Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 9

Találatok száma: 343


Gas Gas

I have a car
There are two engines in it
When a cop chases me
I fire up the second engine too
Gas, gas, gas, pushing the gas hard
Gas, gas, gas, the police are chasing us
Gas, gas, gas, pushing the gas hard
Gas, gas, gas, hearing the loud sirens
So I'm driving
Ahead of the whole country
Where I'm offensive here
I fire up two engines
Gas, gas, gas, pushing the gas hard
Gas, gas, gas, the police are chasing us
Gas, gas, gas, pushing the gas hard
Gas, gas, gas, hearing the loud sirens
It's so fun
This rush excites me
When I want it to be more fun
I fire up two engines
Gas, gas, gas, pushing the gas hard
Gas, gas, gas, the police are chasing us
Gas, gas, gas, pushing the gas hard
Gas, gas, gas, hearing the loud sirens
I'm racing
The blue ones are chasing me
And when it get boring to me
I press 305
Gas, gas, gas, pushing the gas hard
Gas, gas, gas, the police are chasing us
Gas, gas, gas, pushing the gas hard
Gas, gas, gas, hearing the loud sirens
Gas, gas, gas, pushing the gas hard
Gas, gas, gas, the police are chasing us
Gas, gas, gas, pushing the gas hard
Gas, gas, gas, hearing the loud sirens
Gas, gas, gas, pushing the gas hard
Gas, gas, gas, the police are chasing us
Gas, gas, gas, pushing the gas hard
Gas, gas, gas, hearing the loud sirens

A song about the silent feat

The unknown feat I glorify,
The one that’s not built into a monument -
but through it passes calmly
the peaceful day of the homeland.
I glorify silent boys.
They do not die under a flag.
They do not sing beautifully in the fight
and are friends with the ruthless death.
They live without glory, without a name.
They secretly carry duty and honor.
And leave women and loved ones
at the happiest hours of the night.
and forgot the tender caresses -
convinced and almighty - they go
to tear innocent masks,
under which the enemy hides.
If necessary - among the enemy’s’ nets
they perish without a sign.
The buildings shine for their consolation
and the red flag flies.
and the calm morning rises
dedicated to their honor -
as a monument white shines
the peaceful day of the homeland

MashUp:Romance like Shahrukh Khan

God made this pair
Was it you or some ray of light?
Was it you or a smiling flower bud?
The soul touched the fragrance of the body
When you came close
When you came close
Hold my hand
As long as you’re with me
Some talks happen
As long as we can talk
Sit in front of me
As long as it is night
Beloved, look, the distance has erased
I’m here
I’m here
Beyond boundaries, beyond helplessness
I’m here
I’m here
When has the heart ever walked the straight path?
If the road bends, let it
How long shall I stay quiet?
Now I have to say something
You say something, I say something, O Beloved
The caravan of dreams lasted two moments
Then you left, where are you, where am I
You’re the brightness of my heart
You’re the wealth of a lifetime
And I don’t know anything else
Just this I know
I see God in you
O friend, what shall I do?
I see God in you
Oh friend, what shall I do?
Beyond boundaries, beyond helplessness
I’m here, I’m here
God has made this pair.


Handsome Elbrus* peers through the clouds,
In a white papakha, in the blue.
This proud, mighty peak,
I can't get enough of it.
Snow leopards above Karachai,
Run quickly among the mountains.
Turbulently along the slopes you release
The waters of the Kuban into the open plains.
And on the open plains of the high mountains,
Higher than Caucasian clouds,
Songs can be heard - songs of our content, proud shepherds
Musical interlude.
Handsome Elbrus* peers through the clouds,
In a white papakha, in the blue.
This proud, mighty peak,
I can't get enough of it.

