A keresés eredménye
Találatok száma: 27
Nem akarok túl lenni Rajtad
Click to see the original lyrics (English)Nem akarok túl lenni Rajtad
Gondolom, bevehetnék altatót
És kedvemre alhatnék
És nem kellene végigmennem
Azon, amin végigmegyek
Gondolom, bevehetnék egy Prozac-ot, ugye?
És mosolyoghatnék este
Valaki újra
Aki nem túl kiemelkedő
De édes és kedves
Aki megpróbálna kisöpörni az elmémből
Hátrahagyhatnám ezt az egész agóniát
Amit épp művelek
Ha akarnám
De nem akarok túl lenni Rajtad.
Mert nem akarok túl lenni a szerelmen
Hallgathanék a kezelőmre
Úgy téve, mintha nem léteznél
És nem kellene arról álmodnom
Amiről álmodom
Hallgathanék az összes barátomra
És mehetnék bulizni megint
És úgy tehetnék, mintha ennyi elég volna
Vagy csinálhatnék karriert a depimből
Öltözhetnék feketébe és Camus-t olvashatnék
Szívhatnék szegfűszeges cigit és ihatnék vermutot
Mintha tizenhét lennék
Ami egy üvöltés volna
De nem akarok túl lenni Rajtad
Alabama, Akranzasz, Szeretem anyut és aput,de nem úgy, mint téged
Szent kleofás, oh én, te vagy a szemem fénye
Lány, soha senkit nem szerettem így, mint téged
Ember, ó ember, te vagy a legjobb barátom, és ezt a semmibe ordítom
Semmire nincs szükségem
Nos, forró és nehéz, tökös pite, csokoládés cukorka, Jézus Krisztus
Semmi nem okoz nálad több örömöt
Oh, otthon,
hadd menjek haza
Az otthon ott van, ahol veled vagyok
la la la, vigyél haza
Kicsim, hazamegyek
Követni foglak a parkba, át a dzsungelen, át a sötéten
Kislány, soha senkit nem szerettem úgy, mint téged
Árkok és csónakok és vízesések, sikátorok és hívások telefonfülkékből
Voltam veled mindenhol
Ez igaz
Nevetünk, amíg azt hisszük, bele fogunk halni, mezítláb egy nyári éjjelen
Soha semmi sem lehet édesebb nálad
És az utcákon szabadon szaladsz, mintha csak te és én lennénk
A fenébe is, jó rád nézni
- Jade?
- Alexander?
- Emlékszel arra a napra, mikor kiestél az ablakomból?
- Persze - kiugrottál utánam!
- Hát, ráestél a betonra, és majdnem szarrá törted magadat, mindent összevéreztél, a kórházba rohantam veled,
arra emlékszel?
- Igen, emlékszem
- Hát van valami, amit sosem mondtam el neked arról az éjjelről...
- Mit nem mondtál el?
- Ahogy a hátsó ülésen ültél, egy cigarettát szívtál, azt hitted, az lesz az utolsód, én mélyen, mélyen beléd szerettem, és mostanáig ezt sosem mondtam neked!
- Most már tudom.
Oh, otthon,
hadd menjek haza
Az otthon ott van, ahol veled vagyok
Oh, otthon,
hadd menjek haza
Az otthon ott van, ahol egyedül vagyok veled
hadd menjek haza
Az otthon ott van, ahol veled vagyok
Oh, otthon,
Igen, én itthon vagyok
Az otthon ott van, ahol egyedül vagyok veled
Alabama, Arkansas, Szeretem Anyut és Aput
Árkok és csónakok és vízesések és hívások telefonfülkékből
Oh, otthon,
Hadd menjek haza
Az otthon ott van, ahol veled vagyok
Oh, otthon
Hadd menjek haza
Az otthon ott van, ahol veled vagyok, egyedül.
Take Heaven And Shove It
Versions: #1On this side, rose-coloured wine and beloved lover
On the other, abasement of the two-faced supporter
They say, many now alive belong to hell
Say so that no one will ever see heaven
I can’t comprehend who I am, what will be left of me?
Will heaven be my fate or hell?
