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A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 55


Mikor A Szerelem Igaz

Látod azt a csillagot a hold felett?
Igen, a közös csillagunk
Az vezet haza hozzád
Akkor imádkozom, hogy Isten otthagyja
Mert én oly haszontalan vagyok nélküled, mint egy törött szív
És én oly üres vagyok nélküled, mint a zsebeim
Egy nap, Edmond, kapitány leszel
És én kapitány mennyasszonya leszek
Hamarabb, mint gondolnád, Mercédesz, kedvesem
Tán már a ma esti dagálykor
Mert Monsieur Morrel megsürgette a holnapunkat
Ez igaz, mon dieu?
Kapitányhoz mész
Mikor a szerelem igaz
Semmi nem áll utadba
Isten a Mennyben elmosolyodik és akkor
A csillagok és emberek hol és mikorja
Hirtelen a helyükre kerül
Senki nem kérhetne többet
Gyémántok és rubinok sem vehetik meg
Mi nem hal meg, az sose múlik el
Mikor a szerelem igaz
Mint a szél, mi dagasztja a vitorlát
Mint egy sosem kihunyó fény
Ölelj át
Hadd véssem emlékezetembe az arcod
Mikor ölelésedben elveszek
Egy öröklétre
Mikor a szerelem igaz
Igaz, mint a közös csillagunk
Állandó és mindig ott vár
Mint az örvény, mely el nem enged
Te vagy az egyetlen, igaz hitem
Az egyetlen lankadatlan vásárom
Most és mindörökké
Hadd légy te, akit látok
És hadd ne legyen más, csak én, ki
Hozzád fut amikor csak hívsz
Hadd legyek én, aki megmutatja
Mi mindent tehet a szerelem
Mikor a szerelem igaz

Az igaz szeretet végül rád talál

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Az igaz szeretet végül rád talál
Kiderül majd, hogy ki is volt a barátod
Ne légy bús, tudom, hogy az leszel
De ne add fel míg
Az igaz szeretet végül rád nem talál
Ez egy becsapós ígéret
Csak akkor találhat meg, ha keresed
Mert az igaz szeretet is keres téged
De hogyan is ismerhetne fel
Ha nem lépsz ki a fénybe, a fénybe
Ne légy bús, tudom, hogy az leszel
De ne add fel míg
Az igaz szeretet végül rád nem talál

Igaz hívő

Hadd gondolja a világ, mi poklot csak akar,
Hadd terveljék gonosz útjaikat.
Szabad vagy az álnokságtól s bátor szívű,
S lelked nem szelídíthető.
Igen, soha nem könnyű
Szembe menni az árral,
De vadállat-erős vagy, s viharként harcolsz,
Míg az utolsó szó a tiéd.
Mert te igaz hívő vagy,
Átokkal küzdve.
Gonosztól ne félj,
Hadd lobogjon dühöd lángja!
Harcolj, mint egy igaz hívő,
Egy a világ ellen.
Gonosztól ne félj,
Ki mint vet, majd úgy arat.
Eltűröd a bukást s csapásokat,
A mocskot képedve csapkodták,
Élve temettek el, miközben a hazugságok
Abszurd parádén terjedtek.
De a való feltámad az árnyból,
A jelenés kőbe vésve,
Ez egy újszülött feltámadása,
Valódi hadüzenettel.
Mert te igaz hívő vagy,
Átokkal küzdve.
Gonosztól ne félj,
Hadd lobogjon dühöd lángja!
Harcolj, mint egy igaz hívő,
Egy a világ ellen.
Gonosztól ne félj,
Ki mint vet, majd úgy arat.
Mert te igaz hívő vagy,
Átokkal küzdve.
Gonosztól ne félj,
Hadd lobogjon dühöd lángja!
Mert te igaz hívő vagy,
Átokkal küzdve.
Gonosztól ne félj,
Hadd lobogjon dühöd lángja!
Egy a világ ellen.
Gonosztól ne félj,
Ki mint vet, majd úgy arat.


