Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 58


The Wolf

These ten wheels which spin in the neck
Long chains of small and large cycles
They rotate around my electrical sister
Weaves a weave, a silver embroidery
The heart floats freely like a buzzard
The idea shifts back and forth
The spirit in his hibernation
Oddly away yet close
And for sixteen days I traveled from you
The same way back took me eight
And that day I rested at your house
the gold and silver sun came up three times
The life gets one chance
in the large and small things, what you want
Breathe in the black space
That wisdom was unending
If you have time you can shade your wings
hold me and anesthetize my mind
Someone creates a vault over our camps
Nice for the old wolf to get sleep
Father sun has the power to shine
Mother earth, a patient woman
Water girl, safe in the sea
The son of pain here I am

What Nobody Knows

I really think you know what I want to say
To answer your question that has left me speechless
I think you know who I want to be
Someone who doesn't feel so dumb
Feel so dumb
What if I had the courage to let go
Of a beautiful reality?
What if I had the courage to say
That which is still a secret?
Would you still be there?
Would I still be there?
Would I still be there?
You don't actually know what you're doing
'Cause your eyes destroy everything
You don't really know how much you're ruining
In the same moment that you touch it
That you touch it
What if I had the courage to let go
Of a beautiful reality?
What if I had the courage to say
That which is still a secret?
Would you still be there?
Would I still be there?
Would I still be there?
I can't seem to understand how I ended up here
Or why I'm this way
That you are who you are
What if I had the courage to say
To say what no one knows?
What if I had the courage to let go
Of a beautiful reality?
What if I had the courage to say
That which is still a secret?
Would you still be there?
Would I still be there?
Would I still be there?
Would you still be there?
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My Heart Belongs to You

Looking back at the life I've lived
All the days that have passed
Leaving an eternity behind me
Starting something new for you
You make my eyes light up 1
You make me feel alive and the rush of happiness
I have no doubts
'Cause I know, your heart belongs to me
Take my hands and trust
There will be a beautiful ending
Take my hand and look
How the flowers of life start to bloom
You make my eyes light up
You make me feel alive and the rush of happiness
I have no doubts
'Cause I know, my heart belongs to you
And I believe, and I know that you understand
I'll follow you wherever you go
My faith, my hope, my best friend
My answer to everything about love
Our destiny was decided a long time ago
You make my eyes light up
You make me feel alive and the rush of happiness
I have no doubts
'Cause I know, your heart belongs to me
And I know, my heart belongs to you
  • 1. lit. you fill every glance with light
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Father God

Put my white dress on me,
the one I wore on our wedding
no matter how fast the doctor walks
he’s so far from our ranch…
Don’t waste anymore the medicines,
my strength is already lessening...
Put my white dress on me,
Father God is calling me...
Father God, Father God, Father God…
Everything is drowning in silence,
only Juan says to her:
“If you saw that pretty ears of maize
that grow on the hill…”.
But I don’t want anything,
I will give away this land.
That’s what Father God wanted
and with God no one can argue.
Everything is drowning in silence,
only Juan says to her:
“If you saw that pretty ears of maize
that grow on the hill…”.
But I don’t want anything,
I will give away this land.
That’s what Father God wanted
and with God no one can argue.
Father God, Father God…
Father God is calling me…
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.


I want to get closer to you
I want to be more than your friend
I want to be what you walk home to late at night
You speak in silence
It's easier that way
To someone who doesn't know your store, it's impossible to understand
I have one more moment
I'll be yours, if you want
I have one more moment
I'll be yours, if you want
If you want
You say that time has to heal our wounds
But how long do I wait?
Days or years?
I have one more moment
I'll be yours, if you want
I have one more moment
I'll be yours, if you want
If you want
When you spoke in silence it was too hard to understand
And when you don't say anything, it is finally easier to leave
I have one more moment
I'll be yours, if you want
I have one more moment
If you want
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

