Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 14

Találatok száma: 1072


Továbbra is szeretni foglak

Látnod kellett volna a szememből, baby
Valami hiányzott
Talán hallanod kellett volna a hangomból
De nem figyeltél
Halottnak tettetted magad, de soha nem véreztél el,
Ehelyett mozdulatlanul feküdtél a fűben, összegömbölyödve és sziszegve
És bár mindent tudok azokról a férfiakról
Még mindig nem emlékszem
Mert mi együtt voltunk, baby, jóval előttük
És még mindig együtt vagyunk
És komolyan mondtam minden egyes szavam
Amikor azt mondtam, hogy szeretlek, úgy értettem, hogy örökké szeretni foglak
És továbbra is szeretni foglak
Mert ez az egyetlen dolog, amit tenni akarok
Nem akarok aludni
Csak továbbra is szeretni akarlak
És komolyan mondtam minden egyes szavam
Amikor azt mondtam, hogy szeretlek, úgy értettem, hogy örökké szeretni foglak
És továbbra is szeretni foglak
Mert ez az egyetlen dolog, amit tenni akarok
Nem akarok aludni
Csak továbbra is szeretni akarlak
Baby, továbbra is szeretni foglak
Mert ez az egyetlen dolog, amit tenni akarok
Nem akarok aludni, csak továbbra is szeretni akarlak

One Land, Two Kinds

From far-flung Lake Ranau,
Passing o'er Way Kanan stream,
To the Sea of Java strand,
Pesisir and Pepadun,
Forging one unity,
In a rich and bountiful land,
Lampung dear,
Two peoples of one land.
Lampung dear,
Two peoples of one land.
Here evermore shall be,
A lush and verdant land,
The pepper fields a-calling,
The cloves us all a-binding,
Their strands signifying,
Prosperity abiding,
Lampung dear,
Two peoples of one land.
Lampung dear,
Two peoples of one land.
Our elders we shall honour,
Our traditions we'll observe,
For this is our sacred way,
Our dances and our games,
Our mutual aid,
Make who we are today,
Lampung dear,
Two peoples of one land.
Lampung dear,
Two peoples of one land.

Noble Aceh

This land of Aceh, inheritance from the Kings
Ready to defend the nation
Noble is the state, noble are the syuhadas,
Be lucky, our young, noble Aceh
Oh God, give your graces
Give Aceh its glory
Bestow your graces, lucky may its contents
All of us are prosperous
A famed, prosperous and majestic Aceh
We will always protect our noble Aceh
Aceh's characteristics so many in types,
Together as brothers
Unify your thoughts with one guidance,
Islamic Sharia as the nation's law

Donbas is with us

In the deep darkness, a beast awoke,
And to the God, the price was named,
Everyone bowed down, even brothers in Christ,
Everyone bowed down, but not my country.
The year was graceful and fruitful,
And with blood and death it was painted,
The lead filled clouds overtook the skies,
Everything bowed down, but not my country.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!
Here the memory never gave up on our fathers,
We never gave up on our forefathers lands,
Not for any price will you find the words,
To give a life for fatherland is nothing.
And once again the Russian power is at hand,
Both life and death, for our country are red,
It stands and holds the heavenly clouds,
My undefeated county.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!
May be it that you die on the cross,
But on our knees we shall not be thrown,
On the bloody battlefield, one is for all,
Holds and keeps the heavenly clouds Donbas.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!

Donbass is Behind Us

In pitch darkness, the Beast woke up
And the price of God was set.
Everyone succumbed - even the brothers in Christ
Everything succumbed, but not my country.
It was a fruitful leap year
And death was drunk to satiety with blood
The firmament bent from the leaden clouds
Everything succumbed, but not my country.
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Donbass is behind us, and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Russia is with us, and God is with us!
Here, the memory of the ancestors isn't betrayed
Here, the forefathers' land isn't given away
At what price - words can't express
Here, they fighted to the death for the Motherland.
And again the Russian might is in the hands
Both life and death for the Motherland is fair
It stands and holds the firmament for centuries -
My unconquered country.
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Donbass is behind us, and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Russia is with us, and God is with us!
Let it be destined to perish on the cross
But you can't bring us to the knees!
In a bloody field, one for all
Donbass stands and holds the firmament
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Donbass is behind us, and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Russia is with us, and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Moscow is behind us, 1 and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Russia is with us, and God is with us!
  • 1. 'Nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us!' - Famous words, uttered in 1941 when the armies of Nazi Germany stood right before the capital of the USSR (Look Battle for Moscow)

Menj el!

