Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 95


Nincs itt a vég

Ninc sitt a vég, csak még egyszer
Furcsa színek és ismeretlen vizek
Mennyi úton jártam az esőben az évek során
Valami azt mondta bennem, 'kezdd újra előről'
Hatalmas hullámok, valódi szenvedély,
A lélek szépségei megint a távolba vesznek
Mint a tükörkép, a por és a füst,
A lélek szépségei, az üres égbolt
Amit a kezemben tudhatok, semmi sem tart sokáig,
Ami csak a Nap alatt van
A démonok, azok a szörnyű lények becsapnak
Csókolj meg, te vagy a levegőm, ölelj szorosan
Hatalmas hullámok, valódi szenvedély,
A lélek szépségei megint a távolba vesznek
Mint a tükörkép, a por és a füst,
A lélek szépségei, az üres égbolt

Lelkedben ribanc vagy

Hazugságok, képmutatás, egoizmus,
Ezek mind a te olcsó természeted tulajdonságai
Hazugságok, képmutatás, bűnös lélek,
Ezek miatt lettél egy a tíz főbűn közül
Add el ezerszer az olcsó tested,
Így kevésbé szégyellném magam miattad,
Mindezerszer egy olcsó ribanc voltál,
Te vagy a legrosszabb, a lelkedben ribanc vagy
Hazugságok, képmutatás, egoizmus,
Ezek mind benned rejtőznek, sajnos,
Egy élet istentelenül és hálátlanul,
Nem érdemelsz sem könyörületet, sem tiszteletet
Add el ezerszer az olcsó tested,
Így kevésbé szégyellném magam miattad,
Mindezerszer egy olcsó ribanc voltál,
Te vagy a legrosszabb, a lelkedben ribanc vagy

The storm has passed

Versions: #1
To sea is calm now
Inside your eyes
The ship is coming,
It's entering the port
Now that's my heart is calm too
The pain can't reach us anymore
I won't leave you alone again
Don't ever leave me alone
The storm has passed
Nobody could hurt you
A guardian angel will keep things in order
I will be an angel for you
Open your wings over me
I won't leave you alone again
Don't ever leave me alone
Nothing left to fate anymore,
I won't leave you alone again don't ever leave me alone

One plus one

One plus one equals two
that's what they say in the coffee-shop
But (when it come to) you and me
one plus one, equals one.
One plus one equals two
(that's what) they say in the machine-shop
But (when it come to) you and me
My God, i am becoming nothing ( zero)
One plus one equals two
(that's what) they say in the barber-shop
But after Hesaiah*
one plus one equals three.

You come and go

I open roads and escape in silence
You come and go, you talk and the night stays here
You're not trying
You come and go, you are left alone in the void
But you'll be lost
You take words and half dreams with you
I told you, remember, that the heart isn't shared
You come and go, you talk and the night stays here
You're not trying
You come and go, you are left alone in the void
But you'll be lost
You come and go, you talk and the night stays here
You're not trying
You come and go, you are left alone in the void
But you'll be lost
You leave for a while, and what I'm afraid of is you

Mondd azt nekem újra

Mondd azt nekem újra, hogy szeretsz
Öleléssel vigyél a csillagok közé
Egyetlen csókoddal édes szenvedélyem
A szívem összetörik, akár az üveg
Ez az éjszaka bár sose érne véget
Az új nap ölelésben talál minket
Az új nap ölelésben talál minket
Ez az éjszaka bár sose érne véget
Nézz rám újra, egyetlen forró pillantás
Elég, hogy ellopd a szívemet
Egy sóhajjal adj nekem életet
Tedd ünnepé a szerelmünket
Ez az éjszaka bár sose érne véget
Az új nap ölelésben talál minket
Az új nap ölelésben talál minket
Ez az éjszaka bár sose érne véget
Most egyedül a szemek beszélnek
Kérj tőlem bármit, amit csak szeretnél
Hozz nekem tüzet, adj lehetőséget
Hogy a test utazásra vigyen minket
Ez az éjszaka bár sose érne véget
Az új nap ölelésben talál minket
Az új nap ölelésben talál minket
Testem, szívem és lelkem

