Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 28

Találatok száma: 1469


Summer Flower

It's goodbye.
Believe me or not, it's the truth.
I see you've cried.
You knew about it, since when?
Summer flower, now... it's over.
An enchanted night.
Stars that shine brightly with light.
I feel tired.
I don't want to say a word, you talk.
Summer flower, now... it's over.
Perhaps I dreamed you lived happily next to me,
always happy inside my arms.
I thought that for you it was enough to get here,
perhaps escaping from some shipwreck.
Oh la la la la la la la.
Oh la la la la la la la.
Pale fires.
We're two gipsies in winter.
The warm games
didn't last long
and the night took them away.
Summer flower, now... it's over.
Perhaps I dreamed you lived happily next to me,
always happy inside my arms.
I thought that for you it was enough to get here,
perhaps escaping from some shipwreck.
Oh la la la la la la la.
Oh la la la la la la la.
Close your eyes and you'll always be next to me,
always happy inside my arms.
And you'll think that you have got here again
perhaps escaping from some shipwreck.

I believe in myself

Versions: #1
I've been told that I'm good for nothing,
that I waste air each time I breath.
I've been pinned to the wall with a sword,
I've even lost the desire to cry.
But I'm back.
I'm standing, I'm on alert.
Being the zero at the left doesn't suit me.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
I'm not scared of missiles or bullets,
so much war has given me metal wings.
I fly free, I fly over the grenades,
you won't drag me on the floor anymore.
I'm no longer on sale.
I'm standing, I'm on alert.
Being the zero at the left doesn't suit me.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
We're all so different, so unique, so original.
If you don't like that, I can't care less
about what happened in the past, the best is yet to come.
Ooh, ooh.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.


Of the late Duce the newspapers had narrated
his final mishap
that follows his fatale capture
and his destiny that is yet to be fuffiled.
As Mussolini was arrested,
guarded together with Claretta,
put in a little settler room
where they stayed for about two days.
Dark and gloomy was that room,
guarded well by two Partisans
that the fate they had in their hands
of whom was owed to every pain.
He was put beside Claretta
to enjoy all that he must
to enjoy all that he wished
from Italy his carnal brother.
The executioner entered into the room.
Mussolini close by the bed,
out of orbit were his eyes and in his chest
a terrible mortal terror.
The tyrant brought his baret
from when he was a repubblic guard
and a nut colored coat,
was the already finished man.
Mussolini ascended in the ranks
with force in that which is so far gone,
but the force of every italian
destroyed that cruel oppressor.
Seeing the patriot he then asked him:
'What is it that you've come here to do'?
'We both want to be free,
yes really this is freedom'.
Mussolini as a good knight
or that place he was about to leave from,
proceeding the woman he wanted
but to go ahead she did want.
After saying this the executioner decided
to hit the tyrant and Claretta.
on the tyrants atlast revenge
will always be awful down there.
on the tyrants atlast revenge
will always be awful down there.

Sowing flowers

My mother told me, when spring was blooming,
when spring was blooming, my mother told me.
My mother told me, when spring was blooming,
when spring was blooming, my mother told me
with a great wisdom, that I should live my life.
That I should live my life with a great wisdom.
With a great wisdom, that I should live my life.
That I should live my life with a great wisdom.
My mother told me to sow flowers,
to go out into the field to look for love.
My mother told me to sow flowers,
to go out into the field to look for love.
My mother told to me that I should go out into the field.
That I should go into the field, my mother told to me.
My mother told to me that I should go out into the field.
That I should go into the field, my mother told to me.
That I should cut a flower to give for their Saint's day1,
to give for their Saint's day, that I should cut a flower.
That I should cut a flower to give for their Saint's day.
My mother told to me that I should go out into the field
My mother told me to sow flowers,
to go out into the field to look for love.
My mother told me to sow flowers,
to go out into the field to look for love.
  • 1. Name day

