Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 42


And I don't know

You're the one who completes
The part I still don't possess
You can still hear me
No matter what distances separate us
You're a secret dream
That I've held within me for so long
You touch me
You touch me
You take me far away
You can love me
The way no one else in this world can
And I've changed myself
In my life to follow you
And I don't know what will happen from here on out
I don't know if I'll be able to defend myself
I don't know
But I sense that you are there
In these eyes of mine
They can recognize it
I don't know
Tell me, tell me how it is
That you are what I've always wanted
That which I've always strongly believed
But that fear that is closed within us
That doesn't make us fly
That doesn't make us feel stronger
And you, for you not to run, for you not to quit,
Makes me feel all the chills
The reason that it makes me believe
We are us, I believe in us,
In us...
And I don't know what will happen from here on out
I don't have any barriers to protect myself
(And I don't know)
And you stay near
(And I don't know)
Now give me your hand
(And I don't know)
I don't know...
And I don't know

Peter Pan

Peter Pan never wanted in his live
to grow up
and a fairy dusted him with stardust
and then a child
and could fly like a bird
Peter Pan, Peter Pan, Peter Pan
all children who once saw you
want to be like you all the beautiful things
in the land that the adults never find
Peter Pan, Peter Pan, Peter Pan
and you fly away with the children
to the Indians and Fairies to the Pirate Captain.
there where adventure still exist.
When you search for him with his little friends
then come to the Land of Dreams
and you have to think for something beautiful
and Peter Pan will give you the bravery to fly.
Peter Pan, Peter Pan, Peter Pan
all children who once saw you
want to be like you all the beautiful things
in the land that the adults never find
Peter Pan, Peter Pan, Peter Pan
and you fly away with the children
to the Indians and Fairies to the Pirate Captain.
there where adventure still exist.
When it knocks on the window at night
maybe its Peter Pan
and he takes you in the Land of Tales
Peter Pan, Peter Pan, Peter Pan
take us with you in the Land of Tales
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


In my sublime freedom
In my sublime freedom
In my sublime freedom
In my sublime freedom
I know that I don't know
Where are we going
If we're holding
A distance or our hands
I know that I don't know
How to explain good
Or if it's appropriate
To drink another glass
I know that I don't know
That I don't know
I know
I don't know much
I don't mind
I know
I don't know much
I feel fine
In my sublime freedom
In my sublime freedom
I know that I don't know
If tomorrow will be fine
The lines of our hands
Are roads that changed
I know that I don't know
But I travel alone
The light is good
And the orchestra plays
I know that I don't know
That I don't know
I know
I don't know much
I don't mind
I know
I don't know much
I feel fine
In my sublime freedom
In my sublime freedom
In my sublime freedom
In my sublime freedom
We write the rhymes of this life
In a sublime moment
On these hands you draw the lines
In a sublime moment
In my sublime freedom
In my sublime freedom
In my sublime freedom
In my sublime freedom
I know that I don't know
That I don't know
I know that I don't know
That I don't know
I know that I don't know
That I don't know
I know
That I don't know
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

I Dance to Your Pipe (The Pied Piper)

I had my own will,
what I wanted, only that mattered to me.
Now you are here, and everything is changing.
My world now belongs to you,
and no more to me.
Hey, play a song,
and I dance to your pipe
and I dance to your pipe
and do everything only for you
Play a song,
and I dance to your pipe,
and even if I can't comprehend it,
there is only you for me.
You didn't come to me with big words,
You don't say to me: 'It must be so'
And now I do it all by myself
I don't know myself, what happens
during your song.
Hey, play a song,
and I dance to your pipe
and I dance to your pipe
and do everything only for you
Play a song,
and I dance to your pipe,
and even if I can't comprehend it,
there is only you for me.
Hey, play a song,
and I dance to your pipe
and I dance to your pipe
and do everything only for you
Play a song,
and I dance to your pipe,
and even if I can't comprehend it,
there is only you for me.

