Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 8


The Last Cry in Hades ~Not Guilty~

My heart is still pumping.
This dawn where I feel sick to my stomach will not forgive me.
When will I ever be able to sleep ?
The future that I never wished for is merciless,
chained to my ankle.
The ghost reflected in the window stares at me
as if he admonishes that I have yet to pay for my sin.
So come here quickly, and tear out my windpipe,
if you can, do so quickly.
Wandering at the edge of death, If I just went a little further
I wonder if I could make it to your side again.
I had a nostalgic dream, I'd rather not have awoken from.
But I wake to welcome the morning again,
feeling like I'd heard your voice.
The wounds of the heart won't ever go away.
This pain will continue to wake me from slumber.
wandering at the edge of death, If I just went a little further
I wonder if we could see each other again ?
In the midst of a nostalgic dream,
I'd rather you'd pull my arm and take me away.
But I wake to welcome the morning again,
feeling like I'd heard your voice.
The wounds of the heart won't ever go away.
This pain will continue to wake me from slumber.
But I wake to welcome the morning again,
You force my hands away.
wounds of the heart won't ever go away.
This pain will continue to force me into tomorrow.


I must build it now Killing all that is
I must break it now dear to us
I must leave it now Let's run away
I must confess it now From this cold place
I'm just building that I aim for the paradise
I'm just breaking that in which I can do what I want
I'm just leaving that I feel a bit sad, but
I must confessing that My heart is beating loudly
When I woke up this morning, both my arms were torn off
Right, once I take of my mask, in the end I'm this awkward
But that's why, without worrying about my appearance
I can come to meet you who's always been waiting for me
No matter how many wounds I must bear
I'll search for that day, faded in my memory

Hill-Illusion of Snow

On the hill of promise lying in a silent suspense
I’m waiting for you
The song of prayer continues, having not reached you yet.
Noises and white sigh breaths float around me
I lost you in the town with no sign of hope.
Whatever the answer I looked for,
I couldn’t seize you with my numb hands
“Let’s light up softly the darkness in your heart”
To keep the illusion of snow
From freezing and taking away our wish.
So, don’t fall asleep yet
The wind is blowing on that hill
Wiping out every thing
On the tips of our fingers we swore upon
The memory must still remain
Lit up in an iridescent brightness
The sun lays bare the reality
The moonlight repaints it into an illusion
You stand there with a sorrowful face
Left lost all lone
“Let’s light up softly the darkness in your heart”
To keep the illusion of snow
From freezing and taking away our wish.
So, don’t fall asleep yet
The wind is still blowing on that hill, that old place
And in the disappearing emotion
The memory must still remain
Lit up in an iridescent brightness
“The illusion of snow has gone,
Reflecting the future yet to be seen”
So, don’t fall asleep yet
I’ll be waiting for you on that hill
The memory must still remain in the warmth
Of the moment we held each other
After we had given up everything
Lit up in an iridescent brightness


In the middle of these woods, there's a clown of circus at the bottom
It always watch everyone and tries to make them laugh
No matter what time if you're sad nor happy
I will try to please everyone
The truth is you must be concerned about this strange red nose I have
If you teased me, it will never change
I just laughed when I fell down from dancing
and because I stumbled, I also cried
Just I can't say it that it's dangerous
'I have to do it, who will do it!' but to you, you just laugh
I don't want something dangerous like tightrope
But, would you decide for me?
'Do your best'
In fact, I know
that you have to practive
Even if you stumbled for many times
that you even got frustrated
Go do your best
just only your impatient feelings can be seen
I have seen it properly
that you're working hard
Inside this circus, there's some sleeping in their tents
But you have to remember the magic
So, I wont force it to you
only this night today
Just I can't say it that it's dangerous
'I have to do it, who will do it!' but to you, you just laugh
I don't want something dangerous like tightrope
But, would you decide for me?
'Do your best'
Just I can't say it that it's dangerous
'I have to do it, who will do it!' but to you, you just laugh
Just I can't say it that it's dangerous
'I have to do it, who will do it!' but to you, you just laugh
I don't want something dangerous like tightrope
But, would you decide for me?
'Do your best'