Lover, wine, music, these are enough for me
The rest may be yours, take heaven and shove it
HamisCsak egy báb vagyok a játékodban
Te húzod a zsínort és én engedelmeskedem
Magas... az oxytocin csak megütött
Yeah, ez hamisított
Zombi, Zombi
Lehetne hatszög?
Megfogtál, megfogtál
Egy másik áldozatot fogtál
Kegyelem, kegyelem
Vegyél ellenöréz alá
A kezeiddel a nyakam köré tekerve
Nem tudok lélegezni
A gondolatodtól
Ez telkinetikus
Engedj szabádá, csapdába estem benned
Leküzdve egy szívenszúrt
Ez tele-, telekinetikus
A szerepem egy tragédiában leltem
Elvesztettem a lelkem a hitben
Csak egy baba, a szállaiddal belém varva
Lebénulok, amikor végre elvágot a zsínort
Szóval szúrt a tűket a képmásba
Irányítsd az életem, ameddig széthasadnak a varratok
Építsd fel egy színes álomban
Egy fogoly vagyok miattad, most engedj...szabadon
Nem tudok lélegezni
A gondolatodtól
Ez telkinetikus
Engedj szabádá, csapdába estem benned
Leküzdve egy szívenszúrt
Ez tele-, telekinetikus
Bolond vagyok megint, bejutottál
Mentél és magattal rántottál
Bedöltem ennek a
Lefele jövök a magasból
Egy báb belül
És te vagy az oka
Te irányítasz engem
Elmém, testem és lelkem
Ebben az életben
Nem tudok lélegezni
A gondolatodtól
Ez telkinetikus
Engedj szabádá, csapdába estem benned
Leküzdve egy szívenszúrt
Ez tele-, telekinetikus
Genetic Evolution
Men in constant motionThe Genetic evolution
A new vision of time
Sensors of space and gravity
But I have no direction
In your peephole
I'm just an absurd opinion
Naked, immobile, sterile
You'll see me
While the world shakes
Without a name and identity
Among chaotic people
I get confused and think of you
Of the colours you give me
Of the peace I'd like
For us
Men in search of light
The genetic evolution
Doctors of false hope
Robotic nursing homes
But I don't know how to cure
This absence of my heart
Instrumental part
Summer without the internet
The sea soughs at the tops of the treesAnd I like
I like
How unnoticed by anyone
Gradually I success to read from your lips
And to pretend that we know each other
Let these few days become the summer
You laugh
And a smiling clock hangs on the wall
This we won't call about the love yet
But about the warm intercourse
Without the hints
Without the network parameters
And without the internet
Unexpectedly close you got to me yesterday
I myself visit that side very rarely
Let's cast aside titles and empty phrases
You're a sip of fresh air to me,Madam
Let these few days become the summer
When you laugh
Then even the poker faces are smiling on the street
This we won't call about the love yet
But about the warm intercourse
Without the hints
Without the network parameters
And without the internet
Let these few days become the summer
When you laugh
Then even the poker faces are smiling on the street
This we won't call about the love yet
But about the warm intercourse
Without the hints
Without the network parameters
And without the internet
The Sleeping Beauty
The sea in your eyesflows with delicate waves,
the invisible lianas
in the castle walls.
It draws with rainbow drops
the path of dew,
the rays to your door
light the tower.
From sea foam with hands
you sculpt a body, a face -
you make a fairy-tale prince
to carry you in his arms.
He will almost kiss you,
the sea inside you will fall asleep
and you, little sleeping beauty,
you will fly far away.
And the castle will melt down
the invisible walls.
Everything will collapse and will be dark, you know, right?
In time you will build
a new castle, strong doors,
but your sleeping beauty will fly away.
From sea foam with hands
you sculpt a body, a face -
you make a fairy-tale prince
to carry you in his arms.
He will almost kiss you,
the sea inside you will fall asleep
and you, little sleeping beauty,
you will fly far away.
From sea foam with hands
you sculpt a body, a face -
you make a fairy-tale prince
to carry you in his arms.
He will almost kiss you,
the sea inside you will fall asleep
and you, little sleeping beauty,
you will fly far away.
