A keresés eredménye oldal 2
Találatok száma: 51
I changed
Once I had thoughts that now I don't have it anymore
I could fit into my clothes, feelings that don't suit me anymore
Time was ticking and I always had this feeling that I was one step behind
In haste, in search of whatever could bring me peace
Filling voids, make dreams come true
But fear is a real friend of mine from way back
Everything changes, even the seasons
It could be like hope for our hearts
Yesterday is gone and tomorrow's not mine yet
All that's changed made me what I am today
Lépésről lépésre
Oh Istenem, te vagy az Istenem
és örökké téged foglak magasztalni.
Oh Istenem, te vagy az Istenem
és örökké téged foglak magasztalni.
Téged kereslek reggel,
és megtanulok úgy járni, ahogyan te akarod.
Lépésről lépésre, te tanítasz majd,
s én minen egyes nap követem majd az utad.
Oh Istenem, te vagy az Istenem
és örökké téged foglak magasztalni.
Téged kereslek reggel,
és megtanulok úgy járni, ahogyan te akarod.
Lépésről lépésre, te tanítasz majd,
s én minen egyes nap követem majd az utad,
s én minen egyes nap követem majd az utad.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.
EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.
Egyedül vagyok, igen,nem tudom hogyan megyek neki az éjszakának
Könnybe lábad a szemem és miattad sírok
Szeretném ha szerelmed
Lebontaná a közöttünk álló falakat
Nem olyan nehéz az
Félreteszem büszkeségem
Ez több a soknál, elegem van
Szenvedtem és megláttam a fényt
Te vagy az én angyalom,
Jöjj és ments meg ma este
Te vagy az én angyalom,
Gyere és tedd jóvá te beste
Nem tudom mit kezdek ezzel az érzéssel magamban
Igaz, a magányosság elvitt egy útra
Szerelmed nélkül csak egy koldus vagyok
Szerelmed nélkül tartósan kitartó vagyok
Mit tehetek? Egyedül alszom ebben az ágyban
Te vagy az angyalom,
Jöjj és ments meg ma este
Te vagy az én angyalom,
Gyere és tedd jóvá te beste
Gyere és ments meg ma este
Te vagy életem értelme
Érted meg tudnék halni
Miattad vagyok letört és sírok
Nem is ok nélkül
Baby, baby, baby
Te vagy az angyalom,
Jöjj és ments meg ma este
Te vagy az én angyalom,
Gyere és tedd megfelelővé
Te vagy az én angyalom
Jöjj és ments meg ma este
Te vagy az én angyalom,
Gyere és tedd kielégítővé
Gyere és ments meg ma este
Gyere és ments meg ma este
Gyere és ments meg ma este
Gyere és ments meg ma este
Gyere és ments meg ma este
Gyere és ments meg ma este
Maradj velem
Versions: #2
(1. versszak)
Úgy sejtem, igaz, hogy nem vagyok jó az egy éjszakás kalandokban,
De szükségem van szerelemre, hiszen én is férfi vagyok.
Úgy tűnik, ezek az éjszakák sosem terv szerint mennek,
Nem akarom, hogy menj, fogod majd a kezem?
Oh, nem maradsz velem?
Mert csak rád van szükségem.
Világos, hogy ez nem szerelem,
De drágám, maradj velem!
(2. versszak)
Miért vagyok ilyen érzelmes?
Nem, ez nem néz ki jól, uralkodnom kell magamon.
És a szívem mélyén tudom, ez sosem működik,
De lefekhetsz velem, úgyhogy nem fáj.
(Refrén x3)
I love you voice so much
Just like your smile, my love
And lucky for me you smile while you talk
My world even spins slower
So I can admire and see you in us
In fact, pure destiny
I've figured out hearing you
That you are the most beautiful song I ever heard
I've found you and I realized
That you are all I lacked
And now I get
Why I didn't work out with anybody
As particular as we both
All these details and reasons
That makes me call your embrace a shelter
I don't want to gloat or something like that
But I just what to tell you how much happy I am
How lucky I am to have you with me
I've figured out hearing you
That you are the most beautiful song I ever heard
I've found you and I realized
That you are all I lacked
And now I get
Why I didn't work out with anybody
Take a minute to think about it,
Who has never been the traveler type
Pack your bags and shout
'This ain't my place!'
