Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 36

Találatok száma: 1302


The spring kissed

The spring kissed
smoothly, the grove,
and the new green sprouted,
as a green haze.
Clouds were passing by,
over the juvenile field...
I saw the leaves trembling,
the fresh April's rains.
Under that florid almond tree,
all filled with flowers,
-I remembered- I have cursed,
my loveless youth.
Today, in the middle age,
I've stopped to meditate:
''Never-lived youth,
who will dream of you again?''
Just learning.

A szél dala

Még hallom a szelet
Ahogy távolodik, megsimogat
Elfeledett sírás
Az éjszaka rabja
Sírás, elfeledett sírás
Az éjszaka rabja
Mint egy örökké izzó lélegzet
Követem és lassan keresem
A sors sóhajtásában
Érted élek, rólad álmodom
Rólad éneklek
Égre szegezett,
Félénk haldokló csillag
Az elfeledett daloktól
a szemeid már életre keltek
most élek és vigasztalódom ...élek...
Az időm a markomban
A kínjaim az arcodon
a csend, a holnapom
egy pillanatra ittmaradt.
Érted élek, rólad álmodom
Rólad éneklek
Égre szegezett,
Félénk haldokló csillag
Édesen megélt
Végtelen éjszaka álmai
Most elárulva égnek
Könnyek, a düh könnyei
szívemben mindig izzanak.
beszélnek, beszélnek a hullámok
egy immár eltűnt kikötőről
Érted élek, rólad álmodom
Rólad éneklek
Égre szegezett,
Félénk haldokló csillag
Érted élek, rólad álmodom
Rólad éneklek
Égre szegezett,
Félénk haldokló csillag
Érted élek, rólad álmodom
Rólad éneklek
Félénk haldokló csillag

Come back to me

I don´t do anything else but think
in returning by your side
I just can´t forget
those nights of love
I´m the only one to blame
that I gave you sideways
and you fled like the hurricane
that nothing can´t stops when passing
Come back to me, you know, I´m like that
I´m the winter and the summer
do it today, tomorrow for you
you have to know to forgive
Nobody can ever steal
those stolen kisses
that you engrave without wanting
to fire on my skin
It´s not bad to look back
it´s not impossible to start over
could you give me a chance
and you won´t regret
come back to me, don´t be like that
I´m broken
come back to me
and I´ll change for you

So Well

Versions: #2
When she found me
I was out there
In an awful emotional state
Feeling so sad
Lost, alone
Wandering aimlessly, from pub to pub
Looking not to find
Oh! Yeah! Yeah!
She demonstrated so much pleasure
Of being in my company
That I've experienced a feeling
That until then I've never known
Of wishing well
Of wishing who you have
And she makes me feel so good
And she makes me feel so good
That I also want
To do that for her
And she makes me feel so good
And she makes me feel so good
That I also want
To do that for her

The matter of two

So much security, so many pretexts
they´re nothing else than a barrier
that you put to hide yourself
I´ve the feeling that you love me
just like an actor that doesn´t move
neither a millimeter of the script
It´s the matter of two
If you never give, you can´t ask
playing masters is a matter of two
You´ll never be a God, I seek the perfect
protective guardian, although the hell
fill up a million times
I let myself go like a swan
caught in waltz
so lonely and sad, and I
dress that to charm you
It´s a matter of two
The role of the thief of the country of fantasy
it won´t give you a chance to conquer
my heart, my heart, my heart
It´s a matter of two

I say your name to the wind

I say your name to the wind...
And the wind fills my eyes with dirt.
I say your name to the river...
And the river passes by.
I say your name then,
to a box full of eggs.
I say your name then,
to a semaphore.
I say your name anyway, to many things.
But none of theese actions represent for me,
any significant advantage and all that seems dumb for me.
So instead of keep saying your name,
I go from door to door with a suitcase,
selling encyclopedias, and I become a millionaire,
and then I die...
Like everybody.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