Nobody died from love

As much as you said to me, I never said anything
They say I was defeated
With no chance of renewal
I have no space for some more bitterness
Life isn't a rehearsal, it's a live performance.
The time has come to have what I deserve
To learn that not all that glitters is gold
The time has come To see that I've made mistake
And what I thought was a passion turned out to be just a foam
Nobody died from love
Do not touch me out of pity, no need
And don't say sorry for putting an end
The grief doesn't go smoother with apologies.
Nobody died from love
No point in hoping that you won't leave
Taxi is waiting for you, don't be late
I'll deal with this, don't worry,
Nobody died from love.
I will not look up at the stars
Because that 'being high' knocked me down
I will cover with my coat
This empty embrace which did not fill you
The time has come to have what I deserve
To learn that not all that glitters is gold
The time has come To see that I've made mistake
And what I thought was a passion turned out to be just a foam
Nobody died from love
Do not touch me out of pity, no need
And don't say sorry for putting an end
The grief doesn't go smoother with apologies.
Nobody died from love
No point in hoping that you won't leave
Taxi is waiting for you, don't be late
I'll deal with this, don't worry,
Nobody died from love.

I wanted to be a bird

Versions: #1
I wanted to be, i wanted
I wanted to be
I wanted to be a bird
I wanted to be a bird
and to have golden wings
to fly in,
to fly
to fly in Amorgos
to fly,
to fly in Amorgos
for one moment only

Under Akropolis

Under Akropolis there is a small neighborhood
where an everyday bell rings
jasmin and woodbine is what matters
the insignificant one.
Under Akropolis a lot of people
tired, careless, heroes, cowards
they fight, they come to blows with their neighbor
and they care.
You are saying, life, business, children, voices, light
you are saying, the moon, the yards, you keep secret the pain that makes you cry
you are saying, what are you saying, good things will happen to us, you shall see
you are saying, lottery tickets, serials, wouldn't it be nice if we won a billion
Under Akropolis there is a small neighborhood
like a restless everyday swarm of bees
small shops open
they close the shutters before they leave.
I left you food in the kitchen
a women named Fofi was looking for you all morning
i know how much is two thousand* worth to a euro
and i was happy.

I will become a basil

I will become a basil at your window
at your window
and i will remain unmarried for your sake
for your sake.
Come and bend over your window to see what is going on
to see what is going on.
The blood of my heart is being spilled for you,
spilled for you.
The moon walks towards the door of my beloved
the moon walks around the garden of my love.
Come and bend over your window sneaking up on your mother,
sneaking up on your mother
and pretend to water your marjoram,
your marjoram.
This summer i want you to be my mate.
The moon walks towards the door of my beloved
the moon walks around the garden of my love.


Next to me stood Onisilos
having emerged out of history and legend
in flesh and bones*.
The brave leader King
was holding in his hand what he was left with
an empty scull
- his own head-
full of bees.
For ten years Onisilos kept sending his bees
to sting us
to awaken us
to deliver a message to us.
Ten thousand bees were sent by Onisilos
and they all damned-died on our thick-skin
without us feeling anything.
And when the marching steps of the enemies
reached Salamina
Onisilos outraged.
He couldn't stand it anymore.
He grabbed his scull
and smashed it over my head.
And i dropped dead.
cursed by Onisilos.

Sea, oh sea

Sea, oh sea, what have you done to me,
because of you I lost every port.
I met you on a Sunday morning
down in Pasalimani.
In your sea eyes I found
the most beautiful port.
But my job is being a sailor
and tomorrow I'll set sail all alone.
Sea, oh sea, what have you done to me,
because of you I lost every port.
And if I was with you one night,
I quarrel with my fate.
I travel all around the world as a wave
and non of my loves endures for ever
The sea took my heart
and i have no life on land

I just want to forget her eyes

I am fed up hearing them keep saying the same old things
that i am always the good guy
and when i am left alone i keep wondering
how easy might be for a soul to change.
I don't want to change anything
i don't want to think about nothing
i just want to forget her eyes
before i truly drive me self crazy

So Many Stars Up High

So many stars up high
and just as many days abroad.
Twenty days on a steamboat
and just as many on the ground.
Life abroad is so harsh
for the lads, for the now American lads.
You lads, you lads gone far away,
take our your writing pen!
Write a letter for me,
to soothe my mother's pain!
My mother, my little sister
and my poor fiancee.

