Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 38



[Strófa 1]
Folyamatosan körbeesik, a sötétben
Jobban, jobban légy óvatos, keményen szakadnak a szívek
Bekötözve a fejemben, megszédültél
Szeress, szeress addig engem, amíg nem én leszek az akit mindig látsz
[Elő - Kórus]
Csillagok vannak a szemeimbe
Körbe csavar (ah - ah)
Magasba emellek, yeah
A mennyország egy olyan hely, amit megtaláltunk
Villám van az energiámban, én vagyok minden, amire valaha szükséged lesz
Térdre kényszerítelek, yeah, könyörög érte
Nem engedhetem, hogy a megtartásért játssz, de soha ne játssz ingyen
Térdre kényszerítelek, yeah, haldoklik érte
[Utó - kórus]
Tartsd túszul a szeretőmet
Inkább dolgozz érte, ha akarod
Tartsd túszúl a szeretőmet
Soha nem kell más, ha egyszer megkaptad, túsz
[Strófa 2]
Az álmok az óceánomba sűllyedve, mint a drogok (drogok)
Egy kóstolás és függő leszel, nem , nem tudsz betelni
Felső polc, szoros, de csak a legjobbat szeresd
Ha mersz, elviszlek valahová, ahol még sosem voltál
[Elő - Kórus]
Csillagok vannak a szemeimbe
Körbe csavar (ah - ah)
Magasba emellek, yeah
A mennyország egy olyan hely, amit megtaláltunk
Villám van az energiámban, én vagyok minden, amire valaha szükséged lesz
Térdre kényszerítelek, yeah, könyörög érte
Nem engedhetem, hogy a megtartásért játssz, de soha ne játssz ingyen
Térdre kényszerítelek, yeah, haldoklik érte
[Utó - kórus]
Tartsd túszul a szeretőmet
Inkább dolgozz érte, ha akarod
Tartsd túszúl a szeretőmet
Soha nem kell más, ha egyszer megkaptad, túsz
Küzdj a tűzzel a lángjaimmal
Megőrjít, megőrjít
Tegyel keresztet a szívemre és esküdj meg hogy az enyém leszel
Nem engedhetem, hogy a megtartásért játssz, de soha ne játssz ingyen
Térdre kényszerítelek, yeah, haldoklik érte
[Utó - kórus]
Tartsd túszul a szeretőmet
Inkább dolgozz érte, ha akarod
Tartsd túszúl a szeretőmet
Soha nem kell más, ha egyszer megkaptad, túsz


In the cold air
The time we just looked at each other
With the days I’m missing
I feel like the door will be open
I feel like someone will come
After a long long darkness
The white winter is back
I want to tell you everything without forgetting
Today I desperately wished for
After so many nights, the long-awaited Christmas
Without missing a single day
Even the frozen time, to melt it away
I’ll become a bright candle to light you up
In your eyes as you look at me
The way I look
Even with your small breath
How much it sways
In this deep night
Tonight I
I meet you in your warm arms
Without you my night
Wouldn’t be bright as tonight
Cause you are the light
That shine on my white
Breaking the long long silence
Calming the excited feelings
I want to tell you everything without forgetting
My feelings I desperately desired
After so many nights, the long-awaited Christmas
Without missing a single day
Even the frozen time, to melt it away
I’ll become a bright candle to light you up
Beyond the memories one by one vividly
After the seasons, it scatters as white as snow
The days in the shade, I’ll light them up with a bright light
I’ll be the warmth the warmest than anyone
The long-awaited Christmas
Without missing a single day
Even the frozen time, to melt it away
I’ll become a bright candle to light you up

Sweet love of mine

Nighttime in the city. Everybody's wet. The roles are out.
Your straining me behind the trains with people watching.
Yelling at me of how I used to be somebody.
I could be a mirror breaking the day
telling you of how I'm empty.
Sweet love of mine bring something smooth in me
to fill that something empty in me so I keep rolling.
Athens knows well how to wear itself out.
Sweet love of mine bring something smooth in me
to fill that something empty in me so I keep rolling alone.
Yelling at me of how I used to be somebody.
I could be a mirror breaking the day
responding to them all feral eyed.
Athens, you fools, knows well how to wear itself out.
Sweet love of mine bring something smooth in me
to fill that something empty in me so I keep rolling.
Athens knows well how to wear itself out.
Sweet love of mine bring something smooth in me
to fill that something empty in me.
Watch me. I'm rolling.