A Quiet Breeze Blows in the Valley

A quiet breeze blows in the valley,
The sun smiles from behind the hill,
But my face has nobody to smile for,
Sorrow forced it to cry.
Blow, little breeze, for you are not blowing in vain,
My heart is weighed by a heavy yoke,
Heavy yoke, and also great sadness,
Such vernal breezes blow in heaven.
What is spring for, when everything blooms,
There is no joy for me in this world,
Only the dark grave will suit me,
In the dark grave, nothing hurts anymore.
Only the dark grave will suit me,
In the dark grave, nothing hurts anymore.

Soldier's Song

Sunset is approaching
The valley is experiencing an innocent silence
And only the wounds of the injured soil allude to a place
where there is an ongoing war
In a trench, a youthful soldier
Wistfully writes a letter
Indulging in memories of his paternal home
In the procreative Armenian Highlands
Do not cry dear mother
Wait for me, I will return
I love you dearly
I miss you mother
I remember your words
'Love the Armenian Highlands'
I remember your tears
When speaking about our Genocide
I remember my paternal home
Our aged poplar trees in the yard
I remember the burbling of the creek
Playing my childhood games
Then inherent commands are given through a rumbling thunder
And by the moaning of the soil
His rifle in his hand, his letter open tucked close to his bosom
The youthful soldier lunges forward clenching his teeth
He only has a short distance to make the line of contact
Where the enemy is making entry to the Armenian Highlands
But how short are those peaceful steps
Compared to the infite steps needed to defend Armenian existence
Just as it is thought the enemy's advance has been halted
He is mowed down by gunfire
Clenched in his hands is a holed open letter
Fallen staring at the blue sky
He looked at the blue sky
Indulging in the memories of his paternal home
And the aged poplar tree
Under which his mother awaits the letter
Sunset is approaching
The valley is experiencing an innocent silence
A gravely injured offspring of the Armenian Highland lays awaiting impeding death
Singing the song of the Armenian Highlands
Only if I could fly away home
Where my mother is awake

I won't go to the army

Grandpa's sitting in the incubator.
Scratched his balls and said:
'Do you want to go to the army? Woah-ooh-woah! You'll go to the army!'
A chicken's grazing at the mountain
The cow farted and the chicken extinguished.
I don't want to go to the army! Woah-ooh-woah! I won't go to the army.
I remember my native village,
I drove a tractor to the cinema. (?)
I don't want to go to the army! Woah-ooh-woah! I won't go to the army.
I remember my native village,
I dug shit with my shovel.
I don't want to go to the army! Woah-ooh-woah! I won't go to the army.
I remember my moped
I broke my ridge on it.
I don't want to go to the army! Woah-ooh-woah! I won't go to the army.
I'll get a bag of grenades,
I'll blow the recruiter!
I'll blow him up! Woah-ooh-woah! I'll blow him up!
There's one more recruiter at the army,
And I'll get another bag of grenades.
I'll blow him up! Woah-ooh-woah! I'll blow him up!

Chairman Mao's soldiers are the most allegiant to Party

Where I'm needed, where I go
Where it's harsh, where I dwell
Motherland called me to defend the frontier
Picking up my gun, I've set off
Putting on my bag, I started off
Chairman Mao's soldiers are the most allegiant to Party
Where I'm needed, where I go
Where it's harsh, where I dwell
Motherland wants me to defend the frontier
On the borderline I'll take root
On the snowpeak I'll sprout too
Chairman Mao's soldiers are the most allegiant to Party
Where I'm needed, where I go
Where it's harsh, where I dwell
Motherland needs me to defend the frontier
Against the blizzard I exercise
Augment my skill, prepare for fight
Chairman Mao's soldiers are the most allegiant to Party
Where I'm needed, where I go
Where it's harsh, where I dwell
Motherland calls me to defend the frontier
Amongst the mountains I patrol
All invaders shall be toll

I shall fall

I shall fall, just as one sees
a boulder fall
off the mountain’s face,
knocking down and shattering
anything in its path
and sweep it away into the precipice.
And if he is not battered to death
by that fatal falling rock,
the shepherd, stricken with fear,
also hears from afar
the rumbling rockfall,
making him blanch with fear.

