Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 11

Találatok száma: 361


I am afraid

I am afraid to love
I am afraid to get hurt
Reaching the bottom while i am down
I am afraid if i can't return home
A half finished whim within me
A breath in my ear
Voices that is not mine
Worry of a fake smile
I am afraid
I have asked to the wise one
Burnt for the Adam
I saw Layla with my own eyes.
Stop the man
My God
I am afraid
I have asked to the wise one
Burnt for the Adam
I saw Layla with my own eyes.
Make it stop my heart
My God
I am afraid
My soul, wherever you are, just reach (me)
I can not find the way if you don't exist
I am afraid to love
I am afraid to get hurt
Reaching the bottom while i am down
I am afraid if i can't return home
The truth that burns dreams
The flower in my hopes
Anybody but you
A love not approaching Reunion
I am afraid
(They) have known the unknown
(They) have seen the unseen
Yet (they) sensed the intuit
(They) made the decision about me
I am afraid
(They) have known the unknown
(They) have seen the unseen
Yet (they) sensed the intuit
(They) made the decision about me
I am afraid
My soul, wherever you are, just reach (me)
I can not find the way if you don't exist

We Were Bleeding

I found your picture after the years, in a book
How could your face be so good on that page
The man was fighting with a giant, he was tired
He was shot before the next page
Stars like curious eyes, in the dark
The author was saying that the moon is mired down, like us
Missing you after the years is hurting
My heart is tearing like a paper
I was always fighting with a giant in this life
But I would want to die in your arms
We were falling when you look from the space
But actually we were rising from the world
We were happy when you look from a distance
But actually we were bleeding with love

I love you

What fills me is love
When your eyes touches mine
If I don't hear your voice, every dream is pain
When your hands go away from mine
Please, take sun, please, take the night
When your dreams fill my dreams
Be my past, future can be love
When your heart finds mine
I love you too much
Take my heart too, It can be yours.
I love you too much
Take my life, It can be yours
Teşekkür etmeyi unutmayın.

I'd like to forget

Don't ask me about her
I'd like to forget
Don't remind anymore
I'd like to forget
Don't make bleed the my heart
Don't darken the my world
Don't remind her
I'd like to forget
Love burned me
My hopes died
To forget is difficult but even so, i'd like to forget
This love over at last
Love went on the selfway
A life throughout
I'd like to forget her
Everything you has, all in pieces in my heart
I'd like to forget the my past on by one

I do not trust you

From now on i can not say you to stop
i can not say at all to stay , i can never interrupt in your way
i thought i learned to love from you ,however i was naive
Now there is no love for me you too say it
you made my heart empty
as if this betrayal gave every thing back to me
that you've taken from me
I do not trust you anymore understand it
i am not your toy
pity, i had put curtains on my eyes with you
i am not blind in love anymore

Don't Fatigue

You re-opened issue that closed too long ago
Why did you show up? This coincidental love's base is melancholy
Don't be rebellious, lonely darkness falls in early
Don't look threatening, pride predominates and love runs away from you
As happened to me
Please don't fatigue, abandone hope for me, try hard
It's impossible, don't do (at least) for this time
You're humiliating as long as you ask (for it)
Breathing is impossible as long as this happens, don't fatigue
You re-opened issue that closed too long ago
Why did you show up? This coincidental love's base is melancholy
Don't be rebellious, lonely darkness falls in early
Don't look threatening, pride predominates and love runs away from you
As happened to me
Please don't fatigue, abandone hope for me, try hard
It's impossible, don't do (at least) for this time
You're humiliating as long as you ask (for it)
Breathing is impossible as long as this happens, don't fatigue

Freezing night

Aa, my eyes flow with petals made of snow
gently dyeing my heart in white
I reach out with my fingers trying to scatter a handful of them
Someone embraces me and makes feel warmth....
The frozen world is reflected in the clear water's surface​
as memories fall in drops and form ripples
My eyelids quiver now that I just want to spin the threads of time
I keep sleeping While dreaming shallow dreams
The wish that I hid in my heart
will one day surely be fulfilled
Yes, if I were to open my eyes
I would see someone smiling....
Aa, my eyes moisten
and warm lips gently rub off the flowing snow
I entwine my wings as that breath touches my ears
I tightly embrace you and convey my feelings to you....
Now within the dream I wander alone
however if were to open my eyes one day
I would see you smiling....
I would see you smiling....