Nem vetted semmibe, hogy hozzád jó vagyok
Nem volt fontos még a jó szívem sem
Eztán mindent csak magamnak akarok,
S a dolgokat másképp látom teljesen
Melletted nem volt más minden, csupán egy veszélyes kaland
De tudd meg, nem sírok érted többé
Menj hát, gondolj eztán amit csak akarsz,
Elég volt, távozz tőlem, mindörökké.
Azt várnád még eztán, hogy szeresselek téged?
Azt várnád, hogy erőn felül próbálkozzam, hátha megnyernélek?
Nem akarlak látni sem, nem érdekelsz többé,
Vége, elég volt, most és mindörökké.
Azt várnád még eztán, hogy szeresselek téged?
Azt várnád, hogy erőn felül próbálkozzam, hátha megnyernélek?
Tudom, hogy rád eztán nincs többé szükségem,
Menj hát, hisz nem működne... ezt az egyet kérem.
Megcsaltál, de hányszor, rosszul bántál velem,
Összetörtél mindent, folyton csak hazudtál nekem.
Neked adtam mindent, de semmit sem érdemelsz,
Most már másképp látok mindent, s így te sem érdekelsz.

Loving feelings and painful feelings and reliable feelings

Loving feelings and painful feelings and reliable feelings.
I always feel all these feelings, toward you.
You are going forward without fear of making mistakes.
I want to keep looking at you without showing my tears.
That day, I was watching at the distant sky.
I left my youth and experiences half-done.
I was dreaming of eternity that day and now
I'm not going to repeat it again and I will live without going back.
I couldn't do it. I kept adoring.
But, little by little I started to understand. How to fight.
Even when I am sad, want to cry and want to shout,
I believe in you. I can't put into words.
You are going forward without fear of making mistakes.
I want to keep believe in you without showing my tears.
Without getting anyone's attention,
A poster on street corner fades and disappears.
But, my feelings toward you
will not disappear and will stay on without hesitation.
It might be a coincidence, I couldn't find you.
But, I want to tell it to only one person in the world.
Loving feelings and painful feelings and reliable feelings.
I always feel all these feelings, toward you.
You are going forward without fear of making mistakes.
I want to keep looking at you without showing my tears.

When my old man comes home drunk

When my old man comes home drunk
He always causes some kind of trouble
Oooh, dad, dad
Oooh, oh, stop it, dad...
When he gets back from the field
And parks his truck
He drops by the bar that night
To drink at least a little
Oooh, dad, dad
Oooh, oh, stop it, dad...
When my old man comes back home
First he has a drink
Whoever tries to get in his way
Gets punched in the head
Oooh, dad, dad
Oooh, oh, stop it, dad...
When my old man comes home drunk
He strangles our dog,
Beats and batters his wife,
And takes out Kemi's eye
Oooh, dad, dad
Oooh, oh, stop it, dad...
When my old man comes home drunk...


Tenger, tenger
A tenger lakóihoz, tengerkém
Ne legyél durva
Érted hibázunk
Ma éjjel nem alszom.
Rózsavíz, válj rózsavízzé
Ó, jaj jaj
Hogy útjukat meghinthesd
Tengerkém, és hozd el
A madárkámat.
Tenger és sós víz
Elfelejteni nem tudlak
Elfelejteni nem tudlak
Tenger és sós víz.
Tenger, tenger, te aki
Megfullasztottad, ó, jaj jaj
A lány emberét
Tengerkém, és hozd el
A madárkámat.
És a lány, és a lány
Még fiatal, tengerkém
És a fekete nem illik hozzá
Tengerkém, és hozd el
A madárkámat.
Tenger és sós víz
Elfelejteni nem tudlak
Elfelejteni nem tudlak
Tenger és sós víz.