Lenin's funeral march

With sorrow we follow you into cold grave
because every one of you is rebelled slave
you fell victim and gave everything
blood, life, youth for freedom
In dark dungeon, that evil executioner
and on the barricades, comrade next to his comrade
so rest peacefully in that tomb
under the red banner we will all go to battle
When we crush slavery, that bloody power
With song on our lips we'll all come to you
and all comrade shall sing the song
that we put an end to that which you started.

Play for Me, Old Fiddler

Versions: #1
Please play for me one of your songs,
The strings to cry in your hands,
I have no gold, I’ll give you wine,
My coat and all that’s mine.
Please play for me one of your songs,
Please use your old guitar,
Old fiddler please, I want to hear,
The music through my tear.
Please play for me, play from your heart,
The story of my love,
To soothe my longing for a day,
and happy fly away.
Please let me stay next to my cup,
To drink my pain, my sorrow,
I have no home I have no friends,
Today my journey ends.
Please let me stay in this dark pub,
To hear the silence crying,
To drink, to cry, but no regret,
My love, I won’t forget.


After I came out of the darkness below,
While waiting for a bright tomorrow.
I came back here again,
My mind set on going somewhere else.
In a deserted tunnel.
I run towards the end.
Losing sight of it again and again.
I know
That what I ate there
Will disappear when I leave
Breaking open a bottle filled with secrets
Another day, kept within this night.
The place where I still wait will lose all meaning
Covering the light that just came in
I admire it, then throw it away,
The only thing I can do now is wait
Coming back up from below,
I go back to where I was yesterday
Even after coming back, I couldn't help but stare
It looks like I didn't care anymore
Making my way through this rain,
As if I were being plucked and frayed,
since I was scared
of walking alone
I knew that what I heard in that place
Would disappear when I left
Breaking open a bottle filled with secrets
Another day, kept within this night.
The place where I still wait will lose all meaning
Joining the lights then shone in
I'm cast away from the things that I admired
The only thing I can do now is wait
Knowing that something that's just been born,
has been doomed to die meaninglessly
To vanish from there someday
I wonder where it is, and what it's doing.
I know
that what I ate in that place
will disappear by my leaving
Passing by the bottle drained of it's secrets
Another day, seen within that sky.

Koreans, forward!

In the menacing, decisive hour
Listen to the fatherland's order:
Beat the impudent intervents1
The truth, comrade, is on our side!
All hearts burn with wrath,
The exploit will glorify the fighter,
The homeland calls the brave.
Koreans! Forward, forward!
Into battle, into battle, Korean people!
The fatherland calls everyone, everyone.
Homeland, we serve you,
We will conquer peace in battle!2
You see the ruins of houses,
Ashes of our native cities,
Blood, tears and suffering
Of women, children, old people.
Warrior, people's hero!
Increase threefold the wrath of attack,
The homeland calls for revenge,
Koreans! Forward, forward!
The sacred oath is given, —
Our country will be free,
Thunder of cannons, howl of shells,
Will never again sound over it.3
Do not spare your life,
Firmly go forth to victory,
The homeland calls to glory,
Koreans! Forward, forward!
  • 1. the US invaders
  • 2. 'отстаивать' usually is translated as 'defend' or 'maintain', but that would sound confusing here. The intended meaning is 'We go to battle now so that we will have peace again'.
  • 3. literally: will become silent over it forever

Oh Eye

Oh eye, clear tears, clear
Leak it until it ends
O eye look my plantes lover and his shepherd
Look at his signs and heart
I follow him from the first day
But today it is difficult to meet
When he passes to my path, I will not be able to talk to him
Misfortune, O greatness Misfortune
Who wants us, the soul refused them
And who I want the destiny refused to bring it