Vakon, önző módon

Úgy döntöttél, elhagysz, s messze mész tőlem,
Egyetlen éjszaka alatt mondtad ki, hogy vége.
El akartál menni, s hogy Veled többé ne vesződjem,
Mi egykor közös volt, dobni el a semmiségbe.
Rád néztem ekkor, mit is tehettem volna,
S arra kértelek, gondold meg jól, mit teszel!
S darabokra törött szívvel, mindent egy lapra dobva
Árnyak közt harcolva viaskodtam a köztünk lévő csenddel.
Pusztán önös érdekből
Feladtál mindent, amiért egykor megszerettelek,
úgy zártad be az ajtót, egyetlen szó nélkül.
Önző módon, vakon bízva, mintha nem lenne más,
Csak félbe tört álmainkat hagytad itt nekem,
S én még azt hittem, mindörökké tart ez a szerelem.
Egymagamban őrlődve, mint ki másra nem képes,
keresem a szót, mely Téged mégegyszer visszahív,
De az idő múlik, s látom, ez nem lehetséges,
jól tudom a választ, nem kell hogy újra elmeséld.
A lélek útjain bolyongva
úgy tettem, mintha jól lennék, s nem is fájna semmi,
S vérző, meggyötört szívvel, mosolyogva
Árnyakat kergettem ... hisz én csak Veled akartam lenni.

Like David

I am whatever God says that I am
I have whatever God says I have
I can do whatever He says I can do
I will fight like David fought
If I have God on my side
Nothing will stand against
Powerfull forces armed with fire
In the name of Jesus
There is power
That shatters every bond
Breaks every chain
I can do whatever He says I can do
I will fight like David fought
(I don't need any mortal weapons)
If I have God on my side
(We will strike Goliath down at once)
Nothing will stand against
(Jesus is there with angel around Him)
Powerfull forces armed with fire
(Fighting for all God's children) x2
(Nothing will stand against x2
I will fight like David fought x3
If I have God on my side x2
Nothing will stand against x2)
I will fight like David fought
(I don't need any mortal weapons)
If I have God on my side
(We will strike Goliath down at once)
Nothing will stand against
(Jesus is there with angel around Him)
Powerfull forces armed with fire
I can do whatever He says I can do
I will fight like David fought
(I don't need any mortal weapons)
If I have God on my side
(We will strike Goliath down at once)
Nothing will stand against
(Jesus is there with angel around Him)
Powerfull forces armed with fire
(Fighting for all God's children) x2

Citizen of Heaven

You taught me that no matter what I'm going through
Don't look at the shadow
Why my real value
It is in the spirit in the heart
It's the hope you gave me.
That someday I'll see you
It's the truth you taught me
That I don't belong here
You taught me not to be afraid
no matter what happens
To look to the heavens
I'm Your child
I'm Citizen of Heaven
Every obstacle every mountain
With You I will overcome
And when I'm weak
You're stronger.
It's the hope you gave me.
That someday I'll see you
It's the truth you taught me
That I don't belong here
That's why I
I'll follow you.
To the end of the road
I know I don't belong here.
I'm Citizen of Heaven
I'm Citizen of Heaven
Citizen of Heaven
You taught me not to be afraid
no matter what....
To look to the heavens
I'm your child... x2
That's why I
I'll follow you.
To the end of the road
I know I don't belong here.
I'm Citizen of Heaven
That's why I
(That's why I)
I'll follow you.
To the end of the road
I know I don't belong here
(I don't belong here)
I'm Citizen of Heaven
I'm Citizen of Heaven
Citizen of Heaven.

