Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 18

Találatok száma: 625


If you love me

Unknown trips are your lips
I've lost you into beautiful forests
your hug is a deep sea
a beautiful homeland that i have never seen
and i am searching for you into the horizon
of my loneliness
into the depth of my isolation i am searching for you
i am searching for you, i am searching for you
If you love me, become a touch to my face
If you love me, become a star into the darkness
If you love me,give me the sweetest kiss of yours
If you love me, become my angel
It's getting dak tonight into my heart
you are missing again, where are you
my kisses are frozen to my lips
i always remember you but i am sccared
and i am searching for you into the horizon
of my loneliness
into the depth of my isolation i am searching for you
i am searching for you, i am searching for you
If you love me, become a touch to my face
If you love me, become a star into the darkness
If you love me,give me the sweetest kiss of yours
If you love me, become my angel

Say Why Did You Leave Me

Say, why did you leave me?
Filled my heart with sorrow
Say, why did you forget
All of our love?
When you left to another man
A smile hid the pain
Still, you cried silently
When we parted
All my days are sad
Without those two mild eyes
Come back, shorten this suffering
I forgive you everything, my dear
Say, why did you leave me?
Crashed all the wonderful dreams
Say, why did you forget
All of our love?

Utálom az esőt

Utálom az ablakomon kopogó esőt
Édes emlékeket elevenít fel bennem.
Utálom az ablakomat verő esőt
Mert ő már nincs itt velem
Te ablakpárkány emlékszel
Milyen kellemes volt
Mikor még együtt voltunk
Minden olyan lenyűgöző volt
De most, hogy szétváltunk
Kattog még mindig valami és én ki nem állhatom.
Utálom az ablakomon kopogó esőt
Édes emlékeket elevenít fel bennem.
Utálom az ablakomat verő esőt
Mert ő már nincs itt velem
Egyedül azzal a párnával
Melyen fejed pihentetted..hát igen
Tudom hogy van néhány kellemes emléked
De akárcsak az ablaknak neked nincs semmi mondanivalód.
Utálom az ablakomon kopogó esőt
Édes emlékeket ébreszt bennem.
Utálom az esőt
Mely ablakomon kopogtat
Kísért engem
Hej eső, ne verd már az ablakot
Mert ő már nincs itt mellettem.


Isztambul, Isztambul
Isztambul, ez Konstantinápoly
Amikor Isztambulba vagy Konstantinápolyba mentem
Egy nap oly végtelen szerelembe estem,
Amilyenre egész életünkben vágyunk.
Isztambul más, mint Európa
Ez Isztambul vagy Konstantinápoly,
Egy este, az isztambuli forgatagban bolyongva ,
Egymásra találtunk.
Müezzin hangja hívott a minaret erkélyéről
Végig a Boszporusz partján.
Már Isztambulról álmodok varázslatos álmokat
Isztambulban szép volt az életem
Emlékszem, Isztambulban történt, hogy
Ázsia varázsa megbabonázta szívemet.
Követtem őt egy éjen át a csodás isztambuli ég alatt.
Isztanbul, Isztanbul, Isztanbul, Isztanbul!
Isztambul, ez Konstantinápoly
Isztambulban vagy Konstantinápolyban
Allah paradicsomában éreztem magam,
Hol már vártak rám.
Isztambul más, mint Európa
Ez Isztambul vagy Konstantinápoly,
Közel kerültem hozzá, az utamat járva
Isztambul forgatagában.
Nem tudom, hogyan magyarázzam érzéseimet,
melyek nevetve incselkednek velem:
„Épp, mint Te, közvetlenül Párizsból jöttem!”
Isztambul, ez Konstantinápoly
Isztambulban vagy Konstantinápolyban
Vonatra szálltunk, mely Párizsba visszavitt
Távol a zajtól és tömegtől, jó Isztambulról álmodozni.
Isztanbul vagy Konstantinápoly
Oly jó, hogy ott ajtónk előtt a boldogság
Haszontalan dolog keresgélni más helyeket, mint Isztambul,
Az igaz szerelem ott vár.
Isztambul, Isztambul!