Diary of Dawn

This dawn resembles you so much
So I’m locked in my thoughts until late
With old memories that should have faded
This deepening night is getting colored with you
With the beautiful you
And the memories I face
All the words that were left unsaid
And the scent that should’ve faded with time
Once I think of them again, they grow so clear
Although our fate went awry
I pray that the end will be different
Sometimes, I send the small memories that remain somewhere
As I draw you out
Strangely, in my world
You remain in those times that have stopped
With the beautiful you
And the memories I face
All the words that were left unsaid
And the scent that should’ve faded with time
Once I think of them again, they grow so clear
I was never able to smile
When I spent time with people without you
Whatever I do, wherever I am, I always think
You would really like this
With the beautiful you
And the future I drew out
You come to me like a habit
At night, which changed so much and I hate it
So I try to avoid you and hide but just like always
You come to me
And I can’t face you
All the words that were left unsaid
I can remember them as if it was yesterday and I hate it
As I wander alone, the place I end up
Is the dawn where I can’t do anything

A kék tűzeső

A kék tűzeső hamu lett.
Lemondtam a kóborlásról.
Legelőször most szeretek,
búcsúzva duhajkodástól.
Kívántam a bort, a leányt
s mi voltam? Elgazosult kert.
De most az ivást-mulatást megutáltam:
rontja az embert.
Csak téged lássalak én,
az örvényt barna szemedben.
Ne bolyongj a múlt sűrűjén,
ne lakjék más a szívedben.
Te finom-suhanású leány,
makacs szíved érti-e végre:
a csibész szeretni tud ám!
És engedelmes a vére!
Fene mind az ivó-helyeket,
verset sem írok, ha kívánod

Cómo te olvido

Rám néztél a szemekkel és azt hittem
hogy a szerelem sétált velem szemben,
és igyekeztelek elérni felmérés nélkül,
hogy megérintselek.
Még egyszer rám nevettél,
átöleltél és bíztam szívedben
várva csókjaidban a szenvedélyt.
De semmit nem mondtál,
és egy este elhagytál.
Képzeletem darabokban,
amiket csak kiáltásba fojtanak.
Hogy felejtselek és mondd hogy felejtselek.
Hogy felejtselek, ha ajtód minden úton nyitva áll.
Hogy felejtselek és mondd hogy felejtselek.
hogy felejtselek, oh, oh...
Eladtál nekem egy mentséget ész nélkül.
Kifizetem szerelmed árával, ha nem váltott meg.
Most mondd meg mit tegyek vágyaimmal,
érzelmeimmel, a csomóval,
amit itthagytál nekem.
Hogy felejtselek és mondd hogy felejtselek.
Hogy felejtselek, ha ajtód minden úton nyitva áll.
Hogy felejtselek és mondd hogy felejtselek.
hogy felejtselek, oh, oh...
Ha nem váltott meg, hova rejtsem a múltat,
hogyan indítsak el el minden érzelmet ha a
könnyek ittmaradnak belül.
Hogy felejtselek és mondd hogy felejtselek.
Hogy felejtselek, ha ajtód minden úton nyitva áll.
Hogy felejtselek és mondd hogy felejtselek.
hogy felejtselek, oh, oh...

Basta de ti

Fáradt vagyok a fájdalmas szerelemtől
Fáradt vagyok ettől a magánytól
Fáradt vagyok a várakozástól
Gyere hogy szeress amikor ő nincs itt
Vak voltam hinni
A dallam a zenéd
Ma már csak szavak vannak
Lebegő üresség a szívem
Rájöttem a játékra
És nem esem bele a csapdába
Elég belőled, elég mindenkiből
Tudom hogy nem szeretsz engem, hiányzik a bátorság
Elég belőled, elég mindenkiből,
Elég a nemakarásból, elég a haldoklásból
Nem szeretném megismételni soha
A tegnap rossz volt
Mert nem akarom visszafizetni
Az ár volt a szerelem
Játszottál az illúziómmal
Bele estem a kísértésbe
Úgy gondoltam hogy a hercegnőd vagyok
Amikor csak sokkal több voltam
Elég belőled nem akarom a szerelmedet
Elég a nemakarásból, elég a haldoklásból
Elég belőled azt mondja a szívem
Elég a nemakarásból, elég a haldoklásból

