Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 8

Találatok száma: 291


Ha nem szeretsz

Kiválaszthatod az utakat, amiken jársz
Megmászhatod a hegyeket a határaidon túl
Lehetsz majd bárki, ha szeretnéd,
Ha nem szeretsz, ha nem szeretsz
Nincs igazi indokod, hogy élj
Ha nem szeretsz, ha nem szeretsz
Nem létezel
Ha nem szeretsz, nincs értelme
Semminek, amit teszel
Kreálhatsz egy nagyszerű birodalmat magad körül
Építhetsz felhőkarcolókat, hogy egy kicsit többnek számíts
Mindent megvehetsz, amit szeretnél
Ha nem szeretsz, ha nem szeretsz
Nincs igazi indokod, hogy élj
Ha nem szeretsz, ha nem szeretsz
Nem létezel
Ha nem szeretsz, ha nem szeretsz
A kisebb dolgokat már meg sem érzed
A bizonyosságokat, melyeket nem találsz
És melyeket nem adsz meg
A szerelem vár, nem tolakodó
És soha nem kiabál
Ha beszélsz, meghallgat, mindenki támogat
Hisz abban, amit csinálsz
És néha kéri, hogy szabad legyen,
És mikor visszatér, többet ad
Ha nem szeretsz, ha nem szeretsz
Nincs igazi indokod, hogy élj
Ha nem szeretsz, ha nem szeretsz
Nem létezel
Szerelem nélkül soha nem semmi sem vagyunk

Everyone Can Judge Me

Age is not important
As long as our desire
Is counting the same steps
Not every love is the real one
Just because the others said
It's right
Throw the stone
You sinless people
Maybe I won't get up
But to justify myself
Just because I love
I do not accept that
Everyone can judge me
I keep stoically silent
I know they will say: 'What happened to her?'
That's what people are like
They don't know that I am not choosing
It is my heart
Since always I've been head-on
Straight to pain
But I do not regret it
Age is not important
As long as our desire
Is counting the same steps
When love covers wrinkles
Then our souls speak
The same language
Throw the stone
You sinless people
Maybe I won't get up
But to justify myself
Just because I love
I do not accept that
Everyone can judge me
I keep stoically silent
I know they will say: 'What happened to her?'
That's what people are like
They don't know that I am not choosing
It is my heart
Since always I've been head-on
Straight to pain
But I do not regret it
This is the song for you
For everything you haven't given to me
It could have been better, but I am not sorry
That I've given you days
I'll have something to remember
I'll pay for my mistake, but life is only one
Everyone can judge me
I keep stoically silent
I know they will say: 'What happened to her?'
That's what people are like
They don't know that I am not choosing
It is my heart
Since always I've been head-on
Straight to pain
But I do not regret it
do not regret it
I do not regret it
I do not regret it
and I do not regret it

Kenshi Yonezu - Aine Kuraine アイネクライネ(Eine Kleine)

Versions: #2
Even though I'm really glad to have met you, everything feels it's inevitably going to be full of sorrow.
Right now, these memories, so full of happiness that it almost hurts, walk along, nurturing a ''farewell'' that will come some day.
If it got to the point where I would have to take someone else's place, I already think it'd be nice enough to become just a pebble.
If I did that, there world be no misunderstandings or confusions, and I would go on living without even knowing who you are.
Even though I want to share all my feelings with you, I have some secrets that I can't tell anyone, so I'll have to lie.
I have even less of a spine than you could ever imagine, but why? Why? Why?
Even in my never-ending sadnesses and my breakdowns, as long as I'm with you, I'm so glad that I can smile and say, ''Well, I did the right thing''.
When everything blurs before my very eyes, it won't be enough to be overflow with these fleeting miracles.
But you called out for me by name.
If you ever lost your place in life and went wandering around without purpose, I think it would be better if someone would give up their spot for you.
And the certain but modest way we pretend not to look at one another, we'll laugh together as we repeat it over and over again.
No matter how many times I swear and pray, I keep having these horrible dreams where these small distortions eventually swallow you whole.
And yet I'm still ridiculously more worthless than you could ever imagine, but why? Why? Why?
Please, as though we were going to cross an endlessly impassable night, can we hold other's hands as these days carry on?
And I wonder if there's anything I can do to shine so vividly that it even colors the insides of your shut eyelids.
I wonder if it would be alright to call out your name?
From the very moment I was born, I have been weeping, and crying out, ''I wish that I could just disappear''.
From that moment, I've been searching without end, for the ''you'' that I would be able to meet someday.
Even in my never-ending sadnesses and my breakdowns, as long as I'm with you, I'm so glad that I can smile and say, ''Well, I did the right thing''.
When everything blurs before my very eyes, it won't be enough to be overflow with these fleeting miracles.
But you called out for me by name.
I wonder if it would be alright to call out your name?