The Siren

When the moon, appearing in the sky,
Shines and reflects itself in water
And spreads a silver rug,
The evening wind is breathing.
When I hear in this fragrant air
Like a voice of remote land,
A monotonous ringing of bell,
A spellbound I'm going to row.
Everybody tells me:
'Under Procida 1
If you pass, go away!
It's dangerous.
There's a woman there
Who fascinates the men.
She calls them to herself
And then makes them die'.
Ah! I row, I row!
But I have a Saint
That protects me and leads away from harm,
Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia.
I row, I row! Here's frightful Procida
Under the serene and starry sky!
Here's it, among the air of evening
It's like an enchanted mountain.
Here's it, what a silence, what a peace!
This is the time of beautiful siren
She's swimming to the seacoast
And gives me a signal by the hand.
An affable voice
Trembles in the air:
'Go away, go away!
You are in danger!
This is a woman
Who under Procida
Makes the charmed men
Ah! I row, I row!
But I have a Saint
That protects me and leads away from harm,
Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia.
I row, I row, the siren waits for me,
Gives me the signal and tells me:
'Fisherman, do you want to exchange
Your boat for a kingdom and happy life?'
I must go away! I know this voice.
She who calls me, her name is Isabella.
Procidana, 2 you are insidious and beautiful
And you've made me die.
An affable voice
Trembles in the air,
But it's useless,
It can't make me stop.
I know this woman
Who under Procida
Makes the charmed men
Ah! I row, I row!
But I have a Saint
That protects me and leads away from harm,
Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia.
  • 1. island on the bay of Naples
  • 2. she is a woman/girl who lives in Procida
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


Fegyverrel vagy fegyver nélkül egy képen
Szétesve és rendezve ebben a magányos
Amit te nem gyógyítasz majd meg
Felnövök és inkább leszek emberibb
Egy másik háború elaltat engem
Felnövök és harcolok ezzel a félelemmel
Amely most felszabadít
Gyerekek futnak a város sötét falain
Mindenki tudja szerelemből milyen ha elvesznek
És nem adnak vissza
Képesek eladni a csöndet és a rosszat
Az ő kicsi szabadságukat
Eladják a fehér porokat az
És a könyörületnek
Gyermekek, gyermekek
Aki egy tégelybe bezárva mint egy magszem
Mint egy üdítő
Tudod jól hogy minden jövőbeli könnyednek
Ára van
Mint a zene
Nem tudom melyik gyerek fogja ezen az estén
Feltárni sebeit és álomképeit
Kinyílik majd
A zárt ajtók és egy határ
Ezen az emberek uralta földön
Emberek földje...oh gyermek
Melyik az a tér Bueons Airesben ahol
Elárulták apádat, az ő múltját megölték
Gyerekek futnak a város sötét falain
Mindenki tudja szerelemből milyen ha elvesznek
És nem adnak vissza
Képesek eladni a csöndet és a rosszat
Az ő kicsi szabadságukat
Eladják a fehér porokat az
És a könyörületnek
Gyermekek, gyermekek
Fegyverrel vagy fegyver nélkül egy képen
Szétesve és rendezve ebben a magányos
Ami megmosolyogtat téged.


That's where you find yourself walking
your wings are shaken for two soles
on the palaces the advertisement of the sea ...
so you do not remember where you went
you lent your cheeks to someone else
and you surely have more bosses than a dog
tie or collar?
How are you, how are you, how do kids jump on the bed
you only clear the bed , and you make it
and you know it and you know that it never has fun
the circus elephant
so stay aside happy and remember who you are.
Off-line Offline Off-line
Off-line Offline Off-line.
That's how it seemed to you to understand
You answered better in elementary school
you forgot the game of the wall ...
Like the shooting of the first cigarette
the uncertainty in touching other hair
Pollicino 1 left you many rocks
but you lost them.
As it goes, as it goes, you still find muscles under your jacket
or do you feel your identity card?
While you're watching the poppies along the a6 ...2
and you find them stupendous
then you realize who's crying is not your daddy, no.
Off-line Offline Off-line
Off-line Offline Off-line.
In this night that is on
I have the heart turned upside down
I feel it while shouting and it seems to me all right
I 'm waiting for the hurricane
without waiting for anything
Feeling like my gift, my masterpiece
so that somehow you find yourself
as it was the day after carnival
and I realized that sign of the cross was the point where I wanted to move
No matter where I went
I was in the queue for a smile
but I bless my eyes that I did not expect, and thank you for the pain of having you near me
Off-line Offline Off-line
Off-line Offline Off-line
Off-line Offline Off-line
Off-line Offline Off-line
  • 1. is the smallest child protagonist of a popular fairy tale who, while walking in the woods, leaving the pebbles on the path to find the way home
  • 2. it is the name of a motorway
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

