Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 48


The Chocolate Bunny.

Just for fun a happiness crumb I'll place on my palm.
Carefully, the wrapper with a red bow is undone.
Appetizing, very satisfying, this shape attracts everyone.
I'm getting credit both pleasant and fragrant .
White, scarlet and noticeable very handsome fellow.
For the girls I'm substitute for the best in the world lollipop.
Just gently touch the tip of my ear.
Higher than the leather balls you will jump with me my dear.
I'm the chocolate bunny, I'm a gentle bastard,
I'm hundred percent sweet oh, oh, oh.
I'm the chocolate bunny and when I touch your lips,
I'm melting so easy oh, oh, oh.
I'm the chocolate bunny, I'm a gentle bastard,
I'm hundred percent sweet oh, oh, oh.
I'm the chocolate bunny and when I touch your lips,
I'm melting so easy oh, oh, oh.
Caramels and toffees are melting right before your eyes.
If I say you're pussycats, I only hear : Ah! Ah! Ah!
Impossible and very difficult get away from me.
I assure you're mine, just gently bite a little piece.
Chorus- (X 2)


You've hurt me
I often feel anxiety.
You're a sweet girl
Unique for somebody
One cocoa-flavored kiss
One kiss and I get drunk on love
Your body is like made of chocolate
A taste that I would like forever
Sweet lips, filled with sugar
Hold a piece of you for me
Hold a piece of me for you
I'm what you like, a chocolate
I'm what you like and drives you crazy
You want me as much I want you and makes me ill...drives me crazy
Makes me ill...drives me crazy
Makes me ill...drives me crazy
As in fairy tales, like she got out of a lamp
Expensive pearl brown like chocolate
A beauty that has amazed me
I want you permanently, day and night
Your body is like made of chocolate
A taste that I would like forever
Sweet lips, filled with sugar
Hold a piece of you for me
Hold a piece of me for you
I'm what you like, a chocolate
I'm what you like and drives you crazy
You want me as much I want you and makes me ill...drives me crazy
Makes me ill...drives me crazy
Makes me ill...drives me crazy

Hívás soklány!

Ahol több, mint a fekete víz, ül a lovon Kozak fiatal. Óvatosan mond búcsút a lány, Isten Ukrajnával. Refrén: Hé, Hé, Hé falcons megkerülve a hegyek, az erdők, a gödrök. Hívás, hívás, hívás, csingiling, szerettelek. Hé, Hé, Hé falcons megkerülve a hegyek, az erdők, a gödrök. Hívás, hívás, hívás, a sztyeppe hívás, Hívás, hívás, Sok lány van a világon, De leginkább az Ukrajnában. Ott van a szívem veled, csak a tiéd. Refrén. Bocs, bocs, a haza, a zöld Ukrajna, sajnálom, Sajnálom, szív, sír, majd többé nem látom őt.
(Refrén) Bor, bor, bor, De amint meghal, temesd el a zöld Ukrajna akarsz.

All my roads lead to you

Between a silence, between an I-love-you
I will use a thousand brand new kisses
Again and again like ice in the sun
I melt in the claws of your love
You come to me, you get lost within
And I live all in one moment
Scorching fire a thousand degrees of passion
Crystal torches light up in the night
All my roads lead to you
And in full flight
A thousand ants run over my naked skin
The night already turns all mute
Without respite, without control
Kiss after kiss, without fear
You and I
Loving each other
All my roads lead to you
And in full flight
A thousand ants run over my naked skin
The night already turns all mute
The ticking of a clock sounds
Please stop it
Because this love's time
Is a matter of two
You make me arrive to Paradise
In the most precise moment
Scorching fire a thousand degrees of passion
Crystal torches light up in the night
All my roads lead to you
And in full flight
A thousand ants run over my naked skin
The night already turns all mute
Without respite, without control
Kiss after kiss, without fear
You and I
Loving each other
All my roads lead to you
And in full flight
A thousand ants run over my naked skin
The night already turns all mute
The ticking of a clock sounds
Please stop it
Because this love's time
Is a matter of two
Without respite, without control
Kiss after kiss, without fear
You and I
Loving each other
All my roads lead to you
And in full flight
A thousand ants run over my naked skin
The night already turns all mute...