March of the New Army

Born were we, from that of a great hour
From the conflagration of war, from the flames of fires,
Pain nurtured us , in loosing our Ukraine,
Our rage fed us, and anger at our foes.
And so we enter, into battle so to live
Hard, and strong, unbreakable like granite,
For weeping has, given no one their freedom,
But he who is a fighter, he obtains the world.
Oh Ukraine!
Holy Mother of Heroes,
Come down into my heart!
For Your glory,
For Your sacred Ideas!
May my soul be reborn in you,
Be it radiant in your glory!
May it not know fear,
That it know not hesitation!
Strengthen my spirit, harden my will,
That I may bravely go into battle!
That my faith be like granite,
That it grow in perseverance, strength!
Holy, Mighty, Indepandent!
Glory to Ukraine!
To the heroes glory!
Glory to the nation!
Death to our enemies!
Ukraine - above all!
Ukraine - above all!
A great truth - for us all is but one,
Our proud call, to our nation brings!
Countrymen you, be faithful unto death,
For us Ukraine, surpasses everything!
Leading us into battle, is the fallen fighters glory.
For us the highest law - is the one command:
'An indépendant Ukrainian nation
Free and strong, from the Sain to beyond the Caucases'

To The Barricades

To the Barricades, working people,
Raise the red banner up!
Fight or be beaten, open up your hands,
After all, you will have the honor of being a winner.
Hold the hammer! Forge a weapon!
I will throw steel into the distance, which will light up with a red spark,
The heat of that spark is already smouldering in my chest!
Demolish by the uprisings, The Awakening has come to us!
Knights of labor, knights of the spirit,
today the time has come for us to go into battle.
To the barricades! Let a riot break out!
The Awakening of history is already calling to us.
Hold the hammer! Forge a weapon!
I will throw steel into the distance, which will light up with a red spark,
The heat of that spark is already smouldering in my chest!
Demolish by the uprisings, The Awakening has come to us!
Honor to Lassalle, glory to Marx,
Down with the bourgeoisie, honor to the people!
Let everyone in our ranks rise up
to carry their teachings everywhere!
Hold the hammer! Forge a weapon!
I will throw steel into the distance, which will light up with a red spark,
The heat of that spark is already smouldering in my chest!
Demolish by the uprisings, The Awakening has come to us!
The Awakening has come to us!

Glory To The Party

It led us to bloody labor,
tempering the song of the working masses,
A hard song from the flames of the furnaces.
Song of freedom for towns and villages.
At the time when the people fell under the blow,
It went to break the bars of brittle iron.
Eternal glory to the one who exalts the nation
And has armed for the class struggle!
The party called us to a victorious battle,
Thunder rumbles over the world.
The party inspired us with gladness
And the brotherhood raises the building
To the Birthplace of Socialism
Its Banner is the working people!
We will follow for It, true to our dreams.
Glory, Glory to our Party!
Glory To The Party! And Honor!
Dawn is already breaking over the Vistula,
The sun rises on the ruins of injustice today,
If you hear the hammer in the hour of severe,
This is the Party's initiative, this is the Party's idea.
Its palm indicates the course of history
The goal for which life is lived
Therefore, glory to the guide of the masses,
Who tells us to go into battle!
The party called us to a victorious battle,
Thunder rumbles over the world.
The party inspired us with gladness
And the brotherhood raises the building
To the Birthplace of Socialism
Its Banner is the working people!
We will follow for It, true to our dreams.
Glory, Glory to our Party!
Glory To The Party! And Honor!

Don't Consider Them Wounded

Don't consider all hearts wounded on every skin
Sorrow like this may overcome us, they say
Beauty of yours is forbidden, do not give up
Every side of yours is as clear as a diamond
Don't consider yourself torn apart
You've come out of every war safe and sound
Even if you go back into a fire, don't give up
Don't leave my hand be

Peach Trees

Versions: #1
On peach trees
Sorts of blossoms
Thy crescent-like
Brows got me burned alive
Pretty, pretty, pretty cute lady
I'm in love with thee
Geranuims in gardens
Tall she is, slim she is
May the god let us
Then even king can't part us
Pretty, pretty, pretty cute lady
I'm in love with thee
Celeries in gardens
We don't eat celery
They call us people* of Sinop
We fall in love with beauties only
Pretty, pretty, pretty cute lady
I'm in love with thee