Oh, mother!

Oh, mother, where was your son at night?
When he came back home, he was washing his hands for so long
Oh, mother, where was the son
Why did he wash his hands for so long?
Oh, mother, where was the son
Why did he wash his hands for so long?
Oh, son, what have you been burning in the furnace, huh?
New shirt and pants are dust now
What have you been burning in the furnace, huh?
What have you done, son, huh?
Shirt and pants are dust now
What have you done, son, huh?
Oh, mother, girl, a fragile leaf
She broke in half, she did not want to go
Girl, a fragile leaf
Broken in half, she sleeps in the forest
Oh, mother, girl, leaf
Broken in half, she sleeps in the forest

I'm a fool

I'm a fool, me, her foolish man
She's no fool, no, devil take her, she's no fool
My father gave me some money, all the money he had
between heaven and hell, that's what he gave me
He lay on his deathbed till Sunday
Then he got up, called me to his side and told me
Here, son, take all I have and go to the city
Find yourself a wife, don't be on your own and live right
He was right, soon enough the priest was saying prayers for his soul
God rest his soul, rest his soul
So let it be already, what's going to be will be
I took my jacket and spat behind my back for good luck
Oh, such bad luck, such bad luck I had when I finally met her
The most beautiful girl in town
I'm a fool, me, her foolish man
She's no fool, no, devil take her, she's no fool
As long as I had money, we lived well
We drank wine, devil take that woman, that witch
My money was never enough for her
And our love ended, went straight to hell
That money was our love's worth
The money my poor father earned with sweat and tears
But this is life, you only get what you give
And you put it on the scales and then you know
I'm a fool, me, her foolish man
She's no fool, no, devil take her, she's no fool
I'm a fool, me, her foolish man
She's no fool, no, devil take her, she's no fool


The life that I live belongs to someone else,
I never ever felt as if it was mine,
(you) left me behind, (you) let me wait
I died because of you**, (you) let me wait.
Rain fell
You were nowhere to be seen
The rain fell for you
You were nowhere to be seen
Worms are gnawing at my night,
Like at an old wooden door,
my eyes open and fall shut
bolts flashing before my eyes
Rain fell
You were nowhere to be seen
The rain fell for you
You were nowhere to be seen

A vágy, amit nem szeretnék

Tudom, a szerem, amit nekem játszol
más, mint a többiek,
ahogy rám mosolyogsz a fejedben
gyengék az érzelmeim,
Mit érzel, amitől nem félek?
Tudom, ahogy a tekintet hajózik,
szélesebben, mint azok a szemek,
tudom, hogy meg fog enyhülni
mint a füst, varázslatos
de majd megéget legbelül
a szomjúságod, a kínom
Te vagy az egyetlen vágy, amit nem szeretnék
Láttalak téged értem sírni,
de már a múltad vagyok
Tudom, a bán, amit elkövettél
itt az ajtóm mögött
Milyen bocsánatkérést találtál ki?
Üvegből vagy egy 'visszajátszás' gombban
A Nap, amely lenyugszik,
de te nem
Te még több határ nélkül,
elveszett csillag az egeim között
Te vagy az egyetlen vágy, amit nem szeretnék
Láttalak téged értem sírni,
de már a múltad vagyok
Ez őrület!
Minden gesztus, amit mutatsz
ez a varázslat el fog menni
most, hogy nem vagy az enyém
Tudom, hogy ez a csodálatos tűz
amit meggyújtasz, és csak egy kicsit ég
Tudom, hogy meg fogok enyhülni
az első varázslatért
Te vagy az egyetlen vágy, amit nem szeretnék
Láttalak téged értem sírni,
de már a múltad vagyok
Ez őrület!
Minden gesztus, amit mutatsz
ez a varázslat el fog menni
most, hogy nem vagy az enyém,
most, hogy nem vagy az enyém