It's so normal to feel an outsider
Forgotten in a endless maze
Tied to truth and myths
Difficult to fit in
Having to believe
Finding your habitat
Understand that you have to accept yourself first
And sleep in peace with your pillow
Cause the revolution starts in front of the mirror
Been pressured every day to follow a pattern
But be pretty honest
How long do you think it's going to be good?
Your prejudice camouflaged makes you feel being watched
Someone already did something to you
And today you do the same twice as hard, don't you?
That doesn't seem so funny
Seeing as you're only true
Inside a locked room
Right? Right?
Right? Right?
We're all martians
Fighting to be a better human being
Than yesterday, than today, than tomorrow
We're all martians
Fighting to be a better human being
Than yesterday, than today, than tomorrow
So why, uh?
Why do you play babe in the woods?
And say that everything is whining
And that it is absurd I'm telling you this
After all, there are quotas for what?
Can I give you some advice?
You have to get your weight down!
Oh, God. It could only be a north-easterner!
Wow! Is that man a ballet dancer?
Being a single mother ain't for me anymore, son!
Being a mother ain't no tradicional marital status, hey
Who taught you that concept?
So hang out with an dictionary
And go study better
Stop blaming God
What comes from Him, just reflect
The rest is up to you
He is way more, way more than religion
Cause everything man infects
Never remains good
Whoever you are, freaky, atypical, weirdo
We're all extraterrestrial
Just like our dreams
Don't limit yourself, ok?
Don't silence yourself, ok?
Evolve, ok?
We're all martians
Fighting to be a better human being
Than yesterday, than today, than tomorrow
We're all martians
Fighting to be a better human being
Than yesterday, than today, than tomorrow
Woe Is Me
Woe is me
If I'm happy, singing
And seeing the bright side of everything
Someone gets unhappy
Woe is me
If I feel pretty
Someone comes from the deepest ocean
To tell me that I am not
But I've noticed that the jealousy
And evil eye are a very serious matter
So I say a prayer twice
Because the protection is certain
Woe is me
If I am guilty or not
There's always a bum to say
'Yes, you are'
Woe is me
If I don't think like most people
They say
That I don't even deserve to exist
But I've noticed that the jealousy
And evil eye are a very serious matter
So I say a prayer twice
Because the protection is certain
I know that bothers a lot of people
Bothers, bothers much more
But only the pure happiness is what bothers all these people
So let it bothers more
I know that bothers a lot of people
Bothers, bothers much more
But only the pure happiness is what bothers all these people
So let it bothers more
Woe is me
If my light's shining bright
They're gonna tell me to be more humble
And reflect
Woe is me
If my love life's going the right way
They try to convince me
That even it's bad
But I've noticed that the jealousy
And evil eye are a very serious matter
So I say a prayer twice
Because the protection is certain
I know that bothers a lot of people
Bothers, bothers much more
But only the pure happiness is what bothers all these people
So let it bothers more
I know that bothers a lot of people
Bothers, bothers much more
But only the pure happiness is what bothers all these people
So let it bothers more
Woe is me
Woe is me
Woe is me
[Verse 1]
Annyira félek kideríteni,
hogy milyen lehet tizennyolcnak lenni,
mégis készülök belevetni magam.
Elköltöm a pénzem
és most újra egyedül vagyok,
de nem lassíthatok le.
Vigyél el egy körre,
hogy ne, ne érezzem magam láthatatlannak.
Akárhová ma éjjel,
hogy ne, ne halványuljak el.
Kell, hogy élőnek érezzem magam,
mert el vagyok veszve és legyőzhetetlen akarok lenni.
Vigyél el egy körre, körre, körre.