You and I we can't talk
there's no conversation
that doesn't end in discussion
and I think, do you remember
all the time that we spent
chatting on the phone
the happy hours
that won't return
until we don't learn
to talk in esperanto.
You and I we don't know to say
neither to feel
what I feel that we must say
and I don't know if in the end
many things that we said
just for saying them to us
(happy words)
will make me remember
that they don't sound the same
if they're not in your mouth.
I don't know what word to say
to not confuse
nor talking just for talking
with the fatal risk
of saying stupid things that
don't match with the things that
I feel and I think
that you sholdn't say
what you can feel
if it doesn't have sense.
You and I we can't talk
there's no conversation
that doesn't end in discussion
and I think, do you remember
all the time that we spent
chatting on the phone
the happy hours
that won't return
until we don't learn
to talk in esperanto.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Semmi popzene/ Popzenék nélkül

Wohooo, wohoooo, wohoooo o! (4x)
Nem akartatok minket,
Nem löktetek minket,
Ignoráltatok minket,
Csak mert mi mások vagyunk.
Nem passzol az elképzelésbe,
Egy névnek kell lennie,
Nem alkalmazkodunk
Kiállunk magunkért.
És ha nagyon gyorsan gondolkodok,
Mit tudnánk elérni?
Mi nem játszunk popzenéket, (wohooo)
Mi csak a kemény zenéket szeretjük.
Mi szarunk a mainstream-be, (wohooo)
Nem illik a stratégiánkba!
Wohooo, wohoooo, wohoooo o!
Az egész ipar,
És a mesterkedéseik,
Nem adtuk el magunkat,
Maradunk, akik vagyunk!
És minden centet megnyerni,
Újra be lesz fektetve,
Mindenbe, ami igazán számít,
Mindenbe, ami érdekel(t).
És ha nagyon gyorsan gondolkodok,
Mit tudnánk elérni?
Mi nem játszunk popzenéket, (wohooo)
Mi csak a kemény zenéket szeretjük.
Mi szarunk a mainstream-be, (wohooo)
Nem illik a stratégiánkba!

It makes me so much Good

Listen well love of mine
And trust this song
And every word that's dedicated to you
Can save me from this pain
That had been inside my soul
And teach me what it feels like
To be happy
I would give all
Only for returnning, such love
All that i can give
I feel it will never be enough
It makes me such well
To be near you
Makes me so much good
To remain by your side
Reachin such height like the sun
And never being at the height of your love
Yes, I'll come back to find poems for you
And i didn't find words that can describe
'Cause i'm feelin' like flying , when you're here
'Cause i'm trembling when i'm thinkin' that you can be tired of me
I would give all
Only for returnning, such love
All that i can give
I feel it will never be enough
It makes me such well
To be near you
Makes me so much good
To remain by your side
Reachin such height like the sun
And never being at the height of your love
It makes me such well
To be near you
Makes me so much good
To remain by your side
Reachin such height like the sun
And never being at the height of your love
Ye, ye, ye, yeaaahhhh!!
Ye, ye, ye, yeaaahhhh!!
What more can i say
If when i gaze at you
All is perfect
Yes, i already know that i am from the street
and humbled
Ye, ye, ye, yeaaahhhh!!
But the wealth of mine is you
Ye, ye, ye, yeaaahhhh!!


i will cherish you with this lullaby
i will rock you to rest on a fine cloth mesh
i will soothe you to sleep with a gentle sway
in a short while, you'll soon be at rest
my aching heart - it hurts so much.
with a pain so intense that i cry
o Lord, please shower me with nurture
it is pitiful if i were to die.
and as soon as i know that you're sound asleep
i will cover your face with my handkerchief
so no fly will land on your tender face
and you'll enjoy your slumber in peace
and when you are awake from your restful sleep
i'll be right there to hold you so you don't weep
and i'll cuddle you as a little child
so you could see my wonderful smile

Into the open air

Our love is like a star
No matter where we are, it takes us home
Our love is like sun
No matter what we do, it enlightens us
I always try to talk to you
But the wind takes my words away
How have we come to this point?
We didn't appreciate what we had
What will I feel?
Will we maintain, what we are trying to reach?
How to break this barricade between us
We must stand on our feet
We can take our love
Into the sky
We can take this love like sun
Into the sky.

On the street*

Versions: #2
All the hurting he causes you, you‘re hiding it really well
Nobody sees the scars he‘s leaving on your heart
When you walk by, what do people do? They ask if you make love with him and you feel bad again and you understand that a love like that cannot last
On the street people already talk about it, (they say) he‘s married and he comes and only gets his pleasure, every evening
His touch makes you feel good, his kisses make you get naked
On the street they say you‘re such a fool to fall for a guy who is already in love (with another woman), if you had the guts to tell him, you would be the first one that won‘t forgive him
How can you sleep with him again and again if you know that he doesn‘t feel anything for you?
The only thing he does is look for excuses to make love... it is not right to feel like this, and tonight say „no“

A tetőn ...