A La Plata folyó

Könnyes a szemekkel mentem egyre távolabbra.
Keményen éltem meg a búcsút.
Mindent magam mögött kellett hagynom
Az embereket, a városrészt
De most egyedül visszamegyek
Az én földemre, egy napra.
Amikor még egy kislány voltam,
Magam mögött hagytam mindenkit
Az elképzeléseim miatt.
A La Plata-folyónál születtem.
A latin szívemet
Jól lelakatoztam
Mindig mosolyogni fogok
Az álmommal a lejtőkön.
Nem vagyok a határokon túl
A La Plata-folyónál vagyok.
Ez az, ami élteti bennem a forró vért
A ritmus, ami lángra gyújtja bennem a lelket
Ami felcsillan a szememben és az emberek szemében.
A könny, a szemeimben,Mások elmentek
Én is szálltam már annyi út felett
Anélkül, hogy megadtam volna a tartozásaimat
Majdnem az egész égen
Eléneklem ma a világnak, Minden erőmből,
Hogy mi rejlik bennem,
És hogy megérte
Harcolni egy álomért!
A La Plata folyónál születtem.
A latin szívem
Jól lelakatoztam
Mindig mosolyogni fogok
Az álmommal a lejtőkön.
Nem vagyok a határokon túl
A La Plata-folyónál vagyok.
Ez az, ami élteti bennem a forró vért
A ritmus, ami lángra gyújtja bennem a lelket
Ami felcsillan a szememben és az emberek szemében.
Beteljesített egy álmot.
Az életet meg lehet változtatni.
Egyre feljebb emelkedtem,Kerestem a szerencsémet,
Álmodtam az ébredésről
És sérüléseket is szereztem.
Bár mára már olyan messzire eljutottam.
Egy sorsot keresve
Mindig ugyanaz maradok
Hogy eltöltse a lelkemet
A szeretett földem
A La Plata-folyónál születtem.
A latin szívemet
Jól lelakatoztam
Mindig mosolyogni fogok
Az álmommal a lejtőkön.
Nem vagyok a határokon túl
A La Plata-folyónál vagyok.
Ez az, ami élteti bennem a forró vért
A ritmus, ami lángra gyújtja bennem a lelket
Ami felcsillan a szememben és az emberek szemében.
A La Plata-folyónál születtem.
A latin szívemet
Jól lelakatoztam
Mindig mosolyogni fogok
Az álmommal a lejtőkön.
Nem vagyok a határokon túl
A La Plata-folyónál vagyok.
Ez az, ami élteti bennem a forró vért
A ritmus, ami lángra gyújtja bennem a lelket
Ami felcsillan a szememben és az emberek szemében.


Breaking the wind
Is it a dream or reality
It's been a long time since it didn't matter Ah, yeah
Flowing backwards
Follow the clock
With a swollen heart
Into memory
Deep enough to jump and sink
Close your eyes, yeah, yeah
The tape of memories goes back (Tape of memories going back)
Familiar and unfamiliar melody (A familiar and unfamiliar melody)
Hold on tight, we're at a crazy speed
Into the faded time dive with you (When I'm with you, babe)
Even if I'm choking and dizzy
Even if it keeps getting blurred dive, yeah
Fall in
I feel
Lalalalalala Lalalalalalala nostalgia
I feel
Your еyes grow bigger
Black and white mеmories
Increasingly looking for color
Real fake, but can I say it's bad
I know, I just don't want to break the afterimage of my longing, not yet
Deep enough to jump and sink
Close your eyes Yeah yeah
Returning Tape of Memories (Returning Tape of Memories)
Familiar and unfamiliar Melody (familiar and unfamiliar Melody)
Hold on tight, we're at a crazy speed
Into the faded time, Dive with you (When I’m with you babe)
Even if I'm choking and dizzy
Even if it keeps getting blurred, Dive yeah
Fall in
I feel
Lalalalalala Lalalalalalala Nostalgia
I feel
Nostalgia (Oh oh)
Lalalalalala Lalalalalalala Nostalgia
I feel
I want to stay all day
In this dream that stole time
I'm lingering endlessly and staying where I am
I feel Nostalgia yeah
Hold on tight, we're at a crazy speed
Into the faded time
Dive with you (When I’m with you babe)
Even if I'm choking and dizzy
Even if it keeps getting blurred, Dive yeah
I feel