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Körülöttem minden fekete
Fogoly vagyok ott, ahol nincs fény
Barátom a magány, lenn a mélyben
Fogoly a sötétségben
Nincsenek ágak
A szél sem húzza őket
Nincs hang a fülemben
Fújd el a gyertyákat
Minden sötét kell legyen
Itt nincs meleg
Ez a sötétség
Nincs út
Nincs cél
Azt hiszem, ködben ülök
Nincs hang
Nincs fény
Egy csendes sikoly
Ami elhagyja a torkom
Egy rossz ág, mi rosszul áll
Lehúz engem a mélybe
Egy utolsó sírás megrémíti a fényt
És felébreszti azokat, akik itt aludtak
Azt hiszem
Itt a sötétségben
Azt hiszem
A ködben ülök
A pokol és közted
Azt hiszem
Minden ág után kapok
Vigyél engem ki innen
Fújd el a gyertyákat
Minden sötét kell legyen
Itt nincs meleg
Ez a sötétség
Örök sötétség


Those glances of yours, full of strange brilliance,
that rose coloured smile of yours,
they’ve been always fascinating me, even though they hurt me,
‘cause you’re very sweet, but also disdainful.
Those glances of yours, full of strange brilliance,
that rose coloured smile of yours,
they’ve been always fascinating me, even though they hurt me,
‘cause you’re very sweet, but also disdainful.
Give me the charm of your beautiful eyes,
the sensual bewitchment that one can predict in you,
so that in my life, so full of thistles,
you’ll be a star that illuminates my soul.
Give me the charm of your beautiful eyes,
the sensual bewitchment that one can predict in you,
so that in my life, so full of thistles,
you’ll be a star that illuminates my soul.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

That love

Versions: #2
That love,
which destroyed my life,
that love,
which was my downfall.
Where will
my most beloved dear go?
Where will that,
that love go?
I would like the Virgin Mary
to bless fervidly
the memories of my kisses,
to consecrate to me even
just a little piece of her heart.
That love,
which destroyed my life
Where will that,
that love go?
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.


It was a starless night
when departing from me you left me
so much pain and so much evil.
Since the day you left
in the village there’s only silence,
like in a convent.
The streams are dry
and in the streets thousand echoes
call you night and day.
Solitude... now it comes back
to take away your songs, and the crepe,
which casts a shadow over my life,
will stay forever. (repetition of the whole stanza)
Solitude... now it comes back.
Now the solitude comes back…
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

The simple things

One says goodbye
unmoved by the simple things.
The same as a tree
that in autumn stays without leaves.
In the end the sadness means the slow death of the simple things,
those simple things that remain painful in one’s heart.
One always returns to those old places where he enjoyed life,
and then one understands how absent are the beloved things.
That’s why, girl, don’t leave dreaming of the return,
because love is simple and simple things are devoured by time.
Spend some time hear, in the sunlight of this half day,
where with a loaf in the sunlight you’ll find the table full of food.
That’s why, girl, don’t leave dreaming of the return,
because love is simple and simple things are devoured by time.
One always returns to those old places where he enjoyed life...
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Marked cards

For all insults you did to me,
in exchange for the pain that was left,
for the immense hours of the remembrance,
I want to dedicate this song to you.
When I sing there’s no reproach that would hurt us,
you can both curse and bless.
With the music the moon keeps awake
and the sun is late when it wants to leave.
I don’t want to cry, I don’t wait for you any longer,
now I want to smile, I want to live.
If we are going to enjoy life, I’m the first one
and when I sing them they have to dance.
From now on I am the bad one.
I play just with the marked cards
and you will see that I will always win.
Don’t come back, ‘cause I will make lose even you...
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Little questions about God

One day I asked:
Grandpa, where is God?
One day I asked:
Grandpa, where is God?
My grandpa got sad
and he didn’t say a word.
My grandpa died in the fields,
without a prayer or confession.
And the Indians buried him,
just with reed flute and drum.
And the Indians buried him,
just with reed flute and drum.
Later I asked as well:
Daddy, what do you know about God?
Later I asked as well:
Daddy, what do you know about God?
My daddy got seriously
and he didn’t say a word.
My father died in the mine
without a doctor or protection.
The color of the miners blood
has the gold of the master!
The color of the miners blood
has the gold of the master!
My brother lives in the countryside
and he hasn’t seen a flower.
My brother lives in the mountains
and he hasn’t seen a flower.
Sweat, malaria and snakes
are the life of a woodcutter.
And as no one asks him
if he knows where is God:
Such an important man
didn’t passed by his house.
Such an important man
didn’t passed by his house.
I sing on the roads
and when I’m in prison,
I sing on the roads
and when I’m in prison
I hear the voices of the people
who sing better than I.

