Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 41



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Istenszeretet és nyugalom a szívemben
A végtelen naplementével
Az érzés elmúlt már te nem látod bukásom
Én vagyok a világod hanyatlása
Olajjal borított dunnalúd vagyok
Boldogság kereső, te kétszínű ragadozó
Mond el miért
Nincs szív sírni
Emelj magasra
A zene halott, az ámen kimondva
A hit csókja amiért könyörgök
Egy szerető bátor lélekben eladó
Mond el miért
Nincs szív sírni
Emelj magasra
Hagyj engem
és állj meg elmondani hogy érezzek
Bánkódjak, védelmezzem magam a bűntől
Hagyj engem
A hazugságok furcsasága megöl engem
Míg a szerelem
Romantikussá tesz
Nézd ahogy saját teremtményeim elpusztítanak
Hagyj engem
és állj meg elmondani hogy érezzek
Bánkódjak, védelmezzem magam a bűntől
Hagyj engem
A hazugságok furcsasága megöl engem
Míg a szerelem
Romantikussá tesz
Halott fiúnak eleven de érzés nélkül
Nekem halál közeli élmény kell
A szív egyszer merész
Most változott kővé hogy
Befejezze az üzenetem a pokolból
A bor váljon vízzé
A tábortüzek megfagynak,a szerelmes levelek égnek
A romantika elveszett
Isten, hagyd hogy rossz legyek ebben a fájdalomban
Átmeneti fájdalom, örök gyalázat
Részt venni ebben az ördögi sakk játszmában
Leköp engem, elenged, megszabadul tőlem
És próbálja túlélni az ostobaságod

Hopeless Romantic

The first time I ever saw you
I can't forget how sweet your smile was
The smile that woke my asleep feelings
They were waiting for someone like you
Like a joke, now willing to put my heart on the line
They may say I'm crazy, I won't change
What my heart desires, your name
And even it seems unlikely, I won't lose hope
I know one day, you'll notice me
A hopeless romantic like me
Even if I know your type, I still hope
The day you will see my true goal
Give true love
My feelings have waited too long
They may say I'm crazy, I won't change
What my heart desires, your name
And even it seems unlikely, I won't lose hope
I know one day, you'll notice me
A hopeless romantic like me
I know it's one in a million, this dream
But won't surrender till you'll notice and hear
You're the one I love
They may say I'm crazy, I won't change
What my heart desires, your name
And even it seems unlikely, I won't lose hope
I know one day, you'll notice me
A hopeless romantic like me
They may say I'm crazy, I won't change
What my heart desires, your name
And even it seems unlikely, I won't lose hope
I know one day, you'll notice me
A hopeless romantic like me
You will notice me

Romantic Woman

The magnolia flourishes
At the window of my spring,
And I still believe I'm seductive,
I still believe in the sky full of stars.
I leave my past in a veil of mist
And I take only the dreams with me,
Because I am in love with life,
And I fall into its sweet chasm.
Romantic woman,
That's how my friends call me,
When my eyes glimmer
With nocturnal flames.
I let myself go,
I step over the abyss,
I listen to the music of whisper
On the arm of a dream.
Romantic woman,
That's how I'll always be,
And the flame of love
It will burn in my heart.
Romantic woman,
I'm floating softly through the dream
And my heart is beating,
Filled with yearning.
I will never be able
To rip a blooming flower,
And I throw myself into the sea wave
When I know I am loved.
I see the universe in the mirror,
I humbly worship the light.
I wouldn't want another moment
Than that one, when I love in the moonlight.

Romantic Blues

Now I no longer sleep.
When it is night I go walking
ever since,
ever since she's been around.
I wonder if I am alive
or I am dreaming—
dreaming of her.
In the silence of the night
a voice will say to me:
Love is a romantic blues—
a blues that makes my heart die.
During the day, I want to forget it—
at night, I think about her.
I love her even when it's not here,
that blues that makes my heart die.
I love her more every day
because now I no longer live.
You tell me it will happen,
who will love me, but when?
You alone see it,
with your eyes dreaming.
Never do you even know,
not even where you are.
In the silence of the night
a voice will say to me:
Love is a romantic blues—
a blues that makes my heart die.
At night, I think about her.
I love her even when it's not here,
that blues that makes my heart die.
I love her more every day
because now I no longer live.

