Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 70


A háttérben várva

Úgy sejtem mi mindannyian egy szereppel születtünk
Néhányan sztárok vagyunk, és néhányan az útban állunk
Tudom, a dicsőségért lennék
De ezt a történetem sosem hozza
És még mindig várakozom
Amikor megvan a szenvedély és ösztön
Azt várod a pillanat középpontjától, hogy megérkezzen
Lángoló szívvel mutatkozom be
Készen állva, hogy elképesztő dolgokat érjek el
De itt hagytak a háttérben várva
Hallom a végszavamat, és még mindig ott várok
Tudom, mit kell tenni, és még mindig ott várva állok
Mindig valaki más énekel
Míg engem itt hagytak a háttérben várva
És tehát folyamatosan folytattam
Az esélyeim jöttek és aztán pislantottam és elmentek
Mindig szemet hunytak felettem igazságtalanul
Amíg úgy tettem, hogy alig csíp
De ez csíp, igen, csíp
És nem fogok egy könnyet sem elrejteni, csak folytatom a várakozást
Ha senki sem lelkesít, nos, tudok tovább várni
Kit érdekel, milyen hangosan cseng a csend
Megtalálsz a háttérben várva

You'll look so prud of me (Reprise)

Don't worry, father. I will find a solution somehow.
I promise

You'll look so proud of me
If the solution is to come
I will face it, even if it amounts a serious fight
Nothing else matters
I would swear to it
Everything will be okay, no doubt about it
Nothing will scare me away, I'll bravely crumble those
Who stand in my way
That's... how... it'll be!

I get it

Cassandra: There's worse on the way... Are you sure you are up for it?
Rapunzel: Yes. Why wouldn't I up for it?
Come on!

Sitting on a grave big throne
I fell it's an easy job
I couldn't prepare for it
No problem, it fits me like a glove
I feel it filled with calm I get it!
I get it!
Just wait!
Nigel: Princess Rapunzel! I introduce you to your loyal subjects.
Farmer: (??) my sheep has just stood beside his
Barber: Besides this awful ruckus my scissors cut by
Subject: The town has filled with cats and this is harmful
Peasant girl: Their hunger is already annoying!
Rapunzel: Okay!
Any animal can stand anywhere, the pasture is big
You'll get an up front earpugs, believe it, it's excellent
Every starveling cats are our guests for a bite of snack
The town will be clean today
Please, hold the line on.
Cassandra: I don't say, she started it good
She did it nicely, quickly
There's no doubt, she arranged it
However there's still a long queue
I say it with trust that she get this
She get this!
And done!
Rapunzel: Did we get to the end?
Nigel: Well... Not quite... princess!...
Farmer: Every animal has graved together which was who's?
Barber: I can't hear the costumer it's not so blissful
Peasant girl: The idea was terrible, on this wise there are more rats
Some of them is biting!
Nigel: It's done for today!
Rapunzel: This now is a total drama, it's not a question, I ruined it...
Too much weight has fallen to me, from this there's not a little trouble
I was realaxed, I thought I get this
But it's stressful
It hurts so much!
I'm not ready, I feel it
The throne doesn't wait for me yet.

You'll look so proud of me

What a streak of bad luck
So your doubt is legitimate, I believe it
Possibly it's cause and effect
Perhaps you should rely on me
Things will be the way you expect it to be
And there's nothing scaring me off anymore
I would reveal
The valor in me
I'd be the one who fight for you
Through hundreds of dangers
After I return
The sight would put you in a state of shock
As you suddenly realize that you haven't really know me
I know I made lots of mistakes
These don't support my chance of success
What closes the series (of bad luck) today?
Is there anything that can ease all this?
I feel already I would do anything
In order to change thing
You'll look so proud at me
Than at last have faith in me
I feel it will happen and this only is what's driving me
Instead of many other things
I will return
After overcoming all the touble
And both of your eyes get filled with tears as your child has became a hero
You'll be touched to tears that your little son has become a big hero!

