Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 13



Magányomban ültem
A hegy lábánál
A nap végén meglátogatott
kinek neve Árnyék
Egyenesen rá bámultam,
És az Árnyék vissza rám
Bele a lényem mélyébe
Külső valómba
Csukd be a szemed
Folytott kiáltással
Kérdeztem merre az út
De az Árnyék elnémított
De néma kiáltással
Kértem magyarázatot
De az Árnyék elnémított
A fények elúsztak
Jött az Árnyék
Sziklák közt vesztek el
Kalapáló szívvel
Mentem Hélbe
Törpök nyelvét beszélve
Árny-felhő a hegyből
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
Nyom nélkül tűnj az éjszakába
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
Nyom nélkül tűnj az éjszakába
A tűz űz el tőlem
A tűz űz el tőlem
Nyom nélkül tűnj az éjszakába
Nyom nélkül tűnj az éjszakába
Aztán a lellkem mélyére nézel
Aztán a lellkem mélyére nézel
Ha táncolni kívánsz, a kettő eggyé válik
Ha táncolni kívánsz, a kettő eggyé válik
Ha táncolni kívánsz, a kettő eggyé válik
Árnyék, tudsz válaszolni? (Válaszolj!)
Csak a színtiszta igazat! (Csak azt!)
Miért követsz íly sietve? (Te)
Meglellek, magamat lelem meg (Magamat)
Árnyék, tudsz válaszolni? (Válaszolj!)
Csak a színtiszta igazat! (Csak azt!)
Miért követsz íly sietve? (Te)
Meglellek, magamat lelem meg (Magamat)
Árnyék, tudsz válaszolni? (Válaszolj!)
Csak a színtiszta igazat! (Csak azt!)
Miért követsz íly sietve? (Te)
Meglellek, magamat lelem meg (Magamat)
Válaszolj magadnak
(Válaszolj magadnak)
(Válaszolj magadnak)


Versions: #1
Alone I sat outside
At the foot of the mountain
At the day’s end, it visits me
It is called shadow
I stared straight ahead
Shadow, straight back
In my innermost being
In my outermost exterior
Keep your eyes peeled
With screaming muffled
I asked the way
But shadow silenced me
But screaming silenced
I asked for meaning
But shadow silenced me
All light flowed
Shadows in
In the rock disappeared
With beating heart
I went to hell
With dwarf tongue speech
Cloud-shadow from mountain
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
Traceless into the night you go
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
Traceless into the night you go
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
Traceless into the night you go
Traceless into the night you go
Then you watch deep inside me
Then you watch deep inside me
If you want to dance, two become one
If you want to dance, two become one
If you want to dance, two become one
Shadow, can you answer? (Reply)
The whole truth alone! (Alone!)
When I follow, why are you in a hurry? (You)
I find you, I find myself (Myself)
Shadow, can you answer? (Reply)
The whole truth alone! (Alone!)
When I follow, why are you in a hurry? (You)
I find you, I find myself (Myself)
Shadow, can you answer? (Reply)
The whole truth on its own! (Own)
When I follow, why are you in a hurry? (You)
I find you, I find myself (Myself)
Answer yourself
(Answer yourself)
(Answer yourself)


Old Grey…
I recall the ring before it broke…
Your song stirs something deep within
Like chords pulling straight from memory
I can’t find the words, they still remain veiled
Yet I know it is old, I know that it’s forgotten
I remember when you roamed freely
I remember when we roamed together
I remember us before our paths got separated
I remember the ring before it broke
Always wary about me, and I about you
Always wary about you, and you about me
You may run to my forests
Roam freely in my mountains
Lead your pack to my valleys
Let us restore the ring
I shall sing you safe on your way
I shall sing you safely home

White Raven

Into twilight
Lure you in
White raven
Veiled and dwelling
Let me ask!
Lend me a feather
I will turn it
into white wings
Let us fly,
wide on winds
With hunting minds
and sorcerous songs
Let me ask!
Lend me your wide-sight
Let me espy,
in fumes of fog
Let me ask!
Teach me the song
that allures you… that allures me
that finds you… that finds me
Will you follow me
throughout my time?
Will you watch over me
throughout my time?
Gave me wings
White raven
Gave me foresight
Gave me the song
White wings
Follows me

The raven's speech

Versions: #1
I thought you would know
Lord of , he commands deep ships,
with red blades and red shields,
with tarred arrows and tents covered with foam.
They were loaded with men and white shields,2
western spears and Frankish swords.3
the fight was on its way to them,
The wolf warriors howled and their iron spears shook.
Then they are glad, when they know they can hope for a battle,
ready to jump onboard and to row till they bend their oars,
to tear hindrances apart, to break the rowlocks.
I believe they pull powerfully the oars at the command of their leader.
I wish to ask you about the provisions of a berseker, who tastes the corpses of the seas:
what's the provision of the war-daring, who rush into battle?
Berserkers shouted, the fight was on its way to them,
The wolf warriors howled and their iron spears shook.
To tear hindrances apart, to break the rowlocks,
I believe they pull powerfully the oars at the command of their leader.
  • 1. The king named here is Harald Fairhair, who's traditionally considered the first king of a unified Norway, following the events of the Battle of Hafrsfjord.
  • 2. The ships named here are the enemy's. The 'white shields' might refer to the fact that the enemy's soldiers hadn't yet waged any battle, differently from Harald's bloody-red shields.
  • 3. The word 'valskr' actually indicates something of generic 'non-Germanic' origin. It went from indicating the Celts, to Romans to the French. I decided to go with the latter, as the Battle of Hafrsfjord is believed to have taken place around the end of 9th century. By then, both the Celts and the Roman Empire had disappeared.
  • 4. Scandinavian warriors especially notorious for their ferocity in battle. It's reported that many of them used to go into war dressed with animal skins, like bears or wolves.

