Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 35

Találatok száma: 2239


Yadigar Ejder

I am waiting
In the nothingness
I am in no rush
What about? You would choose me
Oh, that mess huge world passing through you
I didn't know, otherwise I would've been right beside you
Do you remember?
Our sixpenny richness
I am the one burning, I am going
I'm lonely
Oh, that mess huge world passing through you
I didn't know, otherwise I would've been right beside you
[We're living in a world where everybody is stranger
Lonely and also odd
I'm going, yes, I'm going!
But one day, I will depart from this world without anyone knowing
At that time, no one will find me, no one!]
Oh, that mess huge world passing through you
I didn't know, otherwise I would've been right beside you
Oh, that mess huge world passing through you
I didn't know, otherwise I would've been right beside you

How beautiful your eyes are

You look at me and you smile, you have something bright
You talk to me and you make my travel with my mind
I look at you and I'm elsewhere
How beautiful your eyes are
How nice you look at me
How much I like it when you speak
How beautiful your lips are
What a nice smell
Kiss me all night long
I look at you and I smile
I have something to tell you
I talk to you and you touch me, tell me how much you love me
How beautiful your eyes are
How nice you look at me
How much I like it when you speak
How beautiful your lips are
What a nice smell
Kiss me all night long

Szerelem gyilkos

Ott a kezeiden ez a vér
Most már senki sem mentheti meg a szívemet
És a sebhely, amit hagytál, gyógyíthatatlan
Ott a kezedben a kés
Ez egy mosoly lenne az arcodon?
Olyan nyilvánvaló számomra
Te egy szerelem gyilkos vagy
Egy szerelem, szerelem gyilkos
Te egy szerelem gyilkos vagy
Te egy gyilkos vagy
Te egy szerelem gyilkos vagy
Egy szerelem, szerelem gyilkos
Te egy szerelem gyilkos vagy
Te egy gyilkos vagy
Egy hidegvérű gyilkos vagy
Bébi, sohasem gondoltam volna, hogy te
Képes lennél ilyen hidegvérű gyilkosságra
Te egy szerelem gyilkos vagy, egy gyilkos vagy
Értem én a taktikádat
Fogadok, hogy nem először csináltad
Nem hagyod abba, amíg az áldozatod a földön nem csúszik
Akár egy bűnöző
Elloptad tőlem a szerelmet
Olyan nyilvánvaló számomra
Te egy szerelem gyilkos vagy
Egy szerelem, szerelem gyilkos
Te egy szerelem gyilkos vagy
Te egy gyilkos vagy
Egy hidegvérű gyilkos vagy
Bébi, sohasem gondoltam volna, hogy te
Képes lennél ilyen hidegvérű gyilkosságra
Te egy szerelem gyilkos vagy, egy gyilkos vagy
Egy gyilkos vagy

Out Of An Abundance Of Boredom

Out of an abundance of boredom i burned everything
out of an abundance of pride
i didn't let you fall
into my arms
i played it cool1
and forgot all about you
The told me that time heals all
i took a vitamin with my alcohol
but am searching for the
significance like a drunkard
If there isn't any room for mistakes
there also isn't any room for successes
act less foolishly today
learning to ask for forgiveness
Today i know that i would give it all
in order not to lose
what i already lost yesterday
it's a shame that this is how it works
We tried to destroy so that we could rebuild
and how lovely you are
how much fire do you attract
you covered me in flames
it cost me dearly
If there isn't any room for mistakes
there also isn't any room for successes
i act less foolishly today
learning to ask for forgiveness
Today i know that i would give it all
in order not to lose
what i already lost yesterday
it's a shame that this is how it works
  • 1. lit: large


A reason
To say no
When there is no more than today
I said goodbye
Never to return
Everything is felt more at the end
Every journey
Has a destination
But I can't
Find mine
I have nothing to lose
Nothing to lose
There are so many things that I don't know
So much that I don't know
Always find some reason
It costs more than you think
But I'm not giving up this time
My heart
Begs for my forgiveness
Protecting it1 for no reason, illusion
So many challenges
That the river carries away
But I can't achieve
To forget mine
I have nothing to lose
Nothing to lose
There are so many things that I don't know
So much that I don't know
Always find some reason
It costs more than you think
But I'm not giving up this time
A reason
To say no
When there is no more than today
A reason
To say no
When there is no more than today
  • 1. 'Dejar algo en alto' is an expression, meaning 'uphold/protect /preserve'.