Not From Paper

My eyes do not shut,
Sleep does not take me,
Because in my dreams,
I don't want you to come again.
My lips do not open,
They do not say your name.
Everything you ever touched, I will wash,
So your aroma leaves.
But that is something that has stayed
And it will not let me take you out of my life.
It's not from paper for me to burn,
It's not from glass for me to break,
It's not a letter for me to tear,
It's not a tear for me to wipe,
But it is a heart that asks:
How will I live away from you?
I do not open the door,
Do not bring your shadow.
I do not look at the sun,
I do not feel your eyes.
I do not listen to songs,
That we listened to, the two of us.
And I want to forget,
Everything of ours.
But that is something that has stayed
And it will not let me take you out of my life.
It's not from paper for me to burn,
It's not from glass for me to break,
It's not a letter for me to tear,
It's not a tear for me to wipe,
But it is a heart that asks:
How will I live away from you?

Éppen te

Az ajkaidat harapdálod, ugye
finomaknak tűnnek, én is hadd próbáljam ki őket.
Te megöltél engem, te egy őrült vagy
gyilkolni tudsz csak a pillantásaiddal.
Olyan gyönyörű vagy, mint egy baba,
divatos vagy, de neked ez csakis kijár.
Tudd, ha te idejössz, egész életemben fájni fog.
Olyan vagy, mint egy macska, amikor
ezeket a pillantásaidat rám kiveted.
Vigyázz rám, kérlek, kíméld meg a szívemet.
Legyőztél a játékban épp te,
az én lelkemet vetted a célkereszted közepébe
Veled még egy szent is a pokolba kerül, hogy megégjen.
Legyőztél a játékban épp te,
A szerelmemet, vagy az életemet akarod?
Veled még egy szent is a pokolba kerül, hogy megégjen.
Éppen te, éppen te, éppen te, éppen te
Ahogyan lépdelsz, attól hanyatt dobom magam,
az egész város nem fog tudni elaludni.
Tudni fogja mindenki, ki vitte el a szívemet.
Olyan gyönyörű vagy, mint egy baba,
divatos vagy, de neked ez csakis kijár.
Tudd, ha te idejössz, egész életemben fájni fog.
Olyan vagy, mint egy macska, amikor
ezeket a pillantásaidat rám veted.
Vigyázz rám, kérlek, kíméld meg a szívemet.
Legyőztél a játékban épp te,
a lelkemet tetted a célpont közepébe
Veled még egy szent is a pokolba kerül, hogy megégjen.
Legyőztél a játékban pontosan te,
A szerelmemet, vagy az életemet akarod?
Veled még egy szent is a pokolba kerül, hogy megégjen.
Éppen te, éppen te ... (x4)
Legyőztél a játékban épp te,
a lelkemet tetted a célpont közepébe
Veled még egy szent is a pokolba kerül, hogy megégjen.
Legyőztél a játékban épp te,
A szerelmemet, vagy az életemet akarod?
Veled még egy szent is a pokolba kerül, hogy megégjen.
Legyőztél a játékban épp te!

What a love

We were stubborn again
Above ourselves
We made a step
We broke up
But we found again a solution
It was for our own good
Our love has won
Our ego
What a love
It is passing by a storm
A fire and a rain
And here we go again
What a love
It makes us crazy
It hurts us
I say black you say white
And we are together again
We fought again
Nobody believes us
We are always against each other
For a moment
Either one is growling
Or the other is getting jealous
Fortunately every bad moment doesn't last long
What a love
It is passing by a storm
A fire and a rain
And here we go again
What a love
It makes us crazy
It hurts us
I say black you say white
And we are together again
Together in stubborness
In jealousy
In complaints
This love has survived in difficult times
Nobody has ever gotten between us
We are destined to be together forever

