Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 9

Találatok száma: 361


Songwriting and Coffee

Living on the absolute minimum, living in a small six tatami mat room
It would be great if I could live with you, that was all I was thinking of at the time
If the colour of happiness is translucent then it would be better not to see it
Today came to an end even though nothing happened
Living on the absolute minimum, living in a small six tatami mat room
Staring at the ceiling every day, not thinking of anything
The price of happiness is sixty thousand yen
Subtract rent it’s four thousand yen
Fish for memories from that blurry mind
I ended up talking about love with cold eyes
This cold coffee is also the same —
I hate it
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand
Turn into memory, you’re becoming a bother
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand
That confident gait
Or how to say goodbye
With the smallest volume, in a room that’s gotten slightly bigger
I scribbled about the stopped gas, my memories and the coldness of the shower
If I were to sell my years I would leave two
And with that remaining I would go to that town
To fish for memories with my left over years
The clear weather, night festival, Sekimachi’s streetlights
Clouds, mirages, the diagonally arranged lyrics
It’s just a play on words
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand
Turn into memory, you’re turning into a song
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand these methods of forgetting
Or how to use them now
I tried to write your poem in these cold eyes
I live every day for you now
While forgetting about them all — Dreams, transience, your mouth, those fingertips
Hey look, it’s about time for this song to come to an end
It’s finally your turn, hey
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand
Turn into a memory, you, turn into a song
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand
That people can walk away
I don’t understand that it’s only natural
I don’t understand

Let's Dance

Ahh, with this clearer than transparent heart
I’ll be laughing at the world
Ahh, I chose music of all things
That version of me was stupid
Everything I want to convey is already
In this song and in my voice alone
After becoming the wind, disappearing with the bubbles
I want to throw these synaesthetic sentiments somewhere away
If I’m alright for you, if you want to know more
Then there’s nothing left to hide
For now, let’s dance a little
Ahh, I’d like to quit being a human
Isn’t that right, there’s nothing interesting about it anyways
Ahh, I flaunted my boastful guitar
I’d like to crush that version of me
Everything I want to convey is already
In summer and in winter, in tomorrow
After becoming ash, becoming faint and disappearing
I want to throw away these emotions that I had already lost a long time ago
If you’re fine, if you just want to forget
There’s nothing left to hesitate about
Let’s dance like this till dawn breaks
Ahh, I would quit playing music
I could describe you from my memories perfectly
Because there was something I really wanted to do and I couldn’t say it
It just didn’t come to mind
The way that I knew you, once day after day has passed
These emotions that I want to catch up with, I want to put them into song
If it hurts right now, excuses are fine, hey
Ahh, come on let’s dance
After becoming the wind, disappearing with the bubbles
I want to throw these incomprehensible emotions away somewhere
If I’m alright for you, if you want to know more
Then there’s nothing left to hide
For now, just for a while,
Let’s dance like this for a while

August, A Certain Person, Moonlight

I don’t need anything.
My heart was noisy, my breath caught whenever I walked
I ran from my first part time job
In my music and my life, whatever it was
Unpleasant things just kept increasing
A certain august, moonlight, I took off on my bike
The bridge at Higashi-Fushimi Station, Kodaira, Fujimi Street, and the shopping district
The night wind tickled at my nose, this pain in my heart must have been just my imagination
I understood that, I pretended to understand.
The worst, it’s the worst
Everything about me is the worst
I wanted that shape of you to remain
I suppose I’ll have to do something about these memories
The worst, it’s the worst
I can’t help that I felt good
It’s the worst but these lyrics themselves are
If my life would have ended at twenty seven then rock and roll saved me
I’m done thinking about it! I would have died any case
You don’t need anything either
My heart was noisy
My throat was laughably dry.
I sold my heart for the first time
Because of a heart attack or my pride, whatever it was
Maybe even because of those unpleasant things I lowered my head.
A certain august, I rode down that scene,
Stockholm’s open air stalls, Kiruna, Gamla Stan
Only you closed off your heart
The blueness of this sky must have been just my imagination
Smiling, with that smiling face remaining
It’s the worst, it’s so arrogant, the greed that you and everyone else has.
Dramatic songs and love, hey, it can’t be helped that they’re absurd.
I understood, I understood
Your life, it’s yours
This is the worst but I’ll still shout it
It has to be, it surely has to be
That they play rock and roll over in the that world
And not hymns
After all there is no god
None of them care, neither crimes nor errors nor criminals nor suicides nor wars or minorities
It’s the worst, it’s the worst, this separation is just arrogance
I’d like to bow to you
That’s the same as deception, Elma!
The worst, the worst it was lovely there was no way around it
I want to grieve on this dramatic night
The worst, it’s the worst, words are so tedious
Your life was my moonlight
Isn’t that something people commonly say?
The worst, it’s the worst, I couldn’t help but laugh
It’s the worst, lyrics for the sake of their sound
If my life would have ended at twenty seven then rock and roll saved me
I’m done thinking about it! I would have died in any case
The present, love, the past, dreams, memories, humming, thin eyes, night mist,
Gentleness, suffering, bouquets of flowers, melancholy, that summer, this song,
Hypocrisy, night wind, lies, you, me, blue skies, i don’t need them or anything at all.