I feel

A strange night
That doesn't listen to me or loves me
Lonely man, where are you?
You who so slowly
has come without knowing
Surrender for today
A false night
That embraces me with your hands
Lonely unreal man
You who so change
The flavors on your skin
Hold me for today
And talk to me about love
I feel
So many things that explode within me
That give me life
Without knowing that you
Only you
Know to turn the moon
That watches me
I feel
That time stops in your body
With the rage that makes me be reborn
Have the Universe explode at once
I feel
A long night
That envelopes me so slowly
Lonely man you know well
That with a caress
I give in
Your body wins my love
You who has lived so much
You that can understand
Explain to me why
Tonight you are trembling
I feel
So many things that explode within me
That give me life
Without knowing that you
Only you
Know to turn the moon
That watches me
I feel
That time stops in your body
With the rage that makes me be reborn
Have the Universe explode at once
I feel
I feel
That time stops in your body
With the rage that makes me be reborn
Have the Universe explode at once
I feel
A strange night
That doesn't listen to me or loves me
Lonely man, where are you?

Two Eagles

I have taught eagles how to fly
I raised sons like flowers
I built a nest
I was proud
and they went into the world
They are building another nest now I know..
And I'm growing old alone
Two sons, two eagles
Two wounds, double the pain
My two tiers
I am waiting for them to fly to me
That they remember their father
That we fly together like before
Over the Drina into the blue distances
They flew and I did too
I gave them wings and I'm not sorry
I am proud of my two eagles
They feel sorry because I'm growing old alone
I know that
Let luck follow always follow the
Because life is sweet and sour
Eagles always
Return to their nests
My Sons are my whole world
I always look at them
Knowing that they will come
Chorus 2x