I cry silent tears

Everything looks so different to me
Now that you're gone
The tea that we used to drink sometimes,
My beautiful Marmara in front of me
Is flavorless... Now that you're gone
I cry silent tears
The waves are eroding the beach inside of me
The fish are washed ashore
The moonlight is now insipid
The light does not shine for me
Like sand grains flowing through my hands
You left me, there is a large void inside
As for our love, it is an abandoned ship
And now... I cry silent tears

The Sweetest Gift

I got my tenderness from my mom
And my strong character from dad
I swear they are the sweetest gift
and they are worth more than the world and all money
Oh darling, you are the gift
And I swear your love resides within me
I would sacrifice my eyes
and do anything for you
Oh my daughter, you are a windflower
that blossomed as its colors shone
A flower that grew in my heart and my eyes
And I swear to protect you my whole life
Oh dad, I want to be
the most beautiful girl in your eyes
with a steadfast faith and morals
And I swear to protect you my whole life
You are worth the entire universe to me
And every one loved us because of you
Dear God, I am grateful to you
For giving me this tender rose
I looked after my father thoroughly1
And I always made sure my mom was happy with me
And now this kindness is what I found
being returned to me through my daughter
And hopefully dad, I will be like you
I want to have your kindness
So that I can speak of you in the future
And many people would be like me
You are worth the entire universe to me
And every one loved us because of you
Dear God, I am grateful to you
For giving me this tender rose
God bless you..
  • 1. Idiom: Literally: I carried my father on my head. It means I respected/looked after him so much.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

I Still Miss You So Much

I find a way somehow, am still alive with loneliness
Millions of people pass over me in fact
Shot me, shoot. It won't hurt me since I die everyday in fact
Hard, it's hard again, hard again nevertheless I'm smiling while I'm crying
No, it doesn't help, doesn't finish, doesn't heal, my wound is still fresh
I've tried many times to hide, to run away from you
Shot me, shoot. It won't hurt me since I die everyday in fact
Hard, it's hard again, hard again nevertheless I'm smiling while I'm crying
Still, still I miss you so much...
Still, still I miss you, still...
Shot me, shoot. It won't hurt me since I die everyday in fact
Hard, it's hard again, hard again nevertheless I'm smiling while I'm
Still, still I miss you so much...
Still, still I miss you, still...
Still, still I miss you so much, still...
My heart doesn't stop, it lives to love, you.

I am going, I am going

I am a passenger of split
Couldn't see a fidelity once
I am the twinge of pained heart
I couldn't finish suffering it.
I am going, I am going
Others can smile, I am going
I am going, I am going
You wanted it, I am going
I am enchained,
Every link of it clamours
I will suffer from your love,
every hour I live.
Who touched our wound,
who intervened between us
what happened to our love,
I couldn't love you as much as I want

Rainbow-colored Weather

Like a fish the sea tastes like sky...
Swimming feels like flying.
As soon as I cross that mountain, it comes into sight:
someone's tiny forgotten object on the path...
that stretched out right in front of me between the rice fields.
A shoe separated from its pair indicates clear skies.
The time still goes on slowly...
Everyday has no such answer.
Colourful water on the spring shines like rainbow...
When I drew a breath it disappeared.
Laughing voice heard from the long distance...
As if they were singing.
Reversed like bottom of the sea...
Looking carefully to dive in depth.
Footprints in pair still continues.
The clock sound stopped suddenly...
The world seems to be disappear now.
Let's go and pick up that single shoe missing its partner.
With night falling, then the morning coming and...
the cycle repeating, I take a breath.
Collecting the treasure...
The song is still propagating through water.
Colourful water on the spring shines like rainbow...
When I drew a breath it disappeared.
When it's sunny, let's hold hands...
When raining, let's take cover and...
gaze out at the dyed town.
Laughing voice heard from the long distance...
As if they were singing.
The song is still echoing.