Love Is Dying

It was the last, that I threw inside me
It was the last that you did me
It's hard, (but) it seems easy
Loneliness is an eternal pit
Nobody, don't tell me
About a little memory from you
(Wish) you know, if I start to tell,
You don't fit in the lines of hundreds
The night doesn't awake, the way doesn't end
Love is dying
There's no voice, it's of no help
My mind is leaving*
Please don't use my translations unless my permit. If you see a mistake about the translation, let me know.

Lütfen çevirilerimi izinsiz kullanmayın. Çeviride hata görürseniz söyleyebilirsiniz.


Don't even think about it
Waiting for you under the blue.
At the noon, summer breese blew
we hope to get out of world.
Hey, from now on what are we going to do?
They have never taught about the way.
Looked at your eyes just wander around without any word.
Don't even think about it
Adolescence is same as rubbish.
Although renounce by my piano,
off and on the tune never ends.
Hey, what are we going to be in
I wish I'll be able to forget it.
Say something please.
In my heart I keep a distance from my memories.
But It wouldn't disappear. Too late to undo so
hurry, No more reminding.
It is totally wrong.
They won't find it who are human.
Truthness,love,and circles,torment,life so what? I don't care.
Tell me what is right I want to know as a matter of instinct.
Then I found the answer. It is your fault.
It's no use thinking about it, I wanna be child forever.
'Someday If I pass over'... what a empty imagination.
“what are we going to be in future?”
Now I know the answer.
I am nobody.
How I come to terms with the aversion to the delighted people? How to get rid of it?
I have the monster in my back of unfulfilled mind.
It is may be not wrong ah,
all in all, you are human.
Affection,comfort,kindness. what a creepy things. show me the basis.
To feel the pain by such love songs as a matter of instinct.
Whatever,thats enough. This is your fault.
Don't even think about it
How even live I'm painful
Music isn't profitable
lyrics are unreliable.
I don't care.
I'm totally right.
I must not be wrong.
I am not wrong, right?
It is totally wrong, I really knew that,
may be they too.
Truthness,love,and confort,torment,life so what? I don't care.
Not be able to say correct answer as a matter of instinct.
I don't care, it is your fault.
Once I had belief too.
However I deserted it already.
I wrote about you over and over,
that's exactly I never mind about selling.
It is true. It isn't lie. I used to be.
So that's why
that's why I throw away our music.

i love you

Versions: #3
look how our seperation kills me
i don't know how you could leave me
everywhere i look there are memories of us hiding
i don't want anyone else but you
i still want you
i've never forgotten you
even if you never come back
i'll wait for you my love
oh oh i missed you
oh oh i loved you so much
i love you ,my love
my eyes cry out for you
despite of everything
there's i who still loves you
i love you ,my love
my eyes cry out for you
despite of everything
there's i who still waits for you
look how our seperation kills me
i don't know how you could leave me
everywhere i look there are memories of us hiding
i don't want anyone else but you
i still want you
i've never forgotten you
even if you never come back
i'll wait for you my love
oh oh i missed you
oh oh i loved you so much
i love you ,my love
my eyes cry out for you
despite of everything
there's i who still loves you..