How Should I Live Without You

How should I live without you
To know you are far from me
I couldn't, no
I'm sure neither do you
How should I live without you
To know you are far from me
If you won't be in my life
I'd die
People tell me about you
To leave you, to live my life
They say we are not suited, but it's not like that
I hear voices around me
I don't believe them, I don't want to
How should I live without you
To know you are far from me
I couldn't, no
I'm sure neither do you
How should I live without you
To know you are far from me
If you won't be in my life
I'd die
As in love
We'll stay as in the first day
We'll always be happy in love
I hear voices around me
I don't believe them, I don't want to
How should I live without you
To know you are far from me
I couldn't, no
I'm sure neither do you
How should I live without you
To know you are far from me
If you won't be in my life
I'd die

When The Seagulls Cry

The wind becomes a storm 
The waves grow enraged 
The roaring sea calls to the witch who has lived a thousand years
How I have longed for this day! 
How I have dreaded this day! 
Who will celebrate destiny?
Oh, Witch! Oh, Witch! 
What will you disclose to me?
As the moon crosses the night sky, the waves grow tall 
The cries of the seagulls beckon the clouds of uncertainty
The Golden Curse and the words left behind 
And the secret smile all become smeared with crimson
What are you seeking with closed eyes? 
Though one may try to gather up the shattered fragments 
They shall spill from the hands that touch them and never reach you 
Without love, you cannot see the decorated truth and lies
Beatrice! Cruel Witch! 
Of beauty without equal 
Beatrice! Oh! Of capricious sweetness 
Never can I free myself from your spell 
If this suffering must go on, at least have pity on me for a moment
The dancing butterflies' wings flutter back and forth between reality and dreams 
The unceasing sound of the raindrops hides both truth and lies
The beginning banquet and the chosen lamb 
And the entangled hatred fill the glass
What are you searching for this imprisoned world? 
Though one may wish for the miracle of forgiveness 
Their voice shall be carried off by the wind and never reach you 
Without love, the recurring loneliness shall never disappear
Joy and sorrow break and retreat like waves 
And flow towards the sea in the dark dead of night 
Tears and scars all blur together 
And you, the liar, fall into the darkness
The sound of the waves, the voice of the sea like a song 
Listening to it seems to purify me of the crime committed 
The sound of the waves gently cradles me 
It sends me to tranquil sleep and I dream happy dreams
What are you seeking with closed eyes? 
Though one may try to gather up the shattered fragments 
They shall spill from the hands that touch them and never reach you 
Without love, you cannot see the decorated truth and lies
What are you seeking with closed eyes? 
Though one may try to gather up the shattered fragments 
They shall spill from the hands that touch them 
and never reach you 
Without love, you cannot see 
the decorated truth and lies
Without love, you cannot see the truth