From sea foam with hands
you sculpt a body, a face -
you make a fairy-tale prince
to carry you in his arms.
He will almost kiss you,
the sea inside you will fall asleep
and you, little sleeping beauty,
you will fly far away.
You will fly away.
I was two years old,When you left this world.
The people say,
That you loved me a lot.
I am now,
Eighteen years old.
My heart is empty,
Without you, o father.
Chorus (2x):
A pledge, o father,
Has left to me.
What I should do,
When I get married.
To name my son,
After you.
I will not forget,
Your pledge, o father.
You are still,
In my heart.
I cannot forget you,
You are my father.
O father, you got covered,
By the black earth, so young.
What have you done,
To die so young?
Chorus (2x).
You are free to use my translations anywhere as long as you give me credit.
Slobodni ste koristiti moje prevode gde god, sve dok navedete mene kao autora.
Sijen slobodne te koristinena me prevodija kaj god, ako navedinena da me sijum o autori.
Versions: #2Yeah, ah
Mannequins and Cannabis, Kappa is on Druggy Shit
Have with my Tumblr-Bitch On weekend Paname-Trips
Kiss kiss bang is the slang, When you jam withe me
Rich as fuck show me what you got show me what you dont know
Hang out with the same gang In the same corners
With the same food breaking the law because nobody gets me away
Just need some grams, shit, And a bad bitch
And i wont leave the bed
Next stop hotel Costes sleep in four seasons burn money just like weed
This is no business just a family trip
Coulet check new sneaker write it on my visa
Its the fucking life, Supreme Jordans on the street, beam me in the tgv to paris
Everyday it gets tajine
Dont need 5 stars, where I chill finds no gps
PSG seat in a box pack the trunk pack the mercedes benz
Step out of the sportscar and piss before the press on the red carpet
I stay trill, with the guys and chill
All I need is here, All I want, what I want
I have friends, I have family, I have dreams, I have desires
I have as much sex as I want, a lot of dope and I have love
Thats why i stay trill with the guys and chill
All I need is here, All I want, what i want
I have friends, I have family, I have dreams, I have desires
I have as much sex as I want, a lot of dope and I have love
Today here tomorrow there with the bros on the road
So much shows but i will come home everytime, home sweet home
Get my iphone on fly mode change the timezone
From boarding time to boarding time Sign for warner here and there
Sit with all my guys on the table, smoke a spliff
Tilt some drinks here it does not interest anyone where you are
Ask anyone here how we speak , how we go, move us
Its the same manner to live, give more than I take
Sold more grams than singles and still come into heaven
The one up there knows, my heart is gold, the rest is business
Bitches better have my money, like rihanna
You have the coos on the heels me the jumpman
Laying in the sun at the cote d'azur my wife in haute couture
Barbecue and dope and beer all what i need is here
Good life, never came in the clubs
Today they pay 20 thousamd for only 2-3 hooks live
I stay trill, with the guys and chill
All I need is here, All I want, what I want
I have friends, I have family, I have dreams, I have desires
I have as much sex as I want, a lot of dope and I have love
Thats why i stay trill with the guys and chill
All I need is here, All I want, what i want
I have friends, I have family, I have dreams, I have desires
I have as much sex as I want, a lot of dope and I have love
I found the seventh wonder of the world in your eyesYou flew down from heaven to me, I'm not alone anymore
I would like to dream about you every moment
Touch you and go to my happiness
To feel your touches on my body
Let our bodies unite into one
And feel together what's going to happen
In this moment, that is great
Touch long, but gently my lips
Yield to the desire, it's nothing, enter our dreams
I would like to transform you, so you would be a flower
That when I smell it, I would have your love
To feel your touches on my body
Let our bodies unite into one
And feel together what's going to happen
In this moment, that is great
When I feel you next to me
I would bring you the blue from the sky
Be with me always, I would like to be with you
Be with you always
To feel your touches on my body
Let our bodies unite into one
And feel together what's going to happen
In this moment, that is great
This film
Doni:Come into my eyes
Come near my tears
Come near my face
Come near my heart
Come swiftly and hug me tightly
The film is forbidden for adults