If only

Rapunzel: Not other just a magical word
Why have I stayed speechless?
Why haven't I give him an answer
When his heart choses me?
I hurted him, I feel it well
Only one sweet word
This hot-tempered girl has quiesced
And I regret my mistake
Oh, if only we were together like back than
I would say the word he's waiting for
I would not let him away anymore
However he's already far away
Eugene: I didn't pay much attention
I hurted her and it's aching
I hurried that and it's a shame
But it doesn't wait for me
Rapunzel: Oh, if only he asked again!
Eugene: I would be patient, I wouldn't say a word
Rapunzel & Eugene: We would find each other like back then
It was fine when we were together
Rapunzel: Oh, if only you were here
But it's too late, it hurts
Eugene: All for nothing, it's too late

Veled az oldalamon

Cassandra: Most, most jobban, mint valaha
Össze kell tartanuk, egységben lennünk
Eugén: Most, most vagy soha
Szóval nézzünk szembe a jövővel tiszta ésszel
Aranyhaj: Valahogy elértük, hogy eddig jussunk
Egyik legizgalmasabb út volt
Cassandra, Eugén & Aranyhaj: Nincs semmi sem, amit ne tudnék megtenni
Nem veled az oldalamon
Cassandra: Talán holnap rálelünk a bánatunkra
A történetünknek itt vége szakad
Eugén: Talán elkerülhetetlen, hogy külön legyünk
Ki tudja, hogy hol kötődik össze az utunk
Aranyhaj: Hogy is kívánjam, hogy itt maradjunk örökre ezen az úton
De talán semmi oka nincs tettetni
Cassandra: Ha arra rendeltek, hogy a saját különböző utunkat járjuk
Cassandra & Aranyhaj: Tegyük a legédesebbé a legtöbb utolsó napot
Cassandra, Eugén & Aranyhaj: Miért ne menjünk egy pompás helyre?
Mert most, most jobban, mint valaha
Még mindig itt vagyunk együtt, egységben
Most, most vagy soha
Szóval álljuk egyként, oszthatatlanul
Majd, ha visszanézünk erre a pillanatra
Menjünk biztosra, hogy büszkeségből remegünk
Nincs semmi, amit ne tudnék megtenni
Nem veled az oldalamon
Mi lenne a világon amit megtennék
Cassandra: Nélküled
Eugén: Nélküled
Aranyhaj: Nélküled
Cassandra, Eugén & Aranyhaj: Az oldalamon


Még mindig sok van hátra, biztos tudod kezelni?
Persze! Természetesen tudom!
Királyi döntéshozatal
Hé, én erre születtem
Igen, biztos, kicsikét csalok
De nincs annyi minden benne
Szóba hozva, készen állok, mert
Csak nézz
Aranyhaj hercegnő, hadd mutassam be neked...
A legszerényebb alattvalóidat
Nem engedi, hogy a bárányom az övé mellett legeljen verekedés nélkül
Hogyan vágjak hajat ezzel az éjjel-nappal hegedülő sráccal
Mostanában a fél városban macskák és kiscicák szaladgálnak
Mindent felfalva, amit látnak
Jól van.
A legelő egy nyilvános hely, elrendelem, hogy osszátok meg
A füldugók csodákat tesznek, egy királyi párt érdemelsz
Ezután írásba lesz foglalva, minden macskát és kiscicát megetetünk
Itt, a kastély terén
Emberek, a sor itt kezdődik
Van érzéke a uralkodáshoz
Eddig biztosan tartja
De a nép még mindig panaszkodik
Tehát még ne durrantsunk konfettit
Mindamellett azt hiszem a lányunknak
No para
Ez volt az utolsó?
Nos, nem egészen.
Amióta a legelő közös, nem tudjuk melyik bárány kié (Hopsz)
Nem hallom a vevőimet és elrontom a frizurájukat (Bocsi)
Most a macskák csendben vannak, de a patkányok lázadást futnak
Fel és le a sugárúton
Nincsen több értekezés
Istenek, micsoda katasztrófa
És mindenki tudott róla
Egy dolgom volt, mit el kellett volna sajátítanom
És teljesen szertefújtam
Annyira átkozottul biztos voltam benne, hogy
De ez nem az
Még nem
Ki gondolta volna, hogy milyen távol állok ezektől?