I'm asking you for love

Another night that i'm alone
Into empty streets
I'm wandering
You're missing and i'm searching for you again
And i wanna tell you so many things
I'm asking you for love
Don't deny it
My dream is fading
And i'm crying again
I'm asking you for love
Come back
I'm waiting for you
I'm burning for you
They say that love is fire
And you make ashes by my heart
And i do not care if you are a fire
I don't care if i going to get burnt into your kisses

I didn't ask you about anything

With tears in my eyes with
A bitterness in my look
I'm leaving i cannot do this anymore
I'm the only one who loves you
I erase oaths and kisses
And i'm not coming back
However i'm trying to react, a 'why' is hurting me
I didn't ask you about anything, nothing was missing to you
I loved you and i believed in your heart
Ididn't ask you about anything, nothing was missing to you
But you destroyed everything into a night
You were my 'every moment'
You were my whole life
You took everything i loved and i lost everything
I erase oaths and kisses
And i'm not coming back
However i'm trying to react, a 'why' is hurting me

The man that I love

The man that I love
has ice in his veins
He leaves me in the rain
and goes his own ways
He just goes his own ways
The tree that I love
doesn't have many branches
It doesn't offer any cover
when the day is bright
When the Sun is shining bright
The stream that I love
won't ever slow down
Because of its roar
it won't notice my thirst
It won't hear my thirst
The sky that I love
has been covered by clouds
I can't find my way
as it is dark already
As it is so dark already
Now I wander without any cover
I can neither get light nor water
The only thing missing is a knife
and the courage to slash
And the courage to slash
I made this!
You can go ahead and copypaste it to your heart's content, but only if that makes you feel special.

I Have No Other Sky

An unfortunate moment, an unfortunate meeting.
Always you, permanent dependence.
I said I overcame you but you know I never forgot.
I won't hold you for long,
One second is enough, only if you want to hear
My passion beat the logic.
It's not just that I love you,
It's more than that.
I don't want to love another.
Honestly, I do not, and cannot live alone,
You are the greatest love.
It's not just that I love you,
I have no other sky
It's been a long time, I've made efforts,
But unfortunately, they were all in vain.
I said that I forgot you, but that was a lie,
I haven't ever forgotten.
I won't hold you for long,
One second is enough, only if you want to hear
My passion beat the logic.
It's not just that I love you,
It's more than that.
I don't want to love another.
Honestly, I do not, and cannot live alone,
You are the greatest love.
It's not just that I love you,
I have no other sky

A letter in the distance

You know my darling, what a strange desolation,
is raining in my soul and I'm here all alone
while I write you this letter today.
You know my darling, there's nobody in my room
only in the radio sounds a song,
inside of me I look for the truth my light my freedom
It could be, it could be, the dawn,
it could be maybe the rumor of a train
it could be, it could be because accidentally
I hear your laughter, I feel your steps.
Old papers where I'll tell you,
that I'm used to the sadness,
because my letter is a small flower
in a mailbox.
It could be, it could be, so much loneliness,
it could be maybe this thirst of love,
it could be, it could be that I can't forget,
I write to you a letter in the distance.
It could be, it could be, the dawn,
it could be maybe because I loved you,
it could be, it could be because accidentally
I hear your laughter, I feel your steps.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

My Sister

My sister*, you, don't laugh so
By just looking to my feelings
I know that you walk with a bad guy
My loving heart is jealous of you
I like you, my feelings are deep
If you want moon and stars I would take and give you
Care about my love and
Walk by my side forever oh, oh, oh!
Oh, oh, oh, oh my sister oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh if I look you, you abstain oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh you play hard to get oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh your moony face makes me love you
If you coquet and be spoilt to me
I admire your beauty
I'm looking your photo always,
By wanting your return
Oh, oh, oh, oh
I like you, my feelings are deep
If you want moon and stars I would take and give you
Care about my love and
Walk by my side forever oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh my sister oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh if I look you, you abstain oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh you play hard to get oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh your moon face makes me love you
You occupy to my love oh
You come my side oh
If I want your hand, you take me your hand oh
You, be by my side by playing to get and coquet oh
I become a newbie kid by believing you before.
I want never move away from you even a little
I wish that your nice smell to be felt near me
Sister, we walked together for days
By spending together the spring, summer oh, the autumn and winter!
Oh, oh, oh, oh my sister oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh if I look you, you abstain oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh you play hard to get oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh your moon face makes me love you