Gemini Tale

Holding hands, squeezing tightly
We were shapeless in the drifting night sky,
Weaving a Gemini Tale
Same face, different voice
We were anxious
No words were needed
I could see it in your eyes
Where did you come from and how did we meet?
I don't know but
Stay as close as possible
Don't flow away, Gemini Tale
The changing seasons taught me how to say goodbye
There's no point in being alone
Being together is fine
Broken stars from the old days fall around our revolving field of view
Disappearing, too ephemeral
We were holding on
The changing seasons taught me how to say goodbye
There's no point in being alone
Being together is fine
Broken stars from the old days fall around our revolving field of view
Disappearing, too ephemeral
We were holding on

Come Here

Versions: #1
I want to inform you that you are the one for me
I want drift away with you
Come here, so I may fill you with my love and tenderness
Come here sweetheart
Only you can take me all
Come here
I want to inform you that you are the one for me
I want drift away with you
I will never let you go
Come here
How could I sleep?
While your love is killing me
You are driving me crazy my love
You know what's my feeling?
Crazy and everything is amazing
I am going crazy my love
I want to inform you that you are the one for me
I want drift away with you
Only you can take me all
Come here
Come here, so I may love you a legendary kind of love
A love so strong, you can't even imagine
What a beauty
Come here
I want to huge you so strong
Make you feel you are loved
Flirt with you
Come here
I am madly in love with you
I wish we were togther now
I am going crazy my love
How could I leave you
You are what love is
I am going crazy my love

I'll Be There

Through the bleak darkness
The faintly reflected yet familiar face gets clearer
When I think I forgot you, you suddenly came to me
Messing up this place
Suddenly, you voice calls out
And it pulls me
The more time passes
I see you
From this place where my feet take me
I will find you
I’ll Be There
In the misty fog, the soft and familiar breeze
Wraps around me
When I think I forgot you, you suddenly came to me
Messing up this place
Your traces that suddenly pass by
Take me away
The more time passes
I see you
From this place where my feet take me
I will find you
I don’t care
Where you go
Wherever it is in the world
I’ll be there
Till the end
Can’t stop like this
Even if I fall
I will get up again
The more time passes
I see your face
From this place where the wind leads me
I will find you
I’ll be there
I’ll be there

Your Image

If you look at my eyes,
which have cried because of love,
which have shed so many tears,
you can find there your image,
that face of yours, that mouth
that I kissed, that I kissed
and thus you’ll know...
..that since when I lost you
to go with her
I feel like the guiltiest,
the poorest of men
and I don’t have the courage
to come back, come back
to you, to you.
If you look at my eyes
that have cried because of love.
If you look at my tears,
you can find there your image,
that face of yours, that mouth
that I kissed, that I kissed
and thus you’ll know...
..that since when I lost you
to go with her
I feel like the guiltiest,
the poorest of men
and I don’t have the courage
to come back, come back
to you, to you.
If you look at my eyes
that have cried because of love.
If you look at my eyes
that have cried because of love.

Lonely at the Top

Screw fame and money, screw hype and clicks
I try to change, but that changes nothing
And the kids out there listen to all of my sentences
They say I'm the best, but I feel like the last
My family is safe, the plan worked out
And I'm speeding at 300km/h1 on the motorway
Everyone asks for selfies or autographs
But it feels like I'm captured in my dream
And maybe I'll jump on the Merc and just drive away
I'm not stopping, but I keep my word
Fuck the shitty record, fuck Gucci, fuck Michael Kors
And fuck the number one awards
Rolex watches and millions
I don't care what kind of shit I own
I give no fucks whether I sit in a Ford or a Daimler
I would've never thought I'd miss the old times
Because it's lonely at the top
Bro, tell me when I'll be free again
It's pulling me in deeper and deeper
They say everyone knows my songs
But I can't recognize myself anymore
Bro, tell me when I'll be free again
It's pulling me in deeper and deeper
They say everyone knows my songs
But I can't recognize myself anymore
And none of you can understand
I'd be glad to talk about it, but I got no plan with who
“Everything's okay, Bratan, no problem”
Everyone sees the laugh, but no one sees the tears
You want a house and a garden, you want dishes made of platinum
A cool car, you can have it all
I've got two sons waiting at home
You want a place in the sun, I want a place in the shadow
And the watch on my hand costs fifty grand
But still I'm not satisfied
Yeah, I can buy myself whatever I want
But no people who love me
Rolex watches and millions
I don't care what kind of shit I own
I give no fucks whether I sit in a Ford or a Daimler
I would've never thought I'd miss the old times
Because it's lonely at the top
Bro, tell me when I'll be free again
It's pulling me in deeper and deeper
They say everyone knows my songs
But I can't recognize myself anymore
Bro, tell me when I'll be free again
It's pulling me in deeper and deeper
They say everyone knows my songs
But I can't recognize myself anymore
  • 1. 186mph