Mantinades Kontylia

Love is to love above your life
and to ask your heart and not your logic
If the heart had a brain it would never get hurt
that which loves us, that it would love
You say to me that you love me, and I [say] that I believe you
even your lie I have learned to adore
Tell me, the word 'I love you', how do you want me to say to you?
with what to be accompanied, with laughter or you want me to cry?
And even if you enjoy me getting hurt, I will ask it a favor of you
to hurt me more often so I please you
You left, my jasmine, you left, but I didn't leave, you betrayed, but I will stay
and when love you need, ask of me to give you
On the chain that you wear and on the cross that you have
I hang and not Christ, my light know this
Because the place of Christ I took on your cross
so that you wear me on you, to have me as your amulet
Give me something useless and meaningless to you
to make a love's trinknet, to hold for me
How much my baby I love you, even a blind man sees
and you're telling me it can't be done, it's not right and it shouldn't
I wanted to have been blind, as long as I only know
that you will be holding my hand to walk on the street
I wanted to have been mute and to meet you
and for the word 'I love you' to be a reason to speak
With a photograph of yours I sleep every night
but it's paper and it cannot give me caress
If you feel in your sleep something bothering you,
don't be scared, it's my thought and it caresses you
Don't be afraid if you feel something in your insides
it's me fighting to find a place in your heart
In the elementary school I went up to the first grade
but the liar life has taught me a lot
Gymnasium and Lyceum I don't have finished
the sorrows have made me a professor
From the many sorrows, I have forgotten what my name is
and I give foreign consult and by the wrong name they search for me
And if it wasn't me, I wanted to have known
to whom would God give, the sorrows that I have
And when I enter the church, even the images cry
and when they see me, 'welcome, the unlucky [man]' they tell me
I went to light a candle at the church for me
then I regretted it and lit it for you
I went to light two candles, but found only one
I bent and kowtowed and lit it for you
But you three candles always to light, my light
the two for us, the alone for the unlucky [men] of the world
One candle and one body one difference they have only
the one melts from the fire and the other from the pain
Eviva pain, always health, treat me so I treat you
pour to drink anything you want, then I will hug you
I was an eagle and I had wings and flew in the heights
but fate came in the form of a woman to crash me
The eagle flies high only for one thing
so that the other birds don't see when he bursts into tears
Shoot a bullet at the eagle, and if it wounds him
you will see how proudly to the Earth he will kneel
Shoot a bullet at the eagle, and if it wounds him
you will see with what egoism to the Earth he will lower
Don't shoot a bullet to the eagle, unless if you only have
the power to share his mother's pain
Only a jealous hunter and a man humiliated
will shoot a bullet at the eagle so that he falls wounded
I ache and she laughs, she rejoices with my sorrow
she was telling me she would become the mother of my children
I wanted to have been you and you me to become
for you to understand and to see how many sorrows you give to me
The wounds I opened near you will be healed
I don't want them to tell me not even about your name

l have changed

Versions: #1
Make your dream road and come to me…
Door to old lock, all for you…
I want to erase everything and live by your side…
Here's the loneliness λει
I have changed and I have become, fire from your fire
I have changed and they have become, body, heart, yours
I have changed and I have become, a match in your fire
I have changed and they have become, body, heart, yours
Map your body, travel with…
Take out your hidden passions and enchant me…
There is no sin, in love the magic ...
When the heart wants it…
From one moment to the next, everything looks like a lie
and I have both your hands, like wings to fly
From one moment to the next, everything changed for me
and it is your love, a gift from heaven.

When will the night sky be full of stars

Versions: #1
When will the night sky be full of stars,
when will it be February,
so that I take my rifle,
the beautiful cartridge belt,
to descned to Omalos,
at the trail of Mousouros,
to make mothers without sons,
women without men,
to make babies too,
cry without mothers,
to cry at night for water,
and at dawn for milk,
and at twilight
for their sinister mother.

I have eyes and I see

There's no need to say it
there's no need
that I lose you, with what I do
Where I go, and I forget you
there's no need to say it, there's no need.
there's no need to say it, there's no need,
as I go, I will ask for you.
So I do, that I'll be looking for you,
there's no need to say it, there's no need.
I have eyes and I see, what I want to see,
and if you tell me that I lose you,
then what can I say.
I have eyes and I see,
what I want to see,
but you remember me,
when I leave.
There's no need to say it, there's no need,
that it is time to leave now
to forget me, to calm down
there's no need to say it, there's no need.
I have eyes and I see, what I want to see,
and if you tell me that I lose you,
then what can I say.
I have eyes and I see, what I want to see
but you remember me, when I leave

How to silence

Versions: #1
How to silence inside me
the beauty of the world?
The heaven is mine
the sea at my measures
How can they make me see
the sun with other eyes?
At the sun's steps
My mother taught me to live...
Inside the swamp's waters
what language do they speak to me
those who ask me
to lower the wings?

