Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 10



Why are you scolding yourself?
I'm insignificant, I'm a virus, I'm an aphid
Do you want to know what I think?
You can try, but it will be in vain
Day is born at night
I love you very much
I'm a bottomless barrel
For your problems
Well, though,
You know that you
Are my friend
When you stand, your back straight
Your image is complete
A superhero can be weak
You are fighting
With yourself
Cool down, snuggle up to me with you soul
Take your backpack, let's go home!
We'd better go for a walk tonight!
Try to remember that feeling
When you were not alone
And weren't sad
Try to remember
Who you are!
Having fun with friends
Today it is your call!
They are waiting for us tonight
All of us
You are welcomed everywhere
You all
There is no hope, but there is faith and truth
We can play chess, or we can play cards
You will love to hear our stories
We have fireworks and firecrackers as an ammunition
We're trying to have a party here
There is only one life. So let it be a fairy tale!
So what if we're dancing for days?
Join us, we are not dangerous!
My friend!
When you stand, your back straight
Your image is complete
A superhero can be weak
You are fighting
With yourself
Cool down, snuggle up to me with you soul
Take your backpack, let's go home!

Atlas' song

And it seems like the weight of the whole world
Was hoisted on my shoulders
Thoughts are lines
The time, the place
Time is money
There are no prophets
Countries, people
Death with others
Strange and empty
Smell of Lithium
Not all is vanity
He's in the corners
Someone understood
Something somewhere
He finished
The same to me
I'm lost
With a pale shadow
Who's behind the door?
Whose trees?
Elevated tone
Lowered ball
The light is humbled
I'm ashamed
Thank God!
Thank God!
There is a jacket,
And a passerby.
Thank God!
Thank God!
Mishutka1 punched me
Right in the face!
The world
Off the shoulders
  • 1. Could be a male's name Mikhail as well as name for a Teddy-bear

Thank you, Heart

Thank you, heart ...
Thank you, heart for love ...
Forgive me, I'm leaving.
I'll untie the tight thread.
It will melt in the sky, to not to be found.
Fly, my love.
Over the clouds, beyond the horizon.
There, where the cold will not find.
I do not want to love anymore.
It hurts to say so.
Thank you, heart ...
Thank you, heart for love.
And so be it
(So ​​be it).
The last step is the hardest.
Thank you, heart ...
Thank you, heart for love.
And so be it
(So ​​be it).
The last step is the hardest.
Thank you, my heart will cry out to
Love, which is no more.
And everything that was there, the rain will wash away.
In return, it will leave lies.
The vicious circle of the usual schemes.
It does not matter who, it does not matter with whom.
Where will you be, where will I be.
Strangers forever.
Thank you, heart ...
Thank you, heart for love.
And so be it
(So ​​be it).
The last step is the hardest.
Thank you, my heart ...
Thank you, heart for love.
And so be it
(So ​​be it).
The last step is the hardest.
Thank you, heart ...
Thank you, heart for love.
And so be it
(So ​​be it).
The last step is the hardest.
Thank you, heart ...
Mukaddas Dedahanova