Romantic fantasty

you're my regret, you're my mistake,
How can I still talk about you
you're my halfway companion,
How can I still talk about you
you're my refuge, you're my support,
that still remain your whisper in my ear
you're my guilt, whereas are innocent
which is your grief load is on my shoulder
my pretext,my heart is in sad,
want to cry
my lovely romantic dream
you're always my last choice
I am your voice, I'm with you in every steps, you take me to the silence
I'm your strangest familiar
which is this forgetness makes me die
you're completely my everything that's still not complete,
what a bad lump is in my throad
come and say it that you're still think about me,
come and see that I still have desire ..
my excuse, my gloom, my heart is sad, my heart is in cry mood,
my romantic fantasy, you're always my last way..

Only corridors

Through the window it's been cold for years - days without sun have gone on too long.
There's thick fog and absent light.
You say to me that with boredom it's possible to kill - an idiotic joke, don't make me laugh.
You can't sleep at night again.
You say to me that everything hurts, because in your heart are shards of glass.
This nightmare is always with you, the queen of snow has gone somewhere.
Days like that - you simply don't say anything.
You just come and lie down.
And I don't want to know you then.
You shout in the air - don't get me wrong, I just don't want to wake up anymore-
You're like a house, where there are only corridors.
Walls without windows - there's no escape.
The only way to get where you want is to find the key that opens the door, behind which there is nothing.

Romantic night

Tonight my wife is with her friends,
it's gonna be a rather melancholic night.
I drink a tonic, I play videopoker
I take a stroll among the shops downtown,
then I stumble on a sign that reads:
'Romantic massage
for a romantic night'
such a nice little place,
with those dim lights.
Romantic massage
for a romantic night
a really nice little place,
feels like I am in Beijing!
I go in and they smile at me,
I lie naked on the table
they rub my whole body,
then they give me a wink
and they whisper in my ear:
'You want lomantic massage
fol a lomantic night?'
I'm caught off guard:
how will I explain it to my wife,
about your romantic mass-ah-ah-age
in this romantic ni-ih-ih-ight
but I do appreciate this thing - yes. you bet!
although it comes with a surcharge - go on, don't stop!
Bring on the romantic mass-ah-ah-age
bring on the romantic ni-ih-ih-ght
I'm starting to feel the results
of this expert friction! - keep it up, keep it up!
Bring on the romantic mass-ah-ah-age
bring on the romantic ni-ih-ih-ght!...
How remarkable China is,
in the art of


'What kind of person are you?'
If you could hear it that way
On a bygone summer's day
And become a vividly swaying flower
Like a polar bear
I want to stay cool
But this excitement is rising
Right now my heart is pounding proudly
Speaking with courage
It's almost time to go
I want you to notice
The me who has fallen in love with you
Loving love
Falling in love with falling in love
You see, we are such human beings
Inside out
Fall in love with falling in love
You see, those people are such human beings too
'I am this kind of person'
If you can say it that way
Alone at night when holding your head in your hands
You will be a delicately swaying flower
Like a rose
I want to stay strong
But I can't find that confidence
A distinctive bitterness washes over me
Give me courage and try to touch me
If you manage to move my heart
I'll fall in love with you
I want you to see me
I want you to notice me
Only knowing love properly
Through meeting
You see, I'm that kind of human being
Teach me the feeling of wanting to be with you
You see, that's my life
By accident? By inevitability?
Romance is sudden
Fresh like the pop of opening a can of soda
La la la...
I met you who seem to be 'fate'
Because I've never felt that youthful foolishness
Every day cracks appear in my heart
I lose my courage and confidence
Living strongly while making money is also possible
It is the every day life of becoming an adult
Loving love
Falling in love with falling in love
You see, we are such human beings
Loving love
Falling in love with greatness
You see, we are such human beings
The short spring is over
The short summer is over
Living in the new era
Falling in love with you
That kind of thing, I want you to notice me
I want to notice you

Emma, a romantic story

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
The heart goes over any boundary,
it won't make any distinctions,
a look, a gesture will be enough,
a spark will light the fire.
Against every rule or reason,
of that nobility,
Emma and William will fight,
for freedom.
Love won't end,
won't end.
Creative Commons License
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

The Ultimate Romantic

The ultimate: I am the ultimate romantic—
the one who can bring you flowers,
and know what you feel, just from the look on your face,
or the tremor of your hand—to know if you love me.
The ultimate: the ultimate romantic in the world
who can be moved upon seeing two doves
making love on a piazza, ignoring the people
who almost trample them in haste while rushing by.
Why, if a rose is a rose
no matter where in the world, must I change?
Why, if the sea and the sky,
the sun and the wind never change?
Why, if love has been love
since the beginning of time, must I change?
Why, since there are already so many things
that change--but love does not?
The ultimate: the ultimate romantic in the world
who can be moved upon seeing two young people
kissing in the piazza, ignoring other people—
just as we are doing now—just as the two of us are doing now.
Why, if a rose is a rose
no matter where in the world, must I change?
Why, if the sea and the sky,
the sun and the wind never change?
Why, if love has been love
since the beginning of time, must I change?
Why, since there are already so many things
that change--but love does not?
La la la la la la la...

