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A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 41


So Romantic

I have nothing to do with this, so don’t even mention
I cannot comprehend your reasoning
The words I sing may frighten you
And to your ears they may appear exotic
But it happens that I cannot let myself
Be induced by a conversation that makes no sense anymore
I think there is nothing left to preserve or recall
Of the much or less that was between you and me
There is not a single force to silence me
Time will tell I was right
I only sing what has been required
I'm what it sounds (this is my opinion) I don’t sugar-coat
All I want is a perfect bigger chord
With everyone being able to shine in a song
I only sing what cannot be silenced
In other words I'm so romantic
I only sing what cannot be silenced
In other words I'm so romantic.

Romantic (if you want)

Romantic, if you want
But I think of you and this hot summer goes
You have left me like this, you are right
But do not come back at the end of the season
I go to the sea without you, without you...
Waves that take me away on a white trail
You are in my mind, I am in your mind
for a thousand times and more
High frequency that goes...
up and down, up and down.
If you want,
You can also reach a little further
If you ask me why, I don't know
I would like to stay on a beach and get some
sun, without you, without you...
Waves that take me away on a white trail
You are in my mind, I am in your mind
for a thousand times and more
High frequency that goes...
up and down and...
I am sick when I see you
I am sick, it's not a secret
And a plan of my life,
it is clear that it's not, it is clear that it is not
I am trying hard
to stay to say more with all the people
I forget the things but you know how I do it
If I miss you!
Waves that take me away on a white trail
You are in my mind, I am in your mind
for a thousand times and more
High frequency that goes..
up and down, up and down.
For a thousand times and more
High frequency that goes...
up and down and...
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
Na na na na na

Reménytelenül Romantikus

Az örökkön örökké eljön miután találkozunk
Szerintem a filmek hazudtak nekem
Oh istenem, mennyire hazudnak
Tudom, készen állok hogy neked adjam a szívem
Csak meg kell találjalak hogy elkezdhessük
Oh yeah, de addig is
Türelmes leszek
De belefáradtam a várásba
Csak egy reméntelenül romantikus ember vagyok
Aki szerelmet keres
Mindent kockáztatnék csak hogy az enyém legyen
Nem venném biztosra
Csak egy reménytelenül romantikus ember vagyok
Nem adom fel
Mert megérdemlem hogy megtaláljam a sajátom
Érzem a csontjaimban
Igen, tudom, valahol közel vagy
Reményt adsz
Fogadok találkoztunk már egy partin
Édes voltál és tartottad nekem az ajtót
Oh istenem, köszönhettem volna
Szóval ha itt vagy valahol
És hallod ezt a dalt
Tudd, itt vagyok
És túl sok időbe telik
Baby, hogy megtalálj
Mert annyira türelmes voltam
És belebetegedtem a várásba
Csak egy reméntelenül romantikus ember vagyok
Aki szerelmet keres
Mindent kockáztatnék csak hogy az enyém legyen
Nem venném biztosra
Csak egy reménytelenül romantikus ember vagyok
Nem adom fel
Mert megérdemlem hogy megtaláljam a sajátom
Érzem a csontjaimban
Igen, tudom, valahol közel vagy
Reményt adsz, oh igen, te
Ezen csillagok és a hold alatt
Engem keresel és én téged
Mutasd hogy itt vagy
Mondd hogy te
Hogy egy reméntelen romantikus ember vagy
És szerelmet keresel
Hogy mindent kockáztatnál csak hogy a tiéd legyen
És nem vennéd biztosra
Csak egy reméntelenül romantikus ember vagyok
Aki szerelmet keres
Mindent kockáztatnék csak hogy az enyém legyen
Nem venném biztosra
Csak egy reméntelenül romantikus ember vagyok
Nem adom fel
Mert megérdemlem hogy megtaláljam a sajátom
Érzem a csontjaimban
Igen, tudom, valahol közel vagy
Reményt adsz

Romantic Police

God is a Force
given by blood
an offered sacrifice
a grave of mud
dead bodies
a seed of hell
a dagger shines
a glassy smile
a flower...
a choir of evil
of evil
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!