Be My Friend, Be My Brother

At the place where I'm going to
There were many before me
They left a trail, left a tree,
Left a stone at my feet.
And what will I leave behind
Will I leave anything?
I can't see my own steps
And who will see them tomorrow?
Be my friend, be my brother
Lend me a hand when I'll call out
Be my friend, be my brother
Lend me a hand at times of trouble
I am your brother, don't forget it
Be my friend, be my brother.
At the place where I'm going to
There were women, there were men
And there was great love
Will I find it?
They left me no mark
No sighs and no flowers
They left me nothing
But brothers and friends.
Be my friend, be my brother
Lend me a hand when I'll call out
Be my friend, be my brother
Lend me a hand at times of trouble
I am your brother, don't forget it
Be my friend, be my brother.
At the place where I'm going to
I'm careful not to break
I'm careful not to step
I'm careful not to remember.
And I'm good when you're with me
And so are you and so are you
It's here to stay after I'm gone
The friendship that once was.
Be my friend, be my brother
Lend me a hand when I'll call out
Be my friend, be my brother
Lend me a hand at times of trouble
I am your brother, don't forget it
Be my friend, be my brother.

I Thank Before Thee

For the singing rain
For the sun upon the mountain
For the sparing bread
For the foreign beauty
Thank You.
For the voice of the bird that sang a simple song
When I wished to die
Thank You
For the pure salt
For the clear wine
For the soft pleasure
For the damp sadness
Thank You
For the green grass that served as my bed
When I made love to her
Thank You
I thank before Thee
For the blue river
That comes from You and flows to You
And in the meantime flows within my heart
I thank before Thee.
For the loud silence
For the warm sound
For the prevention of bloodshed
For the kind hearts of mankind
Thank You
For bringing me out of the bloody darkness
Within my mother's womb
Thank You.
For my eye
For my ear
For my crown
For my happiness
Thank You
For the strength and the silence that filled my body
When I started to fly
Thank You.
I thank before Thee...

It Is Not Essential

Versions: #2
My tears who are filled with desire
Pouring out my heart is not essential
it 's not essential, not essential
Your eyes are witnesses of my love
what my dreams make of us is not essential,
not essential
I am crazy in love
If you want to end it with me...
Considering this heart of mine is not
essential, not essential
You can search but to find a soul like yours....
The desire inside me is like mountains of cinders,
like mountains of cinders
You laugh and play while I dress in black
believe me, for you it is not essential,
it is not essential

This is rock

This moment has finally come
My cry has got all the friends together in this concert hall tonight
The cry of my heart has got us together
Who could think that our time would come?
That rock will shine?
This is rock, rock, rock!
This is rock, rock, rock!
Rock got us together under its wing
Rock is with me and you
It calls you to follow its lead
This is rock, rock, rock!
This is rock, rock, rock!
I am walking on the ground
I am not a saint nor a prophet
I suffocate in the darkness
May rock help us!
There is light and joy everywhere
This is our time
Rock lights the fire in our hearts
This is rock, rock, rock!
This is rock, rock, rock!
Rock got us together under its wing
Rock is with me and you
It calls you to follow its lead
This is rock, rock, rock!
This is rock, rock, rock!

I'm not able to love

Should I not think, should I not be upset
How many times can I ask such that
I've seen such, I've had such this
When did I loved ,yes I loved ,so I couldn't expel that
How many times more can that shoot me
Can that hurt
Can that make me sad
I'm not able to love any except of you
I'm not able to love another one
You're gone by signing in my heart
It's in vain everything you left behind
That's empty whatever after this

Meryem, My Meryem

Meryem, you are my Meryem
And you are my eyes, MeryemaKirstenchen or so). It's worth noting that Meryam/Meryem is the Arabic version of Mary/Maria...etc' href='#footnote1_lfcwjwz' rel='nofollow'>1
Meryem, you are my Meryem
And you are my eyes, Meryema
And my heart is hurt, it wants Meryema
Oh my eyes, it wants Meryema
Meryem is up on the roof
And her hair is blowing [in the wind]
And my heart is hurt
It wants its cure
Oh my, it wants its cure
Meryem, oh my
She lets her hair loose
And the Ottoman Troops
Have taken Meryema
Oh my..
They've taken Meryema
  • 1. Meryama is like 'little Meryem' or so. Like a nickname for her name. (If you know German it's like for e.g:
    Kirsten->Kirstenchen or so). It's worth noting that Meryam/Meryem is the Arabic version of Mary/Maria...etc
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