Unrequited Love

I beg of you, reflect me in your eyes, so I will not drown in sorrow
Your eyes are gazing to a faraway fading place
Ringing the bell inside my painful heart
My sigh escapes from my mouth, and I can’t smile well
As if I am a prisoner of yours, as if I am rejected by you
I’ll keep the cries of cowardice in my heart, no matter if you answer me, forever
I beg of you, call my name, so that I shall not drown in sorrow
No matter how mistaken I am, if I am right somewhere
Everyone still wants to search for a gentle way to escape from grief
I want to know everything about you, your strength and your weakness
My fingers may touch you, but my feelings cannot reach you
I am scared of the broken tomorrow, but even if my heart hurts I still will never give up
I thought that all my hopes and wishes would come true
And now I will put an end to those selfish moments
My loneliness has stretched so far that I am now seeing it in my future
But I will still head and walk toward the faint light
My fingers may touch you, but my feelings cannot reach you
I tremble in fear thinking of losing you, but I still will never give up, ever

Övé lehet a szerelmed

Eső jön észak felől
A párna illatos, de hűtlenséged fáj
Nem vagy itt, a reggel ébreszt fel
Ki csókolt meg, kitől ég a tűz a szemedben?
Aki elvitt téged, el is vitt tőlem mindent.
Eladtál engem....
Harcolhatsz a szerelemért, de nekem már nincs erőm
Nincs, nincs már erőm.
Övé lehet a szerelmed
A lelkem már belefáradt
A legnagyobb szomorúság folyik az ereimben
De engem te fogsz elhagyni.
Nem hagysz el...
Te nem szeretsz, nem szeretsz engem.
Szerelmem száz évig is kitart
Övé lehet a szerelmed
A lelkem már belefáradt
A legnagyobb szomorúság folyik az ereimben
Övé lehet a szerelmed
A lelkem már belefáradt
De engem te fogsz elhagyni.
Nem hagysz el...

And I Am The Boy From Polanka

/: And I am the boy from Polanka : /
/: And I'm looking for a girlfriend : /
/: And I am the girl from Lidečko : /
/: And I'm looking for a boyfriend : /
/: Marry me, Jura : /
/: You will have a good housekeeper : /
/: You will plow and I will sow : /
/: We will have a good time together : /
/: Behind our barn : /
/: There would be a good place for a sheep shelter : /
/: And I would graze them there : /
/: And I would make love with beautiful girls there : /
/: Behind her barn : /
/: There would be a good place for a distillery : /
/: And I would distill there : /
/: And I would drink a good hard liquor there : /
/: And I am a careless boy : /
/: Nobody has ever beat me : /
/: But they are preparing for me : /
/: They will beat my back up : /

We were like this

As you know,
We were not angels.
And as if we felt no pain,
We were dancing on the ruins of our joy.
And sometimes on alert mornings,
We knew that love is waiting for us.
We were like this, fierce yet good,
Innocent even among sinners.
We were like this, and a sign remains,
Which we'll leave here, when we have to go.
We feared nothing,
Even after a hundred foiled plans.
We still unnoticedly
Endured, as wrinkles appeared on our faces,
But sometimes on alert twilights
We knew that peace is waiting for us.
We were like this, fierce yet good,
Innocent even among sinners.
We were like this, and a sign remains,
Which we'll leave here, when we have to go.
We were like this, remember us,
We were like this, remember, remember us!
We were like this, fierce yet good,
Innocent even among sinners.
We were like this, and a sign remains,
Which we'll leave here, when we have to go.
We were like this, fierce yet good,
Innocent even among sinners.
We were like this, and a sign remains,
Which we'll leave here, when we have to go.

My endless love

How can I go back?
Shake off my bane?
I would run to him at once,
Derek could be with me here.
He is my endless love,
remains in my heart.
And I dream of being with him here,
in my lovely fantasies.
My endless love that remains in my soul.
When I close my eyes, I still see her.
As sure as the sun penetrating the dark every day.
Every night I look for our constellation.
My endless love!
My endless love!
My desire of the long past dreams!
My desire of the long past dreams!
Derek and Odette:
In my heart there's still the most splendid throne for you.
My endless love!
My faithful oath!
When the warmth of my palm desires to warm your hand.
My endless love!
The greatest love of all!
You still are my longed-for love.

