Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 30



Oh, oh
Az igazi remix
Na na
Ez így van
Sok éjszakát töltöttem azzal, hogy rád gondolok
Nem tudom hogyan és mikor volt ez
Csak azt tudom hogy emlékeztem
Hogy mit tettem veled akkor
Hogy nem tudok egyedül lenni tovább
De tudom, hogy kidobtalak
Kidobtalak az életemből, kidobtalak
Szabad utat adtam neked és elengedtelek, elengedtelek
Elmentél a francba, és elmentél
Kidobtalak az életemből, kidobtalak
Igen, igen, mami
(Bad Bunny)
Baby, az élet egy körforgás
És ami nem működik, azt nem kezdem újra
Szóval lépj tovább az életemből
Amire emlékezni lehet, az már a múlt
Már belefáradtam a hazugságaidba
Most van más aki keményebb és elcsavarja a fejem
Mindennek van vége, minden lejár
Te már a múlt vagy és a múlt sosem jön vissza
Menj a francba, a testemnek nincs szüksége rád
Amit akar, az egy mocskos tánc La Placitában
Nem gondolom hogy a miénk megismételhető lenne
Menj, gyújts rá egy Phillie-re, készíts egyet előre most
(Bad Bunny)
Utálom a tudatot, hogy újból megbíztam benned
Utálom az összes “szeretleket” amiket ezerszer leírtam neked
Baby, van jobb nálad, vagy tíz
A miénk egy Bugattiban van, te meg lábon maradtál
(Bad Bunny, Darell)
Kidobtalak, szabad utat adtam neked és elengedtelek, elengedtelek
Elküldtelek a francba, elküldtelek
És a barátnődnek megvoltam, megvolt nekem (ez az igazi fordulat)
B*szd meg, r*banc
Bébi, kidobtalak
Miután elúszott ez a hajó, a csajok hármasával jönnek
Ha akarod, kérdezd meg ha nem hiszel nekem
Többé nem idegeskedek
Hogy sürgősen kiegészítsem a sort
És látod hogy hogyan fordult fel a világ?
Összejöttem vele
Beleszerettem amint kipróbáltam
Nem hiszek már abban hogy visszamegyek és megadom neked
Mami, mert elutasítottam a szolgáltatást
Ha nem válaszolok, a probléma padlóra visz
Vegyél egy mély levegőt amíg elrejtem előled
Ma már muszáj gumit húznom veled
Mert a középpályára megyek mint Rondo
Nagy fájdalmat okozok neked
Tudom hogy idővel begyógyul a seb
De az igazság az, hogy nem szeded össze magad
És esküszöm, akkor is ha nem kéne esküdözni
Bébi, kidobtalak
Szabad utat adtam neked és elengedtelek (szabad utat adtam neked és elengedtelek, szóval tudod)
Elküldtelek a francba (érted amit próbálunk mondani? Elküldtelek a francba)
Kiraktalak az életemből (ez az igazi fordulat, mi vagyunk a Varázslók, bébi, Real G4 Life, Casper, hey)
(Casper Mágico)
Kidobtalak a francba
Nélküled jól érzem magam
Nem szenvedek többé a szerelemért, most én töröm össze a szíveket
És rengeteg pénzem van amit elszórhatok
Összetörted a szívem
Érzelem és indok nélkül
De van nekem egy új segg, aki rengeteg szeretetet ad és jól meg**sz, te idióta
(Casper Mágico)
Nem fogom letagadni hogy szenvedtem miattad, rossz időszakom volt
De túlléptem rajtad és kidobtalak az életemből
Szabad utat adtam neked és elengedtelek
És nem akarok tudni rólad
Elküldtelek a francba, ma inni fogok
Kidobtalak az életemből és tudom hogy nem vagy akárki
Az egész életemet azzal fogom tölteni hogy gondolkozom, hol ment el ez
De a barátnőd mindig ír nekem ha akar engem
Készített egy fotót velem és azt mondja: “azért hogy lásd”
(Ozuna, No Garcia)
Bekapcsolom hogy lássam hogy elfelejtem-e
A neved, a csókjaid, a tested, a nyögéseid
A kocsiban csináltuk, a fülembe kiáltott
Becsukom a szemem és azokra a dolgokra gondolok, amiket csináltunk, baby
Bekapcsolom hogy lássam hogy elfelejtem-e
A neved, a csókjaid, a tested, a nyögéseid
A kocsiban csináltuk, a fülembe kiáltott
Becsukom a szemem és azokra a dolgokra gondolok, amiket csináltunk, baby
(No Garcia)
Önbizalmat adtam neked és te átvertél
Viccet csináltál belőlem és megaláztál
Messze innen elhagytál és meg sem magyaráztad
Láttad a filmemet és hátat fordítottál
Most szeretnéd tudni hogy mit gondolok rólad
Idiótának érzem magam mert nem vagy itt
Ahogy jöttél, úgy mehetsz is
(No Garcia)
Nem fogom letagadni hogy szenvedtem miattad, rossz időszakom volt
De túlléptem rajtad és kidobtalak az életemből
Szabad utat adtam neked és elengedtelek
Elküldtelek a francba, elküldtelek
Kitettelek az életemből, kitettelek
Bébi, kidobtalak
(Nicky Jam)
Hazudok ha azt mondom hogy nincs szükségem arra, mikor megérintettem a bőröd
Hazudok ha azt mondom hogy nincs szükségem arra hogy felhívjalak hajnalban
Megkérdezni hogy meg**sszalak keményen az ágyban és magamévá tegyelek
Kihasználom a remixet Ozuval hogy elküldjelek a francba is
(Nicky Jam)
Nem akarok hazugságokat és az átverésedet sem
Kimegyek az utcára este bulizni
Megiszom a piákat és el foglak felejteni
A csajokkal leszek akik szeretnének játszani
Nem akarok hazugságokat és az átverésedet sem
Kimegyek az utcára este bulizni
Megiszom a piákat és el foglak felejteni
A csajokkal leszek akik szeretnének játszani
(Nicky Jam)
Bébi, kidobtalak, kidobtalak
Szabad utat adtam és elengedtelek
Elküldtelek a francba, elküldtelek
Kitettelek az életemből, kitettelek
Igen, igen, igen, igen
Bad Bunny, bébi, bébi, NICK
Ez a remix
Nicky-Nicky-Nicky Jam
Casper, Darell, Nio García
A kis fekete szemű
Flow La Movie
Young Martino
Halld ezt a zenét
Young Martino
DJ Nelson
Mera, dime Kronix Magical
Ez az igazi fordulat, hallod, baby?
Los de magía
Flow La Movie
Mera indica Shorty Complete
Szóval tudod
Az igazság r**nc a hangokban
Így van

She Crazy

Versions: #1
El Negrito Ojo' Claro'
I'd been thinking for a while
That she deserves someone better
Wasting her time goes on
Knowing that she does not belong to me
And since I knew her
She goes with girl friend to disco
But when thing goes crazy, she always comes back to me
She said:'My darling , I know that i have to let you have some crazy'
[Coro: Ozuna, J Balvin & Chencho Corleone]
You are my crazy, baby(Baby)
Hours passed and you asked more(You asked more)
You never get tired, it seems no ends.
Ours is crazy one (Craziness)
You are my crazy, baby(Baby)
Hours passed and you asked more(You asked more)
You never get tired, it seems no ends.
Ours is crazy one (Craziness)
She Crazy (She Crazy)
I like it when we do it in the Acura
before arriving with the photo me torture
You become crazy if i tighten your waist
She is my baby
Spent all night tight with me
Nobody suspects because not any for social network i follow
We are just friends
Like Piqué y Shakira, you and I hidden in bed
My baby
Spent all night tight with me
Nobody suspects because not any for social network i follow
we are just friends
Like Piqué y Shakira, you and I hidden in bed
My baby
You are my crazy, baby
Hours passed and you asked more
You never get tired, it seems no ends.
Ours is crazy
You are my crazy, baby
Hours passed and you asked more
You never get tired, it seems no ends.
Ours is crazy
Always I listen to one song that reminds me about you
Or your bold photo that reaches me
It stirs up the desire, it give me desire of having you
And I call you because I know there is no lock
You too told me that ours is eternity
Because devouring us had became your fatality
In 5 letters, i am who penetrates
Corleone when made with you in high quality
You get insane because I am your weakness
In private what we have is reality
Have what you want in your life, and I allow it
But when you call me or I call you, and we fall from here.
Tell me, what is your proposal?
That people see you like Ester Expósito
You had me a bit crazy
I don't understand which is the problem
If we like too, what is the dilemma?
I tempted to touch you, tempted to sin
Because I kidnap you and I don't want yo leave
But if you come back to me
You say: 'My darling, I know that i have to let you have some crazy'
I tempted to touch you, tempted to sin
For me i kidnap you and I dont want yo go
But if you come back to me
You say: 'My darling, I know that i have to let you have some crazy'
You are my crazy, baby
Hours passed and you asked more
You never get tired, it seems no ends.
Ours is crazy
You are my crazy, baby
Hours passed and you asked more
You never get tired, it seems no ends.
Ours is crazy
Ozuna (Baby)
El Negrito Ojo' Claro' (Balvin)
J-J Balvin, yeh, yeh (Chencho Corleone)
Hi Music Hi Flow
Hyde 'El Químico'
Dímelo Gotay

