dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Remember your smile when you go out
and you won't have a dress more beautiful
Remember to cover up your neck
because that's the place where I would die
And remember to leave me
kisses and make up when you go
But when you bring your legs elsewhere
Remember first of all that...
You are mine, mine
and ahead of every doubt you are anyway
mine, mine
For love's right I say it now
you remain the important
so naturally
mine, mine
for love's right anyway
Remember that I fill up my eyes with you
and that your beauty is cruelty
you move like an angel on your heels
because you know how to make love
and grant a dance to the world
he won't never get you anyway
the lights of every stage turn off
and in that moment I rememeber you that...
You are mine, mine
and ahead of every doubt you are anyway
mine mine
for love's right I say it now
you remain the important
or more simply
mine, mine
for love's right or whatever it is
Remember that you're mine
When you walk and when you tremble
or when you bite an apple and you come near
when you get dressed, when you would like
when you find yourself among the most hidden thoughts
when you mirror in front of the showcases
and when you sing a song distractly
To love you is maybe a beautiful cage
Long before love knew you were already mine
Mine, mine
and ahead of every doubt you are anyway
Mine, mine
for love's right I say it anyway
you remain the important
or more simply
mine, mine
for love's right or whatever it is...
Nek - È con te dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

It's with you

On this Friday I stop to write you
And I see you among these lines
And I image so I fantasize about growing you
And when I want to hug you I tremble with emotions
It's with you this music
It's with you the time that it will come
In that smile of yours I see the signs of my face
It's with you
The whole sense is here to love you and protect you
So that your tomorrow is better
However I will be there to absorb each bruise
To help you suddenly and you'll feel me close to you
It's with you this music
It's with you the time that it will come
And in the importance that your presence gives me
You are the triumph of a symphony
The certainty and the energy
So that I could keep existing
It's with you that I light my dreams
It's with you that I would have the courage in a fragile moment
It's with you my vitality
And it's with you that I listen to my soul
And that your presence is a source of hope
It's with you
On this Friday I finish writing you
Saška Janković - Ponekad dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


I think about you, about us
Sometimes I just need
That smile and voice of yours
When it's dark, I stay quiet
Someplace far away, you keep silent too
In a place where we used to be
I leave my home at 1:50 o'clock
Just in time, headed to the small park
That knows everything about us
To that place where we kissed
until dawn, now it's dark
I stay, and with me stays the dream
I only, only wish you were here
Body against body, hand in hand
Our little paradise
It's the same old town, same people
But without the steps we used to make, not anymore
It's not the way it used to be
Life brought the end upon us
Nek - In braccio dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

In the Arms

I told you thanks
Even tonight
While you were sleeping
But thanks is not enough, is not enough
I told you thanks
My good luck
A thousand and more times
But it is still not enough, is not enough
For your smile in the middle of a hurricane
My white knuckles and your hand
My tired blood in the veins
Your eyes like the full moon
You have to believe me
When I swear to you
Now it is my turn
It will be me who will take you in my arms
If everything is fragile
Remember only that
Now it is my turn
It will be me who will take you in my arms
I have told you thanks
for the constancy
And for the unconsciousness
But thanks is not enough, is not enough
For your tailor made smile
That is stronger than any other cure
Still learn how to walk
But already know how to fall
But you have to believe
When I swear to you that
Now it is my turn
It will be me who will take you in my arms
If everything is fragile
Remember only that
Now it is my turn
It will be me who will take you in my arms
Because not even for a moment have you hesitated
You have looked at me and you have jumped with me
Because you don't know how much it meant to me
Now I am telling you...
But you have to believe
When I swear to you that
Now it is my turn
It will be me who will take you in my arms
If everything is fragile
Remember only that
Now it is my turn
It will be me who will take you in my arms
It will be me who will take you in my arms
It will be me who will take you in my arms
But you have to believe
When I swear to you that
Now it is my turn
It will be me who will take you in my arms
It will be me who will take you in my arms
Nek - Il giardino dell'Eden dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