Fáj tizennyolcnak lenni,
mert megragadunk valami közepén.
Nyughatatlanak vagyunk s állandóan az utcán találnak meg,
yeah, fáj tizennyolcnak lenni.
[Verse 2]
Felfedezetlen vagyok,
felfedezetlen a szívem, félek
a megalázástól.
Ismerem az anyám,
ettől jobbra tanított,
nem hívlak vissza most.
Vigyél el egy körre,
hogy ne, ne érezzem magam láthatatlannak.
Akárhová ma éjjel,
hogy ne, ne halványuljak el.
Kell, hogy élőnek érezzem magam,
mert el vagyok veszve és legyőzhetetlen akarok lenni.
Vigyél el egy körre, körre, körre.
Fáj tizennyolcnak lenni,
mert megragadunk valami közepén.
Nyughatatlanak vagyunk s állandóan az utcán találnak meg,
yeah, fáj tizennyolcnak lenni.
Ki vagyok ahhoz, hogy eldöntsem kinek kellene lennem?
Idő kell, idő kell, hogy fiatal és szabad legyek.
Ki vagyok ahhoz, hogy eldöntsem kinek kellene lennem?
Időre van szükségem, időre van szükségem.
Fáj tizennyolcnak lenni,
mert megragadunk valami közepén.
Nyughatatlanak vagyunk s állandóan az utcán találnak meg,
yeah, fáj tizennyolcnak lenni.
Megragadunk valami közepén.
Fáj tizennyolcnak lenni.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.
EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.
Way More Than a Chorus
I've learned that rap is compromise
The meaning of compromise, I learned from my father
That told me 'be the resistance'
'Because you don't need to talk shit, people already do it'
So much more than care about what we have inside
A marriage to the truth
It's bigger than recruit an army
Building up a sisterhood
A lot of us die every day
And their pain that hurts them, it hurts me too
Because our fight isn't over!
We're not feminists only when it suits us
We're increasingly connected. Han!
Watch out
Don't even come to blame the victim
This is bizarre
We're not asking for your opinion
Just for your information
Get your prejudice out of my sight
Cause me and my girls are coming through
Those who never understood our mission
Never, never understood our mission
Both in music as in life
They want to give us only the chorus
Those who never understood our mission
Never, never understood our mission
Both in music as in life
They want to give us only the chorus
Those who never understood our mission
Never, never understood our mission
Both in music as in life
They want to give us only the chorus
Those who never understood our mission
Never, never understood our mission
Both in music as in life
They want to give us only the chorus
They tried to make us believe
That it was better to apologize than defend ourselves
They created a system for us compete against each other
And they watched us in pain
It hurt, but now it doesn't hurt anymore
Some moment you start to see
That the choice is ours
And as my mom says 'there's nothing to fear'
We have a very important message
And it is crucial that you to know
The rape is far more ancient
Than mini skirts itself
So, no more excuses
Evaluate your conduct
Pay attention, attention, attention
Together we are strong under all circumstances
Our kids will hear it from us, for sure
That they can make this revolution run any faster
Those who never understood our mission
Never, never understood our mission
Both in music as in life
They want to give us only the chorus
Those who never understood our mission
Never, never understood our mission
Both in music as in life
They want to give us only the chorus
We've already said that we want respect, remember?
I do
But If there is any difficulty
I would remind you
Cause now, you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us
It's good for you to know
That it isn't just another fashionable catchphrase
That we have learned how to read
Way more than a chorus
Singing or not
We earned it
Our cause is won, believe me
Those who never understood our mission
Never, never understood our mission
Both in music as in life
They want to give us only the chorus
Those who never understood our mission
Never, never understood our mission
Both in music as in life
They want to give us only the chorus
Those who never understood our mission
Never, never understood our mission
Both in music as in life
They want to give us only the chorus
Those who never understood our mission
Never, never understood our mission
Both in music as in life
They want to give us only the chorus
Seven Galaxies
Pay attention, the world goes 'round
Life is a masterpiece
What's stopping you from flying free
If that’s your journey?