A Get

My people
Say it me Gotay
With you I get out of control
Babe, I'm not the same when we're alone
I made witchcraft to you, you know the protocol
When the other ones flirt with me I ignore them
'Cause I'm ready for you
I don't like none of them anymore
I don't want none of them
I want to eat you like I ate you last time
And I have something enrolled1so you too can have something, babe
Let's have a party at home
You and me, I want to have sex with you even on the terrace
I want a flirting but must be thoroughbred
That flys you to the moon without going to NASA
Let's have a party at home
You and me, I want to give you even on the terrace
I adore you since I saw you
You know all that is mine since I had sex with you, ba-baby
Baby, nothing can be done now
And I have something enrolled for you to light up, I won't incommode you
Do you want to munch?
By law we reach Komodo
If you want to go to Milan I brought a melon
So with us you make chorus
They can trhow whatever they want, I don't rush
Lebron is tough, but Jordan you're clear
And bad one mine, baby, I value all of that
Is just that that is like something bad
In two months I fall in love
They can trhow whatever they want, I don't rush
Lebron is tough, but Jordan you're clear
And bad one mine, baby, I value all of that
Is just that that is like something bad
In two months I fall in love, baby
Let's have a party at home
You and me, I want to have sex with you even on the terrace
I want a flirting but must be thoroughbred
That flys you to the moon without going to NASA
Let's have a party at home
You and me, I want to give you even on the terrace
I adore you since I saw you
You know all that is mine since I had sex with you, ba-baby
I'm your owner
I like when you go outside in shorts around the neighborhood
And everyone always looks at her
But they know that the one that crosses the line will fall
They always flirt I know she likes the flow
I already reached that
She won't arrive to her home early, notify her
I keep thinking about how you look without clothes
I'm still here imagining you, babe
'Cause you on top, look attractive
We have all night in case you get motivated
You know that with me you always have a good time
I know that you've wanted2for a long time too
'Cause you on top, look attractive
We have all night in case you get motivated
You know that with me you always have a good time
I know that you've wanted for a long time too
Let's have a party at home
You and me, I want to have sex with you even on the terrace
I want a flirting but must be thoroughbred
That flys you to the moon without going to NASA
Let's have a party at home
You and me, I want to give you even on the terrace
I adore you since I saw you
You know all that is mine since I had sex with you, ba-baby
I'm ready for you
I don't like none of them anymore
I don't want none of them
I want to eat you like I ate you last time
And I have something enrolled so you too can have something, babe
  • 1. No idea what the meaning of this line is. Probably talking about weed
  • 2. to be with me

Luz apaga

Eh, eh, aaah
Lu-Lu-Lunay, yeah
Tráeme una dosis de champaña
Que hay una baby que la mente a mí me daña
Y yo no sé, una mirada que engaña
Parece buena pero conozco su' maña'
[Coro: Ozuna & Rauw Alejandro]
Luz apagá que ella le caiga (Que ella le caiga)
Lo más que a mí me gusta e' como ella me baila (Me baila)
Le agarro la cintura y la pongo de espalda (Wo-ho)
Perdona si mis manos entran por tu falda, yeah
Luz apagá que ella le caiga (Que ella le caiga)
Lo más que a mi me gusta e' como ella me baila (Baila)
Le agarro la cintura y la pongo de espalda (Wo-ho)
Perdona si mis manos entran por tu falda, yeah
[Verso 1: Ozuna]
Bebé, sólo quiero invitarte a la pista
Pa' que baile y tu cuerpo me resalte
Tiene una mezcla de belleza con arte
No quiere conocerme, sólo quiere disfrutarse
La noche, lo que está pasando e' que esta prende candela
Que quema, tiene los poderes en el sistema (Wo-oh)
Pero se me olvida que yo tengo a mi nena
Y si se entera, puede ser que enseguida ella me deja
[Verso 2: Lunay]
Si como lo mueve me lo hace
No soy responsable de lo que pase
Y es que se te ve, de lejos se ve
Que no eres la misma si te pego a la pared
Sata en to'a la' pose', ron duraste doce
Hacemos la' pose' y después no me conoce
Ya yo lo sé, está' bebiendo Rosé
Buscándome la vuelta pa' que abajo yo te rose
[Pre-Coro: Lunay & Lyanno]
Y es que yo te quiero sólo pa' mí
He tenido a otra' y no son así
No creas to' lo que dicen por ahí
Tú sabes que estoy sólo, sólo pa' ti (bebé)
Es que yo te quiero sólo pa' mí
He tenido a otra' y no son así
No creas to' lo que dicen por ahí
Tú sabes que estoy sólo, sólo pa' ti, baby
[Coro: Ozuna & Rauw Alejandro]
Luz apagá que ella le caiga (Que ella le caiga)
Lo más que a mí me gusta es como ella me baila
Le agarro la cintura y la pongo de espalda
Perdona si mis manos entran por tu falda, yeah
[Verso 3: Lyanno]
Yo quiero un baile, bebé, tengo la reta
Mami, cáele, yo espero que le meta
No hay cirugía, ella nació buena completa
Booty tan grande que puede que en el mahón ya no le quepa, yeh
Que rico, mami, se te marcó el tanning, yeh
Cogiendo sol en Miami
No es de Ecuador, pero me Quito
Y no de Venezuela, pero se va conmigo pa' Puerto Rico, yeh
[Verso 4: Rauw Alejandro]
Esto es pega'ito como un bolero, yeah
La toqué y no me puso pero, yeah
Sus piernas están hechas de acero, yeah
Con un beso me pasa la 602
Se me quedó tu lápiz labial rojo
Algo esta noche planifican tus ojos
Que llegue el momento de estar solo'
Que tu cuerpo quiero conocer todo
[Pre-Coro: Lunay & Lyanno]
Y es que yo te quiero sólo pa' mí
He tenido a otra' y no son así
No creas to' lo que dicen por ahí
Tú sabes que estoy sólo, sólo pa' ti (bebé)
Es que yo te quiero sólo pa' mí
He tenido a otra' y no son así
No creas to' lo que dicen por ahí
Tú sabes que estoy sólo, sólo pa' ti, baby
[Coro: Ozuna & Rauw Alejandro]
Luz apagá (Luz apagá) que ella le caiga (Que ella le caiga)
Lo más que a mí me gusta es como ella me baila (Como ella me baila)
Le agarro la cintura y la pongo de espalda
Perdona si mis manos entran por tu falda, yeah