The Garden of Eden

Dance like this
As if we weren't here
Feel the air of Africa
Feel the electric soul
On the dust,
Dance like this
As if we were at the centre of the ring
There's a life to bite
And a veil to take off
The bass drum beats on the two
My hands are looking for yours
Oh creature that hungers to be loved
Creature that hungers to be loved
I'm the sin that you're longing for
The best guilt that you'll ever have
Explode at the centre of my heart
This is the Garden of Eden
Where we touch the sun
And we resurrect together
Here's the beginning
In the Garden of Eden
The spring is naked
Primitive beauty
I was looking for you
Dance like this
Like the Amazons do
Your savage skin
Gets mixed up to the rhythm
Confuse me, my petite goddess
You, Venus on the tide
Creature that hungers to be loved
Creature that hungers to be loved
Two bodies in stereophony
Your mouth that finds mine
Explode at the centre of my heart
This is the Garden of Eden
Where we touch the sun
And we resurrect together
Here's the beginning
In the Garden of Eden
The spring is naked
Primitive beauty
I was looking for you
Let your hands free
Let your hands free
Let your hands free
Just let your hands free
Let your hands free
Let your hands free
Creature that hungers to be loved
Explode at the centre of my heart
This is the Garden of Eden
Where we touch the sun
And we resurrect together
Here's the beginning
In the Garden of Eden
The spring is naked
Primitive beauty
I was looking for you
Let your hands free
Let your hands free
Let your hands free, free
Let your hands free
Let your hands free
Let your hands free
Explode at the centre of my heart
Winter is coming
Nek - Questo so di me dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

This I know about me

I think it's good to stay and listen
And the gift of touching before harming
I think it's good, an involuntary gesture
The lamp of a smile, the heart under siege
This I know about me
This I know about me
I think it's good to want to thank you
For an exact reason, I don't remember
I think it's good to also challenge the love
To win, cry, finish and restart
This I know about me
This I know about me
But I can't say
If there is an absolute good
If that good that I've seen
Or that which I've learned about myself
I can't say
If there is an absolute good for all
But I am certain of one thing
That which counts for me
It looks to you
It looks to you
I think it's good, two old lovers
Who laugh at the time that they have forgotten
I think it's good, any suffering
The journey back, the smile and the patience
This I know about me
This I know about me
But I can't say
If there is an absolute good
If that good that I've seen
Or that which I've learned about myself
I can't say
If there is a good for all
But I am certain of one thing
That which counts for me
It looks to you
(If there is a good for all)
It looks to you
(If that good that I've seen)
It looks to you
If there is an absolute good
If that worth that I've seen
Or that which I've learned about myself
I think it's good, to succeed at giving up
Or giving without a truce from almost dying
I think it's good, to try to change
To want to give my best part to you
I think it's good to rush to a shout
To be present, to feel that I trust
I think it's good to use the word love
The idea that there exists a single creator
If there is an absolute good
It looks to you
If that good that I've seen
It looks to you
If there is a good for all
But of one thing I am certain
That which counts for me
It looks to you
-Specter, the Flying Fox
Nek - Dentro l'anima dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

In your soul

You are everything for which I exist,
you are the balance in my thoughts,
the sense for which I do all of this,
and the answer to everything I would like,
softly whispering to you that there is no why/because*,
everything seems different and I know what it is,
it surprises me but I already see the horizon...
And in your eyes my life crosses,
as if you already know where you are,
in your dreaming and in your irony,
and in everything that every day you want,
walking I realize that without you,
my life would be habit,
condemned to a probable end,
and then taken away by the current...
I want to enter your soul
and may it be with this music,
to leave you the mark of a sign that doesn't fade anymore,
and know,
to stay,
indelible like no one has ever done with you...
You are the reason for which I insist,
the light alit in the darkness,
and if I observe you deep down I already understand,
that I have waited a lifetime for you here,
and seeing you smile like poetry,
and your conviction becomes mine,
against all of the frustration of hypocrisy,
you are my fantasy,
everything that has succeeded...
I want to enter your soul
and may it be with this music,
to be the sense that you give to everything you do,
and you are blood of my blood,
and I don't imagine the world without you
I have left everything to have it be this way,
from that moment that you talked about us,
from here...
I want to enter your soul
I want to do it with music,
to leave you the mark of a sign that doesn't fade anymore,
you are the breath for which I live,
and for me there is no world without you...
Nek - Uno come me dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Someone like me