Golden Sneers ~Lovely Banquet~

Welcome to this night party of madness
Let's start the game of the great occasions
I won't bore you
Come on, move the pawns
I will crush your childish ideas
The seven deadly sins have been washed away
The ninth night has finished without incoveniences
The thirteen victims have been sacrificed in the just ritual
I will give you rose coloured wine
I will love you to the bone
Kiss my feet, kiss them
Come on prostrate yourself before me
I will cook you very well
With the spice of despair
Your laments are like a sweet orchestral melody
How beautiful your screams are!
I become inebriated just hearing them
The wing is broken,
the eagle has fallen from the sky
It's feathers are scattered throughout the seas and mountains
Let my poor soul rest in peace!
Let my poor soul rest in peace!

Where have you been for so long?

This story is quite strange,
a far away love and a close love,
a story of all of us,
it relaxes your mind when we finish it.
Where have you been for so long?
My mind has flown away and heart become jealous,
I've turned the world over for you,
and haven't found you anywhere.
Why haven't I seen you for a while,
I gave you my heart and more.
Might have seen you on the street,
my mirror passed by a stranger.
Oh dad oh dad where have you been, where have you been, where have you been for so long?
Oh dad where have you been, where have you been, where have you been for so long?
Oh dad oh dad where have you been, where have you been, where have you been for so long?
Oh dad where have you been, where have you been, my heart says and for so long?
If we could go back in time,
I wouldn't leave anyplace,
I'd flip all of Amman for you,
I'd ask every person about you.
If I could choose what happened,
I'd find you and the past would be the past,
and you in my arms today,
oh dad.
Why haven't I seen you for a while,
I gave you my heart and more.
Might have seen you on the street,
my mirror passed by a stranger.
Oh dad oh dad where have you been, where have you been, where have you been for so long?
Oh dad where have you been, where have you been, where have you been for so long?
Oh dad oh dad where have you been, where have you been, where have you been for so long?
Oh dad where have you been, where have you been, my heart says and for so long?
And for so long

Hungarian Chant

Like a whileback, on the borders of Transilvania
the aroused last bison.
That's how you stand my people, so dreaded, so alone,
The wild of your sorrow's trembling lap.
And I, ike your blood's pulsating song,
How it rest's on your feverish lip.
I'm the song, which cries into the night
and sings your faith's mourn like this:
In the everything let there be so much painful cries
as much as many hungarian clot will be taken away from here.
Even if i have to dig with my ten nails,
i'll dig up the dead from the ground.
Let them stare into the sky, around the borders,
their prohibitory arms infinite line.
And in the sky, let there stand with flaming letters
a burning, dedicated, grim word: Never.
Lord, I'll let you know, i don't want to live
Only on hungarian land, and only hungarian.
If sin, that i can't change my soul,
It is better, if my wings fall into dust.
But i leave this soul here forever,
and it's going to squawk in the snowy Carphats.
And i'll cry into every ancient clot,
Go away thiefs, this is my home.
And i'll be shame and i'll be ignomy,
and i'll burn on every forehead.
And like hiding mourn my pretty home
i'll cry back from the Lord.
And i'll blow my trombone of my faith,
Every bier will be Cradle.
From the Snowy Carphats until the Crystal Blue Adriatic Sea
There will be one country here, only one, and hungarian.

Sleep sweet child

Sleep you sweet child sleep fine
The Moon is shining on you
It is looking on you with a protecting look
The Moon never will faint before the morning rise
Sleep you sweet child sleep tight
The Moon is shining bright
It dissapears when the morning rise
Sleep you sweet child sleep tight
Sleep you sweet child sleep fine
Until the sun appears and the moon faint
And you awake again
Shhh Sleep well and have good dreams
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Love Cats Too