Everyone is looking down on others

[First verse: Sokół]
Marysia was in bit of a shock. Proud as a peacock.
Quite curvaceous, smart. Girlfriend material.
She wanted to chill out and went for a pizza
somewhere in north Śródmieście area.
She was writing him a text.
She thought to herself that she feels kinda like
the first time she gave a paper downloaded from the internet for checking.
But this time the excitement was bigger.
Today she cheated on Rysiek for the first time.
She felt better than him and that she deserves better.
Ryszard – cabbie working on a freelance basis.
He met Marysia three years ago during holidays.
Apart from cuckolding him today she also has her master’s defense.
She’s super nervous so she’s stuffing herself with double pepperoni.
Although she usually watches her figure, this time she doesn’t give a fuck.
Now few words about him. Rysio – taxi driver.
Similarities with ” Klan” are coincidental. (Polish soap opera in which there was a
character named Rysio/Ryszard who was also a taxi driver)
He’s overcharging his client, using Rate 4.
She’s pissing him off cause she smells of greengrocer’s.
He’s looking over his shoulder to check if she’s not leaving any dirt on the back seat.
Meanwhile Janina, that’s the name of the hag,
is thinking about the dubious lout who’s driving the cab.
This is the last time she’s catching a taxi on the street.
She doesn’t do it too often. She spends most of her time
at her son-in-law’s fruit and vegetable shop.
But he’s not in today and hoodlums with knives showed up again.
Janina cannot take it anymore.
And even though he forbade her to report this to the police,
cause it may only make things worse,
she closes the shop, put the takings in an envelope, catches a taxi
and heads to the police station.
[Chorus: Sokół]
Everyone is looking down on others – sons of bitches!
Treating another person as if he/she was nothing.
Everyone is the smartest – fuckers – they think they’re special.
Everyone, unfortunately…
Words fail me when I see such attitude.
[Second verse: Sokół]
Some time ago a guy named Grzegorz
left his village and moved to the capital city in search for a better life.
He knows a guy from his county who works in a pizza parlour since ’99.
The dude’s name is Karol. He’s in the “dough business”.
Grzegorz decided to try his hand at catering himself.
He got out at Warsaw East Station.
Happy that he didn’t pay for the ticket.
He spent the trip in the toilet and smelled of shit afterwards.
His legs were a bit numb but who gives a fuck, right?
He was happy that he saved a few quid. Please…
A bit confused Grzegorz was askin’ people about the way to the pizza parlour,
when all of a sudden he was approached by patrolmen.
He starts to explain that he’s on his way to see a friend.
He looked like an ordinary guy
but had a brown sweater and violet sweatpants on him.
He matched the description perfectly.
He was cursing, apologizing, jawing away.
Later that day. Ms Janina closes the door of Rysio’s cab.
” What a thief ” she’s thinking to herself.
“POLICE” sign. She enters the bulding, testifies.
Line-ups are usually a fuckin’ joke.
They’re just rounding up whoever.
And even though there are few young men standing in front of her
she’s certain that it’s the guy in violet sweatpants and brown sweater.
Grześ is completely stunned, copper strokes his moustache.
He holds them both in contempt.
Grześ is like, but I just got here!
But he dodged the fare and screwed himself over.
And that’s that.
[Chorus: Sokół]
[Third verse: Sokół]
Unsuspecting Karol made few pizzas.
He wasn’t aware that Grześ was on his way to see him.
As usual, clients came to eat.
Sometime around 2 p.m. friend of his came up with a dope ass idea.
To put LSD in pepperoni.
Someone will eat it unconsciously.
Who is who?
Check this out.
The very same Marysia, cabbie’s girlfriend, ate the pizza.
And as you can imagine the exam she’s about to take may not go well.
She thought that the pizzeria’s employees were checking her out
cause she’s the most beautiful chick in the neighbourhood.
I, being the storyteller, wished that they knew she was just
about to have her master’s defense. They would be laughing their asses off.
But they’ve witnessed her first acid trip.
Sweat drops on her forehead were shining like diamonds.
Karol and his crew are having a blast. She’s euphoric. For now.
Believe me when I say she was ultra-shocked.
She reached the pith and core of the subject matter.
She decided to share it with her examiners.
Sunday victims and torturers.
Everyone looks down on others – everyone’s the smartest.
Old Janina is sitting in a rocking chair, thinking about Grześ.
“Why I’ve done this?”
She wasn’t hundred percent sure, but pointed her finger at him.
Today she had the upper hand in this unfair fight.
To her all these young, bald men are the same. Scum!
She really thinks that way.
Karol finished work around that time.
He was laughing about the prank he played on the girl.
Then all of a sudden – flashback.
And even though he hasn’t seen Grześ for ages
I could swear he started recollecting his homeland.
He was standing there for awhile, looking abashed.
Here’s what went down.
Beer-house. Evening time.
Local birds. Karol and Grześ are sitting by the table.
Grzegorz peed in a mug and Karol drank it unconsciously.
Some fuckin’ prank.
And…back to reality. Bus stop near the pizzeria.
Karol, few lads and hidden pain.
Ryszard – the cabbie is eating French bread pizza
from a food stand situated near the Palace of Culture and Science.
Neoplan stopped nearby.
Two female tourists got out. They look quite young.
Rysiu turns his head and start checkin’ them out.
Both got nice legs, decent size breasts and cute face.
He would fuck them both hard
He took a last bite
and glanced at a guy in “PROSTO” sweatshirt
as the bloke was getting into a cab.
“Where to?” he asked
and lets finish the story here.