My girl

Six in the morning and the anguish awaits
Daddy I love you
No wait
My girl so beautiful
You will always be mine (your princess)
Even if she is a woman
I'll always worry (daddy don't go)
So beautiful
I never imagined having someone like that, no
So beautiful
I saw her born and I also saw her grow, oh
So beautiful
I never imagined having someone like that, no
So beautiful
She is just like her mother (daddy I love you)
I'm not going to look for her
If the music she listens to was taught by her dad and ehh...
I'm not going to look for her if I danced the music with her mother... and ehh..
And there was that we met...we met
So I ask God... I ask God
Let her grow up and and fall in love too
That there is a cupid
I'm not going to look for her
If the music she listens to was taught by her dad and ehh...
I'm not going to look for her if I danced the music with her mother... and ehh..
And there was that we met...we met
So I ask God... I ask God
Let her grow up and and fall in love too
That there is a cupid
She's Daddy's princess
The baby is already grown and I have to accept the boyfriend
Leo goes out there
Well I have security
That I taught her manners and life is fought with respect and can overcome
Also the only thing I know
Is that my love is sincere and real and I will never fail you
I'll be here
Now you have to choose
You already know what is good and evil
I will always love you Sofi...
I'm not going to look for her
If the music she listens to was taught by her dad and ehh...
I'm not going to look for her if I danced the music with her mother... and ehh..
And there was that we met...we met
So I ask God... I ask God
Let her grow up and and fall in love too
That there is a cupid
I'm not going to look for her
If the music she listens to was taught by her dad and ehh...
I'm not going to look for her if I danced the music with her mother... and ehh..
And there was that we met...we met
So I ask God... I ask God
Let her grow up and and fall in love too
That there is a cupid
And ehh...
The clear black little eye
The legendaries
Tell me Gotay
Hi Music Hi Flow
From the day you were born I knew you were a special girl (daddy I love you)
I will always take care of you, here or in another world (daddy... I love you)
Daddy... I'm your princess
Daddy... what are you doing

100 questions

Your friend told me
That the little boyfriend you had left you
That I take advantage of the situation
I don't love you, but I love you today
Wait for me, I'm going there
If you have questions, let my desires answer you
Stay until tomorrow
If you are fire, baby I am too
I want to leave memory inside your skin
If you have questions, let my desires answer you
Stay until tomorrow
If you are fire, baby I am too
I want to leave memory inside your skin
Only with you I let everything flow
I don't feel well baby if it's not next to you
Because you prefer everything like that
Knowing that I want you here
You think I'm going to hurt you
Threat that you are going to leave
And I cheat myself
When I know that your love hurts me
How I show that I miss you
If you decide to lose yourself, I will accompany you
And even if the years go by
I cheat myself
If you have questions, let my desires answer you
Stay until tomorrow
If you are fire, baby I am too
I want to leave memory inside your skin
Ohh ohh..
Dj Luian
Mambo Kingz..
Hi Music Hi Flow..
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Empty bed

Wooo oh
Drown the sorrow
And dance my baby
Even if you have an empty soul
Tell me like it's the last day ah
And eh
If they ask, tell them that she's growing up ah
That you are not the same
Since they hurt you
That day ah
That doesn't tie you anymore
What he said about you
That you are not the same
Since they hurt you that day ah
Your heart doesn't feel or suffer anymore
And I here with the desires which grow
Baby, already passed a couple of month
I confess that sometimes
I miss you and I want to see you
How we repeated more than once
Watching the ocean at sunrise
She doesn't fall in love, she wants to do it
She doesn't want to go back
I miss you and I want to see you
How we repeated more than once
Watching the ocean at sunrise
She doesn't fall in love, she wants to do it
She doesn't want to go back
Drown the sorrow
And dance my baby
Even if you have an empty soul
Tell me like it's the last day ah
And eh
If they ask, tell them that she's growing up ah
That you are not the same
Since they hurt you
That day ah
That doesn't tie you anymore
What he said about you
That you are not the same
Since they hurt you that day ah
Nobody repairs your heart
Died as when enemy shoots in the chest
The experience taught you to see the evil of the face
I only want to remember how you kissed me
How she tortures me
Seeing your little skirt below your waist
I can feel that little body how it procures me
But if you keep tempting me baby don't help me
Drown the sorrow
And dance my baby
Even if you have an empty soul
Tell me like it's the last day ah
And eh
If they ask, tell them that she's growing up ah
That you are not the same
Since they hurt you
That day ah
That doesn't tie you anymore
What he said about you
That you are not the same
Since they hurt you that day ah
Wo oh oh oh
Hear this music
Tell him Luian
Mambo Kingz
Mambo Kingz
Wo oh oh oh , baby
Your empty bed
Wo oh oh oh
Tell me Vi

Face of an angel

I don't know how to tell you
I don't know how to out this suffering into words
Only God knows how I feel
My worls is falling over
My sand heart
Now is waitin
That God sends you my way
Tell me how to accept
That you're no longer here
The face of my angel
Flyin' up high
Innocence, in a world filled with violence
Passin' over consequences
And patience isn't a scapegoat for stupidity
Where is at the intelligence left?
I lost my focus
I took off my tinted shades, everything lies colorless
Your aroma remains when I open your room's door
Goodbye, my angel, the skies are qaitin for you
God I ask you, forgive em
But them, they don't know what they're doing
I swear they're gonna pay everything they did to me
R.I.P. my love, give me strenght not to destroy myself
Tell me how to accept
That you're no longer here
The face of my angel
Flyin' up high
There's no more tears left to cry
And I can't get you out of my mind
I look at the sky and your face's an image
which pictures itself while I keep on reminiscing you
I beg you for peace my Lord here on Earth along with the up in Heaven
I know we live in a hellhole
And that someday we're gonna meet in the afterlife
I don't know how to tell you
I don't know how to out this suffering into words
Only God knows how I feel
My world's falling down
My sand heart
Now is waitin
That God sends you my way
Tell me how to accept
That you're no longer here
The face of my angel
Flyin' up high

Wet kisses

[Intro: Ken-Y, Ozuna]
Go, go running to where that unhappy and then return to me
To comfort your crying
It's not the first time you do it, decide
If you stay with him, don't look at me anymore (baby)
If you want again, then go where he is
[Chorus: Ken-Y, Ozuna]
Wet kisses, invisible lips
Wailing inaudible, that torment you without will
Wet kisses, invisible lips
Wailing inaudible, that torment me without will
[Verse 1: RKM]
She doesn't decide, but how she fucks me and demands
Sometimes she calls me on Facebook so I can shelter her
She is bipolar, it seems she always says
That doesn't want anything serious, but contradicts
And she looks for me, only for sex she uses me
We have a pretty confusing relationship
What a thing, if the devil cajoles me
If I talk to her about love, she always gives me a thousand excuses
[Bridge: Ken-Y, RKM]
And I'm still waiting, the time passing
I know that with him your nights are cold
That's why you come back to me every day
And I'm still waiting (I'm still waiting), the time passing (uh-yeh)
I know that with him your nights are cold (naraná)
That's why you come back to me every day, baby
[Chorus: Ozuna, Ken-Y]
Wet kisses, invisible lips
Wailing inaudible, that torment me without will
Wet kisses, invisible lips
Wailing inaudible, that torment you without will
[Verse 2: Ozuna]
Wailing which I like so much
I want the day to pass
To touch the base
I know you want to
Put yourself up so you can see
What a man does when a woman wants
Wet kisses, that happens only to your side
If you're going, how will I do it?
If you are mine, I know
And if you ever doubt it
[Pre-chorus: Ozuna, Ken-Y]
Give me your nudity so that you feel
How your wet body does what my mind wants
I feel good at your side
Come, hold on so you can see
How your wet body does what my mind wants
You want me (uoh-oh, oh-oh)
[Chorus: Ken-Y, Ozuna]
Wet kisses, invisible lips
Wailing inaudible, that torment you without will
Wet kisses, invisible lips
Wailing inaudible, that torment me without will
[Outro: Ken-Y, Ozuna]
(Wet kisses)
RKM y Ken-Y
(Invisible lips, wailing inaudible)
Pina Records
Mikey Tone
(That torment me without will)
Wallie (Wallie, Wallie, Wallie, Wallie)