Érzem az érintésedet a bőrömön
Attól a naptól kezdve, hogy közel engedtél
Érzem a rezgéseidet, ahogy köröznek
Olyan mélyen érint, mélyen érint
Kinek van szüksége egyoldalú szerelemre?
Szabadok vagyunk a dzsungel fényeiben
Neked minden megvan, készenlétben tartasz
Olyan mélyen érint, mélyen érint.
- Előzetes -
Mert azt hittem, hogy a bizalomnak vége
Nem láttam, hogy ez történik
Bizakódvá tettél,
Bizakódvá tettél.
És most én jövök
A tetőről kiabálok, bébi
Mondd, eljössz és megmentesz engem?
A tetőtől kiabálok, bébi
Gyere értem, gyere értem
Csak egy szerető vagy aki a lelki társam?
Rajta mond el, tudnom kell
A tetőtől kiabálok, bébi
Gyere értem, gyere értem.
Szóval a szívem olyan fáradt és zsibbadt volt
Megbetegedett, túl sok volt a baj
Tiéd volt a meccs és hagytad, hogy vége legyen
Olyan mélyen érint, mélyen érint
A dartsod eltalálta a szivem
Nézed, ahogy végtelenül reménykedem
Lógva tartast, egész éjen át
Olyan mélyen érint, mélyen érint.
- Előzetes -
Hei, mert azt hittem, hogy a bizalomnak vége
Nem láttam, hogy ez történik
Bizakódvá tettél,
Bizakódvá tettél, oh.
És most én jövök
A tetőtől kiabálok, bébi
Mondd, eljössz és megmentesz engem?
A tetőtől kiabálok, bébi
Gyere értem, gyere értem
Csak egy szerető vagy aki a lelki társam?
Rajta mond el, tudnom kell
A tetőtől kiabálok, bébi
Gyere értem, gyere értem.
Emelj fel, mikor rossz a kedvem
Emelj fel és mutasd meg az otthonom
Minden érzékemmel tudnom kell
Miért érzem úgy, hogy arany a szíved
Szóval, emelj fel, mikor rossz a kedvem
Minden érzékemmel tudnom kell
Miért érzem úgy, hogy arany a szíved
Emelj fel és mutasd meg az otthonom
Minden érzékemmel tudnom kell
Miért érzem úgy, hogy arany a szíved
És most én jövök
A tetőtől kiabálok, bébi
Mondd, eljössz és megmentesz engem?
A tetőtől kiabálok, bébi
Gyere értem, gyere értem
Csak egy szerető vagy aki a lelki társam?
Rajta mond el, tudnom kell
A tetőtől kiabálok, bébi
Gyere értem, gyere értem.
Emelj fel, mikor rossz a kedvem
Emelj fel és mutasd meg az otthonom
Minden érzékemmel tudnom kell
Miért érzem úgy, hogy arany a szíved,
Arany a szíved.
Dana Kósa


For so much time
I keep this feeling
I feel united with you
I see you and I feel like I´m dying
I know what I should feel
and I can´t say it
my love, I don´t want to pretend anymore
I´m stupid if you escape me
For so much time
I keep this feeling
I feel united with you
I see you and I feel like I´m dying
I know what I should feel
why you can´t say it
you would make me so happy
i you could share that with me
Together in the silence when there is so much to say
always together
together and distant when there is so much to live
together dreaming the two of us, a magical moment
we´re together , you and me and the love
you and me and the love
together both of us
For so long
I keep this feeling
I feel united to you
I see you and I feel like dying
I know what I should feel
I can not say
Love I do not want to pretend anymore
Silly I am if you leave me
Together in the silence when there is so much to say
together both of us
together and distant when there is so much to live
together dreaming the two of us, a magical moment
we´re together , you and me and the love
together both of us
you and I and the love
Together in the silence when there is so much to say
always together
together and distant when there is so much to live
together dreaming the two of us, a magical moment
we´re together , you and me and the love
Together in the silence when there is so much to say
together both of us
together and distant when there is so much to live
together both of us

She's Singing And The Sounds Are Melting...