There’s a problem on the Earth,
more important than God,
there’s a problem on the Earth,
more important than God,
it’s that nobody spits with blood
to make the other one live better,
it’s that nobody spits with blood
to make the other one live better.
Is the God watching over the poor?
Maybe yes, but maybe not.
Is the God watching over the poor?
Maybe yes, but maybe not,
but it’s sure they eat dinner
at the master’s table,
but it’s sure they eat dinner
at the master’s table.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Like this

Like a leaf is torn by the wind,
like a leaf is withered by the sun,
like an old paper is trashed aside,
this is how my soul is trashing your image.
Like night follows the day,
like ship leaves to the high seas,
like water leaks between the fingers,
this is how I let you go away without thinking.
But today when I’m tired,
so tired of crying,
I want to know if you would like to come back
to me to make us love each other once again.
Maybe you’re thinking I don’t want anymore
that heat that I asked you for,
but later I gave up. (x2)
Like this I let you go...
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Take a chance

Red lips, high heels, black hair
showers, keys on the table for the fast car
and I'm in front half-naked
you love it when I do that ooo
Long legs like drugs, black lace
come tonight boy, I dance for you
my movements ask if you
want to hit it
You're worth a million dollars
I seduce you, I dance ooo
I'll be bad tonight
because you haven't been good
Take a chance for us
and I'll give you everything
if you cheat, know
I'll be your final judgment
I'd give even my own life for us
if you're the one
I'll be your only one
Take a chance
All your other relics lie when they say
that you're not the only one in my aim
I hold you like a small drinking water on the palm
you've already fallen in love ooo
My dear, you literally don't have a single flaw
everyone knows you're the strongest one in town
You undress me with your eyes
know that I want that
I'm worth like a million
you seduce me with your dance ooo
you better be good
the best you've ever been
Take a chance
(She lures me when we're left by ourselves
strong forms, she only likes Armani (fashion)
she lures me, she plans to get my money
Manicure forms, I wait for you, bunny
(She lures me when we're left by ourselves
strong forms, she only likes Armani (fashion)
she lures me, she plans to get my money
Manicure forms, I wait for you, bunny
I wait for you, bunny
Take a chance for us
and I'll give you everything
if you cheat, know
I'll be your final judgment
I'd give even my own life for us
if you're the one
I'll be your only one
Take a chance

If you don´t leave

If you don´t leave, I´ll give you my life
if you don´t leave, you´ll know who I am
you´ll have what just few people have
something very yours
a lot, a lot of love
There is so much things I would give
to see you ones more
love of my heart
oh, God , if you leave
you´re going to make me cry
like when I was a child
if you go
my world is going to end
the world where only you exist
Don´t leave, I don´t want you to leave
because if you go
in this moment
I´ll die
There is so much things I would give
to see you ones more
love of my heart
oh, God , if you leave
you´re going to make me cry
like when I was a child
if you go
my world is going to end
the world where only you exist
Don´t leave, I don´t want you to leave
because if you go
in this moment
I´ll die, I´ll die

My Stain

If you say you never remember me,
Hide your face, you don't know how to lie
They'll see your stare so full of me.
That with your lies you'll make them all laugh.
If you say you never remember me,
Hide your face, you don't know how to lie
They'll see your stare so full of me.
That with your lies you'll make them all laugh.
Because it's been many, many, so many,
So many montes that I lived in you.
That in your body you've got my mold and my stain my breath
And my grouse, beating within you.
Because it's been many, many, so many,
So many kisses I once gave you,
That even if you bathed or switched skins
My stain would still be beating in you.
If you say you never remember me,
Hide your face, you don't know how to lie
They'll see your stare so full of me.
That with your lies you'll make them all laugh.
If you say you never remember me,
Hide your face, you don't know how to lie
They'll see your stare so full of me.
That with your lies you'll make them all laugh.
Because it's been many, many, so many,
So many montes that I lived in you.
That in your body you've got my mold and my stain my breath
And my grouse, beating within you.
Because it's been many, many, so many,
So many kisses I once gave you,
That even if you bathed or switched skins
My stain would still be beating in you.