Minden pillanat

Így hát, válaszd,
Hogy legyen fény a zűrzavarban is
Egy történet túl a lapokon...
Merészkedj a határokig,
Ne gondold, hogy lehetetlen az álmaidon sétálnod és szabadnak érezni magad...
Ha meg tudsz rendülni és elveszni,
Azért teszed, hogy új utad keress a lelkedben,
Az út megvilágítja,
A félelem szétporlasztja,
Mert most már tudod az igazat:
Élni akarod ezt az életet
Élni akarod
Így hát, nevess azon, amit nem tudsz megérteni
Mivel a világ be is tud csapni, hogy csodálatosak vagyunk,
És ha gyengének érezzük magunkat
Azért tesszük, hogy új utad keressünk a lelkünkben,
Az út megvilágítja,
A félelem szétporlasztja,
Mert most már tudod az igazat:
Élni akarod ezt az életet
Élni akarod
Élj meg mindig
Minden egyes pillanatot
Élj meg mindig
Minden egyes pillanatot
Minden egyes pillanatot
(4x)Élj meg mindig
Minden egyes pillanatot(4x)
Azért teszed, hogy új utad keress a lelkedben,
Az út megvilágítja,
A félelem szétporlasztja,
Mert most már tudod az igazat:
Élni akarod ezt az életet
(4x)Élj meg mindig
Minden egyes pillanatot(4x)
Éld meg mindig!

Zamak u snegu

Svetlo bledi sada
Moja duša trči na putu koji ne mogu da dohvatim
Mozak mi se okreće i glava me boli
Svakog dana sve više
Svetlo bledi sada
Snagu mi isisava krvava pijavica
Strah mi se smeje i užas peva
Svake večeri sve više
Ne mogu ništa da vidim
Vezanih sam očiju
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
To je uzvik bitke
Ja sam zombi
Ne znam šta da radim
Trebala bih biti sakrivena
Ali moram da ostanem ostanem ostanem, ostanem ostanem ostanem
Tako sam usamljena
Ne znam da li ću se izvući
Želim da plutam svemirom
Ali moram da ostanem ostanem ostanem, ostanem ostanem ostanem
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
To je uzvik bitke
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
To je uzvik bitke
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
To je uzvik bitke
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
To je uzvik bitke


Quando pianse per la prima volta, sua madre è morta.
Io avevo cercato di fargli da guida
quando nacque ero troppo giovane,
il padre cerca il figlio
A Istanbul.
A Istanbul.
Ridatemi il mio figliolo dagli occhi marroni.
La luce della luna che salta attraverso gli alberi,
gli occhi infossati che mi evitano.
Dall'alba al tramonto la caccia è aperta,
il padre cerca il figlio.
A Istanbul
Ad Istanbul
Ridatemi il mio figliolo dagli occhi marroni
Su strade segrete con incredulità,
una piccola ombra mostra il piombo
Le prostitute eleganti e glamour,
in mezzo a loro sei un...
Oh, che cosa ho fatto ...
Rotolando senza fiato con la lingua fuori,
il vizioso gergo della gand di strada
Mi chino su una bara di pino,
identifico il ragazzo come il mio ...(figlio)
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