I love you

Versions: #2
I love you that like eating the bread by dipping into the salt
That waking up inside the fevers at the nights
By leaning my mouth against the tap
That like drinking the water..
Whenever I think of you
A gazelle comes down to drink water
That while the grasses in the plain are growing up
I see them growing up, my rose
Every morning and every evening with you
One green olives that
A part blue sea takes me
As I think of you
I plant the roses to the place where has your hands touched
I am giving water to the horses
I am loving the mountains one more than before..oh my rose
Every evening with you
One green olives that
A part blue sea takes me

Keys of my heart

Even nightingale without finding his couple,
On willow doesn't nesting
Love to spark
Doesn't ask permission
To my heart-to my heart
You walked in
And my days-my days
You wrapped in tenderness of love
Where you found the keys
To the depth of my heart
Let's uncover together
The mystery of love
The heart accept
A similar to yourself
From afar heart feels
The truth and the false

The Sun Risen at Dersim

The mountains of Dersim, vay lelele vay
The mountains of Dersim, vay
The mountains of Dersim, vay lelele vay
The mountains of Dersim, vay
Homeland of brave men, vay lelele vay
Homeland of brave men, vay
Homeland of brave men, vay lelele vay
Homeland of brave men, vay
The night fell on the day, vay lelele vay
When lives were ambushed
The night fell on the day, vay lelele vay
When lives were ambushed
Silence was being torn, lelele vay
With the bullet of the guerilla
Silence was being torn, lelele vay
With the bullet of the guerilla
In the warm parts of the mountains, vay lelele vay
Our cause proceeds
In the warm parts of the mountains, vay lelele vay
Our cause proceeds
The sun risen in Dersim, vay lelele vay
Grows in Canik Mountains
The sun risen in Dersim, vay lelele vay
Grows in Toros Mountains
They did not die, they still live, vay lelele vay
They did not die, they still live
They did not die, they still live, vay lelele vay
They did not die, they still live
So a song remains at the mountains of Dersim, le vay
'The Twelve' are fighting
So a song remains at the mountains of Dersim, le vay
Guerillas are fighting
So a song remains at the mountains of Dersim, le vay
Guerillas are fighting

The Sun Is Not Rising

While the lights go out one by one
Dreams cover the night
Like the wandering shadows
Grow in the space, dreams!
The sun1 isn't rising
The sun isn't rising
The sounds are going away
The colours are fading away
My hope is like the stars
Constantly2 it burns and dies
The sun isn't rising
The sun isn't rising
I wish, suddenly the climates change
I wish, your silhouette comes down from the skies
My thirsty soul is like a dessert
I wish you and me come together3
The sun isn't rising
The sun isn't rising
  • 1. Gün=Day but we are talking about the Sun rising while saying 'Gün doğmuyor'
  • 2. again and again
  • 3. Literally he says 'Come together' (2nd person imperative) but he is talking about 'his soul' and 'the silhouette'
If there's no source link, you can use this translation whenever and wherever you want
Warn me if I made translation mistakes otherwise enjoy the translation!

Let the hearts beat together

Counting stars
Like a moon floating in the sky
Throwing all your affairs,
I will come to you today
In your eyes is a bright star
On the face feelings of love
You are the spring of my heart
And the tenderness of all colors
Would you see how because of you
My heart is burning
And God gave you to me,
To live together the rest of life
Spring feelings brought us together
After all, you and I have only desires
Each other being a support
Let the hearts beat forever

Love Doesn't Choose The Right One

Love doesn't choose the right one
Night, that never-ending night
Each night, each night gravid the day
Each day I wake up with your craving
I pray and sleep again
I beg to the God
For wherever you go, just come back
Even thought the sun rises, it's still dark
That broken in my heart
Doesn't get better when I doesn't see your face
Love doesn't choose the right one
Love doesn't choose the right one
Love doesn't choose the right one
Come, please come
I don't resist my pride, I love you
Nights are cold like ice, my heart on fire like embers
That heart broken doesnt pass
Love doesn't choose the right one

I know you by heart

I know by heart
every motion of yours, every mimic
your eyebrows, your conflicts, your little glance
What they imply
I know you by heart
tracks from your childhood
The moles on your face , the corners on the triangles
The eyes are the mirror the heart
Come on hold my hand
imprint a bird on finger
pour the hot tea full of my love
Tell me that I am your house.