Pure adrenaline
If it was an easy ride for you
It would be much less interesting
And you throw a tantrum
If in a day
I can't conquer seven galaxies
Jump on your rocket
And play at being real
Because sometimes it is
Some call it 'put youself on the line'
And others even call it 'faith'
But right now I'm focused on keep rowing
And I point my ship to the tide
What's the sense if I can't sharpen my senses?
What's the sense if I can't lose it?
Think about that
Think about that
Pay attention, the world goes 'round
Life is a masterpiece
What's stopping you from flying free
If that’s your journey?
Pure adrenaline
If it was an easy ride for you
It would be much less interesting
And you throw a tantrum
If in a day
I can't conquer seven galaxies
Jump on your rocket
And play at being real
Because sometimes it is
Some call it 'put youself on the line'
And others even call it 'faith'
But right now I'm focused on keep rowing
And I point my ship to the tide
What's the sense if I can't sharpen my senses?
What's the sense if I can't lose it?
What's the sense if I can't sharpen my senses?
What's the sense if I can't lose it?
Think about that
Think about that
Pay attention, the world goes 'round
Life is a masterpiece
What's stopping you from flying free
If that’s your journey?
Pure adrenaline
If it was an easy ride for you
It would be much less interesting
And you throw a tantrum
If in a day
I can't conquer seven galaxies
Our Conversation
Only today I gave up on us a thousand times
And I hated you for a thousand different reasons
And then you smile
And I can't resist it
I convinced myself it was impossible
And that loving too much always posed a danger
And then you looked at me
And I can't resist it
But that's to be expected, right?
Those who suffered from love, get suspicious of flower
But look how crazy that is, right?
I looked at you and my eyes changed color
Before we name it, that was destined to last forever
And I was worried that's true
But when I talk about love
I'm thinking of you
Before we name it, that was destined to last forever
And I was worried that's true
But when I talk about love
I'm thinking of you
Your smell would be enough
To make me think in what I said before
I pretend to not wanting you
But I can't resist it
Life always put us in danger
And you are my favorite one, for sure
With just one touch from you
And I can't resist it
But that's to be expected, right?
Those who suffered from love, get suspicious of flower
But look how crazy that is, right?
I looked at you and my eyes changed color
Before we name it, that was destined to last forever
And I was worried that's true
But when I talk about love
I'm thinking of you
Only you
Before we name it, that was destined to last forever
And I was worried that's true
But when I talk about love
I'm thinking of you
Colorful People
The same scream on other mouth of mine
One voice in a thousand voices asking for peace
They divided us in numbers and other issues
Such data are destined to 'it doesn't matter'
They tried to take away from us the essence of the essence
Essence of what is essential
Because what distinguishes us one from another
It's exactly what makes us the same
And even if it sounds cliché
Talk about love is fundamental
And every culture has its own color
It makes the world a real place
Made of light
The difference is what translates us
Made of light
Made of light
The difference is what translates us
Made of light
All the tribes, rhythms and a common goal
We're getting closer
Because the lack of color takes away from us all the incentives
And what represent us peace is a clear rainbow
I even tried to say it lightly
But it lacks black consciousness
It lacks human consciousness
We are not a person, we are people
We don't accept our history dying like a indigent
What is our role in the world? To color
You can be the pencil of revolution here
Help us Salvador Dalí, save us here
We want a watercolor so we can feel it
Made of light
The difference is what translates us
Made of light
Made of light
The difference is what translates us
Made of light
Colorful people
Colorful people
Colorful people
Colorful people
If you come tomorrow, I wait for you since now
I'm missing what we haven't lived yet
And maybe I've been waiting for you without knowing your name
These are the things that not even Freud could have explained, neither can I
Things happen so slow and then out of the blue...
It's like to fall asleep
It's God's plans for people to meet
It was written beforehand
Me, you, our history and the end
I feel infinite
When I'm with you, I'm happy
It's totally unspeakable what feels
But anyway, who loves always want to say something more
In an attempt to tell the world kindly
That there's nothing more pleasant than to love in peace
Things happen so slow and then out of the blue...