At the time of Pierrot and Colombine

At the time of Pierrot and Colombine
In a world less crazy than today,
Pierrot didn't have a car
To meet his girlfriend,
He ran to loose his breath
without stopping at the fountains
He ran, ran, ran
When Pierrot met Colombine
To bring her in the wood
Pierrot who didn't have a car
Took his sweet friend by the hand
And words were coming to him
And sentences were turning,
And Pierrot chatted, chatted,
Without thinking of kissing her
And without a car
With Colombine
He took his time, all of his time
To offer her twenty years
When Pierrot dreamed about Colombine,
Who was alone in the town
Pierrot without a phone
To call the cutie
Lighted a candle
And wrote in the paper
The most beautiful things
And Pierrot dedicated with his pen
Wrote to calm his ardor
Under the absentminded watch of the moon
Laughing in front of all this happiness
And words were coming to him
And sentences were turning
And his heart was beating, beating
In the blue of the inkwell
And words were hovering
And sentences were turning
And when the day came, there were
More than a hundred love letters
When Pierrot was waiting for Colombine
Who was doing her work in the town
Pierrot didn't have an electrophone
To kill the monotone time
He took his mandolin
Composed minuets
Sweet cavatinas
When Pierrot married Colombine
He was a poet and a musician
Colombine sang in her kitchen
while doing the laundry, or making bread
And without a car,
In love and quiet
They took their time, all of the time
To love each other madly
And without a phone,
And without an electrophone
They lived up to almost a hundred years
And had a lot of children

Dal Pierrot-nak

Nem az utcán születtél
Nem a patakban születtél
Nem vagy elveszett gyermek
Nem vagy fattyú
Mert az elmémben születtél
És a bőrömön élsz
Én csináltam a bolygódat
Mélyen az agyamban
Pierrot, gyermekem, testvérem, barátom
Barátom, de tartasz melegen
Mióta rólad álmodtam
Mióta feltaláltalak
Belehalok, ha nem láthatlak
Érezlek a hasamban
A nap, mikor eljössz
Esküszöm, abbahagyom az ivást
Legalább egy hétig
Nehéz lesz, de sebaj
Pierrot, gyermekem, testvérem, barátom
Barátom, de tartasz melegen
Akár egy hercegnő fia vagy
Vagy a semmié
Te a gyöngédség fia leszel
Nem leszel árva
De nem ismerem az édesanyád
Hiába keresem őt
Csak az egyedüllét
Nyomorúságát ismerem
Pierrot, gyermekem, testvérem, barátom
Barátom, de tartasz melegen
A fejem sarkában
Ott van a szerelésed :
Farmer, egy motorbicikli
Santiago cipők
Nem mész majd iskolába
Káromkodásra foglak tanítani
Focit játszunk
Bárba megyünk majd
Pierrot, gyermekem, testvérem, barátom
Barátom, de tartasz melegen
Nem fogod megmosni a kezedet
Mielőtt az asztalhoz ülsz
Nem fogod azt mondani, hogy iszákos vagyok
Mikor ellopom majd a zsákodat
Dalokat tanítok majd
Amiket hülyének fogsz tartani
És talán igazad lesz
De azért majd megsértődök
Pierrot, gyermekem, testvérem, barátom
Barátom, de tartasz melegen
Gyerünk, Pierrot
Te leszel a bandám feje
Neked adom a késemet
Megtanítalak, hogyan ölj
Gyerünk, barátom
Találok neked egy anyát
Hárman leszünk, jó lesz majd
Gyerünk, várok rád
Pierrot, gyermekem, testvérem, barátom
Barátom, de tartasz melegen