Happy Encount (Full Version)

La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
It's weird these days
I can't think nice things are nice anymore
What should I do
I must regain the true start
For example, in a gap (daily life) between lines of a story (naturally)
Beyond the dream appeared in front of me
Hello! The spreading world
Let's sing the enjoyable pop story
I don't want words whose content is worthless anymore
Let's dance with nonsense steps
I have the initiative (make the world go round)
Always simple and clear, just rise
Running to the past, to the future, join
Let's live impulsively and delusionally
I am the prototype. (make the world my self)
We know when I step
Joy comes to someone
I was read between the lines desperately
And I became like the air
What should I do
I must go to cast the spell 'identity'
Birthplace (many excuses), luck and luck (talking useless things)
Who is the true enemy
Hello! Lead me, forest
Is this premature?
Let's drop breezy, free and easy things
I don't want the heart whose content is worthless anymore
Let's play with invisible thrills
Making alliance (make the world go round)
The outlook is always good, I just update
Light and shadow, a beautiful gradation
Let's live creatively and instinctively
In an innovative place (make the world my self)
I will know when I could touch
Joy comes again and again
Get closer and leave to the blue sky
An old sentiment hurts my chest
Let's connect the days I kept getting lost with equal
Let's sing the enjoyable pop story
I don't want words whose content is worthless anymore
Let's dance with nonsense steps
I have the initiative (make the world go round)
Always simple and clear, just rise
Running to the past, to the future, join
Let's live impulsively and delusionally
I am the prototype. (make the world my self)
We know when I step
Joy comes to someone
I will know when I could touch
You will get joy today (join us?)


[Intro: Trueno]
Yeh, yeh, yah
[Pre-Chorus: Trueno]
Today I go out with my buddies, we're going to the club, pretty babe
I split it into four in my commune, yeh
[Chorus: Trueno]
My buddies say, ah, 'when (When) and how' (How)
Even if I always have my turros1in La Boca2
I-I go (I go), alone (Alone)
I think Argentina is asking for twerking
What's up, buddy? This got ugly
I enter3the beat like a ring to the finger (Pum, pum, pum)
Micro shootout, eh-oh, eh (Eh-oh

Let's be fully loyal to the Leader throughout generations

Even if we live only a short moment, for the Leader,
Comrades, giving our life, let's advance in battle.
Grasping firmly the bayonets of revolution,
Without fail, we will liberate the southern land1.
Loudly shouting 'Hurrah' to the leader,
Let's sweep away the inveterate enemy, the US imperialists!
Though the female soldier is no longer besides us,
Her desire will bloom as a flower on the homeland.
Following the only road of loyalty that she had walked,
The ranks of millions of heroes are advancing.
Paying off the fellow soldier's bitter grudge,
Holding the bayonets of revenge, let's advance in battle!
Giving complete loyalty to the leader throughout generations,
Running on the only road of victory, let's advance!
  • 1. the southern part of Korea

Call Me Maybe

I don’t know what’s wrong with me
You really drive me crazy
All day, I’m busy but whenever I have time
I get curious about you
I’m not trying to play games
But this unfamiliar feeling is electric
I’m feeling good
Like on the moon
Feels like I can go anywhere
Right now, just us two
Call me maybe you
Make my heart flutter again, love you
Tonight, let’s see how far we can go
Stay with me
Call me maybe you
I am you, you you you
Call me maybe you
Tonight, let’s go somewhere
More than the red hot sun
We are burning hot, we are one
I want to trust myself in your ocean
I’m coming for you
I don’t care who is first
Let’s go with the flow
I’m feeling good
Like on the moon
Feels like I can go anywhere
Right now, just us two
Call me maybe you
Make my heart flutter again, love you
Tonight, let’s see how far we can go
Stay with me
Call me maybe you
I am you, you you you
Call me maybe you
Tonight, let’s go somewhere
Baby, only whisper to me, call me tonight
So I can melt down even more sweetly
Instead of worrying, just call me tonight
There’s only one chance
Call me maybe you
Call me maybe
Call me maybe
Call me maybe you
Before the night is over
Call me maybe you
I am you, you you you
Call me maybe you
Tonight, let’s go somewhere
Call me maybe you
Call me baby just call me
Call me maybe you
Tonight, let’s go somewhere