Versions: #2
She's singing and the sounds are melting
Like tender kisses on her lips.
She's glancing and the skies're reflecting
In her divine eyes like eclipse.
When she is walking - all her motions,
When uttering a word - her lines're
So full of feeling and emotion,
Of wondrous innocence and signs.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


No one sees me, though I am . . .
I am at the heart of your life
When your gazes flee from me
They abandon me to the void
Do I deserve to be forgotten? (Forgotten)
I am a phantom . . . a forgotten phantom
(Forgotten, forgotten)
I am a phantom . . . a forgotten phantom
I am not a diamond dealer, the place Vendôme¹
But when I look in the mirror
It's not a phantom that I see,
but a man that, like you, has his place
the small stones that I bring to
the edifice are not less important²
But you do not even see me, though
I carry you with boundless energy
I am the glue that holds this country together
Why do you forget me so easily?
I don't expect to be thanked anymore
No one sees me, though I am . . .
I am at the heart of your life
When your gazes flee from me
They abandon me to the void
Do I deserve to be forgotten? (Forgotten)
I am a phantom . . . a forgotten phantom
(Forgotten, forgotten)
A forgotten phantom
I am a phantom . . . a forgotten phantom
I am that man that, at dawn,
Prowls and cleans the streets of your city
I would have thrown away my broom years ago
If I had to worry about what you think
I am that man behind the wheel of your bus
And, to you, I am just another driver
But you entrust me with your life
When you fall asleep against the window
I am that instructor
That tries to offer a future to your children
And when I become the object of their ridicule
You are not there to admire my patience
I am that nurse
That teaches a new mother how to breast-feed
But you don't see me because
I don't have a medical license
(Forgotten, forgotten)
I am a phantom . . . a forgotten phantom
No one sees me, though I am . . .
I am at the heart of your life
When your gazes flee from me
They abandon me to the void
Do I deserve to be forgotten? (Forgotten, forgotten)
I am a phantom . . . a forgotten phantom
A forgotten phantom
A forgotten phantom
A forgotten phantom
(Forgotten, forgotten)
I am a phantom . . .

I'm In Love

I'm in love...
You tell me what are you going if you come back
Making me feel so bad
You tell me what do you do then do not regret it
If you take one more step, we lose our heads
Be careful and you will see
If you take another step, you burn or kiss me
I confess
I did not believe in love, but I want you to know
I have fallen in love, my heart has stolen
I have not given it to you and you have it
And here you leave me
I fell in love, now I have your hands
I know you feel me, although you deny it
Tell me what are you waiting for and give me your heart.
I run through the streets just like a devil runs
I can not anymore
I just want to see your lips and come slowly
And I confess you
I did not believe in love, but I want you to know
I have fallen in love, my heart has stolen
I have not given it to you and you have it
And here you leave me
I fell in love, now I have your hands
I know you feel me, although you deny it
Tell me what are you waiting for and give me your heart.
I confess
I know that we are you and I the only answer
I confess
I did not believe in love, but I want you to know
I have fallen in love, my heart has stolen
I have not given it to you and you have it
And here you leave me
I fell in love, now I have your hands
I know you feel me, although you deny it
Tell me what are you waiting for and give me your heart.
I confess
I know that we are you and I the only answer
I confess
I did not believe in love, but I want you to know
I have fallen in love, my heart has stolen
I have not given it to you and you have it
And here you leave me
I fell in love, now I have your hands
I know you feel me, although you deny it
Tell me what are you waiting for and give me your heart.

I love you so much

I love you so much,
Don't ask me anymore, I love you so much.
That I wake up in yoou when you wake up,
And I become light when light knocks in your door.
And in the mornings
I strike the whiteness of your bed,
And I'm the black glow of your hair,
That falls over the warmth of your back, of your back.
I'm the adventure,
You're the reality, you're the tenderness.
I'm the freedom, you're the hope.
The life you give to me and it's not enough, it's not enough.
Today my dear
Let's make love with joy.
Let's try to live with fantasy,
Let's play fearless that today is the day, our day.
I love you so much,
I hide in the secrets of your room.
And I paint the colors of your flowers,
And I'm the man who loves you and removes your fears.
And I'm the fire
That brings away the sadness of the winter.
And when you're not here I'm the silence
Who wants to be your voice to say that I love you.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The Date