Our favourite place on Earth

And after we've counted how many of us are left behind we'll sigh
and follow the road to the closest bar.
Tapping our feet to the beat.
Hold on tight to me so you don't lose me.
I want to be by myself lately.
I just want to watch the videos.
We will count to three and say at the same time
what our favourite place on Earth is.
1-2-3 Here. With you.
And after we've counted how many people we have kissed we'll sigh
and follow the road to the closest bar.
Clenching our teeth 'cause of that bass.
Hold me tight in your arms so you don't lose me.
I want to cum by myself lately.
I just want to watch the videos.
We will count to three and say at the same time
what our favourite place on Earth is.
1-2-3 Here. With you.

Breaking Dawn

Dark night, it’s dangerous, my universe that’s been all covered up
The feelings that have grown cold in the silence in which
I’ve been holding my breath
Standing still as if abandoned under the sky of faded light
Like a maze with no end
Fear spreads and comes like a storm,
I can’t endure it anymore
Before I become used to the dark
I must find an answer and wake up from this
terrible dream
Breaking dawn, I see the moment the dark splits
Breaking dawn, Shining
Far away, I follow one strand of light
To the moment I face yet again the future I lost before
Breaking Dawn, You and Me
We won’t stop
Show me, You dare, We make it, I swear
Shatter the distant and long darkness, I want some more
Go one step closer to the light
I’ll light up our dawn, check it
Lift away the mist, fade in fog
Break out of the limits, now we go
To us, giving up can’t be a worry or help
So Breaking dawn
Another road that appeared once I followed the light
I go towards that place, never done
Still, Never fade away
It’s just a momentary darkness, push away the thick night
Return all these shattered things and match up these last shards
And overcome this long, long wait.
Breaking dawn, I see the moment the dark splits
Breaking dawn, Shining
Far away, I follow one strand of light
To the moment I face yet again the future I lost before
Breaking Dawn, You and Me
We won’t stop
Got it, I got it, everyday that keeps on repeating
Step over the uneasy yesterday, tomorrow will be different
For the moments that will shine again someday
Overcome them, Stop line
We will go even further
Without a notice, nonfiction
Woo yeah, in confusion
Can’t help but make it and go forward
A shining star that illuminates its light
Your prayer, Our dawn
Breaking dawn
I see, you can free it
Breaking dawn
Shining, lead the way
The moment colorful hope blossoms
Breaking dawn
You and me, our future will shine


Yeah, gyerünk Yeah, let's go
A bámulás, ami abbamaradt, várj A gaze that stopped, wait
Csapda, ami átsöröpört rajtam (az én csapdám) Snare that sweeped over me (my snare)
Az ésszerűségnek már vége Rationality is already out
A lépéseim össze vannak gabalyodva My steps are tangled (steps)
Belerészegedve a szemeid nézésébe Drunk on the look of your eyes
Érzések befolyásolása Swaying emotions
Nem lehet,nem lehet No way No way
A megtévesztés pillanata The moment of delusion
Annyira rossz vagyok, annyira mérges vagyok I’m so bad I’m so mad
Az éjszaka, ami felkavar The night that shakes me up
The trembling becomes more violent without sound
Can't even get away now
It's dangerous, my body is stiff
Stuck in my throat
It's embedde faraway deep inside, can't get away woah
Can't ever be avoided
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Ez a heg, ami összeköt minket (te vagy)This scar connects us together (you are)
Mélyen belefúródik, egy szörnyű vágás (te vagy) It digs in deeply, it's a terrible cut (you are)
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
A vésés pillanatában keződik (te vagy)It starts the moment it gets engraved (you are)
Beleestem egy mocsárban, melyből nem tudok szabadulni I've fallen into a swamp that I can't get out of
Bűnös játék, Bűnös vigyor Wicked play Wicked grin
Bűnös tett Bűnös te Wicked deed Wicked you
Nagyban reagálva akár a legkisebb légzés hangokra Reacting largely to even the smallest breathing sounds
Közelíts meg lassan Approach me slowly
Sose köss fel Never lock me up
Már tudom I already know it
Vigyél el mindenki tudta nélkül Take me away without anyone knowing
Nincs visszaút There's no going back
Beleestem egy labirintusba I've fallen into a maze
Nem lehet, nem lehet No way no way
Nincs kiút There's no exit
Annyira rossz vagyok, annyira mérges vagyok I'm so bad I'm so mad
Az éjszaka elnyel The night swallows me
Mélyen beleástam Digged far in,
Te elbűvöltél You bewitch me
Mégmélyebben beleesek Falling in even deeper
A méreg le lett nyelve The poison is swallowed,
Mostmár nincs hová hátrálni There's no place to retreat to anymore
Egyértelmű nyomok hagyása Leave behind traces clearly
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Ez a heg, ami összeköt minket (te vagy) This scar connects us together (you are)
Mélyen belefúródik, egy szörnyű vágás (te vagy) It digs in deeply, it's a terrible cut (you are)
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
A vésés pillanatában keződik (te vagy) It starts the moment it gets engraved (you are)
Beleestem egy mocsárban, melyből nem tudok szabadulni I've fallen into a swamp that I can't get out of
Woo woo Woo woo
Veszélyesebb lesz minél mélyebbre esek bele It gets dangerous the more I fall in
Kicsinként, egy részemé váltál Little by little, you become part of me
Az érzelmek amik átszivárogtak szétterülnek The emotions that seeped through spreads out
Már nem tudom kontrollálni I can't control it anymore
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Ez a heg az idő múltával egyre mélyebb lesz (te vagy)This scar gets deeper as time passes (you are)
Folyton belém jössz (te vagy) You keep coming into me (you are)
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Terjeszd át a testemen Spread it through my body (you are)
Mélyen belém van vésve, hogy ne tudjak szabadulni It's carved deeply in me so that I can't get away