The Mule Drivers' Tune (From The Highlands)

Now, Winter is coming...
It always rains and snows here.
Poor mule drivers,
Who journey away!
Men who lead (the mules),
They're such great show-offs

If Your Name Rained Down

Versions: #1
We've never dedicated to each other,
dedicated the, the right songs
perhaps because, about us,
no one ever talks.
We've never said to each other the words.
We've never said to each other the right words,
not even by accident,
not even by accident in silence.
The city is full of fountains
but the thirst never disappears.
Is it a distraction?
Is it, is it, is it
that I always have the Sahara in my mouth?
The city is full of shops
but they always close later,
and I'm the only remaining
to give the world its change.
If in the middle of the streets
or in the confusion,
your name rained down,
I'd like to drink one letter at a time,
amidst a thousand people,
station after station,
and if I don't get off at the right one, the blame is yours.
We've never seen each other for real.
We've never taken each other seriously for real,
not even by accident,
not even by accident in silence.
The city meets your dessert
which I've watered since time immemorial.
Is it my mission?
Is it, is it, is it
that I have a flower in my mouth?
If in the middle of the streets
or in the confusion,
your name rained down,
I'd like to drink one letter at a time,
amidst a thousand people,
station after station,
and if I don't get off at the right one, the blame is mine.
But who am I without you?
A bunch of stacked purchases.
A book in French that I don't even,
even know well myself.
If you must go, I pay.
Forgive me if I think out loud.
Forgive me if I think out loud.
If in the middle of the streets
or in the confusion,
your name rained down,
I'd like to drink one letter at a time,
amidst a thousand people,
station after station,
and if I don't get off at the right one, the blame is...

Like Two People In Love

Looking down there,
I watch a fishing boat sail away
With its prow facing the wind
And the cries of seagulls.
I'm not alone as I watch the sea:
Very close by, there is a maiden
Who, with her hands as cold as air,
Bids a fisherman farewell.
She feels longing, she feels sadness
Or an old love's memory!
The rumour of the waves
Appears to break her heart...
Do not suffer, sweet girl:
Maybe tomorrow he'll return
And, if the breeze accompanies him,
Once he is back, he'll still love you.

But if the wind rocks him
And drives him toward the horizon,
Do not worry at all, beautiful lassie,
For my heart is full of love!

Looking down there,
I watch a fishing boat sail away
With its prow facing the wind
And the cries of seagulls.
I'm not alone as I watch the sea:
Very close by, there is a maiden
Who, with her loving eyes,
Watches the fisherman return.
A wish, a hope,
An ardent desire and lack of love...
The beating of the waves
Appears to mimic the beating of her heart!
Do not suffer, sweet girl:
Maybe tomorrow he'll return
And, if the breeze accompanies him,
He will also be in love with you.

But if the wind rocks him
And drives him toward another heart,
Do not worry at all, beautiful lassie,
For you already have my love!

For you already have my love...


Sanity is over
And the nóia 1 has arrived
And he doesn't even pass through here
I'm going to pretend that I don't even care
I avoid it, but I can't
Stop spying on you (Stalking)
Help me, my God
To get over you, to delete you
From my head
I avoid it, but I can't
Stop spying on you (Stalking)
Help me, my God
To get over you, to delete you
From my head
Sanity is over
And the nóia has arrived
And he doesn't even pass through here
I'm going to pretend that I don't even care
I avoid it, but I can't
Stop spying on you (Stalking)
Help me, my God
To get over you, to delete you
From my head
I avoid it, but I can't
Stop spying on you (Stalking)
Help me, my God
To get over you, to delete you
From my head
  • 1. someone who does everything to have what he/she wants, sometimes with drugs involved but not necessarily