The Whole Picture

Versions: #1
I will reveal you the eyes
that once reflected my soul.
What you see is true,
the way it is.
I will reveal you the ears,
and all that they’ve ever heard.
I hear what I want.
That's the way it is.
Do you really understand
that this is all I can ever be?
I cannot be bettered,
or made more gracious.
Do you really understand
that you have already seen
almost the whole picture?
And it might yet disappoint you.
I just wanted to make sure of this
while it seems we are both still standing here.
Soon you will see my lips


Belégzés és kilégzés naponta milliószor.
Te vagy a drogom, előre elvesztett küzdelem.
A pillanat, amikor felgyorsul a lélegzet,
Különösen erős pillanat,
Kezek keresztbe a mellkason, már a tiéd vagyok.
Lassan elveszek a molekuláidban
Már nem menekülhetek, (már nem menekülhetek)
Tudom, előfordul, hogy a sors összeköti az utakat,
Ha a testekben ott a kioldó (ha a testekben ott a kioldó)
Érinthetetlenek vagyunk.
Minden éjszaka százezerszer akarom érezni a teret.
Ketten vagyunk itt az éjszakával szemben, elveszítem a harcot.
A pillanat, amikor felgyorsul a lélegzet, különösen erős pillanat,
Nem látom, és nem hiszem, hogy kedvelsz engem.
Lassan elveszek a molekuláidban
Már nem menekülhetek, (már nem menekülhetek)
Tudom, előfordul, hogy a sors összeköti az utakat,
Ha a testekben ott a kioldó (ha a testekben ott a kioldó)
Érinthetetlenek vagyunk.
Egy, kettő, három, fekete lyuk
Én, te, világ, emberi hit
Egy, kettő, három, fekete lyuk
Én, te, világ, emberi hit
Lassan elveszek a molekuláidban
Már nem menekülhetek, (már nem menekülhetek)
Tudom, előfordul, hogy a sors összeköti az utakat,
Ha a testekben ott a kioldó (ha a testekben ott a kioldó)
Érinthetetlenek vagyunk.

Dream street

Every garden has
a nest for the birds.
Every road has
a heart for the children.
But you, my lady ,
what are you saying at dawn
and you are staring the stars
that keep falling like a rain.
Give me your hair
to make a prayer out of it,
to start again
the song from the beginning.
Every house hides
some love in the silence.
But a boy considers
love to be a shameful thing.

In the East of Eden

Ah, i'm asking nothing anymore
tonight this is enough for me
you tapping in the beat of heart
and me not knowing what shadow are you talking about.
Once upon a time
i was asking to know who my God was
and my mother was singing to me
at nights in the dark.
In the East of Eden
lived a bohemian type
who always wore a flower on his lapel
He was very habillé
he had a striped suit
he walked as if he had done ballet
He shared thousands of kisses
he paid for violins to come
and in the evenings he sang sweetly
a such sad melody
I love you, I love you
Amour, toujours
ca va

Simple lessons of dictatorship without a teacher

You take a dozen of tanks, a trowel* and a plate
and after exorcising Marx you establish a slogan
Choose a bird if possible with two heads*
you put it up on Hymettus with its wings like fans.
Greece of Greek Christians*
without parliament and elections
this is only how nations live
taratatzum taratatzum taratatzum
You put as the prime minister an expatriate from Chicago
in each sentence he says ten 'I' and you pretend to be a magician.
Gatherings are allowed at a maximum of one person
thus avoiding prison and dislocation of the shoulder.
Greece of Greek Christians
without parliament and elections
this is only how nations live
taratatzum taratatzum taratatzum
Arrests are allowed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday
but you can also do them from yesterday to keep them down.
A good day for all this, is one of the many in April*
you start early in the morning and end in the afternoon.