Vi vidste vist, at det her skulle ske
For du er allerede ude af mit hoved
Du kan sige, at jeg tager fejl
At du blive hos mig i stedet
Når vinteren er kommet, og sommeren er død og borte
Er der mere at sige endnu?
Jeg lægger armene om tomheden, jeg fandt
Finde en måde at få dig til at blive på
Men jeg er stillestående, jeg er stillestående
Som du går fra mig nu
Men jeg er stillestående, jeg er stillestående
Som du går fra mig nu
Jeg er stillestående
Aldrig har jeg troet, at jeg skulle være så stærk
Men dele af mig går så let itu
Det jeg troede skulle være enden
Er blot følelsen, at du satte mig fri
Tøs, det er ikke opgivelse, det er at vide, hvornår jeg skal stoppe
At vide, at alt er forbi
Jeg ved, at min kærlighed er blind, for første gang ser jeg
Det her bringer is ikke tættere
Men jeg er stillestående, jeg er stillestående
Som du går fra mig nu
Men jeg er stillestående, jeg er stillestående
Som du går fra mig nu
Jeg er stillestående
Jeg er stillestående
Jeg er blot stillestående, jeg er stillestående
Jeg er blot stillestående
Når vinteren er kommet, og sommeren er død og borte
Er der mere at sige endnu?
Jeg lægger armene om tomheden, jeg fandt
Finde en måde at få dig til at blive på
Men jeg er stillestående, jeg er stillestående
Som du går fra mig nu
Men jeg er stillestående, jeg er stillestående
Som du går fra mig nu
Jeg er stillestående
Jeg er blot stillestående
Yeah, jeg er blot stillestående
Jeg er stillestående

TU ești unica ...

Când te întinzi în patul tău
Iar visele îți dă târcoale
Atunci gândește-te la mine
Cruță un moment sau două
Pentru dragostea pe care am cunoscut-o, acum și apoi
Gândește-te la mine
Și te voi ține departe de restul inimii mele
Mai presus de orice sentiment cunoscut vreodată
O iubire supremă ce revine din nou
În inima mea, dragă, TU rămâi unica pentru mine!
Una singură,
Numai una vei vedea
Una singură,
O inimă în eternitate
Iar TU draga mea, rămâi unica pentru mine!
Când aduci din trecut
Toate amintirile, să-mi spui ...
Voi fi acolo?
Nu lăsa timpul să ducă departe dulcea amintire de ieri
Lasă-mă să știu că încă îți pasă
Prin soare și ploaie
Prin râs și durere
Voi purta floarea iubirii pe care ai semănat-o
Vor fi și altele
Dar voi mărturisi mereu
În inima mea, dragă, TU rămâi unica pentru mine!
Una singură,
Numai una vei vedea
Una singură,
O inimă în eternitate
Iar TU draga mea, rămâi unica pentru mine!
Dana Kósa


We're running along the alleys with all the coffees
Last Sunbeams saying: Please don't go
Maron stalls smoking
Street cats hissing
Such beautiful, Full i never saw
Kiss me 'til the half moon appears
Pull me through the pubs
'Til the muezzins shouting
Kiss me from yesterday to today
In Istanbul
In Istanbul
You're eyes are shinig golden
Like Istanbul
Like Istanbul
Understand me if i don't understood any words
But your night, your night, your night
Wakes me up
Istanbul, Istanbul
I dance like a Bosporus boat
Schoolgirl, Headscarves,..., Tarkan
A old man plays sad Saz
At the empty Taksim Place
Black Tea opens my eyes again
Thick gulls flying out to the sea
And you're so near that it robs myself the breath
Kiss me from yesterday to today
In Istanbul
In Istanbul
You're eyes are shinig golden
Like Istanbul
Like Istanbul
Understand me if i don't understood any words
But your night, your night, your night
Wakes me up
Istanbul, Istanbul
Don't let us go at home
I don't want to frame us like this
When all ships are sleeping in the morning red
We will go at home different
Raki here, Raki there
SItting in the Galata
With new friends in the arm
With new friends in the arm
You say...
Come with me the bridge isn't far, Man
And in Asia is soon going the light off
And the ship is traveling us between the worlds
From the one to the other side
Istanbul, Istanbul
Kiss me from yesterday to today
In Istanbul
You're eyes are shinig golden
Like Istanbul
Understand me if i don't understood any word
But your night, your night, your night
Wakes me up