While waiting for you to come home
I knocked down your half-filled cup
Because my false visage in it looked sad
And I left my usual scratches
Ah, it's you
I'm a cat
I'm only loved because I can't put my feelings into words
It's my privilege, you see
But today, I wanted to tell you how I felt
I tried crying out, but...
Was all that sounded out
If I were the same as you
I wouldn't be so loved
I have a horrible personality
But I wanted you to know those parts of me too...yeah, right
I'm a cat
I'm only loved because I can't put my feelings into words
It's my privilege, you see
But today, I wanted to tell you how I felt
I tried crying out, but...
Was all that sounded out
Give love to strays too
That's our motto
So love me too
I can't say that though
I'm a cat
I'm only forgiven because I can't put my feelings into words
It's my privilege
But today, I wanted to tell you how I felt
I tried crying out, but...
Was all that sounded out
Please ask permission to repost my translations elsewhere!

Úgy mint soha, mint azelőtt

Soha ne érjen véget
ez az éjszaka hajnal
Csak rétegről rétegre
szakítom fel a szívemet
Minden amit elkezdek
nem fejeződik be
Mindig ugyanazon
fal előtt állok
És büszkeségem nem engedi
hogy jobban gyűlöljelek,
mint amennyire szerettelek
Gyere hozzám tegnap, gyere egy órával előbb
ne várd tőlem, hogy felnőjön ez a fiatal
Nem holnap, nem végül
Most van rád szükségem
úgy mint soha, mint azelőtt
Gyere hozzám tegnap, gyere egy órával előbb
ne várd tőlem, hogy felnőjön ez a fiatal
Nem holnap, nem végül
Most van rád szükségem
úgy mint soha, mint azelőtt
Mint az utazók
álmodunk a szélről
Míg a szerelem
elhalványul a szívünkből
vagy kitartunk
vagy elbukunk
mindenki a saját
szerencséjének kovácsa
És büszkeségem nem engedi
hogy jobban gyűlöljelek,
mint amennyire szerettelek
Gyere hozzám tegnap, gyere egy órával előbb
ne várd tőlem, hogy felnőjön ez a fiatal
Nem holnap, nem végül
Most van rád szükségem
úgy mint soha, mint azelőtt
Gyere hozzám tegnap, gyere egy órával előbb
ne várd tőlem, hogy felnőjön ez a fiatal
Nem holnap, nem végül
Most van rád szükségem
úgy mint soha, mint azelőtt
Gyere hozzám tegnap, gyere egy órával előbb
ne várd tőlem, hogy felnőjön ez a fiatal
Nem holnap, nem végül
Most van rád szükségem
úgy mint soha, mint azelőtt

One Winged Bird

The final judgement shall be delivered
Nobody can escape the sin that
flows through their veins
The dark clouds gather to the tune of the rumbling sea
The winds of the tempest begin to ring
The enigmatic words make the witches chuckle
While the banquet of this irregular night repeats
(Lies in the evil) Falling towards hell,
(is it a sin?) these golden butterflies dipped their wings in how many sins?
Don't cry,
destroy these imprisoned illusions
Just once, rise above your demise
Hold on to the unfulfilled promises into your heart
And burst open the deep, deep red!
Are you without sin?
How heavy is my punishment?
Are you aware of that which has no voice?
Are you aware of your own sins?
This open wound is like a crimson rose
This hatred lodged in my heart begins to bloom
(Keep this secret) With its wing snatched away,
(is it a sin?) who does this one-winged bird call out to in its final moment?
Don't run,
accept your errors, the truths, the lies And let magic change everything With love, with sorrow, take this answer that came too late and tightly, tightly hold on to it. See?
———The dazzling light begins to flow, the door to paradise is opening
Miracles pour onto this obstinate fate
This entangled world is crumbling
Don't speak the words of the eternal curse
Don't listen to your true wishes
Don't cry,
destroy these imprisoned illusions Just once, rise above your demise Hold on to the unfulfilled promises into your heart And burst open the deep, deep red.
It is impossible to get to the real
secret if you do not realize all of the love