The life of Saint-Jezabel

Jesabel who was a singer
a belly-dance artist
leaves behind Souez
the lights and the scene.
And when she got her salaries
the woman went for,
along with all the faithful,
a pilgrimage in Mecca.
And she said:
'I will enter artificial paradises.'
Jezabel, Jezabel, artificial paradises.
'In the artificial paradises vortex
I shall surrender '
Jezabel, Jezabel, artificial paradises.
'In the artificial paradises vortex
I shall surrender
..the artist'
Everyone thought she was the most likely
woman to become a Sultana,
but she goes instead to have fun
with Jivana the witch
And when she got rid of her stress
she says her prayer
and inside Orian Express
her soul flew.
And she said:
'I will enter artificial paradises.'
Jezabel, Jezabel, artificial paradises.
'In the artificial paradises vortex
I shall surrender '
Jezabel, Jezabel, artificial paradises.
'In the artificial paradises vortex
I shall surrender
..the woman'
There in the lustful East
they proclaimed her a saint
and wishing her to have good health
many smoke a certain substance.
And when they light up, Jezabel
inside the mosque for her
she changes in an instant
and becomes a genie.
And she says:
'I will enter artificial paradises.'
Jezabel, Jezabel, artificial paradises.
'In the artificial paradises vortex
I shall surrender '
Jezabel, Jezabel, artificial paradises.
'In the artificial paradises vortex
I shall surrender
.. the saint'

The honey-like expectation

Like the expectation of rain during droughts.
Like the expectation of kisses after fasting.
Like the expectation of Saint-George's day when people sow in the hope of reaping*
Like the expectation of Easter when everything is lighted up.
So big is my expectation, for the sunset to take place
for the sun to hide, and for the day to turn into night.
So big is my expectation for the stars to rise high in the sky
So i could talk to them, my love, for you, whom they see.
I've been waiting for them since the morning even if they are not yet kindled
full of joy they light up at once, as soon as i speak to them about you.
I look outside my window and they immediately laugh
i wish you could see them, oh my nightingale, how they sing to me.
I tell them that your eyes, remind me of poetry
and hearing me saying that, they shine even more.
I tell them that your lips are made by honey-bees
that they're dripping honey when they kiss me, and give a sweet taste to my sobbing.
I tell them about the seas you draw for me
so as i can swim, when you sink into my mind.
I'm telling them that you have silky embroidered winds
to fly into my arms, while i am abroad.
As much as i wait for the stars to talk with
they wait for me as well, so i could dress them with love.
They expect a lot to learn about you
they compose poems for you under the moonlight.
I believe they have loved you more than i have..
It's the first time i see stars in love
I believe they have sweetened the whole sky for you
in the name of love, our stars turned into honey.

You are my spring (Dear my spring)

If you let someone get in your heart,
You'll have a place that's easy to get hurt
I know I'm afraid of this excitement
Cause one day I'll make you cry
Get away from me, no stay here
I can't hold you and I can't let you go
Because I can't promise you that common word 'forever'
I'm here, like a friend
I'm hugging you, I'm covered with scars
I can't tell youI everything is all right, let's be together now
This hesitation is making me sad
I'd rather wish you'd blamed me a lot
Just a little more, no just until here
I don't want to be a painful season for you
You've already approached me like spring
I'm standing here like a fool
Get away from me, no stay here
Even if I can't hold you and I can't let you go
Even if I can't promise you that common word 'forever'
I'll be here by your side
Until the day my heart beats


I like the city that you hate.
I love to do everything that weighs on you.
I will put everything that you see in me on the line.
Strange bets are played once too.
I will allow you what no one else has done before.
I will become plasticine - do whatever you want.
I close the fucking gestalts.
So good. So where have you been before?
I found you and it doesn't matter if it ends badly.
I'll just leave this song here.
Maybe you don't have a heart or you have someone.
I found you - it's late now
And I don't see the way back.
I'll just stay by your side here
Even if you don't have a heart or you have someone.
I will shoot down the scopes you set up.
I will spread my arms, I will be your target.
If you kill me, then only with love.
If it's inevitable, then it's worth it.
But now hold my heart, hold it tight.
It didn’t make a knock before you.
Before you, I thought that two people were just a set of letters in a combination of sounds.
I found you and it doesn't matter if it ends badly.
I'll just leave this song here.
Maybe you don't have a heart or you have someone.
I found you - it's late now
And I don't see the way back.
I'll just stay by your side here
Even if you don't have a heart or you have someone.