A girl did the falcon harm

A girl did the falcon harm
[She] did him harm, set the mountain ablaze
The mountain burned for two and even three days
Until it burned to the falcon's nest
The falcon is extinguishing the flames, his wings are catching fire
The falconets are shrieking, and the falcon cursing
Harshly curses the falcon the beautiful girl
[May] you be unmarried for long, [and] silently sick
[May] you not have a child, nor take one by the hand
Because you did harm to me, the falcon (×2)
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

Hey Falcons!

Versions: #2
Hey, there somewhere on black water,
A young Cossak mounted a horse,
Tenderly he bids farewell to his girl
Even more tenderly with the Ukraine.
Hey, hey, hey Falcons.
Skirting mountains, forests (rivers) and valleys
Ring, ring, ring little bell.
My steeped little skylark.
Hey, hey, hey Falcons.
Skirting mountains, forests (rivers) and valleys
Ring, ring, ring little bell.
My steeped...
Ring, ring ring.
Plenty of girls in the world
But the most in the Ukraine
There my heart shall remain
Next to my beloved girl.
Hey, hey, hey Falcons.
Skirting mountains, forests (rivers) and valleys
Ring, ring, ring little bell.
My steeped little skylark.
Hey, hey, hey Falcons.
Skirting mountains, forests (rivers) and valleys
Ring, ring, ring little bell.
My steeped...
Ring, ring ring.
Sorrow, sorrow for my girl
For the green Ukraine
Sorrow, sorrow, heart is crying
I will never see her again.
Hey, hey, hey Falcons.
Skirting mountains, forests (rivers) and valleys
Ring, ring, ring little bell.
My steeped little skylark.
Hey, hey, hey Falcons.
Skirting mountains, forests (rivers) and valleys
Ring, ring, ring little bell.
My steeped...
Ring, ring ring.
Wine, wine, wine, pour it/ Wine, wine, wine, wine, give it -
And when I die bury me
In the green Ukraine
Next to my beloved girl.
Hey, hey, hey Falcons.
Skirting mountains, forests (rivers) and valleys
Ring, ring, ring little bell.
My steeped little skylark.
Hey, hey, hey Falcons.
Skirting mountains, forests (rivers) and valleys
Ring, ring, ring little bell.
My steeped...
Ring, ring ring.
Hey, hey, hey Falcons.
Skirting mountains, forests (rivers) and valleys
Ring, ring, ring little bell.
My steeped little skylark.
Hey, hey, hey Falcons.
Skirting mountains, forests (rivers) and valleys
Ring, ring, ring little bell.
My steeped...
Ring, ring ring.


Under the rain, there's no one, I'm alone in it
Silver rain and sun, and warmth
Completely through it, this time I'm it's guest
Me and the rain, and in this meeting you come
Hey, hello, let's both of us go dance under the rain
It will draw us in the puddles with a hundred expressions
In reality, and not in a dream, we are standing in the clouds
In the mirror of the streets, and in the soul
Look around, for us in the time it has been coming down
Just like this hand in hand, movements in sync
You understand, it doesn't matter where and who we are
Under the rain there is no one, we are together under it
Hey, hello, let's both of us go dance under the rain
It will draw us in the puddles with a hundred expressions
In reality, and not in a dream, we are standing in the clouds
In the mirror of the streets, and in the soul
Sweeping your eyelashes, time stopped.
We are spinning around like vinyl.
Drops of rain are drumming through the pipes of an orchestra
Looking in your eyes, I just want to be honest
Rain we have conquered your element
And I am already writing you poems on the move
And different people with umbrellas or without
Will be saved by the gift of heaven