a következő

a legszebb mesékkel kábítottál engem,
mint a kaszált fű, úgy illatoztál,
és én, mint egy gyermek, megremegek
mindig, mikor magam mellett érezlek
minden szégyen nélkül meghódítottál,
négy fal közé zártál,
még nézem a helyet, ahol álltál,
bánatom, vajon megbántad-e valaha is?
hogyan élsz most nélkülem,
vajon mellette teljesülnek az álmaid?
mikor éjszaka belopakodsz,
mint egy vétkes,
vajon ő is ugyanúgy mosolyog rád?
vajon ismeri az összes pillantásodat,
vajon hűséges hozzád úgy, mint én?
mikor éjjelente mellette fekszel,
azt vajon boldogságnak hívod,
vagy ő csak a következő?
tudom, fáj minden bánat, és minden vereség,
de ez itt veled még mindig nem múlik,
még égnek az orcáim, ha visszaemlékezem,
még mindig a bőröm alatt érezlek
hogyan élsz most nélkülem,
vajon mellette teljesülnek az álmaid?
mikor éjszaka belopakodsz,
mint egy vétkes,
vajon ő is ugyanúgy mosolyog rád?
vajon ismeri az összes pillantásodat,
vajon hűséges hozzád úgy, mint én?
mikor éjjelente mellette fekszel,
azt vajon boldogságnak hívod,
vagy ő csak a következő?
vagy ő csak a következő?

I Need You

Why should I hide
I have nowhere to go
So even if I make you out of gold,
it's the same
When you love with your heart, you lose a tiny bit of it
so, out of spite, everything you love - you get over
when everything that's worthy fades completely
How can my heart, so hot and in love
live through a winter day
without hearing your voice?
And my soul, hot and promised to another...
All, all I have I leave to you
what I have, I gift it to you
and I need you, by my side
to caress your hair
May you save my smile,
cover me with the skies
and while you kiss me, when you wake me up
may you wake me up happy
When you love with your heart, you lose a tiny bit of it
so, out of spite, everything you love - you get over
when everything that's worthy fades completely
How can my heart, so hot and in love
live through a winter day
without hearing your voice?
And my soul, hot and promised to another...
All, all I have I leave to you
what I have, I gift it to you
and I need you, by my side
to caress your hair
May you save my smile,
cover me with the skies
and while you kiss me, when you wake me up
may you wake me up happy
All, all I have I leave to you
what I have, I gift it to you
and I need you, by my side
to caress your hair
May you save my smile,
cover me with the skies
and while you kiss me, when you wake me up
may you wake me up happy

Now and forever

I know, I will be strong for everyone
But weak on you
Like a child there
On your shoulder
Look at how I look
And come let me not give you
Because your little fortress is my soul
Your eyes laugh as you look at me, what happiness
You are there to put your hands in my handsYou keep your back and the world
Now and forever
I know, I'm strong for everything
But weak on you
I'm smaller than a grain
When I look at you
Keep me like a mountain
To be clear to everyone
Yes my soul my little fortress is yours
Your eyes laugh as you look at me, what happiness
You are there to put your hands in my hands
You keep your back and the world
Now and forever
Your eyes laugh as you look at me, what happiness
You are there to put your hands in my hands
You keep your back and the world
Your eyes laugh as you look at me, what happiness
You are there to put your hands in my hands
You keep your back and the world
Now and forever.

One Hug

I couldn’t imagine where I would be
If I hadn’t had you in my life
I wouldn’t have known how to love
If I hadn’t had you by my side
Ever since I met you, you have turned my life around
You have made it happen, I wonder how
You are not just someone
You are my whole world
Guess for whom I sing this song, I write these words
Romantic lines may make you shy
Sweet quotes may run dry
So what do I say? I still don’t know
‘Thank you’ would be too simple
‘I love you’ would be too cliché
The way I feel
There is no word that can best describe
A million words come but none feels right
I want you to know, what word should I try?
If you want to know all the feelings
How strong the feelings of mine are
Feel it in my embrace
You make me be a better guy
You make me see the world in a new light
You make me realize how wonderful it is to have you to love
‘Thank you’ would be too simple
‘I love you’ would be too cliché
The way I feel
There is no word that can best describe
A million words come but none feels right
I want you to know, what word should I try?
If you want to know all the feelings
How strong the feelings of mine are
Feel it in my embrace
Feel it in my embrace
‘Thank you’ would be too simple
‘I love you’ would be too cliché
The way I feel
There is no word that can best describe
A million words come but none feels right
I want you to know, what word should I try?
If you want to know all the feelings
How strong the feelings of mine are
Feel it in my embrace
Feel it in my embrace