Telling Diamond from the Rest - Is It True Love

Is it true love?
Not saying I don't like you
Some part of me just doesn't wanna admit it
Is it true love?
Once I fall in love, I can't go back
I'm afraid of that, too
Folding before the game gets too serious
I thought I'd gotten over the pain
Funny that I'm still scared
Is it true love?
I'm not a child
Fine-tuning the screenplay of romance
Nailing every scene with finesse
If I want to be that actress
Maybe now's my chance
Maybe you're the one
Try telling diamond from the rest
Is it true love?
Is it true love?
Tell me, is this the real thing?
Is it true love?
Is it true love?
This takes skills
Is it true love?
He appears, a little younger than me
Not my type but
His high IQ is sexy
That's my weak spot
What jumps over the invisible walls around me is
A dry, witty conversation
Is it true love?
I want to be polished
Bagging both love & success
Playing every scene with style
If I wish to be that actress
Maybe now's my chance
Maybe you're the one
Wake up the diamond inside you
Is it true love?
Is it true love?
Our time is fleeting
Is it true love?
Is it true love?
A rose-scented sigh
Is it true love?
Is it true love?
Tell me, is this the real thing?
Is it true love?
Is it true love?
A rose-scented sigh

Loyal, brave and true

War or conquest, poverty or regret,
I can see another future.
My ideal is being faithful to my father,
My family before anything else.
I ask my reflection in the water:
'Am I worthy going to battle?'
And an earthquake in my soul answers:
'You're loyal, brave and true,
You're loyal, brave and true'
Boldness and pride, those are the skills
Of a good warrior.
And all the obstacles I will come across
Will only help me improve myself.
I ask my reflection in the water:
'Am I worthy going to battle?'
And an earthquake in my soul answers:
'You're loyal, brave and true,
You're loyal, brave and true'
At the very bottom of my heart, a huge fire is burning.
Yes, I'll be strong at the battlefield,
And I've chosen the bravery over the fear,
No, I'm not afraid anymore.
Who am I without my armor?
I, instead of my father,
Hear my heart whispering:
'Be loyal, brave and true'

Loyal Brave True

Versions: #1
War is not freedom
I can see the way clear to go
They say, 'Accept this mistake!'
So that I lose
I ask myself in the water,
'Is this way true for me?'
I keep asking, 'Am I brave?!'
(Herself:) Mulan, I'm honest
I've never broken my promise
'Losing' is easy, but I'm a tiger
'Winning' takes bravery
My way, fighting lonely, is tough
I hesitate to go
The warrior remains alone again
The whole world is cruel
I ask you, 'Am I brave?!'
(Herself:) Mulan, I'm honest
I've never broken my promise
Morning is cold, but the dream is warm
I'm restless as I chase my answers
Will I get stronger or weaker?
What's (my) destiny?!
Even without armor & sword
Father, I'll take your place
Remaining loyal & honest?!
How difficult is my duty?!

Loyal Brave True

War is not liberation
I see that the path, is clear to go
They say 'accept this mistake'
So that I fail
I ask my reflection in water
Is this the right path for me?!
I keep asking am I brave?
Mulan, I am honest
I didn't break my oath
'Defeat' is easy, but I am a tiger
'Victory' demands braveness
My path is difficult, fighting by myself
I'm unsure about walking this path
The warrior will be alone again
The world is cruel
I'm asking you am I brave?!
Mulan, I am honest
I didn't break my oath
Mornings are cold but dreams are warm
Looking for answers, I'm sleepless
Will I get stronger or weaker?
What's my fate?!
I'm without armor and sword
Father, I'll take your place
Remaining loyal and honest?!
How difficult is my path?!

Courage, Faith and Determination

I'm asking from life
For a chance to freedom
I don't pass what I love
I'll fight on my own
Myself in the mirror
Is asking me right here in front of me
Do I hide deep inside me
Courage, faith and determination
Courage, faith and determination?
I lose, I win, I always hope
That I'll be vindicated
Who's gonna save me, redeem me
From this cold world?
Myself in the mirror
Is asking me right here in front of me
Do I hide deep inside me
Courage, faith and determination
Courage, faith and determination?
From darkness is going to rise
Each of my dreams like dawn
I'm looking for answers in silence
But who's going to find them?
I'm going to look in the eyes
Each of my fears, naked
I'll make my own way
With courage, faith and determination