I deceive my reality
I know that I do damage to my mind
I think about what they will think (think)
I myself lie to my being
Mirror, you, who tell the truth
How do I make me not lie to myself-eh-ieh?
When I look at you we know the reality
But I know that I hurt myself by lying to me-eh-ieh
Mirror, you, who tell the truth
How do I make me not lie to myself-eh-ieh?
When I look at you we know the reality
But I know that I hurt myself by lying to me-eh-ieh
I lie when I say I'm fine
And my heart isn't
I lie when I say I don't love you
And that's not the truth
I lie when I laugh but I cry
Of sadness or emotion
I lie if I look for another woman
To heal your pain
It's not true
I deceive my reality
Difficult to control
When I face you I look at you
How can I lie
I no longer know what to say
I have to admit
I am no longer faking
It's not true
I deceive my reality
Difficult to control
When I face you I look at you
How can I lie
I no longer know what to say
I have to admit
I am no longer faking
Mirror, you, who tell the truth
How do I make me not lie to myself-eh-ieh?
When I look at you we know the reality
But I know that I hurt myself by lying to me-eh-ieh
Mirror, you, who tell the truth
How do I make me not lie to myself-eh-ieh?
When I look at you we know the reality
But I know that I hurt myself by lying to me-eh-ieh

I threw you away

[Intro: Darell, Ozuna]
Oh oh oh oh)
Yeah (yeah, yeah)
This is the real remix, baby
That's how it is
I spend a lot of nights thinking about you
I don't know how, or when (eh, eh)
But I only know that I remembered (eh, eh)
How I did it to you that time (oh-oh)
And I can not keep going alone (hehe)
But I know (but I know) that I threw you away (that I threw you away)
[Chorus: Ozuna]
I threw you out of my life, and I threw you away (yeah)
I sacked you and I let you go (and I let you go), I let you go (oh-oh)
You went away to hell, and you went away
I threw you out of my life (I let you go), I threw you away
Yeah, yeah, mami
[Verse 1: Bad Bunny]
Baby, life is a cycle (wouh!)
And what doesn't work I don't recycle (no)
So move from my life
So if i bring it to you it's to remember a TBT, yeah
I'm already tired of your lies
Now there is a tougher one that hits on me (yeah)
Everything has its end, everything expires (yeah)
You are the past and the past never returns
Fuck off (wouh!), my body does not need you
What she asks for is a dirty grind in La Placita
I don't think that what we had will be repeated
Go ahead, turn on a Phillie, get one ready for right now, yeah
[Pre-Chorus: Bad Bunny]
I hate to know that I trusted you once more
I hate every 'I love you' that I texted you a thousand times
Baby, I have like ten [girls] who are better than you
What we had went away in a Bugatti and you stayed on foot
[Chorus: Bad Bunny, Darell]
I threw you away
I sacked you and I let you go, i let you go
To hell I sent you, I sent you
And I nailed your friend, I nailed her (This is a true turn, did you hear?)
Fuck you, son of a bitch, yeah
[Verse 2: Darell]
Baby I threw you away (hah)
And since I threw you out, the girls come three and three (that's right)
Ask them if you want, if you do not believe me (baby)
I no longer have stress' (baby)
The line is now filled via express (hah-hah)
What a turn, as your world turned the other way around?
And me with her in DR (haha-ha)
I fell in love the day that I tried her
I don't think I'll come back and have you
Mami, because for you I canceled the service
If I don't answer (huh) the problem will hit rock bottom
Mami, take a deep breath while I'm hiding it from you (that's the way it is)
With you, forced, I put on the condom
But post it to half court, baby, like Rondo (huh)
I'll give you a hard burial (that's right)
I know that over time the wound is healed (by law)
I know that in reality you are not on that level (huh)
I swear to you by God, although you shouldn't swear by God
[Chorus: Darell, Nio García, Magical Casper]
Baby, I threw you away (I just threw you away)
I sacked you and I let you go, I let you go (I sacked you and let you go, just so you know)
To hell I sent you, eh, eh (are you understanding what we're trying to say to you, to hell I sent you)
I threw you out of my life, uh, uh (this is the real return, we're the Magicians, baby, Real G4 Life, Casper Hey!)

Give me back

Give me back what you took away
You stole my heart
Tell me, how can I sleep at nights
I don't do anything but thinking of you
Tell me, tell me, how do you want me to forget you
If you live, if you live, you live in my heart
I know you like it that I kiss you
While you're ignoring me, desire grows
Don't forget that your body belongs to me
I want to repeat it more and many times
I know you like it that I kiss you
While you're ignoring me, desire grows
Don't forget that your body belongs to me
I want to repeat it more and many times
No, no, no, no
[Verse 1]
Told me that nobody does it like me
One day ignores me and at night wants it to happen*
Look for her because she feels lonely
With me dawned and the next day missed class
A mom with tropical style
Wants to pretend, she doesn't want to be with me
But she doesn't want to tell it to anyone
That just by thinking, her body starts heating
I know you like it that I kiss you
While you're ignoring me, desire grows
Don't forget that your body belongs to me
I want to repeat it more and many times
I know you like it that I kiss you
While you're ignoring me, desire grows
Don't forget that your body belongs to me
I want to repeat it more and many times
No, no, no, no
[Verse 2]
I know I let myself go
Give me back what you took away without asking
And tell me how to forget you
if when I'm alone I start remembering you
Let me know, if you want to stay here one day
But don't let it be late, I know I will get over it
I will heal the pain I had in my heart
I will not look for you anymore, I promise I will forget you
Let me know, if you want to stay here one day
But don't let it be late, I know I will get over it
I will heal the pain I had in my heart
I will not look for you anymore, I promise I will forget you
Give me back what you took away
You stole my heart
Tell me, how can I sleep at nights
I don't do anything but thinking of you
Tell me, tell me, how do you want me to forget you
If you live, if you live, you live in my heart
I know you like it that I kiss you
While you're ignoring me, desire grows
Don't forget that your body belongs to me
I want to repeat it more and many times
I know you like it that I kiss you
While you're ignoring me, desire grows
Don't forget that your body belongs to me
I want to repeat it more and many times
No, no, no, no

Although I behaved badly

And although I behaved badly
I want to be with you
My heart doesn't want any other
And it's just that nobody realizes it
And although I behaved badly
I want to be with you
My heart doesn't want any other
And it's just that nobody realizes it
No no no
Yeh, yeh, yeh
My heart does not want anyone [else]
And it's just that nobody realizes it, baby
[Verse 1]
I have an affection for you
I bring you a little tenderness
Let's go 'you and me down the path
In what makes 'a couple of madness'
Nothing of love, zero fights
She's with me in the 'pretty and the ugly'
And if we go out she grabs me by the hand
For everyone to see the love*
I don't know, my little girl has her sway
To be clear, she is one in a hundred
When I'm with her, I feel good
Too good
I don't know, my little girl has her sway
To be clear, she is one in a hundred
When I'm with her, I feel good
Too good
And although I behaved badly
I want to be with you
My heart doesn't want any other
And it's just that nobody realizes it
And although I behaved badly
I want to be with you
My heart doesn't want any other
And it's just that nobody realizes it
[Verse 2]
Little baby, good beautiful little girl
One of those that when they go out, the street breaks
They all look at her, she always walks pretty
She says that she is mine, that she loves me back
And I will take her to Guayaquil
Her body moving, she gets out of lane
In Colombia, they confuse it with one from Medellín
In Venezuela with their language, they start to get confused
She is mine, nothing else and there's no competition
This is the difference
She is quiet with intelligence
His look is what catches me
How she talks to me kills me
I don't know, my little girl has her sway
To be clear, she is one in a hundred
When I'm with her, I feel good
Too good
I don't know, my little girl has her sway
To be clear, she is one in a hundred
When I'm with her, I feel good
Too good
And although I behaved badly
I want to be with you
My heart doesn't want any other
And it's just that nobody realizes it
And although I behaved badly
I want to be with you
My heart doesn't want any other
And it's just that nobody realizes it
No no no
Yeh, yeh, yeh
My heart does not want anyone [else]
And it's just that nobody realizes it, baby