The glass overflows

The glass overflows, aman*
I am very lonely damn
A crazy lover
God shall bless my end
Obstacles grow
The caravan walks again
It goes and i am left, behind it my dreams fade away/ die
The evenings are black
I asked love to the paths
I wrote your name onto glowing flames, my handy wounded
The glass overflows, aman
Tired of bottling it all up inside**
The glass overflows, aman
This dance is out of fire and gunpowder
I crashed into wave breakers ah
Without reaching the depths
The glass overflows
Of living with just the necessary
This sun makes me lose my dreams
Out of my hopes a flaming fire
Your laughs has taken my thoughts damn*** A....(G_d)
Your impacts have broken and beaten

Once upon a time in New York city

There's always something going on
in New York City
Det är bökigt, rökigt, stökigt att vara där
Ändå finns där allt du drömmer om
Problems, Yes you'll forget them
They are hiding this adventure so
Everyday is the start of something big in New York City
Even though it felt a little bit lonely when you came
You can atleast imagine turning it
if they choose you when it happens
you went back around and dreamed of
So, Oliver, come on
Don't be shy, my friend
Feel that you are
that what everyone wants
What you dream of
is already on the go
Something's going on
in New York City
If there's always something going on
in New York City
Why do you miss what you don't have?
Who can believe that in nine lives a night
When you're a little soaking wet cat
When the rain said:
'You're left alone?'
My Oliver, believe in me
Where the rainbow ends
There is a place for you
Where you get home
What you dream of
is already on the go
Something's going on
in New York City
Hear the song
And continue the dreams
you dream of
Something's going on
in New York City
Hear the song
And continue the dreams
you dream of
Something's going on
in New York City
Something's going on
in New York City

Guess They Don't Like

At the end, you get hurt anyway
At the point that you expected, more than you expected
Those who say 'surprise!' when it's over
Those who never watch the movie
There's a place, they know
But they don't tell us
Guess they don't like
Travel planet by planet
Again, that one that fucked us up
Is from the same city with you
Streets are all on fire
Thats how the match-sellers prefer them to be
Three steps forward, five steps backwards
I haven't missed you at all
There's a place, they know
But they don't tell us
Guess they don't like
Travel planet by planet
Again, that one that fucked us up
Is from the same city with you
At the end, you get hurt anyway
Revolt, as you are able to revolt

Fly, Little Feather

Fly, little feather
Through the little field
Whisk away, little feather
My bitter regrets.
From my face
Wipe away the specks of dust
Turn about, to become
My little wing.
I wish I could've had wings
Like the falcon,
I would be strong
Like the bits of stone.
I would have many brothers,
Like the little tree,
I would live a little life
With a new crown.
I would not be lying now
In that dear open field
Do not watch for me
In the sky, in the clouds.
You would not ask this of me
Light feather
And chase away, sweep away
My bitter regrets.
Fly, little feather
Through the little field
Whisk away, little feather
My bitter regrets.
From my face
Wipe away the specks of dust
Turn about, to become
My little wing.