The major of the Dorados

I was one of soldiers,
of that man known throughout the world,
although he was a the seat of power1
he did not envy the presidential one.
Now I live there by the edge
remembering that timeless moment,
now I live there by the edge
remembering Villa there in
who by luck became a major,
for the struggle we were left maimed,
defending our country and honor.
Today I remember past times
that we fought against the invader,
today I remember past times
of those Dorados, for I was their major.
My horse that I rode frequently
died in Jiménez,
a bullet that was meant for me
pierced him instead.
As he died from the pain he neighed,
for his country he gave his life,
as he died from the pain he neighed,
how I cried for him when he died.
Pancho Villa you are etched
in my mind and in my heart,
and although many times I found myself defeated
by forces...
...I remained a faithful soldier
until the end of the revolution,
I remained a faithful soldier
who has always fought alongside the cannon.
  • 1. famous line that goes 'Villa sitting in his chair', the chair was a symbol for power in many historical photographs of Villa.
  • 2. lit. 'The Golden Ones' - Villa and the Dorados, “the golden Ones”, his ferocious cavalry would attack, firing accurately at a full gallop from their charging horses in the style of warfare perfected by the Apache and Comanches who the Dorados’ fathers had fought a generation earlier. []
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Anthem of the Sun

It was sunny, we were always awake,
Based on shields
For the sake of independence,
I'm painted in blood.
They thought Turks have fallen asleep,
Atatürk war commanded,
If you are a Turkish soldier,
Earth has announced.
Our country is our country,
Everyone falls in love
Missing us now
Get the flag's shadow.

I Am Falling Off The Hands Of Life

I know, every new day, life renews itself.
I know, the broken branches will reach the sky one day.
I know, the stars are the hope of every night.
Once embraced by a heart, the darkness is scattered.
But there is a pain in me, a wound that never heals...
Before the windows are dead birds who never sing...
A song is on my tongue, never-ending
Such rain that doesn't stop falling for years.
Forget me, forget me, forget me, I am falling off the hands of life
Forget me, forget me, forget me, separation shoots right through my heart
I know, from every death hope gives birth to itself
I know, broken hands hold onto someone again
I know, it is the remedy of blackness and darkness
To believe in victory in spite of nothing.

My Greatest Sacrifice

Today I'm going to fail you,
You'll forgive me
I can not please you:
I'm going away from here,
I already promised you,
And I will not see you again,
But no, please,
Do not ask me, by God,
That pretend to forget you,
If I do not know how it came
Your presence in my being,
How am I going to get you out?
Excuse me, I know that you
You're right.
But I went crazy from the day
I saw you, I still can not find
My judgment
Excuse me, I know I went
For you an error,
I'll ask you better,
Although it will be
My greatest sacrifice ....
Excuse me......

Can You Sleep at Night?

Can you sleep deeply?
Have you healed your wounds?
Don't force yourself love someone just because the night is lonely
To dream, or
To choke on tears
You said you tried dying without knowing what that's like
Did you hide it well?
Did you quiet your breaths?
Don't force yourself to change just because it's tough right now
A heroic barbarian
A troubled lamb
You said you're living a detour
So you won't stand out
So you can endure
So that your trains of thought don't grind to a halt
Tonight, run away! Run away! It's like a lie
Someone, take my hand
It's ok if the invisible tomorrow never comes
For now, I just want to sleep
If I call, could you hear?
Have you started walking?
I'm forcing myself to act tough because my heart was crushed
Let our heartbeats ring out
And let's shout out loud
To show this annoying world
So that I don't stop
So that I stay firm
So that I don't throw myself away yet
Tonight, run away! Run away! It's like a dream
Sing me a lullaby
It's ok if the fleeting morning never comes
For a bit longer, I just want to sleep
My way of living? It's shitty
Love, friendship, don't force it
Regretfully, in tears, that song I'm humming, whose song is that?
Tonight, run away! Run away! It's like a lie
Someone, take my hand
It's ok if the invisible tomorrow never comes
For now, I just want to sleep
Live and die, live and die. It's like a dream
I just want to sleep
Live and die, live and die. It's like a dream
I want to sleep
TL Note: I hope this translation was helpful for you! If anyone ever sees any errors or has any suggestions about my translations, please let me know. -nmuth