The Burial Hill

Hear the sound
Weeping tunes
Here the black snake I ride
Over steps laden with sorrow,
I am on my way
To my mother’s embrace
To my rest
For the earth is my mother
and my grave
Tunes they sound
Some are weeping
And twofold is burn of wounds
which no other sees
Hear the sound
Weeping tunes
Hear the sound
When I eventually lie in the ground
Still I will live in the words
Of the verses that I chant
and the tunes which carry
I yet live
I yet live
I yet live


I bind you to myself
Three thread that I twine
Three times, for you, I crow
Three songs, for you, I sing
To separate
To see
I cry over you
I frame runes
Rise up with Hugen
Run out with Hugen
I turn my view
To follow new paths
Spin, spin, the will's victory
The song spins the wind
Hugen chooses, Hugen wins
Under the moon over the hills
Under the gallow the dead speak
Far I go
Wide I see
I am unde the hanged man
Magic wakes the dead man
Shape-shifting, I go over the land
Like a bolt of magic
I spun counter-sunwise
I see, I am everything
I want, I'll win anything
I was and am the wind
I am the wind, wounded, touched and bound
I was and am the wind
I am the wind, wounded, touched and bound
Spin, spin, the will's victory
The song spins the wind
Hugen chooses, Hugen wins
Under the moon over the hills
Under the gallow the dead speak
Far I go
Wide I see
I am unde the hanged man
Magic wakes the dead man
Shape-shifting, I go over the land
Like a bolt of magic
I spun counter-sunwise
I see, I am everything
I want, I'll win anything
I was and am the wind
I am the wind, wounded, touched and bound
I was and am the wind
I am the wind, wounded, touched and bound
To you who seek
To you who need
A river that flows up and down
A river runs up and down
Pray what you swear
Send what you quit
To you who choose
To you who want
Chant until the song sings you
Chant until teh song quits you
The dwarf differs
The shadow shows the way

Snake Pit Poetry

I did not think that snakes
would be my bane
Of course, this is often the case
as you least expect
I did not think that snakes
would be my path
Of course, this is often the case
as you least expect
Now I'm lying here powerless
to die among the animals
The pigs would squirm
if they knew the fate of the boar
and the damage done to me
with their harmful stings
they have hissing snakes
greedily sucked life out of me
Now I'm lying here powerless
to die among the animals

Prophecy of the Seeress

Versions: #3
Heed my words, all classes of men
You greater and lesser children of Heimdall
You summoned me, Odin, to tell what I recall
Of the oldest deeds of gods and men
The sun turns black, the earth sinks into the sea
The bright stars fall out of the sky
Flames scorch the leaves of Yggdrasil
A great bonfire reaches to the highest clouds
Brothers will fight one another and kill one another
Cousins will break peace with one another
The old tree sighs when the giant shakes it
Yggdrasil still stands but it trembles
Fenrir howls terribly before the doors to Hel
The wolf will break its bonds and run
Waterfalls flow, and eagles fly overhead
Hunting for fish among the mountain peaks
I see a hall standing there more beautiful than sunlight.
Thatched with gold at Gimlé
There bold men will dwell
And enjoy cheer throughout their lives


Versions: #2
It's so cold here
The wind took my last leaves
The serpent gnaws in the ground
Sharply I age
The fire that takes - Life
The fire that gives - Life
Deep from the deep
The heart hammers
Deep from the deep
The heart strikes
Like stone strikes sparks
Strikes sparks for the chest's
Strikes sparks for the heart
For mind and blood
Hearts hammer
The dimness covers
What the eye can see
And the way i follow
And the tracks i tread
Are cold, so cold
Be welcome
Hunger no more
In hunger is found
Need, my fire
Be welcome
Long for no more
In longing is won
Need, my fire
Be welcome
Burn no more
In fire is won
Need, my fire


Tyrnek hívják
Négykezű isten
A farkas táplálója
A kastély királya
Tyrnek hívják
Négykezű isten
Soha nem kóborol
Egészséges a harchoz,
Egészséges a harctól,
Ahonnét egészségesen tér vissza
Egészséges a harchoz,
Egészséges a harctól,
Ahonnét egészségesen tér vissza
Mikor harcolni megyek
Egy barátommal üldöztetésben
A pajzsom sarkából sikoltva
És ők előretörnek az erőszakban
Mikor harcolni megyek
Egy barátommal üldöztetésben
A pajzsom sarkából sikoltva
És ők előretörnek az erőszakban
Egészséges a harchoz,
Egészséges a harctól,
Ahonnét egészségesen tér vissza


A laukr1 víz:
Könnyek a szemből,
Zuhatag a hegyekből,
Hullámok a vizen.
A hullámok ringatnak,
S mély álomba zuhanok. [x2]
A laukr víz:
Hullámok a vizen,
Zuhatag a hegyekből,
Könnyek a szemből.
A hullámok ringatnak,
S mély álomba zuhanok. [x2]
  • 1. Az l-rúna (ᛚ) valószínűsített korábbi (talán proto-északi) neve (a rekonstruált proto-germán 'laguz', a rúnaversek óészakija 'lögr'). Bővebben: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laguz