Every Soul Wants To Be The ''First''

Versions: #1
Every Soul Wants To Be ''First''
First love
First kiss
Therefore the 'first' would always be temporary
How much ''firsts'' do you still own?
But the ''last'' that no soul wants to see is different
Forwhy, there is not beyond
With the hand you trutsfully hold you'll get into the grave
But not with the hand sweated with the thrill

May You Not Forget Me

Wish I was the hiccup in your throat
Don't forget me, may you not forget me
Wish I was the tear which sheds from your eyes
Don't forget me, may you not forget me
Step by step like your own shadow
In every breathe, my name
Like how I couldn't forget you
You too don't forget, may you not forget
In the everlasting dead of nights
Don't forget me, may you not forget me
When you feel the pain of wrench
Don't forget me, may you not forget me

Our people are following Stalin

On our beloved and native land
young blood seethes working and fighting.
And we will be happy to sing for everyone
our song about our greatest friend.
Stalin is the glory of all our fights,
Stalin is the light of our youth!
And with songs fighting and winning,
our people are following Stalin.
The clearest, sun-filled country
is the Soviet land from all corners.
By the Stalin's great harvest,
let the fields of the collective farm murmur for us.
Stalin is the glory of all our fights,
Stalin is the light of our youth!
And with songs fighting and winning,
our people are following Stalin.
And more beautiful than the spring dawn,
the time of youth is filled with happiness.
Stalin's smile that everywhere welcomes,
everywhere pleases our faces.
Stalin is the glory of all our fights,
Stalin is the light of our youth!
And with songs fighting and winning,
our people are following Stalin.

A magical stave to wake up a draugr

Thick blood, becoming fatigued
Many nations invited a century ago
A lot of damage, to die in battle
Losing wealth, remove the impoverished
Cease fiercely attacking the body guard of the king
Many storms, an anxious world
Expected anger, scared ewes
An evil shroud covers the world

Indispensable people

You enter the world naked
And you leave it all the same
From these dead things
Which you feel like came out dry
And life goes by
You aim for it as it's moved
But from midday
Death inches closer to you
Don't be arrogant to life
By biting the hand that feeds
In the cemeteries of the world
Rest all the indispensable people

The Song of Tito

Somewhere among the free fields
Where from the ground the young grows
In honor of who our leader is the best
We created this song
Tito, our bright military glory
Tito, our pride and our example
Where does your banner lead us?
We'll follow you upstairs
Our thought stretches the wings of light
Young, strong in hearts boils
The plowed land will give us bread
In the autumn for us, for all.
Tito, our bright military glory
Tito, our pride and our example
Where does your banner lead us?
We'll follow you upstairs

Song of the destroyers on Leningrad front

We were created by Stalin,
Menacing destroyers, —
The country sends us to avenge our Motherlland.
He will not save himself inside armour,
The enemy will pay back thrice
His bill to my Motherland.
The destroyer wages battle —
The hordes of wolves are howling.
I have opened a deadly account
For the fascist rascals.
Beat! Beat!
Beat the fascists in the dug-outs,
Bury them in debris,
Beat them! Beat them!
With fierce revenge in the spirit,
Following Stalin's orders.
Stalin led the innumerable force
Out to victorious battle,
The enemy will not find any way back.
I'll well-aimedly send a bullet,
Avenge for my father
And for the tears and blood of children.
Burning with wrath towards the German,
Nikolaev beats the enemies,
Goličenkov moves them down by the hundreds.
The country will not forget
The names of the brave,
It'll retain them with love forever.
Growing is our army of the brave,
Like Smoljačkov the hero,
Like Pahomov, Rusinov.
We'll beat them until the end,
To exterminate the enemies,
To fullfill Stalin's order with honour.