Букашки и цветочки

Букашки и цветочки смакуют трупы
Их отростки годами лелели их
Как же приятно
Как же прекрасно вот так провести время
И ветер, как наш дорогой друг
Сообщает о его сладком конце
Разве ты не слышишь их смех?
Нет причин волноваться
Тебе понравится на этой поляне
Духи танцуют
Их слези исчезают
МЫ подарим тебе наш мистический опыт
Букашки и цветочки смакуют трупы
Их отростки годами лелели их
Как же приятно
Как же прекрасно вот так провести время
И ветер, как наш дорогой друг
Сообщает о его сладком конце
Разве ты не слышишь их смех?
Здесь духи благословляют
Их слези исчезают
И ветер, как наш дорогой друг
Сообщает о его сладком конце
Разве ты не слышишь их смех?
И ветер, как наш дорогой друг
Сообщает о его сладком конце
Разве ты не слышишь их смех?
Букашки и цветочки смакуют трупы
Их отростки годами лелели их
Как же приятно
Как же прекрасно вот так провести время
И ветер, как наш дорогой друг
Сообщает о его сладком конце
Букашки и цветочки смакуют трупы
Их отростки годами лелели их
Как же приятно
Как же прекрасно вот так провести время
И ветер, как наш дорогой друг
Сообщает о его сладком конце
Разве ты не слышишь их смех?

No One Can Stop Me

Feeling good like Tony Stark's suit
That's it, the game in 16 bars, only facts,
Only without cheap false and filthy language
Is good for me, like spinaches for Papai.
About 8 a.m. Faithful Nokia
Wakes me up by voice of chameleon
Body and brain inores it about half hour, brain and body
Go to sleep later - Puer tea's know its own business
I like white color, like color of victory
Snickers and teth needs to be white, at least,
Think twice, before look at wrong
You're at the glance, like at guys from ambushes
Needs to undersand that then the higher you climb - the longer fall
But no one can stop me, even in such situations
I'm not in uniform to read your rights
But I'll remind you why you need a head
[Chorus, Ant]
So head to think, legs for walk
No one can stop me
Eyes to see, lips to speak
No one can stop me
So head to think, legs for walk
No one can stop me
Eyes to see, lips to speak
No one can stop me
25, 17, like we're here to annihilate stereotypes
Aguileras glamour, Mob Dips classic
Think, choose, shake your head it the beat
Either horses are fastidious, or the wind is northern.
We make hits intentionally
2517%, mom, don't be sad, say hello to the Gosha Kutsenko
Door, key, lock, block
My precinctive fat, like Ray Kwon
The cartridge on our logo, means,
That our themes blows your mind like explosive.
Heaven boss give us the task
That even if apocalypse, attention,
No compromises, Elvis left the building,
Departure into space for one-two-three.
Think, human, because you have a head
[Chorus, Ant]
So head to think, legs for walk
No one can stop me
Eyes to see, lips to speak
No one can stop me
So head to think, legs for walk
No one can stop me
Eyes to see, lips to speak
No one can stop me
Previously, I didn't understand how a minimal bit
Can hold the hall for five minutes
Magic, not otherwise, now the task is clear
Less word more hooks, fewer sounds, more swing
A lot of projects , time is short, Defoliant, 25:17, Denied
Ten years in this mess, hands mash
Teach young, respect senior
Tenderloin, top grade and not a sticky stuffing
Fry meat for ours, Ambush Production
Others complains like overhard it again
It's necessary to grow for our product
A game of sixteen bars, a game of flying
Moscow Expressionism in the Siberian style
Memorize the melody, remember the words
And think why you need your head
[Chorus, Ant]
So head to think, legs for walk
No one can stop me
Eyes to see, lips to speak
No one can stop me
So head to think, legs for walk
No one can stop me
Eyes to see, lips to speak
No one can stop me
Tibor from QS-FB