Until Now

Versions: #1
In my solitude
I remember you
Why is it, until now,
it's still you, my love?
At midnight
In your sleep
Do you search for me
until you wake up?
All that time
I loved you truly
Don't forget
The love that you had me feel
The beat of your heart
Don't hide it
Wish we could go back
To that one point in the past
To wipe away these tears
Why is it, until now,
it's still you I love?
I can't believe
That you left
Oh, how fast it was
That I lost you
Oh, your picture
Even just for a moment
I gaze at it
To feel like I'm with you
You used to be so happy
In my presence
Don't forget
The love that you had me feel
The beat of your heart
Don't hide it
Wish we could go back
To that one point in the past
To wipe away these tears
Why is it, until now,
it's still you I love?

Farewell, Sad Poems

Farewell, farewell sad poems,
Farewell, gray autumns!
Farewell, you crazy thought,
I'm leaving you and I say farewell to you!
Farewell, sad clay masks
With the corner of the lips dropped!
Farewell, bitter tears,
You belong to a past!
Now in the cup of the heart
I have the sunniest day,
And I have dreams, and songs,
But especially love, love!
Sad flowers, from a sad bouquet,
I chase you away, and I don't regret
That I never have a place for you
Not even in one thought of mine.
Farewell, farewell sad memories!
Farewell to the false loves!
Farewell to the nights that lie
In their silver tinfoil!
Farewell, farewell sad expectations,
With unnecessary questions,
And farewell separations among tears,
With waved handkerchiefs in the stations.
Now in the cup of the heart
I have the sunniest day,
And I have dreams, and songs,
But especially love, love!
Sad flowers, from a sad bouquet,
I chase you away, and I don't regret
That I never have a place for you
Not even in one thought of mine.
Farewell, farewell sad poems,
Farewell, gray autumns!
Farewell, you crazy thought,
I'm leaving you and I say farewell to you!
Farewell, sad clay masks
With the corner of the lips dropped!
Farewell, bitter tears,
You belong to a past!
Farewell, farewell, sad poems!

一叶秋 (Autumn Leaves)

A mild fragrance disturbs the firefly
Who takes a detour by the lake
The flowers fall into cause and effect
Or fate here is tortuous and bumpy
you in my eyes are stunning
Feelings? how can anyone help
Suddenly looking at the dim lights
I still remember your face
These fireworks confused you and me
The corner indicates the main hall near the courtyard
Play a song with emotion and a sweet smile like yesterday
I usually write love you, there's no elaborate prose
That rain made me understand clearly
In romance, there are concerns and it is often kind.
Regardless of the celestial stars, which will last forever
The full moon draws me to you, I love you forever
A mild fragrance disturbs the firefly
Who takes a detour by the lake
The flowers fall into cause and effect
Or fate here is tortuous and bumpy
you draw colors in my heart
condensed amber
Willing to walk together, there are thousands of flowers
use this life to anchor
These fireworks confused you and me
The corner indicates the main hall near the courtyard
Play a song with emotion and a sweet smile like yesterday
I usually write love you, there's no elaborate prose
That rain made me understand clearly
In romance, there are concerns and it is often kind.
Regardless of the celestial stars, which will last forever
The full moon draws me to you, I love you forever
the fireworks are gone
When love is strong I will make wine
I want to wait for spring, this passion I can't deny
See the autumn leaves, your smile is peaceful
and you still smile

Embrace (We Will Be Not All Together)

Versions: #1
Let’s call this the end
I’m sure others would too
The more we try to find our hearts
The more we try to hide each other
It gets harder (uh)
As I hold you for the last time
Your embrace
Was warmer and smaller than I thought
For some reason (For some reason)
I started to hate the precious you and these late feelings
Your embrace
Was warmer and smaller than I thought
So I felt sorry (I felt sorry)
And hoped this wasn’t the end
Let’s call this the end
It hurt a lot but I’m sure it’ll be alright
The more we try to find our hearts
The more we try to hide each other
It gets harder (uh)
As I hold you for the last time
Your embrace
Was warmer and smaller than I thought
For some reason (For some reason)
I started to hate the precious you and these late feelings
Your embrace
Was warmer and smaller than I thought
So I felt sorry (I felt sorry)
And hoped this wasn’t the end
Let’s get farther away, farther away
If not now, it’ll never happen
Let’s get farther away, farther away
If not now, it’ll never happen
Let’s get farther away, farther away
If not now, it’ll never happen
Let’s get farther away, farther away
If not now, it’ll never
uh - uh - I hated it
Your embrace
Was warmer and smaller than I thought
So I felt sorry
And hoped this wasn’t the end


avenues and flowers
flowers and women
avenues and women
avenues and flowers and women and
an admirer