I was born

Versions: #1
I was born at the eyelash of thunder,
I'm extinguished flowing in the waters.
I climbed at the peak of the clouds,
Leaping with the tethers of the incense,
I took the road of the scattering.
I slept at the head of the sword,
I had the sleep of the hare.
I was surveying the bonfire of the bale
speechless at the hour of harvest,
I took the pouch of begging.
I faced the Charon of the dry rock,
the horse in the marble thresing floor fighting for its life,
I took the pouch of begging.

One Sunday

One Sunday
A monotonous rain falls on the road,
I reach out but you are no longer there,
The night steals you, you are enchanted by loneliness
In your sky the stars are extinguished
I confess that your departure scares me
Because I believed the oaths you said,
But the end is approaching
Everything will change suddenly one Sunday
One Sunday, I know, we will meet
And from the beginning, as before, we will fall in love
And if another body hugs you at dawn
What we experienced will never end
One Sunday I will return to your life
Because my love has your signature
What if everything seems to be lost now?
One Sunday, as before, we will become one!
They turn off the lights in the love station
on a journey you left halfway through
Goodbye burns me, silence freezes me,
My heart beats but I have no more life
I'm not angry with you for taking your step
And my dreams are a prison for you
But remember away from me even if you will leave
Everything will change suddenly one Sunday


Versions: #1
by Nikos Papazoglou
But why does the song have to be sad
suddenly, as if it was a piece cut from my heart
and though at this moment I'm flooded with joy
it's risen to my lips and drowned me
'beware of the ending' you will tell me
I love you but I haven't the voice to say it to you
and this is a sorrow that is unbearable
I'm melting in pain because I also sense
that the road we're taking is impassable
'be brave it will pass' you will tell me
How can I forget her loose hair
that washed the sand like a waterfall
as she leaned over me, thousands of kisses
diamonds that she gifted to me so willingly
I'll go to her, and let it damage me
Upon which magic dance's ecstacy
could such a creature have been borne
from which distant star is the light
that went to hide within her two eyes
and me, the lucky one who has seen it
Within her gaze, a tiny sky
it has lighting, clouds and unfolds itself
but as the night falls it is flooded with light
as an August moon rises
illuminating the prison inside
How can I forget her loose hair
that washed the sand like a waterfall
as she leaned over me, thousands of kisses
diamonds that she gifted me with open hands
I'll go to her, and let it damage me


The time has come for me to be overthrown
Never say again, never that I love you
Do not ask how we got to the finish line
First to lose myself, I close the issue here
I do not remember a caress from you a look
I was always a hug with loneliness
Only icy lips and dreams in the fire
I do not remember once, tender words
You give what you want
You get what you give
That's my heart
Do not criticize me
The time has come for me to be overthrown
Better a poor horse than no horse at all
Unfortunately a lot was collected
Do not look for explanations, things are simple
I do not remember a caress from you a look
I was always a hug with loneliness
Only icy lips and dreams in the fire
I do not remember once, tender words
You give what you want
You get what you give
That's my heart
Do not criticize me
I do not remember you ...
A caress a look ..
Only icy lips and dreams in the fire
I do not remember once, tender words
You give what you want
You get what you give
That's my heart
Do not criticize me
You give what you want
You get what you give
That's my heart
Do not criticize me
Do not criticize me

How much you wounded me

Versions: #1
You came like a light into a dark room
And I started dreaming for tomorrow
You became a knife in a child's hand
A drop of blood in my heart's notebook (x2)
How much you wounded me
How much you hurt me
I want to cry but I fear the looks
I had told you I loved you and you punished me
You had told me you loved me and I remember it
How much you wounded me
How much you hurt me
You had told me you loved me and I remember it, I remember it
A crack (crevice) in a solitary cell
And my imagination made it a window
To escape once, to dream
That would have been sufficient, that would have been enough, for me (x2)
How much you wounded me
How much you hurt me
I want to cry but I fear the looks
I had told you I loved you and you punished me
You had told me you loved me and I remember it
How much you wounded me
How much you hurt me
You had told me you loved me and I remember it, I remember it
How much you wounded me
How much you hurt me
I want to cry but I fear the looks
I had told you I loved you and you punished me
You had told me you loved me and I remember it
How much you wounded me
How much you hurt me
You had told me you loved me and I remember it, I remember it