Következő megálló: akárhol

Eugén: Elmegyünk az úton és átsétálunk a magaslaton
Aranyhaj: Azt hiszem, épp csak fel fogjuk fedezni, hol fekszik a sorsunk
Eugén: Ki törődik, milyen sötét lesz, hiszen itt vagy nekem te
Aranyhaj: Itt vagyok neked
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Szóval menjünk, hogy lássuk, hogy ez az egész dolog merre tart
Következő megálló: akárhol
Aranyhaj: És én ott vagyok, ahol kell lennem veled a közelemben
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Eugén: Szembe nézve minden veszéllyel elválaszthatatlanul kapcsolva
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Aranyhaj: Bár lehet, hogy kemény lesz számunkra
Eugén: Elegen vagyunk hozzá
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Aranyhaj: És a világ vár
Eugén: Érzem, hogy vár
Aranyhaj: Új kalandokkal, hogy megosszuk
Eugén: Mindenhol
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Mindenhol

Minden, amit eddig hittem, tudtam

Azt hittem egy kivetett vagyok, azt hittem egyedül állok
Egy gazember, egy tolvaj, egy joker, egy hellyel sem, mit otthonomnak hívhatok
Azt hittem, senki sem tudna szeretni, és honnan tudhattam volna
Tévedtem, ó, nagyot tévedtem
Aztán azt hittem, megtaláltam, az álmot, amit meg tudok osztani
Azt hittem olyan szerencsés voltam, majdnem nem is volt korrekt
Azt hittem, tudom a célomat, azt hittem, hogy tudom hova
Tartozom, de tévedtem
Minden, amit eddig hittem, tudtam
Ahol voltam, ahová megyek
Minden, amire számítottam valótlanná vált
Gondolhattam volna, tudnom kellett volna
Most már azt teszem
Minden, amiért elindultam, minden, amit terveztem
Minden kedves emlékem homokból épült vár volt
Most, hogy ez mind szétmállik, segíts megérteni
Ha semmi sem volt bennem valós, akkor kinek is kéne valójában lennem
És minden, amit eddig hittem, tudtam
Minden remény, minden érzelem
Szerelem és bizalom és boldogság és beszövés átment rajtam
És mi maradt, csakis én
Még egyszer, tudnom kellett volna
Most már azt teszem
Gondolom az életem semmit sem ért, gondolom egy csaló voltam
Gondolom most más vagyok, azon tűnődöm, ki vagyok

Hadd tegyelek büszkévé

Talán elrontottam dolgokat
És talán van okod rá, hogy kételkedj bennem
Talán, de nem kevésbé
Ha csak egyszer meg tudnál bennem bízni
Most csak egyszer hadd váltsam be a reményeket számodra
Úgy, ahogy tőlem azt várod
Hadd tegyelek büszkévé
Hadd mutassam a bennem rejlő legjobbat
Hadd adjak neked okot, hogy elhidd,
Hogy magasra tudok állni
És amikor visszatérek
És több leszek, mit álmodtál volna, hogy leszek
Talán akkor majd rájössz, hogy soha sem ismertél engemet egyáltalán
Persze, sokat hibáztam
Tudom, hogy csalódást okoztam számodra
Még, bár, bármi is lesz
Meg fogom javítani, csak nézz
Csak várj még, kárpótlom neked
Ha ez az utolsó dolog is, amit teszek
Büszkévé teszlek
Elérem, hogy higgy bennem
Bizonyítani fogom hogy, ahogy eddig csináltam
Az már rég elmúlt
Megmentem a napot
És diadalmasan térek ide vissza
Mert arra a meglepett nézésre vágyom, amikor meglátod a fiadat emelkedni végre
A büszkeséget szemeidben, amikor meglátod a fiadat emelkedni végre!