Thank you, T-34

A battleground is held by tanks.
Motors scream and armour plating shines.
Through mud, through anti-tank ditches,
they'll pierce through any line of fire.
And the enemy will tremble from the tank assault,
we'll capture the most inaccessable objective.
With a ration of vodka1 drawn from a dusty jar
the crew will raise a toast to their beloved tank.
And the tank crews will not forget
the grey-haired Urals who forged victory2
Let the field hospitals bore themseves without us.
We've got our orders, tomorrow we'll be on the move again.
Tanks are departing in thin columns
Tanks are departing amid the dry steppe grass
And above the earth, coming from the combat zone,
explosion flashes guide their way.
A tank is not about stripes or decorations3
I was wounded in battle at Prokhorovka4
Thank you, ,
for my youth spent fighting.
We've got your orders, with an accordion tune.
Tank crews (must be ready) at dawn or at dusk,
since a battleground is held by tanks,
and it can't go any other way, and that's a fact.
Since a battleground is held by tanks,
and it can't go any other way, and that's a fact.
  • 1. lit. '100 grams'. Alcohol is measured by weight instead of volume in Russia. 100 grams would be about a full water glass
  • 2. Soon after the beginning of the Great Partiotic War, a huge number of industrial complexes were moved into the Urals, outside the range of German bombers. People there worked in extremely difficult conditions to restore industrial capacity and produce a massive amount of weapons and supply. 'grey haired' alludes to the fact that only the elderly, childrend and some women worked there, the rest of the population was sent to the front or other military duties
  • 3. lit. 'about stars on the (uniform) jacket'. Don't know if the stars allude to rank insignas on the shoulder pads or the golden star of 'hero of the Soviet Union', the highest Russian decoration
  • 4. The biggest tank clash of the war, during the battle of Kursk in 1943
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Thank you

Versions: #2
On the moon path, my dreams are flying fast
About you, about you, you know...
My life, like smoothness of the paper sheet, without you it's empty
But you are, but you are believe me...
My photo in your medallion
You see me, see me
Romantic verses handwritten on a piece of paper
Do you hear me
Thank you, because you are and near
Thank you, for being here
My dreams and wishes, they will come true
Thank you, because you are, thank you!
You and I by heaven wedded, blessed by moon
Do you remember, you and I, you and I!
The stars will show us the way, don't forget to look and pray!
Do you see a sign, do you see a sign, do you
Millions of years later, I will love you
Eternally, eternally , do you know
I look into your eyes, I thank you
For your love!
Thank you, because you are and near
Thank you, for being here
My dreams and wishes, they will come true
Thank you, because you are, thank you!

Thank you, darling

Memory is hiding inside us like the shadow of young love
I'll quietly touch your lips with mine lips
The tired day is frozen on your lips
You have a pleasant sleep
And I am whispering to you, darling
I thank you for the day and night
I thank you for son and daughter
I thank you because you have saved our little world
From pain and evil
You have saved it for me
Time runs in circles and I am sure that
Our daughter will bend her face over a cradle like you did
And someone in turn will quietly sing to her
You have a pleasant sleep
And I am whispering to you, darling
I thank you for the day and night
I thank you for son and daughter
I thank you because you have saved our little world
From pain and evil
You have saved it for me


Te vagy az álmaimban, de mégsem vagy mellettem,
tudom, remélem hogy el fog múlni.
Az ágy üres, egykor ott volt a nyomod,
de mostanra már mások győzelmének a helye.
Köszönet az örökkévalóságért amit együtt töltöttünk.
Köszenet a szerelmbe vetett hitért.
Köszönet a fényért, mindenért amim van.
Köszönöm hogy sírtam, tudom ki vagyok.
Köszönöm hogy lételez.
A templomom üres, a lelkem fáj,
a fénylő Nap alatt állok.
Nincs több szó, két szív ver...
Drágám, érted fogok imádkozni...
Köszönet az örökkévalóságért amit együtt töltöttünk.
Köszenet a szerelmbe vetett hitért.
Köszönet a fényért, mindenért amim van.
Köszönöm hogy sírtam, tudom ki vagyok.
Köszönöm hogy lételez.
Köszönet a hitért, a szélért.
Köszönet az erőért, az örökkévalóságért.
Köszönet a fájdalomért, a jókedvért, a rossz időjárásért.
Köszönet az életért,
az apró boldogságomért.
Köszönet az örökkévalóságért amit együtt töltöttünk.
Köszenet a szerelmbe vetett hitért.
Köszönet a fényért, mindenért amim van.
Köszönöm hogy sírtam, tudom ki vagyok.
Köszönöm hogy lételez.
Köszönet érte...
Köszönet érte...
Köszönet azért hogy itt vagy.
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EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.