Follow my steps

No, na-na
[Verse 1]
I want to see you girl in the place that
For me it would be a pleasure, baby, to have your body
Go give me the codes to take over your skin
Come sail with me in my paper boat
Follow my steps
If you do not reach me, I'll wait for you, I'll wait for you, I'll wait for you
We're looking forward to do it without despair
Daddy, it's what I want with you
[Chorus 1: Ozuna & Natti Natasha]
No, I do not want anybody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
No luxuries and details, I want to do it to you, do
No, I do not want anybody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
No luxuries and details, I want to do it to you, do
[Chorus 2: Ozuna & J Balvin]
Tonight is so that you don't forget it
Tonight is so that you don't forget it
If suddenly one day you decide
I'm going to give it to you if you ask me
Tonight is so that you don't forget it
Tonight is so that you don't forget it
If suddenly one day you decide
I'm going to give it to you if you ask me
[Verse 2: J Balvin]
No, no, let's not talk about love
The game is pure attraction
And ours is just a moment
Between the conversation I throw you an invitation
To escape, leave the stories
[Refrain 1: J Balvin]
I know it wasn't a coincidence, not at all
You look for me more than usual, babe
Sure today is not going to happen
Let me know now if you leave or you stay
I know it wasn't a coincidence, not at all
You look for me more than usual, babe
Sure today is not going to happen
Let me know now if you leave or you stay
[Chorus 1: Ozuna & Natti Natasha]
No, I do not want anybody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
No luxuries and details, I want to do it to you, do
No, I do not want anybody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
No luxuries and details, I want to do it to you, do
[Chorus 2: Ozuna]
Tonight is so that you don't forget
Tonight is so that you don't forget
If suddenly one day you decide
I'm going to give it to you if you ask me
[Verse 3: Ozuna]
I already know mommy that you're asking around
If I have someone or [if] that's a comment nothing more
That if I have mine, that's too many
You listen to how the songs sound your friends have told you already
[Refrain 2: Ozuna]
That I have what you're looking for, I'm just waiting for you to look at me
Time makes the heart do what you want
I see you and I want you to escape with me, baby
That I have what you're looking for, I'm just waiting for you to look at me
Time makes the heart do what you want
I see you and I want you to escape with me, baby
[Chorus: 1 Ozuna, J Balvin & Natti Natasha]
No, I do not want anybody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
No luxuries and details, I want to do it to you, do
Tonight is so that you don't forget
Tonight is so that you don't forget
If suddenly one day you decide
I'm going to give it to you if you ask me
Tonight is so that you don't forget
Tonight is so that you don't forget
If suddenly one day you decide
I'm going to give it to you if you ask me
Natti na, Natti na
High music, high flow
Tell me, I saw
No, I do not want anybody
I do not want anybody


Intro: Anuel AA, Ozuna]
Real Hasta la Muerte, baby
Aura (Anuel)
Ozuna (haha)
[Pre-Chorus: Anuel, Ozuna]
She walks alone (alone)
But when he wants to make love he calls me (calls me)
Dawn in my bed
Supposedly he loves me (uoh-oah)
[Chorus: Ozuna, Anuel AA]
If devil is devilish
He feels it, and when he shouts he gets exotic (uah)
She is rich and certainly very bionic
In twenty nails you see 'well brólica
And be devilish, a devil
He feels it, and when he shouts he gets exotic
She is rich and certainly very bionic
In twenty nails you see 'well brólica (Ozuna)
[Verse 1: Ozuna]
In position, she wants you to mistreat her (mistreat)
It's fleeting, it has a friend who is the tape (the tape)
She lights up for me to snatch (oh-oh)
Enroll the kush in a chocolate leaf
I would walk in a black Mercedes tintiá '
Pa 'que to'íto' look, go safely
The groove with diamond and look 'of evil
With your smart picket, do not live of what they say, baby
[Pre-Chorus: Ozuna, Anuel AA]
I love you here for me (uoh-oh-oh)
Do not get carried away by what they say out there
That I am a singer and that I am not for you (I am pa 'ti)
Eat like when I met you
I love you over me
Saying 'I want to repeat' (I want to repeat)
Your friend is envious if we go out, Mommy
But most envy you if you put 'the AP (uah)
[Chorus: Anuel AA, Ozuna]
And be devilish, a devil
He feels it, and when he shouts he gets exotic (uah)
She is rich and certainly very bionic (very bionic)
In twenty nails you see 'well brólica
If devil is devilish
He feels it, and when he shouts he gets exotic (uah)
She is rich and certainly very bionic (very bionic)
In twenty nails you see 'well brólica
[Verse 2: Anuel AA]
When you want sex, you call me '(uah)
Baby, your little tot to me cheers me
I know you need me '(baby)
Illuminati, my little devil
And I'm dying inside your body
And you are a drug and I am sick (baby)
Baby, I'm always thinking (uah)
Living, remembering, I breaking you (eh-eh)
[Bridge: Anuel AA]
My diabilta-ah
If I do not have you, it's an unknown (baby)
Doing it, baby, you are my victim (my victim)
You endick and you get pornographic
[Chorus: Ozuna, Anuel AA]
If devil is devilish
He feels it, and when he shouts he gets exotic (uah)
She is rich and undoubtedly very bionic (very bionic)
In twenty nails you see 'well brólica
And be devilish, a devil
He feels it, and when he shouts he gets exotic (uah)
She is rich and certainly very bionic
In twenty nails you see 'well brólica
[Outro: Ozuna, Anuel AA]
Real Hasta la Muerte, baby
Real Hasta la Muerte, baby
The black one with light eyes
Ozuna (Ozuna)
Anuel (oh-oh-oh)
Mera, tell me Luian, The Untouchables, The Illuminati
Mambo Kingz
Mera, tell me Jowny
Hi Music Hi Flow
The gods, did you hear baby?
Tell me, Vi
Mera, tell me Frabian (Gaby Music)
Oh oh oh oh


Tarabaraba, oh
[Pre-coro: Ozuna, Nicky Jam]
Si paso un rato sin verte
Siento que me desespero
A mí me encanta tocarte
Quiero el olor de tu cuerpo
Te busco en todas partes
Tu Instagram no lo suelto
No tienes que preocuparte
Yo sólo callo y espero
Es un secreto lo que hacemo' aquí
Yo no te miento, tengo algo en mí
Nadie me ha hecho lo que tú me has hecho
Por eso es que estoy aquí
Es un secreto lo que hacemo' aquí
Yo no te miento, tengo algo en mí
Que tiene ganas de decirle al mundo lo que tú me haces sentir (jaja)
[Coro: Nicky Jam]
Tú y yo haciéndolo
Lo más que me gusta de ti
Siempre que te busco pa' mí
Tú nunca me dices que no
Tú y yo haciéndolo
Lo más que me gusta de ti
Siempre que te busco pa' mí
Tú nunca me dices que no
[Verso 1: Ozuna]
Nunca me dice que no
Si me pelea, arreglamo' en mi habitación
Yo soy leal a mi nena, ella es mi emoción
Si llego tarde me pide una explicación
Mi religión, ella sabe como hacerlo
Si estamo' en casa, solita ella empieza a moverlo
Así es la nena mía
Fuera de monotonía
[Puente: Ozuna]
De ti me dejo llevar
Solos tú y yo
Te quiero probar, oh, oh (eh-eh)
De ti me dejo llevar
No hay monotonía
Ella es sólo mía
Y de nadie más
[Coro: Nicky Jam]
Tú y yo haciéndolo
Lo más que me gusta de ti
Siempre que te busco pa' mí
Tú nunca me dices que no
Tú y yo haciéndolo
Lo más que me gusta de ti
Siempre que te busco pa' mí
Tú nunca me dices que no
[Pre-coro: Ozuna, Nicky Jam]
Si paso un rato sin verte
Siento que me desespero
A mí me encanta tocarte
Quiero el olor de tu cuerpo
Te busco en todas partes
Tu Instagram no lo suelto
No tienes que preocuparte
Yo sólo callo y espero
Es un secreto lo que hacemo' aquí
Yo no te miento, tengo algo en mí
Nadie me ha hecho lo que tú me has hecho
Por eso es que estoy aquí
Es un secreto lo que hacemo' aquí
Yo no te miento, tengo algo en mí
Que tiene ganas de decirle al mundo lo que tú me haces sentir (jaja)
[Coro: Nicky Jam]
Tú y yo haciéndolo
Lo más que me gusta de ti
Siempre que te busco pa' mí
Tú nunca me dices que no
Tú y yo haciéndolo
Lo más que me gusta de ti
Siempre que te busco pa' mí
Tú nunca me dices que no
[Outro: Ozuna, Nicky Jam]
Baby, Ozuna (jaja)
Nicky-Nicky-Nicky Jam
Hi Music Hi Flow
José (eh-ieh, oh-oh, ohh-oh-oh-oh)
Barabaraba (oh)
Dímelo Vi