Hips are spinning, the floor is spinning
The world is spinning, ooo-ooh
My hips are spinning, just keep your mouth shut
The world is spinning
And everybody watches as I dance
Sweat makes spots on my back
You yelled at me like in a trance
That you don't love and you fear
And then you got me crawling
Told everybody about the real me
You all went to bar to dissect it, yeah
And when you and your friends talk about me
It's slaughter, I'm shit and piss
When you tell of those nights you tell only your half
One day the truth gets revealed and then you're so dead
Your drunk innards and drunk's face
They disgust me every time I see them under me
There they're twisting, you want to get in the papers
Well there is still time to tell them what we did
The floor is spinning, the world is spinning
My hips are spinning, ooo-ooh
But yeah I'm so queen
Just keep your mouth shut
Yeah, keep it shut, ooo-oh
Life's better than ever?
The struggle of an independent man
I have a feeling it's bullshit, ooo-ooh
Come on just say you're fucking that woman
This is correctness, it's instinctive
I know of philosophies and foreign countries
And I know that without body spray you start to smell, like you do
My hips are spinning, my head is spinning
The world is spinning, ooo-ooh
The floor is spinning, the world is spinning
My hips are spinning, ooo-ooh
But yeah I'm so queen
Just keep your mouth shut
Yeah, keep it shut, ooo-oh
You came home, the dinner quests stared
And you said this is hell
You can't take routine, you kicked the cupboard
Iida and Petteri were about to tell about their new house
And your face was red and I asked you
How can you be so late and so red-faced
And you said it's 'cause you're fucking shit-faced
You knew for three weeks this was the night
I had cooked like a dumbass, cleaned the place
And you had called me from somewhere downtown, laughed and asked 'how's my little missus?'

Love you

I love you, believe me
I still love you
I've never loved like this
Forgive (me), understand yourself
Days have past
It's difficult to live without you
New days have come
I haven't forgot you, miss you
Who took you away from me?
Who burnt me like this?
Is there a love this strong?
I'm still looking for you.

Ateş olmuşsun beni yakar mı bu Sular seller gibi ezberlemişken seni Zaman hiç acımaz ki unutturdu mu beni Yaşarken ölüsün kötüsün dünya kötüsün Ay ben ölüyorum ben ay ay Beni sordun mu günler kanlı bıçaklı Yeter artık düşler bırakın elimi kolumu Bu

Ateş olmuşsun
beni yakar mı bu
Sular seller gibi ezberlemişken seni
Zaman hiç acımaz ki
unutturdu mu beni
Yaşarken ölüsün kötüsün dünya kötüsün
Ay ben ölüyorum ben ay ay
Beni sordun mu
günler kanlı bıçaklı
Yeter artık düşler bırakın elimi kolumu
Bu yollar kaç şeritli
hepsi tek yön biletli
Sen giderken ağlamak gelir içimden
Ay ben ölüyorum ben ay ay