The capital cities' fat

Versions: #1
What do your ideals matter?
What does your song matter?
The capital cities' fat
is covering up your heart
Why do you have to cry?
'cause there's someone else in your spot, saying:
'Come on, come on, the fame,
the opportunity's here',
the same thing happened to me, you've got it
all, all of it, and there's nothing.
I went too many times
searching for the bread and the wine.
Planting that path
that never blossoms.
Don't keep negotiating any longer.
With the canteen, with the lady singer1
with the spender TV
with those nicely decorated girls
with those old women, all burned out
magazine2people, fake people
the filthy fat, like that of a fugazzetta3!
It can't stand anything else! It can't stand anything else!
It can't stand anything else! It can't stand anything else!
The capital cities' fat can't stand anything else.
The capital cities' fat can't stand anything else.
Don't keep negotiating any longer.
Don't stop dancing!
Don't stop dancing!
Don't stop dancing!
It can't stand anything else! It can't stand anything else!
It can't stand anything else! It can't stand anything else!
The capital cities' fat can't stand anything else.
The capital cities' fat can't stand anything else.
  • 1. ('cantora' is kind of the femenine version of 'cantante' (singer), although 'cantante' is gender neutral)
  • 2. (it can also be understood as 're vista', 're' meaning 'very', 'vista' meaning 'seen'.)
  • 3. (onion pizza :)

Air Force 1

Off-White Air Force in cabbage color (ye)
It was too boring at school and I trapped on the street (woah)
They shouted: 'You're sick! You need to lay at an asylum!' (prr)
But now I have a million in my Louis bag (hello?)
Off-White drip, ay, Christy made a flip (hey)
I've go two briquettes, jumped in her jeep (ye)
Wanna be like Kylie Jenner? Cover your brains (brains)
Christy only loves bitches that give me them
I threw a perk (dirt) and fuck like a beast (sex)
I went to a (???) (uh-huh), now I'm wearing Chanel (Prada)
You're a bad bitch, your body looks like if you were an athlete (sport)
Shooters all wearing Gucci, snake hissed at crosses (hello? sheesh)
Five fucking thousands — appreciate my drip, eeh (drip), ay
Sink broke, flooded the neighbor, ye, ye
So much money — so little time, ye (pow)
Your bitch rushes to me on 'Pobeda', ye (ye)
She's licking the stick, like it's an eskimo (ice)
Sliding into my DMs, take her iPhone away (beep-beep-beep, ooh bitch!)
Double M on my jacket — this might mean something, bro? (ye)
My Glock wants air, we're ventilating the block (pow-pow-pow-pow)
Off-White Air Force in cabbage color (ye)
It was too boring at school and I trapped on the street (woah)
They shouted: 'You're sick! You need to lay at an asylum!' (prr)
But now I have a million in my Louis bag (hello?)
Off-White drip, ay, Christy made a flip (hey)
I've go two briquettes, jumped in her jeep (ye)
Wanna be like Kylie Jenner? Cover your brains (brains)
Christy only loves bitches that give me them

Taller than the houses

(Verse 1)
In these cities
We could've become
Taller than the houses
Come out, let's go
Breath the fire
Everything is burning around us
These cities
Can give us
Anything that we'll take
Choose a dress
Try everything
It beats inside
Like a white nestling
And your power is in it
Everything is ready
Everything is ready, jump without fear
Your power lies in the fact,
That no one can speak for you
There's none, there's no power bigger than yours
There's none, no, there's none


She keeps on saying that I'm crazy
That she doesn't make me happy
But when I kiss her on the lips
That's not what she says
And you just have to say my name
Like she's only capable of
Killing my appetite
Of the kisses that you don't give me
Maybe, my love, maybe
Maybe it's nonsense
Maybe I'm mistaken
And that, in a couple of months
Onde day, at a random hour
All of this will end in nothing
You don't support the net
That I weave for your steps
But you go on quenching this thirst
Of putting yourself between my arms
You repeat that it's still early
For us to know what we want
And it's late to not have any fear
Of what we already know
Maybe, my love, maybe
Maybe it's nonsense
Maybe you're right
But you tell me the reasons why
That you always tell me 'maybe'
Instead of saying no
And I shall repeat once more
'Maybe, my love, maybe'
Until you hear me ask
'My love, stay for good.'