No We're Not Selling

This year it's going well
it's going well
all the plants are going well
The middlemen will flock again
they will profiteer
and we'll be the same yet again
they're buying our crop too cheap
No we're not selling
The children are happy
the children
They see a plentiful crop
The middlemen will flock again
they will profiteer
and we'll be the same yet again
they're buying our crop too cheap
No we're not selling

Twilight hasn't died into dark yet

Twilight hasn't died into dark yet
But the air is getting colder
The winds blow over my heart
Wreaking devastation
Oh, vanished good fortune that I don't need
Oh, my dream that life will be different
And the life that I live in this dream
Blow, winds, through the wilderness
Stretched out in the gloom of the night
My soul is frightened by the emptiness
And its boundless silence
Choking back the tears secretly
I stare into the mirages
Oh, my empty life!
Tell me, at least, who am I?

I'll Plant You a Rose Garden

I'll plant you a rose garden
And a little tree to give you shade
And spin for you from the light of the sun
A bracelet to adorn your hand
And I'll bring you from the farthest sea
The prettiest pearl you can find
And I'll steal for you from around the full moon
The most beautiful star and keep it
And I'll build you a lofty palace
And carry you on my wings
And spin for you from the light of the sun
A bracelet to adorn your hand
If you want pearls and corals
I'll bring you a whole chest-full
And if you want the hat of a fairy
I'm not gonna tell you no, no no
And if you want, oh willow branch
I'll hide you in my eyes (meaning he'll watch over her)
And spin for you from the light of the sun
A bracelet to adorn your hand
My beauty, there's a secret in your eyes
Enchanting me and melting me (i.e. making me fall in love)
Words stronger than pearl
My love for you is always keeping me up
Being near you is bitter and so is being close
And so is the myrrh tree in your eyes (I think referring to the tree in keeping with the theme of nature imagery)
I'll spin for you from the light of the sun
A bracelet to adorn your hand

Grab this state

Why this wrong thought tells you to turn down the bass?
If you turn it down - it will still remain inside us here.
Now don't occupy yourself with silence, no,
but feel this sound.
This sound will rock you.
In tones, my head
is dancing
to these sounds and these words.
My head is emerged
And my head isn't thinking, it's set in motion.
The bass that makes us moving sends emotions.
Reject thinking, now feel the rhythm on the stage.
Let it go through your body,
he doesn't know the word 'sleep'.
Grab the dance, feel the craziness.
In craziness, jump as if you were playing basketball.
In the depth of silence, the voice,
in those sounds, the power is hidden!
From my heart, I encourage you to increase the tempo, dance,
The tempo of speaking
The tempo is changing
It strangles boredom, it makes you jump up off your seat.
Wake up dreams,
Wake them up now,
Push away doubts,
Push them away now.
From my heart, I encourage you to increase the tempo, dance
I'm turning the tempo up
Feel these tempos
I'm turning the tempo up
I encourage to move
Feel these tempos
Grab this state
Grab this state

My Kazakhstan

The sun is half the sky and wormwood chime the path,
And I'm, a child, printing a foot in the dust.
How caress the world that you gave me
How I drank the warm happiness from your palms.
And we were growing up together, native and adopted
Gaining the wing in the shirts, in the steppe.
We were loved, we all lived in a large family,
But after growing up, we left the path.
Your radiant-wise of swivel-eyed.
Like an amulet in the long journey,
And if anything happened, takes it off like a hand,
Only it's necessary to breathe in your spicy air.
Let your children have bread, meat on the table, your Kazan will be hot.
And there are no such boundaries, so as not to come to you, you are forever with me, my Kazakhstan.
Oh, how many years, how do I set the course,
Then lightly, then taking an exorbitant load.
But every time your image saved me,
The spirit of spacious, and your feather grass is always gray.
I'll come tired, going around the Earth,
But run, seeing the silhouette in the distance.
Ah, the smell of bread and the clear gray smoke,
Well, hug, the prodigal son has returned to you!
The winds of your aitys and the breadth of the steppes,
is comparable with the breadth of the soul.
I miss you, miss you,
You write me a couple of lines, old man.
There is no my country, our Union is torn
In the shreds of small countries,
But I bow to you, ata, down to earth,
You are forever with me, my Kazakhstan!
But I bow to you, ata, down to earth,
You are forever with me, my Kazakhstan!
You are forever with me, my Kazakhstan!
Tibor from QS-FB

Just You I Desire, My Blessing...