Dead in the House

A god forsaken village in the forest, damn,
Here, you can be abused by deceased.
They create outrages and snoop at night,
And even in the house, this night, there is no peace for us.
And outside the window the moon is lit and shines on the graveyard,
Our black cat pursed its tail in fear.
And there is a horrible and after-death howl behind the window,
Perhaps the corpses under the earth have lost their peace.
Dead in the house, close the mirrors,
Dead in the house is waiting around the corner.
Dead in the house, oh, my,
He craves for your blood, he will get it.
Your great-grandmother died this terrible night,
She was very, very wicked witch when she was alive.
Now she is in the coffin and on the table,
And her spirit has long been flying on a broomstick.
We dozed off, grandmother immediately
Fixed upon us her her dead eyes.
From her dead mouth came out big fangs,
Don't touch us, grandmother, we're your great-grandchildren.
Dead in the house, close the mirrors,
Dead in the house is waiting around the corner.
Dead in the house, oh, my,
He craves for your blood, he will get it.
She will not go to the grave without us,
She will take us there with her.
Through a dream, I hear her get up,
And she comes to me, sprung out her claws.
As if we were paralyzed from fear,
She's thrusting her fangs into me now.
I feel she'll leave us here forever,
With you, we'll hang out here until the Judgement day.
Dead in the house, close the mirrors,
Dead in the house is waiting around the corner.
Dead in the house, oh, my,
He craves for your blood, he will get it.
Dead in the house, close the mirrors,
Dead in the house is waiting around the corner.
Dead in the house, he sneak in somehow,
He craves for your blood, protect yourself, man.
Tibor from QS-FB

További dalszöveg fordítások

Ozan Koçer - Sönmüyor Ateşimiz dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Our flame doesn't die out

Either leave yourself to me
Or leave me to myself, I'll live with it
What kind of a break-up it is, don't come again
Don't come, let me get used to it
You stay alone in
I can't only address (I can't be your only address when you feel lonely)
Either be mine completely
Or forget me entirely
We were trying for years - it didn't work
The fault is somewhat mine, somewhat yours
But let's not prolong it any further
Don't you ever come again
Our flame doesn't die out,
but doesn't burn brightly either
Break-up is hard, but it doesn't work when we're together
If our destiny was once written with a divine pen
No pen can erase it and write anew
Ebru Yaşar - Nasıl Uyuyorsun dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

how do you sleep ?

How do you sleep through the night, how ?
i am feeling cold from this love too,
my situaion is very hard.
How do you sleep through the night, how ?
I wish you hug the loneliness in the bed.
I dont know if we meet one more time to one place
When i see you
my hands and feet dont resist.
they say this will pass too
i think they dont see my situation
when i passed this
i am curious about something
How do you sleep through the night, how ?
i am feeling cold from this love too,
my situaion is very hard.
How do you sleep through the night, how ?
I wish you hug the loneliness in the bed.
Ufomuo - Yine hızlı geçiyor Zaman dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Time Passing Fast Again

There are lost lives
Hidden lies
There are looks that lost their light
Time passing fast again
There are weak bodies in the cool winds
Strange dreams in deep sleep
There are two-faced people
Look, time passing past again, oh
This is a strange universe
There are people from all kinds
Empty minds, always full mouths
Or the way is the dim light heart
Don't run away, don't be afraid, don't offense to the time
Live, never turn into lie
Trouble pass over time
Don't stop, tell your sorrow to the wine
sukekiyo - 304 goshitsu shita to yoru (304号室 舌と夜) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Room 304

I am shedding tears while smiling, the knife is on my wrist
The voice I believed, lies are laughing, the abnormal victim
I start to cry after I find the tube and see the red liquid in it
If only life didn't fall apart, the abnormal victim
My wounds become deeper and deeper as they paint the white room crimson
A group of people is tied, they are in isolation, they can't do anything
The 16-year-old night might not come tomorrow, either
The night is scary, the night is cold, the crowd is nearly going to drown in the night
16-year-old spring might not come tomorrow, either
The victim has no tongue
There is no light, (the victim) plunges, tomorrow is a 12-year-old
A kitten that looks like it's rare is given to me, and I look like a vegetarian
Father! Mother! My wounds become deeper and deeper as they paint the white room crimson
A group of people is tied, they are in isolation, they can't do anything
The 16-year-old night might not come tomorrow, either
The night is scary, the night is cold, the crowd is nearly going to drown in the night
16-year-old spring might not come tomorrow, either
I am quiet, I close my eyes as I try to remember (the shape/color of) my mom's and my dad's hair
It doesn't matter how many times I cry or laugh, I can't return
'Farewell, the cold night that made my eyes wither,' I say, as I cut my wrist
16-year-old spring might not come tomorrow, either