Hey! You there, you're a lucky boy
Hey! It's you, you're a lucky girl
Hey! Something's going to happen, it's a special night
Why don't we dance, let's take off everything
Hey! You there, you're a dreamin' boy
Hey! It's you, you're a dreamin' girl
Come on shakin', come on shakin'
Clap your hands up Anyways
Anything goes now
Just get blown away!
I don't know why
But my heart is dancing
Only a second before the story begins
That secret you can't tell anyone
The bad news that comes every day
That one you dislike, that one you don't get along with
Put them all on a rocket to send beyond the stars
Hey! You there, you're a lucky boy
Hey! It's you, you're a lucky girl
Hey! Something's going to happen, it's a special night
Why don't we dance, let's take off everything
Hey! You there, you're a dreamin' boy
Hey! It's you, you're a dreamin' girl
Come on shakin', come on shakin'
Clap your hands up Anyways
Anything goes now
Just get blown away!
Nagging dad
Irritated mom
Those stuck-up friends looking down on you!
Just today, just tonight
Put them all on a rocket to send beyond your dreams
Hey! You there, you're a lucky boy
Hey! It's you, you're a lucky girl
Hey! Something's going to happen, it's a special night
Why don't we dance, let's take off everything
Hey! You there, you're a dreamin' boy
Hey! It's you, you're a dreamin' girl
Come on shakin', come on shakin'
Clap your hands up Anyways
Anything goes now
Just get blown away!

I'm disappearing (milk)

Immerse the lies to the milk
I thought I'd run away from here to far away
Believe we dont have any other resort.
Even alcohol either cigarette can't help us to forget
I'm disappearing, I'm disappearing
I'm searching for you in this city's broken echo, I'm disappearing
People always talk
Don't care anybody my love, everbody are ordinary
And nobody are not you and me
I can't without you
I can't go out from this room until you come
I'm disappearing, I'm disappearing
I'm searching for you in this city's broken echo, I'm disappearing
The moments that I've turned past a little bit and moments that I smiled
Remains me that I want to forget and be happy

I love you

I love you
I miss you
I‘m worn out inside, I know
I‘m done with myself, I see that
I will not forget you
I miss you
Come rescue me, I do not see that I fell
Come rescue me, I do not know that I died
Come rescue me, I do not see that I fell
Come rescue me, I do not know that I was shot
There is a murder in my hands
On my heart a blood stain
I deleted the marks, yes
on the dead bodies
I loved you
I always knew you
Come rescue me, I do not see that I fell
Come rescue me, I do not know that I was shot
There is a murder in my hands
On my heart a blood stain
I deleted the marks, yes
on the dead bodies
I love you
I miss you

Oh I Don't Believe

A volcano explodes, again, in my body
Some meaningless pain inside of me
I will hide my love, even if I can't stand it
In my fire
A feeling of longing grows in my heart again
Reasonless letters on my tounge
I would keep my love, even if my. heart cries
In my tears
Oh, I don't believe, oh I don't believe
I was crazy in love, I kept whirling
I burned out, scorched
They say it's mad love, it doesnt know the path
It cannot stand hardness, oh, I don't believe
I loved him for nothing, without caring about his age
I wish the same for you
Oh, I don't believe

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger opening

We are the invincible superstars
With burning spirits and fully charged
Our chests are pounding
Conducting a legend is wonderful
The brave ones cannot be quieted down
For they are always challengers
Who can say where
True strength really lies?
More important than going around the world
Is seeking for it in your heart
(Let's do this!)
Gaburincho! Mucho extreme!
We're rumbling in today too (Fire!)
Let's Go, Kyoryuger!
Strike 'em down! More deviously!
Taking a bite here and there
We won't let anyone stop us
Listen and be amazed at our magnificence!
Electro-beasts Squadron, VAMOLA! Kyoryuger
(Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow) Brave In!
Courage without fear is hard like a diamond
The dinosaurs are roused awake
When we become friends
The ice rocks are slowly melting
And now, we need the strength
Of these dragonlike creatures
Sometimes, people go on journeys
In order to discover things
If you want to be stronger than yesterday
Let your desires guide you
Gaburincho! Mucho extreme!
With these unrestrained fangs (Fire!)
Run, Kyoryuger!
Absolutely serious! Charged and waiting!
This is the time to persist
Let's awaken our powers
Shiver as you get amazed!
Electro-beasts Squadron, VAMOLA! Kyoryuger
(Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow) Brave In!
If there's something you think is important
Protect it with your hands
Send your fears running away
As you let your brave heart burn!
Gaburincho! Mucho extreme!
We're rumbling in today too (Fire!)
Let's Go, Kyoryuger!
Strike 'em down! More deviously!
Taking a bite here and there
We won't let anyone stop us
Gaburincho! Mucho extreme!
With these unrestrained fangs (Fire!)
Run, Kyoryuger!
Absolutely serious! Charged and waiting!
This is the time to persist
Let's awaken our powers
Shiver as you get amazed!
Electro-beasts Squadron, VAMOLA! Kyoryuger
(Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow) Brave In!