I love you so much

I love you so much that I can make your soul to want to steal my dreams and escape till your lips
I love you so much that I forget that I can't touch fire.
I love you so much that the wind keeps singing your name after I do
I love you so much that I'd die if I don't live in your smile, if I can't be with you
Sadness chases me
I love you so much that my soul escapes to reach your window
I love you because loving you fills me with all your love
I love you so much that I can take you to fly with me, to twirl with the swirls that carry
my heart
I love you when rain wets your body
I love you to be loved by you
I love you with all my soul
That's how I love you
I love you so much that I'd die if I don't live in your smile, if I can't be with you
Sadness chases me
I love you so much that my soul escapes to reach your window
I love you because loving you fills me with all your love
I love you so much that I can take you to fly with me, to twirl with the swirls that carry
my heart
I love you when rain wets your body
I love you to be loved by you
I love you with all my soul
That's how I love you
That's how I love you (x4)
I love you to be loved by you
I love you with my soul

The First Day Without You

Versions: #2
Yesterday at the same time as now
At this same table
You were sitting right before me
Where your absence sits now
You told me you were leaving
A dozen of my years times two
Twenty-four of your hours
Go through my existence
Like bullets
One by one
I'll die if you aren't here
And now that
I put the first day without you
On a scale
The omen of the future is so bleak
That I swear that it looks
Like a wall
To me
Without your company
Your warmth, your smile
Your playful gaze
Your simple words
Saying I love you
And the gift of your kiss
Which used to flood
My cheeks with light
Without your telepathy,
Your bad moods, your laughter,
A little bit of all that
Is best in this life
Escapes from me
And flies out to the empty space
That you left when you went away
That day
Yesterday when you went out
That door
Future reserves
Of smile and happiness
Followed behind you
Now I am overwhelmed by words
My kisses, my eyes' gazes
The minutes of my hours
Each gesture of my face
And my soul
Were caused by and were for you
And now that
I put the first day without you
On a scale
The omen of the future is so bleak
That I swear that it looks
Like a wall
To me
Without your company
Your warmth, your smile
Your playful gaze
Your simple words
Saying I love you
And the gift of your kiss
Which used to flood
My cheeks with light
Without your telepathy,
Your bad moods, your laughter,
A little bit of all that
Is best in this life
Escapes from me
And flies out to the empty space
That you left when you went away
That day (x2)

Játék katona (Nico altatója)

Hunyd be a szemed
Tudom, mit látsz
A sötétség magasan van
És te tíz láb mélyen
De sokkal borzasztóbb szörnyeket is túléltünk már, mint az alvás
És tudod, hogy itt leszek, hogy elmondjam, lélegezz
Te vagy a kis katonám
Az ok, amiért élek
Ne felejts el
Vigyázok rád
Elveszve botladozol, az utolsó választás, amivel találkozol
Az a lábad alatt lévők felett való uralkodás ára
Az ösvények, amiken áthaladtál, és a bizalom, amit próbálsz megtartani
Kimerült vagy, egy olyan hangot hallgatva, ami nem tud beszélni
De Nico, kedvesem
Te vagy a kis katonám
Az ok, amiért élek
Ne felejts el
Vigyázok rád
Szóval fuss, árnyakon keresztül barangolsz
A hegeket felszakítja a szerelem, amiről azt hittek, birtokolhatod
De ő csak egy a sok közül, akit otthonnak hívhatsz
És talán egy nap, a keserűség elhalványul a csontjaidban
Te voltál a kis katonám
Most, egy sötét herceg vagy
De még számodra is van egy fény
Ami egy másik életbe vezet