Just you I desire, my blessing,
My beauty, this Earth never knew!
My sun in the darkness distressing,
For my burning heart you are dew!
Inspired by my love to you, I
Shall scramble to fight fate anew.
Like spica half-scorched by the lightning,
I'll bow into dust before you.
For ecstasy never acquitted,
I'll pay with my life for miscue!
And even if crime I've committed -
I want only you!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

It Is Hard For A Fairy

'Fairy,' the lilacs have whispered,
'Fairy' was plea of a bird.
'Fairy,' may-lilies insisted,
Whispered through shadows, eyes blurred.
'Fairy,' with emerald glare
Uttered the grass blade undone.
'It is so hard!' sighed the fairy,
'I have to love everyone.'
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Stay in me

You lead me far in the universe,
I don't know what's fear when I'm with you
Tell me am I dreaming, do you exist?
Tell me you're not a dream, whisper that to me.
You wake me up and I see heavenly mornings,
You love me and I feel like flying
You should know that you leave eternal marks in me
Do anything but don't end this!!
Stay in me, let centuries pass us by,
Stay in me, to dream about you countless nights
Stay in me honey let everything pass by
except you, you are in me...2x
You lead me far in the universe,
I don't know what's fear when I'm with you
Tell me am I dreaming, do you exist?
Tell me you're not a dream, whisper that to me.
Stay in me, let centuries pass us by,
Stay in me, to dream about you countless nights
Stay in me honey let everything pass by
except you, you are in me...2x

Ad Infinitum

In the church all stays as always.
Sways of censers can be heard.
'I was joking, take my word.
Did you love or fall in mad craze?'
Candles' flicker's dim and tame,
Lights're reflecting from the icons.
All folks want to light a candle
From another candle flame.
In the church it'll stay as always.
Peal of censers can be heard.
'Ah, unfaithful! You have joked.
Woe to me! I really loved you.'
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

A moment comes in Time

Versions: #2
A moment comes in Time
And - like it or you don’t
There flies the wicked spark
What happens after that
It’s not for you to know
The ways of Love are dark
The ways of Love are dark
The steps of Love are mute
The features are unknown
The language is disguised
Your True Love you will see
Recognize at once
Split second will suffice
The ways of Love are dark
The ways of Love are dark

I'm Waiting For You

Versions: #2
My love, no matter how much you travel
and how further you got, and how long you were away
Oh my Soul you're near me
No matter how long your journey is, I'm waiting for you
My heart is with you, my Love, in your loneliness
I'm waiting for you my Soul with the longing of all lovers
I'm waiting for you, I'm tired, I'm tired from yearning
I'm waiting for you and I have metled, my Eye, from separation
My Lover, My Lover
You've been away for this much
And the tear of ours eyes don't matter to you, and nor does our love for you
I'm afraid the cruelty continue a bit
From my longing to you. Ask about me while you're there
My Love, come, come, come
The safety shore calls you
To land on it and rest a little
My Love, come, come, come
The hearts around here feels you
and gives you a lifetime
I'm asking the stars every night about you
and I write everyday a song about missing to call you
and I make you swear that you love me My Love and to call on me
Then you'll meet me in a moment between your hands
And enough, you've been long gone in your trip, you've been even more stubborn
It's enough that missing sings to you, so either you come or I'll come to you
And come My Dear, enlighten the nights for me
I'm waiting for you my Soul with the longing of all lovers
I'm waiting for you, I'm tired, I'm tired from yearning
I'm waiting for you and I have metled, my Eye, from separation
My Lover, My Lover