May the sun always be

Ref x2
May the sun always shine,
May the clouds always shine,
May there always be a mother,
May there always be I.
In the notebook of my baby boy
Boyishness is alive and well in the world,
on every page there's one new drawing
to prolong writing time.
Ref. x2
Sleep peacefully, my baby boy,
May your world live on cheerfully.
I promise in my very heart
that I'll forever remember him.
Ref. x3

Another day

Insoluble words are dissolving me
and you're dissipating them the best you can
Save it for another day
Words, when they're gone it's all clear
and your kissing puts me to shame
Save it for some better day
Unbreakable words are breaking me
and you're dissipating them the best you can
Save it for another day
Words, when they're gone it's too late
and your kissing puts me to shame
Save it for some better day
Insoluble words are dissolving me
and you're dissipating them the best you can
Save it for another day
Words, when they're gone it's clear
that your kissing puts me to shame
Save it for some better day

Until We Fall Asleep

Within my heart, something is calling to me
Surely, something is waiting for me out there
Though the road in front of me is bumpy
Soon my troubles will dry up like a river
The setting sun is shinning
Over this wilderness
Tonight, here in this place
Will I become the real me?
Let's stay up all night
And talk about the tomorrow untill we fall asleep
As the moon shines down on this bueatiful planet
It awakens these feelings
Of restlessness that reside within me
Why would we have to start over?
That would be foolish
Though your body suffers from injuries
You wear a carefree smile
These teaars of sorrow awaken
A of sense of purpose within all of us
In this place tonight
I will become the real me
Let's stay up all night
And talk about love untill we fall asleep

Three magical trees

On the light pink colored road a brand new backpack sways
Under the sunlight filtering through trees​ I saw off a small back
Tenderly framed that is a distant memory
On the morning we parted the teacher gave me a gift
A guidepost to a cherished future
As the seasons come and go three trees took root without withering
They grew up so that it seems they will reach the sky spreading inside me
On that day an irreplaceable message reached my small heart
That radiance guided me towards two people
The road filled with many meetings and partings continues
Rather than today I shall go fearlessly walk towards a new tomorrow
This voice is a proof that I exist
An unseen hand is supporting the three trees that rise in my heart
I was born full with spirit and persistence and a lot of courage inside me
The emotions repeatedly overflowing in me become overlapping sounds
If I were to look out over them I would see plenty of smiles and tears twinkling
Thank you I shall now sing the song of gratification right here
As the seasons come and go three trees took root without withering
They grew up so that it seems they will reach the sky spreading inside me
An unseen hand is supporting the three trees that rise in my heart
Strongly strongly I shall keep believing I'm full with spirit and persistence and a lot of courage
With this song and with you
and with the those three magical trees

One by one/ One, two

x 2
My mother tells me to get married, to get married,
To leave aside the women, to leave aside the alcohol,
But I always tell her to leave me alone,
To live my life the way that I like.
One, two, three, four, five, six days I drink,
One, two, three, four, five, six chicks I want, that many I take.
One, two, three, four, five, six days I drink,
One, two, three, four, five, six chicks I want, that many I take.
x 2
I live at maximum every moment of my life,
Evening by evening I go with my boys in clubs,
I only have one life, just one life, I don”t have another one,
And I do what I want when I get a grudge.
x 2
My mother tells me to get married, to get married,
To leave aside the women, to leave aside the alcohol,
But I always tell her to leave me alone,
To live my life the way that I like.

May Your Ships Sail

If you're ever wounded
That's life, that's where I'm letting you go
But know that, for you,
I'm here and I will be here
May happiness get caught
Into your hands which I'm letting go
And if they give a wrong hug
I'm here and I will be here
My thoughts and my body exist
To give all the love to you
You've always been a part of me
And forever will be - know that
May your ships sail
Over the seas of my love
May my wind
Fill up every sail of yours
And if worlds were to collapse
And if sun wouldn't come out
I will always be here for you
Trust me...
If you're ever broken
That's life, it's a game
But then, for you,
I'm here and I will be here
When love gets caught
Into your hands, unfamiliar with it
And when they give a wrong hug
I'm here and I will be here
My thoughts and my body exist
To give all the love to you
You've always been a part of me
And forever - know that