It's like to fall asleep
It's God's plans for people to meet
It was written beforehand
Me, you, our history and the end
I feel infinite
When I'm with you, I'm happy
It was written beforehand
Me, you, our history and the end
I feel infinite
When I'm with you, I'm happy
If you come tomorrow, I wait for you since now
I'm missing what we haven't lived yet
Прекалено добър в сбогуванията
[Куплет 1]
Сигурно си мислиш, ча съм глупав
Сигурно си мислиш, че съм глупак
Сигърно си мислиш, че съм нов в тези неща
Но съм виждал всичко това и преди
Никога няма да те допусна близо до мен
Въпреки, че означаваш всичко за мен
Защото всеки път, щом се отпусна, боли
Затова никога няма прекалено да се приближа до теб
Дори когато знача всичко за теб
В случай, че си трънеш и ме оставиш в пръстта
Всеки път, щом ме нараниш, плача по-малко
И всеки път, щом ме оствиш, сълзите изсъхват по-бързо
И всеки път, щом си тръгнеш, те обичам по-малко
Скъпи, нямаме шанс, тъжно е, но е истина
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Няма да ме видиш да плача
(Няма да ме видиш да плача)
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
[Куплет 1]
Знам, че мислиш, че съм безсърдечен
Знам, че мислиш, че съм студен
Просто предпазвам невинността си
Просто предпазвам душата си
Никога няма да те допусна близо до мен
Въпреки, че означаваш всичко за мен
Защото всеки път, щом се отпусна, боли
Затова никога няма прекалено да се приближа до теб
Дори когато знача всичко за теб
В случай, че си трънеш и ме оставиш в пръстта
Всеки път, щом ме нараниш, плача по-малко
И всеки път, щом ме оствиш, сълзите изсъхват по-бързо
И всеки път, щом си тръгнеш, те обичам по-малко
Скъпи, нямаме шанс, тъжно е, но е истина
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Няма да ме видиш да плача
(Няма да ме видиш да плача)
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Няма да ме видиш да плача
(Няма да ме видиш да плача)
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Не, не, не, не, не
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Не, не, не, не
Не, не, не
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
(Няма да ме видиш да плача)
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Защото всеки път, щом ме нараниш, плача по-малко
И всеки път, щом ме оствиш, сълзите изсъхват по-бързо
И всеки път, щом си тръгнеш, те обичам по-малко
Скъпи, нямаме шанс, тъжно е, но е истина
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Ονειρευόμουν μέσα στο όνειρο μου
μια όψη φωτεινή και δίκαιη
και ο ύπνος μου διακόπηκε
αλλά το όνειρό μου παρέμεινε ζωντανό
με την μορφή κοιλάδων που λάμπουν
εκεί όπου ο καθαρός αέρας αναγνωρίζεται
και οι αισθήσεις μου ξύπνησαν πρόσφατα
Αφυπνίστηκα από την κραυγή
πως οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
της λύτρωσης από τα έργα των ανόητων
πάνω από τους ταπεινούς συγκεντρώνονται τα χαρίσματα
έχει αποφασιστεί, οι άνθρωποι έχουν την εξουσία
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Εκδικητικές όψεις έγιναν ύποπτες
και σκύβοντας χαμηλά σαν για να ακούσω...