I Want You

Summer fades into September and in me.
There are no limits on your Moon and in me.
Losing the night in our dreams, it's a secret.
Just you and I.
The world is drowning in the lights of the night, it's a fairytale.
Just you and I.
Your glance - the mystery of candles,
And a curl rests on your shoulder
A touch.
I follow after you,
And I'm passionate about your game,
You are an obsession.
Your light beckons me
And kindles a strong fire
Your fantasy.
I'm losing control,
But I don't want a different role,
After all, I want you!
The dance of the night in velvety darkness and in you,
Everything, that you want, is now in me and in you.
Losing the night in our dreams, it's a secret.
Just you and I.
The world is drowning in the lights of the night, it's a fairytale.
Just you and I.
Your glance - the mystery of candles
And a curl rests on your shoulder
A touch.
I follow after you.
And I'm passionate about your game.
You are an obsession.
Your light beckons me
And kindles a strong fire
Your fantasy.
I'm losing control,
But I don't want a different role,
After all, I want you!
Your glance - the mystery of candles
And a curl rests on your shoulder
A touch.
I follow after you.
And I'm passionate about your game.
You are an obsession.
Your light beckons me
And kindles a strong fire
Your fantasy.
I'm losing control,
But I don't want a different role,
After all, I want you!

World Gone Mad

Blurring the lines of thoughts and phrases,
We don't choose them, they choose us.
Time is stretched, like on a thin thread
Sometimes we are with those, with those, who it's better not to be with... (should never be!)
The world went mad long ago together with us,
It took and just changed all of the places around,
The world went mad long ago together with us,
The world has become like us. (x2)
Blurring the lines of truth and lies,
We pass by loved ones, somewhere in a hurry.
Movement and glances are intertwined in a network.
While we are near, near to the wrong ones completely...
The world went mad long ago together with us,
It took and just changed all of the places around,
The world went mad long ago together with us,
The world has become like us. (x2)


I don't lose - not ever.
Except you happening to me.
And you hear, how they roar, my thoughts running wild through the wires
But they aren't received.
Don't forget your dreams, take them with you.
And not me in them, just you.
Maybe that's just how love is.
It's not hard to fall down.
Just turn around, if you can't love
Then stop.
And I don't understand these decisions, these decisions.
And I'm out of sync with your movements and I'm already no longer with you.
You're shooting accurately, only the target is me, the target is me.
But while I'm alive, I'm going home, home.
I can't lose, what isn't mine.
And you are not hurting, completely.
Like everything is the same, only you betray it.
Trembling in an unshakable voice.
Don't forget to tell me in color.
Mainly, how do you know how to not even miss me.
In a glass of whiskey, in the head is a pink haze.
And I am so close, that now you don't know yourself already.
And I don't understand these decisions, these decisions.
And I'm out of sync with your movements and I'm already no longer with you.
You're shooting accurately, only the target is me, the target is me.
But while I'm alive, I'm going home, home.
I'm going home, I'm going home
And I don't understand these decisions, these decisions.
And I'm out of sync with your movements and I'm already no longer with you.
You're shooting accurately, only the target is me, the target is me.
But while I'm alive, I'm going home, home


Versions: #2
About you quietly whisper the wind.
About you every evening I dream.
About you sing the mountains and the sea.
About you all the words I speak, about you.
Without you the heart is not a happy place.
Without you I suffer nights and days.
Without you the light is so bad.
Without you the planet feeling so sad, without you.
You - eternal mystery.
You - the beginning of life.
You - my ocean, my soul.
I'm - a moment in the Universe.
Everything in life is instantaneous.
You - eternal mystery.
You - my ocean.
People are rushing somewhere on Earth.
It was like this. It'll be like this, of course.
What to say to that- I don't know in the end.
To run into the distance- why, I don't understand.
Hurricane knocks at my unruly heart.
Cold... And nowhere to warm up.
And the soul is flying to the sky-dome.
Beautiful, like about you, this song.
You - eternal mystery.
You - the beginning of life.
You - my ocean, my soul.
You - my ocean.

Johnny / From Satmar

I love Johnny
Nah nah nah nah nah
Like the spirit with honey
Johnny loves me too
He tears my shirt off

Painful / Seklerland

The little bird has gone away
The cage is empty
Has left a message
Comes back at Spring
If not for the Spring
Then for the flourishing of the wheat
If not even then
Then for the softening of vine
If not even then
May you know that never comes back