I'm so tired

Let's stop it all a moment earlier
May i not hear it all, especially from you
Let life not be wasted
The dream that I hardly realized
It's hard to start all over again
Some things happen by themselves
Don't bother yourself so much
Here isn't all yours
I'm so tired, it's hard for me
More than anyone else
I can't take it anymore, better stay away
And I give up on you like this
What are these disturbing situations
Whose idea is on your face
Don't ask the reason why so many
People have to find in themselves
When you step on the road, your story begins,
While you're suspicious everything slows down
Take a breath, let the problems pass
Stop asking, life will give you itself
I'm so tired, it's hard for me
More than anyone else
I can't take it anymore, better stay away
And I give up on you like this
I'm so tired, it's hard for me
More than anyone else
I can't take it anymore, better stay away
I'm tired more than anyone else
It's hard for me, most for me
I can't take it anymore, better stay away
And I give up on you like this

Silent night

Versions: #3
Silent night, the stars are shining.
Child who will save us, sleep at your mother's breast dreaming
Silent night, they receive a message.
Before the child,
The shepherds bow with respect.
Silent night, in [this] graceful age,
The child's smile shines brightly
With tomorrow's light.

From Yamato with love

If he's more tender than a flower
If he's more beautiful than the stars
It's ok that you stretch your hand to protect him
He worths to risk the body
What each one has to think
Is that you do it just for the sake of your loved one
If there are things to tell you
Maybe now it's only this
Don't make me say goodbye now
Don't make me say goodbye now
Someday in your lips a song will resurrect
Someday in the people's hearts love will resurrect
It's ok that you stretch your hand to hold me
Surely is a proof that you loved me
What you have to think in the future
Is that you do it just for the sake of your loved one
If there are things to tell you
Maybe now it's only this
Don't make me say goodbye now
Don't make me say goodbye now
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

A dream blooms at night

La la la la ...
I was born only to cry
In this fleeting world1 lingering attachment and such
Though I don't have any
A dream blooms at night
I cut off my long black hair
And there's a man I want to send it to
Is he happy or unhappy?
A dream blooms at night
After all, men are flattering birds.
After all, women are shells of tears.
Embracing, being embraced, and tumbling over
A dream blooms at night
Where will the stars go after falling?
Where will I go after floating?
For the hum of someone without a place to go
A dream blooms at night
I was born only to cry,
In this fleeting world, lingering attachment and such
Though I don't have any
A dream blooms at night
A dream blooms at night
  • 1. Ukiyo (浮き世) is a very poetic word meaning 'floating world'. Floating refers to the temporary nature of human life on earth is. I choose to translate it as 'fleeting' because it's difficult to understand 'floating' in this context

On The Night When The Holy Bells Ring

On the night the holy bells ring
I pray
That this love lasts forever uh...
O love this season
It’s the season when (love)
The nights with you last the longest
Even the expressions on the people’s faces
Were illuminated
I looked up at the sky
And saw that even the tears that fall from the heavens
Had turned white
I bugged you
Woo, To walk arm-in-arm with me
On the night the holy bells ring
I pray
That this love lasts forever
O holy bells, please ring, oh my wish
Wrapped in our courage, may love last forever!
Your birthday
The anniversary of the day we met
There are so many
Special days in this season
It’s mysteriously nice
Last Christmas Eve
Woo, we kissed on the way home
On the night the holy bells ring
I give my thanks
That we were able to meet
O holy bells, please hear me, oh my wish
Wrapped in you, may love last forever!
On the night the holy bells ring
I pray
That this love lasts forever
O holy bells, please ring, oh my wish
Wrapped in our courage, may love last forever!
All translations are mine unless stated otherwise. Please credit me if using my translations. Contact me if you notice any errors.