Hát nem különös, hogy változhatnak meg a dolgok
Az élet amit élsz, tótágasban áll
Hirtelen valaki iránt többet érzel, mint korábban
A háza1és az udvara az otthonoddá válik
Bocsáss meg de mondani akartam még
Menet közben sok mindent
Ezért ez neked szól
Említettem, hogy reszketek?
Említettem, hogy reszketek?
Említettem, hogy reszketek érted?
Az idő, amibe telt, megírni a szavakat a könyvemhez
Úgy látszik a felére csökkent
A kapu, amit bezártam, mikor utoljára sérülés ért
Úgy látszik, hogy kinyitotta önmagát
Ó, a világ most pörög
Próbálja felvenni velem a tempót
És azt mondani, hogy értékeljem
Az itt és mostot
Bocsáss meg de mondani akartam még
Menet közben sok mindent
Ezért ez neked szól
Említettem, hogy reszketek?
Említettem, hogy reszketek?
Említettem, hogy reszketek érted?
  • 1. Nőről van szó.

Lonely Flower

What's the point of regretting now
What's the point of realizing now
The ugly wilting flowers
Make my heart ache
You'll forever be my beloved
I live for you and only you
Like a flower without thorns
I wanted to be beautiful
How do you turn away so coldly from those
Lovely blooming flowers in front of you
Even when spring passes and the flowers fall
I'll always be close as the clothes on your body
Love, what is love
Who are you to make my heart
Ache like this, what right do you have
I still can't find it out
How do you turn away so coldly from those
Lovely blooming flowers in front of you
Even when spring passes and the flowers fall
I'll always be close as the clothes on your body

You, maybe not essentially you

Versions: #1
You, maybe not essentially you
another one, but it would be better if she was you
you dug into me and friendship is there
me, that I'm in need of expressing
the necessity of living that remains in me
And I'm by now convinced since many moons ago
of the irreversible uselessness of time
I wake up at nine and it's decisively you.
we didn't even have the time to see our mother that we were already born
and the minutes chasing each other without coexistence
you wake me up and you are decisively you
Maybe not essentially you
And the night, confidentially blue
looking for the soul
You, maybe not essentially you
another one but it would be better if she was you
And I go to the Baron but I don't play checkers
I drink canned light beer
I don't give a damn and I don't think of you
I would always be in need of a ride
but I know the connections of the night bus 60
I always take it to come over to you
You, maybe not essentially you
And the night, confidentially blue
looking for the soul

My dreams of anarchy

And she was living in her dreams
and in her need for learning
with a hurry the english method
cooking and making love
She was crazy for her research
of cosmetics, rimmel and maquillage
For her readings, Pavese, Ginzburg
De Gregori and rivers of A
Tied to traditions
But I was in love with her and she was in love with me
In her dreams I was also finding parts of myself
And she was learning every day
the value of money
and the consequences
She was touching the sky with a finger
and was healing the wounds
with revolution
Again the poets and a new sound
of dance halls and maybe lovers
And the '68 narrated
and the conquests, the songs
that were saying 'oh oh'
I was in love with her and she was in love with me
In her dreams I was also finding parts of myself
the Lies, the poems, the tales
and fear
the Inflation, the battles
the egoism of race
the season of colours
a glass and the memories
old books and rock records
a sudarium and a thousand stories
the benches of the bolevards
and the weird fantasies
thel lies, the poems
and the weird things that
were choking the past
feudalism and anarchy
the dreams, the anarchy
my dreams of anarchy
I was in love with her and she was in love with me

Peonies from Kosovo

The peony of Millis walked into my dream
Smelling it, it seems like a painful return to the room where I was born
My room was silent, no one was there
Only the scent of the roses!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They are the part of my dream!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I am it!
It came into my dreams, when it was born in front of the house
Now only peonies guard the home!
There is only one flower left that can smell
Millis nurtured it and kept it from turning white!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They are the part of my dream!
Only from smelling peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I'm it!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They're part of my dream!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I'm it!