Come swiftly and melt into me
The film is ours, the rest isn't for me
This film is about a summer in heaven
In this film the winter will end
I do not know about the other films
You and I together will make up the climate (x2)
Come into my eyes
Come near my tears
Come near my face
Come near my heart
Come swiftly and hug me tightly
The film is forbidden for adults
Come swiftly and melt into me
The film is ours, the rest isn't for me
This film is about a summer in heaven
In this film the winter will end
I do not know about the other films
You and I together will make up the climate (x2)
Come swiftly and hug me tightly
This film is about a summer in heaven
The film is forbidden for adults
In this film the winter will end
Come swiftly and melt into me
I do not know about the other films
The film is ours, the rest isn't for me
You and I together will make up the climate (x2)
This film is about a summer in heaven
Last will (testament)
Versions: #2My mother left me the last will x2
To sing for Peja tonight with pleasure x2
My mother left me the last will x2
To sing to Lapi people tonight and to make a great atmosphere x2
My brother told me when he went on exile x2
To take the road to Ferizaj and to make party x2
My brother told me when he went on exile x2
To not forget neither Gjilan because he is our 'hasret'* x2
Mother, oh mother, Prizren like black grapes
Mother, oh mother, Gjakova like gold
Mother, oh mother, Tetova's guys very rich
Mother, oh mother, Kumanovo's girls beautiful like threads
Mother, oh mother, Drenica red and black
Mother, oh mother, Mitrovica beautiful
Mother, oh mother, in Prishtina like in USA
Oh mother, Prishtina's guy tonight is taking me
Mendel's Genetics
Doctor, look well!Our eyes are as black as soot!
And what did this serpent make?
She made a blue-eyed son!
She betrayed me and I don't want her anymore.
Eyes as blue as sea,
There's no way of getting them wrong,
The stable hand from the cloth of my bed squeezed through!
Yes sir!
Oh, no!
Yes sir!
This son,
This son,
This son has got blue eyes!
It isn't true, I've never betrayed you in my life!
Doctor, what do you think, what may have happened?
Calm down, calm down, there's no trick science can't explain.
Every doubt and each misfortune can be cured.
Even the doubt of the husband who thinks he's been betrayed,
With Gregor Mendel's laws today I will clarify!
The black eye is dominant,
The blue eye is recessive,
Here I say and here I write it,
Very few people have got blue eyes!
Every time someone
Has the dominant allele
Doesn't matter if the allele of blue eys
Is present as well!
The black eye is dominant,
The black eye he will have.
Only who's
Recessive homozygote,
Here I say and here I write it,
Will have big blue eyes!
Is it clear?
Even if the father and the mother have eyes as black as soot
That doesn't mean their children can't have blue eyes.
Here I say and here I write it,
That allele is recessive,
Every fourth child will have blue eyes!
I'm complaining that my father has got eyes as bright as the sky,
I'm so clumsy, I didn't think of it.
I'm so clumsy, I didn't understand I've got the recessive allele,
Every fourth child will have blue eyes!
Come to think of it, even my mother didn't have dark eyes,
We can be sure and stop worrying.
Here nearly (?), but the allele is recessive,
Every fourth child will have blue eyes!
Every fourth child will have blue eyes!
Viva Mendel and science, viva viva blue eyes!
Viva Mendel, no more without him, viva viva blue eys!
Viva this coincidence, viva viva blue eyes!
Blue eyes! Blue eyes!
With the recessive allele, finally, viva viva blue eyes!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
I wait for you where the sea can not be seen anymoreWhere the day does not come if you're not there
Where even my secrets then undress
Where the last have strength and together they sing
I'm waiting for you, I swear that I do it inside a bar
Where from within I will see you arrive
In that place that the moon hangs on a kite
Where the anxieties are accepted and they become cures
I wait for you in the second that precedes time
In lies I did not tell you to feel lost
In your hair I can never forget
In the blasphemies I spat to make you listenh
There will be a place you will see for all your fears
You will see that it is nice to walk without ever knowing
Without ever knowing where the steps take you
It is the fantasy that transforms stones into planets.
And I lost flights
And I lost trains
But I found the world beneath my feet
And I lost my time
For the songs
When I screamed you and you did not understand me.