Hadd tegyelek büszkévé (Reprise)

A mélyére fogok ennek hatolni.

Büszkévé teszlek
Megszerzem a válaszokat és szabaddá teszlek
Ne aggódj, bármit kell tennem
Megtalálom a módját
És megesküszöm most
Hogy, nem számít mi jön rám
Bárki aki utamban áll, vagy állt
Meg-... fi-... zet

Fordított varázslat

Hervadás és hanyatlás
Vess véget e sorsnak
Törd össze e földi láncokat
És ereszd a szellemet szabadjára
A szellemet szabadjára

Tedd magad szabaddá

Bezárva egy toronyba
Falak mögött tartva
Óvva egy világtól, amit alig ismerek
Így bánnak veled
És mi a legrosszabb ebben?
Kit hibáztatnak? Csak téged, egyedül téged
Sokkal több van benned, mit mások láthatnák
És most a választás a tiéd
Élet vár az ajtón túl
Szóval lépd át, eljött az idő
És csakis te teheted magad szabaddá
Senki sem mondhatja meg neked mit tégy, vagy ki légy
Senkinek nincs joga, hogy maradj, vagy menj
Szóval használd az ajándékodat, amit kaptál
Alakítsd sajátoddá a világot
Nézz magadba és találd meg a kulcsot
És tedd magad szabaddá
Megkötve saját aggodalmaiddal
Csapdában tartva a hibáiddal
Kényszerítve egy szerep játszására, mit sosem választottál
Miért is ne tedd próbára a határokat?
Megvan rá, minden ami kell
Engedd ki és kövesd merre tart
Nem hagyunk mostantól senkit tininek nézni
Tudod, hogy erős vagy
Tudtad ezt mindig is
Szóval ragadd meg a napot, ereszd ki a hajad
Találsz egy utat, hogy szabaddá tedd magad
Most már csak rajtad áll, hogy mit csinálsz, vagy kivé válsz
Neked kell eldöntened, hogy milyen messze és milyen bőre mész
Szóval nézz a látóhatárra
Nyisd ki szárnyaid
Szállj el, hogy megtaláld a sorsod
És szabaddá tedd magad

I'd go anywhere reprise

Eugene: Don't forget, wherever you go, I won't leave your side.
Rapunzel: I know well that with you, life can't flow away.
Eugene: Black night doesn't count, 'cause you will always
Rapunzel: have me!
Both: With you, my heart lifts at the sky!
Let's go anywhere!
Rapunzel: I can imagine my life with you in it
Both: Let's go anywhere!
Eugene: Do not fear, I won't quail, I'll protect your step
Both: Let's go anywhere!
Rapunzel: Let crazy big danger come
Eugene: we can easily win!
Both: Let's go whatever awaits!
Rapunzel: Cause the life is calling!
Eugene: Your heart is conqueering
Rapunzel: And a new track calls!
Whatever awaits!
Eugene: Whatever awaits!
Both: Whatever awaits!

Reverse song

Ruin and destruction,
say farewell to fate,
with strength like no other,
let it escape,
Let it escape...
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


The freedom awaits

Make me silent
Hide behind words
Just believe that it will be better with that
Lock me up again
Among stonewalls
But their tower won't detain me, though
You can't act like I am a child
Your daughter has grown up long ago!
On the other side of the wall
The reality awaits for me
If my luck takes my side,
If my spirit flies freely!
I know, reliefe won't be find by my heart here
'For good decision time is needed' is nonsens
If you feel what you need to do
It's shame hesitating
Your destiny is on its way again
And the freedom awaits!
I don't fear of failure,
It doesn't put me off!
It doesn't matter what the outside expects
My courage carries on
I fight when it's needed
I overwrite every bad rules!
This girl is more a sweety-lovely
Angelic greyness
And I cannot be hijacked
From the aim by anything
The resolution gives me a hand
Gives a new chanse to make yourself free!
From the desires there's just a step, so wake up!
Go, the destiny can find you anywhere!
Now your spirit can fly
The finish is near!
You need to step and maybe as a reward
The freedom awaits!