I want more

[Intro: Ozuna, Wisin]
This glance was the sign that I was waiting for
Baby, don't go
W and Yandel
[Pre-chorus: Ozuna, Wisin, Yandel]
Stay here for a bit longer
'Cause I hate it when you leave
And missing you makes me sick
Why don't we watch the sunrise and spend the night skin on skin?
When we're alone, I can't fight it anymore (take it!)
[Chorus: Yandel, Ozuna, Wisin]
I feel like kissing you, and caressing you
One night won't be enough to be satisfied
This desire to kiss you and caress you
Of your lips, your body, of you I want more
I want more of your skin, your sensual face
And your way of kissing
I want more of your skin, taste your mouth
And your way of touching (you owe me something, baby)
[Vers 1: Wisin]
Just tell me if you dare
Baby, give me what you owe me
When your on top it kills me how you move
You love to challenge me to taste you
You call me when you're drinking, you like to do it when it's raining
And I want to know what is going to happen
Your body is to blame for what I'm gonna do to you
This desire won't go away, you've got to understand me
[Chorus: Yandel, Ozuna, Wisin]
I feel like kissing you, and caressing you
One night won't be enough to be satisfied
This desire to kiss you and caress you
Of your lips, your body, of you I want more
I want more of your skin, your sensual face
And your way of kissing
I want more of your skin, taste your mouth
And your way of touching (I need to be with you)
[Bridge: Wisin, Ozuna]
Give me permission
To be alone with you for another night (just give me one night)
You make me lose my mind
When you throw yourself and move this way, I can't fight it
Give me your body, I fancy you and I want more
[Vers 2: Ozuna, Wisin]
Let me know, 'cause I want more
About the good things she always gives me
Whenever I call, she's there
Bring her here, she tells me that she's leaving
We'll fix it in my bed, nothing more
You know that I
Want her to take control
We'll drink for some days to cure your heart
Music so you can forget, nobody ever died because of love
I want to do it like when my body got to know you, oh baby
[Chorus: Yandel, Ozuna, Wisin]
I feel like kissing you, and caressing you
One night won't be enough to be satisfied
This desire to kiss you and caress you
Of your lips, your body, of you I want more
I want more of your skin, your sensual face
And your way of kissing
I want more of your skin, taste your mouth
And your way of touching (I need to be with you)
[Outro: Ozuna, Wisin]
I want more
It's inevitable
The power of movement
W and Yandel
Aura (yeah!)
Hyde El Químico
The Legendaries
Gaby Music
Boys, from here upwards you don't see yourselves
The biggest ones

Crazy feeling

[Intro: Ozuna, Manuel Turizo]
It won't be that easy
Even though you dodge me as you please
[I'm] after you, I am going after you
You have everything I am looking for
And you are all alone out there
I'll carry on going after you
I know that all good things take time, lady
[Chorus: Ozuna, Manuel Turizo]
I'm into you and noone else
I don't care about the rest
This crazy feeling she gives me )*
that does not go away no matter how much I try
I'm into you and noone else
I don't care about the rest
This crazy feeling she gives me
that does not go away no matter how much I try
[Verse 1: Ozuna]
I'm into you and noone else
I can't hide that...
the music I make only makes me think of you
The one and only rose that I want to steal for myself
Simple, pretty, she does not need to wear makeup
Her swagger is killing me )**
She dances like crazy and she's got it
She isn't committed to anyone
Even if she promises it to you
She has what I want
She makes me go and get it
I can't hide it, I dance with you and I am yours
Her swagger is killing me
She dances like crazy and she's got it
She isn't committed to anyone
Even if she promises it to you
She has what I want
She makes me go and get it
I can't hide it, I dance with you and I am yours
[Chorus: Ozuna, Manuel Turizo]
I'm into you and noone else
I don't care about the rest
This crazy feeling she gives me
that does not go away no matter how much I try
I'm into you and noone else
I don't care about the rest
This crazy feeling she gives me
that does not go away no matter how much I try
[Verse 2: Manuel Turizo]
Because when I have you near
I get this crazy feeling that I can't get rid off afterwards
You are number one on my list
You are the only one that this man needs
Baby, you are what I want
It's worth more than money
I'd cross the whole world over
If it's for of you, there is no excuse )***
I feel desperation because of you
when I'm not with you anymore
[Chorus: Ozuna, Manuel Turizo]
I'm into you and noone else
I don't care about the rest
This crazy feeling she gives me
that does not go away no matter how much I try
I'm into you and noone else
I don't care about the rest
This crazy feeling she gives me
that does not go away no matter how much I try


Today she doesn't want to know about the ex
nor that any silly boy that doesn't stick around
I'm gonna fuck you as it should be
Tell me where you want it
I know you you, -uh-uhh (-uh)
you've been ready for me for a while
send a photo, tell me you got something for me
I want you for me, yeah
Chorus: Ozuna]
What do you think if you wait for me alone, alone
I think, baby, that your body needs me
and we will do all the things that you want
in the way you want
What do you think if you wait for me alone, alone
I think, baby, that your body needs me
and we will do all the things that you want
in the way you want (what do you think?)
[Verse 1: Almighty]
Tell me if you wait for me alone
Do you have delivery or I have to queue?
Am I going to disarm or do I go with a gun?
I always crush it when I write with the weed you rolled (?)
I have control but she controls me
I always feel alone, cellphone in airplane mode
Mixing pills with rum
I have a connection in the Bronx
that has more bombs than Donald Trump, yeah
Big ass, all big
She loves it when I lick it
I never stay, stay
I'm like Pina who has his Plan B
Wait in the kitchen, open the roof
I want to annoy your neighbour
You like to get wet? I have a pool
Do you like Retro? (?) are chinese
Yes, china, I know because (?)
It was not official but officially I put you in the office
[Verse 2: Bad Bunny]
She's from Cuba and she says to me 'dooit' (dooit)
I sent you the location to wait for me (woo!)
I'll be quiet so your boyfriend doesn't find out(no)
It's hard already without you touching it (wuh, wuh, wuh)
she says with me up against the inside of the plane (yeah)
She cums and crys like Celine Dion(woo!)
A porno, but without the script(oh)
I pull out so there's no baby, yeah yeah
with me I'm Gucci, I'm Fendi
with your boyfriend neither Puma Fenty
Que deje el fronteo, que tiene Mercedes(?)
if always it is empty
I know that you get involved with whoever
I'm ready for you, to do what you like
Chorus: Ozuna]
What do you think if you wait for me alone, alone
I think, baby, that your body needs me
and we will do all the things that you want
in the way you want
What do you think if you wait for me alone, alone
I think, baby, that your body needs me
and we will do all the things that you want
in the way you want (what do you think?)
[Verso 3: Ozuna]
If you wait for me alone, I'm going to steal you, my she-wolf
You with that ass all that you cost me
She does not let me go, not one
For her I give my fortune
She searches for a playlist on her phone
it has all the Ozuna tracks
she is mine
Tread on me and do as you like with me
You tell me that I have flow to give to those who don't
and if you are alone, alone, quickly alone
that I arrive at the Ferro to eat it all up
alone alone quickly alone
that I arrive at the Ferro to eat it all up
I know that you like what I have
when you call me, quickly I answer
[Verse 4: Wisin]
Baby wait for me in a robe
Prepare the fire with a face of (?) (yeah)
In underwear she appears
I have the computer, you have the data
We're going on a trip, you're the air hostess
She strips, it kills me
She gets horny, she's on fire, she climbs (hey)
almost always she persuades me
Baby give me what I want (heh)
You know what I'm talking about (he)
The man of steel, the cowboy
I take over your body (hey, hey)
I don't want to but, give it first, with you I accelerate (hey, hey)
Baby go gently,go lightly, make me your prisoner
The baby above all else (you have the power)
She the most that anyone knows
she get's daring, touches her hair
nasty face and she wants me to film it (yeah)
she wants it gently (everything she says)
Turn off the lights
All boss-like, she looks me in the face
gets horny, I dont want it to end
You have to go with me
Chorus: Ozuna]
What do you think if you wait for me alone, alone
I think, baby, that your body needs me
and we will do all the things that you want
in the way you want
What do you think if you wait for me alone, alone
I think, baby, that your body needs me
and we will do all the things that you want
in the way you want (what do you think?)