Made for each other

Im your biggest luck
your heart belongs to me
a love so true for a whole lifetime
destiny blessed us gracefully with
I reach out my hand to you and you take it with two
and our hands are tangled together
other women, other men,
they better stand aside
It is not a love like any other
only you are on my mind
I am in your vains
in yout blood and I know it will be so until the end
It even hurts from love
and when we cry to tears of joy together with you
we know we were made for each other
You are everything to me
my heart and soul
I am life and fate for you
our love is love forever
no one can take us apart
I reach out my hand to you and you take it with two
and our hands are tangled together
other women, other men,
they better stand aside
It even hurts from love
and when we cry to tears of joy together with you
we know we were made for each other


Calmly turn around and look at the years past
Which whisper in a row: 'It's faded, it's faded'
My memory has completely faded
I do not wish to know
Comb the hairstrand of fear from your face
Hide those tired, envious eyes
So that I do not see the despair
So that I do not see anything,
I do not wish to know
Leave a trace
You are in good hands
No one will
No one will call you again
From a far away town, at an inconvenient time
To hear your voice
And your words slide down empty windows
In an empty apartment the walls count
The walls know how to keep secrets
And hide lies
Leave a trace
Calmly turn around and look at the years past,
Which whisper in a row: 'It's faded, it's faded'
My memory has completely faded
I do not wish to know
At the end of the road we are completely clean
Completely alone
Endlessely numb
For horribly cold is the blood that flows
And leaves a trace

The Past

Once, you've left without saying goodbye
Make my heart regret love at the end of heaven
Days apart, life no longer sings
Farewell days, the sky is so sad
Lonely my life over time
My love words, why did you forget them quickly?
Only I cuddle it myself, our love below the abyss
That day I left, life was boring,
Separated that day, forgot the way back
Since then I have found the spicy wine glasses
Oh darling the past is far away
Do you know that I still have this love?
Remember the nights we were together
Still clinging to each other in tired bodies
Hey, baby, the past is far away
It rains at night, I'm still alone
And you, where are you now?
Are you happy there?....or not
Even when your love is far from my arms
Your love words promised me like a fading dream
Love is still in me, full of nostalgia
Sweet voice, sweet with every breath
And then it's just me and the good old days
I love you... I love you
Oh darling the past is far away
Do you know that I still have this love?
Remember the nights we were together
Still clinging to each other in tired bodies
Hey, baby, the past is far away
It rains at night, I'm still alone
And you, where are you now?
Are you happy there?....or not
Even when your love is far from my arms
Your love words promised me like a fading dream
Love is still in me, full of nostalgia
Sweet voice, sweet with every breath
And then it's just me and the good old days
I love you... I love you
And I... will forever love... love you...

In Love

Everything remains the same
as you left it when you went away.
Only time has changed,
[but] life is the same.
In the streets as well,
people come and go.
Everything remains the same
today as it was yesterday.
I was never to you
what you were to me.
Finally, we go
our separate ways.
Now I know goodbye
means finding again
a motive to help me live...
In love you can't know
if it's the best to lose or win.
Time is who'll later say
if it was better to win or lose.
In love it's easy to dream,
in love it's easy to cry.
It's an illusion that comes and goes,
what's really difficult is to love.
In love you'll see
that each day can be
a joyful awakening
that might not be back.
You shall take care
of that love and know
that if it isn't that way,
it won't grow up.
In love you can't know
if it's the best to lose or win.
Time is who'll later say
if it was better to win or lose.
In love it's easy to dream,
in love it's easy to cry.
It's an illusion that comes and goes,
what's really difficult is to love.
La la la la, la la la la la
La la la la, la la la la la...