If I Could Take That Moment Back

Rapunzel: I let him walk away
Without allowing myself to
Give room to my feelings
To my doubts and worries
Now it's too late and
This void around me is
The echo of my love and of my heart
Falling to pieces
I wish I could go back to
Have him here again
I could open my heart to him
But that's not the way it is
Eugene: Maybe by not going away
Maybe by waiting a bit
We'd be together again
But now it's impossible
Rapunzel: I wish I could go back to
Eugene: Have one more chance
Eugene & Rapunzel: Tell you nothing makes sense if
You're not here anymore
Rapunzel: If I went back, I
Wouldn't make that mistake ever again
Eugene: But it's impossible to go back
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Wither and vanish

Wither and vanish
Your destiny is over
Throw the chains away
And now be finally free
Be finally free
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

The Course Has Been Set, I'm On My Way

I know what you see
A nasty one-man-army
A little justice has been deserved
I'm the bad guy, I'm stubborn
That's not my fault
No one listened at your palace
You've got to stand up or lie down flat
And there's only one answer for me
I'll struggle and fight
Offer falsehood my defiance
And I'm ready now, I'm ready now, I'm ready now
The course has been set, I'm on my way
You've got to stand tall or bend over
It's a choice which seems simple to me
I've drawn my sword
If you're with me, then come here
Get ready now
I'm ready now, we're ready now, we're ready now
The course has been set, I'm on my way
Do you think that we can make it?
Us together? Yes, no doubt
(What will they say?)
Come, we've got to win
'Cause everything's on the line
(I support my country)
Everyone knows that the battle will be hard
Going to fight for everything I like
Did you know that the line has been crossed?
Everyone's faced that fact
And I'm ready now, I'm ready now, I'm ready now
The course has been set, I'm on my way
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Következő Megálló: Akárhol

Aranyhaj: Meg akarok szegni minden szabályt és át akarok lépni minden határt
Meg akarom mutatni csillagnak, hogyan kellene egy csillagnak ragyognia
Azt akarok csinálni, amit akarok és térdre kényszeríteni a világot
Oda menni, ahová a szellő megy
Következő megálló: akárhol
Az egész széles világot látnom kell, semmi sem állít meg
Következő megálló: akárhol
Mert annyi várakozás van, tudom, hogy vár
Érzem, hogy ott vár kint
Eugén: Elhajítjuk majd a térképet és követjük a napot
Aranyhaj: Le fogjunk fektetni a saját utunkat és elrohanunk
Eugén: Kiszabadulunk majd és azt tesszük, amit senki más
Aranyhaj: Annyi minden van odakint, épp csak elkezdtük
Eugén: Minden lehetőséget meg fogunk ragadni
Eugén és Aranyhaj: És a hajunk száll a széllel
Senki nem mondja meg, merre menjünk
Következő megálló: akárhol
Ha te ott vagy, ott leszek ahol lenni akarok
Következő megálló: akárhol
És hív a világ, folyamatosan hív
Csak gondolj azokra a dolgokra, amiken osztozni fogunk
Cassandra: Következő megálló: akárhol
Olyan érzésem van, hirtelen fognak történni a dolgok
Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Üldöznöm kell a sorsomat, meg kell találnom a sorsomat
Eugén: Következő megálló: akárhol
Mert itt az idő, ott akarunk lenni, ahol lennünk kell
Cassandra, Eugén és Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Cassandra: És vár a világ
Eugén: Érzem, hogy vár
Aranyhaj: Minden vár ott kint
Eugén és Aranyhaj: Mindenhol
Eugén: Mindenhol
Aranyhaj: Mindenhol

Totally free (Reprise)