sahan varge harp farmer lyrics translation in English

Rehna ain tun adiyan pagaun te (you always find ways to broke with me)
Muk chali jind meri russe nu manaon te (x2) (My Life getting over by convincing you & your Anger)
Dil torh da rehne ve (You broke my heart always)
Koi laara ee bun leya kar (Give me some Hope)
Sun sahan vargeya ve (listen you like my breath)
Koi gal taan sun leya kar (x2) (please listen me)
Tere layi dabiyan ne (for you i controlled my feelings)
Dil vich jo sadraan ne (which i have in my heart)
Tere kite hor nishane (but your Targets somewhere else)
Tenu na kadraan ve (You don’t understand me)
Nit adiyan pugdiyan nahi
Kade pyar vi chun leya kar (please choose love)
Sun sahan vargeya ve (listen you like my breath)
koi gal tan sunleya kar (x2) (please listen me)
Akhiyan vich chehra ae (Your Face is in my Eyes)
Sacchi ve tera ae (I Swear it’s your)
Tu hi ni banda saada (you are not mine)
Baki sab mera ae (everything is mine)
Naam tera likheya dil te main (i wrote your name on my Heart)
Tun baanh te ee khun leya kar (can you wrote it my name on your arms)
Sun sahan vargeya ve (Listen you like my breath)
Koi gal tan sun leya kar (x2) (please listen my any word)
Kiti ki galti (what i did wrong)
Ehna tadpaone kyon (why you suffer me a lot)
Gairan de gall vich baahan (you always holds someone unknowns)
Saanu chhadd paauna kyon (by leaving me)
Ho kudi marju Happy ve (Girl Will Die without You)
Sada haada hi sun leya kar (please listen me)
Sun sahan vargeya ve (Listen you like my breath)
Koi gal tan sun leya kar (x2) (please listen me)

Ask Him About Me.

Reading old letters I found photographs
From a far away time, forgotten by now.
I relived many things, sorrows from the past
When the both of you desecrated my love
But a few weeks ago my life changed entirely
There's sunshine to my mornings, I feel I've revived.
The sorrows are over and that melancholy
Became pure happiness, I'm in love again.
But you who've stolen, what I loved so dearly
And just starting to taste, to taste the bitterness*
I feel it's very human, to tell you my experience.
Because I have a conscience I want to advise you...
When you find him alone,
lost in his mutism.
Sinking in the abysm of endless memories
Listen to my guidance.
Don't ask him anything,
And stay quiet
Because you could suffer.
But if you're to insist with your stubborn questions
I'm giving you the answer, ask him about me.
When you find him alone,
lost in his mutism.
Sinking in the abysm of endless memories
Listen to my guidance.
Don't ask him anything,
And stay quiet
Because you could suffer.
But if you're to insist with your stubborn questions
I'm giving you the answer, ask him about me.

Das Ende aller Lügen

Ez a nap lesz a végetek
Elvágjuk a hazugok torkát
Megesszük a húsukat
Fejbe vágjuk a vezetőket
És megtörjük a lelküket
Ez itt a vég
Készen állsz?
Nézd ezt a földet
Mi vagyunk az ellenállás
Itt az idő
Hogy felkeljünk
Itt az idő
A vérontásra
Itt az idő
A kések kiélezve
Itt az idő
Egy bolond, aki megindít
Elvágjuk a hazugok torkát
Megesszük a húsukat
Fejbe vágjuk a vezetőket
És megtörjük a lelküket
Itt az idő
A hazugságok mögött
Meglátni az igazságot
Az népnél az új hatalom
Az összes hazugságnak vége
Mi megesküszünk
Kelj fel és harcolj
Sokan vagyunk
Mi vagyunk az ellenállás
Az összes ország vezetője
Megrázkódott a tömegek előtt
A világ csábítója
Hoztuk neked a jutalmat
Az össze s ország vezetője
Elhoztuk nektek a halált
Az összes hazugságnak vége
Mi megesküszünk
Elvágjuk a hazugok torkát
Megesszük a húsukat
Fejbe vágjuk a vezetőket
És megtörjük a lelküket