I go out to spend some money (money)
Music in the lambo so that you relax (relax)
To the one who brings her down some money (money)*
I can recognize her by seeing her sign
Unique, she has the disco blown up
Everybody is looking at her
She asks for me and nobody else (eh-eh-eh)
She has a lot of skill
She knows what she gives
She's frontin' her friends
She says she's with me
Because she is
Unique, she has the disco blown up
Everybody is looking at her
She asks for me and nobody else (eh-eh-eh)
She has a lot of skill
She knows what she gives (eh-eh-eh)
She's frontin' her friends
She says she's with me
Because she is
Now the disco is blowing up
I like our eyes or is it your reputation
I've traveled the world and I have not seen many like you
You want to be good but your naughtiness shows up
She has never liked the roses, she's something else
I have a couple of girls, she doesn't get jealous
She takes pictures without clothes, she's dangerous
She looks at herself in the mirror, and making one, she poses for me (eh-ieh)
Unique, she has the disco blown up
Everybody is looking at her
She asks for me and nobody else (eh-eh-eh)
She has a lot of skill
She knows what she gives
She's frontin' her friends
She says she's with me
Because she is
Unique, she has the disco blown up
Everybody is looking at her
She asks for me and nobody else (uoh-oh-oh)
She has a lot of skill (sarabarada)
She knows what she gives (ieh-eh-eh)
She's frontin' her friends
She says she's with me (eh)
Because she is
A baby
Who wants to be the one that knows the most, that's what I know
Today she came in a special suit, I touch her
She is unique, only I can see that
Tell me, what you're gonna do?
The sun is already rising
I know you want heat
We are friends of love
We don't want a relationship
She goes out and has no control
She doesn't smoke and she likes the smell
She does not have value
She does it fearlessly with me
Unique, she has the disco blown up
Everybody is looking at her
She asks for me and nobody else (eh-eh-eh)
She has a lot of skill
She knows what she gives
She's frontin' her friends
She says she's with me (eh)
Because she is
Unique, she has the disco blown up
Everybody is looking at her (ah-ah)
She asks for me and nobody else (uoh-oh-oh)
She has a lot of skill (sarabarada)
She knows what she gives (ieh-eh-eh)
She's frontin' her friends
She says she's with me (eh)
Because she is
The nigga with bright eyes
YannC El Armónico
Gaby Music
Hi Music Hi Flow
Dímelo Vi
Full Harmony
(Unique, u-unique, unique, u-unique)


Friends who see me and ask me
if I´ve seen you again
but almost nobody knows
that I live remembering you, missing you, you know
baby, tell me how I do it, free anuel
tell me where I´m look for you
you know how I love you
baby, I know that you lie when you talk
but you have some power to convince
those buttocks bounce when you dance
baby, you´re a devil disguised as a woman
little baby, since we did it
I´ve not been able to forget you
like a scar that never erases
baby, you left your mark on me
baby, I know you lie when you talk
but you have some power to convince
those buttocks bounce when you dance
baby, you´re a devil disguised as a woman
It seems you don´t know how I miss you
how I love you, your lack hurts me
if they tell me about you a memory comes to my mind
but I don´t lose hope that you´ll come back to me
remember what we wanted
I want to feel like we usd to do it
one look said what we felt
the love with which you and I, baby, lived
how did we do it
remember what we wanted
I want to feel like we used to do it
one look said what we felt
the love with which you and I, baby, lived
how did we do it
I feel like without flag, you lie so well
for what give the love to a woman
when she prefers a hundred dollar bill
baby, I know you lie when you talk
but you have some power to convince
those buttocks bounce when you dance
baby, you´re a devil disguised as a woman
little baby, since we did it
I´ve not been able to forget about you
like a scar that never erases
baby, you left your mark on me
baby, I know you lie when you talk
but you have a power to convince
those buttocks bounce when you dance
baby, you´re a devil disguised as a woman
I feel like without flag, you lie so well
for what give the love to a woman
when she prefers a hundred dollar bill
today she loves me and tomorrow she hates me, only god knows why
when we fuck she´s coming
but I know she likes a women too
friends who see me and ask me
if I have seen you again
but almost nobody knows
it´s that I live remembering you, missing you, you know
baby, tell me how I do it, free anuel
tell me where I´m look for you
you know how I love you
baby, I know that you lie when you talk
but you have some power to convince
those buttocks bounce when you dance
baby, you´re a devil disguised as a woman
little baby, since we did it
I´ve not been able to forget about you
like a scar that never erases
baby, you left your mark on me
baby, I know you lie when you talk
but you have a power to convince
those buttocks bounce when you dance
baby, you´re a devil disguised as a woman
I feel like without flag, you lie so well
for what give the love to a woman when she prefers a hundred dollar bill

Behind the Mic

I'm tired of being poor
I'm going to take whatever comes
and may it come, the good life
for which I stopped being ashamed
behind the fear there is money
and for 'pacas', to get into this business
I've played the decent one
the one who does not get anything
and for nothing, for me it has resulted
to live just for fuck's sake
Mother dearest, don't be scared
for your son, who is going to get into the game
Do not ask me to work hard
Ask me to sell tickets
I already worked enough
I want to know what it feels like
to have plenty of everything
with luxuries and with the respect of the people
when you start from the bottom
people won't give you a chance
and it takes a lot to reach them
why can't you see any of it clearly
but when you have it going on
those people will even do errands for you
I will taste the pleasure
and the life that remains for me, fits me well
I want to live it on a whim
and party at the party
if they know that the dog is vicious
and they know it, just let them kick the fence
Don't ask me to work hard
Ask me to sell tickets
I already worked enough
I want to know what it feels like
to have plenty of everything
with luxuries and with the respect of the people

Other lips

I've already found another woman
There's someone who loves her - Me!
You're no longer in my heart,
It told me that it did not want you anymore
that what I have felt one day
over time I would forget
I've already found another woman
I'm kissing other new found lips
I will take out everything you did to me on another one (2 times)
The past is the past - everything is forgotten
and I told you that I do not want anything with you anymore
you're yesterday's newspaper - just let yourself see
Unfortunately now I have a new woman,
that values me - just 24 hours after I got rid of you
She never fights with me ever now
She knows what happened to me in the studio with the nary boys
and she tells me that I am her chocolate Boo
she is nothing like you, so I love her
with a beautiful figure that is really hard to look at
so I love her, if you want under the moon
we can share her just you and I
disease that has a cure
just tender love, sex, sympathy (2 times)
I've already found another woman
I'm kissing other new found lips
I will take out everything you did to me on another one (2 times)
Listen mami - it was a chance,
it's over, for you I have no romance
Her and I get into a trance
She knows that I love her and we make it important
she is well dressed and elegant
and is that you love how you look at me
and it's that you love how you look
and is that you love how you look at me
and is that you love how you look
You're no longer in my heart,
It told me that it did not want you anymore
that what I have felt one day
over time I would forget
I've already found another woman
I'm kissing other new found lips
I will take out everything you did to me on another one (2 times)
if you say that your past was better, you are condemning the future without having lived it