Eugene: Even if this way will get rough, we'll follow it
Rapunzel: And at the destination we'll finally understand our destiny
Eugene: And if everything lets me down, then I've got you
Rapunzel: You've got me
Eugene & Rapunzel: And you and me will soon solve the mystery
We are totally free
Rapunzel: And we'll go on, we'll stand side by side
Eugene & Rapunzel: We are totally free
Eugene: Because everything's immediately easier if you're with me
Eugene & Rapunzel: We are totally free
Rapunzel: Even if it looks bleak
Eugene: You'll help me get out of there
Eugene & Rapunzel: We are totally free
Rapunzel: Something new is waiting
Eugene: I sense it, it's waiting
Rapunzel: And we're both there
Totally free
Eugene: Totally free
Eugene & Rapunzel: Totally free
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Totally free

Rapunzel: The walls are finally gone, it was about time
Now the stars are so close, the world is so wide
Everything went so fast, I just follow the wind
My new life is finally beginning now
I am totally free
I can push my limits, I can see so much beauty
I am totally free
Something new is wating, I sense it, it's waiting
And I am finally there
Totally free
Eugene: I'm going to throw away the maps, who needs a plan
Rapunzel: Often a way of our own leads us ahead faster
Eugene: The two of us united manage to do what nobody else can
Rapunzel: We can do so much, the fun's just beginning
Eugene: We'll defy every danger
Eugene & Rapunzel: And if the wind blows through my hair
Then it's clear that it'll be wonderful
We are totally free
And with you everything's beautiful, it can go on like this
We are totally free
And life is calling us, it calls both of us
And we are already right now
Totally free
Cassandra: I am totally free
There's surely a lot that can happen, but I want to risk it
Rapunzel: I am totally free
The destiny is calling me and I'm following it
Eugene: I am totally free
And soon we'll get to our goal, nothing will be too much for us
Cassandra, Eugene & Rapunzel: I am totally free
Cassandra: Something new is waiting
Eugene: I sense it, it's waiting
Rapunzel: And I am finally there
Eugene & Rapunzel: Totally free
Eugene: Totally free
Rapunzel: Totally free
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

You can set yourself free

Imprisoned like before
Behind strong stones
Again just a tower is your world
But whose fault is it?
Yours, just yours
Even if you don't like the idea
But you know well there's more to you, a lot more
The life is calling you
Just behind that door
So don't hesitate, the time is right
Because you alone can set yourself free
No one can tell you you have to be like this or like that
No one can order what you do or think
So use your strengths
Face the world
Trust your heart alone
You can set yourself free
Only tangled in worries
You never moved forward
You only played the part that was given to you
Get to your limits
Everything's just beginning
A new day has been waiting outside for a long time
No one can force you to be like they want
You've already achieved a lot
And only thanks to your own strength
So seize the day and let your hair down
Then you'll understand you can set yourself free
Now it's up to you, let your doubts finally be
Now get ready, you still have time for that
Unfold your wings
Rise high
Fly into a new world
You can set yourself free
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

I'll finally live happily ever after

Rapunzel: Yes, I'll finally live happily ever after1
And it's just as beautiful as in fairy tales
Everything's new and I'm feeling so free
There's so much to see
And nothing at all will stand in my way anymore
True, there's still a lot I often forget
And it doesn't always go as I like
Not so much fun, also rules and controlling yourself
That I have to admit
And still I'll live here every new day
Yes, there are corsets and ribbons and so on
Everything requires skill
But some day I'll surely be happy here
This end is really happy, so lucky
King Frederic: I finally have you here in my arms with me
I'll never let you out of sight
I'll keep every danger far away from you
This end is really happy, so lucky
Eugene: We'll live truly majestically
It came exactly as it should have
But first now it's becoming really great
For Rapunzel and me
Tonight I'll surprise her
I'll vigorously fall on my knees
And get the ring out of the case
And during the dessert, where I'll flirt some more
She'll be about to be called Rapunzel Fitzherbert
She'll be about to be called Princess Fitzherbert
Eugene & Rapunzel: Yes, I'll finally live happily ever after
The story turned out really fantastically
Eugene: So much luxury
Rapunzel: So much to do
Eugene: We're in Paradise
Rapunzel: I'll attend my duties year after year
Eugene & Rapunzel: And so at the end our dream will finally come true
Nothing will hold us back anymore
Because our future is absolutely clear
This end is really happy, so lucky
Rapunzel: So at the end my dream will finally come true
But everything seems so small to me
Everything's arranged, foreseeably planned
Is this end actually really happy, and lucky?
  • 1. Lit. 'I'll finally live happily until my end'
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Believe me, I can