I'm waiting for the rain
So your tears and my sweat can blend in when you talk about us (yeah)
You're brooding
You thought one day, ring in hand, I'd go down to my knees (beg for it)
But love isn't that simple
We say it every day
But it isn't really true
Love isn't that simple
We say it every day
Without loving each other
(Sentimental, yeah)
Why is it so hard to fuck without being hurt
Without being hurt (eh)
Ah yah yah yah
Ah yah yah yah
(Yeah eh eh)
What do I know about love ?
I've been rotating around the sun for twenty-seven years
Yet I've never seen the light
We've been saying 'I love you' for five years
Yet, still no ring on your finger
And we end it for a girl
From kisses to greetings
From midnight talks to cordial parental interactions
Separating (leave me)
And for all those saying 'yes'
In front of their family, then divorcing for a trifling matter
Rushing things (slowly)
No, love isn't that simple (no, no)
We say it every day
But it isn't really true (believe me)
No love isn't that simple (no, no)
We say it every day
Without loving each other (leave me)
Sentimental (love me
Eh, yeah, eh)
Why is it so hard to fuck without being hurt
Without being hurt ? (love me)
No, yeah, no
Without being hurt
(Leave me)
(Eh, eh)
Ah, yah, yah, yah (eh, eh)
Ah, yah, yah, yeah (no, no)
Ah, yah, yah, yah (eh, eh)
Ah, yah, yah, yeah (no, no)
Love (eh, eh)
Sentimental (eh, eh, eh
No, no, no
Eh, eh, eh)

Girolemin (Little Jerome)

Girolemin! Girolemin!
My father is a knife sharpener, I am the little knife sharpener
my father earns money, I can't even get five bucks.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
I came from far away with my grindstone
I make my grindstone spin fast to make a living.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
Three bucks for a pipe, three bucks for tobacco
even if I'm simple-minded, I deserve respect.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
I work for men and for women too
and most gladly for pretty young women.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
My father is a knife sharpener, I am the little knife sharpener
when my father dies, I'll be the knife sharpener.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.

Heavenly Shaman

Ride Heavenly Shaman
On a dream-woven night
May the visitation of Our Mother
Take care of your steps
Ride Heavenly Shaman
From the heights to the depths
May this go your way
The light of the ancient God
Ride Heavenly Shaman
On the path of the stars
May the house and the nation of high heaven
Protect you
Ride Heavenly Shaman
Guard of the seven worlds
On the wings of Brisa, and the waters of Árján
Walk away

Makarov Komplex II

Give it to 'em, yes, yes, bro, hahaha
What's up, bro?
Berlin is alive, mothafuckas
Hahahaha, you know
Give it to them dirty, Bra, yes
Ey, ey
The main thing is that I got guys in my back pocket
Cops on the main street, I just laugh at
Because I'm careful, I'm always on the nose
Get out of my way, before I freak out
Yallah, begone, begone, as Capital is back
Who wants me as an enemy? Gets shots from a rental car
I'm doing coke with hookers in the hotel and gettin' blow jobs
While you fall asleep whores on the job
The Bratan is here
Gucci hat on, and my hair fade is sick
And I fuck these fucking Nazis
The only thing Capi can fuck is two Capis
My GT S shines
Ca-Ca-Capital is back
This is Makarov complex
My GT S shines
Ca-Ca-Capital is back
This is Makarov complex
Yes, brother, you got a murder weapon in your shirt
I come to the savings bank with a gas mask
But this is is not a pepper spray gun
I'm not kidding, run away in the A-Class
Bra music, fucks everything on principle
Bro, I make a profit, and roll in a Lambo Anthracite
Yes, the bra has an appetite, for haze, women, money, heroin
Bitch Raffaello, Gucci Caballero
I'm Ukrainian, I don't wear grillz, you dick
Your crips and bloods make a seat and space
Capi is the king, fuck the rest, Akhi
Because I dissolve them like Nescafé
My GT S shines
Ca-Ca-Capital is back
This is Makarov complex
My GT S shines
Ca-Ca-Capital is back
This is Makarov complex
Yeah, yeah
Did you hear, brotha, what I did, yes?
Old Capi was the best, old Capi here, old Capi there, brotha
And when I want, it's old Capi now
Tomorrow is the new Capi
The new Capi is at noon, heh, you know

Last Postcard

My friends have seen him
As he travelled all alone
And, alone, he crossed Europe...
Washing himself in museum lavatories,
Looking at himself in mirrors...
In the cracked mirrors
Of so many museums in Europe!
And not very often,
From time to time,
I get a postcard
From Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna...
From Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna...