They say that love gives a habit
You can't last your life like that
For that rule I am an exception
I can't get used to those eyes that tell me yes.
It is inevitable, unacceptable
that you are everything for someone like me
It is inconceivable, uncontrollable
that you are love for someone like me
And as always everything starts as a joke
the big things need little
then your face when you act self assured
you know what it is, I don't know how to move on from you.
The apotheosis of a perfect story,
you know there's chemistry, I'm not one to wait
I know that these things never end
so now that you know, I don't know how to leave you.
It is inevitable, unacceptable
that you are everything for someone like me
It is inconceivable, uncontrollable
that you are love for someone like me
I am reduced to nothing, I am out of control
you shocked me but I will definitely not quit
then your face when you act self assured
you know what it is, it's that I don't want to leave you.
I wish there would only be attraction
and instead there's much more at stake
all of my instincts are in competition
I don't understand if you're paradise or slavery
It is inevitable, unacceptable
that you are everything for someone like me
It is inconceivable, uncontrollable
that you are love for someone like me
At this point I am out of control, it scares me, but I will definitely not quit
for the (facial) expression you have when you talk to me
you know what it is, it's that I don't want to leave you.
It is inevitable, unacceptable
that you are everything for someone like me
It is inconceivable, uncontrollable
that you are love for someone like me
Nek - Vulnerabile dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


It's still early now, come on
let's talk a little more about us
but it's an excuse and you know it
to give some sense to your emptiness tonight
we still go on
between the boredom and the useless regrets
we look like extinguished fires
and to not get lost in the winds, we are here like this
You don't have a defense against words, I don't want to hurt you
but you're too vulnerable
and if I even try to disappear, you find me, I don't know how
I am a moving target
It's getting late now
so tell me what you want
there's nothing left between us
but you won't let me go and now
we still go on
for the inertia of the events and we are here like this
When a journey comes to its end, you don't have to get hurt
but you're too vulnerable
and if I even try to disappear, you find me, I don't know how
I am a moving target
Now go, don't tell me you're scared
find your cure and you will understand
You don't have a defense against words, I don't want to hurt you
but you're too vulnerable
and if I even try to disappear, you find me, I don't know how
I am a moving target
Lefteris Pantazis - I Gineka Tis Zois Mou dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

The woman of my life

I won't sleep at night anymore I won't sleep
I'll have the moon and sky as my company
You'll be traveling on my body like you want
Your breath will be my whole life
Only you will be the woman of my life
Like a craze, like drunkenness from sweet wine
The woman of my life has your name
If I live, if I die, that's your right
Don't write letters without a recipient anymore
Now the night has locked the bolt of solace
If you want me to tell you something, I will
I get lost in your two eyes, I swear to you
Litsa Giagkousi - Otan mia gyneka (Όταν μια γυναίκα) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

When a woman...

When a woman cries,
And her heart aches,
A guy is to blame
Cause he treats her poorly.
When you don't love a woman
Let her leave, do not torment her,
When you no longer desire a woman,
Do not waste her time, do not waste her time.
When a woman cries,
It's because she has had enough
Tolerating all kinds of things,
And being patient all the while.
Cinderella (OST) - Öisin uneksin [A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes] dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

I Dream at Night

You dream at night and wander
Into another world
When you close your tired eyes
You'll get everything you wish for
If you believe in nightly dreams,
A new morning will yet dawn
And no matter how much it hurts at times,
If you believe, this will change
Your nightly wish will come true
And maybe once...
My nightly dreams will come true
And no matter how much it hurts at times,
If you believe, this will change
Your nightly wish will come true