I capture you, capture you silently
(Keep the tension)
I capture you, capture you who is cornered at the end
(Check your king)
When the darkness covers
This is the night when everything changes
Just by looking from far way
(I ain't never satisfied)
Placed in a position of heavy breathing
Gathered at the constellation full of temptation
Look at those surprised eyes
Royal Royal Catch that Royal
Move your two feet, two feet
Like you are possessed, here and there
Until the dreadful bottomless pit
I throw myself, Stay
You can't turn back anymore
Because of the thrill that hit your heart
Overlapped with the moment when the darkness cleared away
The splendid Moonlight
You will see yourself
Under the spell where you entrust your fate
I capture you, capture you silently
I capture you, capture you, and capture you
At the tip of my hand, you are checkmate
Yeah, now show me your move, uh
If you can't catch me now, you are going to be caught right away
No matter what words threaten me,
With my unpredictable answer,
I'm going to overturn this round and move on to the next step
Cold words that locked me up countless times
I'll dig into the moment of its collapse
So close your surprised mouth
Liar Liar Watch out Liar
You should run away, hurry, hurry
Because I'm gonna build up my hunch
Beyond the dawn
I throw myself, Chase
You can't turn back anymore
Because of the thrill that hit your heart
Overlapped with the moment when the darkness cleared away
The splendid Moonlight
You will see yourself
Under the spell where you entrust your fate
I capture you, capture you silently
I capture you, capture you, and capture you
At the tip of my hand, you are checkmate
The rougher, the more beautiful
The timer that is driven to the end of the senses
When it aims sharply at you
The bell rings magnificently
I've been waiting for it
To be stuck at your heart who is cornered
Presenting the Holic to Knight,
Without trick to avert its eyes
You will see how I will raise high the Holy Grain that is trapped in black and white
I captured you, capture you who is cornered at the end
I capture you, capture you, and capture you
I already came, as if I'm going to catch you (Come in closer)
There's no turning back now
(Winner takes it all, I told you)
The night is going to be rewritten
(Ain't no turning back)
Beyond the end of a trembling hand (Yes my turn)
The game starts once again


Time to shake it off and throw it away Start a fire now
Come on in without hesitation
Avoid the sign that's turning on, it's a warning yeah
I'm corrupted and thirsty I want you
The sides of me that are hidden The other side
My sleeping instincts are reflected in my heart
(Wait it Wait it No more
Wait it Wait it No more)
Wake up the me that is hidden underneath a veil
(Everyday you)
You'll be able to find me
(All night)
Don't stop No one can have everything they want
Nobody Nobody No yeah
Ego like savage
(Want it, Burn it, Shout out)
Wake up my toxic
(Want it, Burn it, Shout out)
You keep barging in without stopping
You claw everything up and reveal it Right up my everything
Bring it on I'll grab you and swallow you whole
I'm going crazy like you
My limit is fatal
Close off your heart and run away beforehand
Or you might become my meal Maybe
What's the purpose Hey, get it?
Don't you dare look away You're falling deeper inside
Be afraid I'm going to take you away Uh
I can't stop I'm longing for it
Run away before it's too late Run Run
If there's no gaps I'll rip it apart
What I need is to look at the truth that's hidden inside the darkness
(Show me Show me Warning
Show me Show me Warning)
What more do you want, I won't give it to you easily
(Everyday you)
You'll be able to find me
(All night)
Don't stop No one can have everything they want
Nobody Nobody No yeah
Ego like savage
(Want it, Burn it, Shout out)
Wake up my toxic
(Want it, Burn it, Shout out)
You keep barging in without stopping
You claw everything up and reveal it Right up my everything
Bring it on I'll grab you and swallow you whole
I'm going crazy like you
Up and down without any breaks
You keep hypnotizing me, my eyes are wandering Baby
You still can't have me
Ego like savage
Wake up my toxic
I'm going to control the you that's inside of me
Fall deep and be hypnotized by my whispers
Bring it on I'll grab you and swallow you whole
I'm going crazy like you