Romantic Man

Childish but cruel
Her piercing eyes kill me
Silver arrow
Those eyes
I am defeated
I don't have
The choice of weapons
The fire burns me
And destroys my heart
She has the beauty of the devil
Queen of Hell
Romantic man
One time in your life
I want to be your first romantic man
Romantic man
A lack of poetry
In a garden of withered flowers
Heart of metal
Dark angel
From the seventh heaven
Her acid lips burn me
Velvet fruits
Those lips
I am lost
From the banks of the Seine
She hunts for love
In her steel machine
She is the mistress of flames
Queen of Hell
Romantic man
One time in your life
I want to be your first romantic man
Romantic man
A lack of poetry
In a garden of withered flowers
Heart of metal
She has the beauty of the devil
Queen of Hell
Romantic man
One time in your life
I want to be your first romantic man
Romantic man
A lack of poetry
In a garden of withered flowers
Heart of metal
Heart of metal
hum hum hum...
Heart of metal

I'm going I'm going

I'm going, I'm going on my long way
I met with happy gypsy's
Sejhaj gypsy's,
Sejhaj boys, gypsy's.
I'm going, I'm going on my long way
I met with happy gypsy's
Sejhaj gypsy's,
Sejgaj boys, gypsy's.
I got lost, I got tired, I came from a long way
Fifty country's fifty brindge already burnt behind me
I don't have a country, I don't have my baby, there is nobody who could help me
My heart is sad, because God left me !!!!

I say goodbye

Don't leave me (you) girl!
My heart I should go!
Why do you leave me alone?
No more!
I leave you, because everything is over,
The flame has burnt in us for a long time ago!
I still can give back that fire
My heart I should go!
The road is long.
I wait one more minute while I arrive to the door
because I feel that your tear fall into my face!
I say goodbye!
Come back
But there is one more dance
don't go
Kiss me
Come back
Like you won't see me again!!
Come with me to dance
The argentin tango is on
Let your heart be mine again
And it telling a story about
How goes away everything which was nice once
and the wind dance over the ruins of the memory!
I still can give back that fire
The argentin tango is on
Stay with me I need you!!!
And an old desire which gone away
once again go through of our fire hot body
To look like more nice which hurtful to miss!
I say goodbye....

I love him

I love him, but love hurts, because the down will come and I gotta go,
I want him but it's enough for what if the sky wanted him for someone else. My heart burn so much.
1. Like a lighting strike through the night, a brown pair of eyes has found me,
His touch promise me something else, while he touch my lips.
I hugged him, like the foliage hugs the tree, and he just waited for a kiss,
But infront of my eyes the world has made love.
I love him, but love hurts, because the down will come and I gotta go,
I want him but it's enough for what if the sky wanted him for someone else. My heart burn so much.
2. I knew, I felt there is no chance, it is just a false fame, just a stray light
In the morning the dream will gone and after us won't stay else
Just the burt soil and a destroyed sand castle infront of the desire
And a beautiful poicture which won't be never, and never came
I love him, but love hurts, because the down will come and I gotta go,
I want him but it's enough for what if the sky wanted him for someone else. My heart burn so much.
Come, this moment is about us, till the dawn haven't been come for us,
I write thousands of kiss under your heart to you can see yourself.
Like a falling star in the naked night, you body dance in the light of the candle,
And a stay forever like a vision which stay won't disapear....
3. The never ending took just a few hour, though my life was in it
But finally it brokes my dream because it stay just a vision
The wind and the light of the dawn bring it, which the sky left me
The secret which never existed, that what the Moon hide behind his face.
I love him, but love hurts, because the down will come and I gotta go,
I want him but it's enough for what if the sky wanted him for someone else. My heart burn so much.
I love him, but love hurts, because the down will come and I gotta go,
I want him but it's enough for what if the sky wanted him for someone else. My heart burn so much.

The melody of the sorrow

Today another summer came for me,
but it doesn’t find you anymore.
You tear up yourself from my soul,
Your heart is far away.
The voice of the drums, hundreds of carnival,
a worn latin guitar,
even though it call’s you dancing
For me the summer has been already died!
Since you have been gone
the wind cries sadly,
and just play on the violin through every night.
Since you have been left me
I can’t even hear the sound of my heart,
only the melody of the sorrow.
I can see only you everywhere,
however I know, you are not been for a long time ago,
today you love is belongs for other,
the distance took you away.
But I still search you, I call you, I want you,
because the lack of you still hurts.
Because of the twilight of our love the landscape turned bloody red again!
Don’t be angry on me, my love, my old(love).
Now my heart belongs to somebody else, and I have a desire to love with him
I leave you now! If only your heart wouldn’t hurt!
I will no longer yours in this world!