Versions: #2
I was wrong so many times by now, I already know
that almost certainly today
I am wrong about you
but what difference can one more time make in this life of mine..
Accepting this odd date,
it was insanity! (some folly)
I am sad among the people
passing by
but the wistful feeling (nostalgia) of seeing you again
is stronger than the tears
This sun lights up on my face a sign of hope
I am waiting and suddenly
I will see you appear yonder (in the distance)
My love be here soon (hurry up), I can't take it (resist)
if you don't come, I don't exist
I don't exist , I don't exist ...
The weather has changed, and it is raining
but I stay and wait (keep on waiting)
I am not concerned (don't care) about what the world will think [of me]
I don't wanna go.
I look within myself and wonder
but I feel nothing (hear nothing?)
I am just some remains of hope
lost among people
My love it's already late and I can't take it (resist)
if you don't come, I don't exist
Lights, cars, shop windows, roads
they all confuse into my mind
my shadow got tired of following me
the day slowly dies
All that's left is to go back to my house
to my sad life
This life I wanted to give to you
you crumbled it between your fingers
My love forgive me but I can't take it...
Now forever, I don't exist


Always call you at last gasp
Always busy, other guests
Always come to you at once
Needn’t planning in advance
Feel like trainer, feel so good
Only come when in my mood
You pay visit to my tower
Just to bring from you a flower
Kiss is gift you get from me
It is HOT and it is free
Way you treat me makes me cower
I’m a wither precious flower
Know you
Pet another bunny
That makes me unsunny
And I’m just a backup-honey [2x]
Swang by you just for an hour
Throw some bones and take a shower
Faith’s my main attribute
I’m a perfect substitute
Always take you seriously
Promise stars occasionally
Only promises so far
Maybe I’m no worthy star
Fold you firmly to my breast
You asked not to leave your nest
You said you would never leave
As turned out you deceived
Know you
Pet another bunny
That makes me unsunny
And I’m just a backup-honey
You’re my sunshine, You’re my sunshine, You’re my sunshine, Sunshine…
You’re my sunshine, You’re my sunshine, You’re my sunshine, Sunshine…
Know you
Pet another bunny
That makes me unsunny
And I’m just a backup-honey
Know you
Pet another bunny
That makes me unsunny
And I’m just a backup-honey

I'm sorry

You always said you would never leave if it didn't go well for you
Not fighting for what you want has only one name - and it is called 'losing'
If I did hurt you, it was not without wanting you, but without wanting to
Just tell me what do you prefer if you have to choose 'to have' or 'to fear'
You only think about how it ends
I only think about how will I end up
One day you tell me 'I'm not in the mood'
Another day I think so as I've never won you over
I did everything because you stayed
Now I think 'What was I left with?'
Lost time? Perhaps I have won it
to miss you so I would say I have missed you
I'm sorry for making you waste time
For thinking of giving it another try
For having you, fighting with you and making you feel that you'd be happy
I blow up, because sometimes I don't understand myself
How am I going to understand 'us'
If I never even understood you?
I know that not caring about the past that was killing me before is just growing up
That we've never been 'us two' since including the fear we were three
Because we are so much alike that if you leave, I'll leave as well
Failure is having a problem and never learning from it
If you are going to stay, let it be with me
If you're going to run, let it be to the edge
I know that the future has not happened before
Now I do realize that it is with you
I've already won at the same time and it's not lost
I never remember, but I don't forget
There are more letters that were never given
because the person who wrote them does not have the strength anymore
I'm sorry for making you waste time
For thinking of giving it another try
For having you, fighting with you and making you feel that you'd be happy
I blow up, because sometimes I don't understand myself
How am I going to understand 'us'
If I never even understood you?
Because your achievements will tell where you are and your failures just where to go
What good is quantity to me if only the intensity is going to make me happy?
Before doing what is going to destroy us, I prefer to save you and do it to you
You no longer get that I can't give you something I don't have and it doesn't live in me
I'm sorry for making you waste time
For thinking of giving it another try
For having you, fighting with you and making you feel that you'd be happy
I blow up, because sometimes I don't understand myself
How am I going to understand 'us'
If I never even understood you?
You always said you would never leave if it did not go well for you
Not fighting for what you want has only one name - and it is called 'losing'
If I did hurt you, it was not without wanting you, but without wanting to
Just tell me what do you prefer if you have to choose 'to have' or 'to fear'