Versions: #2
Nobody knows
What I've been through in this life
And I wonder every day
What will become of me?
If I don't wake up tomorrow
And father God sends someone for me
I would like to say good bye first
But, what will become of me?
Who will look after my family?
In this world of treachery
It has been quite an odyssey
Tell me, what will become of me?
[Verse 1]
I grew up in a circle of poverty
Everything was happiness, be content was the skill
Grandma raised me, daddy died
Mommy was always there for me
I swear nothing was missing
I coupled myself to the 2000's
Music fan, talent defines me
Listening to great colleagues
Grandma said kid, you've got it since birth
In 2010, my university, the street
Learning from the lows, seeing falsehood, wickedness
Watching how my friends killed, hit each other
While I was asking myself...
What will become of me?
If I don't wake up tomorrow
And father God sends someone for me
I would like to say good bye first
But, what will become of me?
Who will look after my family?
In this world of treachery
It has been quite an odyssey
Tell me, what will become of me?
[Verso 2]
December 2014, Sofia was born, my greatest blessing
Living without worries, my first song sounding everywhere
God already had a mission, a creation
A natural style flows, with a heart full of harmony
Some people tried to tear me down, but I was cool
All of them were consumed by their karma, uh
Now, being well paid and famous, with no time for what it actually matters
I sit down to cry sometimes, and see how I am living sorrounded by evil
To my poverty I would like to return
I start asking myself, but
What will become of me?
If I don't wake up tomorrow
And father God sends someone for me
I would like to say good bye first
But, what will become of me?
Who will look after my family?
In this world of treachery
It has been quite an odyssey
Tell me, what will become of me?
First of all, thank God
For keeping me good and healthy
So I can make good music
Odyssey, the album
Hi Music Hi Flow
Chris Jeday
Gaby Music
Bless the producer
Tell me Vi
To the wise
My music is enough

Your Photo

Hay Music, Hay Flow
Not even a call
As if nothing at all and you do not want to know of me
That you will excuse to me,
I was thinking that you were only for me
I have your picture to drive me crazy.
Thinking of you, only you in my broken heart
I have your picture to drive me crazy.
Thinking of you, only you in my broken heart
I have your photo with the broken heart
I feel that I am going crazy
And if I do not see you, I look in the mirror and I do not think so
You do not know what I want
And let me take you to see how we live
How do we do it, how do we repeat it?
But it's so hard to find you.
That I have to be content
And let me take you to see how we live
How do we do it, how do we repeat it?
But it's so hard to find you.
That I have to be content
I have your picture to drive me crazy.
Thinking of you, only you in my broken heart
I have your picture to drive me crazy.
Thinking of you, only you in my broken heart
Sometimes I get tired but I keep waiting and I wonder until when and I send you
A couple of letters to see if you answer
And I'm still waiting for an answer, tell me what it's hard for you to answer
For 'I can talk to you, if you let me love you, treat you
Baby, I swear, you're going to be happy
You do not know how I like you
And let me take you to see how we live
How do we do it, how do we repeat it?
But it's so hard to find you.
That I have to be content
Not even a call
As if nothing at all and you do not want to know of me
That you will excuse to me,
I was thinking that you were only for me
I have your picture to drive me crazy.
Thinking of you, only you in my broken heart
I have your picture to drive me crazy.
Thinking of you, only you in my broken heart
Bold light eyes
Janpi, Janpi
Hay Music, Hay Flow
Les The Producer
A lot of community
Tell me Beat

She Prepared

She got prepared, she got cute, her friend called
She's out of the rumba, nothing matters
Because her boyfriend cheated on her
Like nothing
She got prepared, she got cute, her friend called
She's out of the rumba, nothing matters
Because her boyfriend cheated on her
Like nothing
She's out to forget the sorrows and suffering
The boyfriend made her cry, he killed her feelings
His committed words that went with the wind
Now he says I'm sorry to her, I'm sorry
Today she does what she wants
She rides on her ship, to burn the road
She puts on good music to dance
Go ahead champagne and turn on candle lights, that's my baby
Today she does what she wants
She rides on her ship, to burn the road
She puts on good music to dance
Give it to me champagne and turn on my candle lights, that's my baby
She got prepared, she got cute, her friend called
She's out of the rumba, nothing matters
Because her boyfriend cheated on her
Like nothing
She got prepared, she got cute, her friend called
She's out of the rumba, nothing matters
Because her boyfriend cheated on her
Like nothing
That fool got lost to that cute little mama.
I saw her in the club, I imagine her naked
She has two friends who look like a movie
Wherever they arrived they made others look ridiculous
A beautiful body
I assure you that since there are not two
He failed her and she revealed herself
With her friends rumba came out, she was seen
Today she does what she wants
She rides on her ship, to burn the road
She puts on good music to dance
Go ahead champagne and turn on candle lights, that's my baby
Today she does what she wants
She rides on her ship, to burn the road
She puts on good music to dance
Give it to me champagne and turn on my candle lights, that's my baby
She got prepared, she got cute, her friend called
She's out of the rumba, nothing matters
Because her boyfriend cheated on her
Like nothing
She got prepared, she got cute, her friend called
She's out of the rumba, nothing matters
Because her boyfriend cheated on her
Like nothing
Baby, Ozuna
Chris Jeday
Odisea, the album
Gaby Music
Hi Music Hi Flow
Hi Music Hi Flow
Dimelo Vi

The Phony

I miss your aroma in bed
The one you leave when you walk in and go out
Where were left all the kisses and all the plans?
I do not know whether to live or die
I’ve been in limbo since you left from here
You’re the only person that I want to come and be on top of me
My freedom I do not want, nor the single life
I want what they want, the same thing that we all want
Having a bank account with digits and many zeros
Make love daily and spend the money
Tell me baby, if you still love me like before
Nothing seems interesting to me anymore
I know that in love I am a phony
Without you, I will not fall in love again, baby
If you still love me like before
Nothing seems interesting to me anymore
I know that in love I am a phony
Without you, I will not fall in love again, baby
Without you, I will not fall in love again
I do not even know what to think
Now I know why everything’s wrong
I lied telling you I was loyal
I feel a real love, I ask God for you to forgive me
I do not want you to leave, let us try
Why don’t we save our relationship?
You know baby, forgive me baby
Tell me baby, if you still love me like before
Nothing seems interesting to me anymore
I know that in love I am a phony
Without you, I will not fall in love again, baby
If you still love me like before
Nothing seems interesting to me anymore
I know that in love I am a phony
Without you, I will not fall in love again, baby
I miss your aroma in bed
The one you leave when you walk in and go out
Where were left all the kisses and all the plans?
I do not know whether to live or die
I’ve been in limbo since you left from here
You’re the only person that I want to come and be on top of me
My freedom I do not want, nor the single life
I want what they want, the same thing that we all want
Having a bank account with digits and many zeros
Make love daily and spend the money
Tell me baby, if you still love me like before
Nothing seems interesting to me anymore
I know that in love I am a phony
Without you, I will not fall in love again, baby
If you still love me like before
Nothing seems interesting to me anymore
I know that in love I am a phony
Without you, I will not fall in love again, baby

Yeah, Right

You're always going all over the place
I'm always going all over the place
Saying that we don't love each other
Saying we forgot one another
You go all over the place
I go all over the place
Claiming that I won't kiss you ever again
You say you don't want me anymore, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right, yeah right
It's a downer that I don't have you anymore
But I don't want to look for you anymore
Yeah right, yeah right, yeah right
It's a downer that I don't have you anymore
But I don't want to look for you anymore
Tell me baby, why do you keep waiting for me to look for you?
I'm no longer the idiot you think I am
But I love her anyway
You don't believe I die for you love
I travel the world just in case I see her one day
Of course baby I know you were there for me
But you trusted that my heart was for you
I decided to forget you, simply
But I swear that if you call me I'll come running
To drown myself in your kisses
The silence is killing me
I run out
To drown myself in your kisses
I follow your body, the same.
The silence is killing me
You're always going all over the place
I'm always going all over the place
Saying that we don't love each other
Saying we forgot one another
You go all over the place
I go all over the place
Claiming that I won't kiss you ever again
You say you don't want me anymore, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right, yeah right
It's a downer that I don't have you anymore
But I don't want to look for you anymore
I'll leave after having you again
I won't stay with this
A last chance for romance and passion
I am waiting still for the telephone to ring
Nobody has that badness you have
Being away from you is not good for me
And if you call me, I swear I'll
Run to you
To drown in your kisses
The silence is killing me
Run to you
To drown in your kisses
And follow your body in the same way
The silence is killing me
You're always going all over the place
I'm always going all over the place
Saying that we don't love each other
Saying we forgot one another
You go all over the place
I go all over the place
Claiming that I won't kiss you ever again
You say you don't want me anymore, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right, yeah right
It's a downer that I don't have you anymore
But I don't want to look for you anymore
Yeah right, yeah right, yeah right
It's a downer that I don't have you anymore
But I don't want to look for you anymore
['If you want more lyrics in this genre, you can click here on....' (message from the website the lyrics were on)]