[Verse 1:]
Maybe I am clumsy
And you're right to doubt in me
Just tell me why
No one gives me a chance
And now I really want to help
Let's go, away with doubts
Believe me, I can overcome all obstacles
It will work out, I just need a chance
I will manage everything
I'll return and you'll see and understand everything
That courage and audacity help me so much to reach my goal
[Verse 2:]
I've been wrong more than once
I've disappointed you many times
But despite everything
I will fix it, believe me!
Just wait, I will set you free
Bearing faith in the heart 1
Believe me, I can overcome all obstacles
The one who I was is left behind
It all is in the past
I will return and suddenly everyone will see that I am a hero
I've struggled for so long just to reach my goal
Just to persistently reach my goal
  • 1. lit. soul

I will achieve my goal

I have fallen to the very bottom long ago
But that's only your fault
I'm evil, but it's all right, I'm not ashamed of myself
You'll pay a heavy price
[If] It's time to attack
Or to back down
There's only one right answer
I will rise off the knees
I move on and fight
I am ready, I am ready, that's for sure
I will achieve my goal
[If] It's time to attack
Or to back down
There's only one right answer
I swear on my weapon
I will achieve my goal
Are you ready?
I'm in! 1
[Pete & Stan:]
We're in!
[Royal Guards:]
We're ready!
I will achieve my goal
Do you think we can do this?
Together we will succeed!
I will be heard!
[Royal Guards:]
[If] It's time to attack
Or to back down...
They will trust me!
[Royal Guards:]
There's only one right answer
I will save my home and my family
[Royal Guards:]
There comes a moment
And there's no doubt
And I'm in!
I'm in!
[Rapunzel & Frederic:]
I'm in!
I will achieve my goal
  • 1. also can be translated as 'I am with you' which is more literal but not completely wrong

Believe me, I can (reprise)

Believe me, I can overcome all obstacles
Don't worry, I will set you free
I will find a way
I swear to you, I will go all the way
And whoever stands in my way
Will pay for everything
I- I- can

Ready as I'll ever be

Versions: #2
Varian: Any moment now, your highness.
Believe me I know I’ve sunk pretty low
But whatever I’ve done you deserve
The Queen: Varian-
Varian: Quiet!
I’m the bad guy, that’s fine! It’s no fault of mine
And some justice at last will be served
The Queen: Please listen!
Varian: Now it’s time to step up
Or it’s time to back down
And there’s only one answer for me
And I’ll stand up and fight ‘Cuz I know that I’m right And I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready!
Ready as I’ll ever be
Cassandra: Now it’s time to rise up
Or it’s time to stand down
And the answer is easy to see
And I swear by the sword If you’re in, get on board Are you ready?
Eugene: I’m ready!
The Guards: We’re ready!
Ensemble: We’re ready!
Cassandra: Ready as I’ll ever be!
The King: Are you quite sure we can do this?
Rapunzel: Together we will guaranteed!
Varian: I’ll make them hear me!
Ensemble: Now it’s time to redeem
Or it’s time to resolve
C: Prove they can trust me!
Ensemble: And the outcome will hardly come free Rapunzel: I’ll save my home and family.
Ensemble: Now our line’s in the sand
And our moment’s at hand
Eugene: And I’m ready!
Cassandra: I’m ready!
The King & Rapunzel: I’m ready!
Varian: Ready as I’ll ever be

I'm not afraid!