και οι στρατιές σταμάτησαν να προχωρούν
γιατί οι άνθρωποι είχαν την προσοχή τους
και οι βοσκοί και οι στρατιώτες
είναι ξαπλωμένοι κάτω από τα αστέρια
ανταλλάσσοντας οράματα
και αφήνοντας τα όπλα
να χαραμίζονται, μέσα στην σκόνη
με την μορφή πεδιάδων που λάμπουν
εκεί όπου ο καθαρός αέρας αναγνωρίζεται
και οι αισθήσεις μου ξύπνησαν πρόσφατα
Αφυπνίστηκα από την κραυγή
Εκεί όπου υπήρχαν έρημοι
Είδα συντριβάνια
το νερό ανέβαινε σαν να ήταν κρέμα
και περπατήσαμε εκεί μαζί
χωρίς να κανέναν να μας κοροϊδεύει ή να μας κριτικάρει
και η λεοπάρδαλη
και το αρνί
ήταν ξαπλωμένα μαζί όντας πραγματικά δεμένα μεταξύ τους
Ευχόμουν μέσα στις ευχές μου
να θυμηθώ όσα είχα βρει
Ονειρευόμουν μέσα στο όνειρο μου
ο Θεός ξέρει, μια πιο καθαρή οπτική
καθώς παραδίδομαι στον ύπνο μου
Αφιερώνω το όνειρό μου σε σένα
Την δύναμη να ονειρεύεσαι, να εξουσιάζεις
να παλεύεις για τον κόσμο ενάντια στους ανόητους
έχει αποφασιστεί, οι άνθρωποι έχουν την εξουσία
έχει αποφασιστεί, οι άνθρωποι έχουν την εξουσία
Πιστεύω πως όλα όσα ονειρευόμαστε
μπορούν να πραγματοποιηθούν, μέσα από την ενότητά μας
μπορούμε αλλάξουμε τον κόσμο
μπορούμε να αλλάξουμε την τροχιά της γης
έχουμε την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Oui bien sûr, que je crois
Qu'un jour je serai où j'étais
Bien là, bien à coté de toi
Et c'est dur , ces jour ont l'air si sombre
La lune, les étoiles, ne sont rien sans toi,
Ton contact, ta peau, où dois-je commencer ?
Aucun mot ne peut exprimer, la façon dont tu me manques
la nuit, le vide, le trou où je me trouve
Ces larmes, elles racontent leur propre histoire
Tu m'as dit de ne pas pleurer quand tu partirais
Mais ce sentiment est écrasant, cela est bien trop fort
Puis-je m'allonger à tes côtés, à côté de toi, toi
Et sois sûr de ce que tu veux
Je prendrai soin de toi
Et je ne veux pas être ici si je ne peux être avec toi ce soir
Je t'appelle
Peux-tu l'entendre?
Cette douleur dans laquelle j'ai été
Tu me manques, me manques comme un fou
Tu m'as dit de ne pas pleurer quand tu partirais
Mais ce sentiment est écrasant, cela est bien trop fort
Puis-je m'allonger à tes cotés, à coté de toi, toi
Et sois sûr de ce que tu veux
Je prendrai soin de toi
Et je ne veux pas être ici si je ne peux être avec toi ce soir
Je m'allonge ce soir, je m'allonge à tes côtés
Je m'allonge ce soir, je m'allonge à tes côtés
Puis-je m'allonger à tes côtés, à côté de toi, toi
Once Upon a Time/There once was
Once Upon a time/There was once
The day when everyday/ the whole day (not sure which) was good
Delicious taste and the good taste of the clouds
Being made of cotton
Would work being a hero on the same day
That I would chose to be a villain
And it ended it all up for lunch
A hot bath and maybe a scratch
You would see, the ingenuousness of innocence
Singing in the tone
Millions of worlds and universes so real
As for our imagination
Just a lap, a caress
And the medicine was a kiss and protection
Everything would turn to be new again the next day
Without much concern
We just want to grow up
And when you grow up, you want to go from the beginning
Because a grated knee
Hurts much less than a broken heart
We just want to grow up
And when you grow up, you want to go from the beginning.
Because a grated knee
Hurts much less than a broken heart
Come to live
Even after finding out that the world turned bad
Just do not let the wickedness of the world
Seem normal to you
To not lose the magic of believing in real happiness
And to understand that she lives on the way and not at end
We just want to grow up
And when you grow up, you want to go from the beginning.
Because a grated knee
Hurts much less than a broken heart
We just want to grow up
And when you grow up, you want to go from the beginning.
Because a grated knee
It hurts much less than a broken heart.
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