Gabino Barrera

Gabino Barrera wouldn't listen to reason
when he was drinking
He carried a pistol with six clips,
He could please anyone.
He wore a mustache in the shape of a square
His kerchief around his neck
clothes made out of cotton, a leather jacket
His hat rolled up.
He put on huaraches on his peasant feet
And sometimes he walked barefoot
But he loved to pay for the Mariachi bands
He didn't care about money.
While holding a bottle of sugar-cane alcohol
he would shout: 'Long live Zapata!'
because he was a peasant, that southern indian
he was a fine man.
He was tall, strong, broad-shouldered
His face was very unfriendly
His dark gaze made him
look like a mountain vulture.
Gabino Barrera would leave behind
many women with his children
That's why the people in the area
had put a price on his head.
I remember the night he was shot to death
He had just been with his woman
Eighteen rifle shots rang
and he had no chance.
Gabino Barrera died the way
real men die
For a woman he lost his bet,
just as they are lost in cockfights.

Love song

You have beautiful eyes
and the perfumed mouth
You have hair
( that are ) rings, rings
I give you my good
I give you my life
remove from my heart
all this pain
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

We know I return soon

I took a bit of your look kept in mine,
I left you as memory our last night dream.
We gave each other a second of flight,
Before closing the door
Before closing the door...
We know I return soon,
But now the road is waiting for me,
Though I go to the north, the south
Or I cross the river...
Your love is there,
That always comes with me,
That always comes with me.
Don't be scared of the road
Dont' be scared of the distance
My heart is in your soul...
Because I'm always very close to your love,
Because I'm always very close to your love.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I made an oath

I did the best I could have done
I was willing
I made an oath time ago
It's not a book I've read
time ago
my memories have life
my memories
We saw how the sun setted
prettily in the winter
it was prettier in my thoughts
I was opening windows on the floor
Every minute a memory returns
I still want
to forget, forget, forget the suffering
I made an oath time ago
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Dead Words

The mind is the surface
Like the waves of the sea
Though it may appear impressive
It lacks profundity
Thus I sailed through questions
And there are questions at every port
Their answers are banal
If they come from a dead heart
So many phrases, so many turns of phrase
So many organized words
Seem so important
But they go under in thin air
The word in dearth of essence,
Even in prayer,
Is but outside noise
And inner emptiness
An idle and fragile monologue
That you repeat every day
Devoid of substance
Empty, cold words
So many phrases, so many turns of phrase
So many organized words
Seem so important
But they go under in thin air
Delve into your own deep sea
If you really want to know
Wisdom pours out from you
If you answer with your being
So many phrases, so many turns of phrase
So many organized words
Seem so important
But they go under in thin air
Delve into your own deep sea
If you really want to know
Wisdom pours out from you
If you answer with your being

What Are We Talking About?

Night around us, between us - what?
You laugh, a bit too loud
And you speak air so the trace would get lost
I know this, I know, it's going nowhere
You laugh, hug me too hard
And you speak air so the trace would get lost
When we talk about love, what are we talking about?
Tell me that, not too wide nor too long
Tell me that, so I'd be clear
Tell me that, I don't care about anything else
Do you love me? Do you love me? Oh oh oh
Night around us, between us - what?
You look at me, a bit absent
And you speak air so the trace would get lost
When we talk about love, what are we talking about?
(Chorus x2)
What are we talking about?
Do you love me? Do you love me? Do you love?

Bolivian Lament

Versions: #4
They want to shake me up
Encourage me to shout
I am like a rock
The words never touch me
There's a volcano just within
And it will soon explode
I just want to be at peace
It's my situation
A bleakness through and through
I am like a lament
A bolivian lament
That one day just began
And that will never end
And doesn't hurt anyone
And I am right here
Mad and very drunk
And this idiot heart of mine
Will always shine
And I will love you
I'll love you forever
Baby, don't comb your hair in bed
Because you'll make the travelers go late
And today I'm here
Mad and very drunk
And this idiot heart of mine
Will always shine
And I will love you
I'll love you forever
Baby, don't comb your hair in bed
Because you'll make the travelers go late
And I am right here
Mad and very drunk
And this idiot heart of mine
Will always shine
And I will love you
I'll love you forever
Baby, don't comb your hair in bed
Because you'll make the travelers go late