My friends have seen him
As he travelled all alone
And walked around, so pale...
Down the boulevards in Winter,
Through train stations,
Down desolate streets
Of so many corners in Europe!
And not very often,
From time to time,
I get a postcard
From Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna...
From Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna...

My friends have seen him,
As he travelled all alone
And walked around, astonished...
Washing himself in museum lavatories,
Looking at himself in mirrors...
He could walk around,
Die all over the rivers
From Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna...
From Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna...


I gave up on wine and cigarettes,
you know why,
and I can't see, but I save on glasses,
all for you
I live exclusively on my monthly pay
as a municipal employee
I save money, I save pennies
but I don't save myself!
I rack my brain, I scrape by
to keep you satisfied
and you, you are messing
with the owner of a café!
you understand me,
you betray me, agata,
look and be amazed
what this man has come at, for you!
I bough an English clock
three years ago
and it's been three years since it broke
and doesn't work
This dress, once dark grey,
has changed colour
and is now a light green,
it was my dad's
and the old tailor told me,
I can't turn it around
I've done it too many times
and I can't do it anymore
Agata, you understand me, Agata,
you betray me, agata,
look and be amazed
what this man has come at, for you!
I reduced my daily meal,
again, for you,
in the morning, only a glass of water
and no coffee
I come home and you're not there
the key is with the doorman,
where did she go?
Who knows, dancing...
I get emotional and I think that
we used to play cards together,
every night, after the tea,
now I play a solitaire,
I look at the sky and I think of you.
Agata, you understand me, Agata,
you betray me, agata,
look and be amazed
what this man has come at, for you!

We Will Win

I see it worldwide
How we come alive
I hear the drum rolls
Just like a beating heart
You've waited so long
You're feeling so strong
Your dream became reality
And now it's time to shine
The fears have already been left behind
You need to feel the thrill
To win here, there's no
Looking back
It's played with the heart
Finally we can go crazy
People are feeling amazing
Feeling the love
Letting it shine
Let's go my people
Come on let's go and put your hands up
The party has already started
Let's raise our hands up in the air
Come on
It's time to see the world rise
The party has already started
Let's raise our hands up in the air
So, touch the sky
Let's live this dream
Hear the drums
Beating loud
We will win!
Take my hand
It's time to celebrate just
Heart beating loud
We will win!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
We will win!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
We will win!
Like one big nation
No separation
The game and the party
They bring us together
We feel the same love
We dance the same song
And together we'll shout:
Go, go, Goal!
The fears have already been left behind
You have to get carried away
To win here, there's no
Looking back
The dream will become reality
Finally we can go crazy
People are feeling amazing
Feel the love
Make it shine
Let's go my people
Come on let's go and put your hands up
The party has already started
Let's raise our hands up in the air
Come on
It's time to see the world rise
The party has already started
Let's raise our hands up in the air
So, touch the sky
Let's live this dream
Hear the drums
Beating loud
We will win
Take my hand
It's time to celebrate just
Heart beating loud
We will win
Let's go!
Let's go!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
We will win
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
We will win
Olé! Olé! Olé! Ola!
We will win
Olé! Olé! Olé! Ola!
We will win
Let's go!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
We will win
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
We will win


The Earth is empty now without you.
How would I live a few hours without you?
In the gardens, leaves are falling the same way,
And taxis are rushing somewhere as before.
But being alone on the Earth causes a feeling of emptiness,
Meanwhile you're flying, and the stars
Give you their tenderness.
The Earth was just as empty
When Exupery was flying,
In the gardens, leaves were falling the same way,
And the Earth didn't know how to be without him
While he was flying
He was flying, and all the stars
Were giving him their tenderness.
The Earth is empty now without you.
Come back, as soon as you can.