Now I took on
The role of the bad guy
And the desire for vengeance heats up, continually driven on
I know I'm no saint
But the wound is too big
That the shadow of the past brought into my heart
Words don't affect me
Because I must take a fateful step
Already there is no going back
Nothing is turned away
Now I must fight!
And I'm not afraid, not afraid, not afraid!
I keep the goal in mind!
We must fight every enemy
Whoever is a coward should run away now!
This blade calls everyone into battle
Whoever is not afraid!
I am not afraid!
We are not afraid!
We are not afraid!
We keep the goal in mind!
Our victory is hanging by a thread
While I can see there is hope!
(I will have revenge!)
Now's the moment, fight on!
There is no other way to win!
(The battle's now waiting for me!)
Use the strength of the people now!
I must protect the ones I love!
Now fate is waiting at the shoulder of the castle
Now the people fly to the battle!
And I'm not afraid!
I'm not afraid!
I'm not afraid!
The end for my revenge has come!
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


I will make you proud

Many things went certainly wrong for me
And unfortunately a lot hasn't been smooth
I was determined yet naive
But you can trust me
I'm here, I'll never abandon you
I swear you can count on me
Yes, I'll make you proud
And I'll give all what's left of me
If I trust the strength
Deep down inside me
I will set you free
Even if the risk is very big
And maybe you'll finally see me
And understand who I really am
I've certainly made mistakes over time
I know you were disappointed of me
But I've thought of everything
This time nothing bad at all can happen
This time everything will be flawless
Even if the risk is very high
Yes, I'll make you proud
Soon I'll achieve my masterpiece
And I'll prove to you that the child I once was
Has already been a man for a long time
I want to triumph
And I'll return back as a hero
Because I want you to finally see
And understand what your son can really do
Then it'll be clear to you
And, full of pride, you'll understand what I can do
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

I've been ready for a long time

(Spoken: We're about to get going, Your Highness!)
Even if you hate me
My plan is prepared
And you all deserve what you get!
'Be quiet!')
And you say I'm bad
That's fine by me
But I want justice to prevail
(Please listen to me!)
It can only go forward
There's no turning back
Compliance is over and done with
I will do what I must
Until the bitter end
I'll give everything, yes, everything, yes, everything
I've been ready for a long time!
('Captain, are you sure that you want to come with us?'
'Honestly I'm not that convinced any more. I will only hold you back.'
'But we need someone to lead us!'
'That won't be me, but you.')
It is time to rise up
And there's no turning back
Now prove your steadfastness!
And I swear on my sword
Our goal is worth it
You'll give everything
Yes, everything, yes, everything!
I've been ready for a long time!
('There you are!'
'Yes, I've just finished up in the kitchen. I've been informed that you'll get along with this one here.'
'Oh yes, and how!')
'Do you believe we can do it?'
'Together no one can stop us!'
'You should listen to me'
'And trust me'
'He admits everything' [?] 1
And there's no turning back
So we'll go into the fight together...
'Protect what's dear to my heart!'
'... until the evil succumbs
And justice prevails'
'I'll give everything'
'Yes, everything'
'Yes, everything'
'I've been ready for a long, long time'
  • 1. Line unclear in original, I don't have headphones right now to listen to determine the right line.
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


Ready as I’ll ever be (Italian)

Varian: It’s just a matter of minutes, Your Majesty
It’s wrong, I know, what I’ve done, and yet
I feel no remorse for you
La regina: Varian…
Varian: Quiet!
Horrid as it may be, it’s still no fault of mine
And justice is to be, sooner or later
La regina: I beg you, listen!
Varian: It is time for me to choose my role
The answer is already carved in stone, you know
I could never relinquish, I want to fight
I’m ready and willing to take action
The time has now doubtlessly come
Cassandra: It is time to stand up, let’s move on to action
Our path is already carved in stone, you know
Raise your swords, are you in? Get on board
Are you ready?
Eugene: I am
Guards: We are, we are
Cassandra: The time has now doubtlessly come
The king: Do you think we’ll make the grade?
Rapunzel: United, I say we will
Varian: They’ll listen to me
Choir: It is time to win or to lose, but
Cassandra: Trust me
Choir: We’re going to fight, come what may
Rapunzel: My family is in trouble
Choir: No hindrance can frighten us, because
Eugene: We are ready
Cassandra: I am
The king and Rapunzel: We are
Varian: That time has now doubtlessly come