I am booking and I am coming

Versions: #1
It's been only 5 days
that I haven't seen you,
and I miss you,
I miss you, I miss you...
Five days, and yet
I call you to tell you
that I miss you, I miss you, I miss you..
and I can't take it anymore...
I'm hanging up (the phone) and I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm arriving with the first plane
I'm booking (the ticket) and I'm coming, coming back
to regain a little heart.
I'm booking and coming.
Five nights since I said
that I'll deny you,
and I'm looking for you,
I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you.
Five nights that I'm alone,
alone in the void
and I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you.
I can't take it anymore.
I'm hanging up (the phone) and I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm arriving with the first plane
I'm booking (the ticket) and I'm coming, coming back
to regain a little heart.
I'm booking and coming...

Plant Me A Kiss

I told loneliness
So she can be aware
To find a home
(Because) snow is coming
I also told rain
So she can be aware
Whatever she says
You are coming
You will knock
Before you ask
I will tell you to come in
Don't speak
I will be the one speaking
I'm in a great rush, you know
And hear me out so you can understand
I'm saying what you want (to hear)
I love you so much
I'm in a rush, I don't have much time
You can tell me the rest on the way
There is only one thing I'm interested in
Plant me a kiss
A kiss
A kiss
I told cloudiness
So she can be aware
To make room
For you to pass through
I also told silence
So she can be aware
No matter what she says

I don't want anything else

Versions: #1
--- 1 ---
From the first moment when we looked at each other
Love looked for an opportunity to scream in bloom
How it all happened and we fell in love so quick
It's as if we both already knew about this.
--- R ---
I don't want anything else from the life I live
It is enough for my heart ❤♥ together to be
And only on your body I want to live with longing
... and still there ... to die ...
I don't want anything else from the life I live
It is enough for my heart ❤♥ together to be
And only on your body I want to live with longing
... and still there ... to die ...
I don't want anything else from fate.
--- 2 --- 
The first taste of your kiss, your first touch
The vein pulsates madly at every glance
And if I swear tonight after we've been together
That I was born again ... it won't be a lie.
--- R ---
I don't want anything else from the life I live
That's enough for us to be together
And only on your body I want to live with longing
... and still there ... I want to die.
I don't want anything else from the life we ​​live
It is enough for my heart ❤♥ together to be
And only on your body I want to live with longing
... and still there ... to die ...
I don't want anything else from fate.
--- R ---
I don't want anything else from the life I live
That's enough for us to be together
And only on your body I want to live with longing
... and still there ... I want to die.
I don't want anything else from the life we ​​live
It is enough for my heart ❤♥ together to be
And only on your body I want to live with longing
... and still there ... to die ...
I don't want anything else from fate.

Higher than God

I spent my 'wants', my 'neverminds' I lived a life not suited for me
But you exist and that looks like a miracle for me, keep my hand, don't mind
I'm not leaving you
You're what I wanted for so long and I'm not leaving you
I'll keep you on my like a charm
I'm not leaving you
You're what I wanted for so long and I'm not leaving you
I'll always have you like my God
Higher than God
I'm placing you, my love
And I'm making all your favors
Higher than God
You are in my dreams
And whatever I have I'm giving to you, I'm telling you I'm not leaving you
The idea that you're leaving scares me, the day doesn't shine when we're apart
But you exist and that looks like a miracle for me, keep my hand, don't mind


You did everything
To get me to the worst part
You put me aside
To find a better place
Don't come close to me
Don't go through my door outside.
Don't come close to me
I can't control myself
I'm getting a crisis...
With me how have you seen things?
I'm not an object to use.
I'm getting a crisis...
And if it catches me
a whole army can't keep me
You did everything
In order to entertain your heart
You put me aside
I didn't fit your big plans.
Don't come close to me
Now I don't know what will happen
Don't come close to me
Because you will have the ultimate responsibility
I'm getting a crisis...
With me, how do you see things?
I'm not an object to use.
I'm getting a seizure...
And if it catches me
a whole army can't keep me
I'm getting a crisis.