I wait for you because in waiting for it I succed
To find myself , to find yourself , to find a meaning
I have always written perhaps to feel myself less alone
In those evenings where heaven takes you by the hand
And you stand up there on the big wheel
Where the world is just a point to leave behind
Take me by the hand and we draw a thousand steps
It is the fantasy that transforms stones into planets.
And I lost flights
And I lost trains
But I found the world beneath my feet
And I lost my time
For the songs
When I screamed at you and you did not understand it.
That I was one step away from losing you
But you were one step away from losing that
For all those nights when I lost you and I do not even know why
That I was a step to lose you
And you were a step to lose me
I've never had anything true apart from you.
Like the light here that filters through that window
Like life that changes but remains the same
Like a poet who kisses the pain
Like the night that steals silences and gives you fears
I wait for you in a room that is suspended above
In the light of the stars, there is this damned hell
And you live for me the life that I refuse
I'll wait for you where I talk to you, staying forever silent.
That I was a step to lose you
But you were a step to lose that
For all those nights when I lost you and I do not even know why
That I was a step to lose you
And you were a step to lose me
I've never had anything true apart from you.
Thanks a lot for your attention!
Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
Now I know that it wasn't stork who brought me hereYou're my mom, so why would you lie to me
I dream about this, that we'll go on the playground together
That's why I stay here with you
You will be forever locked up in my heart
With this sentence I want to say that you'll be forever mine
You're my mom, my mom
The one who I love the most
You're like a magical fairy, who gives me
a reason to smile
I always wanted to have my own thinking
And never ease up in this
I always wanted to know that I'm yours
I wanted to be me
And how the time flew by, so did I
I see the wrinkles which you have because of me
Please, forgive me that I troubled you so
I want to go back in time
You're my mom, my mom
The one who I love the most
You're like a magical fairy, who gives me
a reason to smile
I was a little kid
And only wanted to play all the time
Do you remember the fairytales you used to tell me
I loved them
Before you started to go to sleep late
With your face so worried
Life was just passing by
And I realized who in this world I love the most
It's you, mom
You're my mom, my mom
The one who I love the most
You're like a magical fairy, who gives me
a reason to smile
You're my mom, my mom
The one who I love the most
You're like a magical fairy, who gives me
a reason to smile
Love it or leave it
Versions: #2(Hook: Karuzo) [x2]
Love it or leave it, anything in between isn't considerable
As children we didn't care who was broke or rich
Where you come from, and which shoe you wear didn't matter then
And if you think differently today, dude, then fuck you
[Part 1: Karuzo]
I still remember as if it were yesterday
I wanted to invade the world in my extra large Pampers (daipers)
With sparkling eyes, the streets as if it was New Years Eve
Hands, that grabbed everything which wasn't attached to something
I went on Criminal-Hunts, Cowboys Vs. Indians
We didn't want to play with the girls because they sucked
No matter if it rained, hailed, snowed, there wasn't a bad day
It wasn't fun if we weren't really muddy afterwards
Got wasted, over the fence into the swimming pool
We stole like ravens, it used to be okay
Every day we went to the football pitch, kings of the road
Car tyre flat, 'Mum I swear, it wasn't me!'
Fighting in the schoolyard, smoking during break times
None of us were back home before sunset
We were the coolest, and we dreamed of nothing
There was no time for that, because there was no such thing as boredom, yo
(Hook: Karuzo) [x2]
[Part 2: Sido]
Genetikk - tick - tick- Boom!
It wasn't always easy back then, but it was fun
at least as far as I'm concerned, I didn't behave so well
Because I knew to defend myself, if someone doesn't like me
And when the police arrived, we didn't say anything
When I was about 14 I discovered the grass
We all flew, always higher towards Mars
And it continued like this until people say
'His life was a rollercoaster, and then he laid down in his grave'
If a total spas wanted someting
You would meet without the football, at the football pitch
Because a total spas wanted something today,
We met briefly for a meeting on the Golf course
Yet it's not important, if you have gold someday,
It's more important, that you make your family proud
Do something with your life, even if it sometimes pains you
Either you'll love it, or you'll leave it
(Hook: Karuzo) [x2]