The ten commandments of hobos - Don't disturb the dream of God

We always saw the church tower first
That's how we knew which town we approach.
Then we started to hammer on the top of the truck's cabin
Stop, brother, here it will be OK
Around the churches were standing the weak, the left-behind
Those who never dared to get started to anywhere
Neither the dream, nor the unknown attracted them
They staid and comported
One must appreciate them, for they are the Homeland.
The hobos of my age banged not on the gates of castles in the pouring rain
Asking for admission, accommodation, warm meal
As the bloodshed decreased they were looking for each other
And were waiting for the dream shivering with cold in the blood-red night.
Throughout centuries laws were issued against them
The last was called parasitism
If they caught you and you didn't have a house, work
Stocks, labour service, wounds, stomps, chains.
And then escaping to foreign soil.
Passport is a beautiful word, like love
For me the music was my traveling document
I couldn't afford any more, yet it was more than I deserved
But music knew no borders
And it found a way here above, between, below the wires.
I considered myself a vagabond
I started with open heart, ignorant brain
I had no destination, I was just going
Jack London gave me my name and my cross
Always keep yourself to the road.
I thought that this was going to be enough, that this way I'll be free
Nobody ever saw the Book of Hobos
Perhaps it was never ever written
Or even if it exists somewhere, it has no letters
Only pictures, maps, signs, drawings, sounds, fragrances
In order to be accessible to all vagabonds
We know no languages yet we understand each other.
The real hobos are homeless
The stupider ones are tourists
They just originate from somewhere, and at old-age they tell tales about that
How good is to return to somewhere
This is a lie
They only tell this, to make people love them at their old-age.
The grey-haired hobo - what a nice role
The late Prodigal Son returns as a veteran
His children watch his movements with distressed heart.
He should have apologize them, but instead he gifts stones and tells tales
Sometimes even signs a song with heartbreaking self-pity.
I got tired, I got old
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
Cheer up, I've returned
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
Steadfast servants take care of me
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
I didn't confess for long, I'm sick
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
And even that old, sick, lame, hunched
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
He appears to be mysterious in the eyes of the family
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
He left them several times
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
Then he asked for money immediately
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
The egoist bastard knows
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
That they will forgive him
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
But where's the prayer for the family left
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
He didn't lie to himself
He loved his children
Less his women
But more than everything else he adored the road
And now approaching the end, he doesn't want to give in lonely
Alone is good to tramp, but not to die.

Blood and Fire

A glistening light
Leads me treacherously into madness
I don't trust it
And wait until the night freezes over
I look at my face
In the mirror, the one that decorates the sky
I don't recognize it
Time has taken away my spirit
A proud life
That's secretly and quickly falling apart
Where did the fire go
That kept my spirit clinging to life?
I'm breaking out
This life doesn't feel quite right to me
I'm not going to take part in it anymore
Moaning, I spit blood and fire
Blood and fire
Blood and fire
Blood and fire
Blood and fire
I'll only leave ashes
All the old will be brought down today
And light embers
I will arise again
I will no longer ignore
My own insight
And no longer bow
(No longer bow)
Where the tear falls
And the voice stays silent
The breath stops
And slowly comes back
Piece by piece, I'll pile it up
A mountain of frustration and duress
A monument of smoke and mirrors
Towering as high as a tower in the sky
With a match and sulphur
I'll make it right
Destroy the coward from before
In the flames
I look up, blinking
My eyelids twitching
And I burn, full of joy
down the past
A proud life
That's secretly and quickly falling apart
Where did the fire go
That kept my spirit clinging to life?
I'm breaking out
This life doesn't feel quite right to me
I'm not going to take part in it anymore
Moaning, I spit blood and fire
I'm breaking out
This life doesn't feel quite right to me
I'm not going to take part in it anymore
Moaning, I spit blood and fire
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
A monument of flesh and blood
Life burns well in fire
Blood and fire
Blood and fire
It's not worth a tear
What is burning here
It will only be valuable
When the the flames give me life