Mr. Romantika

Újra láttam őt, éppen engem nézett.
Meg tudnék rá esküdni, hogy meg akar nyerni magának.
Éppen a barátnőjével társalgott.
Kivirágzott, őt nem érdekli, hogy én téged szeretlek.
Nem tudom, mi lelt engem,
De meg akarok adni neki mindent.
Bennem minden megváltozott.
A rabjává váltam,
Amint a szemeibe néztem.
A diszkóban odajött hozzám, ott ismertem meg őt,
Egy pár ital után megcsókolt.
És azt mondta: Mr. Romantika,
Ne beszélj nekem a szerelemről.
Azonnal megragadott.
Amint elkezdtünk táncolni,
Rögtön a középpontba kerültünk.
Ő pedig velem maradt egész éjjel.
Nem tudom, mi lelt engem,
De meg akarok adni neki mindent.
Bennem minden megváltozott.
A rabjává váltam,
Amint a szemeibe néztem.
A diszkóban odajött hozzám, ott ismertem meg őt,
Egy pár ital után megcsókolt.
És azt mondta: Mr. Romantika,
Ne beszélj nekem a szerelemről.
Azonnal megragadott.
Amint elkezdtünk táncolni,
Rögtön a középpontba kerültünk.
Ő pedig velem maradt egész éjjel.
A diszkóban odajött hozzám, ott ismertem meg őt,
Egy pár ital után megcsókolt.
És azt mondta: Mr. Romantika,
Ne beszélj nekem a szerelemről.
Azonnal megragadott.
Amint elkezdtünk táncolni,
Rögtön a középpontba kerültünk.
Ő pedig velem maradt egész éjjel.

The Ultimate Romantic

Versions: #2
The ultimate:
I am the ultimate romantic—
the one who can
bring you flowers,
and know what you feel,
just from the look on your face,
or the tremor of your hand--
to know if you love me ...
The ultimate:
The ultimate romantic in the world
who can be moved
upon seeing two doves
making love on a piazza.
They ignore the people
who almost trample them
in haste while rushing by.
Why …
a rose is a rose
no matter where in the world
I must change
Why …
if the sea and the sky, the sun and the wind,
they never change--
Why …
If love has been love
since the beginning of time
must I change …
Why …
there are already so many things
that change--
but love does not ...
The ultimate:
The ultimate romantic in the world
who can be moved
upon seeing two lovers
kissing in the piazza.
They ignore other people--
just as we are doing now--
just as the two of us are doing now.

Romantic obsession

You look at me with those distracted eyes
You shatter me like dreams, broken mirrors
Really you... We shouldn't have thought about it anymore
And instead we're meeting here by chance...
We, who never trusted chance...
Smile, it's the most normal thing
Then you sit down... A coffee is alright now
Really us... We should have never forgiven ourselves
And meanwhile the sun has risen outside...
How do words count after all!
Look, what a coincidence, life works like that.
There's no sense, no prevision
It seems to be predetermiend, finding each other here
It's a splendid song that makes everything tremble
And you obstinately open my door wide
And my destiny is happily destroyed...
Every destiny is happily destroyed!
You talk to me while trying to buy me...
You can satiate me, with that behavior you have
Really me, me... But I didn't have to bear you anymore
And instead the sun has risen outside
And we're becoming two new people
Look, what a coincidence, life works like that.
There's no sense, no prevision
It seems to be predetermined, finding each other here
It's a splendid song that makes everything tremble
And you obstinately open my door wide
And my destiny is happily destroyed...
Every destiny is happily destroyed!
It's a splendid song that makes everything tremble.
And you obstinately open my door wide
And my destiny is happily destroyed...
Every destiny is happily destroyed!
You're a romantic obsession!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Without you

I'm leaving everything behind,
everything that ties me to you
and fleeing, fleeing wherever.
I don't see a thing, I don't feel a thing
but I know that it's all in vain.
Without you
all the streets are empty.
Without you
my eyes are pitch black.
Without you
everything's so cold.
Without you
I can't live anymore.
Without you
I don't even exist.
Once I thought that I didn't know how to love,
I don't know what's happening with me.
Once I thought that I didn't know how to cry,
but now my eyes are drenched.
I'm still awake and awake I dream of you,
I can't forget you.
In vain I flee, in vain I hope,
I don't want to forget you.
I beg you if you find the time
try to remember
one face, one name
that lives only for your smile.