I would buy a soul

I would buy a soul but no longer are there any for sale,
usable, fitting for me.
I would buy a soul ’cos everything else is just disposable accessories
and without it I cannot be decent anymore.
I know you believed me,
but you’ll never fully comprehend,
you can’t feel it for a minute
I’ll always be alone.
You see, my immortal part evaporated
and I ask karma for free will.
I cannot find the receipt
though I’d return my own (soul).
I’d exchange it for a functional one
so that my loneliness will disappear.
You see, I’ve long since given up dreams
but now reality hurts my eyes.
Maybe somewhere in me it’s still alive
it’s just too afraid to surface
’cos I’ve transformed into a man without a soul.

Do You Sometimes Think of Me?

The fields smell good, the lindens are in bloom
The summer is being born in my eye
The desire for you is setting my chest on fire
Is there someone in your heart?
Chorus 2x
Do you sometimes think of me?
Do you think of our dreams?
Does our summer keep you warm
Or is it some new love?
The willows whisper the story of us
Our waterside knows the truth
And life, as if to punish me,
Takes me further and further away from our dream
Chorus 2x
The silvery river, the nights of pain
We found each other there and gave everything
Some paths will meet someday
But the two watersides will never meet again
Chorus 2x


[Couplet 1]
I became the one that would have dreamed of being the one I dreamed of being
You follow me? I don't want to wake up
A luxury brand told me 'We don't want rap.'
You know rich folk
I said 'Oh well, peace, I don't talk'
The next day, I banged their spokesmodel
She looked like Natalie Portman
She told me 'I don't want a couple's life either,
tonight, I want to cut myself off from this repulsive world,
baby, come to my hotel and we'll turn off our mobile devices.'
I know quite a bit about that, I'm not telling lies
She bit the pillow like it was a cheesecake
But it's always the same, she took my hands
She told me 'Do you love me?', I said: 'No, you trouble me.'
I repeat myself, I have no guidelines
You're not the only real pearl in my repertoire
One night, wasted under the streetlamps
Maybe I'll turn towards you
Time goes by, I don't know what it means to be still, I
ended up wasted in the middle of the Champs(1), in my city of champions
I'm like a bubble of champagne
Started from below, I want to puncture the surface
An evening full of alcohol, give me their cash
The salmon will be pink and the champagne will be rosé
Mac Cain Family in the studio, it resembles Woodstock
Five in the Mini Austin, the sound takes you to Houston
[Couplet 2]
I became the one that would have dreamed of being the one I dreamed of being
You follow me? I don't want to wake up
The same luxury brand told me 'We really want your rap.'
You know rich folk
I said 'No thanks. I built my own brand,
and remind me to hit up your spokesmodel again.'
I haven't given her any news
We weren't naturals, we weren't ourselves
Always on the move at night
But, what counts, is surpassing yourself
I owe it to myself to take advantage of the life that I lead
Before happiness becomes another hard blow
Before, I didn't have the means to dress myself well
Now I put myself in haute couture
I've seen people drown, I'll let myself explain
The fact is, it's hard to pay the rent with a poor salary
In fact, for certain youth self-mutilation has become
the only way for them to make big money(2)
From what I've taken, I'm surely high
I feel close to L.A.
Me too, I'm built on faults
[Couplet 3]
The whole world is bad, they love money so much
You talk about friendship but you leave once you don't need my help anymore
Even under jet lag, I stay a gentleman.... Liar!
It's hard to be a youth that rejects evil, my heart
Irradiated by gamma rays, let me get clean
I read the manga shelves while standing, sometimes I might seem like a kid
'You're dangerous, Nekfeu, on stage. You dick around, you go too far!'
Caution is the mother of safety.... Safety, your whore mother!
They want to give me advice, my telephone vibrates
They film my concerts instead of living them
You see this image that people have of rap?
We're going to change that...
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!