When the wind changes direction

I am mesmerized by how everything was so easy
That I finally, in my loneliness, got it right
That I got it right, that I got it right
Now I dare to breathe and speak up
But that you're listening now isn't much of a consolation
much of a consolation, much of a consolation
When the winds change direction you have to understand
there's no one that actually chooses to leave
When the winds change direction, who you are is shown
and I don't think you practice what you preach
You've renounced and killed everything that was
and I feel the best when you're somewhere else
somewhere else, somewhere else
When the winds change direction you have to understand
there's no one that actually chooses to leave
When the winds change direction, who you are is shown
and I don't think you practice what you preach
They are reborn and die again
I really thought that you were my friend
When the winds change direction you have to understand
there's no one that actually chooses to leave
When the winds change direction, who you are is shown
and I don't think you practice what you preach


Here are the wolves
We are back
The wolves are on their hunt again
Our sheepskin taken off
Nothing remains as it was
We are back
Better shut your filthy mouths
We're coming to get you
No one will escape us
A pack of wolves
Judging all like vermin
Scream quietly for help
We'll cut your throats!
[Refrain] [2x]
No wind or storm
Will stand in our way
No warrior, judge or hangman
Will exist against us
We are ready to fight
And lick our wounds with pride
The flesh will heal
And scars will prove our honor
If you stand upright,
You will find it in some places,
But every resistance
Will drive us forward on our way
We are many
We are mean
Our teeth are sharp
We are many
We are mean
Our teeth are sharp, skin is red
Our souls are black
Better beware
The wolves are gone again
Better beware
The wolves hunt again through the night
[Refrain] [2x]

Song in the hour of the wolf

Sleep, little child.
Everything is fine.
I am here next to you,
My darling.
The hour of the wolf comes
but the stars give
their twinkling watch
on heaven tonight.
I sit and see
your innocence and pray
for the life that is in front of you.
My darling friend,
you don't yet know
but one day you will get your answer.
One day you will get your answer.
The world is such
that few care about
what you have to give it,
my darling.
The adults control
decides your role
where your task is
to blindly play along.
There freedom is
to bow and smile
and dance when the power decides.
They taught it to me,
they taught it even to you.
God givith that you stand against!
that you also stand against.
The law of nature is
the night becomes day.
The stars fade,
my darling.
The time goes,
one day you are gray.
but first turn out
in an blossoming vestment.
Here is your life!
Welcome here!
Do what you feel is right!
If you ask me,
so I will answer you.
But don't believe everything you hear.
Don't believe everything you hear.

Long Live Mexico!

I'm all Mexican
Born on this land
In this beautiful land
that is my beautiful country
My beloved Mexico
how beautiful is my flag
Should anyone tarnish it,
I'll tear his heart apart
Long live Mexico, and all of America
A soil blessed by God
Long live Mexico, and all of America
I'd give me blood for you
I'm all Mexican
And I have never just taken abuse
If you want to learn,
History will tell
That Mexico is courageous
and it never has given up
Long live democracy
And freedom also
Long live Mexico,and all of America
A soil blessed by God
Long live Mexico and all of America
I'd give my blood for you
I'm all Mexican
And therefore I'm ready,
if Mexico so wills it,
To fight
I offer Mexico my life,
after all it gave it to me
And like a good soldier,
I'd like to return the gift..

When tired I will lie

When tired I will underlie
Liedowned by the barn
But the barn was yet demolished:
Nor destroyers, nor not destroyers
Just had rided maiden,
Waved to my soul
And I burned with the barn,
And ceased sore my heart.
Here are riding two ploughmans
They are fighting with the Reaper.
Lying Reaper tired
Glinting blood into the temples.
And the ploughmans like this saying:
War - starvation, starvation - war,
I don't need already nothing
Just a you so much I miss.
By the barn lied - in
I will rise - will arise
And to sky will have comed
I will call to you right now:
,,Good morning, my beloved,
How are you, how existing?
Here, I'm died,
In the dream I'm talk with you.'
Here are riding two ploughmans
They are fighting with the Reaper.
Lying Reaper tired
Glinting blood into the temples.
And the ploughmans like this saying:
War - starvation, starvation - war,
I don't need already nothing
Just a you so much I miss.