Ten Years Later

Will you still love me forever
Will you still love me ten years later
What do you think the world will look like in the future
How much will change
I think the world may look very different in the future
But one thing remains unchanged
I’ll stick with you no matter where you are
You can love only me no matter how bored you are
We’re in love and it’s settled forever
Stay together no change whatsoever
New year valentine’s each year I’ll be with you
When I grow old I grow old along beside you
I could be an uncle who can’t stop loving you
Forever and ever together with you
Will you still love me forever
Will you still love me ten years later
Time may change people but not us two
The world keeps on turning and I keep on loving you
Ten years, 20 years, 30 years later
Baby, you and me will be together
No matter how much time passes my heart never wavers
Ten years, 20 years, 30 years later
Baby, you and me will be together
I’ll stick with you no matter where you are
You can love only me no matter how bored you are
We’re in love and it’s settled forever
Stay together no change whatsoever
New year valentine’s each year I’ll be with you
When I grow old I grow old along beside you
I could be an uncle who can’t stop loving you
Forever and ever together with you
Will you still love me forever
Will you still love me ten years later
Time may change people but not us two
The world keeps on turning and I keep on loving you
Will you still love me forever
Will you still love me ten years later
Time may change people but not us two
The world keeps on turning and I keep on loving you
Ten years, 20 years, 30 years later
Baby, you and me will be together
No matter how much time passes my heart never wavers
Ten years, 20 years, 30 years later
Baby, you and me will be together

The step to the bottom

Love died on the sill of proudness
Wounded by pain of all my losses
Hope, that keeps me alive, felt
Felt by force, stolen from heart
Felt, then destroyed like it’s cursed
Step by step to pain
Like a river to it’s sea
I came, I came to the bottom
She, who waits pointlessly
It’s not some secret,
Here I am, here, this is me
Step by step, easygoing
Every blade on veins
You’re farther, you’re farther from me
Good, old acquaintances
We became strangers
Love died without a gain of gunpowder
Wounded by hate from your sight
Hope, that keeps me alive, felt
Felt by force, stolen from heart
Felt, then destroyed like it’s cursed

The Song of the Hare and the Wolf at a Carnival

Versions: #1
- Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been.
Tell me, dear, how are things.
- I've been running after you, Father Frost.
I've shed many a bitter tear.
- Now then, come on, go out to dance.
- No, Father Frost, no, Father Frost,
No, Father Frost, wait a bit.
- The kids are waiting for my presents,
And you'll get one from me, too.
- Finally all my dreams come true,
My best gift, it is you.
- Now then, come on, go out to dance.
- No, Father Frost, no, Father Frost,
No, Father Frost, wait a bit.
Well, Father Frost, well, Father Frost,
Well, Father Frost, just you wait!

Secret Sign

You didn't want to see anymore
You didn't want to listen to me anymore
You didn't know
the words of my thoughts
I don't blame anyone
I don't justify with other people's names
Everyone walks together in a circle
Where is the end
Don't tell anyone
The retelling of others' words
Don't tell anyone
In order to not ruin your destiny
Green eyes beckon me through my thoughts
Even in my dreams
Every history must
have its own secret sign
You didn't want to see anymore
As if because of the fog bridges burned
No matter how many people we feed
We will be left alone
I don't blame anyone
How much I went through, breathing in this smoke
Where it once burned, it will all go out, and I will go out with it
Don't tell anyone
The retelling of others' words
Don't tell anyone
In order to not ruin your destiny
Green eyes beckon me through my thoughts
Even in my dreams
Every history must
have its own secret sign
Green eyes beckon me through my thoughts
Even in my dreams
Every history must
have its own secret sign