hiába beszélnek neked ellenünk,
hogy szenvedni fogsz miattam, ez hazugság
tudom, hogy nem hagynak neked békét,
féltékenyek, mert nem az övék vagyok
mikor járom a várost, azt pletykálják, idegen vagyok,
nagyon fáj nekik, hogy egyre jobban beléd esek,
és mindent odaadnának, hogy olyanok legyenek, mint én, de nem éri meg nekik
ne felejtsd el
mikor járom a várost, azt pletykálják, idegen vagyok,
nagyon fáj nekik, hogy egyre jobban beléd esek,
és mindent odaadnának, hogy olyanok legyenek, mint én, de nem éri meg nekik
ne felejtsd el
hiába mondják neked mind, hogy
bajos is, hűtlen is vagyok, ez hazugság,
tudom, hogy nem hagynak neked békét,
féltékenyek, mert nem az övék vagyok
mikor járom a várost, azt pletykálják, idegen vagyok,
nagyon fáj nekik, hogy egyre jobban beléd esek,
és mindent odaadnának, hogy olyanok legyenek, mint én, de nem éri meg nekik
ne felejtsd el
mikor járom a várost, azt pletykálják, idegen vagyok,
nagyon fáj nekik, hogy egyre jobban beléd esek,
és mindent odaadnának, hogy olyanok legyenek, mint én, de nem éri meg nekik
ne felejtsd el
mikor járom a várost, azt pletykálják, idegen vagyok,
nagyon fáj nekik, hogy egyre jobban beléd esek,
és mindent odaadnának, hogy olyanok legyenek, mint én, de nem éri meg nekik
ne felejtsd el
mikor járom a várost, azt pletykálják, idegen vagyok,
nagyon fáj nekik, hogy egyre jobban beléd esek,
és mindent odaadnának, hogy olyanok legyenek, mint én, de nem éri meg nekik
ne felejtsd el

You Don't Ask Me for the Moon

There are many
Stylish, brunette girls,
There are thousands of brunettes,
But with golden hair
How many they may be?
How wonderful
They are all,
And maybe they have
A little spot in their heart
For longing.
But of all the girls that are around the world,
Out of hundreds and hundreds of thousands,
Only you, only you are dear to me,
And maybe you don't even know why.
You don't ask me for the moon
Or for the rare jewels,
But any flower
Becomes a star in your hair.
You're like a song
That always seems new to me.
You don't ask me for the moon,
But I'd like to give it to you.
You're like a song
That always seems new to me.
You don't ask me for the moon,
But I'd like to give it to you.
On serpentines
With you, how nice
How nice it is at dawn,
When mountains and clouds
Are wearing colors.
Petals laugh
In your way, and it seems,
It seems to me that a spring
Is like a glittering thread
In the landscape.
How rich they shine in the sun
These earthly wonders!
You stopped to pick a flower,
And you tell me you don't want more.
You don't ask me for the moon
Or for the rare jewels,
But any flower
Becomes a star in your hair.
You're like a song
That always seems new to me.
You don't ask me for the moon,
But I'd like to give it to you.
You don't ask me for the moon,
But I'd like to give it to you!

The Prince of the Stars: Le Petit Prince

This story is
dedicated with my heartfelt friendship
to children all over the world,
to adults who tend to forget when they were children,
to all people
who have the courage to look at the true beauty of things,
beyond the mere facade.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
There is a planet right above your head.
That's it. That's my planet.
Petit Prince, Petit Prince
Because it's a too small planet,
you won't be able to see anything.
Petit Prince, Petit Prince
But, it is there.
Look up right there.
You'll start to see it soon.
Lululu lulu lululu lulu
Lululu lulu Prince of the Stars.
I came here looking for a friend.
I was always alone.
Petit Prince, Petit Prince
Whenever I was sad,
I watched the red sunset over and over.
Petit Prince, Petit Prince
I guess you could be my friend,
but why do you make such a bright face?
Lululu lulu lululu lulu
Lululu lulu Prince of the Stars.
Lululu lulu lululu lulu
Lululu lulu Prince of the Stars.


Chakhadan, Chakhadan Nature is my mother
My river (so) transparent, All the fish can be seen
My river Chakhadan
Many songs are written about you
Chakhadan, Chakhadan
I love you so much
I love you so much
Chakhadan, Chakhadan you're my beauty
Your splashes are radiant as the sun
You nourish me
My river Chakhadan
Many songs are written about you
Chakhadan, Chakhadan
I love you so much
I love you so much
For ancient people
Your (water) were rich in treasures
Oduls [Kolyma Yukaghirs] (still) praise you
For you're the joy of whole tribe
My river Chakhadan
Many songs are written about you
Chakhadan, Chakhadan
I love you so much
I love you so much
My river Chakhadan
Many songs are written about you
Chakhadan, Chakhadan
I love you so much
I love you so much