Who am I?
Trying to talk to myself in the mirror
As if it had already left my hands, Do or Die
Warning sign that penetrates my heart like a thorn
Yeah yeah
A long night that reflects you
Going deeper without knowing the end (So long)
I long for you all night
A night everything that went over the limits sweep over me
I’m Sorry (Sorry)
It's salty in the middle of those sweet moments
I feel like you'll know it soon
The darkness outside the windows
Will cover our story
Little Salty
Everything that's headed towards you
Shakes me up when I'm calm
I'm gonna want it all without any remainders
When I say Sorry
Spread it out a little more passionately,
That's right, let out light
Let's fly, fly even more
Dancing as if I'm dizzy
A beautiful dance that's breathtaking
You got it (Got it)
Master key to open a splendid world
That’s right (That’s right)
Let's leave for a place even further
I’m Sorry (Sorry)
It's salty in the middle of those sweet moments
I feel like you'll know it soon
The darkness outside the windows
Will cover our story
Little Salty
Everything that's headed towards you
Shakes me up when I'm calm
I'm gonna want it all without any remainders
When I say Sorry
Leave everything to us (Yeah yeah)
Falling into your eyes far away (Yeah yeah)
I'm melting slowly (Oh yeah)
I’m Sorry (Sorry)
It's salty beyond the sweet senses
I feel like you'll know it soon
It's tasty at the start to poison us
Deeper every moment
Little Salty
I’m Sorry (Sorry)
It's salty beyond the sweet breath
I think you feel it too
It's irreversible,
Shawty who poisons me even deeper
Little Salty
Everything that you want
Doesn't hesitates to shake me up
Wanting it again several times
When I say Sorry

Beautiful woman

Beautiful woman
Came to town
Beautiful woman
And she was immidiately noticed
Beautiful woman
Now, is that
even true
Such a pretty girl on Earth
Beautiful woman
I'm interested
Beautiful woman
I can just stare at you
Beautiful woman
I haven't seen
anyone more beautiful
She brought hope with her
Beautiful woman, I wish
Beautiful woman, earnestly
Beautiful woman, a smile, maybe two
Beautiful woman, jajajaa
Beautiful woman, can make
Beautiful woman, one's mind roil
You would never
Just leave
I want to keep you
By my side
Beautiful woman
Can't forget
Beautiful woman
Gets admiration
Beautiful woman
You can't leave, hey
If that's what you want, then okay
Now I'm going to go to sleep, if I can
And maybe sometimes we'll meet
Hey, what am I seeing
Is she not leaving
No, she arrives smiling
Oh, beautiful woman


I don't like it
Discovery of new discrimination
What changed at some point was your eyes
The memories of Innocent childhood are all gone
I'm different from you
You said I'm wrong
Eh eh
Everything is the same
In this identical world
We just look different ,but why should I be under this yoke?
Even if I try to come closer,you close the door to me
With your eyes and ears closed ,you point a finger at me
I'm the same with you
Why do you try to push me away?
So black & blue
Black & blue
Why why why
Tattoo stuck in my heart
To you,why is it a taboo
It's not different
You and my way of talking
But to me,it's the reason of pain
Tattoo stuck in me
To you,why is it taboo
Even I am part of yours
Take it
Healing a long pain
You don't like it too
Someone's prejudice
Unwelcome eyes deeply engraved in my body
I dreamed about freedom like butterfly but
I'm different from you
You said I'm wrong
There is no answer why
Do you push me away like that?
So black & blue black & blue
Why why why
Tattoo stuck in my heart
To you,why is it taboo
It's not different
You and my way of talking
But to me,it's the reason of pain
Tattoo stuck in me
To you,why is it a taboo
Even I am part of yours
Take it
Healing a long pain
What am I supposed to do?
I want to come closer to you
At the moment of reaching out my hand,you go away
I want to connect the disconnected link
When you and I
Can we look in the same direction?
To wet the dry earth
Rain is fallin'down fallin' down
I wouldn't leave something as wrong as it is
Scars heal up quickly
Maybe even the only prejudice
Everything remains in me now
This pain makes me more miserably beautiful
Rather I fill the vacancy
Let it blow
Tattoo stuck in my heart
To you,why is it a taboo
It's not different
You and my way of talking
But to me,it's the reason of pain
Tattoo stuck in me
To you,why is it a taboo
Even I am part of yours
Take it
Healing of a long pain
Healing of a long pain
What am I supposed to do?
Tattoo stuck in me
To you,why is it a taboo
Even I am part of yours
Take it