It was dark, the moon shone bright

Versions: #1
It was dark, the moon shone bright,
Snow lay upon the green ground,
as a car drove at lightning-speed
slowly around the corner.
Inside it sat people standing up,
deep in silent conversation,
as a hare which had been shot to death
skated on the sandbank.
And on a red bench,
Which was painted blue,
Sat a lad with blond curls,
Who had jet-black hair.
Next to him was an old crone,
Who was only just sixteen.
She ate a buttered sandwich,
which was spread with lard.
Up there on the apple tree,
which bore very sweet pears,
The last plum of spring hung,
and there were still enough nuts.
A cow which sat in a swallow's nest
with seven young goats,
they celebrated their coming-of-age
and began to fly.
The donkey put on clogs,
flew over the house,
and if that's not the truth,
it is a lie.

In a Beautiful Place

In a beautiful place,
Near a fast and clean river
Lay a green meadow, lay a green meadow!
Yes, there lay a green meadow!
Yes, there lay a green meadow!
Yes, there lay a green meadow!
There lay a green meadow!
The sun is brightening in the sky,
And the wind is blowing with a chill.
Green as a meadow,
Green as a meadow!
Yes, green as a meadow.
Yes, green as a meadow.
Yes, green as a meadow.
Yes, green as a meadow!


The soldiers are marching
Queue after queue.
To protect the precious land,
The country of Lithuania.
A flock of birds,
Like little stains in the air,
Sing and fly
Over their heads.
The son calms down his mother while leaving,
Asks her not to mourn while he comes back.
Goodbye**, grandma,
Goodbye to your grey hair
Maybe we will see each other again
After a cruel battle.
At my daddy's grave,
There, near the chapel,
I promised to be
The son of Lithuania.
After having promised once
I won't repeat it anymore,
I will protect this precious land
The country of Lithuania.
My lovely girl won't come to my grave,
She won't put blooming flowers all over it.
My grave will be visited
By steel bullets
They will calm me, young, down
When I'm lying underneath the ground.

My narrow limits

My own narrow limits, my own short sightness
I bring before you.
Change it into wideness, have mercy, my Lord.
Change it into wideness, have mercy, my Lord.
My whole helplessness, what bends and criples me
I bring before you.
Change it into strength, have mercy, my Lord.
Change it into strength, have mercy, my Lord.
My lost confidence, my timorousness
I bring before you.
Change it into warmth, have mercy, my Lord.
Change it into warmth, have mercy, my Lord.
My long for security
I bring before you.
Change it into home, have mercy, my Lord.
Change it into home, have mercy, my Lord.

March of Internationalism

Wake up now, wake up from your sleep
Wake up the world of slaves
Our rage against torment is a volcano
This is a death-life matter
Let's demolish this fusty system
We want another world
Those who underestimated us
Should know that we are everything by now
This is the latest fight of ours
The humanity will survive with internationalism
God, pasha, thegn, landlord, sultan
How would they save us?
Those who will save us
Are our own arms
Raise, raise the flag of Independence
Scatter the torment through the winds
With the massive power of your arms
Hit the annealed iron!
This is the latest fight of ours
The humanity will survive with internationalism
Both factories and soil
Belong to labourers
We recognize no right of spongers
World should belong to labourers
The blood that is shedded by deathsmen
Will suffocate deathsmen themselves
On the horizon of that blood sea
A red sun will rise
This is the latest fight of ours
The humanity will survive with internationalism

The Death Squad

Us the death squad,
From Moldova today we troop
Casted is the dice of the stars
We either commend, or past.
We embody the banner
Of a new esteemed belief
On it's written in blood
Praised gains and triumphs.
A lot of woe inside the country
For the foreigner is ruler,
A begger in its own home
The dejected romanian has become
Thus why today at sword & gun
We've begun to evade,
The nation of its outlaws
Honour to restore.
In line with the Captain
Delighted we will immolate ourselves
On top of the enemy's cadavers
New country we'll create!
Smile on our lips,
We stare the death's eyes
For we are the death party
We either commence, or all we die!