The meaning of the word “unknown”
Has been mistaken all this while
People who don’t know it have started to overlap it with “hate”
Those people who know nothing
And have no wish to try to know
Why do they talk about “hate”?
Circulating it all around
Because the “unknown” is frightening
We spit out ugly words, trying to deceive
So that we won’t be disliked
“I don’t want to be left alone
Stay here with me”
Please don’t close off your heart
Just because you’re unable to speak these words
“I won’t leave you alone
Everything’s alright”
I want to become strong
So that I can say those words back to you
“Life” is
Full of problems that arise
So I used to think that we’re just problem solving programmes, but
I’ve realized
Something like the “present”
Is a special present that allows us to live as we like for decades
So I’ll look forward to
Slowly opening it up
I’ll gift those words to myself
Because I always forget them
“I don’t want to be left alone
Stay here with me”
Please don’t close off your heart
Just because you’re unable to speak these words
“I won’t leave you alone
Everything’s alright”
I want to become strong
So that I can say those words back to you
Even if the world with you now
Is so painful it makes me want to cry
Even that is a “present”
And days of smiles will surely come
Having been left alone
I realized
That there are so many people
Whom I really treasure
“I won’t leave you alone
Everything’s alright”
I want to become strong
So that I can say those words back to you

I Have A Weakness

I have a weakness,
Alas, what a calamity!1
My life is an aversion!2
I have a weakness,
I don't know what will come next
If I do not indulge!
But what a calamity!
I am ashamed to admit it
For things that happen to me.
I don't know what I'm going to do,
Or I'll be cured of this disease
Or I'll really go crazy.
I have, I have, I have,
I have a weakness,
You know very well,
You are keenly aware.
I have a weakness,
It cannot be hid
'Cuz I carry it in my gaze.
And this big weakness
What will be, will be!
For all or for nothing!
I don't know what I'm going to do,
Or I'll be cured of this disease
Or I'll really go crazy.
~ ~ ~
I have a weakness,
You know very well,
You are keenly aware.
I have a weakness,
It cannot be hid
'Cuz I carry it in my gaze.
And this big weakness
What will be, will be!
For all or for nothing!
I don't know what I'm going to do,
Or I'll be cured of this disease
Or I'll really go crazy.
Alas, what a weakness!
  • 1. Or: What a pity!
  • 2. Or: My life is a mess!
  • En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .



So many people in my way
But I'm always alone
In this Earth, like this
I don't know how to live
I left everything, left nothing
The time is the only thing I can't get ride of
And it runs to fucking have my day
But if I take from crying a new song
Another life will born
I'll find another love
I'll die just when
I throw my arm in the world
Turn my October a man
Kill with kindness this pain
Make this floor something like my life
My chest was desert
The world was already like this
So many people in my way
And I don't know how to live alone
I was once and embarrassed
I tell you
A girl talking me happy
Suddenly resurfaces
My history is told
I'm saying goodbye.

I can't stand it anymore.

They call you cheeky, crazy, boring, stubborn, but baby i like you like this
You're my hot one( **Unrecognizable**) And when you dances is my end.
Im (**Unrecognizable**) Don't be so presumptuous, Oh lady
Do not play yourself poor, baby oh yeah e-e
Baby, everybody wants you, his eyes shine
But they do not admit
But im the man, (**Unrecognizable**) of me
I have no tricks to impress you, but anyway
Baby i'm not a gymfag, i dont waste time but let's see what happens
Baby i'm not a gymfag, i dont waste time, let's see if a can impress you
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl tricket me
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl knows how to impress
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl tricket me
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl knows how to impress
I can not sleep, because this girl caught my attention
The way you look
left me confused, and i don'know me anymore
1+1 is 3 because you are 3 in 1***
Dance and it's beautiful this K.O princess
I dont want to play, show me what you want
(**Unrecognizable**) i cant stand it anymore.
Baby, everybody wants you, his eyes shine
But they do not admit
But im the man, (**Unrecognizable**) of me
I have no tricks to impress you but anyway
Baby i'm not a gymfag, i dont waste time but let's see what happens
Baby i'm not a gymfag, i dont waste time, let's see if a can impress you
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl tricket me
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl knows how to impress
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl tricket me
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl knows how to impress
I can not stand to live anymore
Ohh, Baby
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl tricket me
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl knows how to impress
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl tricket me
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl knows how to impress