[Verse 1]
It would be good to beat the core of the spiny fires
Have fun and drink till you drop
But, body, where are you going? Wait
Don't swallow my thoughts so greedily!
Surround the bodies with vectors
Hide and solve the puzzles
Tag, hopscotch, running and mumblepeg
Chaos also has orders
[Verse 2]
It would be good to replace all irreplaceable
To put the start button on the platoon
To trick two dusty shots
To throw up the hands and immediately take off
Surround the bodies with vectors
Hide and solve the puzzles
Tag, hopscotch, running and mumblepeg
Chaos also has orders
Look beyond the horizon
(Edge to edge)
Look beyond the horizon
(Sunrises are burning)
Look beyond the horizon
(Edge to edge)
Look beyond the horizon

The black cat

The black cat sings
The black cat purrs
The black cat hisses
The black cat sings
To the bear that hides in the stars
And the prancing calves on the seashore
The black cat purrs
When the oceans hum
From a pod of whales beneath their depths
The black cat hisses
To the stranger intruding on its holy realm
The black cat sings
The black cat purrs
The black cat hisses

Рождество в Нью-Йорке.

Я обошел весь мир,
Но нигде не смог найти девушки
Которая была бы похожа на тебя, малышка.
Которая была бы похожа на тебя.
Я обошел весь мир,
Но нигде не смог найти девушки
Которая была бы похожа на тебя, малышка.
Которая была бы похожа на тебя.
Не хочу быть один
Рождество в Нью-Йорке.
Когда никого нет дома
Рождество в Нью-Йорке.
Я искал по всему свету
Потому что знал, мне нужна другая девушка,
Которая была бы похожа на тебя, малышка.
Которая была бы похожа на тебя.
Я искал по всему свету
Потому что знал, мне нужна другая девушка,
Которая была бы похожа на тебя, малышка.
Которая была бы похожа на тебя.
Не хочу быть один
Рождество в Нью-Йорке.
Когда никого нет дома
Рождество в Нью-Йорке.
Одинокий Санта под дождем,
Огни Бродвея погасли.
Бар на 8й Авеню закрывается.
Колокольчики на санях звенят твое имя.
Не хочу быть один
Рождество в Нью-Йорке.
Когда никого нет дома
Рождество в Нью-Йорке.
Так одиноко
Рождество в Нью-Йорке
Когда никого нет дома
Рождество в Нью-Йорке.

Say it

Versions: #2
Say it
You know, I actually did hear
The news
But I couldn’t believe it
So I’d made myself forget
Now I realise I can’t fool myself
I can’t keep living like everything I do has no impact
When my time comes, I don’t think
I’ll have the words to say what’s in my heart
Yes, when my time comes, I’ll remember you
So just say it
Say it loud and clear
I don’t know that I have the words to explain the blueness of the sky,
Or to describe to you how distant the clouds are at night
So just say it
You know, I actually do know
That you’ve already left us
I know I’m being difficult but I just want to forget
Say it clearly
And write it down so you don’t forget
Let's meet up at ten tomorrow
A peony's beauty persists long after its petals have fallen
Yet once the summer has passed, I’ll miss it all the same
Get it out, shout it
Tell me
And when my time comes, I’ll sing my love for you
I’ll say it wasn’t all for nothing
If it means I can see you once more
But even as I breathe my last breath, I don't think I'll really believe you're actually gone
Tell me
Just tell me
And say it
Loud and clear

What happens in life ?

What happens in life
I wish this dream get real
When get morning and get up
Everything gets same
I thought you forgot me
But I see over there over there
I understood I was wrong
Loves me
Her voice is herself
It means came back
Says that don't live without you
Love is this
In darkness, in the streets
Has a flower in his/her hands
I hope it's good hey
What happens in life
I wish this dream get real
When get morning and get up
Everything gets same
If I say long
Not long
There's a long way ahead of me
If I say green
Not green
A white dressing
If I say silver
Not silver
With a golden ring
Looking at me and smiling
I hope it's good hey
What happens in life?
I wish this dream get real
When get morning and get up
Everything gets same